tv [untitled] January 18, 2025 9:30pm-10:01pm AST
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outside the presidential parade was meant to march down to the white house, but because of those temperatures, it will now be hosted at the capital one sports. serena trump says he will join supporters there after he has been sworn in now for contacts the last time. and then all your ration was moved in doors was in 1985. when president ronald reagan took his 2nd oath of office. and it seems similar to 27 teams when trump 1st took deals of office, large protests are happening in washington and across major cities in the united states as being called the people's march. it's a broad coalition of activists and groups concerned about what the next trump presidency may need for women migrants and refugees. all right, that's bringing alpha 0, steve clements presents or the bottom line analysis. here was james bay's diplomatic editor. we're going to have a conversation that was more acute into us domestic politics. but all 3 of us have just been listening to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so we have to
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discuss what's going on and gaza, specifically as donald trump, and that in coming administration are going to be playing a big role in what happens in israel and gods at 1st though, james, this might have detailed donald trump actually heading on his way to washington dc, just a few as time last time he'd be flying on his own jet. often that he will be the president from monday and you'll be on that for us one. he's going to the trump international golf course, which is in virginia, be a fireworks display. he's gonna stay in black house, which is the accommodation for visiting dignitaries for leaders, which he just opposite the white house. and then he'll be going on sunday to the, to move the on there and so which it arlington cemetery and then a riley at the capital one a re, no, not far from here. was you say that is also why he's going to have is standing parade on monday he's being given interviews. we don't know if he's suddenly in his latest interview on god. so we know that he's had that phone call that problem just a nothing yahoo spoke about with these,
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right. the problem is that he did say something on the tick tock controversy, so he's like to give that 90 day extension. but clearly, all of these events running up to monday, i'm going to happen with the backdrop split screen of what's going on. so on the other side of the world. so not clear to me whether when i have any public comments about or comments or even from trump of what's going on in gaza. but given that trump's a, a fuse on the, on the, on, on this and the fact that he wants to take credit for this. i think it's highly likely he's going to talk about some recent background on this. steve donald trump had been saying if the hostages in gaza or not released by the time i come into office. so as we said less than 48 hours from now, there is going to be quote, held to pay. when he comes into the office that cease fire will have begun assuming it does indeed begin. but it looks that to begin uh, on sunday he comes into office on monday, noon local time. so the ceasefire will have begun and the hostage released deal
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will be either underway or about to get underway. well, i think that change that i don't think the all shop will be able to help himself from taking credit for these 1st steps of the ceasefire. building 3, when we talked about health pay, it's hard to imagine more hell to pay in palestine with many people looking at is that was equal we a signal which was really prime minister netanyahu that i live. she does not want to inherit this mess one day, one of his administration and get with it, solve it, move it forward. and we saw net and yahoo much more influenced by those words from donald trump. then buy anything from secretary of state, tony blinking or from presidential bite and who'd been basically saying they've been trying to pressure netanyahu in this direction for, you know, a year and nothing moved. so donald trump coming on the scene is clearly having an impact on the calculations of these leaders. and i think it is important to note that in this case is real moved uh for the time being we'll have to see what happens later. james reminders what donald trump's policy towards israel was during
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his 1st term in office. he was very, very supportive to his route. he moved the u. s. embassy to jerusalem. a most international players have the embassies and televi pick a jury. so it was an unsettled issue. he recognized the golan heights, he had his son in law, produced a peace deal. it didn't go anywhere, but it was the, those pieces about favorable piece deal. we've had the same tools as well. the palestinians were going to get a sort of swiss cheese of, of a state with a capital i'll need outs, outskirts of to resubmit a small. but it's cool booties, i think that's in the all who was very, very happy. the abraham a codes were the one that they were then working towards, which is trying to get recognition of more or more of the states for israel. very, very happy. although i think the possible relationships between trump and that's in yahoo, our bit towards the end. but they don't get on. great, steve, what do we know about trump's team? trump?
