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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2025 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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you know, with camels at home, they'll be better prepared to keep that some of these said the israel load is the fullest evacuation of the indonesian hospital and northern garza a week off the patients install slab. the from the come out loud one hospital, the i'm signing say, then this is i'll just say i live from so how so coming up top the diplomats in damascus, coal for a solver and stable and peaceful syria as well strikes so that the plot was all over and drop me even when i did not, and i'll tell you how to turn the forces by expanding the occupation of city instead of. 7 the south korean officials
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hold that bid to arrest in beach press the june. so q officer and alice on the stand off, it is for us. the is right. the forces have surrounded the indonesian hospital and northern gauze, so demanding the immediate evacuation of patients and medical stuff. delta say they're not able to move severely injured patients. many inside the hospital and baseline here came from the compiler one hospital. now that was rated by these, right? the mitre, exactly one week ago the this was their decision and the problem is i can't walk. it hurts me a lot to talk to the toilet. i swear to god, i don't know what to do. we deserve mercy. i don't know how i can walk to the destination. it's a long distance,
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and i'm only about doing something special. and i'm a patient here at the indonesian hospital. i am very sick. and as you can see, i comfortable receive the arbitrary decision to evacuate out of the hospital. i don't know what to do and how can i work this long distance? we need help, we need support. it is obvious because i can't leave the indonesian hospital and walk about long distance for the south in garza city. at least 10 palestinians have been injured and is riley drones strike. the show, hold on. the wall neighborhood was targeted at least $35.00 pounds. as the indians have been killed in his right, he rides across gauze as in storm, as well as mid threes says it's hissing. hum, us gathering points and come on senses. the mode is indebted by the hand central garza and had a on the stand casualties of being brought in to the unit behind you. what have you been seeing family
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just to my right side just the this moment say body was pulled from the emergency department as it's renounced dad's after it arriving to the hospital. it's all on an ambulance in the past. a few minutes from an attack just happened on the why the town that's in the northern western part of the to be aware of a vehicle was it struck by a drone missiles and it happened to be at a very busy time. were many of the display people in the, in the 10 size nearby are taking that particular road. moving in and out of the area are going to get more of this supplies. restocking of what do you need of whatever is available when the attack happens, just maximizing does the number of casualties they are so far. we have been seeing in the past a few minutes. the scores of injuries arriving to the hospital here, 3 people that being killed do in the past few minutes and the body that was pulled in just a few in the past minutes or so from the emergency department. the number is
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expected to increase as many of dangers we were told by one of the mitigating. stop some of the bodies arriving with all these signs that are barely visible on their bodies. but we don't, these are the strap. now these are the little pieces of metals and then the nails that peers to through the bodies and tunneling the through the visuals then causing severe damage to the body. then i'm severe bleeding. leading to the death of many people who are expecting the coming hours more of the people who arrived to the hospital in the past few minutes to be pronounced dead inside the house. this is part of ongoing attacks throughout the day. mass bombardment across the gulf strip and almost then the other day any, a flu in the talk veneer sewer. other attacks going on in java cities, the i see of a hospital in not in the area between a they to neighborhood and got on to your neighborhood as well as in the northern part of descript hanny. while this is been happening,
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they've been forced evacuation order is issued for the indonesian hospital. how of the medical staff patients and people that dealing with that of the worst so far, how city and uh, across the docks of their dealings where the re evaluation order is the largest part fee by people here in fort worth. 23 patients that admitted gonna stop inside the hospital after the ware forcibly evacuated from glen hoffman, who was sent to the indian hospital was caught completely off the outside world. for the past 10 days, no water, no food, no proper medical supply. some of the patients are in need of the critical medical care they need to be taught submitted going to what's been that cube in order to survive these conditions. the order did not include how they were going to lead to
