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tv   Risking It All Afghanistan  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2025 10:30pm-11:00pm AST

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that we have a plan, we know what to do. we are going to get these people there as a path forward, very pleased that we will be back to having a wonderful game tomorrow night. new orleans police have proven their ability to make the city shape are just 2 years ago. we were the murder capital of america. today. from that time, 2 years ago we had driven our murder rate more than 50 percent down. so we have a track record, but this is the problem. the causes terrorist on the i wanna sank all of our law enforcement partners. you're fabulous. and we appreciate the partnership. but last night, 3 of our officers engaged this terrorist who shot at them. 3 of the
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officers returned fire. those officers did not run in fear. i liked what the mayor said this morning. no wallace, police and all long foresman is built. we are built for dealing with a bowl with things that would cause us others to be in fear. but instead our officers and last night in o p. d, particular stood strong. they did not run, they did kill the terrorist. we have 2 officers indeed who received gun fire. they will be okay. and we have personally gone to see them. but this is the leadership for you. and i promise as the chief of police of this
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fantastic city, that i will be strong and firm and fearless. thank you. thank you and wrapping it up. i want to just go over a couple of things. um, i wanna take a side of the kind of income for the quarter. i want to thank again all about law enforcement officers out there. i want the families of the victims to know that i will be assured that executive board and that tomorrow when notre dame a place georgia, every flag website building in the state is gonna be a half backs and remember it to them. but remember something else. the fear in this state is a life useful try here or going to make sure that justice is served and for the citizens out there with an old man. do i really want to go to shut the modem or you can i tell you one thing you'll governor is going to be there. that is
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proof. believe you me that facility and the city is safe for today that it was yesterday and we are and as we come to additional events in the city, i know is region with the kennedy and thompson carter. all right, so we're just going to break away from that live press conference taking place in new orleans among the speakers there. the police chief and kirkpatrick, the mayor of new orleans, latoya cantrell, the governor of louisiana at jeff landry. some of the details we heard in that pressure was that the attack or the carried out that attack that happened in new orleans at the end of new years. these celebrations that the guy said that he had had an islamic state flag in the vehicle. we also heard that the f b, i does not believe that the new orleans attacker was solely responsible in his asking for the public's help and tracking down associates. we know now that the
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annual college football game, the sugar bowl that takes place in new orleans that that has been postponed. and also we are from the official speaking that they were thinking their law enforcement partners who were assisting in this investigation and said that this remains an active crime scene. let's go now to washington dc or we have our white house correspondent, kimberly how kit live with us. kimberly tell us more about the latest details of this attack that are emerging and what you've been hearing. the yeah, the police, a clearing up, some of the misinformation out there that the suspect may have entered into the united states from outside, possibly through the port of entry from mexico. in fact, the officials, they're saying that this was a us born citizen. now, living in the state of texas in houston, we understand, identify him as 42 year old, sham stood didn't, but har jabbar,
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who not only is us born but had served in the us army. and who, as we heard, there was a living in houston and we are told, did not put quarterly act alone. so the f b i saying they are now looking for the help of the public asking for tips, asking for video pictures and any sort of savings that may have occurred prior to this incident in order to try and not only piece together what happened. but whether or not they can try and find out whether there are any others that we're working with the hard jabbar because that as you heard there, the officials repeatedly said, we're going to bring these people to justice. they didn't say bring this person to adjust this. obviously the suspect that has been identified is now dead,
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but they keep talking about people suggesting that there are others out there. now we also know with respect to the vehicle that there have been suggestions that this vehicle that was used was a rental vehicle and there were explosives that were found inside the vehicle to i . e d is the now the, are improvised explosive devices, the f b i saying there that they are now in investigating whether or not they are viable . in other words, whether or not they are able to be detonated. whether or not that was the intention . so still a lot of unanswered questions that are being looked at. but as you say they. a are, and they are certainly concerned about what the potential was, the, whether this could be an even larger attempted a mass casualty incident. and as a result, the postponement of the quarter final of that american football college football
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event known as the sugar bowl that was set to take place now being put off by one day. and kimberly, as you mentioned, the sugar bowl game being postponed, obviously a very big deal. this is manual game that takes place in new orleans. i'm wondering there's going to be lots of other games throughout the country that are scheduled to take place. how much concern will there be about trying to make sure that security is up and running and the best possible way at other than using other cities across the usa? and this is a mass of concern. and already we know that there is a heightened security presence, not just to new orleans for the sugar bowl, and then you heard the governor landry talking about the fact that he has in advance of this event, put in place an emergency declaration allowing for extra resources for this being a quarter final, the final for this college football event takes place in atlanta where we know