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the middle east, flash israel to batman, getting team. we've just seen steve woodcock. his is a envoy. play a very definitive and cooperative role with abiding team and negotiating this. we have marco rubio for centered rubio coming and his secretary of state was also very close to the jewish american community and the power of the jewish american community here who will likely fall into line with exactly what james just talked about about donald trump's proclivity to sort of reward netanyahu, and he's really government. you've got a mike waltz, who's coming in this large the known for his views on china. but he's frankly very close to what we call the 8 pack crowd as well. so there are not many in the, the spectrum and, and, and universe of people around donald trump, who right now are obvious of players to help with the palestinian challenge. you know, we kind of looking at the focus on a 2 state solution that's not going to be something we hear much from in the trump administrative. there's nobody in this new administration who is me is not yet a razor relaxing political question because dearborn, michigan,
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one of the largest concentrations of air americans in this country voted overwhelmingly for donald trump. but in all the tweets all the comments, i'm just waiting this because the is the way because they, they were frustrated with it and it had been to support of, of israel and we're not supportive enough. so the best thing, right? so they, they jumped and supported donald trump overwhelmingly, and then an independent candidate, etc. but i think what's be interesting to see, will that change over time? will there be some softening or some gestures towards them dimension just today i was at a middle east oriented political session with congressman darrell. i use a congressman during law hood tom barracks who is going to see you about you had a turkey. and when i got from that is that there is an energy there. and enthusiasm concerned about 11 on concerned about what happens in syria project with israel. but basically trying to get some of these elements, right? so there is a, an embryonic political realization that the middle east and, and it matters. but we haven't yet seen how is that going to fit into trump
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dashboard. and james, we were listening to me that you know, one thing he said very clearly, i feel like he said it a couple times was that he got some kind of commitment or guarantee i'm not sure what the word is from both fighting and trump. but if after the 1st phase of the ceasefire in austin truly still israel, why does it go back to war? one of the resume fighting and gaza, they would be allowed to do it with full us support with extra us support. and that this phase one is only a temporary c spa, i think that is possible, but i think looked at the pictures we're going to see if there is a 6 look at the handover of people and the prism of those and the captives being returned. look at the piece and clock. all of the world is going to welcome that the american people are going to welcome that always. so you can talk to 42 days. if nothing, yahoo, then what's the salt bombing the place? again, already, most countries in the wealth, condemn israel,
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and many privately condemned to us. i think it's gonna be much harder to add one element there. the closing active joe biden was the given $8000000000.00 military aid package to israel, which hasn't received a lot of attention, but they've already gone a significant amount of money that, you know, are weird out weapons stockpiles and stores the united states. move to israel as one of jo biden's finalize. so that's before you get to what prime minister netanyahu was talking about with more a the yeah, i think they'll be such moral outrage if he goes back to war after a period of sustained culture. change base div clements. thank you very much. thank you. as a says trump victory. democrats have been wondering just what went wrong for them. well, there are several theories. one of those theories, as the democrats lost touch with the working class, the people whom they have traditionally represented. that theory goes that they shifted further to the left and away from their fundamentals like wages,
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like helping families put food on the table afford and gas or medicine options. there was john henry and reports on that from right here in washington. after a bruising 2024 election, the democratic party is struggling jamaica. new pass from main street to pennsylvania avenue as blue color americans lamented high prices. during the 2024 election democrats campaigned largely on threats to democracy, the loss of abortion rights. and the unprecedented place in history, their black and south asian american female standard bearer would carve out the result. was that the long time party of the working class last among the caller americans earning less than $50000.00 a year. the democratic base, what we call working class voters. gradually, these voters have shifted towards the republican party. and republicans have been a better able to turn them out. as the u. s. capital prepares to inaugurate republican president elect donald trump. it's
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a painful lesson for democrats. even here in the nation's capital, a democratic stronghold motors lean more to the right in the last election in dc motor, shifted 3 percentage points toward donald trump in montgomery county, maryland by 6 percentage points. and then loudon, county virginia by 9 proof democratic strategist, say they need a dramatic change. and course now many democratic leaders say they've learned that lesson. we should build a bigger tend, i think populist economics should be the tend to pull. i think if you want in, you should believe that governments should be on a mission to break up corporate power dramatically raised the average income of working families in this country. top party officials, including the senate democratic leader, chuck schumer are reorienting the party to deliver that message to voters, democrats and united. not because of who we fight against,
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but because of who were fighting for the working class, the middle class, hardworking americans with working class voters on main street across america, preparing for the beginning of the next trump administration. democrats have a short 4 years to win them back. john henry l g 0 washington. i saw this the future of the democratic party with a summer and drop the, the communications director for justice democrat. that's a progressive political action committee will also got with us. thank you very much . christian ramos, democratic strategist, your sorry at during the 2012 campaign for the obama campaign. okay, we've got 8 minutes to figure out what's the future of the democratic party, but it happens here. um, when, when any party loses, the business got to sort of decide, was it just the circumstances, you know, it wasn't our time or something fundamentally flawed that we need to fix and until we do that we won't win again. so where are we circumstances or fundamental?
