tv [untitled] January 18, 2025 6:30pm-7:00pm AST
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it doesn't matter. he's modified republican positions winning support across the board. but even after 8 years is perhaps still too early to see if trump has them, or mug of politics will sort of 5 and the republican party. if someone else can take the ingredients. donald trump provided and continued to get success at the ballot book unless or until republicans can figure out a way to bottle that type of energy and magnetism. i think it will be very, very difficult for them going forward. all of that, it's just political parties, have functions in groups. some say donald trump, the stage to hostile takeover of the republican party, changed it. but it was a proxy looking for change, but he delivered a note. there are 3 generations of voters. the don't know, the republican party of reagan or rome, the or bush, all they know is trump. and his brand, the republican politics could dominate several more election cycles, particularly if they continue to be successful. our fisher, i'll just eat
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a washington solemnly swear. a chat love is a republic and commentator read a shot as a former senior republican presidential campaign adviser. hello, thank you so much for joining us. we want to talk with both of you about the future of the republican party and we're donald trump is taking this rena. ordinarily i'd say ladies 1st, but check. yeah, this is you have always been a supporter of donald trump, so i'm going to turn to check 1st for that reason. good. how are you feeling disappeared? tastic time. i think america you might say that of course. right. and welcome to drop 2 point. oh, we're really excited. yeah, because now truck actually understands what he's going to do. we understand how washington works with the previous administration. she was surprised the one, but now he has a team that he's built to execute on the agenda for america. and so everyone should be excited about what's going to happen over the next 4 years. so read, i mentioned you had not been a supporter of donald trump,
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but he has won. the republican party is very much his party. now he's going to be the 40 seven's present it to the united states. how are you feeling? well, the word of the past few weeks have been mandate the mandate to govern that the republican party feels it's received from the american people. now, i would disagree a little bit with that. i think when you look at where the boat ended up to give him this, when you do see what i feel is a sense of frustration against washington that we have seen for quite some time. but i think donald trump actually locked out by being the other choice on the ballot here. it wasn't entirely because of his strength. i think it was because people were fed up with the democrats. and because we have a do opposite here, we say we have a multi party system. we don't, we have a do up we that is very strong. and that is why the republicans got the ball the in their court this time. not entirely because trump, which giving up some brand that was um, not well positioned to win like the bush and again, rodney brand, new establishment, route we came back brand. that's what trump what can talk about all the time that
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people didn't want that. i think this is a position where he's gotten lucky and now he has to really do the work that the american people want to see each action in a different way from washington. is there room for you for people like you in this republican party? i think so i do. i think this party will need critics within its rank as well. is looking really united right now where you can't tell the difference between far, right? conservative types who are members of the freedom caucus for example, in the house chamber. but in the end of the day, what is also very paramount here is that there be those that step out of line and say, hey, enough is enough on things that go too far out of balance stuff that is again, maybe socially conservative and not palatable to the larger public, if this republican party wants to govern efficiently in, well, it needs critics within its rank shit. you, you want donald trump, you want all of donald trump. you want everything he promised. i think america wants donald trump and we saw that in the election for less than 50 percent of the voters want donald trump. well, i think the,
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what you saw was that in this election. yeah, there were less electors. people came out devote. and this works and versus in 2020 . but what you saw was about 3000000. pina. sorry. i wanna make it clear why i said that because he has receive less than 50 percent of the popular vote. yes, he won more then his rival complet harris. he's president, there's no, no doubt about that, but he's actually strangely got a less than 50 percent of the boat the way the way to both being tallied right now . but i think the more important piece that people really need to focus on is the fact that you had about 6000000 people devoted less people. the comma harris got been been joe biden got about 3200000 of those people. they didn't show up to vote because they were frustrated with where america was going base at home and board for the couch, with 3000000 americans switch sides and they voted for biden. and now. 6 now they voted for donald trump, i think that's a significant swing. and what you actually saw was many people in that group. they were split ticket voters. they actually voted for democrats down ballot and voted for trump at the top of the ticket. so i think it's significant to understand that
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it's not just far right. extreme is whom supported down from a mirror, excess supported donald trump. and america, once the agenda that we're going to see for the next 4 years, you know, it's, it's become a little bit of a cliche to say, or it had been to say that the republican party was the party of ronald reagan. right. right. and it's just a way of saying that he cast such a long shadow. he had an influence of his party. but last decades now donald trump is in and it's also becoming cliche to say it is his party. what does that mean for you? and what does that mean to the party going forward? i think the people have a lot of confuse, a lot of different things. listen, i was a national review, a william buckley fellow. and so it's been a lot of time looking at the republican party over the years, and they've been the republican party of william buckley and 1960, it is nixon of the silent majority. that's a different party than what we have today. and so you have republicans that support a lease abortion up to the 1st 6 months. you have republicans that support gay marriage. you have republicans that are involved
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a lot of these issues. i think the prove crucial for the whole thing is donald trump is simply reflecting what the change in america is and the change of the republican party. all right, hold on because one of donald trump's defining characteristics is the way he speaks . and the way he addresses crowds, the way he campaigns, the way spaces is blunt. it's sometimes aggressive. it's almost always off the car. let's do this. of the people that came in, they're eating the catch, their eating. they're eating the pets of the people that live there. i'm very highly educated. i know words, i have the best words i have given, but there's no better words and stupid. but they couldn't make anything bad because they are the big, big, disgusting news. we're not going to let you destroy our country. come, i'll let you fire who is easier for us? not me for us to be ready. crazy birdie.
