tv [untitled] January 15, 2025 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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because he believes that both the president elect and himself were instrumental in making this happen. okay, kimberly many thanks. indeed, reyes the lines the from washington. the same. there's a war on garza has dominated headlines for more than a yes. ending shockwave throughout the middle east and the world is also has bought schools, the change and accountability at the highest levels. within $46.00 and a half 1000 pallets, students have been killed with hundreds of thousands more injured. and welcome takes a look back at 15 months of unrelenting. well, unfortunately, we don't have a m on cons package right now. that's good to know. i'm the shower. he's out of there as a senior political analyst joins us from the law. well, in your thoughts on the last few hours in the some lead up to this bill being announced, we sold great celebrations, the in the gaza strip. people extremely excited. we went to honey. also the deal
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had been announced and there was nobody around. everyone had returned to the 17 where they have tons of the home say was fearful of more is really strikes because the point of this deal being announce now is that it does not say start for another 3 days. yes, that was expected. that it would start on sunday, but after 18 months, 60 months of one of the same i guess uh, 3 more days is not going to be too hard for the people of uh, guys, all. but yes it's, it's hard once you start to celebrate things. for you then to go back to, you know, simple habits of fear. there's nothing worse than fee. it probably supports then just because living and fear for so long, especially for the children majority of the people and guys has been horrific for the past 16 months. and my guess is that the,
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even if they would celebrate the next uh, whatever hours and days i think in the, in the depth of the heart, they know that this is not a done deal. and as we've heard throughout the past few hours, clearly there's been a lot of emphasis on the 1st phase, and there is no clarity on the 2nd and 3rd phase. and, and that does not give me a great confidence because i insist that i work criminal like an affinity at home with his freshest and fanatic partners. i'm not to be trusted was look forward. and so i can see the doors. but that does not mean that we should not be celebrating today and worry about what to be worried about tomorrow. i'm sure that the phone cause that will lead us that way once that happens. but as i was listening to you, i was also listening to the uh, to the leader of how about us. uh, i didn't how you were speaking and he sounded like he has the people that goes on
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his mind and he was quite bush, in fact, quite confident, quite bold, in the sense that he thinks that's what happened with the remain to be a very important part of palestinian and the reason of history and that it was come back to haunt these rabbits. and this is not the end of it. as he said, i'm not talking about the ceasefire per se. but generally speaking, he's looking at this at this in historical terms, which means as we all understand, the conflict has not, it's not over. there is probably a temporary cease fire or a truce for a number of weeks after which god knows what will happen on the shallow with some of the reminder of the flows in this, these 5 dale, after it's been adopted, announced that as being adults has 5 ex tare prime minister, them on many thanks. indeed. let's just go on at 20 g m t and of the 15 months of israel's will. on garza kind of prime minister mohammed been up the wrong and
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autonomy says negotiators have reached a ceasefire agreement. he says it will take effect starting on sunday, january the 19th and the deal will lead to release on his way to captives and a search and humanitarian aid to gaza. let's listen to the announcement by the past, who prime minister so the tall republic of egypt and to the united states, happy to announce the success of joints mediation efforts in order to reach a deal between the parties in conflicts in gaza to exchange prisoners and hostages . under a ton to a prolonged truce that achieves a permanent seas 5 between the 2 sides. in addition of an agreement on the delivery of large amounts of humanitarian relief and aid to the palestinian brothers in cause of hello correspondents, banners smith joins us off next high foreign ministry and throw on. but a, just a few moments ago you were talking to the fore ministries spoke so much at all and sorry, he gave a few more details to me about what has just been announced a
