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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2025 10:00am-10:16am AST

10:00 am
the solar system is possible to, sorry, need to write that full in a dry desert, particularly sought after because they degrade very slowly, providing christine information about the composition and origin of our kind of tree system. is there any sign if it'll be for the millions of palestinians and gaza for now stuck between an outgoing biden administration and an incoming trumpet to industries. now that americans have decided to put forth back in the white house, what kind of country in the world expect the quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line a showcase of the best document refills from across the network. on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, and well come on sort of kind of to this is a news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready, occupation forces continue to attack, palestinians and the occupied westbank. at least 10 people have been killed in janine, and more than 60, arrested. returning to rubble and crossing within sufficient age for reports on the points of palestinians in gauze or in the off the mazda of the genocide. also a heads were talking about a tariff of to infinity. government on the palestinian authority have bundled 0 from reporting in israel and the occupied territories. it's these really military's biggest operation in the occupied westbank since the start of the new year is really forces say they're targeting what they call terrorism imaging,
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refugee camp. but for the residents of jeanine, this is what terror looks like. fed the saudis brother was walking for palestinians this time in the club, clean the palestinians in the occupied westbank face constant threats living under his really occupation. army raids, coupled with violence. similar attacks have significantly increased since the start of israel's more on garza. and now with president trump back in the white house palestinians, fear the situation will only get worse from the central than just need. all of them were on the shower. is there a senior political unless he told my colleague or a call about benjamin? that's in you all here is like to using the mich operation in occupied with spine to a piece opponents of the sci fi and gaza. for the past 16 months would, would, would been focused on guys as if gaza is a plant when its own cause that is spot them far, some of its hinterland,
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the west bank and generals to them. and that's why i need a solution moving forward where it's cannot just be a bad guys, but it has to be by at this time. because the problem that we're facing is of course and is there a problem, but it is in palestine, and hence it's the punishment that they're quite sufficient. now if we needed any proof, laura, if anyone knew any pool, it's just by looking today, i'd watch nothing. no, i just don't know what happened. we weren't talking you and i, i remember that very well when you said what comes after guys? i said the worst tech is right and these after they destroyed guys, i don't want to destroy the west bank or next most of it and sit in the human lead scale and get on as many people as possible. and i think it's possible that we are just starting with this new plan today too because of the resignations of the various generals after admitting that responsibility for their failure to or 7. i think that the all government is deflecting whereas
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a deflect in the west bank in jeanine by various closures. and by huge tackling jenny that probably wouldn't go on for days, weeks, perhaps more. and so are in order to please most which on of a 1000 to clear the rubble and pause in fine. c has highlights at the expense of the destruction these randy minute. treehouse cause u. n is wanting gaza remains on the bouquets and it will take at least 350 years to rebuild. okay, well let spring and hands holiday his end date as well. a lot in central goes ahead . good morning to you. now how is this a, a, it's being distributed because we're seeing those trucks coming in and p full chasing. they're also at. 1 and to check up on their homes and to see how they're going to start from all over again. so that's why maybe some of the organizations have and as you saying so much destruction, people have been returning to that homes, have been seeing images of people trying to locate the,
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the buildings they lift and given the scale of devastation, how all palestinians and goddess gauze or rather expected to rebuild, rebuild their lives. well, they're all in the state of shock, not knowing from work to start. so some of the palestinians came back and found their, their houses completely slapped in to the ground. others found them partially a bond. and those people are trying to fix what they can fix. they're trying to clean and we have been seeing a lot of policy news trying to fix whatever left of their houses. people who found their houses burned are starting cleaning them and also started painting them. but you're talking about mazda of destruction, no electricity, no lot to no sewage fights. no, nothing that's been done. the area is a go city. all of aspects of lights have been wiped out by is really at forces,
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but again, policy in use are so happy to go back to their neighborhoods, despite the fact that they're ruins now. and we're also seeing the causes of municipalities also started working. we have been seeing bulldozers starting to ease the way for the palestinians there, if we move in the rubble from the streets, we're also is it knowing that it at the municipalities in at b, tenuous and not. and another and part of a because they're trying to as start delivering walter and working on fixing the watching pipe. so how does can use our trying? they're trying to start from scratch. but the journey is very, very, very hectic on long. but we know, palestinians are varies indian and all they're saying right now is we're going to rebuild. that's the most common word i'm hearing in the past couple of days. okay, so rebuilding is certainly the sentiment that the policy is, has in goldsboro 11,
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thanks very much. for about latest updates and these are using the beer hand just to their bare hands just to get this out. civilian from under the rubble in the life of the absence of the heavy equipment of devices with defense forces, civil defense forces are not currently work working because they lack the basic tools to get the crab who is from under the destroys houses. so civilians are framed by themselves to get their loved ones from under the federal honda. and how would you can the we're trying by any means possible to see how we can lift anything here. if we can hear any voices if we can find any one and save them, but there's nothing you can't do anything with just your hands. we don't even have small tools like crowbars. we need equipment, they can lift this debris like excavators, and jack hamis keeping machinery to help us lift the debris and retrieve the bodies from underneath. this is the situation here and no the guy,
