tv [untitled] January 18, 2025 2:30am-3:00am AST
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it turned into an international pariah, a government officials, soldiers, other people who were involved in a high tech people who are contributing to the israeli military. they were all afraid to travel because they might be arrested and go to the international criminal court. so there's, and there was a huge, popular pop surgeon protest across the united states and much of your open my, all of the global self, virtually. so these really is realized they had done as much as they could militarily, despite their immense power and the total support of, of genocide. joe and a gunslinger come a lot higher as the they, they couldn't achieve anything else than that. so i think grade worked at the far right elements and benjamin that, you know, he's government to say, well go to get back to more of, to phase one of the seas far agreements of how much potential is for that to happen . do you think of that there is potential, but i don't think it's great because they're not gonna achieve much more than. busy
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a chief, so phase one, they will be the for a hostages, a $33.00, i think $32.00 will be released. and then the, the prism of the israeli army of military personnel, or the last ones to be released. and the, the is really, is what them out. they want them all out. so i think that i'm not going to go to war after phase one, the, but it's possible that some people will provoke a renewal of fighting and political pressures internally. and it's real, it's very hard to tell these really public as a very mixed group. they want more of the houses hostages back, and they all support the war. almost always really support the genocide of the lives really war and cancer. but at the same time, they realize that they're suffering, they're running for their shelters. every other day in the north is, has been vacated. a most international airlines are not flying into the top of eve
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. so this really is, are deeply stressed politically, logistically, emotionally, psychologically, economically, diplomatically in every room of lies. israel has paid a big price, but they thought it was worth a to assert their dominance, their imperial dominance over the entire region around i think. but that hasn't happened, and this is what's troubling for the still fighting as well as able to fight who and soto lying him and are pushing back there now kind of defeated and went with terribly. but that's not how these kind of was happened when a colonial power is a sub subjugating indigenous peoples and their supporters. the fight is not the miss arm versus missile. and this is what of troubles the as well as the camp gift
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has butler, i'm ass, soto, allow others to just surrender, and that's what they want. and that's what looking at who promised his people that we will, we will finish them all for the delivery of thread. and he can't do it. so they've got to explore other opportunities. and this is where a trump comes in and says, look, fellows, you gotta stop this war because it's going to be trumps for after january 20th. and he can have that kind of problem to deal with because he doesn't understand it. he's not interested in it. he's not going to get any hotels out of it or his son in law as they have done before. so they have to really start thinking about news. the americans are have to have to start thinking about new strategies. but yeah, most of the 12 people who been appointed are right wing extremists. some of them are christian fundamentalism phillips or i'm not really well informed about the
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region, but passionate about giving is realizing had launch the, the many of them want to maximum pressure again of the wrong which hasn't worked. has in fact pushed you closer to a full enrichment than uranium. okay. moving to shape. so what about this is what's often benjamin netanyahu, himself of what of implications for him and his, his position given the, the far right support that he relies on could be fracturing that he can survive, has been veer, leaves the color. so he's got to, i think 6 votes now over the minimum needs, if you lose this battle careers for road, so you have to to see it. so he can do with the or if he has to other people said they would come and step in and work with them. nothing out of so i don't think there's a fear that the whole deal would collapse because he could not get support in the
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and the cabinet or the classroom. but i think that probably is going to happen. he wouldn't of done it or she thought it couldn't be done so, but there is definitely, there is a big question to ask whether the current right wing fanatical militant, missy anik, cruel, and genocidal approach of the right wing parties of israel who are so powerful. now and this coalition, it's not clear that's come to continue if this is a long term shift in jewish thinking among the majority of his rarely people or this is a short term reaction to the various pressures and population demographic changes within his real, all kinds of factors come into play, you've seen the same thing in the united states with the growth of the trump mega movement. you see in particular of fish population, a shift to the right them to go back to the center. and we don't know if the right
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wing extremists shift and this really is a dominant factor in the whole population, or is a short term factor that has been exploited by these people like been we're because it allows them to share in the and the decision making of it, the right way of shift has been going on since begging was elected the prime minister back in the late seventy's. and it's been happening steadly the center and left of a pretty much crater. but the vast majority of his really is, are not right. going, mr. janik, middleton genocidal fanatics. of the reaction to the the support for the war. and guys of course because of the shock of the october 7 attack, it wasn't because the majority of, of is really is had to suddenly become a fascist genocide supporters. but we don't know where, where the center is going to settle in israel. and this is
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a fascinating thing if the united states and europeans on others come in and play a positive role, decisive dynamic role and putting the as rarely that is that they are, they will be secure. they don't have to do it more generalized. they don't have to attack the wrong. there's other ways to assure security which is through diplomacy . and it's not clear now that trump is going to do this. my suspicion is that there's a big chance that trump will at one point if he's, if he's given the real serious feasible offer of a permanent negotiated piece, not just between palestine and there's over since you know, all the arrows and the 0 which has been that they're on the tables, a power piece for, but also what they run. and this is really the big, big opportunity which i believe has to be sees to have a really serious grab bargain with junior on israel, saudi arabia,