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west $3000.00 and city. another evacuation order just in the past 30 minutes to out of the hospital and it just judging it from the patterns of these orders. and this seems to be directed towards hospitality, is really military is working in i'm doing the northern part of the ship by deliberately targeting the health facilities on evacuating. everyone, unfortunately evacuated medical, the suffering visions from both english and hospital and all the hospital in addition to an earlier evacuation order and based in part of the central area where as long as you can just been in scores of people taking the streets, looking for and searching for some very shoulders in the streets of the board. the western part of the area or i will leave with the thanks so much honey. my move now minds gilbert is an emergency medicine doctor always works in gaza for more than 30 years. he's next to us on hypothermia says more than 50000 palestinians in
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northern garza without access to hospital. okay. to come out another one. and now the indonesian hospitals are all destroyed by the 3 of the occupation forces, which is of course, a black violation of the 4th geneva convention, which we happen to have the 75th anniversary of this year. so it is a disregard of all the basic international human italian. last, i need is a kolosso violation of any, a human standard of how we treat each other for the people of northern casa. this is a disaster because the people are north cross. i have been the most exposed to the seats for the last 80 days, so they are starving. they don't have water and now they are denied even a basic hospital service. it's wintering goes on now, and i fear that the hundreds if not thousands, will die from hypothermia and it will also add complications to those who are
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already sick and wounded. because hypothermia will reduce your immune systems, your resistance against back areas, and it will be plead your energy. so it's not a matter of only hospitals, but it is a metro, the general protection of disability and population. and when you are starving and when you are sick, you are extremely vulnerable to hypothermia. so this is part of the plan. this is part of the, the genocide, the foreign ministers of france and germany have met with the leader of syria's new administration of the shuttle on the syrian capital, damascus. frances is on the bible and germany's island lane above bulk, representing the european union in the highest level a visit since the asset government was the top of last month early of the french
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phone, but as the cold for an end to the violence in syria and city issues, when people can class, we have heard that we will see a syria safe without war and fighting. the weapons must be silenced across the country. french alliances will also be here in order to help. we also urge the cards to leave the weapons and to be part of the entire society. we do not need to see this again. that's why we always support the kinds of movies syria against any terrorism. i still saw the joins us now from the syrian capital, damascus. so how significant is the statement that by the french foreign minister, which has a bearing, obviously on the west position towards the codes in the assignment that is x really remarkable because it's the 1st time this year and for i'm for the minutes of a major weston country, hopefully i'm problems recording on the city of democratic forces as yes, which is mainly made of the kurdish fighters and it is yes,
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he's name allies seem to yes it. so for us, for them is, does quoting on them, to leave the weapons and to merge into the need of form syrian harden. it is extremely nice and we do not know whether this is just for us position for it is a position that fos and us they have agreed on. it's not could be it at the, at this moment because so far you haven't heard of such a could be a message from usa regarding his argument off the as yes. but anyway, this is a significance statement that's coming from a major european union countries, calling on the curtis prices to surrender. they weapons and to join the new government. that is just the inform them save you at the moment, sammy, the french for the minister at the treatment for the minister are still having in the meeting with i'm of the shot at the most powerful man under the fact that
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either or syria. now under discussion several issues. so audio today they've heard from the for the ministers saying that they want to assure that the new and especially here that they have route to how for a smooth transition, the construction off, sir. yeah. but all the other hand, they're saying, well, we have such in our hands, but we have a could be your expectation also from the new motors or syria and the best position is that to make sure that the new city is going to be demographic enough, inclusive enough and the minorities, religious or ethnic minorities are going to be represented fairly. so the focus is over there, but then even station here and save that. but she of these concerns from the rest of the companies, but that are the matters here. preserving to see that for that, this is provided security and loss of the priorities that now the events vision needs to be aware. the okay or sol solved zone reporting to us from the syrian
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capital that a lot is right. the strikes have hit area south of alaska in the latest attack in serious and the fall of the acid regime. syrian state television set, the strikes struck defense and research facilities in the town of sophia. there are no immediate reports of casualties. this route has been carrying out strikes on serious since they have a sort of a shuttle. i said last month saying the aim is to prevent weapons from falling into what it calls hostile hands. satellite images have revealed the is ready to ami is moving beyond the occupied govern heights to it's reinforcing its presence in the syrian town of coordinates at all since the toppling of acid last month. these righty ami is also shop tax protesters and does have the ground presence in the city. some of in july, it isn't boss and all night to the southwest and syria 0 faults on the multiple this way. the incursions and bombings is let me move out, move out of the frame,
