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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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there is no limit to how far a dream contains sta in your own adventure, now counter arrange the . ready ready the hello and welcome to i'll just there on sort of fight them. this is a news uh life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. the challenges are many and very quiet decades to full. we report from the syrian capital where people are torn between hope, i'm done search and see a month off to the form of the assigned for gene mor this devastation across casa is variety of types killed at least $21.00 palestinian since don't on the strip is
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running out to fuel us the kids to sit on permanent tree rocks that support forces of committing genocide in west of full and functions. their leader and walls fires . burnouts have controlled in southern california 1000 sleeva homes. wall 5 finds the struggle to contain the flames. i'm joined against real skill with the sports new zealand scripts to celebrate the author. this seemed to lancaster help. some beecher lancaster clinched at one day. the hello and welcome. it's been one month since opposition fights is in syria over through the regime of the shot. a lot funds ended more than half a century of funds finally will. and nearly 14 years of civil war was therefore now subside syrians all looking ahead to the future with hope and even on starts and
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see the new administration has been showing up regional support. this week, as it stepped, felt the political transition out as there is hushed them. a whole bar begins coverage from the syrian capital, damascus. this is those damascus people to those here every day. many have come from different blocks of syria for some. this is the 1st time in the capital title. i'm stuck with a nice, i mean that come in, so i hope the future will be best. uh there was no life on the i side. we couldn't say anything. we was scared of him on his own me. ma'am, what is the bookshop own? most of the new arrivals with then doing assets for him, the new feed of his biggest joy. once he fees the bath to economic recovery could be a long way residency, if the economy has to open up in the sections, must be lifted. otherwise people won't see
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a positive impact. people were humiliated during our search, and i hope they get a better start. while many been the, the new administration should be given time, but syria has been ravaged by 13 years of war and decades of instability. and people think the biggest focus should now be stability. yeah, i need some kind of basic commodity should be made available like transportation, electricity fuels so that people are encouraged to move around and invest. reconstruction has to start and foreign. it should visitors. that's definitely going to make a difference. a lot of the upcoming weeks, a national conference on serious transition to democracy was thought it could be the country's chance to set aside the differences and united nation. you go for them, use thoughts the for. yeah, that's followed the phone of us that has now turned into questions about what's next. the challenges are many antibiotic wise decades to sol,
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what people are desperate for quick solutions and i'm so, so the problem which could this find the support for the new administration question about about as a 0, damascus. okay, well that spring in opposite for months together. so james base, he's like for us in the syrian capital as well as damascus. james, how all the syrians celebrating this one month across the country and also tell us where you all a yeah, right now, i'm just outside the center of damascus. pretty close to the center, so in a basketball stadium where there is going to be a large concert in the coming as it just takes talk a while. we are off for a moment, a look at those flags now, a month ago, just over a month ago. if you have possession of individual in possession of that flag, even a small one, you would have been taken off the streets. you'd have gone straight to prison and
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now we are in one of the stadiums in damascus. and the flag was just gone now, but the flag is on there on the screen. a will be on the screen with this concept starts in 3 as time. a concept of celebration because they want to celebrate what happens a months ago. the departure of a family would have terrorized this country for 54 years of that brutal rule. but also i think of reflection. what we're gonna hear later on is a single from homeless who was in the country at the start of the revolution here, nearly 14 years ago singing revolution. we songs who had to plenty of the country for safety while these were tiny, very popular sing going to be seeing you on the stage here tonight. and they're also raising money for what i think are pretty important bodies to syrians right now, which are some of the n g o is the most important best best known of those i think
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is the white helmets. the civil defense force, which was rescuing people out of the rubble as bottoms as buildings were bombarded by the syrian air force and the russian force also sams, the certain american medical, a service which has provide provided medical care for so many people during the period of war, so i think they will be celebrating here, but they'll also be reflection because this has been almost 14 years old. so many debts and the fact that is the end of a regime that cause so many deaths. it is brutality. and we've seen what happened, did those prisons we know about the torture? we know so many people are now still above asking what happened to the loved ones ferrying, i think, but they, they all dead but not knowing the truth. because he said that every single person in syria has been affected from food to losing funding. i'm so i'm show,
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one of the challenges has been people trying to locate those are the went missing, but you also have millions of people there is that will force display most of the challenges that they're going to be facing. it's been a month of how to charles to take stock of the situation. what do you think they'll be thinking about next or you can hit and start studying some of the practicing here behind me ahead of the concept. but yes, i think there are so many challenges facing this country. and right now we still will you speak to most people in the parish of euphoria, particularly among the young people. and that's who we were expecting here at this concert tonight, there was 7000 seats in this basketball stadium. they're expecting many more people to crime in here, euphoria. but i think off to a time, people are going to be aware of a huge kind of just that this country still faces. and i think that tonight there
