tv [untitled] January 18, 2025 10:30am-11:01am AST
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to realistically have succeeded afghanistan, the price of piece on out is 0. the about to the i'll just use out a reminder of all the top stories kind of holes foreign ministry spokesperson has announced that the cause of cease 5 will stones on sunday, october 6th as the g m t. the 3 phase agreement includes the release of his writing, the captive held in johnson. israel says 737 palestinians will be released from its presence while a head of the c 5 is by the forces of attacking civilian areas in gaza. one of the latest strikes talked to they tend housing despite people in the cycle site. so the
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last 6 at least 5 members of the same family were killed. joining us again here on the scientist has some very, like, profess of international affairs cuts out university kentucky with us. and of course, within minutes, we're not talking about the sci fi that's being confirmed. we're looking at 18 hours away from this moment. so the clock is ticking to make sure things work perfectly. it's a lot that can become problematic though, along the way. sure, i mean we're waiting for tomorrow morning for the beginning of this is 5 so, so the 1st time would be the exchange of prisoners. and i think there's a mechanism agreed on in cairo brace and see about to how to hand over the the president has. so bank any, any new development? i think uh, things would be would go smoothly. at least in the 1st week. i would say, i mean, i know that the 1st phase is 42 days and the little things did happen. but at least
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the 1st people i think going to go uh smoothly, uh, also given the, the pressure but the whole by the, the hostages time of the day of really excited and they beat to see their, their beloved to come back. uh so i think these ladies would keep bombing until the last minute we've seen this before, but tomorrow morning i think we cannot. we cannot see if he's fired or does each correct myself look at that. there is $23.00. i know it's not 18. gotta go by 24 o clock all confused that there is a scenario that since the ceasefire agreement was announced on wednesday. we're continuing to see this a constant bombardment. do you expect that to continue to the final minute you might say, well yes, i think that usually will not stop before the beginning of this is finer because this is part of an easy way to government. they want to punish the palestinians. and then they made it perfect to fear before i mean that they said that is the blessing would never forgive this for,
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for years and years and some of them even talking about 50 or so come. so disaster planning can be thought of seeing. and is that, but you know, we're going to see a ceasefire. definitely. uh, there's nothing here. this is fair out of that tell it is 80 to stop bumping before the beginning of the seas file though it was implicit that they should be and it kind of were quite nice. so that the, how much people would be in a position to gather the, the captives and, and hand them over. and of course, as the sci fi comes into operation, we're also looking at being just what a day away aside from trumps. it'll get ration this all fits into this timeline of a smooth transition for trunk and pops one less headache for him. but i don't think it's going to be a headache. it's going to go away. no way. i mean uh the range, what wouldn't do it to the trump? he took credit for that and he made it clear that his uh steve, what's the width golf is the invoice and made the difference with when he met with
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nothing on saturday. and i think he ordered nothing, you all say and a half to do this because and one that functions that i don't want any problem for the 20th. so i think it's nothing new after having the agreement passed and then the government would be actually less interested in and that's kind of uh um is pointing the moment for tom. so it would go smoothly. i think, as i said, maybe for the 1st few days. okay, we'll see what this happened for the name of the husband brawley. thanks for joining us. thank you. and zachary general, attending a good tat rushes in levels of what he describes as a visit, a solidarity. it comes 9 days before the deadline for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from the south parish visit un peacekeeping positions, which is by default as talk did last year, is expected to meet the new president, joseph. i would in the coming our south to dollars president ass cold for calm of
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to protest and losing a suit. and these own shots in the capital of cuba. again, westboro kind of tough to 29 south suits and he is nationals were reported to being killed in neighboring sit on what i find thing has been badging for the to. yes, catherine. so it has more frank in south, so don't well in so don is causing pensions in parts of south to done protests against, to the reported killing of salt to the new citizens in the 0 states. and so done, coverings and motions here, presidents all the care calls, the killings, the bar, but odds restrict. i have instructed the ministry or for an office in the, the embassy. those who denise embassy in yuba, florida explanation the mines for immediate and total english division into the ceiling. the
