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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2025 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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hey, stan, it's jen. it is an in depth coverage. the scene of the latest. i'll just say it was teens on the ground when you closer to the heart of the story the the hello. busy i'm sammy say, then this has been use live from del, coming off in the next 60 minutes, gaza under attack, at least a 111 palestinians killed since this these 5 bill was agreed. these right, the government due to meet this house a vote on improving wednesday's seas file. the reigning and president in moscow for 12 says that they may have posted this evening to expand security and economic ties,
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and full my pockets, donnie 5 minutes m on con. sentence to 14, he is in prison. he says the corruption cases against him all politically motivates . i'm do want to control. so with the sports as no like joke of which silence isn't unruly fun and reaches the last 16 at the australian open the . is there any false? is that still killing palestinians? why is across cause and that a 2 days off to receive 5 deal was agreed. funeral prize of being held in hon unit soft of the latest. the tax and the south. the strip was ready forces of killed at least a $111.00 palestinian since the deal was announced on wednesday. most of the victims, a women and children. the 1st stage of the seas 5 between is right and how much is
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due to a take effect on sunday? let spring and now having to hold that issue, joins us from dad, and about a has people wait for the seeds find deal to be approved by these right. the cabinet that time, that waiting costing lives in garza of the semi sense as the app that cease fire agreement has been announced, we're talking about 111 policy use have been killed. we're talking about policies that have been killed in their houses, in public places, and among those $111.00 are $28.00 policy means among those at we're also women that have been targeted along with their families and children. and we're talking about a hundreds of others that have been injured. but it's not only that the. is there any forces since the morning has been carrying a series of us hots area area bumper events and also our tyler we sending with clubs, comforters in areas like japan. yeah. as they do and because of the city and also
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the central area. but it's not only that i would call the guy that is still done. last 9 of his assignment, the members and, and, and this shows that until the last minute. is there any force of continuing their violence against the policy and use and those kind of thing is you were waiting to see how far you're deal to meet with their families. and the loved ones are losing more people every single minutes. all hopes fighting among people and as they wait for this c 5 to kick in and they see more casualties and this back and forth news about whether these rated cabinet is going to be yesterday today, science a day or when i'm sorry, there's a lot of mixed feelings like everyone has a mixed feelings towards best. some people are very happy. some people are very
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cautious. some people are counting the minutes for sunday and others are waiting on the day sunday comes because kind of thing. you know that the ceasefire is going to take place on sunday, but also so there are people that are very sob that this war is going to end. their beloved ones are still trapped under the rubber. but here the policy is in the south and the central area are very happy from the fact that they're going to go back to the north palestinians in the north feel different because they lost everything. they have been starving for more than a year and a half. and also let's not forget the people that are in their body, a big that have been doing where no one knows anything about the no one knows what's happening. they have been living more than 100 days without a food watcher and their husband as the trigger feeds. and we also do not know what's going and happening over there. now the most have the,
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are the children where they're always taunting and they're the ones who have been always asking us when it's been seized by, when is the truth? what are we going to go back to the north, to our houses and, and they are the ones who are waiting uh, this is far agreement the most. all right, thanks so much and hold the from devon bella in garza. now these ready government is expected to hold that vote on the seas 5 deal. now in this hour the security cabinet has been holding amazing, but there's still a strong divide within the government. finance ministers that i was. busy which ones the will to continue on file, right. national security administrative not been give a while. he's threatening to resign. if the deal is approved. that's hands you, mike scoutis, get if this reckless deal is approved and implemented, the jewish blah, blah, 2 will give the resignation letter to the prime minister, the jewish ballpark. you will not be bought of the government and will withdraw
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from it. but i said to the prime minister that if the war on her mazda is renewed with force in order to decide and realize the on a chief, the goals of the war, we will return to the government. and the san jose is life for us now from my mind because israel is banned out, is here from operating the and the occupied westbank. so from the earlier those talk about this government meeting to approve the deal happening off the ship. but now it seems it's going to happen in the next hour during sure about right. does it seem like it's going to approve it? prove the deal? i should say. that's right, as spokesperson for these really prime minister has said that this meeting will happen today. a friday around 3 30 pm local time in west jerusalem, the security cabinet meeting has ended and has approved this these fire. that's the 1st vote of 2 that they will need to ratify this deal so that it takes place on
