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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2025 7:30am-8:01am AST

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the vent was long as the limited to invited thing. the trees and guests from the regions of african presidents were on the pool. so was in attendance of the country's choosing to send representatives rather than their lead. is somebody the o g a 0? i'm up with to mozambique. so the incoming us presidents pick for sexy of states as a place to advance. donald trump's america 1st policy lock will be i was speaking during the latest confirmation hearing. so trump cabinet nominees by kind of has more from washington, a bit surreal to the 3 to send it to him all co. rubio appeared amused at the appearing in front of his sentence colleagues, but on the opposite side of the room, $100.00 donald trump, nominated for secretary of state, made clear his america 1st policy, one in which the nation's interests are paramount. placing our corps national interest above all else is not isolationism. it is the common sense realization that are formed part that a foreign policy centered in our national interest is not some outdated relic. the
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hearing was interrupted by protest is shouting in spanish. the son of the cuban immigrants was quick to respond again, bilingual protests, which was already given into the cold front, into the bowl in ukraine, and express full support for nato. a body of which donald trump has been so critical, emphasizing those that its members have obligations that must be met. what's important for the united states is not just to have defense allies, that staff capable of defense allies, allies who are capable of defending their region. all taking this which rubio since colleagues are expected to confirm him with ease and executive trends. no money for attorney general pat bundy insisted that no one was about to know that the form of florida attorney general and dc lobbyist maintain donald trump has been unfairly targeted by the by the justice department for the pitch to actually put it
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the politicize. the justice system, a similar pledge was made by the nominee for director of the c i, a john radcliff who said the organization had to be a political. we will produce insightful objective. all source analysis. never allowing political or personal biases to cloud our judgment or in fact, our products committees ensuring the common thread linking all those appearing before, send it to committees, total loyalty to and support of the president elect who nominated them a mike kinda, i'll just sierra washington. okay, you're up to date may, thanks the company that's have to be in the box at times going to website now just so it don't come much more than one of us stories, including of course being break through the ceasefire. cost that we frame this next . the
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challenges with the one of the main criticisms leveled against your movement is that it's just symmetric. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself has said the founders of the be the movement. want to see the end of the jewish state. one 1st little close talking to fisher as leaders are nourishing anti semitism, like never before. they're in bed with the fascists of the world. the i'm so i have the member to and this is reframe where we seek new conversations and perspectives in this series will be discussing one of the biggest issues of all the time, the face of palestine on this people and what the war and gaza has revealed about
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the nature of israel justification the my guess this week is one of the most prominent palestinian human rights defenders . omar. but he's the co founder of the d. s. the boycott divestment and sanctions campaign. a policy indian movement inspired by the south african antea, pos side struggle, successive israeli governments have tried to deal legitimize the ds, subjecting omar to threats and invitation. in 2017 home, i received the gun the piece award for the homeowners. thank you so much for joining us today. thank you. you've been on the full front of the fight to defend human rights in palestine for decades. can you tell us what is b d s and what is the philosophy that animates it? so that'd be,
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this was launched by the opposite with majority of palestinian society in 2005, calling for the basic rights without which palestinians cannot exercise self determination. ending the occupation ending as the regime of racial segregation which meets the one definition of apartheid. and that idea of refugees to return by focusing on those 3 right speeds, addresses the basic rights stipulated under international law. the most important points of ideas is that it connects the palestinian liberation struggle with ending complicity internationally. which means we cannot and occupation on the part i then then to have, i would refugees return and receive preparations without ending the complicity of states corporations and institutions. so in a nutshell, the theory of change of the media as movement is from the grassroots to the grass stops in order to effect the policy change, we need to build people of power, which has many, many forms, intersection of coalitions, media power,
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and strategic litigation, power the ability to peacefully disrupt the powers that be and so on and so forth. and it's most important to say that it is an anti racist movement. that categorically opposes old forms of phrases. but even if we're talking about a movement that connects palestinians with the rest of the world in this fight to end complicity is people's power enough to take is well off. it's current. paul, well as trying to derives most of its power as we're seeing during this ongoing genocide from being armed, funded and shielded from accountability by the united states, the u. k. germany, the a you and so on. without those links of complicity, israel cannot maintain its entire system of oppression. so we think yes, we can. if we cut those thinks of complicity,
