tv Inside Story Al Jazeera December 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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was sending as in gaza for now, stocks between an outgoing biden administration and an incoming trumpet to industries. now that americans have decided to put form back in the white house. what kind of country in the world expect the quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line, a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. 15 partition piece pool for children from casa to receive medical care. in the u. k, it was prompted by the u. k. 's, denial of treatment to a 4 year old palestinian voice lost both his legs in and is ready. attack british hospitals have treated children from ukraine, so why not? because this is inside story, the
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color welcome to the program i made for you. instead of getting children have been the majority of victims in israel is war on garza with thousands killed, named or injured guns. us health care system has collapsed with its hospitals bombed a medical stuff shot dead. the lack of basic medicine has seen many evil methods used to empty tray limbs with wounds treated with sugar instead of drugs. the u. k has been what of israel storm shifts, allies supplying weapons, used to kill or injure thousands of palestinians. get a full year old boy from garza who lost his legs. most of his family was denied treatment in the u. k. unlike children from ukraine, 50 partition fees are now demanding that the government allow children from casa to receive cash in the u. k. but why was this denied? and what about other western countries? we'll get to a guest in just a moment. but 1st this report from san diego. v is asked med ship that
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a little boy from gaza to all of those his parents. and then both his legs and his re strikes. his uncle ibrahim remains his early surviving cag. if he asks every day, where is my father? where is my mother? every single day. but we try very hard to make him forget and adjust to the situation. he is currently in asp. net was injured in november 2023. what is the early speak? tens of israel school on garza and one of the stuff to be refused just medical treatment in the u. k. instead, he's receiving kat initially. estimates case is something that you k politician say . so the double standards in the international response to into children of who a modem, 50 m p 's have signed a lot to, to the british prime minister judge and came to allow gauze as children to the u. k
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to receive life saving medical treatment on time and time again. politicians have quote on the government to do more produce fabian their collective punishment to civilians and intent to explicitly indicated by the state of meetings because of the continued ministry support for israel. ongoing looking, go see and just implications for the new page for the human rights of the patients and the fate of medians for innocent men, women and children. a new study has found that children who are living through the role in gaza, 96 percent of them feel that death is imminent and nearly hall once it died. as a result of the trauma, they have gone through the palestinian children live a brutal reality inside the street. one played by constance to and things ok.
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there's simply nothing left in gaza that might allow the child to be a child. sorry, go out to 0. the inside story personally at bottom is spokes person for unicef in gaza. she joins us now from a mine. good to have you with this rosalia out bad things for children and girls. we got a good idea from science report. the units of says that 17000 of them are currently separated from the families or unaccompanied bought stretch to they face. what about kids who need urgent medical treatment? the situation in gaza is, is really an apple collection for children. it's not just to bowman, some of the balloons that kill them, but it's also the living conditions are brought her to elect their, of the lack of access to health care data, good health care. the lack of proper shelter is winter has started. so i'm shelters . are to make shift tens made of whatever material people can get their hands on. so they don't projects. so they don't project families,
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families go hungry to see them from an alert that was issued for northern garza. but in the cell, some century to severe hunger is increasing and diseases our residents have been to many shelters where it is chicken fox, hepatitis, a, nearly all children i speak with have, have diarrhea. so the conditions are really, really bash um and the suffering is not just physical it's, it's also psychological. and most of the responses that been from the international community to the medical needs of kids in casa is missing. so you're asking specifically on the medical needs of child patients and the needs are overwhelming . so right now there are no hardly any functional hospitals and guys are left. there's a few hospitals that are partially functioning, but there are no sides where you can get full flash, adequate medical treatment doctors telling me they're beyond the spare they. they
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want to help the patients there. and they simply cons because they don't have the right medicines on the right equipment. in fact, one hospital officials as nicer hospital. i met with an 11 year old boy, you went to kenia and, and his mother and the doctor told me that at best what, what the hospital can do is give him more fee when, when it comes in. so some pain olivia ation, which is by far and sufficient, but the comp actually treat him. and this boy had had leukemia for several years. and before the war, he was able to go outside of gaza and he caught treatment and occupied westbank. but that stopped with the war and he was actually in remission before the war. but since his treatment still had stopped his situation very badly. terrier ages and just a couple of weeks ago we learned as his boys passed away. so children are dying as a direct result of the lack of health care and what,
