tv [untitled] January 9, 2025 5:30pm-5:57pm AST
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the strong, firefighting crews from arizona and nevada, washington and oregon are racing to assist california, hoping to avert an even bigger disaster. rob reynolds elders, 0 pacific palisades, california and banks needing a position to figure out who has returned officer, a self imposed exile within sierra and one's lane is cooling for talks with the government to bounce off service disputed election at least 278 people have been killed in the unrest, the fight media milan has moved from the capital and the free time. the police for fire and gas at supporters of the opposition lead to finance one line. and that's when you travel by con, void to this part of the city, police use to a gas to disperse them and they have since dispersed from this area. but i was often address 5 for negative ones on the way we spoke about why he had returned to
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mozambique off to the self imposed exile. he had left, he says, always own safety off to the disputed election results. he says he's with tons to represent most beacons, because all that dispute around the election results, they allege that the election results was riggs. he says is returned because he's been accused of not being involved in dialogue. he says he's absence from us because been used as an excuse. and so he's trying to push through dialogue with the governing a freely mcclockey. and this is a huge all of that in over ration next week, which he and the support is unlikely to accept. he says that he's likely to hold a parallel immigration if you will, but just soon off to his arrival, the government, the president elect, donald trump o households with the most. that's the policy that has been supporting the opposition leader, but not too much on a fail chokes along with a number of the,
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states view k and others have been completed. you've got western media that have actually become a part of the mechanism of genocide. that's what's different. that's what's frightening when political leaders speak of genocide, they were change of a time. warren montrose never again over the past year for the palestinians of gaza again, has become reallocating a genocide broadcast almost in real time by its victims. this is a film about an alternative version of that reality. one told by major western news organizations, how they have provided cover for an historic crime and have seen their inner workings exposed. like never before we have spoken with more than a dozen journals to have been covering the gaza genocide for the western world's
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leading agend assessing outlets, including the bbc in the u. k. and cnn in the us. both describe a repeated failure to report the truth on this story. prior to october 7th, i hand on heart believe that cnn went to great great length to report the truth and exclusively for truth. but after october 7th, the ease with which i saw news lines that supported the is really narrative. come out and really shocked me. there were times where cnn was happy to push hard, but on balance, it's very clear where we lie regret thing, and it's not entirely with the choice. cause i have massively expose the hypocrisy that the heart of the bbc. the fact that it very much does respond to influence, it very much can be swayed. it does follow the government line broadly on certain stories. the bbc is meant to be a public service. it's meant to be for the people. but at the end of the day,
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it's passed strings are held by the government and that you can see in the coverage the, the october 7th attack by home office in which more than $1100.00 is ready. these were killed. almost $800.00 of them civilians was the deputy as de, getting these real history the, as they launched their battelle each is really officials made clear. this was not just a war on home. ok. everyone in garza would be fair game with the leading look. so it's not as much money and muzzle in mind and they look
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cool, so cool. it's an entire nation out there that is responsible shortly after october, 7th is a real field off gauze as borders including to 4 and reporters. the palestinian journalists left to tell the story would soon be killed as an unprecedented race is ready for us as quickly set their sights on gauze as healthcare system. one by one hosp swelling with patients and refugees came under it. the difference between this genocide and the other was that i had been in the wars and gaza. the 2021 was the 2014 more the 20122009. and even the warranty among the war and syria,
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the comparison between them and the genocide is the comparison between the flood and a so not because 50 percent of the wounded were children and they remain so the massacres never stopped. the operating rooms never stop and even when you're doing that, you would then discover that you've only treated a small percentage of the wounded israel wanted to begin a campaign to start taking out all of these medical facilities. the 1st they were concerned that hamas combatants were going to be treated in them. but also this was part of a more of an i elation to try to force the palestinians in guys into a constant state of motion. moving, moving, moving from one place to another, nowhere to say for you, not even a hospital full of that a whole terrorist is not
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a whole is not full and is not. so it's a terrible release. the israelis, we're pumping the public with information that was meant to convince people that hospitals are not really hospitalized come off was using the patients in that hospital as a human shield. this was a narrative that we saw unfolding almost from the beginning by november 10th. just over one months into israel's assault, half of all hospitals in gosh, were out of service. one of them was the rent t c, childrens foster, which is real bond and then read afterwards. claim to must was using it to hide is really kept once inside military spokes person daniel her guardian. so it is ready for us is had found proof and gave cnn special access to gallery size points to was how much possible hostage presents below the hospital. her garbage showed cnn's
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reporter, nic robertson, a document on the wall, which he claimed was a roster of her. most members keeping guard over it is really cactus. this is a government police definitely fell with as his own shifts. this became quite an embarrassing moment for cnn because it wasn't a homos roster at all. it was a calendar and written in arabic was the days of the week. but the report that came out from nic robertson just swallowed up israel's claim. to make matters worse, the allergy patient the calendar was a most roster, had already been debunked on social media the day before the cnn broadcast according to multiple cnn journalists and an internal whatsapp log that we obtained . a palestinian producer, alerted her colleagues including robertson, but was ignored. the report went out 1st on television,