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sunday, january 19th. however, i do want to mention that there were 2 ministers who voted against the deal in the security cabinet, each of our bank here and based on it, smelt rich, the national security minister and finance minister, respectively. but they have been saying all week that they are going to vote against the deal and that they were going to both the coalition if it went through . but this is now in the hands of the rest of benjamin netanyahu, whose government, who, according to what is really media, is saying should have enough boats to have this go through. and i'm the what does this then mean for the possibility of the deal to be implemented on sunday without it getting blocks in cold action to well, according to is rarely law ministers within the government can have 24 hours to petition this decision shouldn't pass to the high court of justice, but this is a formality because the high court is likely to strive down any sort of petition
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when a measure has the majority vote in the government. so even though they have that right, it's a little bit unlikely that anything would change, especially if the government had to approve this. but what's going to be interesting to watch here is the fate of benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition you have to remember that these right wing members of the government have asked nothing yahoo for conditions in which israel could go back to full scale war after phase one. and it was reported in his really media this morning that benjamin netanyahu and smelt rich had come to some sort of agreement about that. but it's unclear what it means exactly. because this ceasefire deal is laid out in 3 phases. and in the 2nd and 3rd phases of the deal, it would include a permit and sees fire something that right wing members of the government do not want to see. so if all goes well within these really cabinet, just in the next couple of hours, this deal is set to begin on sunday,
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january 19th at a time. that's still not has been announced by mediators. all right, thanks so much. i'm the sort of hold that of the woods that we are getting, as you had that from him to the security cabinet has recommended approving the deal . the statement says, after examining all political security and humanitarian aspects, and with the understanding that the proposed deals suppose the achievement of the wall goals. the ministerial committee from national security affairs, the political security cabinet, recommended the government approve. the proposed outline of daniel levy is a former is writing negotiator and president of the us middle east project. the joins me now from london. a lot to unpack kid daniels so i've got a lot of questions to try and see if we can get through them. if fiance's on too long. first of all, we know this. the security cabinet has recommended approval of this day. what does
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that tell us about the position of smotts which and ben gives? well, sammy, we understand that smart rich, the religious sign is in part, the thing is better for the best, the party names than the individuals. perhaps i'm ben to be at the jewish power policy. have opposed this the difference between that positions, so sorry, daniel de essentially voted no. is the word i'm. i'm now getting it might yeah, right. in the security cabinet meeting, those 2 voted no. but the, the security cabinet as a whole vote yes, but this is just the security cabinet. it's not the final approval, right? exactly. but the majority and the security capital i mentioned majority in the full cabinet and the majority in parliament in favor of this. the issue putting up in yahoo is that if g literacy is both of those factions, you no longer has a majority. how well they are not saying that the space that they will bring down
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the government. and at this stage, the opposition will offer a safety net. costs doesn't want to be in that position. it's really interesting what they've said, if i could just mention that savvy one of the policies of cities will go back into the gulf. but if you review the war the, all the policy is said, we'll actually leave the government if you don't resume the world. why that's interesting is because that goal and this has been transpired throughout is know, some the was return to security or anything like that, or getting the perpetrators. the goal is to reset the low cost to deep populate garza to continue the not a lot of policies that what is going on. okay, hang on, daniel, because you said a very interesting would that i'm what i want to understand is the following. do we know it's nothing? yeah. who has given any assurances any guarantees to the likes of smotts rich and then give you that he'll restart the wall and by along the seas,
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fire off to for example, the 1st phase. i do not think one needs to look for the use hidden things, nor am i, shall they exist. really good response was to radio for a violation of this by saying that the agreement allows each route to return. to more each categorically unequivocally doesn't. but i think so what we have see, ever since it became clear that nothing yahoo felt he's now dealing with an american preston. nissan predictable, not a friend to palestinians, but someone who may sometimes see a different american buses is radian trust. nothing. you always been in panic. he does not want this moment to come. he's scared of the dynamics of this could lead to not only in terms of the coalition, but it really tells us that he hasn't achieved total victory and he wants to have up to petrol. more now nothin yahoo!