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what is needed right now and ghosts is 2 things and immediate, she's fired at tech. some hospitals have to stop hospitals or protective places and hospitals need to be rehabilitated. just those children who are, are most gravely ill and unicef estimates that there's at least 2500 children just like the child that, that i just described will need to get out for medical treatment now. so those need to be medically effectuated, but in parallel, the hospitals and gas needs to be rehabilitated, need to receive supplies so, so they can start treating patients again. personally, many thanks and thanks for being with us on inside story. thank you for having me. the, let's bring it, i guess, for today's discussion from london, which went by dr. victoria rose. a plastic surgeon who has been on recent medical mission is to the hospitals in gaza,
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from trump. so in no way we're joined by dr mats, gilbert, i talked to specializing an emergency medicine who's worked in palestine a palestinian healthcare in casa for more than 30 years. i'm from london. jeremy cool. been an independent member of the british parliament. but a former leader of the labor party, a world welcome to you, old jeremy. let's start with you. why have you felt move to write this less of what response of you have to it? well, unless somebody gets tell me the last few minutes where you had no response so far . what problem? just right, the left to was waiting on just a pole actually continued suffering a painful in ga sir, the continued supplies weapons by britain, the usaa and many other countries, which enables us to take place in special court was found twice against his royal ones in the r c j, and once on the in special criminal court and the determination of britain, the usaa to continue the supplies is
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a upholding message to the rest of the world. because it shows contempt for the processing of international law which they claim to us at the cancer. and it shows that they are more interested in continuing the bottom. but knowing full well that the palestinian people left in garza essentially have already been fully friends under just being once in the kills. we don't know the total number yet, but you know, it's well over what i look forward to fashion already get from the bomb bomb. and so all messages quite simply is go to stop. as you say, jeremy, that's been the response life and so far what, why do you think that is, why has the new labor government i'm no better on this. done the previous conservative one. sadly that obviously you know, such a tool. they do say they support international human rights law. ready they do say they support the international court of justice and liam's national criminal court
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bought exactly the same breast and they say they're going to ignore them on this. okay. well, it's not a pick and choose the rule. it has been made of israel's behavior in gaza is an active genocide against the palestinian people. so that means that the governments that so that one suddenly ignores that judgement is itself putting in the possibility of legal action against the government for refusing to suspend supplies. and that feeling all around the world is so strong, there is a kind of echo chamber, west and media by which the, some of the west of europe, in the north american governments take some comfort thinking that they are supporting his right. and the actual is going to be a right. the reality is that all around the world, the level of support for the palestinian and painful disappear. then it's ever been
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under the termination of many of us to stop the supply weapons. and arms to uh is right. what is under warranty? that we will carry on doing that? so we're kind of the events all over the christmas, new year period on a very big demonstration in january in longer. we also asked for a response and got non victoria what kind of injuries the kids need. urgent treatment for right now. where are these kids currently being treated as an adult, a conditions like that you've been the other main, the main entrance to the children suffering from a blast? injuries. so when, when the phone goes off, whatever is around you guys weaponized. and then it was that you had quite a high velocity in it penetrates the skin and the bones underneath or guarantee orlando or your abdomen or your head. so they quite a significant injuries that these children are suffering from the numbers of injuries and the delay in treatment,
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and that she guessing them to your pricing. this means that they are or avenue insights and by the time you, you sort of see them. so that sort of the initial injury and then there's a list of created from the denial of actually being able to treat them. and then on top of that we have programs such as, you know, mom attrition. the fact that everyone has been displays these children living intense, poor sanitation in most to show and i still have some nets and it's, it's a disaster situation for them as a doctor. how does that make you feel when you, when you see conditions and situations like this to the thing is adult to say this, and this is, you tend to get on with what your, you know, what the job is. but it, it, it is incredible that it is being allowed to happen, that it is still happening and goes to effectively that down to 3 hospitals, the capable of running the sort of trauma and those 3 hospitals. a. so the subscribes and is ayden to them is minimum, much,
