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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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new homes or on the streets in search of safety. the israel continues its foaming campaign in serious of the same. the strikes have been the heaviest in more than a decade on the future of europe and syria in you. foreign ministers discuss future ties in brussels news. hello, i'm jessica washington. this is oh to 0, live from jo. also coming off, as well as the latest strikes targets knows and gaza on the desk all across the street has now cost $40.00. $5000.00 german chancellor shows loose is a vote of confidence. forcing him to dissolve,
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the israel has mounted its largest military campaign on syria in decades since the toppling of prussia, a sub. it's launched more than 500 as strikes in the past week. this is dr. hit view, the northwestern coastal city of talk to us. these really ami says it's targeting what it calls military sites. the official officials say syria's main port of attack ya is now operating as normal. drugs have been seen entering and exiting the port and unloading the cargo. it's really strikes on the child care officer, the listing, especially a side damage to ships and parts of the porch. let us know what to do and we're almost done outside of the 1st few days. we're a big cale ticket because of changes. but now everything is fine and work is going back to how it was before and back to for one week come to the phone with the outside regime serious here take
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a government has ordered the resumption of work at all public institutions, including schools and universities, and banks, syrians have expressed satisfaction with the move as a gesture of stability. well, how the bell has the story from damascus. it's a scene for most no one expects to do such a short time of to the southern disintegration of the form. that is, what children are back to school as a public institutions officer with the mood is up to be up to damascus university. after an entire week of celebrations, students, i gather the t a for one more moment of jubilation. on the 5th, the back on campus, a lot of that as well. i have that. i think i really didn't anticipate this quick reopening. i mean, i was expecting an only after a month from now because all the ministries were to be commissioned and new ones
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were to be instantly. so indeed, i was happily surprised. but the opening of public institutions just a week after the fall of for some sense, a short message to the city and people, many of whom, what a freight walk else on suffering might have this on, on the southern change. i know, but the initial you 40, it has the boss. they say they are well aware of the, you know, me see of the task ahead of the construction of nation building. and so that's the task to be tackled. the students have a vision logistical bob. the idea is to send a lead. our educate lead our writers, do the secular and enlightenment that they need to come to participate on decision decision making process for syria. i think i paid them and took those. hey, i was very thankful to the leadership for having avoided the blood shed. shun the division and preserve public property, and now work chance in the same demands of 2011 for united any tooth of syria
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that's free from secretary and is an inside. people were also deeply worried about their livelihoods, but the quickly assumption of look at the financial institutions and the quick crowley and of the local currency against the dollar, has given hope that the economy may soon begin to cover. that hope has already made the positive impact. indeed, it's getting much better now. our morales way better and also our economic situation by the will of the old lady. they'll send you, found faith in the present, and the future at many syrians have told us. but if the data is present, the piece, the people will take care of the rest of the fund. onto the dm office has reopened its embassy in the syrian capital. doha says that the diplomatic relations with damascus in 2011 over the outside regimes crackdown on pro democracy
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protests. the ministry of foreign affairs says it's keen to support serious transitional political process and to help deliver humanitarian aid to the country . western powers have increased their engagement with syria, the you will be sending its top diploma to damascus. and the developments in syria are expected to top the agenda at the you foreign ministers meeting underway in brussels. the 1st we have to discuss someone's level. we are engaging with the, with the syrian a new leadership, brendan, what kind of steps are we willing to take in, in order to have relations with them? so for us, it's not only the words, but we want to see the beads going to the right direction. that's bringing corresponding hush him. i hope that a who is in brussels for us to walk us through what's on the agenda specifically in terms of syria,
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of the jessica just had some strong words from the utah diplomat. comments about gets engagement with, hey, at the, how do you the sean, which controls syria. they say that's basically the old boy who is the head of the emission in a syria based impaled with michael on box is now in damascus. and that he has thoughts of the high level discussions with the new syrian leaders and that those discussions are centered on a wide range of issues. and that's one of the key prerequisites for the a you, a staff to recognize the new authority in syria is that then usually those of celia have to ensure that russia and iran will have no presence in the future of syria. and then they would take it from that, it was quite an interesting day here in brussels. we're a few minutes as