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is one you heard. hash him talk to you about it. and these reports of moments got the economic challenge. people hear what the sanctions lifted, and they won't be calling me to get fed up. but i think off the almost 14 years of war that's, he's going to take a very long time and is a huge challenge to rebuilding the country of the 2nd challenge. because the political challenge of the international community is say, well, will lifting some of the sanctions, but others have to stay in place because we need leverage to make sure the current administration takes 2 plans to take this country to full democracy. but there's a fully representative government, i think that was found to be problems along the way of going forward with that because there are lots of different views of the shape of the country. there are lots of different political groups. there are lots of different religions and ethnic groups. it is going to be difficult. i've got to be a bumpy ride, but i think for now people have just celebrating the fact that since a month ago,
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given what does happen when any 14 years is calm and relatively stable. okay, thank you very much. james bass, who will be following those latest national celebration suddenly from the capital damascus will be checking in with you very strongly or oh, syria, how seems swift development since we've been hearing since the full of its former regime last month? was this in forces have quickly formed a new administration and they've set top to plastic efforts to show up regional, as well as international support. the us says it will be some restrictions on humanitarian aid. while some a you, nations all considering lifting all functions imposed in response to the civil war . the 1st and national commercial flight landed in damascus this week. many of the passengers was syrians coming home for the 1st time in more than a decade. view and estimates that a 115000 people have returned to sarah and the last month, and the news soon administration is urging the international community to help
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rebuild the country. well, for more on this we're going to speak to andras craig, who is an associate professor at the school of security studies at kings college london. and he joins meeting laurie from of the as we had from james bayes. the thing is, and also celebrations, but also a lot more that will be, needs to be done for the country. it will potentially be a very slow process. he talks about political changes and being made economy, of course, because of these functions that haven't been fully listed, what do you think is the priority for the syrian people right now? i mean, so far we've seen a fairly positive development, considering the most tasks that there's new government is facing up to 6, almost 6 decades, all labeled one policy, one founding rules. but the challenge is the primary challenge, domestic e movie building consensus, building consensus around what it means to be syria and what it means to be what
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syria actually means as a multi ethnic state, which is always the majority. so the country with lots of different minorities and those minorities minority concerns have to be somewhat represented and some of the phase has to be accommodated and addressed as well. that and services building always is going to be very challenging because you have into a national place and want to undermine. and so, but the consensus building efforts, some of them being russia, iran protectionism error of countries and to disagree with the implement scared of h. d. s, and so you've got lots of a stuff, a partisan external plaza, tried to manipulate fears and concerns on the ground. and always even you or she has government has to do something with the address then. and kind of keep the com which is the primary factor. the secondary issue. busy easy as already mentioned before is the issue of sanctions, economic growth. so the legitimacy and credibility of that new government very much rests on their ability to provide public goes to the people. so that is actually
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due to either reconstructing some of the infrastructure that's being destroyed, have to pay salaries. and most importantly, obviously getting investments into the country for that to happen. we need not just certain waivers as the us treasury, as allows this week, but we actually need the sections to be less than because after all the sections well against the regime, the word against the certain people, not against syria. so it is unfair to keep the sanctions in place and always makes the problem is despite the fact that we see turkey and cover particular but also you a, you know, the trying to put money in trying to provide humanitarian a tried to pay salaries, trying to help them energy security, after all bass will stay in shy away from sarah as long as the sections are in place. of course, as long as there is uncertainty as well, the less likely to invest, and that's the case at the moment. as we seen, the syrian delegation form the parts of the new administration, doing a regional to trying to convince people that they will ensure about security in the country. but how is that possible when you have so many different groups?
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and as you said, the many different sex across syria is syria unified. the same way, you know, quite surprisingly, this whole you for over the last 4 weeks. sure that sir is very much, it is a very strong sense of nationhood of searing identity across as the diverse demographic spectrum of the country. and it's important to keep this going and keep as you for a going to keep us together despite the fact to the terms by external placed on your mind is the key issue here. and the secondary issue that comes from it is not just what community is on the ground, be able to say all these different on that is that on roaming around the country as some of which have submitted to or least of all the regions is where they should yes, other groups that on the governing syria, but then we've got obviously some on that, those that are defining that new political reality. most importantly the, the, or the wi fi g cutting element that's been supported by the united states. that
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this at this point is still not green to someone, you know, come around and engage with age. yes. we got also on the model in smaller groups. the for the moment, keep the pace because they are allowed to keep their integrity. some of them have no brain to integrate into a united military and security setting, but that also is going to be challenging because of some of the leaders will have to give up their privileges. so they will potentially become alternative power opposite the says, have to do random and it's going to be possible that comes when that's what it, what it comes to governance. but i just want to bring this back to the syrian people, because this is a day of syrian celebrating some of them who been suits through most the majority. generational trauma or if you like, with many generations born outside the u. n. is saying that an estimate of a 115000 people over time. so it's a syria in the last month. so there's millions of syrians living abroad. is there a reason why they have an old on box yet?
