tv [untitled] January 20, 2025 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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a ton of an rows from the chaos promising stability. but the us eventually in to be the justification for going into afghanistan was $911.00. it wasn't about moral values. the 1st episode of the new to part document treat examines the western vision and office if you could ever realistically have succeeded afghanistan, the price of peace on out. is there a loading dock or with this? these fires coming after nearly 4 to 7000 people were killed by his reading of tots and western college videos are now trying to rebuild their lives at home. many of them destroyed by the funding. how has this period of jobs of people remain unbroken? this is inside the story the
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for the 1st time in 15 months, the skies over the gaza strip are relatively quiet. the ceasefire agreements we how my son is were, has brought much needed pause in the killing, but on the ground the cars of the war are so fresh and the challenges of recovering are quite massive. today we're joined by a panel of human rights activists, a director of the w. s. b, as well as a political analyst to talk about the current situation and the future prospects of the gaza strip. thank you so much for joining us. a look. 1 let's begin with 15 months of devastating war involving the repeated press 5, there's really a government of selling palestinians, the genocide of life that we see on the ground. what does that mean for the policy and people and this time is right and has the plan to on next the board. so
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for example, the northern area is that i am has defaulted the genet on the plant to evacuate northern goza and the villa. the area and the 3 system is that i usually accept the letters in northern garza and a lot about it is within the is that i the really to columbus escaped. the locked for maybe building a buffer zone on using the is the next ation of the most because uh, to build a new invest 3 and the doors and the coach adams areas. a good thing to them adds, that was the, that's where the leak the to the media indicating visit our unit intentions and it got been does a split. in addition, we can talk about that,
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but i've seen in the seen in close engine on that is what i plan to look what is the scene and caused by pushing the thought of seeing the house of the gods us today by using force explosion by using gas, genocide must've variable bought a month of the scene and civilian targets, the american facilities and want to sit by the installations. all this in addition to that in for us. but i can check that was part of you could have any by that is that you need to say, letty and bone bought a demand, which caused a lot of casualties among, well, the thing is what it's talking about. they afford a 6000 bulk dns. what account talking about say over 100000, but it's thing on the with the engine in addition to thousands of with it taken into custody in you'll i prisons on the way to 3 5th if very badly.
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right. let me stop you right here and just because i want to go back to this important points of enforced displacements, not only the intense bombing campaign that has caused further civilian casualties for the past few months, but the enforce displacement can we talk about if, if the is really strategy of pushing palestinians out of their home at how succeeded for a we at a point where we could say that it didn't work. actually according to the, to the fucks on the ground, we can see is that is about in scale to achieve its goals. my evacuating motion goes on. if we talk about assessing and by the end jeanetta is i also feel towards the scene i'm studying because today by using force and creating a positive environment that what do you boast of other things to look for? a safer place, a place where,
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where they can find the food and good living for the families. but actually all these major sticking by those that are in the army actually failed to achieve the goals. goals which share with the degree and by the government verification of from us is that a sort of data event, military capabilities and the everything going back to the present or the hostages for them, garza and then it guarantee exactly. it goes to the proposal for the future. if we look back to these to, to these goals, we've got 5 that is that i to save 2 or 310 at sea hostages or from the god just put it, even though nothing you know, insisted that he will succeed by using heavy military procedures against it because of put it by using collective
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a punishment by using the heavy affinity against the premiums. and then addition to they use today, usage of hunger as though even against the same young people. and they got disconnect, our come back to this point later because that you just open the door for a question to antoine, director of the world for the program. and for the past 15 months, it's not only the bombings, it's not only the destruction and 4th, displaced by the, the by products the use of, of us. tar vision as a weapon for the restriction of a can you walk us through some of the, the challenges that as an organization that worked hard to provide much needed a what, where the, the problem, what was the main issue that henders much of the work of the work for the program for the program, and what as being one of the biggest tenants that you have and you can see behind
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us is that guys that prior to 7th of october and the tragedy that the came out and the one that came out of the 7th of october is the fact that we used to be in the high me the income area. so you had most of the people that were having potentially access to most of the products you are and you were leaving in the gas tree for most of people were actually having a proper diet university. they had left me the odds foods that vegetables and the tenants that we have is up a months after the thoughts of the war mach, it's starting to collapse, or your sante to us population that use to of, for kitchen sets. they could actually have a proper, you know, again the have the guys have a, you know, a proper oven and all of that. and suddenly you have a mock intuitively collapsing. so that way you have population that would have never, ever imagine that the we need to use, you know, a simple soul made of clay to actually do right. you. so let me add population that
