tv [untitled] January 27, 2025 5:00am-5:28am AST
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us presidents proposal, the goal is to be clear that they taken published and this is where it extends. it seems fine with 11 of us frustration groves of which forces still operating in the center on m 235 to say they've taken the city of goods on the eastern democratic republic of congo. the displace palestinians are set to be allowed to return home to northern garza on monday morning, but soft a katara t media to between israel and thomas told is very immediate the group will hon does at hotmail. yeah. food and 2 of the captives before friday. honey might lose reports form of the out she'd road where many people are waiting to go know. israel's military shows no remorse as a buyer's life emulation at some of the 10s of thousands of palestinians waiting to
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move north through the mid 3 core doors. despite the violence, the way how has been is who have been forced to live intense and made shift shoulders for months. are crowded at a rashid room, the one to find out what happened to their homes and the family, the list behind the study. that's what i just went through a lot of suffering. when i came here, i saw the rate would be open for us to go back home to came to find lots of people waiting to check points to close. any god knows how much time it will take for the check point. ok, and then we are literally in a point that is only half a mile away from that 3 juncture, an area that has been more of a disc trap for the past 15 months. and deliberately preventing people who are desperate of going back to their homes. one of the people were killed right in the area where we are filming right now. they have a truck leveled with whatever they could carry. and the knowing that very little of
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their homes and communities will be left standing. but for many, none of that matter. to me as out, assume that when you look at these developments, then what do you believe to be as wells really intentions? yeah, there's no question that is where it'll have emissions to actually take over north of gaza. that is part of the reason why they have already destroyed it and expelled people from the area. so while this is a small promising side of their now through disagreement, going to allow people to return, they are allowing him to return to an area that is utterly devastated. there is no indication they're going to allow them to rebuild their holes in that area. and israel has time and again violated their commitments during cease fires. they've killed several palestinians already. they've violated this, these fire 11 on hundreds of times. so the situation remains incredibly precarious . and even though this is a small positive developments, and in a very confined context, looking at the fact that we do have these bar emissions in north casa and the fact
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to be see an opportunity with the trump of ministration to kind of act on that emission i think the situation remains really precarious, and it's quite premature to be celebrating any kind of progress at this point. yes, you mentioned trump, them it. how does the new us administration play into this? where do you think donald trump is positioning america? the yeah donald trump is an incredibly dangerous president because he simply does not abide by any rule. ready is kind of ruled by his ego and acts erotically and impulsively. there's no question that he was responsible for delivering the ceasefire whereby that has failed by insisting on insisting on, on his round reading their, their assault. and in order to have this hostage exchange. but there is no indication that this is trumps interest and the locked everybody's board to continue being committed to tap right down the bios. we've seen him make incredibly inflammatory statements about the complete ethnic funding of gaza and having neighboring countries take the palestinians out of the gaza, to quote,
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clean it out. and this is not just the one off the rhetoric by donald trump. he's a pointed to phonics today, you on a, as us about them to the one i person who only says that her position is that israel is biblically entitled to all of the palestinian territories in the west bank. and it would seem from his previous behavior and the 1st administration, when he was a power where he legitimize is really solomon expansion, legitimize israel, annexation of palestinian has erie and territory in jerusalem and the goal of heights. and he brings attitude where he surrounded by sort of religious fanatics will believe and is really expansionism. and that is a very, very dangerous site for what from my left. nothing. yahoo and israel get away with during the 2nd. are you touched on this briefly mean on the human front? it has to be remembered that palestinians will be returning to destroyed homes and infrastructure. i mean, that situation company underestimate to kind of it's, it's an absolutely devastating situation and gaza. there are no words to quite