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and is there a potential that they were all they still waiting to see how things pan out as the most people are still waiting to see how, how is going to pan out. but i think the, the west, the, the less community has a role to play it and building confidence and say, we are backing this new transition instead of. so staying on the models and saying it, see what happens because sierra on its own will not be able to do it. obviously, we want the series of decisions have to this process, but that needs to be financially supported without economic stability, without the stability on the ground of keeping the peace. and obviously without the confidence that the, the community is backing these new government, people will most likely not come back in the short term. but i think we, we know there is, there is an avenue for people to come back. okay, thank you so much. so i'm just kind of, we have to meet that for the time being an associate professor at school security studies at kings college to new businesses installed, that opening across serious and special i said was ousted last month. one of them
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is for an exchange trading which was banned on the us side, but not anymore. i'm how much reports from damascus. about out of the shutters, an entity open, the city set out how to use it is going up to customers to buy and sell coating cutting. some of this was illegal a month ago, but this is a new city and joseph is seizing the moment. the has been the had i chose to do this work because it's comfortable and it was never possible before i do it to provide for my family. the central bank used to fix the exchange rate, depending on what the sides redeem. wanted on security forces fruitless. the impulse to know but things of change. now the see the central bank in the month. no one would have imagined the symbol since this is the
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most of the other professions during the shot. so the baby have any banking experience, but that hasn't stopped them from taking on the stablish financial institutions. a lot of times a lot of work is going well. there are plenty of customers. there is fierce competition, but we are able to make enough income to survive. the. there's no shortage of customers with strong competition over winning them. it's not easy for them. i'll be in the, in the past, we would exchange money in the black market. but now it's available everywhere on the streets. there is more freedom in exchanging phone courtesies like to the dollar. i'm to euro. unlike bangs, the tree disappeared, no texas, an answer to no one. and the one that to continue comes him him dizzy to damascus. the
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these really minute treehouse stepped off, it's bombardment of guns are carrying out relentless attacks, skilled at least 40 palestinians across the strip since the one on wednesday. one of the lights of strikes that goes to the city in the north. israel has laid siege to the northern parts of garza for more than 90 days, targeting shelters, hospitals, and even apartment blocks write scripts including on the students and national say, a genocide is unfolding. these riley ministry has also been bones. it's southern guns. are kidding 20 palestinians overnight. the various has been injured. have been taken to an officer hospital. that's an hon. eunice and the victims include 5 children who were killed in all my wasi is radius ortiz designated the refugee camp as a so called face design about a year ago, and then ordered hundreds of thousands of palestinians to go. that's the safety box is repeatedly come on. define is raul has laid siege to northern goals are also for
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more than 90 days. and also targets has many of the areas a nice at the end of the sea and hospital in the north describes the situation that they're facing as you'll meet them, the thought of up every day were subjected to direct showing from the occupations artillery and quote copped as targeting the hospitals and its surroundings, hunger is also present and food is not available. we have asked international organizations to allow the admission of aid to the hospital so that we can help people and provide them with food. unfortunately, so far, no one has been able to provide a due to the difficulty of the situation outside the hospital. and the difficulty of coordinating with the relevant parties. we have not been able to provide aid to the hospital. the situation in the hospital is very di. oh and how that is in the last for the latest is really forcing just targeted. another school sheltering displaced, policy needs injured by. there were at least 2 palestinians have been killed in
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this attack and dozens have been injured. but we're also talking about a place that has been under siege for more than 18 days now. now this is not the only thing that is happening in the gaza strip button. also the hospital, the hospital at that is serving all of the people of this place. people in a hun units and milwaukee can eunice just because there's a, it's going to turn off. it's operation is going to see the top ration at 5 pm now because there has been no fuel to operate and to has this hospital going. but we also know that the reason behind this is yes, there was fuel entering the past couple of days in the gaza strip, but 6 out of 8 fuel trucks have menu to buy at gang scott's a are now making all of this k all in the gaza strip. now not only that,
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we also just received a news that a woman has gives me that y'all and says died on the kidney dialysis machine because the, the electricity suddenly stopped working and there was an electricity storage shorted. so if we just think about what's currently happening in the gaza strip, it's continuous air strikes. it's a round invasion that's happening in the another in gauze trip. it's a lot of health care and the shortage of fuel. so we're talking about that situation collapsing in all aspects of life to us, president elect donald trump has threatened all. hell will break counts in the middle east. this is ready tops is the health and goes on 3 times before we take. so 1st and less than 2 weeks, he was speaking of some news conference in florida alongside steve with costs. that's the norman a form at least. and boy, how my spokesman has said that trump should make more just depend on the diplomatic