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used to off, let's see of a proper decrease sending take. and suddenly no more let me know more food. no more vegetables, no more means no more fish. over the last few months, most of the population in gaza had been relying mostly on serial and purposes too, but for your half. so the challenge that we have is the wilson program 15 months into this war is the fact that you have, we are nutrition issues. most of people are, and i've been queueing for hours just to have a hunch meets home, run wi fi. i've been the main providers with a number of local and international and used to just cover the basic basic food needs. and what are you asking me? what were some of the challenges? the challenges really that we had was actually to provide sufficient assistance to the population by a number of impediments. we had tell him just on the crossings,
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but we were to add 10 inches. no, we didn't garza where we started. also 2 of looting a new in order that was not that any more in place. and so it was not just a negotiation about more in the notice of gaza guns under northern governors. and we know how to know the govern rates as being also cut off. but he was also how, when, through the crossings that we had and we negotiate hots 12 mere goods entering was also the routing and yes, next time we had with him gaza. and the challenge that you have is that it was just not the market collapsing. these was also the sofa fabric that really has been infected. so if you look at it from a pure food security perspective, you have know a population that 4 months. i mean the price on some of the t food, intakes, micro nutrients. so your own future generation was now 15115 months into this war
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is to make sure that we are looking at the future days were indeed we need to a market research refurb flourishing. the last point i have on this the market has been sold using these integrated the one point a bag of wheat flour. the cost one to 1002nd prior to worry was nights the 2nd. by the way, to the back of the wheat flour is back to 80 seconds. so you see the thing that would be fascinating for us. and what we're looking at the hope is how we make sure that not only we wouldn't be able to serve population at the right level of assistance, but especially investigating local from processing in markets in retainers in shop the i can, we can, we flourish. so that's a bits 15 months into the war. 90 percent of the population is classified as in food cries the smoke. again, a queuing for whole, they just level helped me. barely have water and not even have some of the bakeries
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that were up and running in central and south goza. so i hope that we can have the same panel in a month time. and we can see, you know, markets referral flourishing or has repeatedly described in the past months, said the mac and his name is largely volk. and that's due to the power vacuum that's created by the intense bombing campaign by the deliberate attack. so not only law enforcement securing delivery of a truck, but also an aide worker. can you just share with an inside how, how difficult was to organize a voice is to deliver them to the distribution point designated distribution point to the challenge that we have in this conflict? it that's, it's been one of the most keen to take, ever in terms of conflict. it's not 15 months of war. it's actually 15 months with constance. active conflict funding. so the channels that we have is that we were serving population while the war was ongoing,
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with acting funding. we either so some of the stuff from the wilson program, but that being directly shot that's thanks to thanks really we blended to our army, the vehicle that no one was actually physically harmed, but not in the number of colleagues from other un organization. or especially from and you that, that being targeted while they were working just few days ago. we have colleagues from mine, one of our and your partners, if with distribution tool could express to week. so the channels that we were having was actually to continue to serve population. many of them i've been on many different moves. yesterday i was a, we'd name uh, she, she moved 8 times a sees from uh, but the, the, yeah. the 1st thing that she was telling me was i want to go back, but we have to follow people while they were moving. so if you're asking me a bit, what was the, the challenge is a very active war following people where they are,
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every time that we feel the worst identity, there was a new move. those that were in rough or so then the everything that was planned, how we got to we shape it and all are getting a ray of light. most of people know i going to move and hopefully we're going to follow them again in providing the right assistance where they would go back in a much more proper and safer environment hopefully. so there i want to come to you with this both ride in, antoine talked about many of the incident that caused that. you grave violation of human rights as director of means on human rights in palestine. can you give us as an example of, of human rights violation or throughout the past 15 months? what happened on i understand also there was very challenging time for you to document the documentation and process of these violations since 19 the game. i think we got
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a lot of times continued since that time to the right now. and when we have given to above, we have all the new done and the ottoman live and all of them talking about doing is fine. the deluxe. very clear way that is going not to commit if you decide to identify that. so that just stop with cutting was the city for a if anything do it each because i'm in the same thing. if you, if your way, what's going on the ground for this find that this started with that, that his get his guess since of because we with and in the human to get a little it's like that. have a 40 prediction,
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not to be thought a good from anyone, even if you have any details telling you that maybe this hospital or that can be used in for different reasons. you should ignore this. you should keep those because save and geneva convention, it's talking about the duty of that q patient boe out to to be kid that the health care when was that was because when work and a very good we didn't like get ignore anything hosted. it does the university of the schools and all that they've been building for sure, including that the house is the and all those is that a he, it coalition for to activity inside of us could have our water crime. crime again is to your n d junior side. this is how anyone i me, i me and given the best one, how do you feed them a human being? why the word?