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it's clear he's going to try and off and i not see through the full implementation. so he will continue provocations. he doesn't need right quick deals to not. okay, that's going to be focused operand. okay, so given what you've said in your analysis that given that weight, we should clarify, we're still waiting for the full cabinets to meet and approve, give final approval for this deal. we still don't have that. this full cabinet meeting, we thought was going to have them. yes. today. today there was talk this morning that it might even be pushed till off the show bought light on site today. now this toby, it may be happening in the next hour just while we're waiting for this. and you mentioned the us position. we haven't heard from the, by the administration saying, you know, israel has to, has to approve this. but nothing you know has to, you know, to take a stand and not listen to the voice isn't the same way that we've been hearing from
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anthony blinking back in june. the rhetoric that how mass has to approve this, that holding this up. let's just remind ourselves, daniel, listen to what done to the blinking said in june and around the world, as well as international organization, endorsed israel as accept. and so my message to governments throughout the region to people throughout the region is if you want a ceasefire press from us to say yes, if you want to alleviate the terrible suffering of palestinians engaged press from us. so yes, if you want to get all the hostages press from us to say yes, briefly dining, cuz i want to get another one in. but is it now clear that we were waiting for?
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because they said essentially the same deal was actually as well as approval. not the wave, anthony. no, anthony, blinking was presented well that we're waiting for how much to approve it a sign, a pushing my buttons when mentioning blinking, it was clear then and it was clear now lincoln has lied and deceived everyone for months that might be excusable if he did it in order to get to deal, but he did it in order. i don't know whether there's any attention, but the effect was discovered deal devices administration will have a blog on that hands of people. so now we all beyond that, it really doesn't matter what by the administration says or does now well match disease, whether it will be easy or not for nothing young to slip out of the implementation of this, she doesn't want to get to the final phase. he knows how mazda is still standing. the resilience is that he's ready. troops of taking las, these he's,
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coalition is threatened, is perpetual. we'll go is friend. she doesn't want to see this happen. but he is, i think, still able to draw any kind of it. but at least you say no, not in the environment to entirely be sort of making a risk of pushing your buttons even further. you know, along the lines of what you said, they're looking at what the national security administrator mob been, give a also a convicted terrorist, someone who was convicted of supporting terrorism. we should remind ourselves what he's been talking about. he's tweeted on january 14th makes no attempt to hide this and he said over the past year, through all political power, we succeeded in preventing this deal from moving forward time and time again. however, since then, additional elements have been added to the government who now support the deal and no longer constitute
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a balancing act to dallas. made it very clear that it was him and people taking his position with the account of that block. they still and they're still there. right . that puts a very big question mark of a face to face. so even if we get over phase one. yeah, so, and there's something does happen, which is very unusual. that's to say, there was a re human, you name it to you in this route, but not in yahoo because the want is the one who has stood down, who's no longer blocking the deal. and the that is because of the trouble factor. another thing that's quite unusual is the extent to which you'll see is re commentators acknowledging that this more is not going well for traditional height, assumed cost international reputation, legal vulnerabilities, it's economy, and you're on all the prompts and yet it's here. but the difference by the way, between ben cars, yeah. and doing could, is the bank via does not in other instances say as blinking does,
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i'm holding international law. he, i didn't spend the telling us something on the credit. doesn't speak about genocide is blinking. does in sudan while back in genocide somewhere else. but the key take away here. i think sammy is the one can expect ongoing. yes, it's not justing garza to go to try to provoke the unraveling of the steel will on show. see actually things going on in the west bank in east jerusalem, perhaps regionally, but also a lot of thoughts that seem to remember something like, oh, so it's like going to be the implementation of the rent, not for the so desperately needed humanitarian assistance. you call to that without loss of the same time as this is going on. it's rarely is waging it's despicable campaign against one rustling. want to see the screw. we have to look at the multiple spaces in which those aggressions and publications are going to take place