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statements. and the groups conditions still remain the same and israel's will on the strip if those houses are back, i don't want to virginia go. she ation. and then i'd back by the time i get into office, all hell will break out in the middle east. and it will not be good for, i'm us and it will not be good frankly, for anyone all hell will break out. i don't have to say anymore, but that's what it is. and they should have given them back a long time. they should have never taken oh yeah, we spoke to send me an idea and he directs the sense of his mom and global sized stumbles. i am university and he says that trump should instead of probably the pressure on these really prime minister to reach see science you. it has been waiting close for 15 months and go. so now it has been the life of every 1000 for the past $460.00 plus days. what's up is resulting to is co boy diplomacy. this is a product of supremacist in to this point. he thinks that by threats, corrosion,
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an intimidation that somehow he think it is what, what town he do, what do you is to do after this 15 months of continuous coming over 150000 palestinians have been killed and injured. millions displaced, gas is completely destroyed. trump kind of indeed, and this war, all he has to say is 9 words. it's in the hole and this war and get it done. that's what he has to say. that's his honor. if he's really angry about what's going on, should be directed to the framework and terms of and agreements have been known and accepted by how mass. and i'm going to get those for months. the best one was been obstructing. this is been nothing you know, the long he's looking for an elusive 5th street that's never going to get these radio. army has killed 3 palestinians to have the children in the north of the occupied. westbank 5 minus will so long several to change. when is ready, troops rated the town of to morning is really forces stopped. ambulance crews from
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helping the wind and right, well, floor on this we have some come the are all this the whole to joins this lie from on. and that's because of probably seen in the forward see has suspended, i'll just there is a positions in the occupied westbank hemmed up, mainly children with thing has been killed and arrested in those raids that's right, an 8 year old and a 10 year old child. bose killed in that is really drone strike. early on wednesday, these really military says that they were targeting a cell of fighters, but local residents in the northern part of the occupied westbank just outside of to boss had said that the place that was targeted was a residential area and metix and other emergency workers said that they were prevented from reaching the scene to reaching the injured and reaching the dead. and in fact to the palestinian authorities, official service. one has said that the bodies are still being withheld by these
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really military. the military maintains that is conducting these raids against armed palestinian fighters across the occupied west bank with palestinian say that this is just the reality of living life under occupation. and since the war on god's, if he gets 15 months ago, these rates have been largely stepped up, killing nearly 800 palestinians. okay, thank you very much. i'm just on hold the full, the latest dates of a raid and occupied west bank. i'm the see international is calling on 11 on not to extra diets and egyptian turkish product to view a home to the fun of colorado. we was detained on lebanese syrian border officer and signing from damascus. last month, while he was that he found himself criticizing several r o governments including here at east level it's kind of take a cabinet approved them are on the extradition request. on tuesday, i'm gonna see one's of the, my little caught. we could be a risk of human rights violations if he's expedited.
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the sedans army has taken control of the city of high jobs. the law in the southern states of just data. this comes off the repeats of the tax by the permanent tract and support forces in the area. in the last 2 days, the group force civilians to play about 40 villages in the southern zeta states. the r a says has been targeting communities this since october off the one of its most senior come on this district to, to the army age groups monitoring the conflicts say that pay 50 people were killed in a single day in a study. how have a morgan has moved from cartoon on the so the news army on wednesday was able to take back the village of how job the la that's the village, about 50 kilometers a south of wouldn't get any in central to them and wouldn't let them use the capital of does the states no to zeta state was largely under the control or rather
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as long as the under the control awfully power military rapids support forces. within the early hours of wednesday, the army launched attacks from several friends to try to regain territory from the recess as they tried to make their way to the capital of wouldn't any. and to try to re take back the control of the space capital from the recessive now slicing has also been happening here in the capital cartoon. the army long several artillery strikes against our stuff, positions from the city of on demand. so what's the city of how to, to north in the northern parts of the capital. and we weren't able to see plumes of smoke rising from the city of my being the northern part of the capital in your classes. taking place between the hours of habits of the new army and speak to sources who say that he has. they were direct confrontation between the receptionist and his army in parts of the city of heavy info to north. the army also said on tuesday that he was able to regain grounds from the recess in the city of undermining that they were able to free prisoners and killed the commander of
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the art stuff in the city of the man. now this is lucky to costs for the displacement of civilians. the continued violence has been leading to high displacement among civilians, especially those were traps in areas of conflict. he by morgan onto 0. talk to us as impose sanctions on the leader sedans. permanent to rapid support forces about some how much i'm done. douglas washington says it to. so i my court holding accountable those responsible for atrocities. it's accused. they are assessing its allies of committing genocide during the capture, sorry, of nearly all of west and all 4 states. you're a secretary of state and he blinked and says the group has systematically targeted civilians. consequently, ethnic groups and carrying out mass right onto the function zigler as follows from the us on his assets, the offers me it's alex football is executive director as well as piece foundation and also our students on finished democracy. and he's joining us live