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data perhaps the most so bring aspect. busy of this agreement, the c side do a co pay me comes in the opening sentence of the document that comes with this announcement that the policies in the mediators objective is to achieve a final consensus to implement the may 27, 2024 agreements, 8 months ago this deal is on the table we was, they were asked in the press conference, the customer prime minister. why now, how did happen? what a change in the last few days and the last few months, the men, some of the countries told us a change in the last couple of months a month. you know, i'm sorry councils for ministry spokesman gave us a little insight into how this deal was reached and the last few days been loaded for a 110 days since the end of the past 5. and we have been working tirelessly with our popular then he gets in the united states and make sure that we get to this
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point of a sustainable view which uh, which will begin as stated on, on sunday obviously that, that, that work incentive of both administration incoming and outgoing state with a really efficient and helpful. we have seen it because a great but there can see the food, the finance that has personally thing in his statements the today being they going sale in the process and in the talk. but i have to say that it's the collective assets that has taken place since the 8th of october, the today by the teams. i've been working on this in durham in egypt, and they have to say all across the region and uh, and beyond the collective aspects of all of these individual institutions and states that made us get to this. and by the time that it took to reach this deal, the fact that the space in the said that they would negotiate. and i talked to the
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point when they announced is agreement just points to the difficulty of the 2 sides to see i to i a yeah. and an indication of the challenges. le le, ahead and making sure that this cease fire sticks and to give you an indication of all those challenges, all we know now what some of the detail of phase one of the cease fire agreement will be. we know, for example, that he's riley forces will withdrawal to it permits so within about 700 meters from the car and cause offense. and most crucial aid interestingly, is riley policies will gradually, with through withdrawal from the philadelphia hard robots, the border between egypt and gaza. and that will be a complete withdrawal no later than day, 50 after the last 2 is released by say $4.00 to $2.00. and the reason i highlight that is, is an indication of how important oversight of disagreement is going to be on
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wildcats a, an egypt parties to overseeing this agreement. crucially, it's the americans and the agreement and the insurance from the americans that they will overseas. this deal to make show, particularly the israel sticks to its side of the bog, and we know that certainly over the last 8 months or so, since this deal was originally on the table, it's frequently often been benjamin netanyahu, who's the walk through the seas, 5 deal being a cheaper zone, domestic political purposes for now, the americans under the new trump administration, say they will make sure that the sci fi agreement phase one is implemented. and that's the point, isn't it? this is phase one to get to phase 2 more negotiations have to take place as the and a framework around them. but at this point in time, so we know that from day 16,
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all 1st phase of all of the ceasefire agreement bell then begin, begin talking about how they will move on to phase 2. i didn't phase 2. this is when you start talking about the release, all the remaining captives is when you'd start talking about a, about the complete end to the military campaign. because to be your rights. if you could begin again at the end of the 1st phase. so all of bob's verbal guarantees that how much particular has been given the negotiations will continue as planned as they move in to phase 2. benjamin netanyahu remember previously said he would not stop the fighting until how about caesar, military and governing capabilities. i've been eliminated. while he hasn't been able to do that, but yet he has agreed to the ceasefire agreement. that is why there is so much
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concern, i think, particularly from hamas on egypt and cancel the americans of the tobacco shore and says that the sci fi deal will be implemented and lead on to face to face . who is going to be box potentially much more challenging to get an agree, the terms all on phase one and we already know how long these things against a phase one, a group, mondays. okay. bonus many thanks for bringing some very nice is that you were getting the from the farm ministry in castle. well, the impacts of 15 months of wall on the goal is a strip has left a devastating told them $46700.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th last year. as according to the ministry of health because of those killed and 17015 children. but the overall vega does not include the $11000.00 pallets and in so i consider missing all varies on the the russell of thousands of palestinians across garza with celebrating the announcement of the seas. fidel.
