tv [untitled] January 22, 2025 6:30pm-6:49pm AST
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2400 humanitarian a trucks events the gaza strip since the cx 5 between israel and thomas came into effect on sunday. faucet says distribution of supplies is challenging because there's really a tax of damage, roads, and infrastructure. i mean, you and especially in boys, the syria is quoting on in special community to support the new administration. get petterson says the challenges ahead include forming an inclusive government and the listing of western sanctions. the yes president, the meeting with republican leadership. again, later to discuss pushing forward his agenda and his cabinet is still very much taking shape with several members going through senate confirmation hearings. let's talk about all of that. without the zeros white house correspondent can we help? it was joining us now. what is on the president scheduled today? kimberly or how we know and the next hour he is set to do his 1st
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tv network interview, he's going to be pre typing that in the next hour with sean hannity of the fox network. it's going to be airing at $21.00 g m t a. so we know he's going to be doing that in the oval office. and then as you talked about there he is going to be once again meeting as he did one day earlier with republican leadership in order to flush out his congressional legislative agenda. we know he's focusing on immigration issues. he's. 1 and focusing on his tax code, trying to get some of that through. so we expect that we're going to hear from the president, but to, as we saw yesterday and the day before, there's always a little bit more that's crammed into that calendar. that is full of surprises, so we're waiting to see what else will be popping up as rector of national intelligence, there's been paperwork holdups, and when it comes to r k junior, that there are some reservations about his positions on vaccines. and that's why
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democrats are having some big reservations, but eventually we're hearing that he has hearing could be at the end of the month. but the bottom line is, republicans are getting really angry, particularly the majority leader in the senate and john soon, in fact, he's so upset about all of this he's just said moments ago. but he's even suggesting having the senate and session over the weekend, kind of to punish the democrats for the stalling. but he says, is going on to really force their hand to try and get them moving on some of these confirmation both in order to really force their haven't get things in over the finish line in terms of getting these people confirmed a kimberly house can thank you very much for your reporting out of the white house there. now we're going to focus on integration. this our donald trump's 1st big move since he came into office houses. there was own home in his life for us in the mexican border city of johanna. so mexico's foreign ministry, john has spoken minister, i should say, has spoken with the new us sector of state,
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marco rubio, what did they talk about? what was that conversation like? the president probably a showing bottom is just finish the morning process conference and that was what she kicked off. we've got to choose quite team to make it clear that relations have been formally establish what she said was just so you know, with this idea that there is no communication between the united states and mexico . they formerly established it and that it was the 1st cold. she said that secretary of state rubio made since he took office of 1st quality maples with mexico. and she said that the mexican for administer, former among de la fuente, had told her that was a very cool deal conversation and a good conversation. and that they told us about migration and security. that conversation might have been claudio, but there's some pretty hard things to discuss that between the 2 governments, not least of it, but the president, trump is still sticking with his line. that is going to influence power so 25 percent on new mexican goods. if mexico doesn't stop migrants and fence no getting
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across the board to add to the united states. so some hard conversations ahead for those 2 at foreign ministers, the john donald trump describes migraines as criminals. bends uninviting, the us that is his framing. those are his words. you followed people heading for the border on part of their journey share with our viewers what you saw while they were a couple of today. but i still people heading through this country trying to get to the united states. we travel with some of them heading on a network to call good trains. cool. the beast. i've looked at our pool, they've been waiting all night in the code. and then on the pulse in central mexico for the beach to come a, it's an a migrant. so given to not one, but a network of call,
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good trains that hit through mexico up to the us border. there were free roy news, and a way to try and avoid mexican migration. but you never know when the train went through . and the beast caries risk to what kind of thing. okay. and it goes really quickly . you having good a good 3. it's your live. you play the life of your keep people, speculate a lot, stick with them by when i saw eating my, your nice. i feel it was yes. lemme do that. that's the famous piece. that despite the dangers these people want to take it north as soon as possible. they know the president trump is trying to stop migration, you know, meet the policy. i will read that he will let us for us to be able to achieve final dictates the noise. tons today. finally, the beast pools and those with families like powell and joe,
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have tried to get them and safely the innumerable people have lost legs. the lights getting on or pulling off this trying but there are other things if, after only 20 minutes of traveling the break stopped times it took me heart. a lot of suffering. could you imagine doing these with 4 children? but here we are struggling again to see if we can get to our destination to the us . the, the train continues winding through the noise of the head. more challenges. noisy, north mexico. are you as president who doesn't want them? but for now, the beast goes on john home and how does it a, mexico that's bring it up. panel on this, ellie, on fresco is with us,
