tv [untitled] January 20, 2025 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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breathing rooms when it comes to mid term, it is all about what we do. the only one that can stop with is that this is our opportunity to put republican politics on display and show that our policies really do work for everyone. as long as we continue to do that, i think we'll be fine in the mid term. i think matter of fact, what i think will happen is that we'll see a influx of republican support throughout the country in small pockets through the midterm election. and i think from there it will continue on, it's really our game to lose as republican, and i'm excited that we're now up at that and i think we'll, we're going to do a great job that you know. okay, thank you so much for joining us on the houses here. a pleasure. speaking with you . it is just past 19 g m t 2 pm in washington, dc. and a new era has begun in the united states with donald trump at the helm of trump has been sworn in as be 47, president of the united states, marking
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a historic return to the white house, preserve, protect, and defend 0, protect and defend the constitution. of the united states, the constitution. so help me, god, regulations is taking the oath of office, ushering in a new administration and an individual biden's presidency from has promised the site and sweeping changes to policy in the united states with executive orders. top of that list is immigration and for the policy with an emergency declaration at the us southern border and a complete cost to irregular faucet. trump is returning to the oval office, backed by a house and senate under republican control. the golden age of america begins right now. the from this day forward,
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our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. we will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. during every single day of the trump administration, i will very simply put america 1st. the houses there was alan fisher joins us live from capitol hill. allan, we've had a tooth speeches from donald trump. one was his inaugural address and based on the 2nd speech, the one that came after that that is ongoing, where he appears to really turn the capital building it into the side of a trump riley. it sounds like quite different tones were getting. i mean he, he, he is clearly elated. he is try on foot. he's got an adoring crowd before him and he's gone into full trunk riley mode. and he believes he has a monday. if you look at what happened in the election,
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perhaps wasn't the one slice instead of public ins, upper tray, but he won. and he won in the 7 key states that he needed to win. and he won the popular vote as well. it's interesting that he was betty and got to them on the supporters talking about conspiracy theories. it'd be nicely to bump, not least that the 2020 election campaign was raked against him. but what he said was that he is going to push ahead with his agenda and that was sadly the tone of what we had there is an old duration address. years ago, he paid to the medicare as a very dark place, but he was going to cure all its pills and also united the country as well. that was very little tall. cook beautification at this time of reaching out to the other side. because quite frankly, the republicans don't feel they have to go to the house. they've got the senate. and of course they've got the white house. critics would claim. they also have the supreme court. and that leads us to the point that when donald trump is talking
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about of what the things that he's doing with the executive orders, he might not be able to do. there will be legal challenges almost immediately. but then the question is, who is going to stop? is the supreme court really a donald trump court will be waived through a lot of the things that he's planning to do. essentially donald trump signal, but this was going to be a different sort of presidency, a different sort of america or the signaling stocks. know what happens next of the. well, he's going to a formal lunch. okay. which will be held within capitol hill. he's not far from me . i'm sending maybe 3 or 4 minutes of the intention then is that you will go to the capital one. the reno with the supporters have gather. that's because of course everything was moved and doors because of the chilling cool. i would cite of go to see i've been quite lucky not having to experience that like the previous 4 and no convictions that i've covered. so we've been endorsed donald trump himself said
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that he was appreciative, that the event i'd be moved inside as well. then the exist caps, the want to re know where he's there, with his supporters. there is a desk on stage and he's going to sign executive orders. he then goes to the white house and effectively gets to work on the one. everyone will be interested to see what's in those executive orders, but he certainly gives a taste of what to expect in his speech that he's going to effectively close the southern border. he's going to move to the site, is going to site executive orders one energy independence is going to take action, typically the cocktails, the next conduct the enemies of the state effectively. and they will be under a new sort of regime. he's going to make sure that the right, your citizenship, if you're born here, you can to form pin to become an american. he says he's going to scrap that. and this he says, is a revolution of common sense. just on the right question. let me tell you this and
