tv [untitled] January 18, 2025 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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the most dynamic region $1.00 and $1.00 east on which is the era. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering, victory reports on pre brave bullets and bombs. and we always include the views from all sides. the israel as prime minister reserves the right to resume the war in guys i just hours before cease fire is due to go into effect the funding back to bill you watching l g 0 live from to also ahead farms is still funding on guys i is well skilled, at least a 123, palestinian since the sci fi agreement was announced on wednesday. the, i mean sally diety,
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with honest opinions, thousands demonstrating london i had of the ceasefire in guys that on sunday and 11 use bob careers in beach president. we'll spend another night in jail after a top port rules to extend his attention the with just hours left until a ceasefire goes into effect in gaza. israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu is already wanting it could be temporary in an address. and as you all said, israel has the right to return to fighting. if the 2nd phase proves pointless, he said the us administration of both jo by man donald trump, supports that right, is going to see the top that i'm going to see by the president bonded and president found have shown the full support to at war. and if, as route would find that the stick and sides of the agreement could not be implemented, they said that they could understand this. trump said he would remove on obstacles
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so as well could have all the weapons that it needs. and if, as round needs to resume the war again as well, could do that, and we will do it stronger than ever. so i'll just say we're a stephanie decorating amman, jordan from on this story. she's in a mind because israel his band, i'll just hear from operating in israel and the occupied with it's the 1st time that we've heard from these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu since the announcement of the ceasefire deity very much presented it as israel's victory, as his victory that israel managed to get him off to capitulate to agree to release more than double the amount of hostages alive in this 1st phase, he said that his ro retained the rights to return to work. the american president's both of them, the incoming and outgoing, were on board with that basically very much of speech victory. that israel, i change the face of the middle east that it was going to achieve its gold and bringing home all the captives that benjamin s. n. u i o and even he referred to
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his wife sanara were constantly thinking of the captives. ironic, really when this is the man who has been acute across the board in israel, of not caring about the captives only carry about his own political survival, which is why he has prolonged this war. even when there were deals on the tables in the past. why? because the right wing ministers in his government or against it, threatened to end his political career. you see that it's more ben give. we're now announcing that he will step down from the government on sunday. it will not bring down the government for now. but these are the pressure is, which is why many people are questioning whether this cease fire will go beyond the 2nd phase. but at the moment, the 1st phase is happening sunday, 8. 3rd to local time. it will start in garza 3 is ready. captives will be released, and around $95.00 ballasting and political prisoners, stephanie decker, all g 0,
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come back. so i have the sci fi i go through, it would find the hole to more than 15 months. so these are as well that scales nearly 47000 palestinians and enjoyed more than a 110000. but since the agreement was announced, has been no let up. the news really strikes on palestinians, at least a 123 people have been killed since wednesday when the cease fire was announced as aim to whoever it was for some data block. for the time and need the announcement of the seas, fine garza came to date, a mother a father and there's 7 and 2 year old children children and is really strikes on the elmo losey. come up inside my yellow and then she has died with her husband and children. what is this choose that gives us hours before and begin? may god have mercy on her. as, as rose government round to find the deal, it was bonding to attend where they had taken shelter. since the seas fire was announced on wednesday is really a talk tough kills,
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more than 100 palestinians. and the fighting finally stops any peace will only allow people hear this pace to try and begin to comprehend what they have lost but not all of us. and think about it for fun. we want to go see the people who we lost contact with for the past 15 months. we don't know anything about them. if they are alive or data from, we want to make sure that everyone is safe and sound on a be the model. if it's my house burned down, so i can't return to it. i don't, but i have to get my affairs in order and find a new home for my children. do you suppose to see a search of humanitarian 8 into gaza? 600 trucks a day, including 50 bringing fuel to power hospitals and bakeries. maintenance has an 8 brooks headlines. the roads up if you just border the look through the scale of modification in gaza. the u. n. c's humanitarian aid alone,
