tv [untitled] January 26, 2025 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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me least, the urgency of climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out jersey or the a frustrating ways is randy mode see blocks, palestinians from returning to the homes in those concepts. the of them are a kyle, this is alan's. is there a life in doha? also coming up. is there any forces? open 5 and 711. i'm killing 2 civilians on the day it's falls. is what you to withdrawal under say spawn deal. 13 un peacekeepers are killed in the democratic
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republic of congo is m 23 fights as a bond from the city of goma. and polls opened in valeo signage on the liquor. sanker is thinking to extend his bessie is as president, the is where any minute tree is blocking thousands of palestinians and central golf from returning to the homes. and the news people seeking to attend to the neighborhood spent saturday nights on all rashid road, hoping is ready for us as would allow them to cross the necessary in colorado in the morning. ha says the is ready. ami is delaying the implementation of the terms of bessie's fine is where the forces also show. so it's palestinians trying to reach the homes as well says how must have failed to beat as obligations by not releasing a female civilian captive on saturday. so we have correspondence on both sides when
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that same color don't even have all highly as in golf as izzy. in the middle fuss though, that's go to the south. her capitalism is on the out rashid road and type that is with thousands of people a gather this still hoping that they will get to cross over even as well says the crossing, staying close for now. with laura, the scene is as completely controversial, especially that dozens of families assaulted to leave the area and 100 others are on the way to the invitation. let me show you the scene at the moment and how these k u of k use. this is really increasing now and then now we can hear the gunshot of these really military own civilians who are trying to get more closer to the next. their inquiry to this area has been very crowded with civilians over the course of the past few hours. now again, the sound of gunshots have been heard that you started to return,
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as you can see them, they are escaping from the horizon of these very minute treat as the is really ministry forces continue to shoot them an order to book the return to the know that part of the cause of many families left desperately as they were waiting for their return. and we have heard from how much movement saying that the usability military is delayed and looking for a ton of displaced people. and they did not show any apparent sofa to the terms agreements, but we understand that media is working too. uh so the price isn't even be a problem emerged from the release of the it's very female cup to that they use for the military as been cooling for further information about. so i'm feeling says owns done by somebody is trying to take cover photo things is really repeat to the tax on them since the hours of this morning. people complain to austin about the times it can return, but it's obvious. it's not going to happen too soon. in the is the well hey, yeah,
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we can hear it so it's plenty as well. not holding back on still paying people from trying to approach the check point that but as we can see, people are refusing to go back to the south. so there will tend stand off happening that target for the moment. many things in the that's bringing abraham. i'll how lee joins us from dallas, a city in the north. as we can see him, people are going to stay up in that same card, or at least until they can get through. what are they going to be returning to? to thousands of families are actually waiting at the closest point to a mystery in florida or where he is really him is still a residence as the for his own science issue. as people who get full flow to the 3 and 4 door lock in them to rush over or that is very important. or
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the sam see here in northern got the strength of thousands of families. i was trying to wait on where she, the street from another part of the jobs is strange, assigned to thomas, and you see their loved ones who have been for sydney. this place from northern part of the 6th grade to southern and far as they are wasting this family, but they are holding on to hold that the more information will be provided about the is whitley. they go to the tap tend followed by any means he had said that they will lead to their home. thousands of families also out there. and then still, you know, i'm very dear, partially destroyed homes. these civilians who are weighed inside the southern part of the spring,
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our winter near to match for devastation. i just flushed and inflicted every single neighborhoods in the doctor's fairly uses. the big brittany means the wrong side. every aspect of life here and know of in part of the script. but you're chatham leaves are waiting and asked in when in. busy time that the the display will be allows for me to. busy and we are, you can stand this on see all the parts of the spirit and see the is what you mean . me see vehicle, guys, those dollars. our breads in the block can thousands of people. these are this 15 waiting for their return to another on parts of regardless for this is something they have been waiting for for more than 15 months. of the portal is where 8025 the . busy of the place in the b c's sides of the script digital,
