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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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you talk to people here, they say not least 50 percent also for relations is living in poverty from the house of the story. process it takes for crossing is going to be a serious loss for ukraine. a significant set back for his military on this like a logical flow for its people. the bypass to play and goes down in western conflicts down 28 people survived. the crash and the rescue is all searching for both the field is ever life headquarters here and also coming up. so we and sanctions agree to nice and fully national on the, on the a new ministry of defense, good city in democratic forces are not part of the deal. so what does this mean for
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serious future agencies will that simon is weeks away in northern gauze, or blades, israel for the blockade of food plus historically, they were only checked in and around africa's as it region to the north of here. changing climate is changing people's ways of life. so what explain why people in can you also think towns to campbells to cope with severe drums, the book and the pregnant. we're just going to bring you breaking news. camino solve cossick stone where a passenger plane is crushed. the, the south western city of octo emergency officials by say that the craft was heading from buck who and as a by john 2 girls and e with 67 people on board, including 5 crew members. now the plane blows to azerbaijan, airlines will forward, he se 28 people have survived the incident. local media say the flight was rerouted
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because of fault in girl's name. let's cross over to you the shop of oliver, who's in moscow, with the latest. obviously the details are a budgeting and the situation is developing. but what do we know about this incident so far? you as well, the latest information is that full bodies have been found at the crash, signed in ox. how? uh, as you mentioned, the number of survivors now stands at 28. people tell them children and 26 people were taken to hospital including 2 children as well. uh, 7 victims are in serious condition right now. the rest corporation continues. the survivors of the plane crash were passengers in the tail section of the plane itself at the least damage, according to reports after the collision and explosion that occurred in the front
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section of the plane. the passengers was citizens. elizabeth sean, russia. contacts don, gets don, and the tickets don, the apple in child has opened right now. a previously delayed flights on now departing. and the zip is ronnie president. you have a leave expressed his deepest condolences date to the families of those code in the, in the cross should next how and wish to speed the recovery to the injured usually of these investigation inevitably will send to around the black box. is they record both technical information and also the verbal communication between the ground and the pilots? of course, uh, as i said, the risk operation continues and investigate who is looking for for like flight to record is right now. what we know. so the font and g to heavy,
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full allegedly heavy folk and grows. and they in chechnya and probably g to an early morning drive and i talk, the downed in bright plain was rerouted to douglas done to my hutch color. and then it was sent to arkansas in the west of kazakhstan, allegedly, the plain sent and imagine is the signal due to a collision with a flock of buzz, and also reported a steering malfunction before the plane made several sad cuz circles over the add port imagines to situations administrative cause i've done that was, has send, it's a employees at the cross sites. they're working on the scene right now. we also know that the aircraft is 11 years old and it was used certainly by as a bas shawnee adeline's. and off to the, the flies to girls need was supposed to fly to from by crew to rushes, some
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r c t. but the investigation of course is continue. and as soon as we get more information, we will report that of course, we'll come back to you as that situation develops through the day for the moment you the shop of oliver left for us in moscow or the serious new administration. the switched as focus from regional diplomacy to internal unity. it's anita says and agreement has been reached for several of the countries. um factions that will charlotte says that most groups have agreed to, to spend then be absorbed into a single national me under the defense ministry. the agreement follows amazing affection lead as in damascus on sunday. now the one group, no, yes, included in the day is the kurdish like sitting in a democratic force is known as the s d s. they control the northeastern regions of syria seen here in the yellow. the s t f is backed by the us, but it's considered
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a territory by neighboring to kia anchor uninstalled lives, control the areas in red, and of long beat in conflict with the s t f. must close eva to answer those 100 mile bra, who's in the syrian capital, damascus with the very latest and much excitement really about those various factions, agreeing to unite with hate to us for the long time. but not everyone is joining it. as we just said, how problematic is the situation it is appropriate magic so hate in the sense that we have to wait and see all of them agreeing to the tense of what has been decided yesterday. and the reason being is 3. and then the, this big talk could i take covert of the mass goes, it was hey, at the who, the sean based in it live, which sponsored the fly took over day off today major cities. but they were not the 1st one to take over the boss, cuz it was
