tv [untitled] January 27, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm AST
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we all seen today a set back a defeat, so that kind of thing. absolutely. and just a few hours ago as well and then via treated. that's this, the, that's another look as adults of the 34. you still have that this is, you mean nation. he's calling for the result of the, of the war. he claim that the mean, the sacrifice of it's really sort of yes, that in all of these have to be pay with the read thermal that people to then of course they don't $1.00 by the seeing at the end of the so they have other plans for that mother, we have the see whether and anthony with the abuse and this people by doing something or he's sticking to that today. that'd be me aside. and you mentioned the moments ago, heavy a about the big picture for this, that this is a people displaced people returning to homes that they established. often they were displaced and the full fathers displaced early at the cycles of displacement. and that has prompted international and this re,
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the human rights groups has been part of what led them to that finding that israel practices a pop i bade send them, for example, saying in the report that any jew in the world or his children, grandchildren, spouses, are entitled to immigrate to israel. the same time, the reports of january, the 12th 2021 notes that palestinians don't have that same. right. even if the parents or the grand parents were born and live the rights to and i was up to that it's old only about use, right? even if you're going to the occupied by the cemetery to the west bank or augusta eastern is still controlled. so population bridges for they are now putting some concepts. you're talking at almost 1900000 people over 93 percent of the gas us population that have been displaced. they're not talking about people the space once or twice up to 10 or 15 times. families have been displaced and they face different roles as you point out registration. they face so bait,
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salam pointed out all school, one of the 1950 law of a ton as a basis for the finding that there are laws in place that they consider to be a pop tied article 5 of the 2018 basic law that establishes the started article one, see the 2018 basic rule that establishes the right to excise nationals of self determination in the state of israel, unique to the jewish people. not of course, mentioning on referencing the indigenous people, none of those issues will be resolved today. those people to turn into the north can brief some side relief. but the problem, the challenges, the occupation, what international and these right of human rights could call a pop type that doesn't change for them. again, we're talking about the ceasefire. we're not talking about the peace deal. we still have 1600000 people in augusta. we're living in shelters, that's a reality. we're fixing whoever. what the people in gaza has been fighting for it is to prevent a 2nd amendment by the way,
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a catastrophe or palestinians. the types of present is really politicians, members of the coming that they've been saying over and over again. we're going to displace you. and by the way, the quotes are just motion, way more mainstream, at some right point for the patients that someone with a be starting the bus or to the you when you call or for any that on he cool or for an up. but we lumped them, but i think either of us some just part the use of you calling for bone for immigration of the thing is, which is basically another phase of force displacement. let's say i don't know how much of this or will hold will stick given what we've heard. i mean, this is the return of people to the homes in the north might they be pushed down? so again, given what we heard from these, right, the finance minister on january, the 18th, off to the seaside, there was announced when he spoke about how we will raise the smile again and replace it with cries of grief and the wails of those who were left with nothing
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while enjoying the been now and by the apple and the coming up on the haste capacity to control his own. it'd be for us, he said and is becoming mainstream. the fact that the, the want to the live basically. and that they go straight from the, from the map or at least part of the pollution in the north to reset the people. it's really people there. so i say when we had donald trump speaking along those lines less than kind of winning a higher level of use of in the us claim that you sort of have to be the color right to be there. so how, how this is a stain of a long time when they only the, and by with the can pushing it funny who to comply with that see far, is having these kind of not off the bus. well. all right, and that's uh, thank both of you gentlemen. so coming in louisiana and have a good to get your analysis on that. so by some name is how may i ask, who's head of political and international relations explains how the group is negotiated with the mediators for the humanitarian needs of the people off to the cease fire agreement. this,