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it does kind of help the palestinian people resist more effectively, the system of oppression and eventually dismantled it. we've seen this in south africa, this is not something completely hypothetical that has never been tested. people's across the world have been able to defeat extremely powerful enemies from india, against the british colonialism of jerry against french colonialism and south africa against apartheid. and it took a lot of international solidarity. it wasn't just the internal resistance. external sort of attitude is also very integral. this resistance you have said in the past that the way in which israel roll is out it, it's own apartheid is far more sophisticated than what happened in south africa in, in what way is it more sophisticated when it's a part or 2 point? oh, if you will, it's the newer version because it sort of has learned a lot from the south african system of apartheid, which in turn learned a lot from the u. s. system of apartheid against indigenous and against black
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americans. and so israel knows that, unlike south africa, it's not an inherently very powerful country that the west needs, per se, of course, it serves imperial powers and so on. but in order for israel to continue its system of oppression, it has to appear as if it were democratic liberal. so it cannot afford to have petty apartheid preventing palestinian citizens central their citizens from sharing the same hospital wards. although we're getting much closer to that. but apartheid is not about sharing tables or hospital wards, a parts of the crime defiant and international law as a system of racial domination by one patient group against another. that deprives them of basic tribes based on their identity and institutionalize, is this racial segregation, and discrimination? and that's true, perfectly fits that's paradigm as to for and international law choices. really,
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you're entitled to the entire set of rights. if you're not to choice, if your intention is palestinian christian wisdom or otherwise, you're not entitled to those things of rights. so is there a, there's not a state of its citizens, it's a state of the jewish people worldwide. it doesn't give it's citizens who are not to wish the same rights by law, not just by policy. naomi klein, who's a famous canadian officer, an activist, has called medias of people's foreign policy and says it deserves to be seen as such. i wanted to ask you how jewish voices are represented in your movement today in north america, in particular, jewish support for bts has always been disproportionately high during the last few years, it has grown exponentially. and during the genocide, it does drone even further. so everyone has seen those jewish peaceful disruptions of congress and stature of liberty and the grand central station. extremely inspiring. they understand that there is nothing jewish about israel's occupation,
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settler colonialism ethnic cleansing apartheid or genocide. and therefore there is nothing empty. jewish in supporting b. s to dismantle those systems, those structures of oppression and those crimes. and we are very proud of this as jewish support for medias. and it helps a lot to counter hold. the myths about the movement that are trying to silence palestinian advocacy is it's perhaps not that well known omar that's non violent resistance in palestine goes back. really a century on that published and in civil society has been active since the time of the british mandate. can you speak to us briefly about that history of non violence resistance and also where you place beads within that story? it's indeed boy cuts in particular go back at least a century and palestinian history and fighting british colonialism and then
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scientist, set for colonialism and support comfortable has been used. we did not learn boy cuts from gone to or martin luther king gore from south africa as inspiring because those examples have been going to be the movement for example. but we've learned it namely from our own history and from all in groups cetera. heritage of struggle. the most important point to remember is that there's a diversity of resistance forms in palestine and everywhere else. you don't face colonialism or sets of colonialism or any system of oppression with one form of resistance. simply because people are different. there's diversity among people. if you're a student or an artist or a child, i do sometimes workshops in schools in ramallah or in nablus. and kids asked me, we'd really love this idea of b d. s. can we do it? i said, yes. one parent once told you, what did you do to our children? and yesterday in your i said, what happened? he said, my daughter formed a check point in the house when my wife and i came from the supermarket sheet 2nd
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time 3 items, to make sure none of the products were blood comfortable. and i said, i'm so proud of your thoughts. what are some of the, the wins that you're most proud of? recently, it's hard to speak about successes in the midst of ongoing genocide. but we must, we must, because it is where we see the hope in this unspeakable darkness of ongoing carter every single day. a new messic are a new schools and you atrocity, i don't have to indonesia or malaysia or, or pakistan, or south africa or chino, or columbia, or the us or the u. k, a n u c. hope everywhere. a movement is growing power press so its power is growing like never before. we are successfully challenging powers that be been a region southern front, the absolute largest and or of recent divested it's $500000000.00 worth of insurance. bonds under pressure from the largest trade union in norway,