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the plus uh okay. you want to go? yeah. well, we will lose the selection by that much. traditionally speaking, this is what makes me feel, feel good about where we are right now. democrats over the last 4 years did a lot of really good things to make this country better. we got people through cove and we built a strong reliable economy. and what we're talking results were talking winning elections right to win elections. what we didn't do is we did not read the rule on people's rage on their anger about in the quality in this country. but again, is that what was it? wasn't that what we said in 2016 when trump one the 1st time we do have to re learn . okay. all right, so i'm, i have a quote. there is something wrong with this party as a whole right now. it's time to clean up shop 2 different quotes to 2 different pieces that you were quoted then. yeah, i mean, i think it's absolutely true. i mean, i absolutely agree. the administration ushered in
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a lot of important social and economic legislation, but there is something wrong with this democratic party and it's kind of in decades in the making, which is it has worked overtime for the interest of corporate super packs and billionaires instead of the interest of every day people, and i think what we saw on november was a clear mandate from everyday people in this country that they want to see a new democratic party led by a new generation of democratic leaders. and that should look like working class people across this country, not billionaires, like you on the score mark, cuban that we were out there for you on the risk is not rooting. some of them now is not, but mark cuban is and we have our own building areas and it's not about who has mattered billionaires. it's about reading billionaires from our campaign finance system writ large so that working class communities across the country will feel like someone is fighting for them within, within any political party. there are movements right. you are a part of the progressive wing of the party is support the progressive wing, the party at the reading between the lines. are you saying democrats needed to listen to the progressives or something else?
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well, i mean from, since i've long said that we need to fight for the economic priorities of everyday working class people in this country progressive. we're also in the st saying we need to end agenda site and gaza. these are all issues that i think we saw, the democrats lost in the election over. and so the democratic party should not move on from this election. thinking that we can just, you know, brush our shoulders off and this is just another election move on. we should really be reflecting on what are the generational failures that have happened to you? but i agree with all of what he say here. and what i would just add to it is the opportunity right now is donald trump said he was at a lower cost of living for all americans. is about to come in with the most billionaires in his cabinet, most to leaders in his orbits. she himself claims to be a billionaire. we have to protect working americans. we have to go out there when they're trying to support of these terrace. and the trying to do must be partitions when they're trying to do these tax cuts. we need to fight for our, our country, and we need to fight for working people. and we need to make sure that we're telling people that what he's doing is wrong. and we can't be mag
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a light here. we have to go out there and really take it to the street to make sure that people understand we are on their side. but what you say, we need to fight against massey partitions. people just voted for that. donald trump problem is one thing. i mean this one thing that voters remember about donald trump is he promised deportations. right. and he won. so you really do, you need to fight it and, and know so, i mean, i think what we saw was voters voted for the loudest voice in the room and the voice that was convincing them that the status quote was not working for you. all which one it was mentioned that as an economic, i mean, i think the number one issue we saw across pulling was that people felt like their economic standard of living was not ok. and the status quote was led by democrats and we kept telling them it is okay. the stocks are doing well, and we can't just look at the nasdaq and assume that working families across the country are doing well. we have to show them that the people who are picking your pockets are billionaires and corporations and not let republicans divide our communities against each other. so give me a quick 2nd because i want all this together to take a look at this map and the map will show why democrats have
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a far more look at it together. the areas that are gonna come up on your screen are the areas where presidential votes shifted toward the republicans. nearly 90 percent of all counties in america, with particularly strong shifts and democratic strongholds like california new york, massachusetts. that means that even in places where democrats did, when they often did so by much narrow margins, then before so christian were sort of coming back to that earlier point of and even with the democrats are winning, it's just not winning as much as they used to if something was flawed, i don't think they saw the fire in our belly. i don't think they saw us talking about the things that they care about, right? again in the quality cost of eggs, cost of living, housing, all those things. critically important. did we talk about those things in the campaign? yes we did. do we need to talk about them in a different way? that is more risk residents and emotionally? you know, kids, people in the gut?