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this could be the greatest day or the most of both them being in the, in the kind of for sale, this conflict. the site for the 1st time was a blog, or forced to allow for this thing until the 10th of the houses have the 1st for the expense from a by force, by the resistance, the same thing that they have with it. and it works. but the force of the toner, these other statements by force i get a big this is i think, a very simple this is a very important beat and how to broach this conflict with this. so it is which language, the understanding of what we have a problem to uh, to the ccnp deal. we have legal shifts and with the mediator with the bro, cuz the country, the categories, the egyptians, and how many times i think we have negotiated the so called human detailing the comment. or you want to tell him a mean, which is
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a low cost of how up to $6.00. you want the people, the, the after the cease fire agreement is composed of free. for instance. the 1st one is the leave to to i know as much as possible for the medicine. i'm feeling i, vince, i'm bringing some of the kids at the house has to go into garza. i'm to now with the, the gets we open. a lot of stuff is within to get as well, but unfortunately we have a lot of difficulties with the site as well. now, then some other housing, but you use to go into classes because of the complicated investigations of procedures i'm doing pretty good ations. therefore, we of a physical shipping with them and it does how to get a police according to the, to the, the, the $600.00 drugs every need to have the thousands of tense and at least
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$50000.00 what, what 50100, a brief up which is at the house to walk into the guns to the most of it's for the past. but the spice of this, we have the on the ground, low credit, the go with this whole i'll be fixing was looking after how to the secure window of a. uh huh. but it means houses help us secure some of the water in the back to the front, but it's also the juniors. we have a great problem on the bottom that goes through. i'm talking about your bring it up by time. little bit long. yeah. this it is which was totally destroyed by not covered for miles. and that's all, that's the process. last spring and now cabinet and the style he's a journalist about this area was a correspondent in garza for several years, joins us on set. now in time of talking about how the palestinians around the world we watching this moment, does it raise the hopes that one day,
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maybe they will be able to return from displacement of course, then raise a hope and determination. and especially this is a simple look and that's typical moment for palestinians and also for the profile this time. especially this is the 1st time since 1948 with miss such should have to for palestinians who have been forced out of their homes and land. and return to their home and lance. despite this huge destruction we went, what you think and what this thing and we filled with missing those people who managed to, to, to they are happy shooting. despite the know that they are going back to destroy homes. and to destroy neighborhoods, will there be an effort? is there any sign of an effort coming together regionally to try and help
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a rebuild gossip? does anybody want to put money and investment into an area which kinda at any moment be reduced again to rubble? according to the agreement, which has been with this is fed agreement between how much time visit us with the mediators this afternoon and, and human tell you and in protocol within the agreements regarding the humanitarian aids and opening the crossings for him into an age and medics and food and also to prepare for reconstructions and rebuilding that stop leaves people on a life support machine, right? so this would be dependent on a, this is a population of, of more than 2000000 people to be perpetually dependent on age for simple things like your daily food and water. it is not the most sustainable plan. is it? yes, of course, as i told you, so, i mean it's really huge of pressure. the crisis will go on and go on. but the most important thing today, that's one of the main goals for is it on when to teneo,
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launch this war against the garza. that's to evacuate and transfers the people from north the south and the if you find north of, of gaza strip and destroy i'm us. so the day that hasn't happened that today, the people are coming back and also comply with terms of agreements and, and, and, and, and coordination or, and agreement with how much it's through a, through the media test. and yes, just to be what i would following the, the, the, the response of from inside is it all know it was a following. and they tend to be the he is in the head of an the council of money because york city and, and lot of is it all he said in the time of with watching what's happening, goza. 10 percent out of that is it is of money going to do since the end of the war with they've been managed to get back to their, to their homes. and they didn't get to the thrust and, and you'll see the feeling like you have to go back. so if you compare between the