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i don't think that anyone can look at for what type in, again as of out of you and his side, because all that, a junior side aspect which, which founded with in, in the junior that they've been doing inside convention of achieved on the ground here. so that even when we are talking about starvation, it is that many challenges, but the main, the main issue is that is that i get a strategy to push that to see me on here and does a fit of the payment not to let you, i need the wisdom to die in different ways for different reasons. if you're satisfied from a been bothering him or that you should die because it is no hit scan or there is a fair amount or vision. and in the same time, they are pushing that the situation is with to be blue with it
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and it's increasing their diseases here without any kind of this kid with any kind of medicine. so that i think get the last is on this question in future. if they can allow this to happen again, again, if somebody seen them, if they can go ignoring the scene and case or the question before i give them time without b 3, without preaching their freedom on their own state. i think that the world and everyone is the 5th and every we should like us kim, this a question, what we can do as of and my question to all of you. do you think it will, antoine, what do you think will i think that for us the ceasefire is really your thoughts and i think that's a beyond putting on our selves. the pressure is more to, to actually be more for sending. what is the hope of the people on the ground?
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so whatever, as you might need here, and we need to do to make sure that the, the ceasefire is holding. you can imagine that's 15 months into this war. all the local in deals internationally and use us as a wilson program. but my colleague, i'm the united nations who would make our own most so actually we are and we have a sustain ceasefire. and we actually always always also to the population. so i think it's more a collective implication for all those that i know reaching the ceasefire is to make it up and so for that's what i look at. so you know how much smart i've been seeing since i arrived back into gaza. and since the moment we heard about us, he's fire so, so i think it's more these collective commitment that i see for our sell to say, well we, we have to make it work. and after that, there is a number of elements that of course i'll, we be owns a truly the u. n. and the,
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and your organization and the agency. so i think that's a lot of different actors. we'd like to play the role to make sure that we hold to the population of guys, is the same fired faxes to improve the humanitarian situation. as of now, understanding might be difficult on disability. but what, what do we have here? a science that will lead into improve i mean, the science that we have is that we have only to extend the different corey doors and hold up. i don't even needs to look at the ceasefire. we've been saying, as humanitarian we've been saying as a whole for program, there is no logistical issue. we have food in egypt, we have food in us, don't we have food and i'm on. we are ready to bring it in. so now the re of line that i have as the director of the will to program, is that we do that's the low in order. we may be maintained in a minor. but actually we don't have the input events that we had before, crossings to be open and so long that we can actually have a proper search of assistance within garza. for us,
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the readiness is there. now we need to make sure that the polls and then as well that we have a proper low in order. we think as a to make sure that we can actually reach population. that's a ride from a political perspective. do you think the ceasefire will i think it's going to hold at least for the 1st phase, take into consideration, but as i failed to if it's, if it isn't, it is by using the phone. so it is in the photo visit i to. so let's say this is for you to succeed, so they can get to their hostages. this, this is the and one home thing involved at home 3. can see that the cdn factions out of taking into consideration for the city, anything and situation in the 3 on the instead of in finishing this stuff, i didn't buy anything, get the 5 that,
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that of up to 10 to 15 month old and above it, findings and upload it again, if the magic 3 that's can lead to it. even the fluids of this confrontation of the civic since when sacrificed their lives in the sake of about a thing, an independent state. so it's time to, to, to leave the fluids and through a but it's again, it's an adjective that can lead to a cvn given state from motion on bite. if, if you were the lady where we talked about the united states and then you administration it instead of and not having the east inflamed with the problems under the kaiser. so that
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on the cut off is interested in taking fall on line. most of the war was that the habit of up to about 15 months ago. so he will be in favor of sustaining go pay them and emphasis $5.00 out of that the it keeps the situation quite on. um basically because he is the one who broke up this normalization. so he went to try to revive this this to connect and once again allow a new uh, vision. and the, the engineering of the missing piece was that was beautiful. thank you really quick for the sake of time. i wanna hear your point of view from the human rights perspective is the ceasefire. an opportunity for you to start documenting more