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who suite b, do i like have a smart people? you know, the, there on a new care. roger, roger, roger, ukraine, ukraine, you play and all the different cultures and the new one is president. trump has seated the presidency to eli must no, no you know, you, you, you heard all that. it was just a little medley of donald trump on the campaign trail. just highlights of donald trump. it is not hard to put something like this together. he is so unusual in the way he speaks. i think that's putting it generously. any other politician that would sink them if you address crowds that way if you present yourself and your idea is that way you're, you wouldn't be seen as non serious because he speaks in a way that often sounds on serious. what i mean, how, how is the republican party sort of going to survive after that?
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i would say they've glossed over that, but the fact that he's a showman and he always has been one. but that's also what propelled him to victory and, and what the republican party of today is doing is focusing on today. and i think that's a very good thing to do. because i think the democrats for the longest time kept talking about tomorrow. and in doing that, they lost sight of what was happening within their ranks, and they still suffer from that crisis of not having an arrow parrot. meanwhile, the route we just got lucky to have trump again back on the ballot and be able to be successful. opposite a candidate that struggled with like ability no matter which way you looked at her, she was, it captured tremendously. accomplish woman calmly. harris is what i'm talking about . of course, senator from california came up and wanted every level of elective government. and so how could you look at somebody like that and say she's not qualified, that wasn't it, it was the like ability. so many people felt they couldn't trust her and they felt because my car and maybe it just goes back to this sense that most people feel
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outside of washington that washington doesn't reflect them because it doesn't speak to them and it doesn't speak like them. and so trump had that connect and, and we'll be successful as long as he continues to do that. they'll say something god forbid were to happen to the president elect after he takes the owes on monday . and judy babs, his vice president would become president. we don't know what that's going to be while republicans around him feel. i think they will trust him. but will they feel that he's charismatic enough to go out there and secure those wins from people, drive them out to the pools. mm. the way that trump did probably not a shit. i don't know that there is another politician in this country that can do what donald trump does just because he is so unique, good, or bad and so unique, right? he, it feels like he's a one of one. so when you're, the republican party is an institution right now and, you know, you only have 4 years because you can't run again. yeah. how do you, how do you think about that? how do you compute? well, we've got to start planning for the future. there's a lot of work to do and the republican party, as i said before, the party,
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traditionally, the traditional republican party was based upon ideology. we've seen the party moved to populism, and that's which one's been able to capture the imagination, the american people, and he's busy. i agree, a once in a lifetime candidate. i mean, what other presidential can do, you know, it was on w, w. e doing wrestling. right. so he's a very unique candidate. republicans do need to be focusing on what are the key fundamental ideologies that are going to broaden the to republicans need to find ways to lead and talk about climate change and talk about clean air, clean water. republicans need to talk about how to do the diversity and inclusion and talk about creating equal opportunities, not equal outcomes to broaden the attempt to bring in a great a coalition for the republican party to lead into the future chat love read a show. thank you. so much both of these coming on, i know it's a little cold, but not nearly as cold. it is going to be a day from now, 2 days from now, 3 days from now. so you got kind of lucky with. all right, thank you so much for coming. thank you. and that's it for me as
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a team here at our rooftop studio in washington, dc. back to you guys, and oh, thanks so much sir. a busy few days here to view it. we really appreciate your work, but we have some breaking news now. several people have been injured into staffing attack and tell of have at least one person this 30 year old man was seriously hurt . police are at the scene and searching the area for the perpetration of more or less to be joined now by stephanie deca who is in amman, because as well his band al jazeera from operating there, as well as in the occupied with bank. and i know that this is only just happens in these house. i probably pretty skipped see right now, but what more do you know, especially as this is all unfolding on the eve of the cx 5. so to begin tomorrow. yes of course the timing of this place straight into the hands of the extreme far right. which advocate that will palestinians or what they call terrorist so that they need to alex the occupied westbank gonzalez' so. so the timing of this plays