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and you can actually see is really tanks on city and soil. this is the town of boss that is the limited vast. when you see those trenches and beyond that are is really tang is really minutes. the posts check points has been, is, is really troops and jeeps which come every day to this area where i'm standing right now is actually tracks of tanks, which we can verify with locals that these times come much and deeper into the territory on a daily basis. so there's very little electricity in this area. communication lines, they've cut, and people say that they've been living in fear. they've not been able to enjoy the liberation from the division because they feel now they're facing an occupying power. israel has taken more and more territory, according to the 1974 agreement. this buffer zone between israel and syria was supposed to be a demilitarized zone. but these really minute feeds deep inside the city and to treat, taking towns and cutting off villages and cutting off people's contact from each
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other. so it is a, an ongoing occupation and according to people here, it continues to expand on a daily basis in the last 4 weeks or so. you've seen multiple areas being attacked . the israel justification is that it is targeting the bought of trees, weapons manufacturing side depos, military installations, everything that it feels good, go quote in the wrong hands and apple and disappear area. and there was a sight to which, according to his real, was in the bar t and richard weapons manufacturing side just a day before damascus can decide was hip. and this has, this has been ongoing thing which is really strikes if continue read, we were in the talk. yeah, we saw the entire fleet of the city, a navy at the bottom of the ocean to be the witness outside of damascus. the punch your systems, the air defense systems which are being taken out. so anything that is really saw
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as heavy weaponry, something that could help defend the board, is whether they're maritime borders, air defenses, and they've all being taken out. still a head. and i'll just say era. china introduces subsidies, games and a bit to be spending and list economic growth plus and drawn ended on bourbon street in new orleans french quarter, where the shots are back open. once again secure the . finally, there was raining heavily in this part of the world is gone off, shaw from vietnam is over the water. admittedly, the line does take you right across these as long as the risk of the flooding in the nose and philippines and there is costs. big charles in indonesia and some degree lazy that is all seasonally correct. as the nicest snow in japan is also
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seasonally correct. we've had that nice to meet you. even at low ground and in the northern part of home. sure. and the small smith's talk this stuff over the next day or so, it was the colder sleek science. and ne, in china, across the open waters of the sea of japan. there might be some snow on the high ground in safe career. indeed, north crib, it's sold itself nimble in the range. our suspect right might feel about the code that suggests, but some china make you feel better as it does in most to try and hold on to hong kong. some charges in abundance and most of india, it's raining, every navigating substance for lack of the priest does keep it a little bit clarity on this east coast and to production for the north coast found is the problem by the dash and the northern indian fighting pots of the impact has done that focus persistent in the cities. it does clear for some jury today but not for oh, but beyond that this, this deb, it's taking place which might improve the quality temporarily even in new delhi for not permanently a unique
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perspective. what could my community be gaining if we weren't spending money on all of those bonds? killing innocence? and as i said, 11 on, on her voice is the world has turned its back on so that our lives to match. so many people in math are just as much as any other connect with our community and be part of the conversation. we feel very undersized because of the 2nd child presidency. they don't see the need and then trying to appease the people on social media. the stream on out to 0 of the
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you're watching out, is there a time to recap? the headlines is why the forces of surrounded the indonesian hospitalization over and gone so demanding the immediate evacuation of patients and medical stuff. many inside the hospital in bates not here were moved some of the tomatoes wines, hospital officer. it was rated by these writing ministry a weeks ago, the found ministers of france and germany match with the leader of syria's new administration on the shut on the council. damascus is the highest level visit by the european union representative. since the separate team was the top of last month, and these are the armies moving beyond the occupied so we can go in and heights and reinforcing his presence to town for nights at all. since the toppling advice of last month by the troops who maintain the presidency of the city, south korean investigate has failed to arrest suspended, president human sockhill, off to an hours long stand of these residents. the anti corruption team says making the arrest was quote,