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you are going to get on the whole that the return will be soon and they are, they are on. so now where to install on the side of i see the screen just a little some of their loved ones. but the question is, when is will or will be with the drawings, from the israel, from the necessary to return back to their homes. the northern guns trip him, i'll hardly bring us to view the from north of the next room, cargo and gaza city. many things abraham to sell them 11 and now whereas rarely forces have 5 on civilians in that region, killing 2 people and injuring fussy. one of those is where the soldiers, when breach of a cease fire agreement reached in november, that they were supposed to withdrawal by a deadline, which costs 7 hours ago. is there a time? is that benjamin netanyahu blaine's 11 and for the delay saying has but i have not
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pulled back sufficiently from the border region 7 and denies the claimant is urging, as well to respect the deadline sent a hold of joins us now live from bush look village in southern lebanon, i'm saying that like, tire can gauze or in the south of gauzy. you're also seeing is really forces responding with violence to people who was simply desperate to attend to the homes . yes, so dustin's toll is now 3 civilians killed and more than 30 people injured. you can see this found off really behind me. beyond that earth bound in the distance, you can see a un peacekeeping vehicle behind that and is ray the army jeep. and on this side, people, the people of southern lebanon who have been displaced for, for more than a year because of the fighting between hezbollah and israel. this morning, the 60 day deadline for the full, for the full implementation of that cease fire agreement task. and this way, the troops were supposed to withdraw from levon on lebanese territory. they did not
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this ready prime minister's office saying that the troops will remain because the lebanese army has not been able to fully deployed in southern lebanon. and they also accused of lebanese army of fading to enforce the agreement by dismantling, as well as infrastructure in the area. the revenues army dismissed as those claims and says, we have not been able to fully deploy simply because as rarely, troops are still present here. so it is a dangerous situation. people are frustrated, they say that they will stay here for, for as long as they want. and there is growing anger towards the lebanese army. and that's what's dangerous because these people, many of them are supporters of hezbollah. and this part of that cease fire agreement has the law is supposed to leave this area and allow the lebanese state the lebanese army to take control and extend that. so sorta across this region, what they're saying now is lebanese army cannot protect us. they're standing in the
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middle of the liberties army could not command should have given orders for us to be able to enter our villages. but that of course, is difficult because they are facing a much stronger enemy. as in this old presents, i shoes travelers doesn't it? for the new president was that'd be all me, chief joseph, on no doubt he is a newly elected president. as i found, he was the former commander of the lebanese army. he's been holding contacts with the countries that sponsor, that's these fire agreement, the united states and france. if he is the people here are looking for him to be able to force is ready troops to leave. but 11 on is in a very weak position. first of all, the lebanese army is week, has about law has been severely weakened, militarily because of that war on the group. but if it does mount guerrilla attacks, for example, or fire drones as rockets or, or send drones over,
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over the boards or israel will respond with force and still the areas where it's supporters live have not been rebuilt. and there is no money to rebuild those homes . so a decision like that for has, will have to take it is, is, you know, it, this would be very risky. and this is why we are saying, and one way or another, a new form of resistance. the people standing really on the front line. but whether or not they will be able to change. this is another story, but what to will change? you know, most officials tell us, is that the only way for these really forces to withdraw is an international pressure. okay. have a dangerous situation that they not many thanks indeed for joining us. well that's bringing up the i'll all right, and he's a associate professor of history at georgetown university in castle was a specialist in the move in the middle east. have to look at to speak to again. so you've got to cease fire agreements here, but is looking pretty shaky with as well, reluctance to withdrawal according to the deals. can we draw any power allows him?