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to what extent are children in cause a dying needlessly due to a lack of medical equipment out, is that affecting the medical staff who are at least trying to treat that and what's gonna happen to kids if they, if they don't get this treatment, how many will be left with lifelong disabilities? if they don't get this treatment? well, we don't have the exact numbers, but the numbers are extremely high. and we have to remember all the time when we discussed this, that all of this is a 100 percent made unavoidable. it's old, made by the occupation forces of israel with the full support of the united states . and unfortunately the support of the u. k. so all of this is affordable and we need to focus on the immediate stop in the bombardment a ceasefire and an opening of the future and also go sized in our address each for 17 years. these kids who are now being injured have been starved for 17 years. they
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have been living and a growing up under constant constant on board months and, and the horrors of getting killed. it's not what happened since the 5th of october 7th, october. so so the, the, the background valuables for a child to manage to start advice and injury is old randy is so, so bad because of mountain nutrition because of fear and because of lack of proper living conditions. so we don't have the number, but what we know is that 770 for a sense of the more than 45000 killed the more than 807000 injured our women and children looked in golf so half with the population of children this is much more to break down in the west that this is still on the base level. after nearly $500.00 days. this should have been stopped long
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ago on the elephant in the room. if the model made suffering of the civilian population of augusta as the pope said the other day, this is no tour, this is cruelty and i add for the children. it's also say this because the main reason why they are now the stresses by death. this was one aspect is of course the injuries from the bone being that the triangle of this thing does on now is the combination of starvation, lack of water and the seas. and this is all amendable we have in a medical terms and expressions that avoidable depth and large numbers of the children dying. ready being killed in goes on now are avoidable. this, that could have been avoided with the appropriate health care system and with an opening of the seats. this should have been stopped long time ago. jeremy listening to 2 doctors uh, describing the situation in gaza. uh,
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how does that make you feel with millions of kids in the west looking forward assigned to visiting this week and christmas, a magical time for kids and families and full flow especially where you are in london, 96 percent of kids in gaza say they think they're going to die according to all right. a small survey of 500 got some kids. how can that be? what seems to be such callous disregard for the place of gauze as children bearing in mind that it's western and u. k. weapons that direct the lives human rights. it is. um you guy in us weapons to do right. their lives is the u. k. arranging for the transports of equipment through the r f space and equity area in cyprus, into the east israel. and the is the bombardment of gauze results. additionally, the run air force is undertaken. any normally number of visor, flights of gallons are collected right here to the information. i want to know what
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information has been useful, is it going to be used to a rain israel before the into the actual court of justice. and of course, the international criminal code, or is it to enable israel to be more efficient in it. so it's bombing campaign. i feel very, very angry, very, very depressed. i live in a very mixed community in north london. there are people that will face a non, there are people of great humanitarian sense and all of them are collecting whatever they can, whatever they come to provide a for the children in gaza. but the relayed to realize it could be provided is it stopped, the supply weapons stopped july in the bottom of the site placed i recognized palestine as a message to the rest of the world. and i really do check my off to the doctors we have on that and many other doctors mouths and i'll go back to mary's on why and
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he's for incredible kept house in the house doing it for all of his life. so i want to say on behalf of a lot of humanitarian people around the world. thank you because i know the abuse you've received for stepping out for the palestinian people. jeremy, i'll, i'll come back to you in just a moment. i just want to play a little sound bite of, of parameters to a style that speaking in parliament just a few weeks ago. have a listen to this. well, the prime minister shared his definition of genocide with his house. and when he started further action, he's prepared to take to say lots of desperate installing men, women, and children. given that we now hold presidents the of the united nations security council, it would be wise to start a question like, got a reference to what happened in october of last year. i'm well aware of the definition of genocide and that's why i've never described this as and referred with as genocide. i took a stop that says that he knows what a genocide looks like and, but this isn't one. what do you make a bet?
