tv [untitled] January 24, 2025 8:00pm-8:30pm AST
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all the the 2nd prisoner exchange from us releases the names of 4 as ray, the female soldiers. it plans to release and return for the $200.00 policy and in prison is the hello. i am sort of hide and this is all the 0 life from the. so coming up pricing from the rubble, palestinians hold friday price for the 1st time since the cx $5.00 deal came into effect 6 days ago. these riley military expands its operations and occupied westbank. these 12 people have been killed since tuesday. donald trump stops his 1st domestic 1st and is becoming us present again,
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promising support for har can hit north carolina the how much does it will release? full female is ready captives on the spot today. the 1st minute free personnel to be freed. since the si, fi came into effect in return is ready for asses are expects. it's a hands over 200 policy and in prison is in a moment we'll go to target. i've also been gone so, but 1st from the sun hoots in the jordan capital in on, on because these ready governments on palestinian authority have found out 0 from reporting and his role and the occupied territories. now homes of what do we know about the campuses? is what we know is best they are for female is really soldiers to be released and
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the is really government has confirmed receiving this list, but it's important to note that there are no reports within is really media that is roles not exactly satisfied with this list because they wanted all of the civilians 1st to be released before moving on to military personnel and female members of the is really army. and that's because the equation for how many palestinian prisoners would be released will change based on the type of captive that is being released. the number, of course, varies from civilian to female soldier to male soldier. but what we do know from us is that all 4 captives that are to be released or for female is really soldiers. and have we had the response from uh, is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, a tool because this could potentially not go through. um, obviously the hope saw that it would um, but they're saying that there's
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a sticking point. harris seems that's right. according to is really media. they're saying that is really officials are speaking to them, saying that this is quote, a violation of the terms of the deal. however, benjamin netanyahu at this hour is meeting with the top at security bras within israel. that includes the defense minister and all other types of security and military cheese to respond to what is going on. but you have to remember, this is a dynamic situation. there are a lot of moving parts and even though the deal was essentially set in stone on paper for phase one, there are still a lot of dynamic elements here. and if for some reason, israel is refusing this list, well you have family members of is really captive. so we're already on the streets, protesting saying that these really government needs to go through with all parts of this deal. passed phase one into phase 2 and 3 because that's the only way to
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ensure that all of the captives are released from gone. so. okay, thanks full, that's updates on these ready situation when it comes to that sees funnel, that's good to talk about a zone, rejoins this lie from the in central gaza. it's our earlier we was speaking on that when you saw the latest list being released. um, was it expected those names and how palestinians relaxing to that on the well uh, the scheduled release of the east valley cup tips tomorrow is a keeps mileage done. generally in the currency spy agreements, that signaling progress and even a grunting an offering coat for a displaced families who are waiting their return to northern gauze. people believed that if the up potential release of the east valley top tips will be conducted successfully, they are, they will be able to return back to their houses and their areas and nothing causes
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. in light of that, i'm getting preparations that have been seen over the course of the past 24 hours as they have this month. so they're made shift shelters and they have sit them up close to needs their inquiry to in order to be able to immediately stream into the gaza strip. once the exchange uh, operation took place effectively on the ground. but also the understands that this step, if it will be successfully done, it will really reflect the terrance of both sides or into regarding this, these quiet times. and it will cost to move up to me is. and what about the agreements durability that will enable move, a flow of human determinate supplies to the gaza strip and kind of bring also more time and it piece that desperately palestinians have been looking for as far as who was saying earlier, this has been the fast uh, friday with palestinians and the goal is the strip has been able to hold the prize since the ceasefire without a being bundle without fear of any strikes as well
