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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2025 10:00am-10:31am AST

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to adapt mccovie and who to go on i will just say around the load. so robin, you're watching the out. is it renews online for my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes? israel says 735 pallets standing in prison is will be freed unto the gaza. sees 5 deal hours after the government to prove that is rarely intensifies. this attacks on dogs were had also not see sign killing at least 116 palestinians. since the agreement was announced on wednesday. also full of people are killed and a russian stride called the ukrainian capital. the city of jaffa reach also comes under attack unsolved squares. impeached president,
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unit security appears in cost as tens of thousands of supporters riley outside. i'm doing a guest raska with the sports 5 time grand slam champion estry on expense the best is yet to come. soon each of the last 16 strain of the welcome to the news of israel says $735.00 palestinian prisoners will be released as part of the guns assigned to all that the government approved. on friday, the 3 phase agreement comes into effect on sunday. i did include the release of as a captive held in garza. now the deal was ryan to find it as well of the mold and $6000.00 of meetings on friday is really media all reporting that 20 full ministers voted in favor of it's a to a games including the fall, right?
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national security and the finance ministers. let's get more of this. i'm hung desolate his joy as not from a bond in jordan because as well as bend, i'll just say we're from operating from within the country. hello. good morning. i haven't said these many cabinets have brought to 5 deceased by a deal, but it wasn't you, none of us as well. it certainly wasn't unanimous. and this was the thinking going into it. but there were going to be quite a few ministers who disagreed with this cease fire deal to begin with. so you had 24 voting in favor. you have the communications minister. remember, i've mentioned y'all who's on parties who did not show up for the vote. you also had 2 other members of the crew that david on solemn, and i've been hi, strictly voting against the measure. but they had said previously that they were against the deal, but each of our ben viewer had been rallying for the last week for people to vote against this deal. and it's also still unclear about the fate of benjamin netanyahu,
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whose government, because ben to bureau, had said that his party would bolt the coalition if this deal went through. and of course, it didn't happen or did happen late into the night where you are, but is what it is. i'll wake you up really all day to this new. so what sort of the general consensus in the public corrina, i mean it is quite a fast moving development. well, just to give you an idea, several different surveys have been done about this deal. one survey found that at least 62 percent of is really responding, supported the deal. another one found that at least 55 percent of his rallies wanted this deal to happen and the family members of is really captives to bring them back. now move in and any sort of person representing a family member or family member who has a loved ones who are being held captive in guns a. i've actually petition to these really prime minister for this deal to go, not just through phase one, but phase 2 and 3 because that's the only way to ensure the release of all of the
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captives and not just 33 of them as outlined in the 1st space so there is certainly a sigh of relief among is rarely as who are waiting for those captives to come back . and certainly a sigh of relief on palestinians as well has been undergoing relentless bombardment for the last 15 months. honda civic that for us, send them on in jordan, thank you. as the seaside comes into effect on the eve of the you know, gratian those double tracking does the us president, she advertising is in washington dc. but the reaction that, as well as the approval of the agreement, speaking in the us media interview, brett and the good one of the by did the ministrations lead negotiations for this deal said that as far as he was concerned, every detail was now locked down. and the expect to be is really captives. the 1st of these really captives to be released beginning on sunday, he was asked about the palestinian captives who are due to be released under the
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tubs of a steel. he was off whether israel killing over a 100 people since news of the deal emerged earlier this week, whether that might jeopardize the deal. but the guy said the deal wasn't in place yet. so even now, the vitamin assertion is given cover to the is riley bombardments in killing in gaza and effectively the green light is also us who should get credit for this deal, joe biden. or donald trump breton, the good since expressed shop could be very mention of the question and suggested that that was the work. however, the reaching of this deal was the results of the round the clock. cuz negotiations and pressure being applied by the by did ministration. all these months, since the very same deal had been around ste at the end of may this despite increasing documentary and i would go to evidence from israel for the mediators.