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which is that media support there. but even bigger than that entails the ship maker can. so the project of investing 25000000000. would it be $25000000000.00 near tel aviv 15 by some guys up basically they were planning a huge factory on several factors. led to that including b. s. pressure on, on shareholders. does it make sense to invest in a war zone where your entire investments may disappear? isn't this reckless, isn't this ideological? and indeed, that was much more effective than our ethical and legal arguments in that case. so there are many other cases look at what's happening with artists with academics, with students in count minutes, trade unions. so all over the place. i think the whole young generation, from korea to the us from sweden to south africa. they have center to palestine as part of their identity as that you and the ration that once a different worked. that is not through by extremely hard on both corporations and
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militaristic companies and financial institutions that that's such a blood. they want a different world. but at the same time as, as they're having this impact, it's also true that b, this has come under increased scrutiny and attack. and one of the main criticisms leveled against your movement is that it's anti semitic, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself has said the founders of the be the movement, want to see the end of the jewish state. they're classical, anti semites in modern garb. how do you respond to that? one 1st little close talking. the fisher as leaders are nourishing anti semitism, like never before. they're in bed with the fascists of the world in europe, in the us, their best friends from crazy christian scientists. let's empty us their anti semitic but they love is right. this is the new formula. we're whitewash your anti
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semitism. if you love it, certainly if your support is around. so that's one point. the 2nd point is that as i said earlier, bts targets israel's regime of oppression. it does not target identity as such. what is jewish about that? i mean, how is that jewish saying it is, is anti semitic, saying that attacking israel, the attacking scientism is anti semitic is an anti semitic statement. because it equates concern on the one hand, then scientism with all the jews as if jews have no diversity as if they're a model this on. finally, if it's ridiculous, all jews, then this live stream to genocide we're saying and casa against 2300000 palestinians is a jewish genocide. how more anti semitic can i get? of course it's not a genocide, does it? and it's really policy you followed right, fascist government. and this really has nothing to do with jewishness. which of the days of what you say to the, the other criticism,
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which is that boy costs even well, meaning boy costs will not damage the largest corporate owner of the company, but actually will hurt the more vulnerable person who they intend to help the workers in this case, actually this is false in our long history. obedience almost 2 decades. we've had massive support from trade unions. is it because they're acting against their class interest? no, they understand that they have some very evo ceos and board members. that's one of the profit of everything else. and in many cases, they help us to boycott their company, to force their company to up and, and legal projects industry. and it happened with the earlier, the french conglomerate. i personally met with 3 trades unions of your all your and bill about. and the next day, they plastered all the buses, the only a buses, boy quite a few of the and then 7 years made survey only, it was forced to abandon his truth after losing over $20000000000.00 worth of contracts. so shareholders start doing this fight against the ceos in the board
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after they see that price being paid. i mean, this brings me to another important point it's, it's very obvious that it's really government's feel threatened by b b s. they have campaigns, it across the west to enact laws officially binding b, b. s. and in the us today, correct me if i'm wrong here, but 293 and to be the bills have been introduced effective in 38 states. can you tell us about those laws and do they widen the net from b. s to all the movements? in fact, in many us state legislatures and dvds legislation has been used to suppress the rights of blacks to vote women's, reproductive rights and fossil fuels campaigners and so on and so forth. it's an absolute template. we've been saying that for many, many years don't ignore what they're doing. i guess b d s because they're, they're violating the 1st amendment of the us constitution. the free speech amendment. if they got away with this who's next most progressive movements and us
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ignored that we told them, have you learned anything from mccarthy? isn't they claim they are going after the communists? but they never stop. it's any dissenting voice. then most progressive now saw that tend to be this legislation is only a gateway, it's only a template to be used for other repressions and other suppression of freedom. and is this something that you can point to and in states that, that started would be the s and then just rolled over on the right just to look at texas, texas would be an, i mean, real versus way to us, reversed years after they passed all of these and to be this legislation across the state legislatures and it was no go into this. they built the top that it's okay to suspend the freedom of expression on one thing. then you're going to spend it on something else. if you have the power, but some places, maybe not states, but certainly at some cities like portland are now turning that tide back. are they not that investing from companies doing business with this or do?