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a finding up as what did they think, how to move forward when it comes to. so yeah, and they said that they will tell you kind of how do you shop for the promises it may be in the past. but typically when it comes to it's showing a smooth transition to democracy and you can situation provide it to more voices for the minorities in syria and elections that would pay the way for the festival practically elected parliament. and the president that is going to be extremely delicate balancing act for the e. u. they know that they have to step in, in syria now. because in action means, the buses and the vanya is with stage of come back and try to build a stronger power base. and i think the indications with getting today from brussels . but the issue is definitely going to move forward and did with i to have you at a shop altima to the objective is to the lift the sanctions, the opposed on to a at the host, i mean 2020 and finally recognized the board over syria. but the, a, you, as we speak is building bridges with wellesley obligations,
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particular goals, countries with the, with the international community, with the united nations and with the us. and they say the best way to move forward it to put on a united front to ensure the so yes, i have a huge challenge as i had with have the backend, the financial support and the political support from the you in particular so that they can navigate this experience out at this moment. thank you so much cash and that's how corresponding passionate about our reporting from brussels. well, let's go to the syrian capital damascus. now with some of the injured aid is standing by somebody we've just heard from hush and talking about some of these dynamics is you countries trying to work out how they will engage with the new administration in syria, as you've been talking to people in syria today, have any sentiment on how the global community is thinking about re engaging with this new administration of the but not just people in the streets, but there is
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a lot of expectation on boss of the new administration that it will require a lot of help from the international community to really bring this can feed back to life, so to speak, to because it seems to be broken on many aspects that there is the extent of the challenges that face is on its board is that there is more and more it's really incursions. it's really sticking a lot more territory from the goal on heights and more villages. it'd be nice to vacate. and the fact that area is really air strikes have continued violet sovereignty of the city in air space. and we have heard from the latest, who in the 1st few days, were reluctant to talk about israel come into the us, 48 hours and say that this is a key or violation of international norms. and then actually treaties. you've also heard from the neighbors of syria, the turkish far minutes that you've heard from the jordanian foreign minister. talk about how this good for their drag the entire regions into war. if israel does not stop, it's expansionist of that strategy,
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as well as the strikes on on syria. terry to treat you in the last to many days every night. there are multiple strikes on what is really called a minute feed targets. it will be specifically targeting all of the name of the sites the on, on the, on the be sure, and also all of the air defense systems and a minute few basis as well. so there's a lot of anger that is in the people among the people about this, the whole now the issue with it because they feel that once that they have gotten rid of a regime, it is now people on the outskirts of this country. we're trying to take advantage and put them under for the suppression until the summer, as he's been gauging the sentiments of people. what they've been telling you about how they hope the new administration will address some of the economic challenges and other challenges facing the country. this is a still a phase of celebration which is not over and very, very, it's townsend says you'd see a drummer's pop up every morning in the, in the,
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on my head square behind this every morning. that'd be people coming up. but looking at that, the fall and statues and waving flags. so this is a country still in transition adults in this last week. good. now schools already opening vegas ministries have come back to life and there's a lot of a activity that you see, which is kind of it, some disassembly, it's of life standing back to normally deep. but if anything, but no matter where the teacher saturday is going to come from, how are the schools and hospitals going to operate? what, how are the issue? yes, the people in charge now going to find the mechanics in the engineers to keep the lights on to make sure that the water continues to run under update their, their fuel shortages in some parts of the country. so these are the challenges that this administration is facing. these are the issues that people want them to solve, but they are asking the people off syria as they have come to power, that they need to be patient and work with them. because this is, is