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or be enough. it's not going to be human to terry an age that is the magical response to the rapes suffering, and deprivation of families here in ga. so we need the commercial sector. we need commercial supplies to come in, alongside humanitarian age. the ceasefire on its own is not going to leave the age of the overall suffering. the is tied to living conditions of some of these here. this is fire will also allow rescuers to begin clearing rebel and recover some of the sizes of bodies buried in the rooms. so much of causes, homes and infrastructure have been destroyed. the u. n. c's, it's set back the progress of causal by 70 kates. how does the news are in doing what one night of hard before the ceasefire takes effect? many here in central there has been a has told us they still cannot sleep because of the sound of the drones and the fear this comes along with them. they hope this will soon stop and they will be
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allowed to dream of peace and safety and the very least of quiet and of the odyssey the cause of all this time and wife, how can i know it has been speaking with a disgrace, palestinians about the cease fire, and their hopes for the future. today is the last day of the war on tomorrow, the sci fi. i will be an effective for you, i'm talking to a girl, and you are welcome back to us. and since i was people off celebrating here and get ready to return to the northern go to sleep. i'm just still to this lady who is guessing worthy at the moment. is it? i said i'm thinking the address is yeah. because of the mos on those on the blood. and then we're preparing our belongings to go back to our areas and neighborhoods that we miss so much weird stream. we happy we can't wait until tomorrow when the cease fire agreement will officially come into force. i want to be among the 1st
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people to leave here and go back to our homes and civilians at the moment. i'm getting ready to get back to basically i had developed refuge account and base handle as it calculated. it was year celebration also of that to know they will go back to the novel, does a fields offer more than 15 months old at the gas station and destruction to model it over. and it is i seized by i just spoke to another lady here. how is that something that i love that i'm happy because i will go back to my areas and original places. i'm also scared because i don't trust the is riley's side as well because of the loss of our loved ones and our properties. we will leave a tent here to live in a tent there animals a day. look for another people's to total control you. how here the situation is.
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that gets inside this list. well, i'm good. i said it was good to me. uh well i do now i'm a very happy despite the loss of all beloved motors and the loss of now properties . these radians have destroyed our trees and farms, but we will manage to have more trees and farms for our children and for the coming generations. yours are now the pool here, and all of the residents emphasizing that they will, they bill jamalia are referred. you can that they will rebuild based the bet channel, all of this fully areas. and they promise that they, they will rebuild this again and over and over. i was exceptional for all, i gotta move, evacuation center, they both include a 0. let's discuss all these latest developments now with our senior political on this. my one bushera who joins us live here from dough. ha. i won. so these are the
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prime ministers. says that, you know, israel could resume the war in the 2nd phase of, of the agreement and that the americans and 5 knows what his trump would buy. came on this even if the deal go through a tomorrow, what did you make of this and, and who do you think his message was intended for? i think it's intended mainly to his domestic audience, but also to everyone else. especially i would say to have master head supporters who are celebrating victory and gaza and beyond. i think nathaniel was probably fixed by the fact that on. but as soon as we are celebrating victory, when, when is really kind of the genocide, it's got it and guys are destroying everything in, in district and kidding on tens of thousands. and then of course, you know, as we know, are the casualties and the hundreds of thousands. but he is mainly talking to is
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domestic for just a space. he's trying to justify not just explain himself in the sense that look, you know, i am not naive. i'm not just now you know, swallowing everything. i said, yes, we will achieve our objectives. don't believe those who are saying we could not achieve what objectives and how much that kind of come back to what and guys are. because that is not going to have the, you know, talked about him as being weakened and isolated in that speech and said that, that's what actually led him us to agree to this deal. but what is the reality of the situation just fires him off and they are the best strength is concerned. discuss. 6 or what the number of things to be said, mainly that after 16 months of war, there is no doubt that his read was able to degrade how masses capacity to find