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a lovely on his butler, the palestinian had the only research a complex that can be result of these or acts of god, or extra of nature, they're all conflicts that came about because vicious and vicious or cruel people have carried out policies in our countries, in israel, in the united states. okay. and other places. so what about the other side of things? sort of, i mean, on the other side of the exist. so as far as have mass is concerned, what are the implications of this deal for them going forwards? i believe mass. you know, the palestinians and gas are on the west bank. now. the palestinians have suffered immensely way more than the history of these houses and material human terms of the destruction of gather. but it is rarely to have suffered politically more. they pay the bigger political price i just mentioned before. all the different domestic and
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international of other elements. and then for how this feels that it has achieved something. a significant release of the prisoners is an important thing for them. getting these really is out of gas of permanently and not attacking again, there's an important thing for them. so homeless quietly feels that this has happened one, but it has gain some important political power and stature and credibility more than it had before this a heavy price that was paid. but no colonial situation has ever been resolved. nobody has ever been the colonized without paying heavy price. they might consider when they for the british pension. and they all jerry ends on the french and the british. and the indians, on the kenya as and no colonial power has ever been thrown out of a colonial situation without the colonized people feeling
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a big price because of the difference in military and economic power. but in the end, the colonize ation happens. when the colonizer realizes that they just can't keep doing what they're doing, south africa is a great example, as well. so how much is feeling? it has assets, political assets. now it has the popularity that has suffered upon the level of palestinians, but remain strong at another level. how's the decides are that's an important point is necessary to jump in that. but what about support not from mass amongst palestinians. how is that being impacted by everything that's happened as to how much you know, how much never had majority supported one of the election in uh, what was it? 2006. i think that one the parliamentary election, but they didn't get majority what they got. i think it's 38 percent or something, but they were the formality and therefore they headed the government that was formed and,
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and they didn't want to run gas or they went to the center in the west bank and said, let's have a unified government, which they did for a while, but they had, they've always had a strong core support because of their 2 factors. first, they adhere to the whole post and in national political program of ending the occupation creating a palestinian state, resolving the refugee issue. all of these basic issues of, of, of, of ending palestinian refugee hood and disenfranchisement, which requires the state and, and all of a sudden it's a grid understood, i was started with a document. the prisoners had to prepare. patterson and prisoners in general, had agreed to about 15 years ago. so i think and the last hallway step to the national program. the other reason why people support them is they're the only people who actually fought back against the israel is knowing the military attacks
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or not gonna destroy israel. but it was such a powerful symbol of resistance so that we're not going to disappear. we're not going to surrender, we're going to do what we can. and of course, you have to over 7 attack wasn't designed to be as big as it was. it was designed to essentially capture maybe a 100 as rarely soldiers taken prisoners and then trade them for the, for the a, take some hostage or prisoners on them, trade them for the past and in 1000 about 810000 posted in prisoners and is really jail as much as going on. uh now the station still it's talking about who's going to be released. all right, so that's the new. so the, the how mass is fortunately, go up and down. the 3rd row is been able to count on about 2030 percent of the palestinians on the west bank and goes on east jerusalem. the fortunes went up a little bit after the october, 7th talk after awhile with these really genocide the,
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the fortunes went down. my guess is they will arise in the next a pull that comes about, but the suffering of the power steering is so intense, so widespread, so deep now and people will feel this more as they get a chance. hopefully they get a chance without being attacked. and with the mass of a development aid coming in, they'll get a chance to rebuild the large, how are they going to re build a gas so well, they're not the only people in the world who rebuilt after massive damage that happened. then a lot of places in world war 2 happened in the civil war and the united states has happened and many was around the world and 11 and that's happened. so this is not the newest, this is not a unique situation. yeah, very construction, very model part of the, of the next phase where i'm going to leave it there for the mind, but do appreciate the perspective as being just the around me, curry, thank you very much and these pieces from boston back forever. so let's remind you
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of the break and use these ready to govern ties now approve the goal is to see 5 daily expect to take effect on sunday. the 3 phase agreement involves release of captives held engagement exchange for palestinian prison. his name is randy. charles is ready for his will gradually withdraw from this trip in humanitarian aid will be allowed in. that's enough from stephanie deca who has this report from a month over a year of negotiations, rejection speculation, and politics and tens of thousands of palestinians killed the deal that never seem to be able to come together. now has, for the 1st phase, at least these are the cabinet can be just proportion about the jewish day of rust to both the deal through in the session which last it hours. it pulse, despite threats a resignation from the far right ministers of finance. as it l. smotts rich and national security, it's more ben because they are the same. you might use guns kit. if this reckless deed is approved and implemented,