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a revolution which is taken 13 years. it is something that a lot of sacrifices it'd be made and people will have to bite some time. so that new rulers for, in charge can take this country and steer it in the direction. as for the aspirations of the state and people, thank you with some of the to some of innovation reporting from damascus. the shuttle assets says he fled syria only on the domestic side, full and in his statement attributed to him on social media. he says he's exit was and fund. he says most go arranged his evacuation to russia. your leadership probably has more for most go now. oh uh, old rushes, state's agencies publishing will be cool asides fast statements as a he was always word at these statements with published on the telegram messaging up on that special channel, or the syrian president, according to assigned to those people who rode on behalf of about charlotte sides,
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he remained in damascus till the very end. by the time he loved the country beyond the gave up, it's a loss. positions and all states institutions were paralyzed. i also, according to assign the russian military base in clay maine and yeah, latan care was allegedly subjected to a massive u a b. i talk while he was that. and also he claims that during the brands that took place in syria, he didn't consider the possibility of resigning. i'm slaying the country. so basically he wanted to stay that till the very end. and he also, he learned about the actual full of damascus. while he was at the russian military base in may me, me a talk here, and he promise to provide a detailed report on the events in syria. when it's when it's possible when such an opportunity and see a rises and to express hope that the country would again become free and
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independent. and so basically it remains to it. well it, it, we should verify who actually wrote on behalf of impression on the side old as was a probably hated it himself. but it's, it's still a well, i mean, despite all the state agencies of publishing it, we need to to have a concrete and a verification of those words. the hello, this is ralph genocide. in garza approaches 15 months. the ongoing bombardment has no hills move in 45000 palestinians with no engine size. the palestinians health ministry confirmed the devastating milestone recorded since october the 7th. last year of those killed more than $17000.00 have been children. the overall figure
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does not include the $11000.00 palestinians, considered missing or buried under the russell. and is there any drone attack has killed for palestinians and bait la here in northern garza doctors that they come out on hospital or treating injured palestinians. many of them in a critical condition. it's the 2nd is randy attack on the area in just an hour of daily is trying get killed, 5 people out, 0 is hunting. my food has moved from dead alabama in central garza, just as we were just presented with some of the photos of, from a shot, a refugee camp that's on the western northern part of gauze and see the way google people were targeted by a droll missiles ford people right at the spot were killed, then the pretty we looked at it. i'm not sure if we are able to show them on the escape, but this, your body, they've been torn apart by the missile. then this is something about the kind of missiles used by these really monetary, packed with the nails, packed with little pieces of metals that when they explode, the why the highest speed on got through the question cost of your bleeding. so
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with literary look that i know of meat off less on the ground as they were torn apart by the attack for people to multiple were injured. old were transferred to an anti baptist hospital just within the past half an hour as a big la again, the attack happened on a group of people were to were killed as they were trying to move it from the house they were shouldering and do another one. seeking more safety and, and protection elsewhere than the vicinity of the bomb side and the air. is that what is the length of the bond by these really military? the vicinity have come out. one hospital has become the torres side of ongoing repeated attacks by the time sales by the quad got through by the role missile just the other day was. so why do i work a day? the director of the hospital was given an interview at night, a nearby residential home was targeted, just clouding the area with a small, with dark cloud of smoke. and does that caused everyone to move inside,
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running away for the life of the front. subrogation as the uh, the attacks continue, let alone the ongoing, quite copters attack right at the emergency department or throughout the dates. as confirmed reports were sent to us, as well as the inside of the hospital, many of the medical staff at risk of losing their life simply because they are inside the hospital. and they're doing their job, treating people as much as they can. still ahead on a controversial vote in the is here to choose judges and magistrates. some say it's a waste of money, the phone, counting the cost from some germany or in political and economic turmoils. how will last affect the rest of your of the world bank has announced a wrinkled $100000000000.00 in support for poor a nation's plus coffee price is hit the highest level it almost half a century,