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it destroyed much of exclude the ship. a lot of its base fighters as well as the tunnels and so on so forth. so i think there is good argument about the military speaking as we knew from the very beginning. if you go back to some of our discussions back in october, november 2023, you know, we know that the symmetry in power between his are and how about as an eventually if the west continues support his writing is right, continues to accurate, infinity it won't be able to distort or degrade much of uh, how much is power as a movement as a, as a controlling movement garza. so that's, that's set aside. many are talking about the political evicted or political defeats on just a minute to right in the sense that as a blinking himself admitted how much is able to the quote, as many people as those who died, i'm on kate's fighters, so it's still going to be able is able to revive it's a base,
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revive it's fighters for the price of force, and hence bid us talk about how much to be controlled. and that's why that's an hour saying again, no, don't dream of that because we would be back, we are not going to, let's have mouse control guys ever again, right? looking at close to now at the deal which comes into effect on sunday morning it's, it's going to be a very complex, you know, thing with the exchange of captives and palestinian prisoners. how do you think the 1st days of this, these 5 will play out? and also, i mean, who decides what is a violation when is a violation and what isn't a violation here as well. our understanding is that there was, there's a committee set up in cairo made up of studies rejections and the americans, they would have the oversight over then 7 patients and all sorts of complaints and
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then others would come to them and they were the ones who would be had the great thing discussing and deciding about what to do next. so there is that the right that the video of sort, if you will set up and guide her to do just that. now having said that, that's of course we'll see, radical and practice. i think is going to be quite complicated, right, because there's a lot of things have kind of have to happen. simulate seriously. not just the early suppression noticing, captives, but also the aids coming in the it's getting distributed, the circulation of people, many of the for the, we're going back to the uh to the, to destroy the homes. and the north is where a lot me deploying or withdrawn from cause a lot of these things are going to be happening on the websites. it's going to be quite complicated. that's why wouldn't we so signing is mike. mike actually proved to be the easy part because implementing such a complicated agreement on the insistence of is right. it is complicated, as i think wouldn't be searching the coming days and weeks to come and do that.
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it'll be, of course, interesting to see how it will unfold. thank you very much. my on always good to get your analysis molanda. shara senior fiscal i'm is here on i was just here. meanwhile, thousands of people have gathered in london for a demonstration into florida. alice simmons, as one of several, ronnie's being held in cities across europe. several people were arrested during the protest in the british capital malayna vista. the innovation was there and spoke to demonstrate as we expressed mix emotions are the that are to demanding a ceasefire to 15 months. here in london, we up on the, on the ring of it, but there is. so i sense of worry from people the respect into that what is being discussed is a ceasefire agreement rather than nothing piece. and they also say they worry, without donors, we're committed to the monument, the task of rebuilding dogs up without any guarantee. so nothing you say, oh, so if you will say one to a complete and 2 on straight with israel, take
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a listen to what some of the protests my fault guys are probably spinning people because at least they're going to get some really well. i don't know, but it's a step in the right direction. so hopeful is the word, silvery side for all the lives lost. hopefully they'll be paid for awhile, but other things can be last thing. and i think we still need to really see what the american governments apple out of the new take of them to go and stay with prices. if it isn't like everyone says, well then would be fox for today's charges was meant to be a march. like every all the time this event organize and run here in london is the past 15 months. because restrictions, when democracy goes binding them providing positive. bbc, no, many here the crowd accused the bbc or bias, which is something that the bbc denied. none. the less it was meant to be a static protest,
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the people didn't stop moving funding paused areas to these old and they have now been stopped here in 2000 square in central london. and you may be able to see various police bonds and there are 5 according to be on there as well, stopping them from getting any father and getting to the bbc. and this is what has been a major point of tension in london at this protest today. without the rest of the night out, is there a lot of steel ahead analogies here? i'm doing always central. see what a huge, clear up operation is on the way up the sides of a russian miss science strong. and we are in washington dc with thousands of protesting ahead of donald trump's integration. on monday, the unique endangered biodiversity lies in the heart of one of the windows, proper, cool jungles. there was a lot of nice information about the animals that we have here. i know the probably