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now from boston. oh it's my 1st question really is on the timing of all of this was the us done this now? i mean by that is less than 2 weeks ago as president. so it's terribly late. it should've been done at least 18 months ago when these atrocities 1st became known. and the un saying that this is a step towards accountability is somewhat holler. 20 years ago when the united states declared genocide in, in the for the next step was an international commission of inquiry. but to lead to the case of the whole being referred to the international criminal court. and if, if the budget ministration went a serious about accountability would now be strong coming the, the high c c. and i'm taking of the judicial measures against i meant to
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you this is of a healthy or a set from there's no sign of it doing any of those things. i mean, i was speaking to a student needs colleague earlier who was telling me that all of her family, luckily enough for them, were able to me, suzanne, and they've been separated it to different countries. is this really a symbolic gesture? i could potentially be the consequences. it's funny because many people feel so she says it needs that they've sort of been for gotten i think the signees have every right to feel they have been football. pressing camry is the great majority of sudanese will say yes, b r itself is responsible for 10 assigns and in fact, many of our stuff come on does and the videos they circulate on social media videos that to, to her effect to show public training, which are risk not just because of the,
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the gruesome nature of the atrocities but also the celebration of those atrocities by our staff. members. they are basically saying, yes, we are committing genocide. yes, we are responsible. and so i'm shooting these civilians will be saying, thank goodness someone is caught in this out. but the big question is, is, is what happens next? i think the key thing that i treat is contained in this picture ration is naming the united arab emirates. and the company's based, so it's quoting on the u a b to stop no time in public. but private transfers of arms and resorts is from the emeralds to the r assess. and just to look at looking at the are assessed, as you said, now it's function. they are assessed lead to how much time then time flow. but interestingly notes are, are assessed for other itself, which has no, it hasn't even been given any form of designation even though it's being accused of genocide. the sort of thing that i think this is
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a distinction without the difference. i think the thing that the key questions now a m b r, assess, make any credible claim to be championing democracy, unreturned, to civilian rule in, in, in. so dawn and the number of civilian groups of being, if not supportive of the are itself at least soft in the criticisms of the already set. so let's see whether they come out on account of this condemnation, which as i say, the great majority of signees will be inducing. and then that's the question of will this course should be hard to make serious concessions out. been negotiating table, will they come to peace talks and say, yes, we want to do what is necessary to bring about peace? well, that's so, so as you said, whether the that will ever be able to be peace anytime soon as hard to tell, especially given the 11500000 subsidies the display. thank you very much. alex,
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of all executive direct talk will be some nation. thank you. as far as moving was fine, the a states of california has burned more than 1000 hexes of land. it's now threatening thousands of homes in an upscale neighborhood of los angeles president j vine and says he's monitoring the situation. and he's offered the federal assistance. the officials have orders, evacuations they want wins, could find the flames. friday costs and how's the slightest updates? the worst is yet to come. with the warning from los angeles officials as night fell on the pacific palisades, fire crews are bracing for the already fast moving fire to strengthen fuels by strong wind fires. with this close to the cars, people left their cars and houses drive burning up the hillside, palm trees,
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everything's going. and the wind and the firemen are great. but crews were battling smaller fires in the area throughout tuesday, trying to get them under control before they were whipped up by the powerful when we saw this rate claiming debris flat in the room, that's the best get out of here. whatever i lose the flames. dotted the hillside, coming dangerously close to some homes, completely engulfing others. it's just so sad and i feel for everyone this last property and here's, i've never been this close to california is governor pleaded with those still at home to heed the calls to leave many structures already destroyed. and the fact that people were still not evacuated as a reminder of how serious this moment is. and how important it is. you listen to
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these evacuation orders. we've all been the memorials. i've never been a memorial for a building. the national weather service issued its highest alerts even before the blades began. warning of extreme fire conditions in much of los angeles county. officials are bracing for wind gusts. they could reach 160 kilometers an hour, fanning the flames. riley carlson, l just 0. okay, well its time for the weather with mol, on the flyers in southern california, his rogue. now off take a, comes most of the us, and then i was tempted as 6 to another, just below the average, all over the place. the only exception being around this profit gulf coast and california worries, temperatures are bad. know, but because of this push of optic here, there's another problem that particularly effective in california, of which you're probably aware if you've been watching the news. the santa ana winds are blowing the blowing and being squeezed through the canyons,
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suggesting anything up $260.00 can we sprout, and they are finding a far the probably satisfy which is just west of los angeles. now this is it in time not so you can see it's going fairly quickly. evacuations have of course been ordered as a result, the 5 sprint very quickly wouldn't like that, but it's not just the wind. the whole air has been set up because they should be raised and there's not been no significant right in this area since last october, which is when they start calling it the water. yeah, as i go from october to october because the rain should start to full but, but unfortunately nothing you know like, and nothing much in the mountains. what has come through? it has been significant. snow in california has been filled. the knolls, and full cost wise, they might be a bit more for the north, but around l. a. in las vegas, san francisco. this is sunshine in the sky, and the wind still blow at the strongest, i think during the 1st day, but still were even on saturday. oh, okay. well, still ahead on all of this, there is this news of love and honest qualifications tried and failed to elect
