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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the the policy of the board to reveals out israel offers from selling, cutting edge surveillance and military technology around the world using the new territory as a testing ground. january old l g 0. the a misery for displace palestinians living in nature comes in garza several including 6 babies have died from the combs the hello. i'm jessica washington. this is i'm just here in life from dover, also coming out looking to the future. siri, as a new administration, is preparing for a national dialogue that could shape it's transitional road. the us says
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it's conducted and strikes against the targets again and just off the tags on each shift in the rent. the happy new year, more than a 1000000 in australia is ringing in 2025. a sidney hot. heavy rain is bringing new misery to displace palestinians forced to live in tents in garza because of his rarely attacks. at least 7 have died from the cold in the past week, including 6 babies. tense across the strip has been flooded, the un says the southern area of han eunice alone. more than 100. more than a 100 tents have been damaged. about 500 families still live along with the garza
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shoreline, within most exposed to the elements and shelter supplies are available, but israel is restricting the entry a man i've seen so well that we're living here in the cold. we're hungry and thirsty, we don't have enough clothes, blankets or mattresses. the rain pours on us all night while the tarps leak and no one acknowledges us at last year. we lived in rough or before that we were in base last year. then we moved to rough, and then we came to son, eunice, we still don't know what our fate will be or where we will be relocated next name. oh, to 0 is abraham l. can any reports from attend camp in goza city. the floods have made life unbearable. i'm now standing in god's, i'm used to go to the park in nor vincent forgot his trip. it has been a vibrant park where civilians were coming to play, but unfortunately it has turned into a make shift. filter for civil use will have been forcibly displaced from be able
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to hear from the very few de camp and bit and on. as you can see, the tens and once or once or has arrived and of the weather is adding more suffering to these civilians. the can you believe humans are living in a place like this where display civilians forced out of all homes? look at what we have ended up with showing bombardment, starvation, and now severe temperatures and floods. what can we do? where should we go? would you live in a place like this? is this life water has been dripping on our children day and night. i'm an old woman about 60 years of age, look at us. this is not life. it's not even fit the animals to live in. as you can see here, the water is a flooding year and civilities are sitting on pins inside this park. as you can see, the situation is much more di or with the bomb by of lines. the sewage and water
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are flooded in the street. and the situation is going from bad tours, especially in this winter season, which people used to enjoy in the past. but unfortunately now it has been kept. as for vic season for these displays civilians who are facing unimaginable, unimaginable health conditions. after the got their houses are destroyed, they ended up in over crowded chauffeurs, and they are suffering so much with the destroyed infrastructure and live in intense. their conditions are beyond unimaginable but i am currently just your northern gaza. by this time is really a tax on destroying more housing in garza, in the besieged news. at least one person died. alter, is rarely sold as bomb to home into bonia. and to strike on another home in big la here, 2 to 6 people from the same family. i'm of a father and they for george's
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a honey my load is live for us in the, in central gaza. honey, we've been talking about the difficult conditions in terms of the weather, the freezing cold and the heavy rain took us through what it's like for you. yes well in the past 30 minutes or so we've seen couple of the ambulance vehicles that hold up in front of the courtyard of the hospital, bringing in young children in from 10 sites and the nearby area from the listing part of the city at what looks like the, the, the children went inside the bins when the heavy rain started earlier hours and already a shivering the from the cold and needed something to warm them. and they were in the emergency department and judging it from what we heard from the doctor that do it. early signs of hypothermia as they were left the full last night and the hours of this morning inside a tent that could not protect them from the rain falls,
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as well as lit alone. is it keeping them warm as water as some large part of their tens and what sprint at part of it is but the city though, the hebrew randy created more difficult conditions for the people, particularly for the most vulnerable the group of children and the newly born babies as well as those with them how difficult these women and elderly suffer a lot so far that either in the severe, in freezing and worse and in weather conditions have created and much more difficult living conditions. people are still dealing with the trauma of war and the ongoing genocide are now battling at these the forces of nature and the storm that he be reading the freezing temperature all expose them to a greater danger and likely to increase their trauma level as the war continues and at the same time with our worsening conditions are continued on phone and honey as