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there are going to be additional resources there. but we also have the upcoming event here in washington dc in just 3 weeks time. and that is the novel ration of president elect donald trump. and we know already that there is a heightened security presence for that event. there already security fences that have been erected in advance of that. it's 3 weeks away. this. now what we know is being called an act of terrorism, a federal investigation, there is only going to be heightened concern as a result. all right, that's, i'll just here as white house correspond to, kimberly how could live for us and why she was the c. thanks so much kimberly. all right, we're bringing you some breaking news now. the power sending authority has suspended down to 0 from broadcasting in the occupied west bank. the p a is accusing on to 0, broadcasting what it calls, provocative material and reports. but it says are misleading. the decision will
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affect, i'll just eras offices and its employees working in the occupied westbank. this comes just over 2 months after is really soldiers rated. i'll just it was occupied westbank bureau and ramallah and shut it down. i'd have to send her join just on the phone now from the danny and capital. i'm mine because the israeli government has banned alger 0 from reporting. they're come to tell us what more do you know about all this as well? and how about the palestinian authority has released the statement saying that it did decide to stop broadcasting and freeze all of and just need a channel operation. they say that the decision came after quotes and just needed insisted on broadcasting, incitement, materials and reports that they say were misleading. however, it's important to note that the palestinian authority previously van that just need a firm reporting engine need back on december 24th. and that is because of the coverage on the palestinian authority,
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raids on resistance fighters in the occupied west bank. the p a has been conducting its own raids that are separate from is really forces were used to these really military conducting rates on arm. south indian fighters in the west bank with a 1000 authority, has stepped up those rates in the last 4 weeks. and because journalists have been reporting on that, the palestinian authority is decided to take measures of it. so it's important to note that the power, seeing an authority though, is not so popular amongst the people that it is supposed to govern. and these craft down in places like geneva hatfield, several palestinians, and just a few days ago actually killing one palestinian woman who was a journalist while she was walking in geneva. and how do we know that on december 24th. see, how does your media network put out a statement condemning what they called the incitement campaign, initiated by foot in the west bank against al jazeera and his journalist. they said,
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particularly against alger 0, correspond them how many authorized for covering the classes between palestinian national security forces and palestinian resistance fighters in janine, how much does all this perhaps tie into that? and the fact that this coverage has been ongoing, and it has been so controversial that these raids that have been conducted by the, the engine in have been ongoing as well. a well, the job of a journalist is to report the facts, the truth on the ground and to hold leadership accountable when they need to be held accountable. and the palestinian authority in this case did not want any sort of coverage on the rates, but it was conducting across the occupied west bank. and does ita, of course, denounce the campaigns of incitement. that the palestinian authority was the broadcasting through official channels through members of his government. but none the less, the coverage continued on the race and the palestinians who were killed as a result of the palestinian authority. so the p a is taking this measure and
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they're saying that it's temporary, but of course as the, the is now not. so i'm familiar with being dad. that happened back in may when these really government bandages either from a ford to get israel. it happened to be occupied with bank when these really military had banned the operations in the occupied west bank. and then that band was not renewed. but the policy this already decided to take matters into their own hands and band and network entirely for its coverage and truth telling about the facts on the ground when it came to the ph rates, which are widely unpopular amongst the palestinian people living in the occupied with thing or already going through so much to begin with life under occupation, but also a dire economic situation that has just been worse. and in the last 14 months since israel's war on guns that began. all right, that's a how does the hurt on the phone for us from a mine in jordan,
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thanks for breaking that. all down for us comes out. we'll come back to you for more details as they emerged in the hours to come. that was that the what the is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. that's a political party. he joins me now from ramallah and the occupied westbank for stuff. a good to have you with this. we've spoken with you often over the course of the last several months about the fact that israel shut down, which is here, is bureau in 1st and occupied east jerusalem and throughout israel. and then in the last few months, you had these relays also shut down the operation in the west bank and the occupied west bank. let me ask you specifically about this. now we have the news that the policy authority is suspended out to 0 for broadcasting and the occupied west bank . your response to that, please. finally add astonished at this decision and the beginning guy thought it was not the correct. and it was a false news, but then i saw the statement just a minutes, minutes ago i opened up
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a listing and those sort of t. and i think it's a big mistake. and this decision should be reversed as soon as possible. if there are issues that to some of the please go ahead. yeah. so i was saying that if the, if anybody, if, if the step on this thing and also to see which of course i am don't put up because i have to understand. and alternatively, i didn't know position, but if the other student, i know senator has an issue with that, is it extra to discuss it with others either or not then, but i think this is a wrong decision, especially in the light of the fact that i just you know that we have talking about the english channel or the other big channels as being in the oven garden, exposing the crimes against about this thing and people and continues to be so visually and covering the genocide that is taking place in gaza and the crime stuff committed by those that are