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7 honey, in this and south, is there a bottle in central johnson, i think joyous seems a deal has finally been reached between israel and how much, how to sit and say they all. finally, when they have 100 and my good, we are very happy that this crisis sapp ms. bowman, i'm happened to us is finding the over and that we will return to our home towns under 10 to a family in base. how many garza i'm the north and see our family to remain to live and see all lives return to our old lives and be happy and live like we used to correspond to it. how do you, my friend, who's been reporting day and day out from there about in central garza brings us this reaction. but the positive few hours have been completely different than what we used to see, and the possibly is
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a complete shift in the scene here at the hospital where people burst into celebration. the moment they heard about the news about a ceasefire agreement between our mazda and israel, followed by the press conference for the cover of 5 minutes or announcing an agreement. for us, please fire that's not going to be. that's not going to take effect until sunday. the people here for a couple hours turn the whole area into a stage of celebration, something that we're not used to see. it was early hours this morning. and what we see in the policy of this area here at the hospital used to be a stays for funerals for bodies that are killed and brought to the hospital. most of it was filled with agony on saturdays, but the past couple hours would be particularly different, more of an expression of much of the, the feelings that have been suppressed for the past 15 months. and without going into the details or the terms, people came together and got any good 0 celebrating weather in the hospital or
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industries from 10 sites across the gaza strip and further in the northern part of district. and i'm also evacuated in zone. an area that has the berlin, this the bomb for the past 16 months old and celebration of an in to this nightmare . the positives of the pipe intends for fevers. why did ranting, as many approaches here at this good casting point, wondering and ask him another question about a ceasefire, about an end of the work. and finally it's happened. we know it's not going to be enforced until sunday, and from the time of announcement to the time is going to be in force. these are very critical times and we're expecting a surgeon be attacked by the drones. and by the heavy artillery isn't. that's what makes people do in the celebration right after 2 hours and go back to their tense because the noise, nighttime of crows then it becomes, let's see if and very receipts to walk in the streets and drive industries to the, the 10 just inside. so we're,
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we're going to wait until sunday and see how this will play itself out. then how people are going to be moving forward, particularly the, as a, as the idea of going back to their homes and the return of many of the displays at people as well as the search that is a promising, the, the, the, the agreement of the, of human materials, aid and human, it's in a truck getting into the gaza strip anymore. most of the data from there, but i to see how this died. well, with the announcement of the seas font being achieved in garza, i'm the release of the hostages families of is way the captives. so gotten gathering in tel aviv now demonstrates as of being cooling for the release of the as why the captive held in the script every week for the 15 months of the war. now these are the live scenes in the tel aviv now. people crowns of people, so wasting out the, since the deal was announced, it's still rather a,
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some of the move that because of course, there's no release yet. all of the captives and the details and the implementation of not being clear yet. we're not quite sure how and when exactly those capt as will be released. but much hope must be felt that amongst the families of the hostages, the 1st real hope that they have had in many, many months, that they will get to see that not once again. please where the president's isaac has or has been speaking or so on. this, he's fine to my name is jose. i support the government's the heat of the government and all the delegation in order to achieve a deal. and also i cool on an age, the members of the cabinet to agree on this deal and disagreement in order to bring back our children up. and then my capacity is president of israel. i say clearly that this is a step in the right direction. this is an important step on your mailbox, and it's all who joins us from a mine. and that's because as well, has bundled 0 from
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a pricing in the countries as we had from the present. that this is an important step. but of course, not quite a done deal of the end as well, because there is a vote to a couple of sites that are due to be taking place. by the way, the government will close through the situation that we're going to be faced with tomorrow. and that's right at around 11 am local time benjamin netanyahu, the countries prime minister will convene his security cabinet to take a vote on this very issue. if these really government, if the coalition will agree to sign off on the ceasefire deal that has been agreed to by both mediation parties, it's also worth mentioning that there are a lot of obstacles here for benjamin netanyahu, including the potential collapse of his government. but let's talk about one of those statements. we received 1st, benjamin netanyahu a source close to it and said that he's not going to be addressing the public until everything is done until the vote is done. and all of the procedures around that