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counting the cost on the 0, the journey to what can be a challenge on it. but for some peruvian villages, traversing one of the world's most dangerous right is a risk that comes with the job. we follow the journey of these people as they get them to survive. risking is all on algebra for the latest news. as it breaks, the law says what was the police of power of president bush chart? a said his role is now over with details coverage. don't mom on his friend. this is one to process the winning trans west for disability, what preston, disabled and the beach from around the world. first, the valley avenue is filled with tens of thousands of processes in the 7th consecutive nights of process in the georgia and capital
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, this is elena sierra from mind to top stories. this hour of israel is devastating role in the gaza strip. has now kills more than $45000.00 palestinians since october the 7th. last year the palestinian health ministry confirmed the number in its daily updates on monday. israel is also keeping up a tax across syria. it struck me as the north west, and coastal city of talk to these really ami says it's talking what it calls military sites. and in a social media statement attributed to form a syrian president bush out on the side,
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he says that he did not flee until damascus of poland. studies taking refuge in russia to germany. now with johnson the own up schultz has just lost a confidence voted by parliament sholtes coals for the vote last week. and it moves that now clears away for snap elections. in february sholtes, as coalition government collapsed in november of to disagreements over the economy and helped us afford ukraine without further escalating, the boy in russia that will dominate cane joins us now. live from berlin. stomach talk us through these latest developments and what this will means moving fluid off shots cold. this is knowing that he wanted to lose that, which has happened very, very rarely in the democratic history since the 2nd world war, but a chance to deliberately seek to be take that as well. that's what he wanted. he
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wanted new elections. he knew that ever since he himself had ejected one of his coalition partners, the freedom across from his van. absolutely gave him traffic lights, a government that's the see have know majority in parliament that for it was logical that he would lose this vote. he has lost that virtue and gone to the president and said, well, i no longer have the confidence of parliament and the president will then dissolve, fall them at so those elections can take place. the interesting thing, these, the sorts of comments that were passed in the chamber behind me during the course of the debate on the vote shots defending his government's actions and purchase. the only thing those, the free democrats that coalition partner that he ejected from these governments back in november and then from the other side of the equation from the conservative some previous mounts. the leader of the christian democrats really trying to,
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to as well put the knife in and saying that he felt the shots had wasted 3 as a government in office, as johnson a good, the, the young of germany, a having some bad the costs of the errors of his government and saying that there was no mention of the competitiveness of the german economy in the woods of shots. so they were already pushing out as it were, the posse line, what they want to campaign on. thank you so much, dominic, that's dominant cane reporting from building. let's see, a cranium. navy is reporting that russia has withdrawn, it's black, safely and deployed it to the sea of us, of since the beginning of the war, ukraine's navy has sunk or destroyed, at least the cost with the russian fleas targeted to tax by ukraine have killed a large number of the fleets commodities in november, a russian combined to in charge of the missile batteries for the fleet was assassinated and eastern ukraine.
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russian forces are advancing on several fronts. prussian forces all within one and a half kilometers of the town of bulk, roast a vital road and travail junction simone space strategic town has been the focus of russia's attempts to take the region. the russian ministry of defense said its forces also to control of 2 villages in the don't ask region. alex, good top of that as has moved from teeth on the withdrawal of russia's black safelite. the versus a pull back, the black see fleet and the ukranian navy is reporting that now as of now, there are no russian vessels, nate naples, vessels, and petroleum petrol in the black sea fleet, a tool. now this is something that is being, is, is, are ukranian success story, the ukrainians have managed to just sink or destroy a course of the fleet itself is killed, but come on. does a come under a charge of miss old batteries pulled. lexi fleet was assassinated in sylvester pole in late november. so this,
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this entire fleet has been so degraded this now so timid that it's in frayed to even patrol. because if it does, patrol invites, has vessels up full potential destruction. very, very different story in the east. their advances all along the front and the russian advances. so we're seeing russian forces pushing into 4 cross canal just on the outskirts. they took the hamlet of ship jenco late yesterday, so they're in a matter of like a 1000, a 1000 meters. it's down to meet us now rather than columbus is a for the south that we are seeing the collapsing of ukrainian defensive pockets. and also in the self russian forces a push north of surround, did you credit defend? is it one area on a threat and is a cut off the highway, the main supply route to ukraine, the defendants in caracas law. so it's a very, very 10 situation for you, craig, and here in the east. more than 7000000 bolivians have voted in elections to choose the judges and magistrates, and exercise some have held as democratic,
