tv [untitled] January 15, 2025 6:30am-7:00am AST
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and all the troubling issues, the response from the texas donald trump's pick to lead the pentagon. these are lies, read by what is described as liberal media. there was a coordinated smear campaign orchestrated in the media against us. that was clear from moment one security the hearing was interrupted several times by shouts from the public gallery. the protest is removed by capital police down the nominee was asked whether he would follow a precedence, come on to open fire on protest. as his response was non committal, despair was that sounds to me that you will not lie with such an order. you will shoot protesters in the in the leg. i hardly said you are prepared to do the job. there were questions to about his moral qualities. and you had just father and a child by a woman who would later become your 3rd wife, correct? senator was falsely charged. i'm putting
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a fully investigated and completely cleared. so you think you were completely clear because you committed no crime. that's your definition of cleared picks. that's what's also question about his comments that women should not be in the military. what you said were taken out of context and allegations of financial mismanagement of veterans organizations which be denied. he repeatedly stressed his royalty and belief in the president elect to nominated him. the department of defense under donald trump will achieve peace through strength. and hicks that's receive full republican support, including an endorsement from the man nominated the national security advisor. michael bolts, an early show of solidarity in the security operators of the next administration. mike hannah, i'll just sierra washington see by an administration is lifting the us designation of cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. is part of
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a deal that we'll see in prison, protest is released in cuba. just over a decade ago, a former us president barack obama lifted the designation restored relations and east and economic and ball. okay. but the moves wherever the steering president donald trump's 1st term in office keepers economy has worse and ever since. and his stuff a 3 nationwide blackout since october that's it from me on the inside. the news continues to and i'll just, they're off to witness to stay with the government or the women of mexico's traditional rodeo or chat idea teams of 8 show up there. horseman shipping a series, ordinated high speed and often dangerous exercises. it's a lot about geometry and synchronization between one side and the other,
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creating mirror effects. and it's kind of just accessing just a way for these women and girls to connect to their national heritage. it is also a family tradition. most of them come from a long line of charles, also a lifelong commitment, bringing together family tradition and national pride was honoring the bravery of those who came before them. who might be the only woman in the room, the only black person. mm hm. definitely be on the most i serve as the state representative for the 26 district here in delaware. that was locked in in 2020 as the 1st most form to the dollar general assembly. at the time i was $26.00 the
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what's going on in palestine, the genocide and gaza and being outspoken about that. i've definitely felt very isolated. not just among legislators, but among democrats. the okay, great. thank you. recognizing that humanitarian crisis and gaza in supporting an immediate and lasting ceasefire veteran speakers. because the 3rd and final reading of house concurrent resolution $125.00 only for pm. listen, anton house concurrent resolution number 125 years before on the i feel a very strong emotional connection to the families that are being murdered and traumatized and starved. they like this that we focus on just
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i don't regret anything that i've said or that i've done. i've faced some repercussions with my colleagues who don't appreciate either the message that i'm putting out or the way that i'm doing it. you know, both of my parents are african american. i indemnify, as by racial. the about 10 years ago, my 5 decided and one of them in a way of privilege. and i was like, give me some of that. you know, when you have something like that, a lot of people noticed that when they see you, right. so what time do i get people coming up to me that are like giving me ideas on how to fix it, right? because the, know i have come to terms with this, you know, eventually all the all way. i mean,
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i always wanna do comedy since i was a kid. i'm like, you know what? i'm going to just give it a shot. see what happens. it definitely is a stress relief for me. you said something about a state representative. here's the rep and the owner, very nice. the new guy, the earlier this week i disrupted an event of the vice president. so then this morning i got a letter from some of the democratic members that the coffee saying that they basically like disapproved of my behavior. and kind of alluded to that they went into the fence for me or something. so i was like trying to figure out what to do about that. what's like, what's the strategic thing to do? what makes sense? what helps the movement, what does it, you know, make me get on an elective my goods. this was a lot of different conversations. i've been feeling suprised slated when i got the
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letter and i saw how many people signed onto it. i was like really detective, the people asked me like, why don't you just talk to her, why don't you send a letter? i did all those things, reset the doctor because i worked for the volume. generally. i read it out to them . numerous occasions didn't get any response, like formal letters, phone calls, nothing. so there comes a point where as an organizer, as an active is 0, i see. do i have a meeting where there's no record? and there's not going to be any accountability for that content, or do i have a public color? i've also just gotten like a bunch of messages and people that just have like bomb emoji is in like curse