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today. yes, so right palestinians managed to perform the fest friday pray is over the ruins of the the destroyed most of course the gaza strip that used on the the split districts released by gauze cover media office. the reports indicate that approximately a 1000 published thing and most were completely or partially destroyed during the is really military to decide up competing on guns. i'm positively families and displaced people work completely afraid and have great concerns about the safety ones. they cannot approach these most due to the isabel of repeated attacks on these areas that had been classified as commander and control centers based on that usability, military claims that were released based on ground list. justifications and without providing further details and even evidence on that. and now there has been a very remarkable scene of happened this among civilians. despite the very unprecedented the scale of destruction inflicted to this area,
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their coping mechanisms are really difficult them to have left left to, to, to deal with the unpredictable repercussions for the is very uh, operation in gaza. but they believe that as long as both pots would be able to commit to the terms of the agreement, there is going to be the possibilities of chances to rebuild these most and to refill some semblance of normality again, in these places of worshipping. okay, thank you. full thoughts update that from central garza and our residents all the time and to rebuild as soon as possible. but so far to say reconstruction is going to take his honeymoon mode reports from central garza, on the 1st of friday prayer, without the sounds of bombs or sirens in more than a year in gaza. this cars of war are evidently of the way an estimated 42000000 tons of rubble saves the united nations. rebuilding is no easy task. simple
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authorities are leaning the recovery effort on the, the model. luminous. all aspects of life were destroyed, including thousands of kilometers of roads, 600000 meters of water, new york, 1000000 metres of sewage system, more than 400 under ground water wells, the r prioritizing homes, hospitals and schools, as well as water and electricity networks. but the down thing task of removing the mountains of brothers is brought with the challenges, particularly a lack of resources that you're going to need of some know. so that's, that was the thing id on that to come up in gaza. city alone. more than 133 pieces of heavy equipment, 10 vehicles were destroyed in israel's and then a genocidal bore. and it this represents 85 percent of the municipalities capacity . therefore, the entire closet strip is in dire and urgent need of heavy machinery and equipment necessary for repair and reconstruction. then there is, is rose blockade on garza and is really border restrictions,
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both of which will slow progress. many people here are skeptical that the problem is, the system's way to translate into regular change or head. so what they did offer, i went to see my house and russell. i found it completely destroyed. i wants to go to my house, but how am i supposed to do that? if i go back, i live in attend. the problem is that there is no life, the water, no electricity, no infrastructure or food. there's nothing left for us. removing the rumbling gauze, if not just removing bricks and slabs of concrete, it's a symbol of resilience and hold for a community determined to rebuild. but the pos ahead is long and will much depend on the international support for this recovery effort a honeymoon more. i was just the euro from the central area of the gaza strip palestine. you and has one that up to a 1000000 children and goals that have mental health problems of living through 15 months of is ready booms, folding every day. children have been killed, solved,
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unfrozen, today. that'd be maimed. often separated from their family. conservative estimates indicate that over $17000.00 children without the families in gaza. some died before they 1st breast pershing with their mothers and child, but the fellow trump is on his 1st domestic trip since the salt of his 2nd time is us present. he set to visit bill sandra list, which has been ravaged by wildfire spots before bots. he stopped in north carolina with thousands of still recovering from her con. upon landing in asheville, north carolina, president trump said he wanted to over the whole how the federal emergency management agency known as fema responds to disasters. so we're going to be doing something on that the,
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i think most people agree i'd like to see the states take care of this. this is let the state take care of the tornadoes, that barricades and all of the other things that happen. and i think you're gonna find it a lot less expensive, you'll do it for less than half and you're going to get a lot quicker response. so that seems to be the recommendation. well, shortly we'll go to our white house correspondent kimberly hold fast. fillable is in as well, so we, so we know that donald trump will be guessing or to of the devastation there and also meeting with families. but how's that looking in terms of the devastation, several months later, from what you can see where you are? it's still it's hotel disasters. i mean, you look around and you can just see the remnants of people's lives. you know, remember these waters came down that they had the west drains in a 100 years and it quite literally washed houses away. it washed them down the