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do you have faced that this will continue to grow? this is very important in fact, and we hope this catches on in the u. k and elsewhere. because as i said earlier from the grassroots to the grass stops, there's a whole scales in between. you don't jump from influencing student over time condemning sun artisan countries unions to effect in congress into us. for example, you need to go step by step. so we have to influence cities more, more progressive cities, building very large intersection conditions. because we've managed to convince the entire progressive movement that the us as so minutes arise and it's not just against us, it's against everyone. look what's happening with health services, education, jobs and so on. so all of those cities that passed and the military and ministry investment laws and policies where due to a very large coalitions pushing not just the palestine advocacy movement. so the
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fossil fuel and the climate just as movement allergy between movement and jewish progressives, and many, many others. i want to turn to you for a moment. you've faced ongoing intimidation by successive israeli governments. they've attempted to revoke your is really residency. you face delays and the renewal of your travel documents and you've been cold personally, a threat to the state of as well. how does this impact you? it's um, i seem very awkward talking about this in the midst of genocide honesty because it, it depends. but it's still trying to silence of a voice that is important and this time isn't it? it is clear that they're not succeeding. no, i mean uh, i mean, i'm louder than ever as so it's, it's not working. yes, they've tried everything. i mean, the whole point they tried to get to you to, to make you feel that, you know what i'm getting up. it's not worth it. i want to live my life. you know, i always do things for palestine, but you know,
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i can't do this anymore. that's what they try. but clearly that's not working with me because my response to every phase of intimidation is do more. you will never succeed to, to determine me. i will not stop until the system of oppression is dismantled entirely. um i will goodness to the to the audience now is my name is jonathan rosen head. i'm one of the jews who supports videos of movement, full duration. can we build on the public outrage? israel's kind of brutal sold in garza to tube chose to be the sanctions movement. and if so, how do we build on this outrage says x johnson, the most important thing is to recognize that it is happening. can we accelerate it?
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i guess is the question. absolutely. i think the student movement, those, and complements, and this boldness and courage and, and fighting the system to complicit to universities and their investments. put the b and the d and b d. s. on the map much more than before. so today from pension funds to even states are, are taking what we were quoting for, much more seriously. just and in november of 2024. we've seen more than 52 states endorse admitted to embargo based around in 2023. that would have been impossible to even imagine that we wouldn't get dozens of states separating the military, embargoed. so it is happening. but because the genocide is so hard if it and it's live stream, it's very easy to despair that we're not moving fast enough. of course, we're not moving fast enough, but that's as fast as we can do in order to build a sustainable movement. change is happening. it's happening everywhere. but that
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will take more time. indeed, the next question is good gentlemen over there. how far do you think the western sites are going to go in dismantling their own sort of extensively liberal democratic systems in the west in order to protect israel and to protect the genocide? why don't we do to stand against that and to so resist the suppression of free speech on palestine repression of peaceful demonstrations and peaceful protests and peaceful destructions will not stop with palestine. i think in the u. k. more and more groups are realizing this, for example, at when the former government tried to pass, the conservatives tried to pass on to be the legislation that was so draconian. civil mccarthy, i sold repressive the palestine sorted out to campaign managed to form a very large, very broad coalition for the 1st time ever to address this because everyone from
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amnesty to every other civil rights groups recognize that unless we stop this, they're coming for us. but the main point is this, what the, what you said, which is those powers that be those western any, those colonial states are really dismantling the live pro democracy as we know it to defend their favorite set. the colony is right and this is, this is the sorts care every liberal, not just every progressive or leftist, every liberal should really be worried. your civil rights that you take for granted are disappearing before your eyes. you can stop it before it goes away. we've got a question in the front. what are the benefits that you see for building international solidarity? i'm linking the posted in solidarity movement, for example, with other global solidarity campaigns. global struggles against colonialism and