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a faction which was which sponsor that you used before to consideration with bus out. and i said, backed by the russians, they took advantage of the situation. they were the 1st to take over the last few years of the settle. i'm have to had a chance talk to them. and he said, i'm giving you that. i'm giving you an ultimatum, joined this ministry of defense for we will do useful. yesterday they managed to overcome a major obstacle with most of the most powerful infections, saying we will join the ministry of defense. but this is a process which might take months because you have to do the headcount. so you have to ensure that has over that weapons pulled out from that position and some of them uh, affiliated, a long regional life stream. it difficult for them to the position that a fine to is from that to homeland, towards other positions. they have to embrace this new mindset that the new station is in unit stages, going to be put together. so it's going to take some time. and this explains the
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underlying to that you'll be because people still have in mind what happened in libya back in 2012 and 13. but as far as the new administration is consent, yesterday was a major obstacle to the managed to overcome with most of the military commanders saying, we would go on board. indeed, i mean, this won't be any problem the amazon shuttle has to deal with the old stops and has to look beyond as bold as unto his neighbors, especially to iran. and he's had to make o, they hate stats about to make some pretty sta and comments in that direction as well. indeed. so the, minnesota, the newman is still following up as a side has in the shape bonnie: on his 1st statement since he was appointed about 3 days ago, i decided to talk about yvonne saying that yvonne should respect the national sovereignty of the syrian people. and should stop spreading kyle's in the region and that city i was now from now. one was become
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a key regional plan. and the reason why he's saying this is festivals that was statements by iraqi and iranian officials over the past 2 days. that was skeptical of the new administration, the supreme needs of the deal. i mean, i was quoted saying that the syrian people should spend the guest, the new administration, few v as headed, damascus. they have back to me and they said a bunch of stuff in to be a little. so the reason why they think that is because the new administration understands that the, what keep play is in introducing major regional re alignment in the region. for the 1st time, iran won't have the same political, military numbers. it used to have in syria and lebanon because there is a new, or thought it to hit, which is very close, 5 to iran. but at the same time, you have other regional players who could play significant role joel to a neighboring country. it's money. so for an offense that he's willing to provide significant political security and the intelligence a help to this new authority,
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but in exchange for an increase of government. so key i extremely crucial play a sante arabia why that seems to be the backbone of whatever happens in the future in syria, and also cats, which has sent a top dedication here to the baskets and spoke about the need to move forward. so we talking about huge developments in the region and this new government is hoping that by taking that the position, i guess, yvonne, it could paved the way for them to be strong relations with the united states of america and the u. hash. about bye for us in damascus. thank you for the latest session. well, joining us now with the students have some variety preventative and special sized counsel, universe states, good $70.00 on set. so we keep an eye on the live thing. what happened to the last 24 hours and i went to just sort of use with joining cnn, hiring about a hatred to yasu. and i'm in charge of administration in syria. this
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agreement that they have with us um to functions how 10 us solve these agreements in your opinion. and how important is it to reach out with the olive branch to sds over in the east of the country and try to bring them on board. this is a 2 problems attack really by hate h t s, diplomatically they've got to with what we're 1st of all really we live in a transition era and a lot of a set into is and, and, and this era. so the, the fact to do that i'm gonna show as trying to put his act together, right? first of all, uh, securing the intent of seeing. and this entails a unity behind the leadership of the country to attenuate the weapons to be with different munitions and different factions. because this might have different dies the security situations the lesson learned, isn't it from other countries where they seen that was bad patients? phones though, yeah, from a dentist and also frontier, you know,
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a lot of info. i think i'm on the submit. it shows in the past, in the past, the 12 years and a he learns a lot from that what he wants now he seeking to unity because he can move in the transition. you're holding a conference and drafting constitution if the security is not secure and, and side inside of this, a great bunch of serious. and that's not all of you to, of course. and so he's doing this is aware of the importance of that. and if he manages to come across as a lead to it with the, with, with the, with a vision this will entice, other people to work with him as the f is one of them f as the f c. this as an interest of government as something for all of syria old dom was i see it because it is a multi ethnic country. they might, you know, a join him. there is a covey at the hey, we get the full, the staff because they do c h t s. and i was,