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this fred where civilians are searching and digging deep under their elbows to get their loved ones. from beneath the, this pile of rubble, as you can see, the surprises continue in terms of crutches. maternity, kids dates. so i'm, we're talking about very basic items that do not pose any sort of a, you know, dual purpose or military threat at all. so we're talking about basic medications, basic medical equipment, in addition to the, to the food in water. and as she was talking about the rebuilding condemnation from the united states who is supposed to be sort of ensuring that this the, the, the ceasefire continues. the other thing i saw that we have to keep an eye on is what happens after phase one, assuming we can get through these these 42 days because there are increasing indications that israel has every intention on continuing the war or they, they've apparently side as much and then we had donald trump,
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the other the other night after his a non duration. so saying that, look, it's, they're worn, in other words, you know, i mean, i mean there are different ways to interpret that statement. and donald trump is very sometimes vague and unpredictable, but i think i read it as, as a statement suggesting that the us is kind of washing it's hands, it's not going to intervene. i know not, not a problem. minister benjamin netanyahu himself has said that they've sorts of who am i school is the green light from the us. that if there is any form of violations, whatever that is, that they could go back to fight, saying, and they'd have america's best thing in a way i want to shift to occupied westbank now, because yes, there's been a cx 5 deal that's in place at the moment so the fighting has stopped in gaza, but we're seeing a very different picture in jeanine in occupied westbank rates on a daily thing. um suddenly increased since the war started. what's the situation now because already 10 people,
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this thing is at least have been killed. and some of the images of people being but out was really difficult to watch. yeah, i got ranch, gut wrenching, uh video. actually we have to remember that the ceasefire and gaza was kind of a defeat for netanyahu. i mean, you're, you don't have to take my word. no one has to take my word for it. you can just read it. is there any immediate reports there calling it a spectacular failure and an embarrassment for an ya drop from us after all these months. you know, escorting captives and clearly still very much alive and well in operational and gaza. so now what is really government is doing is kind of trying to distract away from that and sort of how much, how many of us do that for your analysis on the latest ethics to the yes,
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present donald trump's choice for on boss of the united nations has made some controversial comments on her conformation. harry and a stephanie told senate, so she agreed with fall writes is randy minister best law smart trips. the israel has a big co writes to occupy the west bank. official has moved from washington, statements to the one with the republican majority of popular support. at least the phonics should be an easy confirmation for you and invested a promising a full review of you in operations. she placed the new face in new york would follow president trump's agenda. it is imperative to ensure a strong american leadership, american leadership at the united nations. i share president trump's vision of a un reform by strong america 1st peace through strength, and return to this founding mission of promoting peace and security around the world. in an exchange with democrat chris fund holland, on the important issue of them, at least she refused to acknowledge palestinians to the right of self determination . i asked you in my office also about whether palestinians have the right of self
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determination. my understanding was you said yes, you have a different answer today. that was not the direct question that we discussed by set the power you think the people house names have the right of self determination. i believe the palestinian people deserve so much better than the failures that they've had agreed on. there is leaders. pretty simple quite and i believe then she was active. she agreed with the far right is really politicians that isn't had a biblical claim to the entire westbank, but i did ask you whether you subscribe to the views of finance ministers, some of which rich. nope, i am sorry. if i most rich, this is rarely finance minister, smoke church and, and the former national security minister, ben, you the or who believe that israel has a biblical right to the entire westbank. and in that conversation, you told me that yes, you share that view. is that your view today? yes, donald trump has talked about the 2 state solution in the middle east,
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but not recently. if the phonic is reflecting his position no. this marks a significant change in us policy from the past and heading to the un in new york island for sure. i'll just see that on capitol hill in washington. china says it will defend its national interest off to donald trump's comments on imposing terrace on chinese goods. trump said it is minnes, i think when, when solutions he didn't mention that china has this huge trade. so thoughts when it comes to global trade, it's about one trillion us dates, but he did say that this is not the aging stolen. it's willing to expand, it's important. so that staging the signaling that it's willing to do a deal with the trumpet ministration in order to avoid these new tires. but at the same time, it's no deal is done. if they're not willing to negotiate china is willing and is ready to retaliate. it gets us funds for example, and or drivers of growth which is housing and consumers spending. those are really sponsoring and the export economy. that is a really important thing for,
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for china right now. especially especially was in 2020 full. so us to have so not going to help that and a slide from terrorist, this is also going to have a huge impact on sentiment. china is consumer and business. confidence is already at an old time lower and this is certainly not quite that either. okay, thanks very much for that update cuts really as well. so hands on out 0 a day of morning until the kids will be live from the cards out of cairo's ski result where a hotel flies kills at least 76 people. and i'm coughing slowly on salt to dogs for doubt. we've done well more than 40000 displaced people living very close to the bowed up. i'll tell you why this is a challenge is full last elaina finish on the right side of the 9 goals. functions lead through the part of smiles. here with that story,
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the way through the west, more coming in across the light countries pushing up across england, scotland through wells and look at what's coming in for the last part of the week. violet wins put a witness documentary on a just the the the welcome back here watching al jazeera. and here's a reminder, i'll tell stories this out. the ongoing is really offensive and so jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank has killed at least 10 palestinians. dozens more have


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