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but there was still time to correct it before it went up on the line. another producer tried to make that case. one colleagues saw the report and flag to nick, hold on. people are saying that this is not accurate. and apparently next said, are you meaning to say that the car is lying to us? so there was a chance for this to get stopped, but nick was adamant and it went out. it is a very experienced correspondence. if you are trusting these rarely government over your own colleagues, then you need to have you ever slept at the very least because you're reporting has given cover to the is rarely operation. no proof what ever a merge of captives held at the rent tc hospital. meanwhile, is really forces to turn their attention to the ship, a hosp, the largest in the gaza strip, responsible for 40 percent of its health care capacity. they began by releasing
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an animated video of a trouble network. the nice the hospital, which they describe as a mazda is command and control center. it's a white house in pentagon. today, confirmed my reporting yesterday that the us as intelligence suggesting a mazda is operating a command center under the, i'll ship a hospital, as is really forces closed in on the hospital. those claims will repeat, often with little to no push back on the western news of the, the idea of show you anything that resembled an actual command and control center. that what was the k, the was a pretty sophisticated looking tunnel. the new york times, and other news organizations began to then create their own renditions of what they guess. imagine how mas had underneath. i'll ship a hospital promoting the narrative that something very nefarious is taking place. that was the moment and you can trace it that the floodgates were open for the
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israelis that they perceive that they now had a green light to wage war against palestinian hospitals and medical facilities in gaza. after 2 weeks of bombing, the ship for compound is really forces storm the hospital on november 15th to target the defeat sauce. once again, the annual head guardia was to show the world's on weapons. he claimed belonged to her mos alongside some tunnels, many of which were built by israel in the 1980s. nothing that remotely resembled a command center. since the raids on schiffer and rend tc every hospital in garza has been attacked put out of service for demolished witnesses, have described mass executions including of patients and medical staff. testimonies that fairly registered in the western news by the
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the with the monday and i got to hear the of how to do on the compass it the floor mass graves were fine with hundreds of bodies, the over 800 health workers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, have been killed that kind of dismantlement of health was a critical component of the genocidal machine. because what that did is ensure that anybody who's willing to die of their rooms off that next to a total network underneath field ship a hospital list. the media was critical to the process of demonize ation of the palestinian health system. and what is shocking is that one of these really is wanting to ship and there were no real evidence of these bunk or these media
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outlets the not recant. their original stories jody, who, door and spend 2 decades as a reporter and an editor for the new york time. she rejects the idea that these features of western news coverage are the results of any inherent buyers. i begin from a premise step, most journalists who are covering conflicts are doing so because they believe that the bearing witness to what governments and her groups due to each other is critically important to the functioning of democracy and of a civil society. these people are trying their very hardest to do the very best that they can. what i think is not through is that they're in any kind of systemic bias. like in the structural editorial process, ease of these news west through news outlets are not modeled is way the
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soldiers film standing over strip these medical stuff or the amount of corrections on college spend weeks documenting an attack in january to hold and call the members on one, not many, many mainstream journalists do try to speak truth to power, and they are reporting has at times, under product is realistically exposed. it's more for journalists at the times cnn and the bbc have told us it can be a struggle to get those stories past that. are israel's denial of access into guys has made the job even more def, but it's the larger trend is rather than individual examples. that shape the effect, the media coverage on audience, on the gauze of story, they have been quantifier and point one direction. a study by the news website, the intercept of post october 7th coverage by the new york times,
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the washington post. and the l. a times found that his reading depths were covered on average 16 times more often than when the victims were policy in words like slusher and master. we're used to describe attacks that killed this re lease at least 60 times more frequently. then for mass killings of palestinians, when those terms were almost never used, the near times headlines are filled with volume after volume of story where palestinians appear to have been killed in a mysterious attack waged by no one. no positives are always referred to as dying. and the passive test, it's very clear that there is an agenda from the leadership of the new york times, and that's been attested to by whistle blowers in the news room. who said that it's very clear that they are steering coverage in particular direction. and the palestinians are subjected to a different set of standards and as railways, when talking about their dust, their sufferings or their perspectives, there was
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a massacre on october 7th, there were atrocities committed, it was barbaric. i think those were appropriate words to use and the response was intense. it involved a lot of death, destruction and displacement. but i'm not sure that massacre, barbaric and atrocity are appropriate terms. certainly not for the full scale of the war. there are individual attacks with in the war that may, there were those, some of those words may be appropriate. so it's just, you're talking about 2 very different things and they deserve different algebra. for sarah, at the b, b. c double standards could also be seen in the selection of interviewing and how they were treat, you know, the days after october 7th,