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police have imposed a desk to don't copy in response to the protests if intentions here in the town of rank as well. police say that on high lots, hundreds of thousands of salt, so the needs of attorneys are among those who fled from so don for to malawi, arrived in rank 2 days ago, she sees hard johnny to white now in so don took a month, i said, do i did get those people came to our area, they started shooting, then we just run in different directions. i'm very worried about my family, who was still the nearly a 1000000 refugees and retire needs a seeking safety here. $120000.00 arrived within the last 2 months. most of this people, us out, so that needs to have jobs sleep time from done. some of them are quite tired. here
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. they're receiving some cash from wsp. some was key to a match and, and my didn't see to supplies like biscuits many of those. and we have top say they are traumatized. thoughts are done and it's nothing they wish you a history to one country and to 2011. those displaced in rank said, nationalities don't my to. it will survive the same violence made difficult decisions to come here and are just trying to survive. kathy solely all to 0 rank. so don as well that speak to catherine. so he's in the board side of ranking south saddam the very nervous and unsettling situation. it seems. cast right away. you are right now. what's, what's happening while you uh yes, it's still very tense in different parts of the country where we so this on grass.
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let's start here in rank where we so a few people tried to take to the streets yesterday. but that situation was very quickly contained by police. right now we have seen a lot of movement is a military that has been patrolling the area as well. so security forces here a saying that they are on, on the high a lot. but we also know uh from due by is that the situation is also calm this morning. we also know that there is a huge um, military uh, surveillance going on that. but the biggest problem now is in an area code wow, involved goes out of state. uh is, and that is it buddha so done. and it's very significant because we have a lot of sit in these businesses that there's a lot of trade as we come to that area to, to trade. so we're being told that out last night there was
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a lot of new things happening uh, 2 of the main markets have been destroyed as well. so the police now try to push a t, as in, before it gets out of the course cost for you. and agencies on the part there's a sort of scale down that roll peroration is due to that tension. that's obviously going to have an impact on refugees. isn't it? a desk. yes, very much and you know this scale down. i spotted yesterday and we have been talking to you in personnel is saying that they are trying that waiting now the situation, they are still discussing with the security personnel to see when the services will review again. but this makes it very impactful if there's a lot of impact when it comes to that, because we're talking about
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a refugee said reach or attorneys who are in rank. um, now you know, 1000000 class displays people who have come to rank a 1000. all of them across the boards every day and they need might imagine, i imagine c, a supplies they need food, they need to be treated. the ones were coming in very fatigues or sick. they need to be registered so that they can get all the services. so just a disruption of just one, they create a lot of problems because of the backlog. so there's a lot of concerns here and he didn't when i was talking to say that they hope that these situations sold as soon as possible. so we that for us in ranking sounds to dawn. thank you. let's return to to our top story and that's all the will. and garza and the proposed cx. 5 is about to take place. casals foreign ministry
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spokesman has consigned now that the seaside will start on sunday at $630.00 gmc, so just in to 23 hours from now. time a couple has him joins us correspondent to on the site from the in central casa hello, tyree. despite the fact that a ceasefire timing has now been announced, it hasn't stopped the is right, is from bombarding the strip. yeah, that's completely right. despite the declaration agreement situation where they very precarious to have on the ground. now the lead up to the ceasefire agreements are coming, patient season escalation, that we, how much is going on the ground in the proper identification of attack upon. he's tried to maximize that tauriel and even it's a few days before suspension of fight. thing we say a report coming from going to indicate bombardment,
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even pre populated area called the thing, not just a, not just what is what it claims to be admitted trade called the ball. and so. 5 the, the also the things that have been killed, building and key in physical infrastructure including schools at home. but i'm sorry, would i that to a shouldn't been for it's send him to send the declaration of the support agreement . the civil defense of $66.00 at to get back at least a $120.00 public city and wakefield and the events of the can should over tax. it is still taking the place of no, let's call them now. so have topic. thanks very much for that update to recover. assume that for us in there as well. thank you. the,