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you speak with people which i've been telling you about how they coping with these difficult conditions. given the fact that people are and inadequate shelters, and they don't even have proper winter clothes of the weather is it's very hard. after 14 months, when we've talked to people, they do run out of option do right out of all of solutions to the ongoing unfolding . misery, then problem to as of now the, on an adequate shoulder damage. buildings or the midship trends are not providing the basic minimum level of comfort for these people, so the trauma being displaced the time off of running away from done it predictable fall in bonds are now to be constantly dated. if we, if we can say their level of trauma is the worst and the level of there is trauma, the right out of the option to overcome these are properties then at the time goes by, the people are developing this sense of, of, of, of the, this is the end of it,
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they're not going to survive any further living conditions. so the question of resilience is right now is quite a critical as we try to see how people are responding to this. i think when people get to the point where the level of despair, the level of depression is the highest right now when it's just no way to roll back every the recording. many of these nice memories of pre of october 7th and the genocide and just cried their hearts out that they're loving these horrible conditions. thank you, honey, for your reporting. the tiny wood reporting from debt of the serious new administration is gearing up for chokes at a crucial national dialogue conference. in the coming days of rebuilding the
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economy, security forces and the institutions are expected to dominate the conversation. so also the votes on dissolving column and, and rewriting the constitution i'm joined to now live by wrestle sorta, who is in damascus. russell took us through what else we know about this, a national dialogue conference the national dialogue is expected to be housed in the 1st week of january, but the exec data has not been announced yet. what we know is that up to 1000 people are already invited, and still that least of the invitees is grove and. and so the name of the instructions here in damascus, they're saying that they're having bites of n g o's academics business or it goes into those intellectuals, different infractions of the physician, particularly on the, on one's us or so that they say the am for this national biologist,
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1st to create that kind of the cost of the ocean and a gap between all city and seen damascus on one hand, celebrating the new period. but on the other hand, trying to figure out how to pay the ways to rebuild a new syria. so is it consultation or the nation as well hostings at the local summation as well. so in that sense, it's extremely, extremely important. but there are some of the issues that, that were rising here, some of the concerns. so 1st the cd and national coalition. this was the got the past due to show the city and or position that was because nice internationally as n c s, as he has not been invited to as an entity. and now the members of the s mc of saying that, well, if they have nothing by that as an entity, they're not going to join the national dialogue. so they're born clicked in. this is one of the 1st tracks. and indeed,
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the reason that saying that they have concerns that the h d as the most dominant points that go and they administer the force. now that's had a by i'm of the shot of the fact the leader of syria must perhaps for my cool like explode some of the positions to you guys and they're having concerns. so that expect it to be invited as an entity. but the ones that have the new construction say, well, they're ready to benefit from the experience of every individual, but none of the physician. and that these are going to be invited as a complete as $50.00. rather they're going to receive the invitations as individuals. so to this national dialogue, which is going to continue for a couple of days, they are going to create some of the comedies. but the most important one is going to be to the cause additional comedy. and that's constitutional comedy is going to decide about the poor because system of new syria. however,
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you're seeing that draft a new constitution for the country might take up to 3 years, and some of the peak as already because the size in that se, well, it shall not be taken that much a long time as possible to draft the course. the initial design, but now the events ration say that not just that because you will take 3 years, but going to election also could take another 4 years. so no is going to be quite essential to see that maybe off the 15 years cdns coming from discussing about the future of they don't come from. so thank you. that's the rest of the surgery reporting from damascus. syrians working at the polls of the talk, you're trying to build a new future all to the full of the sod regime for the years of neglect and sanctions. and it's rarely and strikes. it will take years to bring the port back to its former glory. but some of the binge of a spoke to workers at the polls. it's