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i'm from the documents being leaked from the us state department amongst others to reporters and the reese in recent days. the budget and registration applied little to no pressure on the less than yahoo governments to reach this deal. and the, the main difference now is trump actually applying leverage. shepard has the outer 0 washington. it's because i was prime list of them and been the remodel autonomy has begun exclusively to, i'll just say about the day which he announced on in the on wednesday. and there i'm enough you how that it's a popular button, the audio, what we didn't disagree monitors, we lay down and mechanism for addressing any violation to the deal early as announced that will be a joint operations room based in cairo. how to monitor to the implementation, uninsured, no issue would exacerbate and lead to the collapse of the agreement when another part was to ensure under the agreement on the other stages of the deal as well as
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continuity of measures adopted in phase one. until the 2nd phase is valuable and with assurances for such continuity was provided by guarantor states. in the meanwhile, we are expecting the un security council to hand down it's binding resolution in this respect. now despite reaching an agreement that would stop the will for initial 6 weeks is when the forces are still attacking civilian areas. one of the lights, a strong start to they tend to housing area, just displace people in the cycle sites that on the last day at least 5 then business said somebody would kill but is all designated on side of it as an evacuation area by the year we get older hundreds of thousands of palestinians together. so that right in safety however, forces have attracted repeatedly at $116.00 palestinians have also being killed at least 3 days since the deal was announced. now they had all the un agency, full palestinian refugees rule,
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says it stuff all the time and to keep working goes to despite and is really bad on their operations. it's due to take effect to the end of the month. gabriel is on the hospital from the united nations headquarters in new york. a visor any the commissioner general of unreal met with security council members behind closed doors. afterwards healed a press conference with journalists here and said this really legislation against unrra will have devastating effects. full implementation would be catastrophic. in gaza. it would the must be really we can the international convention we sponsor on this with him is everybody watson? an already dia, catastrophic leaving condition. so this one thing on one now, outside a political process with the on demand, just use fire agreement on several times because of the recovery on put it
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a good transition. the french ambassador said, forcing the closure of under uh as a cease fire is taking effect would be counter productive. it would be quite the contradiction to close on the wrong, why the employer. ready doing this is probably a agreement. ringback because. ready on the one hand that you will try to improve the situation and goes to improve the community to institution and and on the other hand, since there is no credit but it can be funded and what does, which. ready to suffer visor and he said he has 3 asks of the security council. number one, try to prevent these really legislation from taking effect number to insist on a political path for the preserves unreason vital services that it provides particularly health and education. lastly, to ensure unrest doesn't run out of money for as long as it can possibly operate,
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as really said, unwritten now only has enough money to get to the end of january. gabriel's on to how does it tonight in nations, new york, as well. joining us though, it's not something we're already at the festive, insightful size cuts, all university always good to have you on the program for filing to see. so these radius of rectified, this phase of the ceasefire deal is still very precarious. there was still many unknowns. i think some of the visit i'm alyssa being suggesting the respect that was here on the i was just there in anything can talk fully agreement even now. some would say, i mean is a continuation of this bombing that we've been hearing about over a 100 killed since gets has now spent right wing cabinet members still up in arms about the agreement, settler's behavior, palestinian prisoner release, specific numbers and locations, and also other pilots to need all the functions that are still in the goals and strip. it's all very precarious. all still very and so you're right this way. i think the best has been cast. i mean the government has approved the ceasefire. i
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mean, we know that to the right wing people and we're seeing that the with the pulls it and even some of them, even it's trying to resign from the government and with the coalition. but again, and if any a who is in a safe place now his goal ition is in fact, even if the next year with the coalition and design, i think he would continue his door and, and it's, and he was trying to strike a balance between the needs of these raiders and also the pressure exerted in him by president trump in particular around he made it perfectly clear to him that by january 20th they would be a ceasefire. and this is exactly what happened. and i know that a lot of beginnings within these way the government within even is a society i've even within they've had, i've seen in much i think that that has been cast on the think we are witnessing the beginning of and you phase that is the 1st phase overseas fat. now with the question, whether it's going to hold on or not because is a different think what we got from suddenly the guitar re foreign ministry,