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trying to the constitution so he can automatically do that. you can certainly sign the executive order, but there will be legal challenges. and we saw that the 1st time donald trump was in the winery member when he introduced a travel button for people from meeting the muslim nations charge of the court and immediately over time. this is the sort of thing that we're going to see very quick . this is the sort of thing we're going to see over the next couple of days. it's alan, i'm watching the life pictures right now of the luncheon at the capital where we're sold, trump as we speak. a. he's city such city whole, which is not far from where we're sending. he can accommodate quite a number of people. of course are 700 so you know, get rich. so he's not far is still on the campus in the cold place. that's 30 whole
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is only health for big events like this. sometimes they have dinners for visiting dignitaries as well and it tends to be the place where they hold the lunch for as a new president. so he is the, with his family, with his supporters, and with many of going through it back to him from the very beginning, including politicians or through the support behind them. it's interesting to note that he's decided that this time, right, those to be in his administration was to express loyalty to him. i'm will do hayes, baby. he failed. he didn't get that from the last time from the likes of democracy was defend 6th street. next tellerman who was the secretary of state, even from the case of justice to the governor, whose name is completely corner of my head for the moment. but you'll remember that he was very deep sessions. you remember that he was very unhappy that they didn't do what he wanted them to do. he will not meet vin state this time, right? he is approaching this with
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a bit of experience. and also with an agenda to full house 0 is out in fisher. they are reporting from the capital building where the luncheon is on going. let's bring in officer is diplomatic and it's a james based for a leader is, has begun as is customary to congratulate the new us presidents. yes. and it very interesting who one of the very 1st for leaders was to congratulate him by them it pushing the president of the russian federation, congratulating him and then saying he's prepared to sit down with him and potentially talk about your grade. now, it is well say that's the russians are set for a long time that prepared to, to talk about ukraine, but very much we thing called that means i would also suspect the right now of presence landscape, although he wouldn't say anything negative. i'm sure about the trump ministration isn't quite a word possession because he knows at present trumpet. he didn't mention it and you
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know, good address. but he did say he could get a deal done within 24 hours. we don't know enough. i think of what the trump administration finds, the general keith kellogg is the envoy. he was a deputy national security adviser. he has made various pronouncements before he got the job, but still very unclear. and a no comment on russia. you cried in, not in any of the things that the trump of said today, but i think watch it very, very closely. so the panama canal, donald trump mentioned it, is you know, your old address and he wasn't shy about saying we're going to take it back. yeah. and it was last of before when we'd heard it when he was just a candidates and under the president deluxe. he's the commander chief. now we are going to take the, the kind of all could come out back by force. i mean, the last time american troops went into panama, i was actually, there was a young were photos 1989, where they were the house to general noriega were not at that point yet. clearly i
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maybe is just them to go see i think tactic, but i'm sure there's a great deal of worry about this. i'm the president. it says because this is a breach of the un shaw sir. and if you breach the you and shaw, so which is the founding documents with united nations, which is being in place ever since the 2nd mobile. ready then that's pretty serious as was the roster is accused of doing a new crime. does it set a precedent, for example, china and whether china would want to take control of taiwan? so it's a serious thing. it's was noticing that when i looked at the footage of him saying that there was then a wide shots of the room and i look very closely at bill clinton and he had his mountain. the looks shocked, run the bill clinton was the president when the, the full control of that kind of ma canal was handed back to panama. it was a deal also worth noting, signed by the late age as present because of the 1977. the number of foreign policy crises of certainly fine policy hotspots that donald trump is,
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are going to have to weigh in on. uh, it is, is, uh, is quite great if we go back to russia, ukraine for just a minute. so put in called him in the moments that followed donald trump, the coming, the 47 president, donald trump wants to get his words in network. we don't know how he does that, but it probably involves to some extent leaning on vladimir. yes, but it also, i think, involves making concessions or less for so you're trying to make concessions because there's no way i think that the russia will agree to a deal that hands back hold of the crate. and what was the point of that? will the sausage nearly 3 years ago in a just a months time, it will be the so that the ministry of that will present incense you will to not in the set of sovereignty and territory. that's integrity has to be respected presence lensky. now i think is moderated his tone, perhaps he would make some concessions if his country then could be sure. sure.