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a relatively busy day and then to talk you a container terminal. studies people's truck spring items for export and return with other loads. support less traffic doing the board and syria at the, the shuttle assad government was put under sanctions the $400000000.00. 8000000 tons of cardboard before point 11, which dropped to a trickle media imports from it on in russia. the workers here hold the regime responsible for a lack of maintenance and declining prospect. the region is home to a large population of the out of the minority community to which i thought belong country to opinion. in other parts of syria, most of the enemies did not support the assad regime. many from the community are desperate to show their dismay with the former enjoy about the new administration. all the time in all the information we face, many problems loading and unloading, and everything of the port was extremely complicated. loading
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a containing like this could take up to 24 hours due to excessive bureaucracy like we were constantly seeking approval. so that's the cues were very long that unloading my colleague, i would take 2 to 3 hours. i also had to span between $30.00 and $40.00 on friday. it was mandatory and there was no room for negotiation. and this was just the reality. truckers are happy to see in phoenix it procedures regarding seamless but the new administrator should have it's trying to just cut out to restore the for established in the early roman error. it needs to streamline processes to comply with international and improved infrastructure to support feed volumes. most of the servants for underpaid and many here. see, they were heavily involved in bribery and corruption and i know is the task ahead won't be easy for the new administration, but after the shop where the highest level of the infrastructure is quite fragile and ship unloading processing. so slow, we also need to upgrade tools and equipment and change the record keeping an administrative system. because the old ways under the regime were inefficient. what
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it allows us the sales with the panamanians like but here at the port him and other syrians are happy to share the new funds. we still have to clear that has been a significant change. previously i navigate to ship to, to look at 11 on. now i can take them to syria, my own country. it's a great feeling. i told you, this is one of the 2 most important boards in this country. and it feels like it has to be neglected for decades, according to workers and sailors here, it will take years for things to become functional properly. but they're hopeful that things are changing for the better. so i'm a driver that's a 0. talk you, the syrians, industrial capital of atlanta was facing challenges of its own. it's one of the decision he said self with most during the civil war. now a month, the assets ousting business is all struggling to find solutions to problems inherited from the regime. how evolve reports from 11 the old
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district candidate pro easier wins due to said that as you've seen disagreement attacks, the city used to be the throbbing economic cost of syria. but yeah, as of, as the bikes coupled with us sanctions of corruption, i've left the tool but to complete the lifeless with the a what your immediately after the full of the former regime, we remove the obstacles and regulations that used to handle the success of business and we ended the extortion system of on just text ation and finds on free trade is come. but we're still under the impact of sanctions and of problems inherited from the mafia that's being rolling. like the shape of business owners, brainstorm about plans to alleviate the causes, some of them suggested connecting individual contributions to buy fuel medicine and other urgent necessities. the safety of other for both up to $20000.00 fox stories supply and going out on the city about also other countries with some of the finest
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products. but many of these box it is i'm not fully operational at the moment, due to severe fall shortages. i'm at 69531 of the most modern and serious. he's only possibly a funny because of a week long outage. he's using identity to, to operate a few minutes more on that the company. how do you? good? i was suffering before the liberation was difficult, so the war forced the closure of the factory at times. power crises were frequent on rule materials and accessible taxes. what mean exorbitant? all of this is over, but now it's the issue of did you get this disrupting on business? the impact of the will is basically everywhere. thousands of businesses are closed . so many skilled people who left the country still having 310, and yet life goes on. he says this man is income making items from low committee of
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ad stuck. there was one thing the war has failed to destroy, ingenuity and the silliness of the people of other people. and there was hope they would soon be able to attend the situation alone. how much fun of this you are they both the still ahead on al jazeera, panama, to pass to celebrate it's prized was a wage, but they could be as transit to its control of the canal the and just when you thought it was all over, it's going to rain heavily again in central, more likely stuff in viet nam, the seasonal rain shouldn't be quite as heavy as it is. it is much trying that in most of sumatra and then some allies you bought in southern sumatra and java. it looks fairly wet in the forecast, occasional orange tops,