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not quite 20 to speaking. so see to, i'll just, there was the thought, the egypt will be cool today using this whole process of prison, the swaps captive swell. it's in cairo. how important is that as a center, where we know that the borders around goss uh, uh, either destroyed or what in is really possession a such that's a difficult, small re, hey, was never how the captives are released and the prisoners returned. and how that is coordinated. i think the mechanism is embedded in, in the agreement here. and that's why carol has a cold for the concert as americans raised and protest. dean is to meet and to discuss the details. i think it is very easy to make by the, by tomorrow that would be a release of our 3 as rated hostages. and the importance of agents is that because of proximity is on the border of guys, and i think they junctions have made it clear that they're ready to deal with the situation. they have their own people and they even,
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they suggest to some mechanism in order to expedite had the process of president of the exchange. can we also talk about how we expect age to gary muscles a part of this, these 5 deal? there's a, a real question mark about the role of underworld, what is already being vilified and banned by the israelis. 11 does how the mechanism direct as the phrase can be used is going to be used to actually get a and who's going to cool today. did who's going to distribute, who's going to secure the security of the aid and get it to the places that sneak what was needed most, which is practically full of the gaza strip of these are or until this moment to sticking points actually. and we know that the, the decision to them in our what it would be in the 5th and think this to come. so they have probably 10 days to work in time. but we know that the aid would be in gather and in the 7th of of they gave me so we, we don't expect any truck. so we have integrated batteries. and in days to come, we have to wait for 7 days at the exemption. government has called for uh for
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a meeting and kinda in order to, to discuss the mechanism because we know that dinner, what cannot do this process and there's no one else that who can do it. so that's why at present to a bass of the policy and it's already suggested that they move in and oversee the distribution of, of a w l. so we have to take and to into consideration that with, with the flooding gas, there was a, there would be no people with the packing these trucks. so it's, it's going to be and may be a safe process in them and distributing data. definitely, uh wait and see scenario i think for the maybe it has a very i thank so much for joining us. we'll get more analysis as the morning. i think you do the deployment to will tell us standing those over the forces in the janine refugee camp has prompted protests of the northern part of the occupied west bank. the military forces were filmed, entering the campaign and all 8 hundreds took to the streets in protest. they is mainly military on the palestinian authority forces have been battling jeanine
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resistance. fights is the control of the come for more than a month on wednesday and is ready dried, attacked, and killed 6 palestinians. so you crave says at least 4 people have been killed in a russian attack in central keys. it happened in the search and commission district . the mat says the several calls called fine and the metro station in both the pipeline with also damaged. let's get the by latest article, say if it's a case where we can speak to jet and how the study bind for us. i mean, what more do we know about what was targeted to of the yes. well, it's been a busy, suddenly a noisy morning here in central keep around 6 am local time about 3 hours ago. the . 8 sounds of explosions, very loud sounds. we could hear them clearly here at reverberating a bit of all the events. he qualified with error that's in place, suggesting
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a post ballistic missile and drone threats. what i can tell me was that the city administration and the manager's office a vitale keeps goes office confirming 6 desk. so i think i think on for this 6 injury is one of those women in critical condition. in hospital, you'll be seeing the video probably now of us other roadway with the massive crater in the middle of its feeling with water. some sort of water mains perhaps struck their cause submitted, stating lots of damage to shops in the area to a metro station is a mcdonald's that clearly took a large branch of the shockwave from that attack reports the one of the dead may have been waiting outside the mcdonalds, where it's open that stores what i'm unable to confirm for you to answer your question is exactly what the targets of this type attack may have been. the unconfirmed reports in some media outlets talking about the possibility of a defense facility of some sort in the area. no, can, i can tell them exactly what caused these explosions,
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whether it was drone or ms saw at the most likely scenario seems to be a ballistic missile. it certainly looks and sounded like that at least one or more missiles kind of the thing that mock in this very central keep district to the whole left for us in chief. thank you. intense fighting has taken place in the west and russian city of coast since august, when ukrainian troops came down to the unprecedented cross bordering cash. and then the 200000 people. them now being false from the homes, dosage above ripples on how the cities residents are preparing for the prospect of alone will keep patient as a once quiet city in western russia home to nearly 500000 people. then the sound which reminds everyone of the realities of war air raid sirens has come to constance in carson city since august,