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properly. all these agree violation is that going to help we are we, we keep the documentation even during the order, but not in that a lot of ways like to coordinate and to communicate every single, like they relation. but for the, for the, we will of the then back. so this, if such as the buttons you're not on, we didn't stop doing this. the, did you on the side? and i think we will increasing a lot of war to end things in unity and bringing the war could even to be accountable for what they are. commit here we, when increasing a little walk in this with our leagues, why the world wide, the world with wizard was i got a friend lawyer organization to follow each ward claiming to be account about what he did was equal material final thoughts
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from the 3 of you an expert in your field, the coming months. what are the prospects for god, future value, antoine? i mean, really the, the one that's i hope you're going to see is that you don't need to have food. and else i knew what it goes out before the 7th of october. and you have, i mean, we will, which to the use. i was the, to the, uh with you know, policy and then view as, and we were actually just discussing with the youth. and i was expecting, you know, more discussion related to, you know, how we're going to survive tomorrow was going to happen. most of them were, i was looking after the engineer received. how do we respond to you relation? i was looking at the some of the ladies that were there. they were actually lawyers . and they were saying, well, what is the way forward? how do we have job creation? i'm not just being not even telling you that the number of conflict that'd be systematically, you have a generation that even in the rumbles that you see around this,
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they will actually say, can we actually juno code for processing again? can i reinstate some of the green houses? can i look i prefer recreation system, but just to be on the agree control. but i think that they will look or so from our end, we already contemplating how to make sure that the means are working again. how can we make sure that we're going to have the bar factory up and running again? so from my perspective of the world for the program, this is what we want to look at. how much do we need to carry on to provide food in the house? how can we make sure the markets are recovering? and then or so, or to this use? what are the jump that they've got to do? this used to be an area where you have the highest density of pj, the so i only gonna not gonna face a brain drain. and actually we're going to count on this. you have to rebuild to know what these guys are. thank you. that's a ride in a few words. what is the future of cost? i believe the future of government is about the future. in case in general,
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according to the u. s. plans to that gentleman. i mean, that is a blend to, to revise the quotes in which so that it'd be, i can normalize it to the nation, which is what i intend there will be an attempt to revive the issue by ability to can project 3 that can lead to that state the solutions, but 1st of all it needs understand institution and unification. but a scene in an institution of unification and national unity. since there's indians and the doing our most difficult to to reach to the, to state solutions. what kinds of experiences get to an end live in the theme?
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is that a good thing? good of that? is that any of your vision and the genocide, the little which we boss and 5 was within the 17 boss the years. it's time to finish all this stuff, hunting by the chain a solution to the theme an issue. otherwise, the reason when i didn't mean on a statement on this level of seeing an issue is being solved in a minute time. if there's time here, what, what is the future of this thing or the thing that you, we have a different light chub. i think a heavy like. busy a lot of people is very active, they're willing to be based out of that. what we have before and i think we will achieve the help from every way. because on the list, if you see in this genocide the now when i,
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they will try to white wash their faces with the little ben garza. and that gives me an on i believe that we will have we will live each or 3 of them. and we will have our own a said like, i need the white double as well. thank you very much. and thanks for the inside. we appreciate it very much. we're unfortunately, it comes on into our program. thank you. and we'll see you next time the the latest news as it break suite d. s time per is now adults here. that is because when you show 14th april support and seizes the full a total weight with detailed coverage. and it says that they have no way of knowing how many people are still underground. they only given an official number once
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a week, the operation is complete from around the world. full cost is a warning of extreme winds. i had everybody here across the southern california, fully aware this may be far from i've talked to more than a decade of civil life, remains a challenge in sierra leone. we follow the citizens of this world, one nation as they pushed a limit for survival risk in sierra leone on i'll just do the the,
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there's no limit to have a dream container stuff in your own adventure, no counter avenues. the carlindo, how these are the top stories. on alex's era of the 15 months of unimaginable sufferings, thousands of palestinians are returning home with the safe spot in garza into it the 2nd day. these are the scenes in rafa on monday morning, 9 out of 10 pallets. it ends in gauze that have been displaced by is raised as well as will many of them having to move repeatedly. but for most the place they cooled home no longer exists. the destruction of garza has left 42000000 tons of russell. i'm most proud of.
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