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effectively impossible with you and the security team preventing the entry from mcbride reports from saul the early morning arrival of thousands of police in the street surrounding the official residence of impeach president june. so kil signalled the starts of an attempt to arrest him. but his continued protection by the presidential security service always meant this would be a highly contentious operation. for hours, investigate is faced off with bodyguards and what would described as something times physical confrontations to the condemnation of humans. critics need is when i, when this thing to days, events the people of south korea would have a from the patio self use of your but the security service has accused the investigate has of breaking into high security areas and injuring gets offices. meanwhile, use supporters have been holding big of protests nearby against this investigation
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and he's impeachment by the national assembly. every thing is the national assembly badgering is or that you literally go to the, i suspect is a conspiracy here that goes beyond typical left, right. political logic, thought of all the declaring martial law is within the president's authority and saying they'll detain him for it is nonsense. on friday, the constitutional court held its 2nd preparatory hearing in 2 units, impeachment, which will likely be decided in the coming weeks. i have no doubt that you will be removed from office, the constitutional court, but i think decided pretty quickly to confirm impeachment because this case is very clear case. and he's violated the constitution entitled all side exactly one month since the marshal load declaration to political crisis, it created shows no sign of easy, especially with
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a stand off at the official residence of mine who declared that remaining inside, i'm refusing to on so prosecute, has questions about the pride, i'll just era. so ukraine says one person is being killed by russian drummond strikes on the capital key of and surrounding areas. this comes as the clear up continues from new year's day. a crime says rush of 5 more than a 100 missiles and drones give says it's a defense. defense is rather down 60 out of 93 drugs launched on thursday night. ukraine's president's has been speaking about how dollar problems with tons of the us presidency could change the war drum model. but the way to find them that i'm can be decides if foss this is the most important thing he's qualities and did there can be decides if in this war means he's capable of stopping pointing, or to put it more fairly have buses, stuff with him. he's able to do this,
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it's why would we just imagine c shelters and mexico, a pricing for a potential influx of citizens ahead of donald trump's integration. like to this month, the us president and liked has promised to do full time documented migrants on mass solving from day one of his administration. mexican border cities tend to bear the brunt of the policy. do you like any on the reports from to on, to displace from their homes by growing violent, hundreds of mexican families spent the holidays in shelters along the us, mexico border waiting and hoping for a chance to claim asylum in the us before donald trump takes off is on january 20th, 21 year old michelle was 8 months pregnant when her husband was gone down outside the family business after refusing to pay it stores in to organized crime. stories like hers were common here by the name of this country has gone from bad to worse with so much in security. every time you go outside,
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you fear something will happen to you. you guys just put the little guessing formation. president claudia, shame them. since mexico, we'll welcome back it citizens, even releasing a special music video dedicated to migrants. but beyond the platitudes her government has announced little details of how they plan to deal with an influx of deportees, leaving civil society to take their own measures. and we're asking the mexican government to help these people to get reinstated back into society, get them id cards, then they could enter social services, and then you could help them get a job because they're putting all that, all the burden on us on the shelters. we did this ahead of an increase demand for spaces pastor, i bet 30 beta is building 2 new floors to the shelter she runs into one of the staff tells us they've received no government funding or guidance in recent weeks across the board or volunteers in southern california are also bracing for
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a 2nd. trump administration border kind is and g o trips into the desert each week to lead supplies for migraines. trying to cross thousands have died on these paths over the years. the concern of those who work in this field is that in the event of massive orientations, especially if they target people who lived in the us for decades and have families and lives there. these routes isolated and dangerous will become more and more popular. as these people will have no legal pathway back home, there are going to be opposite flows. there's going to be, you know, higher numbers. there's gonna be lower numbers. we've seen it roller coaster through the years, the ups and downs, but we know that is constant and is true. people always be coming across this way. and that's why we're here on the, for these volunteers, the work is personal. as children of migrants themselves, they fear a policy of mass deportation will inevitably lead thousands to this treacherous during julia galle. i know i'll just see europe on the us. mexico border. popular