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the thoughts on they set to be slowly and as the 47th president of the united states on monday subs that red temperature is full cost full that they have full so so need to be moved in those the capitol hill road ton. this is the 1st time that's happened since ronald reagan said ok ration in 1995. well, during his 1st time, double, john had a full relationship with mexico, a result of both security concerns on the flow of illegal drugs into the united states. even before his 2nd time is because tensions of high, with the risk of trade will don't hold the report from the low walnut, mexico's largest agricultural production areas to mount. so he's just really putting in mexico, ready to head to the us. but it could be that didn't, you know, suspicious time? if data on the incoming president trump threatened terrace of 25 percent, renew the countries goods. if it does, it still tend to move a migrant crossing to the states. one that's huge from mexico,
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about 80 percent of the textbooks go to the us in the lowest state where we are now exports moving a $1000000000.00 worth of to monetize to the us every year. so it produces here, definitely worried. what would the impact fee of a 25 percent power? so max can produces a piece of funding back to the main impact would be in the ability for our industry to provide employment to work. as many of the migrants about a 150000 people arrive from south mexico to help grow and how this tomatoes, if there was a 25 percent tariff would have a big impact. not just mexican agriculture would be effected full, so it'd be huge. cross border auto industry. a food at the us is affordable cause those under $30000.00 rule. so from mexico, a b s to key list, i will call those the list goes on. but i see, and they let the, the met screws, president cody is showing them as well. the mixture won't take terrace when it's product slowing down. it is all through. one of the us is top to export markets
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along with canada. and i own that on since one terrace will become another and so on until we put top common companies at risk. and we as well. but it says almost become mix for free to go toe to toe with the world's biggest economy. yeah. financial that mateo should know the use. he was one of mexico's top trade negotiators, the suggest the targets have response, the best thing to do one day and believe it squares they're good to is used to choose very specific products. i'm important from the united states that would and for me even more the next comments at the end, economies believe that'd be no clear winner of a trade. well, the loose is on the other hand, seem obvious consumers and local economies in both countries. john home and i would just say to send a low a decade ago, us president brock obama, others, the us in cuba would re establish diplomatic ties of to more than half a century,
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but breaks they were shut down by the trump administration, which impose new sanctions. on the island, the by the administration. lovely stuck with the trust policy until this week. when the 2 countries, again announced a surprise, deals at augusta and reports from the capital. havana. in summit 2021. unprecedented nationwide government protest. rooks, cuba, hundreds of people which i owed this week to run, the united states announced a surprise deal a prison to release in exchange for sanctions relief. the button administration will take cuba off its state sponsors of terrorism list. the measure has scared international banks away from the island, the clogging up it's more around the economy as far as the administration never provided evidence to support its tyra claim. that humor support of that and a 40 years ago. i think it was undeniable that cuba supports that sort of thing
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today is absurd to what has neither the method aside the the means to do such a thing, nor any information to do so. and that's why we see no evidence provided by the united states as and these days to quit for quote, a valuable release more than 500 prisoners, many of whom were involved in the protests. see a permanent dissonant jose down here that was released on thursday. was on the all right, hold on, i'll continue to do what i've always done side freedom, democracy and respect to the human rights of my people. it odyssey son was sentenced for 12 years for throwing stones and bustles of police. that's what i mean gaily. why do i think he's a political prisoner because they sentenced him to so many years in prison sit and physician? the protests were not passed the result of on the president of economic analysis, which helps create, discuss these people were protesting against elizabeth leo. and it has 3 sons in