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words. and just so this one guy emailed me go pick cotton and louisiana plantation, slave of islam and disgusting anti semite, who has no knowledge of the black experience under slum how innocent blacks were starved, slaughtered in slaves by arab muslims. but you sure know how to goose step right along side the mosque baby killers and grow. rebus was learning women medina. the time then after i interrupted the holiday party that festive occasion. i got
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a lot of requests from the media to actually come out and speak about my perspectives on foreign policy. right now. what i think the by the administration should or shouldn't be doing. and also got to highlight the fact that a lot of most americans and aero americans don't feel comfortable loading providing in this upcoming election. and that's the point right this to show that our communities voice matters and that if democrats want to count on us, then we should be able to count on them. and if you'll excuse the point of personal privilege i want to is, uh, is uh, wilson. anton here welcome is good to see you. she represents the state of delaware. by the way. um i have so many photos with bye and it has been like basically like a family member. here's you, here's your husband, here's your mom and who's this guy. now if you look at the photos that are like newer, there's a lot of names that are just like genocide,
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jones up. but there's also a lot of photos of me smiling with him like which you know, in retrospect is pretty embarrassing. good. after reaching out and trying to reach people that i thought had some kind of shared values with me that i thought i had connected with as cooper for as, as people that silence was flex suprema more and went on all statements like 5. and i'm just like a post by and it feels like a lot of us top them up to be in this position. and now that we're seeing what it's doing, it's like how do i make amends? i'm going to introduce a resolution that i think is true to what we should be doing and true to my values . and i would like people to see that they're not alone and thinking is the you're, i don't know, 2 walks or so from the president's house. a lot of young local activists have
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decided to set up shop. he comes home to be like, welcome. and so i think it's important that we show them that the messaging is you're not welcome home because you're committing genocide to you can do you send them home on you know, that would be happening if they weren't brought it to the land wasn't so large enough that i'd be 40, do you can do the money will commit work. how do you condemn is no, no, no because they're defending the pressures doing it. do i know i have a right to be here just like the stuff? well, that's the 1st 2nd property that we're kind of the
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so when you are with your parents or with your teachers, you can come back here and visit. have meetings learned about what's happening in the community. these are pictures of past governor. yeah, always people used to be in charge a long time ago. this is a space that's open for the community to come and watch the proceedings. okay, so we're, we're showing everyone what it's like to watch from the balcony. today we are having our 1st annual muslim community day at the c capital here in delaware. so many community members here some for the 1st time. and i've already heard from the 4th back, but our legislative meeting earlier today, we're expected. and folks are really excited to continue the conversation. so thank you to all of our legislators who met with community members today. we look forward
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to seeing you all continuing to collaborate to help our community. number one issue for our community is we want a permanent and an immediate cease fire in cause that since january thousands more innocent people have been murdered. 1.1000000 are at risk of famine. right now. i think it is our duty as elected officials to speak for justice regardless of if we have the ability to change it ourselves or not. and i think we're seeing that the more people who speak up from all walks of life, the easier it becomes for those that are in power to do the same. and so i would employ my colleagues to speak for justice, regardless of that they have the ability to actually change themselves are not the, there was a possibility and we're going to vote on us is foreign resolution. and uh, it seems like that's not gonna happen. no, because people have issues with it,
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which you know, are kind of in cause a bit and, but i'm still a bit annoyed about that. it's frustrating that we continuously cater to people who we know are not going to support the right. i gotta, i gotta run and get another call, but i hear you say listen, anton house concurrent resolution number 125 is before us. thank you madam speaker . this house concurrent resolution recognizing recognizes the ongoing humanitarian crisis and gaza and supports of permanency spire release of all hostages delivery of the media and sustain humanitarian, a to guys a and diplomatic action to facilitate long term and mutually respectful peace in the region. and it also includes that includes the immediate and unconditional
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release of all hostages. if there are no questions, i'd ask for a voice vote, all those in favor of house concurrent resolution number 125, signify by saying, i know i've habits house concurrent resolution 125 is cleared past the house surface. that will sit in time. thank you madam speaker. i just wanted to take a moment to think members on both sides of the aisle and in both leadership i want to thank you all you all need a here. yes or the, i think signaling to the country, the world for the presidency ministration that this home st costs are a cease fire and outlines and different conditions for it. that's really powerful. there's the next step for me is to try to get this in the media so that it gets to our federal delegation. we just saw the democracy in action basically. i mean,