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the jewish party will give the resignation. letter to the prime minister. the jewish ball party will not be bought of the government and will withdraw from it was if all now goes to plan 3 is really captives will be released on sunday. in return it's understood for around a 100 posting and prisoners. most the women held in his really jails then for more is really captive should be released on the 7th day exchange for more palestinian prisoners. and the releases will gradually continue. as israel largely withdrawals back from urban areas, and palestinians are allowed to return to watch if anything is left of their homes in the north. 600 a truck should also be able to enter goza every day. so the ceasefire is going ahead. $33.00 is ready, the captives exchange for around $1700.00 palestinian prisoners over the course of $42.00 days. but despite these really governments having ratified the ceasefire, there remains deep opposition from the right wing and events of nature in yahoos
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cabinet, leaving many skeptical wondering whether this cease fire will get past the 1st phase. stephanie decker all g 0. and that will enjoy now. but for the spanish, who's the fellow this chief policy studies for this? welcome to out 0. so these ready government rectifying because it sees far and hostage return deal. first of all, what's your reaction to this? well it's, it's a huge release. it means a respite, at least at least if it holds, for as long as it holds maybe as much as 6 weeks, maybe less, maybe more. but only the 1st 6 weeks is actually really agreed to. this is a huge step to stop the bombing to stop the assault that has been going on for 15 months. but it doesn't mean that it's over. that's what's crucial, i think for all of us to recognize that even if the beginnings of it go ahead and we see the release of up to several 100, maybe
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a 1000 pulling of palestinian prisoners and 33 is rarely hostages. in this 1st 6 weeks, the rest has to be negotiated. we don't know what's going to happen next. that's a yahoo has insisted for 15 months that he will not end this until her mass is destroyed. and really what he means is that guys is even further destroyed, whether he will hold to a cease fire. we don't know. what we do know is that what has happened so far has transformed public opinion across the united states and around the world to the degree that israel has now failed in its most important goals in the period leading up to october 7th. and what has happened since they have failed and this is a respite. it is release for the moment. college students are released as of 24 hours from now. that maybe we won't have any more babies dying of hypothermia. we
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won't have any more people dying under the rubble. we won't have another 100 people killed in the, in the next 48 hours before the before the ceasefire comes into effect. yeah, so important just so important that you say the whole thing has transformed public opinion united states, but it hasn't transformed the opinion of the us administration is it said that's right, that we did not manage to do that. the whole movement that emerged demanding a ceasefire, but we can't say that nothing has changed here. the concept of criticizing is real . the fact that 40 percent of the democratic senators wrote a letter demanding an end to military support for israel, demanding an end to specific weapons that israel have requested that the by the administration and said, yes, of course, we'll give them 40 percent of the democrats in the senate said no, that has never happened before. it wasn't enough to stop that shipment. but it
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changed the fact that there could be that kind of debate, that kind of opposition within official channels within the congress. we don't know what's going to happen after monday when there was a new administration. we don't know. but we do know that things will never go back to the assumption that somehow criticism of israel is equated with political suicide. it simply isn't. we have to look at what the, the outgoing ambassador to israel said about young jews who grew up with the, with a very different understanding now that they did not grow up with the founding mythology of israel. as the underdog that was always going to be protective. and he said, you can't ignore the impact of this war on future policy makers. he also said that when you go to the international space, he was talking about the internet and international media. he said, when you go to the international space, all you see is the civilian impact in gaza. and that's critical,
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that's never been the case before. everything about that has changed. so these really go up until october 7th, was to reemerge to consolidate their role as a part of the so called western democracies. they were well on their way to normalizing relations with, with saudi arabia and already normalize relations with a number of other arab states. and all of that was being done to the absolute exclusion of any concern for palestinians or for palestine. it was, he raced from the negotiations of the so called abraham accords. and in that context, this goal of israel to emerge as a, quote, normal part of the western alliance is over and done. it's not going to work that way anymore. okay, so i think that finish, i'm just gonna jump into it. so we, we had this, we had from shepherd tunzia across one of the washington dc says, saying that there's this role of an unseemly thing going on in the united states
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over, you know, the respect of trump and by becomes claiming credit for this is pretty evident that, that although this is probably his problem from way back in may, that this wouldn't have happened without the influence of the incoming administration. well, i think it's better to say that it didn't happen until this administration come in, came in. it could have happened in may when it was 1st implemented, but it was put forward and that was a choice of the binded ministration. not to impose real pressure on israel. there were requests, there were urgings, please stop killing so many civilians. please consider signing this see site agreement. there was no real pressure because whatever your words, as long as you are sending all the weapons that made possible this level of genocide across cancer, that's an entirely different thing. then your words,