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into that narrative, what we know is that apparently, according to his reading, media reports a 19 year old publishing and from to call them this is in the occupied westbank. i was in is rather legally with no papers attempted to stab a policy or by on a street instead of the now this you mentioned there are the posts are by a 30 year old is really is in serious condition in the hospital. now the attacker was shot dead by a pausing, is ready um civilian they say, but it could be an off duty ministry um or policeman. so that is what we have at the moment. uh, the attackers been shot dead 19 year old from the occupied westbank. one is really 30 years old in serious condition in the hospital, but of course yes, the timing of this uh, just on the eve of the ceasefire, will play into the hands of the right. it's certainly not going to change anything, but that's what we have at the moment. okay, thanks so much steve, stephanie, jacob for us to and,
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and we'll come back to you as we get more details to hand. thank you. really as well. so is it's a defense system has and just empted and miss are launched from jim and it triggered sirens across central israel sizes units. the town is the close south of tennessee bumped it, following the south fragments, spunk, defiant, humans whose these have been known to rockets towards israel since october last year. and what they say is a show of solidarity with palestinians and cancer, or the crime since at least 3 people had been killed in a russian attack on the central cave. them is several cars called fine and a metro station in water pipeline with damaged. john, how has moved from keith the moment of impact
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the immediate aftermath of the russian missile strike of central p. a man has been to death behind the wheel of his band. another person dies outside mcdonald's, possibly waiting for the fast food restaurant to open at 6 am on folds by daylight, these are the 360 degree scene of destruction at the, at the center, a crate to us it to be with me. so go ahead, designated, it's not the 1st time this has happened here. it is, in fact, the 5th striking this immediate area since the war began. and russia claims this time to have struck a weapons production facilitate nearby cause. and also i was here which time the 1st time the miss all hit, this place was march 16 and the install, some of the ones that are part of the building collapsed since then they hit test frequently with, let's say, unusual missiles, it's very unsettling when it says he takes us into his apostles across the street.
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the blow now windows already covered, yet again with plastic seating. he thinks he knows why the russians are doing the court. there intimidating us with these attacks to end the war on state. berkeley tends to influence the population, so the people pressured the government, our leadership elements, and the control. while the toll is dreadful enough, bystanders the thankful their own more dead. it is extraordinary looking at the damage here that the casualty count hasn't been hired. it almost certainly would've been had this happened at 6 am on a weekday morning. the clean up operation is swift and discipline. not the 1st time either. with the now is least neighborhood will return to life is normal. the what counts for normal to people here would be to others. i'm think of a joe the whole l g 0 keith. so it ends on the lita of delta
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o. behind has ordered an investigation into killings which triggered protests and losing a neighboring south suit in the young wrist. broke out up to $29.00. south susan. these nationals who were opponents, had been killed in 20 stays in sudan. the army and paramilitary rapid support forces had been battling for control of sudan since april 2023. catherine story reports from rank themselves through den, a wayne rank town. a border area in south it says on a web, there was a bit of tension and unrest on a friday a when some people tries to protest against the things that are happening in. so dawn with the needs have allegedly being hills. what's happening now? things are being calm, shops have been opened. 7 people are moving around as well. games are about whether it will protest as well. uh, the situation. it has been contained as well. the lead out of the sofa and sedona
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has for the on investigation into atrocities that was allegedly me said in the 0 states. but people here are very angry, they want results as quickly as possible. uh, c, u n. c, a in rank, has killed zone as for races, saying that they're waiting all this situation to see when they're going to us kill up. within a 1000000 people have been displaced and i'll come to this area since the war is to don, started us 1000. all of them are fussing. he rang every day and that means they need a lot told help they need medical attention. they need what side they need, food, they needs to be registered as well so they can get all this, you know, just terry and services. now that is not happening. so there's a lot of concerns,
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especially when it comes to aid work, because in what they're supposed to be doing, catherine solely all just do a rank. how's it on? several protesters had been detained in south korea as tensions rhonda is about a cool hearing on the detention of prison, june secure on you and a paid in court for the 1st time since he was taken into custody on wednesday. he's under arrest, stopped declaring martial more and december last year. supporters and critics of prison june took to the streets, holding rival protests. tony chain reports from the capital, so tens of thousands of support is the president you and so you'll attended mass riley and downtown. so many health science cooling for his impeachment to be a know, a next to the south korean flags, the stars and stripes of the usa. these people see you and the rest is a threat to the countries democracy and basic freedom. not to be.