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um folks who are working behind the scenes or the past few months to try to get a resolution passed. but i think the fact that we knew we were going to have most, some of under most of the building that kind of brought the level of urgency up for a lot of numbers. i'm hoping that the energy that i felt out there on the stairs with all of our community members who are really excited about this, that that like is like a ripple and it keeps people energize, to keep fighting. for an end of this genocide, the we are waiting to get picked up to go meet with someone in sen, chris coons, office, one of our senators soon to be our senior senator from dor and as we're standing
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here. lots of members are getting off the subway and we're trying to engage with them and they're like it would be really nice if the congressmen weren't to put out a statement of support. so you demanded immediate end to u. s. military 8 or israel and measures and support of the permanent in a meeting. so smart for those of us to sign it. i mean, i will definitely be disappointed how still acted, but you can't say like the delaware legislature and i thought it was a long shot to get a pass at all. and i think passing it out of the house was really monumental. and we're just trying to keep the momentum and do what we can just to be clear, i wanted to chat with you about the house concurrent resolution 125. and a lot of members of this, of the senate democratic caucus were like, we don't want to touch it, we don't wanna deal with it. it's international relations. we don't have to know
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that's outside of our right. and, and the ukraine resolution is a really good example because we is very strong language and i'm with several of my colleagues who at 1st were just like, don't want to do it. let's pretend it never happened. you have really, really nervous about it. are starting to say, you know, i'm starting get a lot of outreach. i'm receiving emails saying that, you know, we should put on this resolution. yeah, we support the resolution. you're talking to the advocates and i'm talking to the advocates to let them know to keep the pressure long because it's working, i think is important. we have members of the senate who want us to enter not to pass our resolution, yours of mine, but rather a completely different resolution. one that they are going to create. since my name was the only son at name on the resolution, i got a lot of outreach. yeah. from outreach, has a nice way of 20, has found the jewish community,
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the pro israel. the strongly pro is real jewish community that are part of my constituency. right? right, right, the jewish federation is in my district. okay. but so it was delaware rooms for post and even human rights, also headquartered in my district. so something i like to remind my pro is all jewish friends is. i hear you and i represent you, but do know that i also represent people with another opinion of the representatives of the jewish federation. asked to meet with me and this was the resolution they brought me and asked me, would i be willing to run this one is which one was the for the one that's $1.00. 1 . i was asked, would you run this instead of a, a c, r 125. rather than say what they didn't liked about this. they told me what the pro over. i love this, i agree you got. but what if we did somebody completely different? what we want to do is influence the actions of israel because now the ones we have in the want to, i don't see anything wrong with holding them to
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a higher standard because we are supporting them with our money. i appreciate you. i'll keep you posted on how that. okay, cool. we only have 7 legislative days left, and if it doesn't pass this on it, it says if the house didn't pass it because it's just going to die, it's not gonna, it's a, you know, it's like it redid something, but it's not gonna actually be like affective as like a resolution pass through a 1000 so i know sometimes that's helpful. the i do feel like our legislature would be more effective if we met all year round and not just for 6 months of the year. but i'm very depleted, especially with added like emotional stress and alienation and travel
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experience. austin, the looking to, to grab the scene and they're gonna, they're not, i don't know if it does kind of take some of the seriousness or like depressing moments and like to see you some, a little bit for me. i mean, you have noticeable like video i go people asking questions, right. especially kids, kids love to come up to me and be like, what happened to your hand? and i get down on their level when i tell them the truth to when i was your age, my mamma told me to do something and i didn't listen. the i didn't realize it is going to be this many people i didn't know if it shouldn't be this long. i thought a few weeks, few months. and what does depressed me is the fact that it's still going
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i'm definitely going to be thinking about like what i can do to continue to support getting a ceasefire and delivering the house are the most. we want to have like sure, peace in the middle east and you need to do is to be just the, the rock, a nation, richard with land mines and an expert dedicated to defusing them, one by one. equipped with only a knife and the pair of wire touch, the faces that every day for does is worth making a hero or a talk with the minor on a jersey to a lot of the stories that we cover
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