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a new patient against the police thing and people and then throw more things up at least in your own cause in general. but more than that, this is a national freedom of expression, initial freedom of press, initial freedom of media. and i think this is a mistake, one of the many mistakes that i've taken place, which will do not tell or will not tell actually anybody including some listing. and i'm sorry to i think it's like a sense habiting that. yeah. and that's why i do hope that they will do best decision this decision as quickly as possible because it doesn't satisfy the interest of the listing and people must suffer from your perspective. is this simply a result of the fact that of 0 it has been covering those very controversial raids at the p. a has been conducting in jeanine is that which at the heart of all of this because the p a is saying that they're accusing, obviously, or a broadcasting what it costs, provocative material and reports that it says are misleading. and you also
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mentioned that you hope this is reverse. do you think that the decision will be reversed? i do hope so. i mean by the way i was the administrative and submission who gives a betterment towards the 0 to function. and by this time and uh, i don't know what, what, what are the issues that the just utilized by relating now as of the claim. but i gave him the solution to that would be dialogue with the do it of it all it does. is it a different event that the discussing the i'm not just shutting it off and declaring that this band, i think this is a again mistake. but the issue is not just about do you need, and i think it's why doesn't that? and that sort of decisions that have been taken by some governors, uh, somebody soon to the freedom of expression on social media. this is a very dangerous bass. and we had yesterday, a very important meeting of most of many polluted comp listing and forces,
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including 500 to kind of forces that are members of the yellow and including good preventatives of civil society under the present attempts of human rights organizations. and we, it is said that we will continue all the effort and work to stop the what's happening engineer and to stop this confrontation because there is no security distribution to this. not that this has to be dissolved within, up or in that process of dialogue. but at the end of the day, all these phenomenons definitely see expressions of the continuation of internal listing and division, and the lack of funds to be an unified leadership, and the lack of a unified dealership that i could easily identified strategies. what we need now is unity. what we need now is every voice, every media voice and the word especially, i 0 to be on our side and confronting very dangerous risks include things that is because i mix ation of the west bank. the risk off of the genocide that is taking
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place in does the ethnic cleansing, that is happening in the north of garza. and that then of the day that our new division is started to think everybody including except a how mouse and us on the everybody else. so i'll upload should be and i, which if you want me to you encouraging freedom of expression. because at the end of the, the, the, the, the freedom of expression when only stop up to struggle against occupation. all right, most of them are with the joining us live there from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thanks so much for breaking that all down for us. we'll get back to you in the hours ahead as well. thank you. are one of the shara is elders, you're a senior political analysts. he joins us now from door. ha, some of the one here we are again, and we've spoken often the last several months about how much of freedom of expression has taken a hit over the course of the past year. the fact now that the palestinian authority has suspended, obviously, or from broadcasting in the occupied west bank. what's your response?
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you know, it's, it's not so much about the freedom of expression if i may. so we're, i'm not a senior channel. we are an international channel. obviously the because up 10 out of the channel as we are not investing in channel and we are not expressing palestinian point of view when we talk guys about guys like the west bank about deserted size and still vision in the world. so really, this is about the simple fact that your 0 has been at the 4 of the rig count. think to the world, the facts on the ground been occupied palestine as well as is right and the rest of the region. we have been simply reporting objectively, the fact that news we've been sending the stories, the human stories of palestinians, north of new this past year that has been run this tragic year for most
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palestinians were also as you know. and as anyone who watches or just see or knows, we've been watching the equity of stuff even more times from is right as we've been what i've been as been been reporting from palestine even when we are back in his right. we have even more voices autumn is there up to date. anyone who watches even sometimes when i look i'm on myself a boy that how many is re these express themselves when i would show. so in the end of the day, i'll just see it all in both. i begin inclusion and the rest of i'll just see, i don't know to where it has been reporting what is going on inside of sides of this, the work. and that has been and been dispensable function. and that's why, like you're telling me, i guess mister butter with a doctor about what you said. there's a self inflicted thing harm. he attended by the state news onto the front of seeing all sort of dates up because he had are despite the fact that it was bad, it is right. it continues to report that back to what's going on as well,
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and respect the fact that we wouldn't be buying in palestine. we would still continue to report about what's going on in the past by and the palestinians and israelis will continue to watch. i'll just see you. so this is not going to stop. what we do. this is not going to shut us up right that we, we know that this happened before. ok. so then the idea, once again, as you ask the question why, why are the best thing and also that there's doing that? and my, my answer is goes to, again, to your question is yes that it has something to do with our reporting. what's been going on in janine and how the procedural sort of thing has handled that question as well as the it's handling of other questions in front of site in general. and as a news channel, that's what we do. we hold, we, you know, we, we, we, we push in power, right? i mean, that's exactly what it was. which of these right is the best thing as an, as the one we'd import from washington in order to portion the, the, the,