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i was trying to, has been very close to ankara and the influence of turkey will raise them because of the tech he doesn't like. because s d f is seen as a cutters backed group by, by the americans and is backed by the americas. it's this sort of power play using test on this influence that h t s. and i'm, it will show saying he doesn't want in the country, but fight by default he does have the same twins, doesn't say on either side. well, of course he has a huge influence. uh, but again, you know, i'm going to show as not to put you down. he's the, he's it either. if you're now on, he wants to get the independence and get all of his act together. and he can do this without actually reaching out to this, the f at a once, the in the interest of the syrians, if they get into another round of, of fighting with this, the app supported by the americans at this one that's helpful. you know, the interest of turkey that could be actually met without the result of the violence tear because interest is a, yeah. is a, the, the,
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the idea of terrorism and this could, should be actually address and in negotiations, but forces in the best interests of, of turkey to have syria as a whole. and not divided into, into swats and into, uh, you know, camps here and get into play just with try and syria with their entech and, and deficient what all these sort of political machinations continue. and you have the general public in sylvia watching. and we've seen in the recent incidents of a christmas tree being bent down, for example, that small groups, minorities, all the whites, drew's christians, she and listings 70 percent. everybody is concerned because the internal security of the it depends on also the unity of the country and the unity of people being able to live next to each other and tolerate each other's differences without a gun being yeah, tool isn't pointed towards that ahead of us the real worry really isn't it for just
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the general public headed to see a stable serious, it isn't legitimate concern and maybe a say 11 word about this. i mean it's not the intention of how much it on those people to repress out. i'm interested. i mean, they made it perfectly clear that they will, to the race and clubs us with everyone else and investigated. as for all of us, citizen uh, those group of people, i mean a named with a know who they are, who they belong to. maybe they don't even to those you and they want to just create that kind of case and sierra to mac over at the house, the old gamble ophelia. so he's a part of that, the ins and nothing has best interest, you know, to fight other. c is here and particularly the pressure and because they need to be a sure to say they're going to be fucking over the country. i think we've got a game in anticipation period and this position period is not like as quite as if we want the ones. but i think the statements coming from him and the moves in the ground send a good message that he's aware of the need to be the whole country together. okay,
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we'll see what happens as, as we have been for the past few weeks. but for that, i've been testing the already thank you. still head here on the 0 mold in 24000000 people are in need of food aid will get the latest on the growing time in crisis ensued on the oh, okay. this never came to fruition. public never became anything else that tropical depression, the winds just were not strong enough, which is probably a good thing. it will increase the rain in some vietnam, probably in the capitol as well over the next day or so. but the majority of heavier and he's going to be further says the southern philippines, borneo and java. that's so sue marjorie, including those and see marjorie. there are
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a few shall sit around to potentially be lazy and something tight on topping up the siding on the ground. but doing both of that right, isn't the story. now, straight temperature fluctuation has been this next cold front on its way through means it's inducing heat ahead of it. 1390. now when the full costs for thursday, it's already cooled down behind pass it down to about $25.00 degrees. that heat has the interior. it will move, eastwood so sidney will be benefiting test the right where during friday it's cool . down to melbourne, camera and adelaide after that as a front is gone through and you'll probably get a sandstone in sidney itself for maybe just a shot. this is a 3 day full cost to sidney. it costs coincides with a dropping temperature buyback $10.00 degrees for new zealand, while the writing that went through on wednesday is still with you on the 5th. disappointing christmas couple of days. the
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unique perspectives. what could my community be gaining if we weren't spending money on all of those bonds killing it asses in that i say 11 on, on her voices. the world has turned its back on so that our lives to match. so many people matter just as much as any other connect with our community and be part of the conversation. we feel very upset because of the 2nd 12 presidency. they don't see the need and then trying to appease the people on social media. the stream on out to 0, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the actual field is there with me. so rob, a reminder on top stories,
