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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2025 7:30am-8:01am AST

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actually says buttons near the border with venezuela broke out on thursday between 11 sizes. dissident fall grumble's. it's thought to be of a control of cocaine production in the area. at least 39 people were killed. fox signed a peace agreement with columbia in 2016 leaving e alone. the only major rebel groups still fighting the government a to brussels. now where electric vehicles have taken center stage at the cities mode to show its attracted a record number of automakers and tens of thousands of visitors. so new google has more it was the future ones. now it is very much the present electric vehicles. once the preserve of the wealthy are trading exclusivity, broad repeal it is a road map of where the car industry is heading, west speed functionality and few admissions office waiting more manufacturers to go green logical every time. even when you look at it, you still be of automotive,
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every new technology a ends in or whatever. it's always coming in the ends into ends with the highest pleasant car. and then going into the cheapest guy. and it's, it's, this is where we, where we, i know the last 10 years, tesla has shaken the markets and enjoyed global dominance. but other traditional and non traditional call made because i'm driving up sales of the bees. and it's guessing competitive legacy call makers have open making the transition to ease some converting favorite models into electric ones. what did this new come as such as b, y, d build your dreams? a chinese manufacturer that is taking on tesla despite the european commission to so i think terrace on ease from china. we don't really see it because uh today it's b y d who is really taking this uh for their own accounts. uh, so the customer actually is, is not infected by this. and the great news for us is,
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and this we already announced divide you at the end of 20. $23.00 is that we are opening a european plan production facility in hungary by the end of 2025. so this is only like for us, it's a temporary measure. and of course there is, wow, fact s b y d's very end. don't think call going viral on social media, never home to sales campaign and expands. flying. com many have been promised. very few have delivered. but it may just take off one day for me if i ever, i'll just narrow the process, pass it for me, money inside the full reports coming up next. on counting the cost power, donald trump's economic policies affect americans and the rest of the world.
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california as wild pfizer, i'm trying to be the costliest natural disaster and us history. we'll look at the numbers. plus britain plans, sanctions targeting people, smugglers, counting the cost on how to 0. the goodness, here's what do you start with the new name about the old the
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5 is that the close to the and so that in the early hours of november, the 8th, well doctor bullet patients for a sleep is real quickly responded to violence between mcafee tennessee, for both supporters and residents of the madeline reports came in of dozens of it's really sense being attacked and beaten. the thief immediately framed defiance as anti semitic bulk from even reminding of the holocaust during world war 2. around 5 am. nathan, you out?
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announce he was sending to rescue plane so. so then that'll in switch. so the largest member of tuesday for to do extra me nation camps during the holocaust most once again on say for jews we don't trust on the document items of trust because what we have to what we have been to yesterday, it's not something that we have the news when we defined a student's name is what we don't have. what we have to do at this point. i'm so that most. com that morning and the rescue planes navigate is where a defense left on regular flights. 5 of them are briefly hospitalized adults, photographers accuse several international media outlets of miss using these images . she failed, they were used to illustrate a so called you hun bye. in fact, these are my cabby supporters affecting residents of am. so them days later, the new york times and other media issued corrections made on y'all's tweet about the rescue. planes has since been removed. it was obviously being done on purpose. and it was also obviously being done with an obvious for me. reason i say
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for me, because i live in the netherlands jewish, so i know exactly what israel gets up to before conducting their own investigation, to dodge governments. and most of the national and international media immediately took on the is for a lead narrative. president biden wrote about despicable anti semitic attacks. echoing dark moments in history when jews were persecuted. the lead off the ruling file rights freedom party goals of the program on the streets of amsterdam. we have become the guise of europe. he writes, blaming most lives with palestinian flax of hunting down juice, stuff last and answer them in this story. we investigate how as well could easily control the narrative. and then madeline and how that scientist organizations have play the role and how framing violence as anti semitic immediately played into the anti immigration anti islam agenda of the government,
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which far reaching consequences. ringback amsterdam, a city full of jewish history. it's nickname malcolm is to your dashboard for safe haven reflecting how to suffer long had a prominent place here. during that c occupation in the holocaust, most of the 80000 jewish residents of am. so that would be for to nasa to return the most famous being 15 year old and frank, the dutch half long struggled with this dark pass and their country's rule. only recently, the city opened to hold a cost museum. and inside that israel, as president east architect, so hosting the president of a country on trial for genocide at the court of justice and a cost outrage. design is lovely group slashed out, saying, protesting at such a store location was empty. submissive against this background, nearly 3000 mcafee tell of a sense were allowed to rise early in november. quickly,