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river. it washed a boat, the river up. and you can see if you don't close the, their people's items of clothing, there's a refrigerator, there's lots of a call, but it's just all of this stuff the, just on the minds, just what must have happened in those moments. you know, a 100 people plus lost their lives $73000.00 times with damaged or destroyed and now the recovery is taking place. but it is slow. i mean, well for one's own and still you've got these dumpsters here that are being filled constantly by these load is that it coming into just picking up all the tape rate and the filling these up. and then they going back and they getting more and it's just a continuous effort. and it looks like it's not even making a dense such was the devastation here. you've got lots of buildings that a structurally unsafe. you've got all those that probably a structurally on site. this was a fedex magazine office and event surgery. i'm looking at now. it's still absolutely uninhabitable, unusable, and then over that, you've got a call that we, it looks like it was washed along the river and brought up the river bank onto the side. it's completely full of day rates. you know we just had donald trump talking
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about all of this and he was talking specifically about fema fema is the federal emergency management agency. so that's the body here in the united states. whenever there's a big natural disaster, a hurricane, i know it's quake anything like that. they appear on the ground. they provide immediate relief to people that help with the clean up. they help try to get the infrastructure back up and running. and he is be very, very critical, a female he was hate. i'll tell you about during his presidential campaign and he came there and he looked at the damage and he said, fema was giving vice a money to on documented migrants. it was a total increase according to feed, but in fact, fema actually put up a website specifically to deep bunk. that's i'd say that is not true. but of course he said or you said it was because these areas west of north carolina, they supported them, best or fema, was ignoring these people. today he is just set that he's can see the rig abolishing feedback. now this is not something you, we look at his appointments, he's actually appointed temporarily a guy cool. cameron hamilton
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a foam and they'd be sale. he was being very vocal about closing down the voted, which is something donald trump is often alluded to, although he is not, doesn't have his have any real experience in leading big disaster management teams is any, a temporary leader, but it just goes to show where donald trump is heading and he said again once again it is been a disaster by fema. so you can really see how the politics are playing into a lot of this when really what we were expecting. we seemed to be with people that consulting. yeah. okay. thank you. very much for that update from north carolina. now judge has bought some of the january 6 attack has freed from prison by and trump from entering washington dc. they include ice keepers found the stuart roads company help joins us live from washington, dc. oh, so now why do you think such a decision was made? it's yeah, it's because the o skewers founders stewart roads was visiting the us capital or of course uh,
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the reason that stewart roads was convicted was for his role in orchestrating the attack on the us capital. so the fact that he was now visiting the capital was not sitting well with this judge. and so he has been barred from visiting view as capital. in fact, he's been barred from visiting washington dc along with many of the of keepers who were involved in that attack. on january 6th of 2021. and they now have to, if they want to visit the us capital, not just congress, but the city itself, which is about 5 square miles, they have to get the court's permission in order to do so. so this is the ruling that has come down from the federal judge and it applies again. not just to the oath keepers founder, but also to many of those who had their sentences commuted by the us president donald trump on his 1st day and office. and the trunk seems says that the votes
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ations have already started. so what do we know on that? but also these ice rates the all taking place as well. we know that they are being a sort of rout dot pad of a wide scale. and this is consistent with what donald trump promised would begin on day one was he took office and so that's exactly what's been happening. the white house press secretary, caroline's love, it posted on ex, formerly known as twitter, a picture of a cargo plane, the military cargo plane being loaded up with it, and documented migrants who we also understand are convicted criminals who have been located by either the f, b i or immigration, customs and enforcement ever being sent back to their home countries. in most cases, this is latin america, but we also know in some cases this is china, russia,
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the phillipines as well as candidate even. and so what we know is that this is part of a wider effort by the us president, to, as he's declared as part of his executive orders. national emergency along the us border with the united states and mexico to enforce the laws of the united states. but also in terms of these executive orders, he is also trying to not only make this national emergency to search the resources of using the military and also to increase the enforcement. uh, he's trying to make these the executive orders permanent in terms of making this, the law of the land. okay, thanks very much kimberley hope as well. so head on out is there a lot? israel's, on the says it will not meet sundays deadline to withdrawal troops from southern 11 on the