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are in immigration to trinity. thank you for being with us. you're also long titled, but worth it. deputy assistant attorney general in charge of integration and the justice department under the obama administration is why is because a lot of hispanic communities, even those who have family members who are, are documented themselves. they tend to agree with the fact that we have to go after people who have committed crimes in this country. it should be when it comes to like of other people. we can't really get to them until we are able to secure the border. and we're able to prosecute people. okay, what do you mean by other people? sorry. are other people with like undocumented people who have not committed crimes or crimes outside of the just the board across and people who are trying to have their lives here. you know, live the american dream. we can't really focus on them until we really talk about the criminal activity that is perpetrated by a several different criminal aliens. we have to make sure that we check those people out and make that nexus shirts. when undocumented immigrants and criminal activity, who we know within any population group benefits districts,
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bear this out within any population group, there is going to be some crime committed. there is not a higher incidence of crime among undocumented immigrants, high rate and 100 percent. and if you look at the statistics, the emigrants are less likely. the natural born immigrants are natural born americans to commit crimes. that doesn't, that's still a, that's kind of a red herring though, because when you actually look at the population, you still have a good 23 or some percent of, of people and federal pension tor aliens. well, regardless of their but because they commit crimes on less of a rate, they still shouldn't be here. you commit a crime, you should still be kicked out of the country because you're a guest here. let's bring your and thank you for your patience. one thing we learned from donald trump's 1st term is that he can say a lot on immigration, but then it's actually not all of it is legal, right? if it's not legal, if it's not funded, if it's not practicable if ice, which is the, the immigration customs enforcement agency doesn't actually have the manpower to do it. but that's a lot of roadblocks, ben. it can't happen. what are you seeing in this space? correct? are many barriers factors, the removal are much more limited. all right,
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hold that thought, i want to ask you about century cities in just a moment. i think it's something that our international viewers, many of them won't really understand what it is. and just bear in mind is a word of context that date this, this being a federal system here in the united states. that means that there are different layers of decision making, federal and then got a state and local, and different layers of enforcing the laws that exist. alright. it is and clear how to shift in terms of integration policy is going to affect and documented migrants grants and special protection under the vitamin ministration. christmas delivery reports from one of those sanctuary cities, boston massachusetts. at the immigrant family services institute in boston, williams and his family arrived just days after crossing the southern border of the united states. and just days before donald trump took office, as haitians clean the violence in their country, they are eligible for what's known as temporary protective status or t p. s to stay in the country legally,
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but that could soon change under the new administration. let's keep what i heard about donald trump being elected president. i was worried even lost sleep, but i knew we had no other choice but to come here. boston lake new york and chicago is one of several so called sanctuary. cities that i've seen huge searches of migrants under the biden administration, in massachusetts state funded shelters, hit capacity at 7500 families. as of 2023. new york is housing 51000 immigrants. but trump has promised to en gps boston's mayor has vowed not to cooperate with efforts that she says threatened the safety of everyone by causing widespread fear. but the new borders are. tom homan has warned her and other local officials to quote get out of the way the us constitution assigns responsibility for immigration policy to the federal government. but many cities in states like massachusetts have an active so called sanctuary laws that actually prevent their
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local police from helping federal agents. when it comes to deportations. advocates which help new commerce integrate into the community, fear shelters and workplace is, will be a target, potentially ending families of mixed immigration status, pending families to be ready in terms of, you know, making sure that they have someone that be choice in case something happens that people can go to the school. busy waiver to an off so that the tickets are being taken care of because to as him to have a plane. so what is your plan? you know, why done with everything william came to boston because of a family member there. nobody. i don't want to go back to him because there is no he left up like many immigrants he's worried and waiting to see what happens next. kristin salumi al jazeera, boston, the right legal and back to you. so there are really 2 things going on in that report by christmas. it will be one, is that some cities century cities, as we're saying, do not want to cooperate with federal law enforcement when it comes to deportations