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which means big thunder storms. and this will start to come for japan. this code is still coming out of northeast in china or over the board and still not frozen. see if japan really does it freeze, but there's more snow to come there. no, it's the same extent you had a week ago, just tops up was over the day. so fairly colder. and that's true throughout china in the green financially. but it's not a typical for this time. the is rather with the entire on that range is missing. hong kong, you know, just in the picture continues, is rather less they probably during system that is at least for japan. now like says a disturbance in the northern kinds of india, but focus persistent here where the wind is more of assistance. the northeast mom certainly is giving ranges for land, but it's more or less missing 100 protection. but there is a change in no media was most of the issues for the poor at quality. there's occasional movement in the sky, and this that happens and you tend to improve that quality. but in new delhi, it gets worse again. the
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important thing if you're walking around in beirut was not in the line of fire from the holiday fall off. we heard gunshots. i was the 1st one to for you to hold the the battle lost its 3 days and 3 nights and there were no prisoners at the control . and you control the region around. and that's why it was such a lot event, an icon of conflict at the hosp, the lebanese civil will be rude holiday inn hotels on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. again, this is just
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a reminder of our top stories this hour. at least 7 palestinians, including 6 babies, have died of hypothermia in the past week. that includes a 20 day old, newborn, possibly displaced kinda simians in garza. stanley have blankets and they're living in hotels. 10 says israel continues to restrict to monetary and supplies the heavy rains are making. the situation was 10 camps on flooding across the street and preventable diseases spreading. un agencies estimate more than one point. 6000000 palestinians are living and makes shift shelters and cannot withstand the con the u. s. says it has conducted multiple strikes against what it calls iran back to the targets in the many capital and along the coast. it says it's navy ships and aircraft targeted
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a who become on center and width and the storage facility who is the forces are reporting at least 10 raids. there's been heavy exchange of fire between the who would fees and israel in the past week is really forces the us and the u. k. have launch to repeat it and bombing rates in yemen. in the past. you as well how much on top has moved from yeoman's capital son of us, british qual, ition waged nearly 12, airstrikes does to hours a go with the have bomb to the to may 22nd minutes to compound a, to the, not a a, to the not a, so the copies of son uh, with more that with, with natalie said 10 rates. uh, also the outbound the ministry of defense that belongs to the law. also, which is known also as a lot of the minutes a compound. but so far they haven't revealed the what's left of in fact about the
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these attacks. and these attacks have been denounced by the on site allows them to sparks is the spokesperson. i'm with the salon mode. describe these attacks as a flagrant violation to a southern states. he called on the us to put more pressure on israel in order to put an end to its warning and guns, and also to lift his blockade instead of supporting politically economically and politically. milliken ministry on those that can obviously supporting israel. what he described is, where is it genocide, the war in guys the lawyers of south korea is impeached at presidents. you and so kill say they will fight an arrest. was issued via code on tuesday. investigate, has requested the warrant officer hewitt and failed to appear for questioning several times for mcbride reports from so for prosecutors
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investigating impeach, president june took jo. this move was unprecedented, but necessary on 3 separate occasions. they have summons june, for questioning on charges of insurrection. arising from his short lived in possession of martial law and the has like no, the more the opposition successfully impeached him in the national assembly. and now want to see him criminally punished. they're honest to get you into a union. so your, the leader of the insurrection must be arrested immediately. you issued an order to the martial law forces to open fire. you also instructed them to break down the doors of the national assembly with axes and arrest lawmakers. but, you know, the ruling party accused the opposition of making the country ungovernable. they say the marshal, lord declaration was within the president's powers, rejecting the arrest warrant. uh people go there. this illegal and unwarranted request for
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a warrant being approved raises serious concerns about whether it's alliance with the principles of the rules of more opposition is that such an unlawful warrant request is invalid. and without legal effect, it's on clear how you would be arrested with his official residents, still protected by presidential security. and now the focus for more of his conservative support is turning out in protest with a vibrant tradition of street protests. this pair with the political turmoil has stood up both sides that are on mass demonstrations by those who want to see you punished, but also by his supporters who seem equally determined to prevent his arrest. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so the saying in south korea acting, president choice on walk has audit, emergency safety checks on the national airline operation system off to sundays crush, the killed a 179 people. investigators are now focusing on possible mechanical issues.