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yeah, absolutely. i mean, i think, you know, everything we've heard from these fairly leadership over the course of the past year, has been an intention to maintain an occupation presence, both in southern lebanon as well as within the gaza. and particularly the north area, which has been very aggressively ethnically cleansed as we all very well know. and so i say, and the ceasefire agreements obviously goes flies in the face of those stated or declared intentions. and so all of these delays that we're seeing for the moment, uh, are many ways in line with what the actual as really policy has been. but of course, having signed onto those agreements, they are now fully in breach of their obligation. and the only thing as, as we've heard in the report that might change, that wouldn't be the kind of political will that we've seen in the past at least expressed on the part of international actors. not the least of which is united states, but other states as well. what we have been hearing from the united states. i want to read something that you as president trump has just said about goals are and get
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your reaction to it. he said he's pressing jordan and egypt to take and palestinians from garza. now he said he told the king up to the 2nd of jordan and a phone call. i love for you to take on more because i'm looking at the whole goal is a strip right now and it's a mess. it was i told reports as you're talking a probably a 1000000 and a half people and we just clean out that whole thing. yes, absolutely, and so he was rarely when you drill down into them, but how seriously should we take them? can we know that from is bi inflammatory in his language and they don't necessarily always translate into policy? well, i mean, it's a call for ethnic cleansing of gaza, which we've seen time. and again, over the course of the last 15 months, largely from is really officials. although there has been some indication that the west was amenable to the idea of a mass dislocation of palestinians into egypt into sinai. we heard that in the very early stages of the genocide of war back in late 2023. we know that that plan
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failed. it wasn't, it was successful for a number of different reasons. the unwillingness of arab states to kind of play along as well as, of course, the palestinian people themselves who refused to depart their homes because they know what it means to be a problem as to being refugee. if we have 7 decades of, you know, millions of refugees living in multiple states, that of course we've seen the conditions of what it means to be deprived of your homeland. then as a result, there is no actual willingness on the part of the palestinians. and so whether this just remains, as you said, in the realm of just kind of the, the sort of off the cuff political discourse that trump is known for, or something greater than that. this represents something that his administration is actively willing to pursue. that it's willing to actually offer bigger inducements to these herb states to come along in a way that they haven't before and whether this will actually then be imposed by force on palestinians. i got this the open question indeed because we saw an entire
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supporting the intensity of the feelings of people. those have been displaced from the north to the south. they were, they all determined to get back to that homes in the north as well that families have been for generations that will have no intention of leaving. the goal is the strength of that force to that's right. i mean that, again, all of the images that we're seeing really flying the face of, of those comedy coming from the us president. the idea that there are tens of thousands of palestinians that are simply waiting, you know, at the crossing to be able to go back to their homes despite everything we know about the mass destruction and devastation and how one in habitable and north has become it. people want to be united with their loved ones, they want to sift through their homes for their belongings. they want to basically feel, you know, that they can continue to be at home in the place from which they work spelt. and so i think the power of those images fairly, you know, stands in the face of what we're hearing and data until our many thanks and data a . still a head hair on al jazeera,
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a massacre in the full rapids support forces are accused of getting 70 people in the tax on a hospital. the . now the risk of flash flood, or land slide exists throughout this season to get out the wet season. is these are and malays, yeah, they've been realized recently in java and not risk as extent football in the air job in all places to the east, into the southern part of the philippines. and surprisingly, it's still raining in southern thailand. it shouldn't really be this terms here and increasing the breeze means more larger, right? in concept, east in the vietnam as well. the recent increasing rain draped over northern australia is so backed off a little bit. basically the story is of are right in the coast is cooler and inland . it's rather hold briefly wrapped of 42 and noble in, for example,
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but back in pass, that's 32 is another extremely hot for the north, and middling, west australia and 46 is pretty high. now that warm tongue has reached down to mount wouldn't, but it's going to be pushed back against the wind changes quite significantly. so that's a drop of 20 degrees in melbourne in one day. it's not the company by any significant weather. one or 2 shafts might come through, you'll notice, but they're not expensive and they're not heavy. so 3 day full costs for a camera shows a similar change, but it also has a dramatic, as in melvin in using it. and the weather is still hard to say disappointing. it's cool. and the still some rain, the democratic nations justify this kind of behaviors. collateral, the average has collateral damage. that's what's reality is leading to what we're seeing that will allow me to push back for a moment is the us is, is corporate israel, affecting it's global, standing from the impact of the us selections, the escalating conflict in the me,