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i feel like the country's laws have collapsed and i came here hoping that maybe the nor can be restored. president june arrived in souls western district court just off the mid day to hear the prosecutor's request an extension to his period. the detention will do the hearing, took place behind closed doors you and spoke like something he's declined to do the investigators at the same time and more protest. his go downtown, a very different demographic. the trade unionist writes groups and much the youngest faces. these are the people who are shocked by you and declaration marshal, and want him to be removed from office and punished to the full extent of the law. i felt that just watching from home would be enough. so i came up because i wanted to contribute even a little bit of strength, large numbers to despite the bits of code to the per ton. so
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both attended by tens of thousands of purchases with diametrically opposed to the future of their president. it's the detention hearing extended into the night tempest. don't get to play. 16 people detained is per you and support is trying to break through police lines. south korea's political crisis is getting deeper, the tensions beginning to free. 30 checking out to 0. so foreign minister is from the asian block, i'll see on uh, judy mason on sunday. and they expect you to be plenty of discussions about how the incoming donald trump presidency will affects the region. presidents of lake trump has one hill, introduce, tried tariffs, which could effect asian economies. they're also true to talk about other issues, including tensions in the south china sea. jessica washington has moved from lancaster in malaysia, and i'm in lancaster. we malaysia, where the association of southeast asian nations is set to hold its 1st major
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meeting of the year policy and is made up of 10 southeast asian countries. and has the combined population of more than 650000000 people. will this meeting of foreign ministers is a chance to assess the tone for malaysia is chem and chip of the group, which is centered around a theme of shed progress for the region. but it also comes at a crucial time ahead of donald trump's integration in the us geo political considerations. a high on the agenda with malaysia noting that it will address what it calls the major power contestation in the region for all see on there are some key questions. how will the 2nd trump administration shape us china relations and what was the impact fee, on se, asia, with a clear understanding that a deterioration in the us, china relationship could lead to challenges for the region that could also create opportunities trumps threat to impose
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a blanket tariff on all important goods and an additional tire of between 10 to 60 percent on goods from china will have major implications. the southeast asia, china is the blocks at the top trading papa. all the regional methods, like managing disputes in the south china sea, one of the world's most crucial was a waste. and the crisis in the amount which is member fazio and also set to be discussed. jessica washington ultra 01 slow sounds as well. now his patient tom, thank you very much. you cost those $9.00 game winning run across will. competitions has come to an end. 80 health team would be some food, one at home, bud phone. miss justin. private sent a form of new costs and stuff. patrick, doing most of the damage with a hattrick cost of a full sense, filling champions league spots this point to the face to face chelsea who set a point below the insight on monday. and the tribune pocky stone are on top of the
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day, 2 of the 1st taste against the west indies and molten, sold shaquille tops gold with a 2 full when a disappointing $250.00 on out for the home side of the start of the day. but $24.00 over base or they were balancing a gain less thanks to full wickets from subject khan and 5 for molly. wasting these oil for 157. talk you still on 100 mine for 3 at the close lead of 202 side a defending champion younique's center says he still has room to improve. as he hibbs into the last 16 of the australian open with no alarms, the salad was just too good for 46th rank. marco de rome leasing him in straight sets to stretches. i'm beaten, run to 70 matches. going back to the last teenage qualify lunacy and became the youngest men to reach the 4th round, the melvin since ref, elm adult swim to use a go. the 19 year old dismissed, couldn't seem to take in straight sets to continue. he's brilliant. they do at the