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a passenger plane is kind of a concept stones, south western city, a box town emergency. officials say the craft was heading from barcode to grossly with 67 passages and 5 crew members on board. go forward. he said that 28 people, including a child, have been taken to health. serious new administration says the grievance has been weeks with several of the countries um factions. some of the shutter says, most groups have agreed to dispense the absolved into a single national army under the defense with district. the israel continues. it strikes across garza and is very dry and strong cuz talks and palestinians and the out of the ridge refugee comes in the center of the strip. but at least one person has been killed. elliot and 9 palestinians from the same family
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were also killed by as many as drugs in jamalia in the knolls amongst the parents and the 5 children. several of us were wounded with a full store, rebuilding was also hit civilians. continuing to dig through the rubble and 5th of a bodies, the number of confirmed that is expected to rise is read also carried out to tanks and the substances you've con. you're just going to get these full people to displace color city and sheltering and a 10 to amongst the dead. so also several more images that some starvation will likely pass time in level the golden dollars. as soon as january, according to the us global food crisis, molded to be signed many early warning system networks, as unless as well allows mole right into north and casa, up to 15 people. a day will die and starvation related illnesses from soon as next month. the mortality threshold full time it is considered to be 2 or more deaths per day. per 10000 people,
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the un says laid has been blocked from entering northern garza once again with any 12 trucks able to deliver food and water. since october, tiny mood is live for us in data about with the very latest before we told simon honey, let's talk about the attacks that were lighting plus is ready for the attacks that have continued overnight sending to the day. absolutely, and it continues to happen and already causing further civilian casualties across the district. that sure level of destruction where more people are missing on a trap under a huge pile of ruffles caused by the, the massive explosions by the these, the bombs, it dropped. and these homes were there, these are drawn at the top floor box carried out by the, the fighter just or the, the, our dealer is the, the, the sheer level of destruction is a quite visible. more people are trapped and missing on the rebels. what we're looking at is more of
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a conservative reading of the figures. it's what has arrived at the hospitals, what has been identified, and we're just starting to your documented by the house of visuals. there are still many who are on able to be collected across, removed from undergo the rebels and beads i registered here at the health facilities. but just the past few minutes, just within a span of half half an hour. 5 more people were killed. one in the eastern area of the central part of the gulf bridge might be given a drone attack. when a group of people, one reported goes right away as he seemed to be hit directly with the muscles. there are 4 more in a draw on a top in the city of it. how do i that's for the northern part of this trip that pulls the number in addition to those who were killed that last night in your body of time, 9 member of one family as well as the other people across the central bay area. hon unit, city, god, the city is, has rise in to 27 people. this is just
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a short span of time we see in this number increasing the fear. now as more people are being removed, mulanda ramos are from these different attacks. we expected it to rise and this is exactly the, the patterns that we have seen over the past the past months and know there's also those who arrived woods, severe injuries and birth died within the die within days, sometimes and weeks of their arrival to the hospital suddenly that's doctors started to refer to later as asylum desk because of the lack of medication here. the medical supplies, many people are dying as a result of the the fact that because there's a stay in severe injuries and burns. indeed, the attacks being just one of the many problems that palestinians are facing that in gaza, handy. and of course, agencies have been warning not just the weeks, but for months that is full rate. as an end to the strip, people will die of starvation and found that we're seeing that now we're hearing about that now in the knowles of the strip,
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as well, despite all the narrative by these very lead government or this really military to prove that what's going on in gall, this is not a fam and is not a starvation. what we're seeing now is the natural buy a product of the ongoing, deliberate, purposeful attacks then restrictions across the goals. triplets that for good, that is really monetary controls, old across things across the gulf, even before october, the 7th. it controls all the cross including drop off crossing karma with that in mind. the other crossings in the these print on the northern parts of the district . but so in terms of movements in terms of the products, gun goods coming in and out of the doctor were pretty much controlled by these really another 3. now with there is more suffocating control over the entry of the human, a jury and a again, it's a reminder that everything that we're seeing now in terms of the enforce, the hydration in force as far vase, you're not interested there. many cases the died because of this are very