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describe the scale of the devastation that has been visited upon gaza. and again, the question of the short term is, is gone. is that going to be allowed to be rebuilt? is israel actually going to allow us to be a, to rebuild their homes and their lives? what kind of assistance is going to be allowed to come in to validate in order to rebuild it? and beyond that, we have to remember that there is a much deeper underlying problem, which is the reason why this keeps recurring over and over again. obviously never at the scale. this is the 1st time the israel went full genocide and god. but the reason why we keep revisiting rounds of powers is because israel does not, our policy is to be a free people anywhere in the occupied palestinian territories. as long as that is an undermining situation. there's no recipe for this conflict. so both conflict and we are all going to be visiting the situation over and over again. we need a funded mental shift in the tire dynamic. we need israel to be forced to understand the palestinians are equal human beings or the, or deserving of the same independence and self determination that every other
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people of the world enjoyed. and until that comes, we're unfortunately going to be stuck in this fact vote for a very long time in which israel, in an effort to project its dominance over the entire region, uses incredible amounts of violence to devastate people in the neighboring areas, particularly palestinians. and that's only going to be further violence. i'm going to keep this situation going from bad to worse over a very long time. given what you say them in your view. what are the challenges? is this particular process likely to throw up going forward? yeah, the, the, the process right now that we're currently facing is going to determine some minor tweaks. what happens over the next few weeks. however, the real challenge here, if we're talking about whether the situation is going to approve or not in any meaningful sense. the question comes down to what the donald trump administration relationship to israel is going to be and what pressures are actually going to be receptive to have an entire region right now,
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where everybody's desperate for the situation to be calm down. and that requires extensive pressure on israel to extend this these far beyond just the coming few weeks into a, a situation that is effectively semi permanent, that we use to kind of top down the bottles and then start looking for a political solution. is there any indication that donald trump is personally interested in that? it's certainly does not seem like it. he's creating one domestic crisis after another. today he just picked a fight with columbia of all countries over a, you know, the migrant crisis, that, that donald trump and his allies are manufactured in united states. and once he gets distracted into all these other prices, but he's created, he's going to lose interest in what israel's doing. and that is going to be likely the moment in which israel feels like it has a for your have to return to overwhelming violence. and then the future becomes incredibly uncertain to where the ball is. ready actually going to lead, i'm about to thank you very much indeed for joining us here now just there. thank you. you as president, donald trump says, who press jordan and egypt to taken ca distinctions as he's proposed cleaning out
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the goals, this trip. both countries say trump suggestion amounts to forced displacement. like take me us. well, we have reactions from protest, indians. but 1st let's hear from jordan's foreign minister. he says it's important for the security of them. at least the palestinians live in peace in garza asylum. and let me talk about it will show up, will it be, will it be the lynch print to this pace? is that the pace lives up to the aspirations of the people which would materialize the local right of the palestinian people and southern states on the home soil. that's why we continue to work with our partners, including now partners in the united nations. our priority is to have the sci fi hold enter list and the sufferings and pain of out people and gals, and worked towards establishing pace a piece that would yield and
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a silver and palestinian state, living side by side with israel. and so that the entire region will enjoy peace and security. that's fine, no problem. but we heard that some points to displace as different countries in a given in some of the countries. of course, it's impossible for people to accept this, except the weak willed might leave because of the suffering they have enjoyed. but they do have as leaving the country independently. it's as babies, it's absolutely impossible to trump dreams of displacing the palestinians to egyptian and jo, dining in lands. but we will not leave outland if we had wanted to leave, we would have done so a long time ago. the genocidal will die of waging will achieve nothing against the palestinians and we will remain no matter what happens. practical hand has more now from washington dc. just to put this in context, this was the present. it was doing a, basically a gaggle talking to reporters about air force one. and sometimes i think it was
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interesting because sometimes people will ask a specific question and then he'll say what he thinks of it at the moment. but that wasn't the case here. he was asked about his phone call with the jordanian king, and he says it does that. that's exactly what he wants to do. now, could you do that? well, he has some financial leverage. give us jordan about one us in 2023 during about 1700000000 just. that's the 2nd most in the region. of course israel's, the 1st egypt, the 3rd $1500000000.00. so he could threaten that leverage. but of course, the egypt as part all tied in with the aid to israel. so we could try to insert some sort of financial pressure. but he mentioned there that he wants to see the other arab states pay for the construction of the infrastructure that would be needed. and i think it's important to point out. jordan and egypt have said in the past, no, pretty much everyone in the region has said no, and i just, the u. s. can put a certain amount of pressure, but it is clear that'd be if you look at his words of the people around him that