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2 pictures, there's a huge and lessons and many lessons comes out of this is tory. i you mentioned that the phases of the agreement that include reconstruction is that any into palestinian process going on right now to decide who's supervisors reconstruction, who runs garza. this is, of course was come in the, in the, in the coming stages with, with this, with this negotiations and agreements. and there are he, there is an, a continuing discussions and adults within so blessed indians to agree to agree on what the following. but by the thing is, comes from fractions and even from the evaluating and people i need terms of any institution to it under situations should be by a palestinian decision and by the palestinian choice, not by other bodies. but in the 1st phase, which is very important, this page now we would for the ink and focusing on the feet. things 1st of all, the prisoners and as, as we know that on coming. so does the, how much,
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what are these if the prisoners including audibly haute and of the is that they will release when every set the set, the numbers, if is at 80 percent as this of the, how much disclose very important numbers and very important information when did for the 1st time, disclose that among the 53. is there any prisoners that they will release in this, in this stage? it 25 a life and 8 our bodies. and this was unexpected. before we uh, what is the distribution has been started. so how much they manage? no, $27.00, they were lease if city preserves also thought of the of that of that they would continue to do these the uh, the other numbers which is in is right. and what is that? as far as the other thing, which is the, with the drawer from that setting junction, no, the withdrawal from the coastal road, they would continue of the the 2nd, the 2nd. this is the 22nd. they doing the withdrawal from the dean road,
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which is the main road on the other side of uh, of the, of the jump driveway. so its different stages. but we were just wondering what's happening in the car in case how much time on this house for coming and following it for us. i was talking to the other news, a see sign of agreement between lebanon and the swell has been extended by more than 3 weeks to february. the 18th. can i take a 5 minutes to an a, give me a call to. he says he's country will continue to keep to the deal with his ro is where i was suppose to withdraw his troops from the south on sunday bought 8 smith tree remains deployed. tension is high off through his ready forces killed at least 24 people on sunday, a 134. others were wounded saying a hold of it has moved from beirut. and there were concerns about the continued. so the, let's say of the ceasefire agreement between the hezbollah and as well that ended the war last year. but 11 on has confirmed that this will continue to adhere to
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that agreement, despite the fact that israel did not meet the deadline to withdraw its forces from lebanese territory along the border as well, was supposed to pull its troops out of 11 on by a 60 day deadline that ended early on sundays to allow the lebanese armies to fully deploy along the border and carry out its mission to this arm has the law and make sure has the lot. and it's a weapons are, are moved away from the board or the white house said that the deadline for the full implementation of the deal has now been extended to february, 8th teams. the white house did say a few days ago that there was a need for a short temporary extension of the deadline because quote, has been a lot still remains a threat. so that's the deal is supposed to see the is really army pull out of 11 on the 11 is the army deploy and hezbollah pulled back. but that deal is also supposed to see the full this argument of hezbollah. now the people of southern 11
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on the village are, as we have been displaced for more than a year, tried to make their way back home on sundays. but they were met by is really life fire as well. kills more than 20 people injured. dozens of people, many of them were support this of hezbollah. now it was a show of defiance with many also saw this a message from the group, which has been severely weakened by the war last years. but this is a message from the group that it has not been destroyed and it still has influence in this country center for their elza 0 beta. it's philipo then it is. i seen the lecture of international relations at the university of bristol, he joins us live from bass. so where the space extension leave the situation with the seas. 5 sounds like the sci fi is salvaged for now. are we going to see a situation of a lingering presence?