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yes, absolutely. we have a great contrast now that they are god. are you saying that our platform is okay, but our messenger just maybe wasn't up to the task. we need a better messenger for. yes, i am saying that we need to be more good. busy so if prosecuting the case for working class americans against an oligarchy, government that is about to come in, that is really out there. not fighting for the interest of everybody, but it's just fighting for the interest of, of billionaires and tech people and things like that. that's really is a very simple message and the narrative that we need to get out there immediately. yeah, i mean, i absolutely agree like we should be a party that is able to stand up for working class people and stand up against what is going to be one of the most corporate funded and operations we ever since $1000000.00 from our exact number of the $1000000.00 from jeff page as a $1000000.00 in goldman sachs. we can't be that if we are also taking a $1000000.00 from those same sources. we asked to be the alternative and show voters what
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a democratic alternative looks like. not what republican light agend it looks like, what we shouldn't be daring republicans to vote for instead of horrible, rightly, immigration policies are bear them to vote against raising the minimum wage, tear them to vote against medicare for all raising tax on billionaires. these are universally popular policies that would put money in the pockets of everyday people and lower their costs. that is what every day people want to see. so someone drive a christian ramos, thank you both for joining us in the office here and use our thank you and that's it for me. that's it from us here. the team at our rooftop studio in washington dc, talking back to you in the thank you so much. 0. fascinating discussions there or would you in secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has showed living on that the international community will help it rebuild. he's concluded what he calls a visit of solidarity. gutierrez, schmidt's and julia pointed lebanese prime minister in the loft salam. the trip comes 9 days before the deadline for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from the south. the u in chief says, as well as military presence and live in on must end
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a government and iran has jointed to senior judges at the supreme court and to run around this. judiciary says the judges had been involved in combat and crimes against national security, espionage and terrorism. it says this has been killed himself after the attack. a security officer was also injured in initial investigation such as they would know cases against the suspect. and he wasn't a co visit to cause either to head to savvy has more details from toronto. you know that we have 2 judges murdered in this shooting. and then there is another boy guard who has been injured so far. this is what be no. the 1st one is mohammed multi said, he is a very famous george high ranking bon holding position in the supreme court of the country. he is also famous for our court rulings related to espionage and national
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security cases, as well as cases related to post a presidential election. the controversial one in 2009. he had court's rulings for posts protest. let's say people in that regard. the 2nd one is alley ramsey, who already actually survives a failed after station clock back in 1999. and now he is asked as a native to use also a very high ranking official, a very high ranking judge in iran holding position in the supreme court of the country. and what we said, just one last point i wanted to add is one of the judges under us and use sanctions for human rights issues you cry and says at least 3 people have been killed in the russian attack on the central cave. the mass is several times cooled, fine and the metro station and water pipeline, but damaged showing how has more details from the capital case.
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the movement of the impact on v media optima, the russian missile strike old central p a man, he's been to death behind the wheel of his band and the person dies outside mcdonalds. possibly waiting for the fast food restaurant to open at 6 am on folds by daylight. these are the $360.00 degree scene of destruction. at the center, a crate set to be with me, so go ahead, detonated. it's not the 1st time this has happened to you. it is, in fact, the 5th striking this immediate area since the war began. and russia claims this time to have struck a weapons production facilitating the if i caused a hold of them. i was here each time the 1st time and miss all hit this place was march 16th near the status of the work that are part of the building collapsed. since then, they hate us frequently with, let's say,
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unusual missiles. it's very unsettling it. so he takes us into his apartment, across the street, the blue now windows, already covered. yes. again, with plastic seating. he thinks he knows why the russians are doing the court. they're intimidating us with these attacks to end the war on paper being tends to influence the population. so the people pressure the government, our leadership elements and the control while the toll is dreadful enough, bystanders the thankful their own more dead. it is extraordinary looking at the damage here that the casualty count hasn't been hired. it almost certainly would've been had this happened at 6 am on a weekday morning. the clean up operation is swift and discipline. not the 1st time either. with the now is least neighborhood will return to life is normal. the what counts for normal to people here would be to others. i'm thinking go to whole l g 0