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least of the urgency of climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out jersey or the the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching, i'll just say, or it has remind you of on top stories. this is where any minute trip preventing hundreds of thousands of palestinians and also from returning to the news and has delayed a withdrawal from the next room. colorado which was agreed as positive as fixed by deals as well,
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refused to pull back over disputes over the release of an additional captive in garza as she should have been released on saturday along with full female soldiers who afraid so she'll be handled over next week. is there any forces in 5 that civilians and stuff 11? i'm kidding. 3 people is ready. all mean has refused to pull assets. trays from the south before the deadline on sunday and breach of the times of the seas. 513 un peacekeepers have been killed in the eastern democratic republic of congo. they were trying to push back in advance on the may just as you go by m 23 fighters, u. n. is putting out on non essential style from government. the government is accusing rolando, backing the advance of the severing diplomatic ties. finally call, send reports congolese army vehicles, head to the front lines on the outskirts of goma. fighting against the m
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23 armed group has been intensifying in the east. calling the leads. officials accuser wanda, of backing m 23, but gully has denied involvement. if it's even more to one day, they tell me indeed, rwanda is determined to seize the city of goma, but all vague and peacher supported by regional and you wouldn't peacekeepers, hardy to him in to defend the town of goma, tooth and nail to repel the enemy which has already been done, and why not to drive them out of the national territory. regional peacekeepers and un forces had been heavily involved in the combat. several have been killed and injured. the un is now temporarily relocating all non essential personnel from goma. but thousands of people seeking refuge from the fighting are still streaming into the city. the un says $400000.00 people have been displaced since the start of the year. it was
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a little difficult earlier now. we have them hearing bombs for 3 hours. we the population escaped and worried us because we don't know what to flee to. we also the government to do everything possible to send soldiers to the lines, to see how to drive out the enemy. not going to i so afraid when you see the numbers of dead and wounded among the militant coming from the front, we want the government to mobilize limited, and so the piece kendra 10. conflict in the eastern d. r. c has been ongoing for decades. multiple attempts at cease fires have failed, and for those still trying to find safety, that peace appears to be a long way off. riley carl said al jazeera, how did the world health organization has condemns the killing of at least 70 people at a hospital in saddam's, dial 4 region. local officials say members of the rock and support forces attack the saudi hospital and alpha. so to add them, gabriella, so says via sold to place whilst the facility was full of patients receiving cap.
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apartment g r. s. f on the sudanese army forces have been slicing in suits on since april 2023, a sausage on his hosting. a 1000000 people who have escaped violence across the border. that's placing strain on the economy over the in crisis. the conflict is disrupt to the flow of oil from south to john to international markets. katherine solely has moved from the capital to bo. abraham said, bid hasn't received a salary for a. yeah. he's a state employed teacher sales to the economy. you see the lead dependent on oil, but the landlocked country depends on ports in neighboring so done for its exports . and the 21 months of conflict that has caused regular disruptions to beat says he's poor are for it. discolored is that that is just not good, not coming on tight despite it this little,
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but not coming on time. so how are you going out on your daily life with the family? he's not the only one struggling more than a 1000000 people fleeing violent incidents of salt refuge in buddha, towns such as rang resources. refugee comes unlimited locals to do the street is are also feeling the ripple effect trade. and it's like alcohol and york who get desktop phones. so don, have had to find alternative sources. he says he's because headache is fuel bad, the little the, just the roots of not good. we have to draw from fox to good to. sometimes it comes to legally from saddam getting cash to pay for our supplies. it's also difficult and that's not all these bundle of salt to the nice pounds is wassa box $200.00.
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everything is expensive. installation costs for pushing commodity prizes, mainly because of the swap soon, followed by the calculate across the border. and i didn't juba, it's difficult to tell the country is in the midst of an economic crisis. some people off driving buildings are coming up. the latest models of cause on the rooms . one economist credits communities helping each other. maybe don't have money, but individuals to have money. and now we have develop something we called and registered welfare, where the rest of the family members of the community rely on themselves support their well being. and after yeah, oil is flowing again. the country has resume production and will pump on in mutual $90000.00 barrels a day to port so done for export to bad hopes that windham money does come.