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solve is riley troops, so in lebanon, now that we've crossed the deadline, i think is uh, the future is on south. any disrespect. what we saw so far is that for the past 2 months, the ceasefire has largely held with some breaches and a monitoring mechanism that has tried to attempt to employment the conditions of the ceasefire itself. which as the previous report was saying, include the withdrawal of israeli troops from lebanese territory, but also to design them. and um, i just bought lots of military presence solves so badly tiny, but more abroad the also in the. ready whole overlap and one what will happen in the next 20 days a, so on. so it's on a possibly we will see a continuation of the kind of tensions that we witnessed yesterday. actually more than tensions that were actually definitely incidents in that respect. but my sense
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is that largely they balance will keep holding because by law does not have much of an incentive to escalate the situation. the past months are past the airport as well as being devastating. it's maybe 3 capacity as being assessed as being reduced up up to 50, even 70 percent of its capacity before october 7, 2023 and therefore they may not be have not been tied for. ready 319 because i think that was before the ceasefire. why haven't we seen these findings withdrawal as was a great a that it's difficult to say uh, because uh, broadly speaking, uh, the presence of these rarely troops. in fact, i'm lebanese 330 is something that, uh the, to an extent at least 34 in the eyes open as well as support is actually legitimizes. ready present, so these are all the hezbollah as an armed entity, right? because it sort of corroborates its claim of resistance up during that sense. and
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that for a weekend's also day into another political position to as well as weapons we did 11 on itself. so strategically, it's difficult to understand disposition, but then again, you sort of, this is a state the for the past year and a half of students demonstrated that each ox unpunished any does what do you want without paying much consequences for its decisions. and therefore, it probably feels reassured that the operation of that particular bodies territory will remain any way on punished and would not have consequences for the certainly itself. and therefore, it is probably time to, to simply you know, remainder and try to put pressure on the implementation of the condition of the ceasefire through its presence. right. ready then we throw. ready in from the instead of the tony. all right, thank you so much for analyzing the situation for us, for the po, don't ag, from the university of bristol the m 23. i'm group says it's taking the city
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of goma in the east and democratic republic of congo, and they told the congolese army to lay down at psalms. gama is the regional hub for security and humanitarian efforts on the board with rwanda. but it's something that heavy fighting in the past few weeks. videos posted on social media pull to show i'm 23 fighters marching in to go my early on monday. and i also have photos of congolese, most scenarios. and sol, just handing over weapons to you and forces on the orders of the group. the malcolm web is following developments from nairobi. so 1st of all, what do we know about what's happening in come uh, go more right now, especially with those pictures of, of some of the armies. soldiers handing over weapons was still getting fired or dable in different parts of the city. just spoken to people to say that still going on right now to you. and so does it tell the voices,
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needs agency that can lead soldiers and rwandan soldiers are exchanging fire across the border. we've not been able to confirm that from anyone else yet that it was more than 12 hours ago. that in 23 announced that it had taken the city activity. there's still some shooting going on. but as you mentioned is just within the last few hours you so those videos of columns, of bikes is entering the city and send to the sizes of advance rapidly towards getting back in recent days, slicing alongside rwandan phillips, whose presence has been widely documented. and some of those sizes entering the city now carrying quite sophisticated weapons, most most of the instigators in any carried by other communities on groups we've when it comes to these ami itself. meanwhile, the company's ami a secret sized wide, be full slicing alongside un sanctions on groups. close them,
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23. and those come the least groups have been widely criticized for violence of uses full rate for killing civilians. extrajudicial killings, and so on. the call the lease, uh government levels that have support from south african, the login and tons of in soldiers and mass and raise some years that none of those things who have helped to stop at the rapid advance of the enemy. all right, thanks so much malcolm web that i had and i'll just, sarah. oh, um, how does that man but the must coming up roof tell you how the drug addiction sections of the lives of young sweetie, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the market bank, doctors in syria say years of drug trafficking in the country. i've created an addiction crisis. the acid regime was estimated to have an billions of dollars a year from traffic in drugs including narcotic, the not called a caps have been, comes on behind, the defaults from damascus. they see these drug addiction nearly cost him his life . so he's been through a tough time trying to get so bottom line. and often not this many, i use a substance called crystal math, which is extremely dangerous. when i couldn't find it, i tried to commit suicide or experience trembling and, and it,