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when you cranes launch a surprise incursion into russia. intense fighting continues there, 5 months later. this is one of the ways local residents are dealing with that fact. learning how to save lives in an emergency. these free classes take place twice a week and since august, over 3000 people have learned the basics of hostile environment training. the course is designed to teach how to stop external bleeding cpr, as well as how to deal with chest wounds and frostbite, among other things, religion, from what you might have, we need to show people how they can help themselves or help others. all of them understand that they need this training now, especially now that we have this very dangerous situation in cost. it's important to give them the right knowledge. that's why 18 year old the theme is here because the station in our country and you know of okay and is of interest. and if i know that i could help people and my teammates might go to save their lives and save my
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life for all of these young russians, this skill is now a necessity. this course is not the only way citizens here have been preparing for the new realities of their lives. after the influx of this place, russians from the boarder regence. many people here and curse has been helping in any way they can. this is one of 3 large storage facilities in kirk city, where 120 volunteers work around the clock to sort through non perishable food items and get them to people who have been displaced. the items here are either donated by local, come denise, or purchased by money, ways to donations or government assistance. 20 year old ilya is a curse university student. he's been spending more time in this warehouse than in the classroom over the past 5 months. over most of them now, the boy has come to us to a native region where i was born with the guys i worked with were born and live.
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there is simply no other way. this is judy carson city has a history steve military conflict, the most well known one that's just making some breaking news now coming out of where the cutoff foreign ministry spokesman based has said about the gaza ceasefire. and we quote, it's based on the agreement between the parties, mediators at the c spy, and the gaza strip will begin at 8 30 am not local time in gauze i, which is $630.00 gmc on sundays. that's just the 18 hours from now on sunday. the 19th of january, we advise all brothers to take precautions exercises at most caution of the weight instructions from official sources. that's the cutoff foreign ministry. speaking ballot school site, which i am desperately who's of the jordanian capital of mine. and we're reporting from bad because israel has been down to 0 from operating within the borders of
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israel. so we have now, i've already cleared the timeline of the clock is ticking to that ceasefire. the clock is certainly ticking and it's also worth mentioning about these rarely government passing the ceasefire deal voting yes. last night was part of expediting this deal because initially they had said they wanted to vote on it on saturday night in order to respect those within the right wing and religious government who were observing the sabbath. but these really government decided that like saving measures here were part of the deal and that's why they worked well into the night friday evening. and the time announced by mediators is different. of course then what was that reported by is really media within the past week. but we were waiting for this time by mediators, but all eyes now are going to be on gaza to see what these really military is going to do in these final hours. because historically,
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before any sort of ceasefire deal, these really military pounds, the gaza strip, with all of its might. so there is going to be a lot of fear and anxiety around what kind of military operations are going to conduct in these final hours, especially in the evening. and in the moments leading up to that time, 8 30 am a local. so there's going to be a lot of anticipation to see exactly what comes next. me is really government had previously said that around sunday, around 4 pm local time is when the 1st is really captives would be released from gaza. would make no mistake. this was a long time coming. this cease fire deal was anticipated for more than a week. and after it was ratified by these really government, we were just waiting for the time that it would commence, which will be 8 30 am a local time in gaza on sunday, the coast. and the great thing about it is a patient set and the for those way to go both side,
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so either palestinian prisoners to be released stories, ray, the captives also to and to o, o, leave the gaza strip. how is the, is way the public from where you are able to monitor being dealing with this flow of information, which now leads to a much more definite time about when the c side will happen to and what they expect from it. well, let's remember that the deal that was agreed upon was a framework that was outlined back in may by outgoing president joe biden. the americans had presented this framework to both sides, but there wasn't any sort of agreement on it, but they are now breathing a sigh of relief. they're saying this deal came too late, but better late than never. so they're anticipating the return of at least $33.00 captives within the 1st space of the deal. and while there is an overwhelming majority among these really public who support this deal,