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electives to come and others of conservation their communities out. is there a chinese deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist until teams efforts to save the flora and fauna. so precious and the region women make science equity to is hidden treasure on al jazeera again, and it's designed to inflame and defense the way that the story is being told, not right. and it's not accurate from social networks to legacy media. the listening post explosives, the post is behind the headlights pulled out. the latest news, even in the face of honest speak of a loss that continues to hugh uncomfort and body and resilience. and it's a purest form, with detailed coverage hornsby chewing every day in a very aust conditions to secure these amounts for the, from the hoss of the story. from some people that have killed more than 46000 palestinians. but right scrooge say that, as well as using food as a weapon to the,
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the targeting you're watching ology 0 reminder about top stories just hours before a ceasefire is set to come into effect in guy as well. so i may so ones that could be temporary, and even that house is fine, team will resume if israel finds the 2nd stage of the agreement point. or since the agreement was a now, since been known that the news really strikes some kind of symptoms, at least a 123 people have been killed since wednesday when the sci fi deals with wage and thousands have been protesting in london in a show of support to find a simian several demonstrates as well rested in the british capital. similar,
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ronnie's have been held in several european cities, or hundreds of people in boston, though not also martians, solely to argue with palestinians in gaza. demonstrate to say they don't trust his route to stick to the choose public support for palestinian statehood has risen in spain since the war and guys that the guy and in stockholm, sweden demonstrators were in this race demanding that israel be held accountable for it to tie from the gaza strip, they also call for more age in 2000. and when use united nations secretary general antonia terry says it showed devon, known that the international community will help it rebuild. his concluded what he calls a visit of solidarity guitar has met newly appointed lebanese prime minister and the wife salon. the trip comes 9 days before the deadline for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from $711.00 on the when she says this wraps military presence in 11 on must. and as i say it's,
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this is not we central to see the withdrawal of isabel, the sales force is from 11 is territory, and the single tenures deployment of the 11 these items for us is across southern lebanon, india, agreed, timeframe, model of lebanon solver, entity and 30 thought of the integrity, the must be respected, and the 11 is states must have full control of weapons. so 11 is 30 tory. these is a central tenet of resolution. 17 o one. israel says it's a defense system as intercepted, a miss i launched from yemen. it triggered sirens across central israel. try find is headed to the town of berry. i called the size of tennessee 5 to phoning miss on fragments quantifier evans whose these have been launching rockets
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towards is ra since the one guys have begun in what they say is a show of solidarity with products and using gas. the ukraine says at least 3 people have been killed in a rush, an attack on central keys, the mer says several cars caught fire and a metro station and water pipeline would damage during a whole, has more from cave in the moment of impact. and the immediate optima, the russian missile strike of central p a man has been to death behind the wheel of his band. another person dies outside mcdonald's, possibly waiting for the fast food restaurant to open at 6 am. on folds by daylight, these are the 360 degree scene of destruction at the, at the center, a crate to set to be with me. so go ahead,
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detonated. it's not the 1st time this has happened to you. it is, in fact, the 5th striking this immediate area since the war began. and russia claims this time to have struck a weapons production facilitating the if i caused a hold of them. i was here which time the 1st time and miss all hit this place was march 16th near the status of the work that are part of the building collapsed since then they hate test frequently with let's say, unusual, ms. silas. it's very unsettling. it said he takes us into his apartment across the street. the blow now windows already covered, yet again with plastic seating. he thinks he knows why the russians are doing the blackwood. they're intimidating us with these attacks to end the war on state. berkeley tends to influence the population, so the people pressure of the government, our leadership elements, and the control. while the toll is dreadful enough,