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on counting the cost of president, donald trump says he's unleashing oil in a dramatic utah and on us energy policy. big banks have pulled out a plan to change groups. we look at what's behind the exit is plus from has launched his own so called main crypto coins. but is this ethical counting? the cost on al jazeera in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing a little contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends, parental abductions on i, which is the era are the women of mexico's traditional rodeo or check adf. teams of 8 show up there, horsemanship in a series, ordinated high speed and often dangerous exercises. it's
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a lot about geometry and synchronization between one side and the other, creating mirror effects. and it's kind of just that isn't just a ways for these women and girls to connect to their national heritage. it is also a family to vision. most of them come from a long line of charles, also a lifelong commitment, bringing together family tradition and national pride. well, honoring the bravery of those who came before them the the, the come back you watching all of the 0 reminder of us up stories based on how much does it will release for female is ray the soldiers. so as parts of the latest exchange of captives $3.00 and $3.00, these were released on sunday 1st street as parts of the sci fi zoo palestinians,
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and goal is to have health friday prayers for the 1st time since the cx 5 came into effect. bush has gathered up what's left to most, can hon eunice, municipal authorities. and goal is to say that reconstruction is going to take time and resources off the 15 months. a full size of root canal. it's in occupied westbank when it's ready, forces occurring else a series of raids, sick black smoke, could be seen above the janine refugee camp, where it is where the offensive has killed 12 posting. and since tuesday is well, maintains that sound good thing. the janine battalion, some umbrella group of fights is from us as moment to has as well as far to a. akiva alda is an ortho and political alice, and he says, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu had a reason to send forces into the janine refuge account. the address in jeanine and judy has been how of, uh, come off and the islamic jihad benefits. and at the same time,
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8 the allows and its on the oh to show these where you said you cannot trust the seniors already because they were trying to go after those militants and to arrest that before his right rated jenny. so funded. no, this is the ultimate proof that the us senior strategy is a bunch of uh, use this uh, ministers and there are a bunch of in products and that is working the price of them to take over. oh god, this is actually what they send me out once more then even to get rid of the mice, gaming goes up. he wants to make sure that you put a senior with an upcoming israel says it will not meet the deadline for the full implementation of it. sci fi, it with has by law, as positive docs agreement. these ready ministry was set to pull out of southern
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lebanon on sunday, but that's withdrawal has now been delayed. so in a whole that has moved from babies the hours before the 60 day deadline for the is really army to leave lebanese territory. the office of prime minister benjamin nothing apple announced troops will be staying longer because it says 11 on hasn't fully enforced. it's part of the agreement. is ready. troops have been present in border villages. so it's a ceasefire. and it is rouse. war with has been law in late november since then. this way, the army has been destroying, as well as infrastructure tunnels and confiscating its weapons. in recent weeks is ready. troops have pulled out of dozens of villages in southern lebanon, but others remain closed military zones. and when they go, they leave behind the trail of destruction. underwrite the gun. and by the model, i shall be cuz my homes exterior was damaged during the war. but it was still standing like i could have gone back and repaired it and lived in it. but
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unfortunately after the ceasefire and these really ended and did whatever they wanted, they both those the orchard stuff that they bull does the streets. they destroyed the houses, stole olive trees. they heard us a lot during the ceasefire. is rouse 2 months military offensive, and 11 on ended with hezbollah, agreeing to leave the border region and make way for the state to extend its authority. the lebanese army has started to deploy, but israel insist it's numbers aren't enough to supervisor this argumentative has the law and ensure the group doesn't re establish its presence. it's also alleges hezbollah hasn't pulled back, living on dismisses these claims and wants as well to respect the deadline. but the officials have said to us general who chairs the cease fire monitoring committee had already told them is really military withdrawal could be delayed. there's a feeling among some political players in 11 on that as well is pushing to expand
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the deadline to put pressure on has the lot to concede to the new political authority. the new leadership and 11 on says that only the states will have the rights to carry arms. it also is promising to implement the ceasefire with israel, which includes has well as this arguments, not just in southern lebanon, hezbollah, as not believe to be in a position to return to open war with israel. and the group says it's the responsibility of the lebanese state to put pressure on the countries sponsoring the ceasefire agreement. but as well as supporters are threatening to head to their villages early on sunday, it's not clear whether it's a real threat or rhetoric, but 11 on has few options. if it wants to avoid another costly war center for their elders, either they don't at least in democratic republic of congo and 23 levels of killed the military governor of the north key region. the one says it happened on the front line where they in 23 ons group is advancing and taking control of key towns