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it was clear they will not the usual football hooligans. they came with a political message. the taxi driver who runs his identity to be protect it was attacked when he failed to mcafee fence. they came down at the, sitting in slack. let's see my thoughts here. honestly, i'd like to go so let's do that. and the 10 mach gabby support and so briefly detained. people who are attacked and racially abused by the israeli hooligans have filed complaints with police a few hours after the finance. i asked one, my god, the support about their role having to fight with the taxi driver. so it seemed
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that that was also kind of some bullshit. simplification. yeah. oh. so let me pull this fence. if you put these things into understands the conflict between these what you know about the conflict. it's all a complicated conflict. i mean, i know you're in amsterdam, you're coming for a football match and then you're taking down to publish the intellect posted. i didn't do it, but i mean maybe this, it was, they shouldn't do it to us but say, but still, i mean is anybody in fact and i use it. they think that was just a coincidence. and they were just standing there. they were looking for a reaction. several people suspected of attacking is what really support this and randomly asking tourists for their passports have been given jail sentences for attempted manslaughter, and inciting violence on social media. a photo of highly alias i appeared, accusing him of participating in the attacks. basically this uh day that he did witnessed a fight instead 90 says it was after they actually and it's
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a mixed met the audit the market. they just say that nothing it might be would have been, some patients have an expert to go to the lock himself, your screen to anyone who of golden for the socum and the last fall once go the comments and great, that's the overall i'm uh, i'm looking for i will often that i am, i supposed to be the proposal. she used to have a file open, so i'm into for us to safely punish center. we go good. what's the contrast of this? i'll just say in the cash i used to validate. yeah. this meet you guys to the money who for all for not really feels a perspective because it was open within model. yeah. they take on it. this is just for me to put together the months left open and say them over to staples like the so a government, scientists,
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groups and then madeline also quickly framed to violence as and to submit take. no, that's jews have been attacked at night. but the events had cost a lot of fear. the chairman of my cabbie, madeline's and my gabby europe opened the crisis center for is for a, the support us sort, lynch birthday and both on birthday, very sofa. that will be all to appreciate each and is shameful. those are actually nothing that issues, in fact with mark, board and damage. i hope your head will. i will ask ok, oh my god, the europe is the largest scientists social organization worldwide with 600000 members and 94 countries for many years based on mobiles, also active in blue in that they leave and, and about the same issue we secure with the organization task, the protection of books, jewish schools, and events like this pro is riley riley, which was how often november 7, 50 my life and well somebody has a, a foundation to protect basically ad joyce, organizations and citizens in,
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in the netherlands. but also an organization that has strong ties with is where the intelligence she mats and most that's interesting the, the name smart gabby and blue are also mentioned in relation with an incident 6 months earlier. it's happened at the heat of student demonstrations against israel . so on guys are taking place around to europe in amsterdam, hundreds of students that occupied a field outside the university and set up an, a camping on may 6th, a group of young men. suddenly a text and the the respect. see what their motives were. i mean they came in with is really flex. some of them were a balaclava has said to us like a be a like life us. they use fire worst and then comments which was quite dangerous
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because a lot of people were sleeping, staying in friends. so there were a lot of tents and even the inflammable materials a similar to what happened on november 7th. the video of palestinian solidarity protest was chasing away the attack. as most of the attention the pro is where alias tech was barely mentioned in mainstream media. i was kind of worried about what the income and the image about the income statement would be and how it would be criminalized was we see in, in israel and palestine, the state fair so lawless, in the way they can completely violate the law and concurrent on the backing of the establishment of the guns forces, and i think it's outrages, but it's in the netherlands. they can replicate this thing off to the attack. the students and cap meant to ask affected 17 students electrons who got injured during
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the pro israel attack. her file official complaints with police because later on when i went through this for the police have not responded to our questions about the case for me. oh, my could be are a communications experts with a large following on instagram, decided to investigate. after you received information about involvement of members of blue india tech people, if they can go had been spotted the whole day walking up and down, up and down. and then all of a sudden this group came together when they noticed that they were being filled. they've put nash saw so they were recognized and then like 4 to 5 when we just later on, the instigation starts full. my saw so he says comes from israel circles also gave him the name of the man film and did come to attack. everybody gets attacked, you walk through, then he gets hit,