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bystanders. the thankful around more that it is extraordinary looking at the damage here that the casualty count hasn't been hired. it almost certainly would've been had this happened at 6 am on a weekday morning. the clean up operation is swift and discipline. not the 1st time either. with the now is least neighborhood will return to life is normal. the what counts for normal to people here would be to others. i'm think of, i don't know how l g 0 keith as a court in south korea, has approve the form of arrests of president noon, so kill over his decision to decay martial law. over $40000.00 of his supporters. ronnie's riley outside the fort throughout the day, scuffling with police in attempting to break into the court. when he says sale out at the court as you can see from these live pictures. here's tony chang with more from so tens of thousands of supporters,
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the president you and so you'll attended mass riley and downtown so many health science cooling for his impeachment to be a know the next to the south korean flags the stalls and strikes of the usa these people see use arrest as a threat to the countries democracy and basic freedom not to be. i feel like the country's laws have collapsed and i came here hoping that maybe the law can be restored. present you arrived in souls western district court just off the mid day to hear the prosecutor's request, an extension to his period. the detention we'll do the hearing took place behind closed doors you and spoke like something he's declined to do the investigators at the same time, but more protest. his go downtown, very different demographic. the trade unionist writes groups and much younger faces . these are the people who are shocked by humans, declaration marshal,
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and one have to be removed from office and punished to the full extent of the lo. i felt that just watching from home would be enough. so i came up because i wanted to contribute even a little bit of strength, large numbers to despite the bits of code to the per ton. so both attended by tens of thousands, the purchases with the news diametrically opposed to the 1st is the detention hearing extended into the night tempest. don't get to play 16 people detained is per you and suppose is trying to break through police lines. south korea is political crisis, is getting deeper, the tensions beginning to free 30 to hang out to 0. so the
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just 2 days ahead of donald trump seen on duration thousands of protesters. i failed the streets in washington dc. they're taking part in what's being called the people as much as a broad quantity collection of activities and groups concerned about what the next trump presidency will mean for women, migraines and refugees, john henry, and based for some washington. this is a new phase, is the resistance in america. this is the people's march thousands. the organizers say, tens of thousands of demonstrators are here and there, year for different causes, abortion rights, l g, b, t rights, human rights. but they're all united in opposing the trump administration is modeled on the women's march in 2016 when more than a 1000000 people march here in washington, dc. and in a number of other cities against the 1st and on the ration of donald trump. what he
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was a 45th president. now he's the $47.00 president and they're doing it all over again . john henry and l g 0, washington model. the story is what covering here on ologist era, on our website at all g 0 dot com inside story is makes the the hello that was not down and, and todd, so recent australia have declared a national disaster. thanks. there's some very intense, vicious storms that have knocked out power lines and brought some very strong gale heavy rain as well as still lingering around that east coast, pushing out from new south wales towards a queen's and is not just out east, but also out west. we have got a tropical fi icon working its way slowly west. it is expected to clip into the
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north of w a of the next few days, bringing some very heavy rain gales. of course, very stormy conditions to the seas before the south and will essentially though it is a story of heat sink temperatures continue to push up in alice springs, but also full path where we all see a severe 2 extreme heat waves. we have a look at the temperature chart. we could see 42 degrees celsius on choose day. so very hot indeed. now it's not as hot in new zealand has been a bit of a dismal summer, but it's looking well settled if you showers here and there, but also some sunshine through on monday it's much west to across southern parts of south east asia, in particular, indonesia, on sunday a japanese american veteran mistaken. so the enemy,
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traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with a friend to rescue his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the price of products. you don't realize that until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice volunteers on outreach. their goal is to satisfy deal backed by him as the u. s. and governance world wide about implementing it with i mean i'm coming major obstacles. what are the challenges? what's needed from each side? this is a side story, the hello welcome to the program. i mean we're on con, the last total has been the wait for israel to inc. i goes to cease by deal one
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