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prison. she sees no feature of them in cuba, even if they all released still, she's glad the embargo will be self and some of the most other office of the way, the ones that go hungry because of the blockade, not the government, the button administration. all dude, you refreshing in cuba meant it couldn't from us trump, there were sanctions. in fact, the decision to stick with comp policy is taking the full bite and was even sworn in his presence as prisoners. finally, return home stricken families, get the nation around, a dozen people in this neighborhood have been released that he's got to speak for that 1000 and stuff in boxes. oh no. well, i mean, i've hardly slept the last few days, but thank god, today my son is finally back calling about it. we'll hope dispute was a line under its handling of these protests with the trump administration about to take power. unless say these last minute measures likely to be quick to reversed, they would actually improve the last of these long suffering people. credit gustin
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houses 0 about a as well still had his own eldest son or do i go after brussels mode to show where electric vehicles taking center stage and the guy who jumped to over a plain more details about that stuff coming up with the change in spanish, the the search is all in for a treasure that's fallen from the sky. large media, right of approximately 4 kiddos was caught on camera as an into the atmosphere landing in the flow. these are desert of northern charities. the news attract astronomers, geologists and treasure hunters from the world over knowing exactly when it fell is a major discovery because we can determine the conditions under which it arrived
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fresh without terrestrial alteration. then we do right, fill somewhere within a 6 square kilometer area where we are right now. they've only been able to search about 20 percent of it. we're always searching for where we come from. knowing our territory, the solar system is possible to, sorry, need to write that full in a dry desert, a particularly sought after because they degrade very slowly, providing christine information about the composition and origin of our kind of tree system. the history file. thank you very much. i know the feed has full in in the men's
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tournament at the australian open as well, number full taylor fritz was comes by french veteran game on the face. having lost the fuss set to fritz who was the runner up at last. his us open. latrice pulled up an incredible come back, taking the next reset. forgot his way into the 2nd week of the tournament. so he is the 2nd, the oldest son ever to make the last 16 at melvin parks. just cetera. you got you on success, her best is yet to come up to reaching the last 16. the 5 time grand slam champion is on you may be semi finals in melvin besides, she has plenty left in the tank to go all the way this year. she beat 2021. us open champion, emma rather connie 616. last. it's gonna take strokes just 10 days and 3 minutes. mentioned city are on the boat. just finding egyptians drawing my most from track frankfurt. he set out. step one is league victory against literacy adult and they
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came out to celebrate at the end of absence, i say, could find that moose has school 15 goals the season bucks, even without him. for instance, the one to know is 6 foot in the tables and have now lost 3 in a row. and it down into a city comes in on the neutrons. so we've also been getting reaction to them, tying down adding holland on a 9 and a half. you deal with $600000.00 a week. contrast that with livable manage it on a slot 2 is tr struggling to keep them home and sell it. vigil van dyke and trent alexander arnold, but he says competing with big spend is all parts of the premier league experience of every team spends a lot of money over here. that's why it's such an interesting week to be part of the some season describe spends a bit more of the season. the other tough spence a bit more. so that's what makes this leak show. so intense and so difficult to win this leak and, but that's also the reason why we all want to be here because you want to compete
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against the best with the best. and we are very happy with the team we are having at the moment. and you're still able to compete with all these teams that are spending incredible amount of money for my scotland punches united. a bunch of city pilot dennis low has died at the age of 84 is still side on united old time school ring list behind wayne reading. and bobby chilton with 237 goals. and he's the only scope she's player to ever win the bottom tool back in 1964 to make legal kits has right taught. yes. and now the triple example for the denver nuggets he's go $24.00 points and had 12 rebounds and 10 assistant that victoria is the miami. he is, he also says, 17th triplet for season, which is 9 move. and he's numerous rival bron james with a pretty i like his all, i'm all right. talk sold with 30 points. the denver who won this game. 133. so 113 is that this winning 6 game we saw history made in the n a tell alex