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are finished. that's the time he will give a statement and speak to the world stage. what benson and smelt rich, the finance minister, a member of his for right government, has released the statement essentially giving an ultimatum, saying that benjamin netanyahu knows what it's going to take for bed. is smaller, it's religious, zine is a party to stay in the government and that's returning to what all out war he was against the deal to begin with. he didn't want it. there are other members of the far right? like you to more bend. we're the national security minister, who said that this was a bad deal in smaller. it's echo that sentiment to night in his statement saying that it's not a good deal. it gives up a lot of the achievements that israel has made. but it's important to note that this has been a war with little to no military achievements for these really army. they set out with 3 goals on october, the 7th, none of which have been achieved after all of this time. after all of this bloodshed, the military didn't achieve a single one of their goals, so there is going to be an important discussion tomorrow,
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and these really cabinet and the security cabinet. but again, we have been reporting, but this is not the end of the war. this is a deal that is laid out in a framework that secures the falls in the fighting, but it could end after phase one. and that's what these far right ministers are hoping for, a, but mediators are hoping otherwise the policy and people of course, are hoping otherwise than the americans have been saying tonight that they hope that all 3 phases of this deal will come to fruition and ultimately lead to an end of the war, but the ball right now is going to be in benjamin missing young's court. he and his government will have to decide what next steps they are going to take on thursday. i'm saying like pictures of the relatives of the captives, they all gathered in tel aviv holding and some of us, some the vigil. i mean, they of course have been out week off to wait for around. this will pressuring and ask me all who government to, which deal to bring the family members home. massive relief must be felt
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that amongst those crowds. but overall, what are you hearing from me is really about this, these 5 deal, a mess, thoughts about this? well look, it's important to mention that the main reason why these really public wants to cease fire deal is to bring back the remaining is really caps it's. it's not necessarily because of the palestinians suffering in guns that would make after we these really people have been taking to the streets, begging their leadership for some sort of deal for some sort of progress. because they have accused the prime minister of being neither capable nor willing to accept a deal. these are the same families who's accused nothing, you know, of prolonging the war for his own personal and political gain. and they're not just protesting in the streets. in fact, every week they go to these really parliament known as the cadets that they sit in on sessions with lawmakers and they tell them about their grievances. often times
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they are escorted out there been parents of captives who been banned for me is really parliament because of how vocal they've been. so they are not just protesting to bring the captives back, but they're also protesting against the government saying that they are the ones who pro long this war and it's because of them that the captive still remaining gone. so after all of this time time. okay, so how does so who is spring is the view on israel from the money. thanks hon. john daniel upsets is the grandson of the retired, his way to john left, so deadly upset who was taken captive during the attack on october 7th. this is what he had to say about the prospect of seeing him again. so my grandfather is, uh, is in the least. this was published of the 33 hostages. um 1st supposed to go the women out and as he said, the children. but uh, as they understood the live hostages supposed to go out 1st and the body supposed to be at last. i really, really hope that my grand father will be back. i mean, as
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a world, we completely say there is a total failure of the world. the total failure of the religious world to laugh at great spend, father is the only great then father has hostage in the world for $467.00 days. it's something that we couldn't accept except i'm very happy that may be soon that we'll see him. but um, i'm very, very disappointed from the international community and the women and elderly my grandfather, he felt all his life or piece. so when everyone close for piece now piece is held in the tunneling guy, the steel for $467.00 days. i'm exhausted a photo outside being everywhere and but these days is a day of the good energies and the sci fi and gaza. that will, as well as the humanitarian, the 8 going to guys on the health to people in guys
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a to a because of the outgoing us president joe biden presented the deal as a victory of his administration. us despite criticism that has the ministration has been supporting as well as will on garza and escalating tension in the region. this has been time a real term or of the middle east. but as i prepared to leave offers, our friends are strong. our enemies are weak and there's a genuine opportunities for a new future in loveland on there's an opportunity for future free from a rip of has a lot in syria, a future free from the journey of a saw for the policy that people a credible, credible pathway to a state of their own and for the region, a future of normalization integration of israel and all of our neighbors,
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including saudi arabia. i was long also has dominated headlines for move in. yes, something shockwave throughout the middle east and the world is also spot closed for change and accountability at the highest levels. well and 46700 palestinians have been killed and more than a 100000 injured. and one context to look back at 15 months of unrelenting bull the world goes, i did not start on october the 7th, 2023. it began in 1948 with the fullest explosive palestinians from midland. and these roles, occupation of palestine on october the 7th, last year, around 6 30 am local amass announced the military operation, likes a flood plan to use that phones with one overarching goal to focus the attention on these roles of the patient. how must late attack was as swift as it was.