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donald trump is very much willing to look is really the prime minister benjamin netanyahu do basically anything he wants in gaza and then love him. so this is far agreement between 11 and an israel that has been extended by more than 3 weeks to february 18th, for 2 countries on the us with also stock negotiations for the release of lebanese prisoners capture. dr. october 7th, 2023. but tension is high, is where the forces of killed 22, people in southern lebanon, including a soldier. santa holder has the latest a few meters separate this radio army from the people of south lebanon's. villages who want to go home as well as military has warned them against returning and is using force to hold ground. civilians have been shot dead or injured as they try to make their way past the barriers. isabel was supposed to withdraw its troops from lebanese territory before a 60 day deadline ended. early on sunday. it's part of the ceasefire agreement. the
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end of last year's war between as well as the law. we were still here this day to model one month, one year. every day we would stay here and thought all our confidence there were casualties among lebanon's army as well. that's not directly involved in the conflict. there appears to be a new form of resistance. these people who have been displaced from their villages for more than a here are showing defiance. but the is really the army is just as confrontational in the middle is the lebanese army, which isabel says has still not dismantled hezbollah, as military infrastructure. and extended its authority across southern lebanon, as it agreed under the deal. but the army commanders blame the presence of his way the troops for delaying its deployment of soldiers, supporters of hezbollah, which was militarily weekend, and the war are questioning the army. so ability to protect them within the mileage
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. so it gives you, i'm going to put the wherever see me come on. why does that give an order to its troops to lead the way so that we can enter off images have blessed, step to side. i'm given the responsibility to the lebanese army to act while i need to add them, can launch all locked in other areas along the border. the lebanese army did escort civilians into some towns that is really forces had withdrawn from much of the western and central regions along the 120 kilometer border is back in the hands of the state of do not tell us it's forbidden to enter villages we've been waiting for more than a year and 4 months to insult the un peacekeeping force working alongside the lebanese army is warning further violence could undermine the federal security situation. and its warning residents conditions for their safe return are not yet in place. for now, these people will have to wait, the israeli army has not said how long it intends to remain in lebanese territory. then further else as ita, push on the look southern up and on as well. so the head don't know,
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just their adult trump and columbia as president trades, terrorist threats of the rest of the head trip, knocks us village. we planes hiring deported language. the the have that, let's have a look at the weather across east asia where a cold front is swept across the north of china, bringing wintery weather here and dropping temperatures. the 2 below freezing in places like beijing and jeanette. and now we're going to see that continue to push its way steadily east, bringing some wintery weather once again to the korean peninsula. so, so is expecting to see that snow and sleep on monday they'll be some improvement by wednesday, but still pretty cold around the chilly outlook as well behind that for northern
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parts of china. it remains but have a look at japan and 15 degrees celsius in tokyo. so pretty mild that on those conditions can be seen across north central and southern parts of china. there isn't as warm as it was last week, and shanghai own a 5 degrees celsius. now it's been a little bit cooler as well across the north of india, we will see a steady increase in the temperature in new delhi in the days ahead and also settle whether to be found across pakistan. not sure of india and down to which were land code, but those showers are expected to come back in with some heavier rain in the south on choose day extending across into the monkeys as well. there's some very what on wintery weather to come across with no face particularly phone, a poll coming due at 18 on tuesday afternoon deluxe craddick nations justify this kind of behaviors. colorado,
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the average has collateral damage. that's why we all t is leading to what we're seeing now on me to push back for a moment is the new assistant fees, corporate israel, affecting pittsville, befriended from the impact of the us selections, the escalating conflict in the middle east, and the urgency of climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out jersey or the the you watching out. just a reminder about top stores now this out got to has told is really need you have mass will fund the come to the ability of food and to others by from a day in exchange displaced part of students are set to turn to northern gauze on