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she more like than my body only stop soft or i use it. life was not always like these. all day was university student in the you know, the syrian capital starting to become of it. he sees he couldn't continue because of the civil war. with his dream shut that life became unbearable into astronomy. feel happy when i use drugs and like is difficult. and we can't even afford food, some of us. so i use drugs to escape the tough realities of life with cd. is it going to be destroyed to treat any legal drugs like, did that quote, to the gun, became a vital source of income for the south region elect to drug addictions in neighboring countries within cda itself? yeah, not exactly just for the number of people addicted to drugs and see the doctor's. he see the situation is critical of some of the crime because of addiction is the widespread availability of drugs and the streets,
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making them easily accessible and cheap. we had a case involving a 10 year old child, it cost him a lot of damage. and so he became a detect took up the gun pills and ended up dropping out of school level. and you'll be good at 1st, i would use drugs once a month, but it then became once a week. and later i started using every day before the addiction. my life was great . i. the desktop regina pumps did not just destroying neighborhoods. the key to the conditions, the tablet do i have crises, young people, we talked to to 1115 for the lack of adults cost them. and they said it's cheaper to buy drugs comfortable. and then for some have also time to sending drugs to find as the diction delete nutrition in the musket seas. see we no longer be a manufacturing up for illegal drugs. and that's where you did truck. but there is in recent days the deems of one day treating sick. i'm injured animals, betsy's
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a fuss needs to end his drug addiction hands and how much does the muskets be suspended? planned terrorist and sanctions on colombia off. the resolution was reached on returning migrants. the columbia and president, early a blog to american the tree across counting deported migrants. president trump retaliated by putting terrace on old columbia an impulse, and cancelling visas. the white house, as columbia has now agreed to accept the full patient flights. the investigators in south korea have released the preliminary reports into the country as well as dave ation dissolves. so that happened the months ago. the findings confirm the remains of migratory ducks were found in both the engines of a judge. us lines on mcbride reports from so this is the 1st preliminary report into the crash on the 29th of december. the claimed the lives of
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all but 2 of the 191 passengers and crew on board the bowing jet. it confirms the both of the so called blackbox flight date to record is stopped recording around 4 minutes before the crash. that was, while the craft was still around to columbus has from the runway, it gives no indication about why they stopped recording. it also sheds no lights onto why the across the landed without its landing gear being deployed, but it does come from the remains of birds were found in those engines. the book just being identified as a type of teal doc that migrates in large blocks to south korea during the winter. the pilots reported a boat strike and declared an emergency just before the crush. the details of this report had been shed by government officials with bereaved families over the weekend. rob mcbride, i'll just era. so. all right,
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that brings us to the end of this news out. tom is back in a moment with a full show and we leave you with some live pictures coming in. from arrow sheets rose in garzo with tens of thousands of people, of returning home to the north of the us loan states mission into afghanistan after 911 attacking the taliban regime with the scale of the mission under the scan government, corruption that ultimately to with us withdrawal and the return of the television. so many people weren't chosen people who were on the, on the government for the talent. and the final comments about dentist on the price of peace investigates the devastating human cost of the war. and the failure to secure lasting peace, pulling out his era on counting the cost of president donald trump says he's unleashing oil in a dramatic, utah and own us energy policy. big banks of pulled out of climate change groups. we look at what's behind the exit is plus from has launched his own so called main
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crypto coins. but is this ethical counting the cost on i will to 0 we are going to see the status of legend some clothes in the story. civilizations that market history was. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell? so he's been out of the pageant and my mom looks beautiful. she's going an amazing down on the entire city of cologne, where she's from, everyone's watching the pageant. she has the most amount of points and it's clear to everyone that she's winning. but some people were not about to let that happen. a friend of my mom ended up to see that mir catalina to yadi,
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a woman who used to own ms. panama. he turned to her and said, hey, it looks like the black or is going to when she responded over my dad. the long time up to 15 months of june, a sizable is while allows palestinians to attend to no guns. the until mccrae, this is they'll just, they're alive from time. and so coming up with the families were unites of loved ones in northern gauze. arthur and his riley sage that lasted for moving 3 months. but the devastation in the north is
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