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neighborhood in the us city of new orleans has reopened off for a truck cramming on new year's day. at least 14 people were killed when a former ami veteran drove his vehicle into a crowd and the french quota. thousands of people were injured. security in the city remains tides as the investigation continues. john henry is in new orleans. the belgian police or calling me back in charge on bourbon street. new orleans french quarter is once again open, full tourist and local events. police say secure. like public safety had no concern. yeah, i figured it's probably the safest place to be right now anywhere around here. plus you don't want to let the stairs when an armored vehicle stands guard a truck blocking the road. we're in a ceiling in a ford pickup truck. rolled over the sidewalk and into passengers by shortly after
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3 am on new year's day before crashing. police say he's on fire to pedestrians until he was gone down by officers. jeremy, since he says he was badly hurt after being hit by the white truck which smashed his wheelchair. then he heard gunfire. he underwent surgery for broken fingers after the attack services people screaming and it was laying on the ground. and i saw all my wheelchair boards on the ground beside me. police identified the attacker a shim suit, didn't you bear a 42 year old u. s. army veteran from texas who was born in the us. police say he'd become radicalized. jabbar picked up the rest of the f, 150 in houston, texas on december 30th. steve then drove from houston to new orleans on the evening of the 31st, and he posted several videos to an online platform proclaiming his support for isis
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police. a video of ju bear planting a pair of improvised explosives in coolers on the sidewalk suggests he acted along rendering. it's actually the one here on bourbon street are increasingly a tactic a radicalized individual. one encouraged by group like iso, making any place people gather a potential target. as another city morton's with spontaneous memorials, police around the world prepare for the next attack. john henry and l g 0. new orleans president joe biden has announced he's blocking the sale of us steel to japan's nip on steel, citing national security concerns. $14900000000.00 sale. what of what? one of america's largest steel producers on the phone control buys and have pledged for months. see what block it, despite the company's need for an investment and says he needed to protect domestic industry. the sale would have 4 critical us supply chains of risk. china is
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government has announced its economic strategy for the new year. that is to shop play, increase funds for borrowing and boost spending. it also plans to keep it small kids open to the world. despite the fact from us president elect donald trump to impose heavy terrace once he takes office. katrina, you this update from badging to this is similar to an, a popular commercial district cameron's agents. and there are many shops here. but as you can see that on to many shelters, and this picture is being reflected over the country, people aren't spending much and look, consumption is part of the reason behind china is slowing economic course. why it's still struggling to recover from the cause of 1910 demick because of this bleak picture, the chinese government moved to reassure the public at a press conference on friday, saying that economic growth remain stable and is improving in becoming a aging is planning to do and spend more, including about $14000000000.00 on new major projects. it's also rolling out
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initiatives such as ones inviting the publics to trade in the old goods for new ones. and introducing moses to support businesses and 1st employment agent released simulate targeted policies last year, including ones to pop up the alien real estate sector. and property prices did slightly improve at the end of the year. although experts say more aggressive policies are needed. overall, the chinese government is trying to say a speech about china's economy, although they do expect more difficulties and challenges in 2025. and one of these new challenges could be a trade war with the united states. once president elect donald trump takes office lation of this month, katrina you out a 0 aging and go to the us. government says it plans to push ahead with removing fuels subsidies by the end of 2025. even though the move is unpopular, there's a cost of living crisis despite the nation being a major oil and diamond producer, and the pharmacy site, we're moving subsidies will free up money for essential public services like funds
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for health and education. hold on, what's also reports from the one the, let's call us present to us is a high school teacher in angola, his salary isn't enough to ensure he can pay all his monthly bills, but he says government to feel a subsidies, help cushion consumers from rising prices. and that's why he is worried about politicians plans to scrap them next. you love it, the minutes and both and see that on it to utah pockets. one's to feel subsidies. i remove prices of everything will go up. you to hit betty's right now. and goldens pay boss $0.35 for lead to a pedro. and about $0.21 for diesel removing subsidies means they'll pay more at the pump. so.


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