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1139. these ratings were killed. $251.00 would capture. many were killed at the hands of their own military as a full back during the close of the day. an investigation by these radiant use paypal hearts was clear as ro used a hannibal delta choosing to kill its own people rather than help them captured. on october 8th is road declares the state of war and close up to 300000. was this? it stated aims of the destruction of the mass and the return of the captives. then defense minister announced as a complete siege of garza, starvation becomes a weapon of what the leading looks. so it's a lot of i have order to complete siege on the gaza strip. there will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. everything is closed. we have flashing human animals and we are acting
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accordingly. guidelines, comments cements israel's attitude. this is not a will on m. s, but on the palestinian people between the 9th and the 25th of october. as ro, pounds goes by at land and sea. on the 26th, it sends in ground troops as israel, a tax refugee camps, and the civilian infrastructure. catch all egypt on the us try to negotiate a ceasefire or the desktop mounts. then, on november the 24th i break straight forward. i see spot is announced initially. good scene is like success. it's renew twice. in total, 50 capt tips and a $150.00 to whom prisoners are released. so minutes off to the c spy expires on december. the 1st. israel resumes, as will know, c spy has been implemented since and as well as like weights to gauze on the desktop, right? the, the international community led by the united nations begins to call it
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a genocide, the systematic destruction of the people. israel. then because the un agency for published a new refugees, a terrorist organization and says the u. n is anti semitic. on march the 26, the u. n. refugee agency publishes a report entitled, the anatomy of the genocide. israel rejects the report as does its main international back of the united states. on december, the 29 south africa brings a case of genocide against israel in the international court of justice. the court agrees that is a case to be on citizens. human rights organizations agree, it is a genocide and submit a detailed reports and yet is role continues. it's a sold everyone from aid workers to jen. this women and children are in the firing line as well as reoccupied. no, because forcing palestinians into the center of the south district,
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they would take you more than 39 years to attend a funeral, a day for every color. stanley charles kill note. i'm asked by to not. and i don't or network of origin list a child in wrong code, which is 0. well, on romani as a non resident fellow in the sense of a complex and humanitarian studies. it also covers to jot alaya and joins us out from one to many thanks for being with us as well when he gets your reactions to the deal, as we have heard is being announced. yes, as we've heard it because we have yet to see um all the relevant details, but that seems to be an incomplete deal in the sense that a lot can still happen between now and sunday. and once the 1st phase of comment is implementation, then negotiations will be ongoing for a 2nd and for a 3rd stage. so um, you know, there's a lot of live, binds and unexplored to tank grenades if you will. i think the real risk here is
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not that nothing yahoo has been playing biden for the past 6 months. they've been incomplete alignment on virtually everything. i think the danger is that nothing yahoo has played trump in the past and will act on the basis that he will be able to do so again and restart this were at the time of his convenience. and that i think is, is of the real risk here as, as a number of your correspondence. and commentators of pointed out this is for all intents and purposes, the exact same deal that has been on the table now for half a year. and the only thing that's really changed is that the united states, the incoming new administration, has decided to put an end to this for reasons of its own. whereas the outgoing bite and administration was committed to the continuation. and indeed to the intensification of israel's genocidal campaign. and the gaza strip and israel's
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attempts to redraw the strategic map of them. at least it was interesting though, identity sol, vitamins announcements of the deal at the end. he was also questioned by john as whether it was biting a binding tail or a trump dale. and he asked whether the jonas was joking, he was not amused by that. he clearly sees it as his tail and his legacy. oh yes i, i think it is a joke. there's the suggestion, the biden and his minions had anything to do with, with this agreement be reached at this particular point of time, i think is a rather cruel joke. anyone who has looked into this even superficial, he understands that there is one and only one reason that this deal has not been reached. and that is the end of dividing it the restriction with its passionate attachment to is real, its thorough investment in israel's genocidal campaign. and its commitment to its continuation and its replacement bind administration that does not want to have to
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deal with the middle east crisis. the moment it enters the white house and certainly not one with that goes of jimmy carter and where you still have american hostages. being held, at least it really is that simple and to suggest that by them is a moving force behind. this is indeed a joke. the won't just be the us uh what signal monitoring the implementation of course it will be egypt and castle. and does that make sense, obviously, the global community, and indeed the un. so israel will be under the spotlights at this stage to push through with a permanency is fine. at one level, what you're saying is entirely correct. but we've been here before, for example, with the oslo accords. and that was considered too important to fail because it was seen as providing an opportunity for a durable and last thing that will these piece will be. so what happened there and again to me.
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