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few words don't matter when president biden said after the killing of 7 people in, in one of so many massacres of humanitarian workers, this one out of the world, central kitchen workers. and that was the one that causes interest more than others . maybe because 6 of the 7 were not palestinians, i don't know why, but that one did, which was all good when he said, i'm heart broken by this. i don't doubt that he was heart broken. but i doubt that that matters. because as long as your actions don't reflect how heart broken you are, it doesn't really matter to the rest of the world, whether your heart broken or whether your belief quite, it makes no difference. all right for this, we're going to leave it that dear, appreciate your perspective are interesting talking to thank you so much are these are important times that a type of sense prevails at from the spanish color it's, it's cheap place to study. thanks very much. thank you. or the
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so it is just 3 days until donald trump will be sworn in as a 47th president of the united states. usually cold temperatures swell as a force determining to be held inside the capitol hill rotunda. that's the 1st time that's happened since run a reagans ignore integration back in 1985 at thomas. come back of course historic. then the unique anyone's before has an american president lost re election and then return to the white house for his late is that an official with the look packet trumps astonishing return to the white house. and donald trump left the white house in 2021. it seemed his political career was done, it was diminished damaged by the january 6th and correction. he took the poles and quickly impeached for his roland, provoking the violence, but senior republicans made the trip to trump explore the home. in the weeks after
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bolstering his rule as the most significant unpopular figure in the party, mary, you took that and jumped into the 2024 presidential race, very early, and dismissed, and diminished, those who thought they could replace them, essentially ran as the head of the republican party and treated rhonda santas and nikki haley and everybody else who was right against them as these, you know, these be sort of, um, you know, mosquitoes. it was a calculated step. he could attack impending legal moves against them as well for you. what election into fee of the establishment trying to block is a ton to the white toes. and when the charges came, it pushed his approval rating even higher. he is a survivor. he is used to doing this. i mean it anybody who knew about donald trump's background in new york and you know, legal problems and suffering through potential bankruptcies and the survival of the trump vampire would return to his message of 2016 america and the world was in
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a mess. immigration, it still put high prices to fix it, installation he bring it down. it didn't matter that there was little or no detail there. as a certain set of voters were not particularly part of said who are swayed by economic arguments. and donald trump one the economic argument of the 2024 cycle he wanted to run against joe biden. but his dreadful debate performance effectively ended his candidacy on a really and then in the field in butler, pennsylvania. a slight ton of the head saved his life as he, towards the necessities bullitt. his face streak with blood, he turned to the crowd and shouted like, like, like what became an eye clinic? american moment. he arrived at the republican national convention like you talk to convinced it was on course when the heis, senate and white host, trump campaigns like he always campaign, big rallies, plus the stunts page, and told me anything, the new cycle and an election night in florida. you celebrated between couple of
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hotties and staging the most unlikely of political come back as donald and prepares to make his remarkable return to the white house, the faces, a slate of domestic and international issues. but trump 2 point oh is more experienced in washington. he knows what works, what doesn't, but more importantly for him who to trust to deliver the presidency he wants all in for sure, i'll just say to washington, well, favorable weather conditions that help in cruise gain some headway and talking well falls in the city of los angeles, the working to control 3 fuzzy humidity rises and wins drop. the palisades fall remains the largest and is any 27 percent contain 27 people that have been killed and wasn't 12000 buildings destroyed since the 1st started as i was 10 days ago for my pockets dining prime minister and brand con has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption, his wife push ruby has been jail for 7 years. couple were probably guilty of
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receiving line for free from the real estate developers in exchange for illegal phases when congress prime minister is paid in jail since august 2023. and faces thousands of other charges con denies any wrong doing. it says the case is all politically motivated. prosecutors inside career of apply to extend the detention of the impeach president you and so kill his supporters of david outside the sense of where he's being held. a, you'd was arrested on wednesday on charges of insurrection for his declaration of martial last month. but he's refused to cooperate with investigators or an day to answer questions. if a new warranty is approved, it will extend his detention by 20 days and not to remain in class pay more. of course on a website out 0 talk comments address. i'll be back in fact, so in a couple minutes with another the,
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a japanese american veteran mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war were united with the friend who rescued his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties, and the price is price. you don't realize it until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered coverage. witness the volunteer on tuesday or the
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as is where is more on guys a continue in your series, takes you beyond the headlines of the company. we weren't enough for a month and i operated again every day. most of my lists were just children. award winning move to fashion repeat to speak to plastic such in victoria rose. i think when you go and you know that you'll make me, this is very hard. no escape. i refrain on tuesday around the
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the israel's government has voted to approve. it goes up to 65 deal, the 11 o'clock. this is out 0 life the whole. so coming up, the deal takes effects on sunday, but his role is not stopped. his plumbing of gulls, or at least a 116 policies have been killed since the films announced on wednesday. seeking to strengthen the military and economic ties, the leaders of russia and the ronda.
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