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monday morning preston instead of breaking off the hearing, the news area is very forces open fire on kind of skinny ins waiting to cross from south and that's we close to northern guns and 2 people have been killed on the sheet very close to the buffers occupied by the m 23 armed group says it has taken the city of gooden, my eastern democratic republic of congo fights as have told the company's army to lay down arms. okay. and that is the regional hub for security and humanitarian efforts on the board with the wind about that has been heavy fighting in the past few weeks. videos posted on social media claim to show m 23 fights is marching integrated video on monday morning. and also photos of companies must make some soldiers hunting over the weapons to you in forces as ordered by the army. good. you're in security council held a very emergency session on sunday,
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but companies under one different that's exchanged accusations. gabriel, and as on the reports from the us of the united nations top official in the democratic republic of the congo, said m. 23 rebels, backed by one in troops have penetrated the outskirts of goma. hold a lot and see what can be used for they've agreed should or would you monday, don't hear the full m 23 of the day of the s based over comma closed. in other words, we kept un peacekeepers from a stabilization force known as one who sco are under attack. several have been killed and injured, hoping the congolese army bend up and 23 advance in northern keyboard province. so those are costs in the crossfire in north and south cables. hundreds of civilians have been cubes and injured in the last few weeks. congress foreign minister said
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the rwandan military's participation and attacks on goma is an act of war and called on the counsel to act decisively say to security. this security council must impose targeted sanctions, including asset freeze and travel ban not only against identified members of the chain of command of the r d f. me but also against the political decision makers responsible for this aggression for one does and basset or did not admit its troops, were fighting alongside the m $23.00, but also didn't deny it. the current crisis could have been invited. i did. yes, the government demonstrated a general commitment to peace. after the meeting, i asked congress for administer if she was disappointed, the security council has failed to hold the fighting case. and for the past 3 years, the security council has failed to accomplish people. it has not acted, it has not held the people accountable who are directly linked to the chain of
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command linking the r d s. and the m 23 chain of command studied all the way back to, to god. there's disagreement on the security council on what to do next. the french are pushing hard for a council statement, calling for the m 23. and we're wondering, forces to stand down. but several members of the council don't want to specifically name lawanda in fear of agitating t gully. and thus making the process to piece that much harder. gabriel's on the out just either at the united nations in new york. the us and columbia had been posted for top economic tariff sought to the colombian president, blocked to american, but it's a cross current deported, migrants, gustavo petro says he was accept any flights. and that's the us treats. the forty's with dignity and respect trumpet campaigned on promises of must deportations,
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announced increasing terrace on all colombian imports and revoked visits for government officials. i just want to run patsy has a reaction from boca to the take away from columbia at least for now is the president gustavo paper has no intention of backing down quite the opposite. he already directed the minister of commerce here to impose blankets 25 per cent paris on our all goods imported from the united states. starting on monday. any also posted on ex tab long letter directly to president from where he seems to respond to the fact that for example, they took away his visa saying that he doesn't really like to go to the united states. that he finds a bit of boring. he also talks about what he likes in the united states and goes on to installed from directly saying that he's ending slavery, that he thinks that the people like him, like basically the faith or another. like,
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you know, americans are inferior. but he says, paper says the stubborn and he's willing to continue this fight for you. mind if the against pricey then trump, and also saying that he is ready to bring those parents up to 50 percent. so as we see, this crisis keeps escalating with the consequences that it could have uh for the economies of both countries, in particular, for colombia and many people here are calling on both countries to de escalate. and couldn't see the consequences that this crisis could bring it into cologne. the relationship between columbia and the united states is a central while the us has the right to define its immigration policy. no colombian should be mistreated. this should not become a conflict that effects thousands of colombians in the us or the vital ties of the trade investment and cooperation are key to our development. the chamber of commerce calls for any differences to be resolved through the proper diplomatic