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then his body asks him, do you have it? do you have? it's like that's clearly an intention to record something and to make sure you have it safe, it gets post on the most powerful is really media, allow me to sort channel. oh my works to gather with advertising and i to professionals to come to the pro israel narrative. some members of the team don't want to be filmed. the bigger goal of this, an investigation. well, i hope to make clear how a big chunk of the is ready lobby function. after all, my posted about to may 6 it tech and the involvement of my gabby and blue on a social media channels. he was invited to meet the avid base and i think he's just really interested in, in, in, in, in what i have, what i know, what i got. yeah. let's find out. and if they have good coffee after the meeting, almost thousands seem to be some of the nights. my god, we had any enforcement in the may 6th attack. we allowed any business that's like
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on top of the data investment network level just waiting for basically huffman with an almost conversion of 1130. 0 yeah. this the yeah, yeah. this is this. the brotherhood of americans. there's the pain of, i think, bozeman thing, ultimate israel, a mensa interest here. so they'll take all of them. stories means i will check with them. it asked me explain what steps last a been up to be some of the clients, l g. c. a ross requests phone interview and tells us to talk to blue in which he is no longer active. in response to the questions if my gabby and adults was involved, he writes, my copy has 4000 members and 22 sports clubs. i cannot follow their private varies on top of that. i'm not aware of any involvement of people who take part in our sports clubs. the chairman of blue did not reply to our request for an interview. also active and blue with one of the right hand man of here to build us the leader of the largest party and the fact to leader of the madeline. gd. mark is how it was
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nearly appointed deputy prime minister. last year of the failing to pass secure with the screening to become a member of parliament e. as before, the dutch intelligence received the information about him information and having context with the foreign intelligence. he's ready for an intelligence. and also he had a gun and was not allowed to have a gun to carry a gun. and so he was, we moved again and it's now still part of the parliament, but is not allowed to become part of the cabinets type model. cold has investigated the special relationship to build us has with israel. both markets howard, i'm wheeled us did not respond to our request to comment. would we find out? is that and you had some very good context me to the is really and to see and do you have any 20092012 ditch intelligence agency investigator. those relations basically did a check on the contact context that he had in the is really embassy. it's important
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to distress. i was at that time already part of a problem with every community that receives intelligence information. and you don't want him to share that information with foreign intelligence is where the intelligence, the outcome of the investigation is unclear. and will this remains an opposition politician for many years until 2023. when his party won parliamentary elections with a landslide coalition partners did not accept him as a prime minister because of his strong anti immigration. and t is lab stands. the job plan to the form i had of the dutch intelligence surfaces. dig schools in staff after the violence in amsterdam, it was willed us who in his capacity as a parliament member received is for any foreign minister, giddy and so uh, that's hippo airport. it's. it's a series of coincidences that are awfully convenient to the far right,
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racist government of this country. and of course also very convenient to the far right, racist government of israel. a few weeks later we oldest visits. it's for our meats minister of defense, israel cuts and prime minister benjamin nathan. y'all was wanted for war crimes by the international criminal court, and they had the as a result of the violence on november 7th, the mayor of amsterdam imposes emergency measures banning palestinian solidarity protests. and the report from israel suddenly pops up. naming dr. active is protesting against the war and gaza for the violence against the mac. gabby tallow, the fence right off to the filings in amsterdam. there was this special report by the ministry of for the, the process in combating antisemitism. in his realm. there's
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a ministry when it was, well, it was shared among adults politicians as well as there was the national debate about this finance and not a report of the same ministry appears in the jerusalem post. according to the report, they organized fundraising efforts across the died cities, a must think significant sense reportedly for humanitarian 8, but often directed towards on israel and pro i'm us causes then to reach your own name. that's kind of a key player in pro how mosse linked to also anti semitism it. so you have a lot of these are to be honest to god though it auto angio is bucks. recently won a case against it to state halting the supply of spare parts of f. 35. fight the jets to israel several. that's what additions have this special report. you sound that's a whole heart of thing. a in of a v. s. a 2nd. want to go home has changed from safe in november. hope you're doing well. this is an interesting question. we don't know exactly how to fall limits.