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extractive is a more generally contending effects for this the i've had a recent example and just october 2024. there was a week of action against, sharper on the giant and oil company and gas company in the us because it is very complicit in extracting history, the claim gas of the, in the mediterranean. so it's a very important asset for power and israel's genocide and apartheid tracing and so to speak. but it's also destroying and indigenous lines in ecuador. and so we connect to the struggle is very well and on climate, just as active as of an incredible job. and supporting this campaign, it is very important that every sector organizes in their sector. so academics and students and unions and universities can do a lot of work in universities. but what are filmmakers underwriters and, and feminist and eligibility active as unemployment. you know, there's so many groups that we work with and everyone can be active in their own
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sector. so all those powers coming together, if you have a common strategy, as we do the, the movement has that one global common strategy with very different tactics that are context sensitive. everybody, i'm, i would just want to end with one last question. you've said that be this doesn't follow a linear pos to progress and that we lose some battles, but we when most so the general direction is going on with a new and us president. does this still hold true? i think when fascism loses its masks, it might prompt better. a progressive action we've seen in the 1st trump administration, those 4 years, how black lives matter went onto the world stage to become a movement that has inspired tens and hundreds of millions worldwide. that was during the trump era, and i think facets with masks can be very dangerous because they commit the crime
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while maintaining this, with a broad facade at lock the labor government in this country. i mean the austerity and so on. of course, it's better than the conservative, but that doesn't say much. so we have to aim for more. but i think us, when, when 5 right parties lose their mask and go on to say mass of repressing because everyone that prompts everyone who are sitting on their bottom and not doing enough to get up and start moving. and i think that gives us hope that we will see, especially given the ongoing trend aside, we will send you energies from everywhere that has been fence sitting for so long getting off their new truck position and, and doing something for and not just for palestinians for the sake of humanity. thank you. i'm about to you for speaking with us today, and thank you to all of you who joined us in the audience this evening. the
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in the early hours of november, the eight's violence erupt. it between mccarthy, televi, friends, and people in amsterdam was an empty some basic attack or a response to provocation, which is 0 looks at how a street confrontation turned into a political flash point. and then the read 19 debates about immigration, religion, and the identity. the full report, amsterdam, mccarthy, and who to comes on i will just say around just 2 decades ago, you'd be lucky to see the conquer powers once red native endangered species. but that decline is of any age. what of hundreds of volunteers supporting and then
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vicious campaign to make new zealand printed it free by 2015. we used to catch fire . that's a week now we lucky enough to catch in the may be one month. the campaign will require via ratification of thousands more. rach stokes possums and weasels. it has changed to put the flight plus key, the key we is now breeding. and these hills for the 1st time in living memory, new zealand to sunset tower dice, because they would know land fighters is one of those islands that have evolved separately from the rest of the world. and we have actually unique animals here. he hopes these hills could again become what they once was a natural but century specialized criminal gangs of reading south africa cities. not the castle goes, but for a call to the center of the construction communications and transpose. this lucrative commodity is everywhere,
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and its price is soaring. people impala investigates the business of dismantling the countries infrastructure. for scrap metal, south africa's complex crisis on out to 0. the joy in goes in as comfortably mediation is confirmed. sees 5 deals being reached between is rohed kon, from us, up to 15 months or 4. we would continue to do everything we can everything possible to together with our partners to ensure that this deal is implemented as it's i agree with the army, but this is just a little.


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