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the bbc set up an internal group in which producers put fact potential interview ways based on their online footprint. we have obtained the messages from that chat, which services was used disproportionately against the defenders of palestinian rights. it was overwhelmingly guests on the palestinian side of things are being looked into. palestinian is being flagged up for using the word zionist, which isn't something to fly, can necessarily and even the occasional n g o was thrown in, for example, human rights watch these organizations that we've really relied on in terms of covering the crane on various other conflicts and now and again, they would check them as rarely guessed, but there was no balance and what was going on the, the mounting double standards have provoked a backlash in the news rooms of many western networks. journalists at the new york
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times and the bbc have resigned publicly, citing their consciences. others have tried to change things from the inside. bbc staff have repeatedly complained to the networks director general. one e mail we obtained signed in february by more than 20 journalists, warned the corporations coverage risk aiding and abetting janice staff at the time it's leaked details of an internal, rebellious, over a noun. tar yes. report the claim, tomas weaponized sexual violence on october 7th. and allegation that was exposed as baseless 70 journalist and professors have demanded the times do an investigation into that report. the times did conduct an investigation, not into it story, but to find the source of the lead. numerous journalist, we have spoken to describe variations of the same sig,
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interference from executives and editors, the kind they have never faced on any other store. there was a period of time when we couldn't call airstrikes and gaza airstrikes unless we have confirmation from these really is a massive explosion at the largest refugee camp. and guys are joining us now. is lieutenant colonel richard? heck, it's really depressing because we would not be doing this in any other place. we would not tolerate the need to ask, say, the russians, whether they bomb to hospital and kids. so the double standards are really shocking . you try and change managers mines you feel like you're making progress and then something happens and you feel like you're back at square one, multiple journalists and e mails in meetings have raised concerns about the last of the things i've said in this interview. and it hasn't really made a difference because this just the source of unwillingness among the executive to accept the evidence. so me personally,
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that meant i could no longer see my future at the bbc. the lessons learned the 1945 if mankind would remember them, but make the world a better place bar. oh ma'am. in the wave of the world war 2 holocaust western governments built a new international legal order, a central pillar of which was the prevention of any future janice, since the early stages of israel's all acts and their journalism to the test between the positions of their own government and the reality of international law this month, try that. israel has the right to defend itself, which has been repeated over and over and over again in western media. israel has a right to defend itself as real, has an absolute right to defend themselves, realize a right not only to defend itself by to, to seek the military destruction of from us. yes, israel had a right on october 7th to repel attacks on its territory. but it has no right under
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international law to make war on the gaza strip. a territory that according to the law is occupied for 57 years. so that little rhetorical device of claiming that israel has a right to defend itself has been used and abused in western media to provide justifications for holy unlawful acts. israel has a right to defend itself. that was the editorial line that was drilled into us into overall coverage, denying access to fluid is clinic to punishment. and that's we should all be clear and saying that as well. all you obviously that it has a right to defend itself. people with terrified of using the web genocide and coverage. they still all, you will very rarely see it any bbc coverage, understand interviewees as the word genocide. this is a genocide happening in front of her. i the, we have to wait, but that was as,
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as you know, incredibly emotions in the, as riley's, as you know, we saying that they are talking to and come off and leave the presenter who was always panic. somebody of a faulty whole political project is always on the strong piece contingent where they just don't watch like supposing genocide. okay. maybe just avoid that language of having destroyed god's us health care system. israel has laid waste to virtually every town and city. there it is. slain more journalists in one year than were killed in all of world war 2. they are among at least $41000.00 palestinians killed . and the experts say the real death total could be several times higher in excess of $100.00. 55. the response from israel's primary western allies has been one of denial about the depths of the horror and their own publicity. as for the western
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world's most influential news outlets, they have suppressed the story amplifier. these really propaganda that has a company and down play the tell tale signs of genesis. western mainstream media have invested a lot in trying to draw a curtain across this genocide and disseminating an alternative narrative that makes the crimes happening and ga, so somehow justifiable. and the reason this is so dangerous is because it creates room for western countries to create a cloak up into unity. and it creates a sense that some countries are above the law that might makes right, that all of the efforts to build an international order. since the 2nd world war, governed by the rule of law may begin to crumble. it is impossible to overstate the role that the incendiary media coverage played in the events that were unfold after him. us and its allies broke down the fence that surrounds gosh,
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you're not how much israel is a democracy and a as a jewish state, as supports and, and believes in every life mattering israel was able to perform in front of the world. a master class in manipulation of the media. and so you had a narrative set of that netanyahu, and biden on their own, would not have had the power to drill into the minds of the public. but for the existence of major western news organizations promoting it for free the in the future when we have a new z. and for this genocide, we will have a special place where we put the pictures of the journalists who allow that to happen. there will be a waiting for the cnn and the b, b,
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c. and the time journalists who were the enablers of the genocide, the palestinian people, will remember the towns for trespasses as desperate people transgress and illegal passage to feed an emerging fuel trafficking market. we followed the powerless journey unguarded through the line of fire risk, and it'll send as wayland columbia on al jazeera in
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