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communication family is and the air force barrier design of a strike has not been ruled out. sundays crashes south korea's worst aviation disaster in decades. as on sunday, the government of panama will host a ceremony tomorrow. the 25th anniversary of getting control of the panama canal. but he was president elect donald trump has threatened to take it back. let's take a closer look at one of the wells crucial waterways. the panama canal was built by the us and spends a to to columbus is connecting the pacific and atlantic oceans. it saves ships. weeks of travel by avoiding the loan could journey around to south america. the canals children's the los angeles to new york trip to $22.00 days instead of one month. 1977, the us and panama signed a treaty rounding, panama control over the canal,
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starting from december 31st. 1999. the waterway handles 5 percent of global trade transporting vital fluids like missiles, few and greens. the us is by far, it's biggest use a with about 74 percent of cargo volume followed by china and japan. under the canal, which was expanded recently and around $5000000000.00 in revenue for the government in panama. o, sandra refugee has this report in panama city. they've been working hard on the preparation to march 25 years of spending meaning control over its iconic canal. but the anniversary is clouded by the threats of residues elect donald trump. to return it to us control are kind of the, the panama canal. as i was phones over empty, just because he have one, he cannot automatically pretend that the cannot is his and that our treaties means nothing to get the canals history is one of resilience, ingenuity, and politics. in the late 19th century,
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a french effort to build the canals failed when tropical diseases killed 20000 workers. the united states took over the project in 19 o 4 and managed to build it in 10 years, connecting the atlantic and the pacific ocean, transforming maritime trades. the us control the canal until president jimmy carter signed a series of treaties, which meant there was joint control until december 1999. then it was formerly handed over to panama. we shall receive back because i always uh, believe that uh the can. i was billed on part of my story. oh, yeah. and therefore you, you always belong to panama. and the opinion moves and ministration to canal has remains vitals to global trades and now trumpets suggesting that us got a bad deal arguing without proof that us ships are being charged higher fees and that chinese soldiers are controlling it. par navient. com, or as have been treated in
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a very unfair and in jude dishes way. the fees being charged by panama ridiculous highly unfair treaties allow the us to intervene militarily, if the canals neutrality is tristan's. but don't give washington and you right to take it back. this treaty was signed and by to pressure this, it was rather 5 by the senate. and he was implemented by the house of representatives and it became a law the law. so he has to for the law. i was a minister the front of i can uh for, for uh, 7 years and i never got any instructions for any strategies to do anything over 70 percent of the canal traffic is linked to the us in the growing chinese involvement . what's clear is that the canal will remain central to both global trade and geo
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political tensions. allison that i did adjust the or the main supply of drinking water in zimbabwe is capital city is severely contaminated and have a must have a reports. pollution is making and bob was deepening. what surprises the midwest as much of southern africa deals with its was stopped in decades. the main reservoir serving had already is drawing up what's left is what's a so toxic. it's killing live stuck on the city's outskirts, limited with the little little. our cattle starts shaking their heads as if they're irritated in the nasal canal. next the skin pills offices, we have lost 2 cows and 4 caps after the death of rhinos. we now suspect that the same disease as the one affecting our cattle the city council is accused of releasing votes of age and to leave to barrow, which is just 30 kilometers from the capital. is they have the contamination of


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