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a president 12 times in more than 2 years. they'll try again on january the 9th. there's still no consensus, but there is international pressure as a shift in the balance of power in the reach us will have not sites and the search for survivors into beds off to choose a house with us quite the killed 126. people also in schools above the beats us from beyond victory for the atlanta hawks, was coming up with joy the a meeting of minds. truth is a bathroom field. i believe that the images have part in that buttons feel that i believe that the interpretation of images that also themselves part of that kind of more architect e advisement and photographer travel pack them. talk to every photograph is a photograph of environmental change. when you're making images at the kind of
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hedge of what's possible that becomes very pronounced studio. be on script data analysis era. the welcome back. you're watching out there, a reminder on top stories this hour. it's now one month so, so is this for all the shot and aside, the new administration is promising an inclusive political transition and it says a national dialogue will take place despite recent delays. these randy minute tree has carried out multiple strikes across concert, getting at least 40 people since going on wednesday. many were in southern garza including one on a tense and on the last seat,
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not some area. israel has designated as a so called say sign these ready minute tree has the type for the town of to morning. and then all of the occupied was fine. getting 3 palestinians, 2 of them children are children among several detained windows, rarely troops rated to town. now these riley military has drafted a group of ultra orthodox jewish men into its ranks for the 1st time. until now, how are the jews has been exempt from compulsory ministry service spots? a supreme court ruling last year seen them eligible for the draft decision? let's a pro test, and these really minute treehouse sent 10000 summons the rosy minute since july of last year. well, for more on this, we speak to john perry, who's a former associate press chief editor for europe, africa, and mid lease, and he joins us live from tel aviv them. and please explain. so that's exactly why this has been one of the most contentious,
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this disputes rhonda across the israel. and why this is very much divisive as well. really, community used to be her small, but because of tremendous birth rates around 7 children per family or more, they've grown to be about a native israel, any doubling proportion every couple of years, every 20 years. and, and basically currently they account for something approaching a quarter of all potential draft stage jewish. and there's been an arrangement. it's just as the founding of the country. but if they go into it should have a 7 areas, then they don't have to serve. but it's becoming untenable both because their numbers are growing too much. uh, and, and also because of the current conflict of the military needs more soldiers and that fact has been exposed. and the reality where some is really stuck in the reserve is serve up to $200.00 days a year. was there was a in the house where,
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and that's obviously on sustainable, absurd. you add to this, the fact that this community doesn't participate very much in the labor force that they require essentially the subsidies for most of their life. and for the for, for the taurus study it's, it's coming to a head in israel. and the political drama is that the right way? and israel has never had a majority without already political parties. and so they depend on those parties, natania who depends on those parties. so it's a wedge issue with other rights because the other 2 elements of the right wing and israel and it to me, i was coalition are a non already religious jews and their parties and secular. right. when jews mostly and those last 2 groups very much serve in the army, are very much paying the price of this war. and they're getting and they're becoming increasingly angry at the hiring team to insist on this and this draft exemption. now it's been an arrangement, as i said, the supreme court on the basis of equality under the law last june of established
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the cannot continue without legislation. that legislation that already parties demand i should then try this exception. and the rest of his early society despises that pulse show, approaching 80 percent of the people don't want it. so the attorney that was an a trickle because if he doesn't give a hard thing, what they want is government might collapse if he does give them a hard thing. what they want the past are more of his own coalition. well hated and you know, the vast majority of this really is will be lifted up. and so clearly this is a major political conundrum to the government. ok, thanks very much. don probably will have to be fit, leave it that a full my a p chief editor. okay. and everyone's politicians have failed to like a new president more than 2 years now, despite 12 attempts, they all set to try again on thursday. but this time for us to feel the roles
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coincides with a shift in the balance of power, not just in lebanon. let's cross the region, then hold reports from the capital beverage. power is being transferred to the army in southern lebanon, as has below withdraws from its former stronghold. there is a new reality after, as well as devastating who wore the arms group has been hurt militarily. its opponents at home and abroad appear to want this achievement extended to the political front. the us and boy who brokered an end to the hostilities visited baby boot days before lebanon's. parliament is set to elect a president amos hawks and urged politicians to come together. so these are critical times for lebanon to use this time, not just implement disagreement, but to come to political consensus, to focus on loving non for lebanese people. the us hasn't named a preferred candidate, but the international community is believe to back the army commander joseph,