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. officer a string of law says the military is sending reinforcements, including tanks, heavy altered or the tank. had a corpse as to what was the city of grandma and 23 finances have been closing in on the provincial capital for months. russian president vladimir fruits and says he's open to discussions with these us counterparts on issues including he crane will, and energy prices. the low trump has cold view crane conflict, ridiculous he's threatened most go with tougher economic sanctions. if it 1000 and the offensive of the will will answer referred to you next month. just to be to them. i would shift. it would be better if we made and have a common conversation on all issues of interest to both the united states and russia advice don't today's realities and we are ready. but i repeat this primarily depends on the decision in a choice of the count us administration. we calls us a nation piece of june. we always had a business like pragmatic,
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but also trusting relationship with the current you as president. i couldn't disagree with him that if he had been president since they hadn't stolen victory from them in 2020 the concerts that emerged in ukraine in 2022 could have been avoided. it's currently a, nearly a shop. all the logo has moved from us. okay. well, i do appreciate his sending very clear signals to donald trump. patient has said most good didn't know, refuse either contact with washington, only goose ations with kids, according to him, rushes ready to engage with you frame but size legitimacy landscape has to cancel the decree, binding all the tools, those patients which was signed in september 20 things to address the patient has that he agrees with trumps was which the us presidents had said many times before. that if trumps victory had not been started in $20.00 to $20.00, then perhaps that would not have been a military conflict with ukraine, mainly blaming the previous as defined an administration for that. also, it must cruise ready for the economy and security corporation with washington peace
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and told his relations with trump front mc and coles trump decision to impose most sanctions against russia. not in the interest of the united states, but it's, so this is from indeed goes ahead and pauses the new bunch of sanctions in russia, in case page and dozens between on to the war that was make the russian economy any by to effect seeing it's even harder for letting me patient is sending these very cautious signals to washington. even national pop out of the i'll just be wrapped most of their heavy wins boats by storm iron on fostering parts of the you. k. read warnings have been issued for scotsman as well as known as an island stone brought some of the strongest winds ever recorded an island up to a 183 could almost as now they found power lines leaving tens of thousands of homes without some extra c. ok, well that's it from the inside of fight us to find more information on our website . so i'll just, there is a come by there is next,
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then inside storage looking at education and goza and how is defined israel's genocide, the the now that has been written recently. so the event and challenges, i will keep going stuff particularly heavy. it's just a bit annoying, heavy stuff you'd like to be in the southwest of to a kid, but the young man on the show for ease would suggest like charles all the way down from 11 and almost to was an old and each it still gets cold at night calls, but this is consistent with the last several weeks down to about $599.00 and gas is typical if you're not charged and that an anchor is then a causes country remain, subs either we are still in winter after all. the heavy rain seems like you to move into western turkey with some stone at height almost half a day. then most significant bodies hinting it. heading towards geyser,
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i'm afraid. but later on saturday or sunday, there's also a line of mighty showers running from iran structure across society towards america . yeah, these could be bigger sharon's in record basically. but basically it's a line of light to showers. all thunderstorms costs limitless, saudi arabia, which might come down to us buffering. later on sunday, consistent with the slowly changing season, the readings are starting to show themselves bit more vigorously in places like kenya, maybe the northern part of d. c. but they are still more obvious. so the science and just between madagascar and the mainland, i hinted a significant circulation. stormy weather. the
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almost all of the schools have been damaged or destroyed with thousands of students and teachers among the victims of israel, genocide, palestinians have battles to ensure their children still get a chance to learn. how are they doing this? this is inside a story. the, as the dust settles in golf on a fresh out, these fire takes the place the land just gave of devastation of resilience. among the countless sectors of grappling to recover education, a sounds at a cross road here lies the ruins of many of the school.
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