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use 1st grand slam, but another seed fell in the main stood events as well as number 4 will tell you. the fritz was spun by french investment and gamble, thieves having lost the 1st fits the fritz. who was the run. rough at last is us open. if he's full fat, incredible. come back, taking the next thing fits all the things way into the 2nd week of the 2 of the minutes. i've said he 18 the 2nd oldest man ever to make the last 16 is melvin. talk often about your favorite, but they was another big match. murphy's head, he saw i own on saturday. and just last we met your watch is playing next up. everyone. elaina selina result next. know that. that's pretty key. husband big was fine. yeah, exactly. you know, i think i won the quote for her. i suspect is also the one that before so i guess is going to be tough for her and i didn't i hope i should because this one and this
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was she absolutely did. they need us for totally the upsetting another full sleep to book those spots in the last 16 of the women's tournament, ukrainian beach as how leads to 666 love with no fees coincide. invest victory. industry on 6 is the base. does he have to come off the reaching the last 16? the 5 time grand slam champion has only made the same finals with melvin previously . what shape she has taken to the left in the tank to go all the way this you to be 2021 usaa. i'm already caught in 616. love you one sec has just just 10 games in 3 minutes or so to form a wimbledon champion elena the backend. i struggled with herb back to really match against blue frames. diana? yes, same sky, but the 6th street came through in straight sets and we'll face madison a nickel or
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your kid shows a racked up yet another triple double. so then the nuggets you scroll 24 points and had 12, rebounds and tennessee, they victory over the miami. heat, it's your kacias, 17 couple of the season, which is 9 mold and he's newest drive on the from james, who has a split, the lakers jamal murray top. so the set some points for the end of the one, this game, 133113. it's a foot when in 6 gas himself and we saw history made in the n h l alex middle could which became the 1st gold same bit to ever score ago and the may can assist in the same game. the also may full, he saves for the pittsburgh penguins to beat the buffalo sabres 5 to major league baseball champions. be at a dodge as of added to the rank for next season. they've signed up japanese pitcher or okay, so sucky he was playing in the japanese league. you'll mount join forces with fellow countryman show, hey tony. and you'll see no. bu. yeah. my moto at the dungeons and find me take
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a look at this incredible sense of the coast of cape town in south africa. kinds of less of the boca jumped over, a moving plane, piloted by rebooting a race pilot lucas chip yellow. who had to hold the plane steady in wins a 50 kilometers per hour as work a sold 15 meters above the water. the sensor took 2 years of careful planning. and the 1st time something like that has ever been done or so right. that's all the small things, so the time be all of another updated, but later to bring in we'll see you then thanks patients. just a reminder of our breaking news now. several people have been injured and the staffing attack intel of have at least one person this 30 year old man was seriously the police are at the scene and searching the area for the path to try. so that's it for this, do that. i'll be back in just a moment with much more of the dies news. stay with us. the
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israel is the $97.00 country by population, but the 9th largest alms producer in the world in a 2 part series under 0, it investigates how cutting edge weapons and surveillance technology. this tested on a captive palestinian population then marketed around the globe, the palestine. the bar g coming soon on as jersey to a global movement, calling for a region leading of our bodies with nature. we're at such a crucial time. the human race is in a crisis as it goes into crisis. so those ones that are going on, indigenous wisdom to address today's climate challenges. and the same way that we reviling the land here. we're trying to rewind people. if we don't take care of all these type of relationship, we have lost 1st rise. we are nature the call to remember on
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a jesse the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to that other. as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference in on g ninety's, afghanistan was told upon by civil war, the taliban rose from the cast promising stability. but the us eventually in to be the justification for going into afghanistan was $911.00 and it wasn't about moral values. the 1st episode of the need to call it documented, examines the west invasion and us, if it could ever realistically have succeeded afghanistan, the price of peace on out is 0.
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the spot is in science and gone. so israel has agreed to stop its attacks in less than 18 hours. the top mccrae, this is down to 0 line from also coming off. the bones are still following on gaza . is rolls killed at least $123.00, palestinian since the cease fire agreement was announced on wednesday. the staffing and tell of have several people have been injured and the attack is shot dead by police plus.
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