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the family members of captives have actually signed several petitions to the government saying that this ceasefire deal needs to go into effect past phase one, into phase 2 and 3 to ensure that all of the captives are released, and they say that no matter what same is deal if it means an end to the war. if it means a return to all of the captives, but these really governments should take it and should have taken it a long time ago. but none the less anticipation and a sigh of relief for both people at this hour. a honda civic in the bottom for us. thank you. because what can you do to continue to monitor that and get more analysis on that to cease 5 timing as the day progresses? so let's move on. mount asian pacific was impeached south korean present. use the kill has arrived as a cold in, so that's the 1st time he's appeared since he was taken into custody on wednesday. a judge is expected to rolanda investigates, has request to extend. yous detention. the president, supporters have gathered outside the cold has,
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according to his release to you and was arrested on charges of insurrection was declaration of emotional last month, which was not about 20 triangle corresponding to joins as though from the south korean capital. he's up the valley of protested to oppose the impeached prison until i totally, i mean, site protest is all around it in fulls. but calling for what the voltage is, i told him to because the 1st this year and so, but it certainly on the side now you and for justice and then down left the side towards the cold in west and saw where the content outside the called. why that air is taking place to continue the defense in the office where we are just as simple, a very noisy,
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large crowds, tens of thousands of people are but a very different demographic. this is a much younger crowd cable rights group. generally the younger people here because they want to see did change this process continue to have the rates run out there and get the new get as a brand new purchase. there is the new and has is robbing it. generation charges to the clocks back on korean bullets and taking away the democracy by the is a young the bill to the future. to the check that for say, a very noisy sold, it goes, we returning to sell throughout the day. a monitoring what happens outside the
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courthouse. we're getting 6. you is up somebody but still head hey, hold on. i'll just say it resolves to those present. feel cekada for a series of attacks on businesses owned by people from neighboring sit down uninstalled major league baseball champion, satellite dog, just sign up for another destiny, install those details coming up with just the the it had lower that let's have a look at the weather across europe, this we can do, we've got a stormy situation down in the south of europe. yes. and good named storm gab replacing central parts of the mediterranean is already spot to red, wanting to southern parts of it. so we were talking calabria subsidy as well. so as dania where it's going to bring some very heavy rain and strong winds,
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but it also bring the heavy rain to northern parts of africa like algeria, we are expecting $300.00 millimeters. so we'd like you to see some flooding here and so snow in the atlas as mountains, no further east for greece and turkey. it is the lodge, the quiet pictures quite as well for the west of spain and portugal that we all seen, some west of weather starting to roll in on sunday for the north west of spain and portugal. its logic quiet in july, across much of central europe, but it does remain rather gray and gloomy, and it has been rather mild in the north west. the person islands of the southerly float, bringing temperatures up and down, going to be coming down over the next few days. not just here, but also across a scan to navy. if we have a look at that, if we have a look at scotland, well, edinburgh will lose those double digits from friday. the
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specialized criminal gangs of reading south africa says he's not the cost of goals, but for called essential for construction communications and transpose. this lucrative commodity is everywhere, and it's price is storing. people impala investigates the business of just mentioning that countries infrastructure for scrap metal, south africa's compet that crisis on out you 0. or in the 19 ninety's, afghanistan was told to pop by civil war. the taliban rose from the chaos, promising stability, but the us eventually and to be the justification for going into afghanistan was $911.00. it wasn't about moral values. the 1st episode of the new to pop document treat examines the west invasion and off. if you could have a realistically have succeeded afghanistan, the price of peace on out is the era.
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the book about to the i'll just use a reminder of all 12 stories kind of holes. foreign ministry spokesperson has announced that the cause of cease 5 will stones on sunday, october 6th, c, g m t. the 3 phase agreement includes the release of his writing, the captive held in johnson, as well as $737.00 palestinians will be released from its prison while a head of the seeds 5 is by the forces of attacking civilian areas in gauze. that's one of the latest strikes, talked with a 10 housing despite people in the cycle site. so the last 6 at least 4.


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