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jeremy jeremy. this you said there's been no response to your letter. this is a political decision to you think. and indeed it is a political decision. he knows full well what the definition of genocide is being i was full well the, the i c, c on the i. c, j heap of both reached a very strong conclusion. after a great deal of deliberation, he knows a little of that, but he decides to somehow rather try and this isn't really a genocide. well, if you bombing in gaza, specifically to kind of destroyed palestinian people by targeting them, then that is an active genocide and that's it wants to be made clear. so i don't think we should be discussing is thomas semantic do on this matter? we should we demonte of us darma want to you actually going to do to bring it back . so as far installed the continue supply of items that are being used to kill people in gaza that are coming from the usa from britain are pretty faced into as
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well. and then being both on defense as people can. garza was fine with me, but i the specialist situation is victoria, as we heard from rosalia at the beginning of the program at, in cyrus report, children and guns were living in constant fear and a state of anxiety as well as the physical injuries. many of them have suffered to that are going to be mental skills that all mental scars, this was rubbed the of the childhood. how will we deal with not just the physical injuries, but the psychological trauma that they, they have suffered? is it something that will, but it's going to have to wait until the, the fighting ends. we go to see a generation of kids growing up with severe mental health issues. i think let's just be sure about getting a to our cause in we, we do have mental specialist that has been going in to garza before and even during the rule. but now that kind of get have blogs,
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basically to medical age. these people come good and so the only thing we can do now is wait until the sci fi and under the access improves and then then we can get the right people in the right areas. okay, so there's reluctance on the part of as well. so that 8 work as in what about letting kids out? do you think that it's a deliberate policy? does it seem to be a deliberate policy by israel to stop these? these kids who are dying need a shouldn't need a medical care getting out of israel, such as that does. that's a treatment. well, we know that's been a reduction in the number of the vaccinations because it's actually been, bruce, how it can be set and discussed with them. we haven't taken any children so far in the u. k. i think for station a few and it's really is taking a few but the surrounding countries that egypt and castle has been absolutely swans . i mean that it is clear now that not enough people that need to leave all
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guessing apps that's here we are criticizing the u. k is position to use as the belgium. it's lead luxemburg, romania, slovakia, and spain have of taken in kids for medical care. some medical treatment, a small group, but recently went to islands nearly a 100 kids have been treated in the us. what's the situation where you are in no way? well, the recent government has pledge to take up 2 twins, the patients needing treatment from gaza. and we haven't received a up till now 6, the children who are now in know each and hospitals with family members receiving treatment. this is a good, but it is far too little. that if you look at the number that the european commission emergency mechanism, the e r c c has received from the dual credit, you know, the number that was 2500 up to the summer. so this is again, double standard of europe. i mean,
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we are supporting the ukraine by systems against the russian invasion with, with friends, with the bible, with political functions, with the money. and we'd political support, what us the just struggle of the pa, this thing and people against these really occupation receives no search report. and when the consequences are so dire, as we know in the medical sense, we are only take, you have particular all of the patients to get treatment in europe. it's a shame it's, it's a blast and shame, we should take much more. and that's roughly and said, we, we know that turkey has taken a 1000 egypt test, received 2000 and the other countries in particular. jordan and the image i've taken 1500 altogether, 4500 needing patients. europe are taking a few 100. what is this? this is p racism because people in palestine name goza are not as worthy not as valuable and do not get the same respect and medical support that they should