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ready but it couldn't be invaded again down the line about perhaps would involve a membership of nato. a present trumpets, as you know, is someone who's loves some, what's critical of nato in the past. certainly, the nato defense spending hasn't shown himself. and it's for us to be a full advocate of that to transatlantic partnership. it says thank you very much. i'm going to take it straight back to the white house houses here is kimberly how good is there? kimberly tell us about the executive orders that donald trump is expected to sign today. so we already got a bit of a preview of it by the president himself in his speech, and he's delivering on the campaign promises feeling that he has that mandate after winning the popular vote in the election. so what he is delivering on namely, is the campaign promise to announce that the executive order that he says he will do. and that is to declare
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a national emergency along the southern board of the united states and mexico. what that will do is allow him to search, not just money, but also the military in terms of resources. and so this is going to be incredibly dismissive, but also is going to rally his face in many ways. this is something but he has allowed for as many boats to come in and to allow him to propel and make history getting him back into the white house. so this is going to do a number of things. serial is going to allow for immigration force, but it's going to also allow for him to, as he said there have this remain in mexico policy. what this means is that those but to are waiting for their immigration cases to be heard will have to stay in the country of mexico. 2 what he doesn't disclose though, is that this will require the cooperation to the mexican government, something that may be a little bit more tricky. and also he's ending this policy, attach
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a release where those that have entered the united states without any documentation typically can after they've been apprehended. can then wait for the court cases, the united states, now they would be deported. so this is a drastic change from the, by the ministrations policy. and certainly another big of aspect to this is that he's now also designating drug cartels as for and terrorist organizations. so that is a really sweeping change and also in the area of energy that is another area where he is declaring an national emergency, just like on the southern border. and what this does, again, is, is allowing the surge of resources, but it's also when doing the, the policy of the previous administration in a drastic way. and so what we're going to be seeing there is a really, and i'm doing of jo by those policies, particularly when it comes to electric vehicles and sort of addressing the issues
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of climate change. their kimberly, thank you very much. i noticed the moving truck behind you, maybe that's something we can address later, but some more since you bring up all these issues about the border, i want to go to the border where we have to correspond to standing by john henry in chicago, not the border but additional castro is in texas. heidi, what is happening, where you are or what is about to happen more your it was there or if you look behind me, there's really not much action and i am standing right on the border here in the calen taxes with the trunk border wall behind me and this is the scene of the suppose it national disaster, a national emergency rather, that trump mentioned, he will be declaring today. the only thing is the number of unauthorized border crossings has dropped to a 4 year of low as of this month. fewer than 50000 border patrol
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encounters with people trying to cross without authorization. despite that we just heard trump's words in his inauguration speech. calling this a uh, an invasion of, of the united states. well, he has to make that case in order to have this national emergency declaration survive because in 2019, when he did this before for the 1st time it m least a torrent of law suits from groups, claiming that there was no national emergency. because in the united states, there result call legal hurdles in order to use military troops within the country . and that's exactly what this declaration is after, according to trump, he wants to send troops here. well back in 2019, his national emergency declaration on the border, only had moderate success. and he's hoping now to give it a 2nd go. but already there is a fierce resistance on the ground this morning. we were with a group of protesters here in the colon, texas, who pointed to this,
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currently very quiet border saying there is certainly no invasion, no national emergency happening at the moment. and then as far as when the national guard troops may be deployed here, well, interestingly, we saw soldiers in the city of macallan checking into the hotels, perhaps staging for what might become their 1st emissions. this has happened before again when trump declared national merges see the mirror, macallan and border patrol itself. have said that they do not have any information to share about the presence of troops here. but the scene may change from adequate in the days to come 0, as we know, as those troops are activated and start guarding their positions here. but as far as whether more migrant and asylum seekers are seeking to come across and will be confronted by those troops. so again, it's just a very quiet corner right now. we're not seeing many people make the attempt.
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heidi, thank you very much. i don't know if you heard me just now, but as you speak, we're seeing donald trump signed the 1st documents of his presidency of his 2nd term as president. so this is what's known as the signing ceremony is taking place inside of the capital building. we're not sure exactly and will be told before long . we'll know shortly, but we're not sure exactly what he's just signed. it is possible that it is just nominations, but don't forget that during the day he's going to be signing these executive orders and or proclamations and for men, miranda, these are all various types of documents that the president can assign to shake the action of the government without needing to go through congress without needing to draft the law passed the law, much less get political support for it. so in other words, the dollars are heavy. the president, any presidents when they come in,
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this is the easiest. and by far the quickest way for them to effect any kind of changes to sign executive orders. i remember the cab. yeah. that i just mentioned. we don't know exactly what he just signed. so when we do, we'll let you know. but it is pretty clear because donald trump has set it uh and it was on the schedule all along. but today whether it's now or whether it's a later donald trump is going to be signing a raft, that executive actions. let's go to john henry, who's live with us from chicago. john, it was a new i was in the last couple of days that the incoming trump administration, the now empower trump administration, was going to start what is building as a mass deportation program in chicago. what do you know? that's right, that was leaks just a few days ago and just to give you some contacts of where i am at approaches to the coalition, just off the trump agenda and one of their main issues is agenda in stopping
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deportation. those trucks are there to stop. the protesters about 1700 of them by the organizers account. most of them are half of them and so are left there here in front of the trump tower, to protest against, among other things, the immigration policies of the trump administration. so it was leaked last week. b at 100 to 200 federal agents, we're going to come here to the city in chicago, and we're going to begin mass b for change of even on day one. and then through the end of the week, well tom home and the boarders are for the trump administration, that is not an official title. just one trump gave him said that because of that was leak. they are now reconsidering how they're doing this, but it will not include just chicago to include miami, new york and other cities. and they say it won't necessarily happen right away as had been previously reported. but there are a lot of undocumented immigrants here in chicago. chicago is a, is
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a sanctuary city. so the city will not cooperate with federal officials and try and get to fort peoples. police do not record the immigration status here. and they have been told by this city not to assist the federal agents and city officials tell us that in fact, they will not be informed when this rate happens because the federal government is not cooperating with chicago, a largely democratic city. so this is a city that is battling is federal efforts at mass deportations, both on the official govern on that level. and we're on the streets of chicago as, as they were stonehenge and reporting from chicago. thank you very much. we appreciate reporting john as go to patty cole hain, she's live at the capital one arena. it's not very far from here. a couple blocks away in washington dc where donald trump, supporters, has been able to watch the swearing and so our money, they're waiting for him, he's going to be making his way to them a little later today. so in terms of dollars, how's movements padding your euro?