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on my own will also enjoys popular support was recently in saudi arabia to meet officials. there has been law has been accused of blocking previous efforts to elect the president, not close to its camp. now the group says it has no veto on island, but along with its allies hasn't said who it will endorse. no, they need to. first of all, the proper a government in order to, at least to provide the relief for its own a constituency. those will suffer from this war, as well as war on has been lost in the recent fall of the service. even syria has re shaped, loved and on and weakened. iraq influence across the region 11 on doesn't have the billions of dollars needed for reconstruction. and the international community was pushed for an election before the ceasefire to cold, has so far refrained from helping. levins politicians have tried and failed to
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elect the president 12 times since october 2020 to the speaker of parliament and to be. but he says he's confident they'll succeed this time, but he also says he opposes any constitutional amendments for candidates who hold high public office, which means the army commander would be disqualified if he doesn't secure. 2 thirds of the vote. lebanon's politicians have met regularly in recent days and held talks as for an invoice from the us, france, cuts are saudi arabia and egypt. there is international pressure to fill the presidency center because they're anxious. either they don't us in tibetan to search the survivors from choose those magnitude 7 point one us quake has ended. twenty's authorities say that's a $126.00 people's eyes and a $188.00 inches. and the remote region of she got st. neither himalayas recovering crews are now signing the attention to helping the 46000 people displaced by the
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quake as katrina. you reports from beijing emergency teams would as fast as they could to save hundreds of people trapped under the rubble of their homes. after a powerful earthquake booked to bed on tuesday, some living at the epicenter of things were accounting a fighting for their lives. it's the worst of it quick to hit china in more than a decade. rescue operations were hampered by damaged roads. an icy conditions, winter temperatures dropped to minus 18 degrees celsius or the 9th. by wednesday morning, authority said the search for survivors had ended. the focus now is on treating the injured and helping those who have lost everything more than 3600 houses. many of them made of wood in clay, were destroyed by the magnitude 7 point one quake. emergency workers and soldiers have set up more than 500 tents as temporary shelters, and are distributing supplies to help survive is cope with the piercing,
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cold. cold water, food, and other relief items have been provided is to meet people's needs, directory keeter's, blankets and cost a given to every 10 to the president seat and paying has called for all our efforts to help those affected by the disaster. and for the improvement of the quake monitoring systems, families with foster sleep in the hallways when the quakes struck and received no warning. khatri, you alda 0, dating a quotes in south korea has issued a new arrest warrant for suspended president union. so your he was impeached by parliament and faces insurrection charges for an attempt to impose motion no last month. noon has been barricaded inside his home for weeks, surrounded by hundreds of on security officers. authorities tried and failed to detain him last week during a 6 found of the head of the nations corruption investigation office is bound to break the security, quoting, and arrest them himself. austria's president has appointed foreign minister.
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alexander schellenberg is kind of taking shots though while the fall right freedom policy attempts to form a government schellenberg will replace call. now i'm a who quits off to talk to full sent truths, coalition cops in recent days. so service interim lita until there's a viable coalition. sonya guy ego has more from neil stirring capital. vienna of austria's foreign minister, alexander shalom bug. it will be the country's interim chancellor. as coalition talks take place between the far right freedom policy and the conservative peoples policy. now while shalom backs that he would remain in place as foreign minister, he said he would not be part of a government and the fall rights, freedom policy. now that is no limits as to how long these tools can take place that could to face for weeks or even months, a thoughts if those folks failed, then it could go to a just another general election as well. uh,
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this is an option that would perhaps be beneficial for the freedom policy as the popularity has only grown since september's election. in the meantime, this is yet another phone in the side for the european union, potentially, nova nationalist, populace on immigration government that would be in place. and also, more importantly for the block. you are skeptic force another, your skeptic voice within the european union that could cause many issues for process? sonya yeah, go, i'll just, sarah. yeah, to the body are familiar as president jimmy carter is lying in states on capitol hill. he's coughing plain from georgia to washington on and 4th one, the flight school sign was changed to special ed mission. the t 9. as
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a north dakota serving as in 13 9th us president, senior members of congress on paying their respects before the state funeral officer will still ahead on algebra. golf, played in dues, and new virtual league sees they'll send us states of florida that's coming out the sports which i the the
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the of the product when it's time to spoil his day. so i think a nice evening because have crushed your line codes when the one day series and
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there's no doubts about the highlights of the 2nd much. and how much the the lia this season mom counts from new zealand nation. smith and the how and do and beach for lanka, by a 113 rooms to take an unassailable to no leader, mysterious advance again and then an incredible finish to the n b. a game between the atlanta, hawks and utah. jazz will join it as the jazz tie, the schools with 5 seconds remaining sex. the the is, it seemed to be heading over time, but tre young. try his luck and found the boss, get from beyond the house. cool line. just just a quote from down in the hopes 3 points and secure the when 124 to 121. that ends a 3 game losing streak for atlanta. the he's the real case remain 2nd in the west