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and how can they be blocked in each of those spaces? one of the reasons why this is such a fragile place to be, thanks so much daniel levy, they're always a good tool to, thanks for your analysis form is writing negotiation. thank you so much. i. now the world health organization says it should be possible to increase a to gauze a by around $600.00 trucks a day under the seas. 5 deal, w h o also plans to bring in temporary hospitals. early of the world food program said access to aid is desperately needed to help palestinians facing salvation and gaza. what we aim with lucy's fire is actually to make sure that what we freeze over the last few months, where we have to reduce our russian, where we have to stop some of the bread for addiction that was happening with bakeries in south and central. it's for us like to be to view of to walk people required in terms of food assistance. so to help we have we've a ceasefire is that we can actually leave any for what people are supposed to get
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to actually cover the basic food needs. a mountain griffith is the form of you, and i'm the secretary general for humanitarian affairs, and emergency relief coordinator joins us here. good to have you back with us. martin. thanks so much for coming in the w. h of the saying, it's aiming to get 5 to 600 fox a day and to go. so that requires some coordination. israel coordinating with agent agencies to, to see that kind of ramp up tonight. not a tool sufficiently. and that's lowering that what, what do we do heading into on? well, i think it's really worrying and they were, you know, as daniel, the great sage has been saying, we all give, we have been given clear evidence that israel, at least, is a war zone in terms of this deal. and it's not going to stop is going to get worse . and as we have discussed before, i think one of the battle grounds will be the level of ages produced is all very good and well. and i agree with w. it showed that we should be getting up to $600.00 trucks,
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but when will that happen? because as we have discussed, the, the, the, the level of random violence goes or is not going to go away. probably come up the run, the, the level of displacement and return is going to go up the warehouses on the so there vari is. so for me here, matt turner perspective is where is the operational planning to meet the 600 trucks a day, a cause of cause a lot of logistics, right? open, new crossings, opening convoys, and so on. providing fuel, which is just not very go on finding the trucks. you know, we're down to is the any final happening? i think there's a beginning since we last spoke about this. there's the beginning of efforts to engage with humanitarian agencies who on the whole have not been engaged in. but it was, i was like 48 hours, but i know right. and that's no trouble. and you can imagine, well, monday i'm sure the deal will go through for the reasons you've been discussing. but monday it's going to be a day of wonderful celebration and terrible chaos on the logistics you monitor and
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front and the movements. because people will know with any assurance whether if they move that would be safe. people wouldn't know that you want to turn agencies want to know if somebody will be safe. do they check with people that know where the containment abundance will happen? which roads the safe, that those things which are bedrock, to match an operation. operational issues that need to discussed, obviously with israel clearly with us, clearly with the mediators. and it's long overdue. this is not something you can do over night, right? this should have been done already. i'm also looking at the big picture. martin should call us even if all of this goes by some miracle, like salt cluck. yeah. should palestinians have to live perpetually in a situation where another country? yeah, israel controls what they're allowed to eat, what they're allowed to drink,
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both around to where i want supplies and to be reliant on age. this deal doesn't address the national aspiration rights, the ability to live in a, in a states with the same rights as, as these riley's and all human beings. right? absolutely. and you know, the, the last couple of days of, of reinforced a worry about that because as you've been saying whether we get for phase one to phase 2 is unlikely. and those rights are in a chip in nature in this project to deal are published and you have the same rights as you and i and everybody around the world. they are entitled by humanitarian lot to humanitarian aid, not according to some occupying power or other states wherever it comes from. um they have a right to expect it to rely on it sufficiently well so that they can kinda nice. obviously this cannot be done. what it's conditioned as it has been these last 14 months by power, by powers. this is
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a grave infringement of law. it goes along with a genocide. it is a shadow, a partner of it. and the only way that i think if i could make just this quick point, is that this operational planning that we've been discussing is a necessary part of the equation. but actually, the key is to get the monitoring, the prime minister kath talked about the other day to be a genuine ground truth phenomenon. that gives credible judgments about who's right and who's wrong. because we've already seen the bank games touching on, i mean that from a humanitarian perspective, never mind. let's go. so we hope we continue to suspend belief and let's hope it happens. or i will leave that mountain griffin's on the 2nd to form on the secretary general for he montana has about a bunch of other questions and maybe you have another ton cycle. everything so much . thank you very much. the