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consistent with the early narrative by this rita officials, including the re prime minister who's defense secretary as well. 6 as a member of the government, when they impose the total siege on the golf statement, total here means preventing java from high beginning access to any of the basic supplies. 12 the trucks only made their way to northern garza as a result of these ongoing restrictions on the northern part of this trip. i mean, i knew that voice and data about in central causes. thank you. a new repulsed by you and by global hunger monitoring. great puzzle and simon is spreading across to dom according to the integrated food security phase kinds of vacation mode. the ip see is known, the conflict test was and did already done a situation with mold and 24000000 people. and that you need a food age, the group detective time and then at least 5 the reason including the largest displacement comp and so down it says people in 5 more areas can face time and in
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the next 6 months the conflicts dont have any 2 years ago and this falls tools and 25 percent of people in sued on from the homes. justin lynch's from these down conflict observatory. he says that are full of simon show that both sides of the war intend to stall parts of the population. a sudan used to be a bread basket, not only for east africa, but 4 times was remember, the least you a um, you know, other cartridges in my gall and i think forth through day i'm going to be facing a fan and as it is right now, it really kind of speaks to the horrible nature of the civil war has been going on over the past year and a half plus. and so i, some of these numbers are extremely devastating. and, and potentially shocking. i think what's really happening is that both sides are using hunger as to what happened of war. the kind of logic is that if they allow
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food into parts that gave us control by the opposition or control them by the army . and then they do that as a waiting for that other side. and so what you see that would assume is on forces. they're not allowed food to enter into dark for um emails that they need to. um and just see me and also with the rep support forces where all of the areas where there has been declared examine members of the project examine are under their control as well. and the disregard that both sides have for the populations is really, really striking. assets for countries in the west, it is very uncomfortable, right? because one of the main the backers of the rep support for us is the main backer is the u. a which is a critical ally of the us of us case. and so this is a very uncomfortable conversation. the diplomats have to navigate. it says russian ballistic missiles of the northeastern region of car cave. at least 6 people have
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been injured, car keeps governor or leg cigna both says that the miss all attacks of damage. civilian infrastructure in the region. russian falls is a bonded comp table mist daily for the past 2 years. well, area, a separate ballistic missile hit the city of the v is central ukraine, killing one person of the time to talk to the a residential area. every is the hometown of the president, the automated selected scan located near the russian occupied temperate tree. and it's often being targeted christians around the world all celebrating the holy day of christmas. hundreds of christians and the palestinian city of bethlehem, gathered full of midnight mass overnight. the day was like some christmas eve and the best face of jesus christ. that was the lodge christmas tree, and bethlehem's main square, and no festive lights across tokyo,
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religious leaders, health services to have besides messages of unity congregations that candles during pres. so peace in northern can you goals ortiz or giving out campbells to head and communities? you've depended on capital to use the volumes of thousands of years. people living in 70 average areas of mold and can you recovering from the was drought at about 40 years. it's 1000 tie hurts of light stone mountain where i propose now from kenya is some bhutto county, or it's a big day for, they know, or we make actually these communities depended on heading cows for millennia. the 1st time in his life is going to get that kind of what we'll do and he's going in the last drought. most mark house died. i 20, but i was left with full. when the grounds dry cows cannot feed, but the camels can raise their heads and feed them the toll trees and you're the nathan,
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out of the last drought was the regions west in decades. people here in northern can you some through county say, when the rains fail, the cow is the 1st to die. and the camel is the last. the candles have travelled, hundreds of kilometers on trucks and on foot to be here, the county government, bolt them from trade is the academy is voted with somalia. historically they will only fits in and around africa's that region to the north of here. changing climate is changing people's ways of life. the 3 year drought ended last year and the cashier trees are green again. that is like then ours sometimes have to walk hundreds of kilometers to find pos, just beneath them the cows can raise the leaves families at home without milk.


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