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channels. but at least for now, from what we're hearing from these price events, what we're seeing is that further escalation, with the very dire consequences that it could bring less than that i'm get as, as the will go to the trump administration has deployed 1500 troops to the board of mexico to tackle immigration and there are reports that number could rise. how did your customer reports from el paso, texas? the pentagon says it expects to send some 10000 active duty military troops here to the us southern border in order to follow president crumbs orders to secure it and sealed the border completely. now the 1st wave has already arrived here at fort bliss in el paso, some 1500 troops from the army and from the marines had been arriving this weekend . they are currently getting training from custom and board enforcement and then expect it to spread out across this border. exactly. what they'll do,
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that's still to be determined, the most likely they'll be standing guard, trying to show a sign of intimidation toward would be bored across theirs. and even doing things as mundane as data entry. now this is not the 1st time though that we've seen this build up of military assets here during biden's administration. and during trumps 1st term, there have been similar instances. but the difference here is due to trump national emergency declaration, he's really trying to give broader authority to the military to take more actions here that perhaps we previously have not seen. and he's trying to justify this by calling this a current invasion of the border, which trump says is a danger to the us is solver and t. now that's despite the border crossing numbers at a 4 year low at this moment. but certainly this is what trump's base has been waiting to see and him taking these drastic actions straight out of the gate. also now, 30 days from now is when the border mission here based in el paso and its military
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commanders, will be developing a plan that it will then send onto trump. to say exactly what these arriving troops will be doing. what sort of law enforcement actions they may be taking in order to secure this border reporting from el paso, texas, heidi joe castro, out to 0. 7 more immigration rates across the us. around 50 on documented markets would detained us a make shift. robin colorado. officials sees guns, drugs, and large amounts of cash. they say those arrested on the link to venezuela is a trend around good guy, john hendrick and is in chicago, where the justice department has announced another major immigration operation. of the trump administration is clearly making an example of chicago. they have announced new raids on immigration here in chicago. and tom home and the boarders are, is here in person, along with a deputy attorney general. a law enforcement agent tells me that they are beginning
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by targeting people who've been convicted of, or accused of crimes who are also undocumented immigrants. and that is confirmed by the alphabet soup of agencies involved here along with a, a customs and border enforcement agency. there's the f, b i the h e f, d e a. that is federal bureau of investigation, the drug enforcement agency, and the alcohol, tobacco and firearms agency. those are criminal agencies, not usually involved in immigration, for trump. administration is trying to create an environment of shock and awe passively to encourage immigrants to leave of their own accord why chicago? well, it might be surprising to hear that there's an element of politics involved here. trump is a republican. chicago is a city controlled by democrats in a state controlled by democrats, as well is a sanctuary. city, one in which state laws says with local and state officials cannot cooperate with
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federal immigration enforcement efforts. the trump administration says he will investigate and possibly prosecute local officials who do not cooperate. so that sets up a potential legal battle that meanwhile, the people who are effective, the undocumented immigrants, we've talked to said they are living in fear. many of them are staying home, not going to school, not going to work in the area of little village hispanic neighborhood here in chicago. many of the shops are empty, and that suggests what the trump administration is trying to do with this shock. and awe campaign may be working, john henry and l g 0. chicago to exit, polls in better, russo. so alexandra, the cosign co is on track for 7th time as president and then the 88 percent of the vote. it's the 1st election since 2021. the claims of vote, we can trigger the must protest and the finance police crackdown. we all position you and the u. s. i've described the election as a shop, but it's smith reports from the capital, mintz, alexander lucretia,
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and co already knows what the result of the russian presidential election will be. 5 more years in power for this form, a soviet phone boss, who's already been in charge for 30, had a lengthy press conference after voting, accomplished at blue cushion cove. colton. beller was a brutal democracy and dismissed the protests of 2020. the almost toppled him just 5 years ago. we saw that.
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