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adopted emotion allowing those nathan to report to be investigated and decide if they should be on the terrorist list. after the judge and g o z wrote a letter to prime minister, strove to stop israel's interference as questions from members of parliament. the cabinets replied that indeed the way the report was distributed plus undesirable. we know that a lot of organizations here that are under the direct influence of these are the government, the about of what is called the brunette's woke, that we don't know all the organizations that are in there. so cartoon network because this has been hidden, but these are the government. after receiving information about the israel, i lice foundation you wrote that base. and then that once i decide to call it's policy director, there's still the big question. how did the dodge politicians get this report? so my question is, what's the israel aligns involved in his personal he denies the report came from
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him and only agrees to an interview. if we can see the outcome of the film of the estimate this 40 to 50000 jews living in the netherlands, only a small number of take part in scientists and jewish organizations that the government describes as the jewish community. what is i think, cried worrying is that there is an organization that speaks for the jewish community, but it is government with the government, but it's only represents that's a of the 4th or 5th of these, of the do these kind of the 1st is there a way to weaponized into some of these and they're not really facing the, some of the divisions in wisconsin. they want to shove the submit. there's an accusation on was them's unbound people or black people the 1st time movement on, on us, on me. yeah. in 10 days, often november stuff, and the mayor of i'm said,
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i'm says on public television. she should not have used the word program, you know, hotel 0 to look into doc darnell at virginia or george ball home. hell, probably take the arch an assets to support papa, how not they are. but damage had been done. a quote with the the twins here. the spoken about the on the golf. geico also count them to blame them at the shots of the crowd of the payment, but most common was apparently the putting them at the islam moved to bill because he the end of the space vehicles. we don't want to miss nasty off the hold of days . one of these. if you hit add an axis, it is dark. look that's about to do nothing difficult and did long statements by the countries to the top leaders. addressing nearly 1000000 documents slips and half a 1000000 thoughts, people from a rock and dissent, many who are born in the netherlands or have lived here for 4 generations. the government is now investigating if they can legally remove passports of people from
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guilty of anti semitism is safe and even better seem adults of the whole dogs. here they've been in the most information i think together with 90 out of muslim women. so i don't, as the money to us is, i'm a full, we are an incidents have gone up in recent weeks to ality. what are the hostile go off to grow? what else that just failed of that exposure? so before our trial would've dispute what a blick he's a beautiful pill for several motion spent to count anti semitism has been adopted in parliament, including money, touring, social, cultural, and religious values of people. with a migration background, there are proposals to shut down, shut mosques at the moment, or dutch people with a migration background or in his logic background, you see that there are discriminatory proposals,
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and we cannot tolerate that into natalie. the of course, jewish communities is afraid, of course, also the most of the community is immediate. the also afraid so you see these groups being put against each other. so jews are used as a, as a stick to hits most of the communities while the supporters of my god, the taylor feast, has long gone. they have left behind a bit of political fallout in an increasingly divided country. you think that was a deliberate plan even before defense arrived? well, it's hard to think that it couldn't be right because you have a large 3000 people football hooligans arriving at the airport. and i'm sure there's no way that the government of another ones does not know who these people are. you have to remember the prime minister used to be the head of the dutch
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secret service. everybody here is horrified and cop rates by what's happening in palestine. this is throwing kerosene onto a fire. so if this isn't deliberate, it's quite a coincidence. what you fall down have warranty authorities about the violent and races, reputation of them, a copy tell if he finds it all seemed to be to wear organized. and i would say, i mean it's very easy to suspect that they could have guessed that this is going to have the going up on the stories of the world across them the way the firm. and he had to basically run away saved themselves. i kind of stuff myself, i'm thinking this would actually have been here as well. and, you know, try to really talk about making sure those let small guns. all right,
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it plumbers to do it. this is a promise for genocide, change shape from november, 4th e s. m and have a nice, a tough, full health of the community collect event and all the needs of elk them then yeah . presume stuff there, so can drill, commit my of the i'm vocal oh, folks tend to folks from, hey, i'm now it's, it's um, would for the, for to try to, we're to 2 weeks after the findings in amsterdam, the international criminal court issues arrest of organs against benjamin, they don't yell as former defense minister you after lunch, and how much leader mohammed, they've a decision made the y'all's office has called and to submit to and falls as an adviser of the dutch n g o rights for him. former minister young prompt take spot in a case filed at the dodge corps to investigate israel's threats against c i. c. c.
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as far as i am concerned, the most important example of intimidation is against the international criminal court. we say we are into a world capital of law and justice if you are in the netherlands. also violating rights of people disagree may violating the rights all frances refugees that you don't deserve that name and anymore. 2 3 for incidents or not specifying surrounding the football match on november 7 is seen as a perfect storm in which those fighting and getting hurt the lose us and politically this and both as well. and then madeline seemed to have won the
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the latest news, even in the face of honest speak of the laws. it continues to hugh uncomfort and body and resilience. and if the purest form, with detailed coverage hornsby chewing every day in a buddy, aust, conditions to secure these amounts for the, from the hoss of the story, from some people that have killed more than 46000 palestinians plus right. scrooge said that as well as using food as a weapon to is there a war on guys a continue, the new series takes you beyond the headlines of the company. we weren't enough for a month and i operated again every day. most of my lists were just children
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award winning move to find them happy to speak to plastic such in victoria rose. i think when you go and you know that you're making it, this is very hard. no escape refrain on tuesday and the federal government approves the gallons of space. 5 deal agreed with him on the 1st phase is due to begin on sunday. the, i mean, this voucher is there a night from doe ha, also coming up as role intensifies its attacks on gaza ahead of the sci fi killing at least a $116.00 palestinian since the agreement was announced on wednesday. the .


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