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keith. now, jerry is road safety agencies has at least 60 people have been killed, topped a tank of carrying fuel overtones and exploded near the co in the shift stays. a mess of 5 resulted from the blast and injured many people who were trying to take petrol. that had spilled from the truck more than 140 people were killed in a similar accidents in october and to go us states to saddam's army later adults thought the elbow han has ordered an investigation into the killing of dozens of south suit in these nationals, the depths triggered protests and losing a neighboring south suit on the army and paramilitary rapid support forces had been battling for control officer down for almost 2 years. catherine story reports from rank themselves through john wayne rank town. a border area in south is on a web, there was a bit of tension and unrest on a friday
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a when some people tries to protest against things that are happening in so don, with the needs have allegedly being kills what's happening now. things are a bit calm shops have been opened. 7 people are moving around as well, games you about whether it will protest as well. uh, the situation. it has been contained as well. the lead out sedona has for the on investigation into atrocities that was allegedly me said in the 0 states. but people here are very angry, they want results as quickly as possible. and c, u, n. c, a in rank, has killed down as races saying that they're waiting all the situation to see when they're going to us kill up more than a 1000000 people have been displaced and i'll come to this area since the war is to
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don, started us 1000 all of them are fussing, he rang every day and that means they need a lot of help. they need medical attention, they need what they need food, they needs to be registered as well so they can get all this, you know, to terry and services. now that is not happening, so there's a lot of fun, especially when it of the able to cause in what they're supposed to be doing. catherine slowly are the 0 rank. how's it on? and the last now of course in south korea has approve the formal arrest of prison you. and so if you all of his decision to declare martial law you and was taken into custody on wednesday. so tonight is rolling extends the time he can be held in detention vall, investigation since the and peach lead a continue. tony chang reports from the capital. so the 10s of thousands of
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support is the president you and so you'll attend the mass riley and downtown so many health science cooling for his impeachment to be a know the next to the south korean flags, the stars and stripes of the usa. these people see use arrest as a threat to the country's democracy and basic freedom. not a good hubby. i feel like the country's laws have collapsed and i came here hoping that maybe the law can be restored. prison june arrived in souls western district court. just off the mid day to hear the prosecutor's request, an extension to his period, the detention we'll do the hearing took place behind closed tools, used spoken like something he's declined to do the investigators at the same time and more protest. his go downtown, a very different demographic, the trade unionist writes groups and much younger faces. these are the people who
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are shocked by humans, declaration, muscle, and one have to be removed from office and punished to the full extent of the lo. i felt that just watching from home would be enough. so i came up because i wanted to contribute even a little bit of strength. large numbers to display the bits of code to the per ton. so both attended by tens of thousands of purchases with diametrically opposed to the president. is the detention hearing extended into the night tempest? don't get to play 16 people detained is per you and suppose is trying to break through police lines. south korea's political crisis is getting deeper, the tensions beginning to free 30 checking out to 0 so well that so from a told mccrae for this news, my colleague fully bessy buys, i will be back in it just a moment was removed from his rouse benjamin netanyahu whose small instead he
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reserves the right to resume the war and gone so just hours before us the spot. the israel is the 97th country by population. but the 9th largest alms producer in the world. in a 2 part series of g, a 0, it investigates how cutting edge weapons and surveillance technology is tested on a captive palestinian population then marketed around the globe, the palestine bar tree. coming soon on as jersey, we are to see the series of legend some clothes ruined the stories of
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civilizations that mark the history one. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's the center of international finance, international culture to make these stories resonate requires talking to every day to both normal people. not just the power brokers, and that's for algebra is different from me or the city and now said you was doing away with the curfew. that was supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with a human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again. the us loan states mission into afghanistan after 911 attacking the taliban regime with a scale of the mission of device scan, government corruption, that ultimately tweak us withdrawal and the return of the tele,
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by so many people were killed. people were in from the government more than the final possible dentist on the price of peace investigates the devastating human cost of the war. and the failure to secure, lost in peace on tuesday, around the israel's prime minister reserves the right to resume the war in guys i just hours before a ceasefire. as soon as you go into effect, the play you're watching l g 0 life bill. how with me for the back go also coming up farms is still falling on guys by israel skills, at least a 120 feet palestinian since the sci fi agreement was announced on wednesday. the.
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