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the next thing, all right, you are aware donald trump is coming. what's gonna happen? well, we think that he's going to give a speech obviously. and then there's a desk behind the but look the, the, some of these executive order, the said before they decided to move it inside because of beach really told they say the tickets never had a smaller than done so the but the, the, the hours going to the security, they listen to the where one. briefly pell
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and the crowd, a rough just trying to get her to move. they took a little while the crowd, the crowd, get her up. very proud. and just this is very much sound like a campaign sweeps. the close to the beach to the, to the president. but that's what the trump did, and the crowd, the even the standing on the border, the to
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the golf is america. and we did here and the to follow the office with now the reason the time but will be here. the patio. hey we appreciate you fighting through the noise you're reporting light from the capital one sports arena where donald trump support has been watching the organization ceremony. and they are expecting a president to come and see them for a victory. riley essentially a little later today. patty, thank you very much. we'll speak later the spring and jennifer, victor, mark slice. we were watching all of this together. it is only he's donald trump's been president for what 90 minutes and it feels it doesn't feel it is
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a very different america already. jennifer? yeah, i think this is what we can expect. this is the prelude to a coming conflict. so likely political violence. this is certainly not what we, what we hope for, but you know, you think about just looking at the speech the in aggravation speech. one of the very 1st things he talked about was a lot. it was about, you know, the d o j had been weaponized to come against him for things that he hadn't done wrong when. in fact, there was a lot of the evidence in a report came out just last week, suggesting that yes, in fact, he did help leading insurrection and do other wrong things. and so the, the very basis he's going to is that the scales of justice reset the scales of justice towards something that favors him not towards something that favors something that is based on unreality and facts. and so when you create a political environment where so much is based on, on crews and use for a while, people often get them angry about things that aren't in fact
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a problem. it creates the conditions for political violence. so it's, it's quite worrying republicans and trump world would tell you he has a mandate to do that. yeah, let's talk about mandates can with so the 1st of all, regardless of the size of the victory mandates aren't really a thing and in american politics and presidential politics, if you look at it this way, about a 3rd of the country voted for trump about a 3rd of the country voted for harris and about a 3rd of the country didn't vote. and so the idea that she got, you know, one or 2000000 a to what i forget, the final numbers were couple 1000000 more votes than his opponent does. not in any way suggest that there was some overwhelming mandates for him to engage in some policy. but let me make sure i bring mark in before we go to break. was there anything that you've seen or heard today that surprised you in any way? so not really, i think this is what trump campaigned on. i think that the surprising thing is to get anything really done to kind of fi, something for real long term progress. you need 60 votes,
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united states senate republicans don't have anywhere close to that. so yes, you can issue executive orders all day and all night and it looks like donald trump is going to do that. but if he really wants to have a substitive improvement, as he says for americans lives, he is going to have to bring people together and get some democratic collaboration and cooperation, or else. this is just an for years of, again turning his around in the next person will turn it around again. but the republicans control the house and the senate. there's quite a bit that he can do without really having to bring a, bring on board democrats, or at least many democrats. he has a one or 2 vote majority is. yeah. once the image or all the way in or one case of pneumonia away from a democratic majority and in the center, he has a 3 seat majority. he's 7 away from having that 60 votes he needs for so many of the things he wants to accomplish. that means he's going to have to bring democrats into the white house. he's going to have to talk to the he's going to have to have a conversation,
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or else this is just going to be bluster. this is just going to be speech of phonics and not leadership, and that's the worry. all right, we're going to take a short break and that's going to wrap up the special coverage of the trunk in organization. so our money, we're going to be back throughout the afternoon and throughout the day there's a whole lot more to cover. in fact, the story is just getting started. uh, it feels like a very different american already with donald trump. announcing what he's going to do, which has been in line with what he promised during the campaign, so emergency declarations for the border emergency declaration for emergency all sorts of announcements that donald trump made in his inaugural address. we are expecting those to me to be materialized by executive orders that will be signed shortly within the coming hours. probably maybe at that capital one ceremony in downtown des, or maybe the also the oval office in the white house, wherever he does, sign those executive orders. we will be covering that on al jazeera. and with that,
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constitution of the, the, the, the old just the, the, the world is looking ahead to donald trump, 2nd to and as us president, what can expect from trump to point out. and well has america 1st i would say conflict with the world order created and led by washington since world war 2. this is inside story.
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