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rainy and presidents who is this guy and is on his 1st official visit to russia. he's holding talks with president vladimir putin, the 2 sides expected to assign a 20, a strategic partnership agreement. it will include closer economic and defense cooperation from all of this. so that speak to you in the shop of all of us, you joins us from moscow. so what kind of military cooperation does the paxton visit of the town that does that? the russian, a rainy and cooperation and the alliance is guessing strong gum something into crime. and by the way, right now, with the 2 liters negotiating, so as you said, the 2 states are about to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement covering a variety of issues. it will contain $4.00 to $7.00, all schools and strengthening corporation in the field of security and defense. it's called is the one of the most important to all schools that according to officials it'll, it can see that it won't be considered a threats to,
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but it's saying that strengthening the country security. at the same time, it stated that the treaty will not contain a paragraph on mutual defense guarantees, as most could previous assigned with bella reese and north korea. so we can presume that iran would like brush it to be ready to defend yvonne if there is a potential tank by israel or united states. but the problem is that russia is hardly ready for it right now. so talking about the menchie corporation, right and wrong main interest is to obtain conventional weapons that can help repel potential is randy attacks of 8 would like to receive more advanced versions of the s 400 ad defense systems. got the radio to 20 cool for equipment as well as the latest version of the russian c. c 55 digits. uh, what's the intelligence services may believe that iran is trying to get help from russia in the developing of its nuclear program in exchange for a runs, runs drains and missiles, but that, to be honest with you,
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you run know obviously does not need a lot of rushes help here to make nuclear weapons, because at the moment iran is able to enrich a weapons grade uranium by itself. all right, thanks so much julia shuffle, mama from us go. a russian missile striking the central ukrainian city of creevy is killed at least 4 people. the regional government says 3 people, engine, several buildings damaged, including an educational facility. one of the buildings, quote 5 in eastern ukraine. russia says its troops is captured full villages and the don't yet see region, including sutherland. meanwhile, the russian defense ministry says the battle god region has come under attack, says the ukrainian forces use 6 us made miss solves in the strength of the west and border region. k of says it's mid street talking to the defense systems in the tree, re dos and battle called police in south sedans. capital are imposing
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a night time cuff, you often demonstrates is dotted, stealing from sudanese own shops. the protests against the depth of 29 south sidney citizens and sedan that were killed in why they met in the, the capsule of cuz the, the state city was taken back by sedans, army last week officer. it's captured by the rapids support forces a year ago. let's go live to, catherine saw a who's in the boat, a town of frank in south sedan. and 1st of all, let's start with the reports of attacks on sudanese own shops as the situation come down in those bright of the. yeah, in fact the president is expected to address the nation in yuba in a little while he already issued a statement saying that he is concerned about what's happening in so don,
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particularly in to 0 state, he calls the killings that as the barriers, but he's also off too, south to the need to be restricted to restrain themselves for talking. and so what happened yesterday is that they'll protest is a to to the streets and they will going to so don's and the see the police fired to got that then some of them a wanted to target a suit in these businesses as well. we're being told right now the main market has been closed because of the in security. we have also been talking to security leaders who are saying that the situation in dubai is being contained. but then it has also spread to other parts of the country like smaller causes,
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the tools that the tools that in some past they are is new to going on here and rang, uh, there's also a lot of tension. but the security apart, it says here, say that they are on high a lot and where you will tell us how all of that tension is impacting the assistance being extended to sued in these refugees. a 130 a 1000 refugees and return these have crossed the border since november. that's a huge number. and these could play out the tensions between the 2 groups. but right now i last of them a saying the finally, you know, they are coming for safety and the escaping for the same from the same situation that talking.


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