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. and another is that some categories of migrants, such as the haitian immigrants that we saw there were protected by the previous administration, protected from deportation. one more thing, we're just finding out the washington post reporting that the trump administration is directing federal prosecutors to potentially prosecute local officials who do not cooperate with the port stations. we've got the federal government went on with government, federal working, potentially against local government. when it comes to deportations, yeah. do you think that's gonna work out? here's what happens when the local officials apprehend people for committing crimes . and most crimes are local things like fact burglary, etc. what i want is for those local officials to a mean happened is those policies are going to be challenge and the cords and previously in court to the held that there is this thing called and by common deering, which is that federal officials cannot come into your state officials and local officials to enforce federal law. but we will see if those rulings continue or the springboard changes it will link plus congress is talking about things like l. a
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disaster funding being tied to lays ability to actually cooperate with eyes. so they will actually start putting strings of pads the government money. so last group, one for you. gabriel. this is all happening without the benefits of an actual immigration reform, which seems to be what both sides. the democrats or republicans want an actual law that says, what's supposed to be happening rather than layers of government fighting each other. could donald trump be the one to pass emigration reform? i, you know, there's been several presidents since the president reagan has talked about this and you really will not get a solution, a final solution to this issue unless you have get congress involved and then then boss some given take you know, helping people, making sure that sandra stays aren't, i think, because that's the story of latino hispanic communities don't support these. come in uh the cities because they, honda communities, but you need to get rid of those. but as well as talk about how we're going to help the people who are here who are trying to make a living, to try to find the american dream,
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they really has to be compromised from both sides. gabriel and dallas, beyond fresco. thank you very much. the both of you for joining the else is there a news hour, and with that laura, we're going to hand it back to you window. thanks very much so, and we will see you later. a colombian president, gustavo petro has declared a state of emergency after a new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking territory. but we've been in spite of border around $5000.00 special forces, members have been deployed to the area. and the ne, i will of people uh this morning for the 1st time since the beginning of this price is. but as you can see, there are still hundreds of people that are in line waiting to be registered and waiting to find some help in terms of shelter. a just a basic needs because many of them have to flee essentially what, what they were wearing that just getting get whatever they could uh before leaving the context for us from computer in columbia. we sent assessments by the you and
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culture and heritage agency unesco. as fondest riley attacks have damaged, at least 75 historically significant sites and gone so that a good. so the confidence hosted by the national all kinds of kinds all of this week discussed how to safeguard cultural heritage and complex things like apple reports from though this century's old building and northern garza used to be a church that was late to converted into the great amari mosque what stood for 1517 monuments, museums, and archaeological sites. authorities in gaza, save the destruction of ancient sites, is fall high a in downtown doha and exhibition to showcasing work by regional artist that interprets and put tre palestinian identity. as we know on actually is mainly the
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best tools to archive and to preserve more about any country or any calls. every single one of taking one months of the, of the to create this calendar. and each one of them actually is like working from his own perspective. so being like a certain details or, or aspect of the identity or the head it is from, from, from the start menard container is the artist for the month of june. the work uses the traditional palestinian embroidery cold treats i gave something to the people of gaza to this calendar that we actually made. we've got to try and do it and try to be museums. and it's actually something minor that we wish that we can be able to give to give more each of these on quick books to capture an element of palestinian life. it's raising funds, but more importantly,
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awareness about the need to protect and preserve palestinian identity. mike level, which is era go huh. well that's it for me laura kyle: full. this news out. you can find send him on a website onto 0 dot com. i'll be back in just a moment. the, as is, was war on guys a continue, the new series takes you beyond the headlines of the country. we were no sir for a month and i operated again every day. most of my lists were just children. award winning. most of them repeat to speak to plastics such in victoria rose. i think when you go and you know that you're making a difference, it's very hard. no escape refrain on out as the era one of the last remaining ancient free and synchronization between one side and the other,
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creating mirror effects. and it's got to factor in just a ways for these women. ringback girls to connect to their national heritage. it is also a family tradition. most of them come from a long line of charles, also a lifelong commitment. bringing together family tradition and national pride was honoring the bravery of those who came before them. the the, [000:00:00;00] the . ready ready
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as well steps off it's offensive in the janine refugee account, also talk soon of the palestinian towns across people supplied westbank the kind of them or carl, this is i was, is there a lie from the also coming up? the res come just days of the ceasefire? came into effect and calls them the palestinians are picking up what's left of their lives. a day of mourning into care and investigation is underway into a fire to skew as old, which kills 76 people. and you as president,
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