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itself because it became lisa only to ever score ago and may can assist in the same game use. i made 40 sites through the pittsburgh penguins to people softly say this 5 to 2 major needs based full time. who is the like? they'll just have added to the rent for next season. they've signed up japanese pitcher rockies the suck key, who is playing in the japanese, leave them out. join forces with fellow countryman show here, tony and gushing over again. my move to the judges and then take 3 sophia angry who has been competing and have 1st slipped sol competition in more than a year. a chinese acetate to one golden beijing in the big at home and life events as well as silva and slip style showed no signs of ever being away. she took the slight in like switzerland and she came away with her 1st slip. so woke up when since 2020, big, and then pick champion book, read the 2nd strike men's crown will speak. you big good. take
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a look at this incredible stance of the coast of south africa. the height stuff i last say will kind of jump over. moving plane polished at by rental rice pilot will cost chip yellow. he had to hold the plane, study and wins of 50 kilometers per hour. is walker sold 50 meters above the water . all the camera angles on this suggest incredible. the students took 2 years of careful planning and it's the 1st time something like that has ever been done. all right, that is all useful phenomena later. indeed, thanks very much that way we can get diving too quickly. that because it's to brussels now, why the electric vehicle shows have taken place. take center stage of the city is moved to show. is it trying to the record number of ultimate cause and tens of thousands of visitors as sonya kind of take over pulse? it was 15 show once. now it is very much the present electric vehicles. once the preserve of the wealthy are trading exclusivity, broad repeal it is
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a road map of where the car industry is heading, west speed functionality and few admissions office waiting more manufacturers to go green. so logical, every time, even when you look at the history of automotive, every new technology ends in a, whatever, it's always coming in the ends into ends with the iris, pleasant car, and then going into the cheapest guy. and it's, it's, this is where we is. we, we, i know the last 10 years, tesla has shaken the markets and enjoyed global dominance. but other traditional and non traditional call made because i'm driving up sales of the bees. and it's guessing capacitive, legacy call makers have open making the transition to ease some converting favorite models into electric ones. what did this new come as such as b, y, d build your dreams?
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a chinese manufacturer that is taking on tesla despite the european commission of slapping terrace on eas, from china. we don't really see it, because uh, today it's the id who is really taking this uh for their own accounts. uh, so the customer actually is, is not infected by a, by this, and the great news for us is, and this, we already announced divide you at the end of the 2023 is that we are opening the european plans production facility in, in green, by the end of 2025. so this is only like for us, it's a temporary measure. and of course there is the wow factor b y d's varian don't think, call going viral on social media, never home to sales campaign. and expands flying cause many have been promised. very few have deliver it. but it may just take off one day for me if i ever i'll
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just narrow process that so these uh with makes the whole problem. i'll be back with more of the other side of the break, but it's all in front of me and all of these are saved here in denver. thanks for your time. i checked on the in the early as of november, the 8th file, and so we're up to the tree. mccarthy, television fans, and people in amsterdam. was it an empty semitic attack or response to provocation, which is 0. looks at how a street confrontation turned into a political flash point and then the read 19 debates about immigration, religion, and the identity. the full report. i'm still john mccarthy and who to comes on. i will just say around the
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which is the width. if it's a big day for they know every make ashley is communities depended on headink house and then yeah, the 1st time in his life is going to gets a candle. people here in northern can use some 3 accounts. he say, when the rains fail, the cowards success to die. and the camel is the last, the candles have traveled hundreds of kilometers on trucks and on foot to be here, the county government. both them from trade is the academy is voted with somalia and say the elders of domestic, the change is part of a decades old slow but steady regional trend, which the county government says has become essential. climate scientists say dramas will continue to become more frequent and severe,
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then already told us he hasn't had of climate science, but he and his neighbors expect more tough times before long. that would come over and they'll be better prepared to keep that some of these fed the reprise to the bombing inside to see saw and goals that will come into effect in less than 24 hours a. so $630.00 g m t on sunday the observer license i also coming up is rather intensifies as a tax on gallons or head all the seats by killing at least $116.00 palestinians. since the agreement was announced on wednesday, full people are killed in a rush and destroy called the ukrainian capital. the city of chapel reach us as
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