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he's going to be among the sas to get paid. catherine slowly, all da 0 cuba people in bel arrears of aging and the presidential election where she lives on the liquor. shameka is old but fastened to secure a 7th time extending. it says he is in power as the 1st post as 2021 allegations of vote rigging took a mass protest and a police clark down the by the russian opposition. and the you have described the elections as a shot, a spell as this is at the polling station where lucas sank. have voted in men's skin where he's now giving a press conference. he's been talking to the press, the for quite a long time, probably over an hour branded. and so given that the president has over the assessment. so in another time, we say many of the people coming out to invite that person homes are taking place in the room behind me. lucas shanker, giving
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a typically comparative performance. he voted here about an hour ago. it's a polling station in central min squared, or the people are currently voting for all 5 people on the pallets, including lucas jenco. but there is really only going to be one person is going to win it. he will get support from some who see the stability that has been and by the rules compadre, to the war and you cry next door or not will win him some support, particularly from all the voters. but i haven't really been any campaigning from other of the candidates who haven't really see much competing. we've just seen lucas check to come out to the vote today. he said in relation to those protests in 2020, that we learned our lessons from that. and that won't be a repeat performance. and but what's the, where's the old position? because we store very stronger. so of all positions support 4 and a half years ago,
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the last election we did and they are essentially, all the leaders of the opposition are in exile. that to scad, to vote the, to scott, to raw the, to protest. and in fact, the opposition leaders upset now is not the time to protest. remember in 2020 for months after those elections for months in the summer, hundreds of thousands of people protested across the country. more than $35000.00 arrests on the human rights group. and battery says there are more than $1250.00. the political prisoners are still in jail. hey, i did not press conference when asked about these elections nutrition co a several, whether you recognize these elections or not is not up to us. he says, we've never refused relations with the west, and we've always been ready. but you don't want this, there are a lot of foreign journalists here, a lot of phone journalists accredited to come to the election. so they've left us in to scrutinize what's going on and what's going on. and the idea of perhaps is
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that maybe he wants to somehow try and see if he can fix relations with the rest. because he sees on the horizon a possible ukraine, russia piece agreement piece at the end of the fighting that i'm wants to position by the roost for what might happen after that conference. okay, but a smith are voting that from many, many font spun as well. yes. democrats are accusing president donald trump, of carrying out a crew of the he $517.00 federal government war stokes inspector general's a task with gunning against mismanagement and abuse of power course excited. the foreigners could be illegal and may be challenged. in course, the brazilian government says it is outraged off the dozens of my goods deported. find the us arrived in ham cost because they loaded us officials to immediately remove the restraints just dismissed a cold, at a flagrant disregard for the rights of brazilian citizens. a flight carriage around 18 men, women, and children at the ministration was sent 500 marines to the southern border of the
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us to the, to an authorized crossings by migrants. the white house says the troops will support customs and border control. the officials say 10000 soldiers could be sent from all the bronx as of the armed forces, immigration officials in the mex confess, you have to have one are preparing for a search of arrivals as trunk counties out his plans for most people, patients to look at it on a is on one of the reception incentives. the mexican officials unveiled the 1st of what they expect to be. several of these receptionist centers designed to welcome mexican, the 40s. these spaces are expected to provide shelter foods, medical attention, and logistical coordination for those 2 parties looking to go to their hometown or whatever they decide to do in the immediate future. each is expected to house. several 1000 people is getting the most will. they will arrive under a great deal of stress because of the situation they've been living through here. they'll find
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a space for advice support and anything else they need to make the decision to go back to their places of origin where across the mexican border cities, including see that what is they know. so and my, the model is 9 similar spaces are being prepared for the expected in slots of deportees in the coming days. and i want to emphasize the word expected, because while there has been an increase in us government agencies posting on social media about record number of newport stations. the reality is that at least here on the mexican side of the border, the number of people being deported has so far not shown a significant increase from the usual numbers. let's remember that deportations have never stopped. and every day, hundreds of people are sent back over the borders to different cities across mexico . and the numbers we've seen so far are more or less in line with what they've been in recent years. still, that is clearly expected to change and the coming days and weeks, and that is why centers like this one are being inaugurated with great fanfare from
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