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while others have called it a waste of time and money. bolivia is the only country in the world to elect so many if it's judges. daniel schwimmer is in point us out us and has more on the story of the voting is mandatory in bolivia of polling. stations in most weakens of the country, reported all the lines of peaceful electors, president luis, out of state, costing his votes in the pass code, the pallets a milestone in democracy. tens of thousands of police and sold as we're out in force, while hundreds of international observers would deployed across the country to ensure a trouble free election. we were, we in order any so everything has been organized with all the pointing station walking facility is provided for those with disabilities information in the various languages and will start equality and peace. however, many of criticize the vote, the judges of magistrates saying most bolivians have no idea who they are,
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voting for the the most you don't forget, they've read a lot of the population is not well. and so there's been a lack of information because candidates have been prohibited from presenting. they're proposing i would have preferred that those elected. well, those are going to be elected, could present that proposals to the population of all those of the keys political policies of manipulating candidates in this save up. this was a search such selection, and then the pos many votes is full. the ballot papers. now that we have nothing has changed, we have corrupted the judicial system. unfortunately, we have chosen people without merit, without experience, without qualifications. people who do not know their professional duties. in this year, the outgoing president of mexico, and that is mind whether lopez over it or pushed through similar measures that were met with angry opposition. for many judges and lawyers and mexicans would be watching the results in bolivia are anxiously had those depth us to distill
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elections next to the popular vote, to elect judges in itself to our intelligence insanity. not to be recommended with my political experience, i would say to my mexican colleagues, don't do it or you will have serious problems. there's additional vote proceeds what promises to be of all it's all 2025. in bolivia, the country will celebrate the spice. unseen rate and whole presidential election, this was the main issues i'd like you to be food and fuel shortages rather than who run the situ this year. a full results of sundays vote unexpectedly to this week and which one of the houses era secchia who's saying one of indiana's most accomplished, classical musicians has died at the age of 73. the same turned to the traditional drums known as this tomba, which i usually use as an accompanying instrument into the stall. if he shows the one full grammy music,
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it was 3 of them just this year. is korea spend more than 60 years? that's the news for now. and jessica washington, please continue counting the car the you would expect some flash flooding and this time of year anyway, malaysia and indonesia. but it should have moved away from southern tied on. and i think of the full costs we will bring that south again, but it seasonally, it's been a bit with just recently. it's also improve the little bit in vietnam, but nothing. the philippines, the secularization, which don't think will develop into, i think, would a very wet time in the fall over the next couple of days, maybe 3 days. and there's more code i flow for ne, in chart is really cold and it'll generate significant snowfall. carter and the slopes northwest and slips and mountains and home. sure. and drop temperatures are
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traveling to and throughout japan for a couple of days, at least kind of shame, it gets down to about 10 degrees, probably the coldest day. then it starts to revert to normal, which is about 15 boxes, just a brief flooding of cold navigate, another circulation trying to develop in the baseband goal, which means, i mean, it seems to me, correct. it's going to rain again, heavily ins for lanka through a very for under protection, down through tumble nowadays. so including chin i whether be yet more flooding. this already floating on the ground is just this part of india, but just put north was edition across the northern plain, anywhere any of the ganges. it's morning fault and unfortunately, equity is still pretty pool. the exploring diverse culture exciting political discourse, exposing societies,
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doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. open until the stories from asia are in the pacific. 101 east. on alger 0. the hello, i'm adrian said again. this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll wish you look at the world of business and economics this week. they've long been the ears powerhouses, but france and germany facing political economic to that that's no trouble to the rest of europe. a wreck on $100000000000.00 replenishment of the world banks funds


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