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the amount of the specific formula that i'm showing i'm software. so there's definitely that, but more important than here, i'm going to get to the crux of the matter so i can drop it off. there's no doubt that there is a pressure by israel found a better scene for thought of it to then i'll just, you know, just like to the westbound it is and i think the better. so, you know, sort of thing if i may say so foolishly short sighted lee is pending through the use radio. a product is trying to prove its credentials to these right now for these because they are quite a bit just and trying to you know, continue to function despite the hostility of they said, all sort of the against the but of seeing all sort of thing because they want they don't want and god in the future of cause or they want thought or in the future of those back and so on, so forth. and the only way they can do that is by appeasing the story. the occupation by appeasing the fascists are basically a government and that's really sad, sad, sad truth because i just see it out of out of all the other challenges in the world,
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out of, or even defend a senior channels and the other kind of channels. the, i'll just see that has paid the price of june of june of us have died because people are appointed for the 1st time. i just see it as jo minister families have died with tuned because i just did, i try to continue the job of reporting the facts from the ground. the right model numbers are always great to get your perspective best, but one of the charges are a senior political analyst. joining us from doing the as the new year begins, serious leaders had been working to build relations with the outside world. less than a months after the fall of the said redeem the new foreign minister has spoken exclusively to alger 0. i tried to shave bonnie says what happened in syria help to diffuse
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tension and prevent original war a lot. doesn't the dash navy federal would love to watch it in the events we were listening to? doesn't a different one? what's happening? does the regional cabinet that remind us on the part of the speech and what we did over the past week? that's it also helped me prevent a video live on the hook up and wrapped it and see the following. let me i can begin. just open is are easy. green in the seating of what they close. hold on. how about within the last month kind of, but when we from the industry differently, great that our country and remove that, that goes by has been long drawn and diffused, specifically show number of the week about it, a warranty? see just that even the cd and people of and that's great as victims of such a world haven't. and course that massive destruction, you know, country is there is something that we are looking to on a breach of this reality that does not exclusively concern the seed and people are going to shut them on. it's an issue for every country and, but it's all that key the one month. this is a modest unexpected,
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and that is not in casual one to 330. so how did we haven't previously stated that one of people leaving b. c. i need to stabilize my my own and i know for so started are, has more from damascus on the process of national reconciliation for city is 2025 is the 1st year with our south comedy in more than half a century and they are trying to adopt new to this new reality, that is a sort of rates we move in in damascus. city is out of domestics that $1.00 to $25.00 is going to be the year that they are going to reveal that they have come to however, they are well aware of the amount of challenges i have as well. because they know that the last 15 years of the civil war happened to the states, much of the country, pretty pole, the economy and scabs of the nation. but over they know that they need a national, the cost of the nation as well. and for that, the ministration is providing to have
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a national vile of confidence being housed in, in, in damascus. because the last 15 years was a kind of adobe river between the states and the nation between the people and the states. so that's why they know that that desperately need these kind of because of the issue, they need to build the bridge between the nation and the states. but this because the nation is not the only domestically internationally. busy well, the new administration is sending out the message saying that city at his back city . yeah. he's not that trust for the original company for the navy and companies. for the plastic amenities seem be the same that no, it's time to put an end to see. yes, i the mission, the company is ready to be connected to region and with the international communities for that, they're quoting all the international community to me to, to remove the sanctions that have been paused on the steel. yeah. and they see this as a very, very important step because without removing this sanctions,
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they know that is going to be impossible for city as city of really to get back to the normal. see, this is out of the of 0, damascus. russian energy company guys from says natural gas exports to europe. the ukraine had been halted. the flow stopped in the early hours of new year's day when a transit deal expired. the european commission says, member states have arranged alternative supplies. thousands of refugees from sedan are still streaming into neighboring chad. the u. n says nearly a 1000000 refugees of fled from areas and are for, since the conflict began more than one and a half years ago. but while there is refuge in chad, there isn't enough food, water or basic infrastructure to force are all right, that's it for me and how much enjoy me you can find more information on our website
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. i'll just. com. i'll be back in a moment with more of the day's news. thanks so much for watching the that they've got a breathtaking tropical paradise. ready where which former protectors are now we follow as they put their lives on the line, the think it's all one now to 0. the
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limits to how far a dream contains sta in your own adventure. now, counter and we we are going to see the status of legend some clothes and the stories of civilizations that market history was. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell in a special sleep thoughts series or a surprise discovers how indigenous the movements and knowledge are re shaping our relationship with the planet. if it doesn't work for nature, nature is going to come pick you in the bus and stop you and your pace that's
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pushing on a number of fronts to bring the attention of the walls. so what is going on here? if we don't take care of all these type of relationship, we have lost those rise. we are nature coming soon on the jersey to the stringed and desperate simians are scrambling for food all winter sets in a cross gauze. the alarm had mentioned to him, this is obviously a rely from door. also coming up, displaced 10 times by is really forces. we see the conditions inside a cramped attempt where one families been living. 10 people are killed up.


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