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and come for itself for a big win over the washington wizards. they overcame a 10 point deficit to when it's 135 to 112 jaylen green top school does 29 points. the real kit of 6 games behind lead is kind of fishy thunder with dillman 18 in the west to do the initial step down as from college of the next year as well. comp. the 56 year old has been in charge for 15 years and lead fronts to walk up glory in 2018. they were runners up to origin tina at castle 2022. they shall also won the world cup as a player in 1998. for the netherlands play a patrick club that has been named as a new coach of individuals national teen. he'll be in charge until 2027, with an option to extend. andy's just sucks. the previous coach on monday is a fight for place. next year is woke up ball flight of face athletic. build dow
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in the semi fun with the spanish see pick up later, but they'll still be without dunney, almo, and pelvic to for the game in jetta despite signing the power in the summer. charles, so window, they could only register them for the 1st half of the season because of wage capitals in the league. i have one last appeal left of a ton. that decision boss land a head coach, henzy slick is hoping the frustrating situation mode tonight says play is to victory in the much later daniel m wise is the excellent player. so we were missing of cost because he can change. so 7, that's totally and then this is what we missed, but at the end we have to accept this. as the team gets closer, you know, as one unit we have to defend and to, to play as one unit and 50 show that we are team which is full days until the australian open way call us outcries will be out. so completes a korea grand slam the spanish. well,
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number 3 played an exhibition match against the strain is alex to renewal in melvin earlier. just by being just 21 years old, straightening openness, the only major house one across has a us and friendship and title and 2 from wimbleton. if he wins this year in australia, he'll be the youngest person to clinch or full beating roughly on the dial by almost 3 years. his room up didn't start well, the last to says to one to them and know in wednesdays, much so in the women's competition in adelaide is last is us open quote to finalist power, but those so it was knocked out by an on seated american ashland crew he's looking for just her 2nd period to title reached the last 8766762. next up, she'll face top. see jessica, but very low. you'd be maria, secrete earlier as well from one rec, hit spot to another. new a technology is being trialed which aims to help spot mints and players improve that game on the quote. david stokes reports us olympic fabens in play
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a how would to his face many opponents but known quite like this. he's being put through his paces quite training device powered by artificial intelligence, things like speed. i might be able to tell you, hey, i'm getting a little bit tired at the end of the match for at the end of the 13. but i wouldn't be able to tell you exactly how much slower my smashing might be getting. you know, my opponent might be retrieving it because i'm, you know, maybe dropping off and that's my snap speed. but those are little things that if you had data to, you'd be able to kind of refine and kind of improve in your data developed by tie ones. industrial research institute, the technology combines high speed cameras and a powerful ally ship to provide instantaneous statistical feedback. the potential is huge and professional robinson, one of the quickest sports in the world where the shuttle can travel more than 400 kilometers an hour. i'm excited. see where it goes,
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cuz we've kind of seen in some other sports right now. how technical um they're getting in progressing with technology. i like to use golf as an example. if you see how technical and how it can take you with their players are with low speed balls, speed, high curvature, right? and so i think those are types of things that we will start to see some late into ranking sports as well. well, i could help the world's top players finesse the game. it still the real human beings doing most at the hard work out on court for now at least they've been stokes. i was just there. i was sticking with the sports technology theme and you in to go format has tito in florida? the tomorrow is go flake, o t j o is being driven by tiger woods and roy mccoy over. they weren't playing here. instead. it was shame mary wyndham, talk and looks like a book who kicked things off with victory for the bay club team. the action is part virtual and staged the $1500.00 c to arena. right, that is a useful for now. they'll be more with pizza later. thanks very much joy. well that
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so, so it from me sort of fight on the don't go away is i'll be back in a moment with more of today's news. the of the as opposed to the raising the damage close to the precious gross. lots of chilling is being revised with one of the world's biggest advert conservation projects. they're pretty emblematic of the pedagogy and snap if they're plentiful and they're calm like this one is. then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no surrender. and that's why you're going for 3 wilding patagonia on, i'll just say era and they've got a breathtaking tropical paradise. ready to where its former projectors are now we follow through just as they put their lives on the line,
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the think it's all one, all to 0. remington value has been to volunteer reproductive to health care worker . for 15 years, she grew up among 12 siblings and had to start working at the age of 10 to help her parents. she doesn't want it for the next generation of filipino women. there was one woman what 18 children, when those 18 children became adults. we introduced them to contraceptives and now they have fewer children abilities to successfully lower its worth rate. the country has struggled with over population for decades, but exports side the declining worth rate could lead to other problems, especially as the overall population gets older. about 2000000 filipino sport overseas. experts say as its population shrinks, the philippines will inevitably need its own people to stay in the field jobs and
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the rest of the world will need to source labor from somewhere else. bring me hopes that one thing they will have done enough to make migration a choice for filipinos rather than a necessity. the challenges on many and very quiet decades to sol we report to from the syrian capital where people are torn between her hands on such and see a month off to the full of the sound version, the hello and welcome on sort of hide us. and this is all the 0 life from the also coming up on the program more death. devastation across garza is really a tax kill at least $21.00 policy.


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