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have. this is a stain on the west. this is a stain on our mortality. listen, i'm a doctor. i'm not used only to treat symptoms. i am trained to look for the really close of the seas pain or any suffering that the patient has and the root cause of all the suffering we are discussing here is the, is these really occupation of palestine and the ongoing genocide, the empower side that has to end immediately, to amend that we've medical relief or medical supplies is not going to solve the problem. the only solution to this problem is the ending of the occupation of palestine, the lifting of the seats on the, on the media some lasting sees for that's my prescription. as a doctor. jeremy, what are your thoughts on that? matches? absolutely right. this is a model like disaster exacerbated by the decision was made over the last few weeks to increase the level of involvement, adams,
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the decisions that we made to prevent people getting doubts of girls that do receive personal medical treatment on the list of countries that match just read are really tells the old neighboring country is a doing their best euro, which is making a great deal of money around sales to as right, providing huge amounts of resources to israel to continue its occupation. bob mens is not taking people who desperately need medical attention, so our campaigns hit random bread. so all about that just as the palestinian break . but the shopping stock film supplies immediately support the seats for immediately and give medical support to bring people out who can be treated in hospitals or the or naval ship. so anywhere around the world, this is critical. people are dying inside of medical health and medical aid. it's
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been refused for political purposes that plus on single people i, i just briefly mentioned you want to come in, you know, i, you know, i get to pay. i agree with a, with the jeremy on this, but it is important to understand that the people who go so they are fearful of leaving garza because that may be one way tickets. they are not allowed to come in again. and they don't want to leave their, their, their country, their, their home even if it's boomed so. so the most important thing as was mentioned is to rebuild to the store and reinforce the policy in the appropriate health care system. because the policy and doctors, nurses, and all those problem ethics are excellent medical professionals unless we are speaking these really are keeping them on board month on the come on the hospital. what a doctor has some other stuff here and his staff are, are very bravely defending the more than 400 people in the hospital. this has to end immediately. because exporting the medical problem is only one part of the
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solution. the fundamental solution is to reinforce, to publish the improper so when that the over their own medical system and their capacity to treat their own people in augusta, i'm in the west bank victoria. we'll give the, the last what to you. i'm sure the, the, the medical establishment world wide will be more than willing to treat kids if they were able to get out of gaza and travel to be treated in the hospitals that the clinics. but a man's brought up on the issue of, of the doctors, nurses, the health care professionals who are still working on the terrible conditions in gaza. perhaps you, you wanna say something finally and introduce you to them. it's a, it's an opponent situation for colleagues in gaza. they have been targeted specifically by the israelis. many of them has been forced to leave a c and c h s. and the ones that are trying to wear some terrible conditions. and
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as a saying, people are afraid of leaving garza and that they would be able to go by and we were already seeing this in the news. quite a few of my colleagues had come down from the middle of work and con eunice, that's it. she, when she for was destroyed and they cannot get back to the families in the know because of the colorado that's been built, that's cuts them off. so consequently, the rest of the gods is now and so that is basically from the south into neighboring countries. they will lose garza and there we must end it. victoria rose, match gilbert and jeremy colby. many thanks. indeed for being with us on inside story. thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the website. i'll just 0, don't com. and for further discussion, you can join us at our facebook page at facebook dot com, forward slash page right inside story out of course you can join the conversation on x. i'll handle the h i inside story from adrian said again, the team here though. huh. thanks for being with us by some of
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the to nature's biological rhythms. heat, the percentage ultimate but this is not to, it's countless killing works of alex official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags on allergies era. the
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the the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news. our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. syria is new administration, host, a number of diplomatic delegations for talks on his political transition settlements. so this was the culture we've had always been on the side of the syrian people throughout the phases of the revolution. and i have remained consistent in the position from 10 sayings in most. i'm bank following confirmation
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