tv [untitled] January 27, 2025 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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waiting, but some people were not about to let that happen. a friend of my mom's ended up to see that mir catalina, she added a woman who used to own miss panama. he turned to her and said, hey, it looks like the black or is going to when she responded over, my dad bought the loan up to 15 months of june. a sizable is for allows palestinians to attend to north guns, the, until mccrae, this is al, just here alive from time. and so coming up with the families where, you know, i for the loved ones in northern gauze after this, riley sage,
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the last for moving 3 months. but the devastation in the north as a means israel has systematically destroyed the majority of buildings. they're also ahead m 235, to say that taking the city of government and democratic republic of congo in order to calmly soldiers to surrender their width and the displace palestinians are heading home to the north of gauze, off to 15 months of being forcibly displaced. by these riley military people and now were you nice thing with their families off to being separated since the style of the war. but you can see from these live scenes from oliver sheet rhodes. in the past few hours, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been returning on foot. along this road, it comes up to day, spent a 2nd not on the streets waiting for his riley closest to let them cross the nets,
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the rims cardona minnie desperate to return home, even if all they will find there is rumble. shell stratford begins coverage. they have waited for this day for so very long, possibly displaced the 15 months. they have lost virtually everything, the 10s of thousands now working news, making their way back to whatever is left at homes. we want to see a family. i want to see my mom and dad. we haven't seen them for 15 months. it's a long time. we're going now. but i haven't seen my family for a year and a half. i want to go back and see that i've been waiting for 3 days to go to my parents. we have tied, i want to go to gaza. we're not coming back here. moments of joy, despite the hell they have suffered being found from over. they know there is very
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little to return to the like a river of people. they carry, want few balloons and left the buildings. the homes, the business is the one stood here, now ruins in a destroyed wasteland. the goal is to city almost nothing remains inhabitable but for the 1st time since the will began, there was a sense of happiness and hope totally of what kind of head i cannot describe my feeling. it is a festive day for us as if we have been resurrected under now entering power done. what else can i have one message we the palestinians are the rightful owners of this land that we will not budge. our results cannot be done to we sacrifice 50000 lives and 110000 wounded over the past 15 months alone. we sacrificed our homes,
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schools, hospitals, and entire infrastructure. but we will not budge the the same goals you arrived safely since the reporter your what are you feeling today? there was definitely it is the best day of my entire life on the, on the i am back with my family and loved ones, my friends and neighbors for all those the sense of defiance, a symbolic victory. they say, oh yeah, the you know, yes, but i'm looking, i'm your back against me then. yeah. who in terms of, of, against the really all of these really is a lot of the forced evacuation to the newest of the guns, a strip in the opening days of the war. around the 1000000 people flipped south for hundreds of thousands remain. maybe now will be with united giving in
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10, some of the rubble of the homes with a big place. i'm so future. so it's not that i'm just there. but being allowed to cross through what is known as the nets room. colorado is around my account, the 4 kilometers wide miller trees on when the ball began. cutting off the north from the rest of gauze us as well as now opening up our sheet road that runs along the coastline of the strips to palestinians. one thing to travel north on 1st, another major roads of pain is to be opened for those going by call with vehicles subject to inspection by members of a private us security company. honey mcmurray joins us once again from oliver sheet road, which is just south of the next room. colorado, honey, the colorado opened the road there. i think about 6 hours ago. can you just give us a sense of how many people have been streaming through the air because there is still a long, long line of people making their way north a man. it's on people that started to cross the northern gauze,
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or even before the designated hour at $630.00 within the 1st the group of people across spring to the northern part on ga the city on. since that is hard and now we are close to 15 right now people did not stop, come in and move in on the received word on constant the flow of human life, the floods of human for into the area. and it just shows you the extent of how many people were forcibly display as a, from the northern part of this trip. and how in fact, these really monetary intended to ethnically cleansed the northern part on gauze of cities. hundreds of 1000 of people for the past 5 hours or so. been moving on this road going back to to our san deer. and owen shock that this is the number of people that were force and displacement, emptying the entire northern parts and the gov of city of,
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from the people. so it's easy for them later on to be expelled from where they had been pushed into this place. and this is a historic moment for people as they make their way back to their home. there is joy, there is excitement, but there's also fear. there's also the all the, the uncertainty of the future as you know, maybe a lot of them are aware of the challenges ahead of them. they're going back to areas that have turned into part of, of rubble is the ruins, the divers station in terms of public facility is hospitals. the schools, shoulders, a residential homes area that are turned into quite unrecognizable. but the 1st step for people, which is a great mark of their resilience is going box and to start rebuilding their shattered life as a result of a 15 month long war. this, the area we're on the standing here is not far away. we can see the flow of people in the background here, but it's a 15 minutes drive in by a car has been made or has been turned into 15 months of ongoing software right now
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. people are taken close to 2 hours walk and as they walk they get dehydrated. so long distance as well as those with the, with a health issues are suffering on the road as well. they're dropping the need water ambulance on the other side. they're waiting for them to pick them up and we have confirmed cases that being big and, and transferred to a brown field, the clinic just to support people. everyone despite their challenges, whether they're physical or his terms of health. so in terms of inability to walk within, people here on a cross chance that we'd be able to more well, it's chairs are moving back to the northern part of this trip. it, it gives a sense of just how desperate, how can people to return to what is left of their homes. can you just also explain for us how many, how closely is the is riley military to, to the, to the, the roads there? i mean, if i monitoring what is going on, the other surveillance drones up, for example, as well, in terms of physical presence as rented monetary withdrawal from their,
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from the 3 i'm drunk are from the i received the man, the military is a pay is that it's set it up in the past month as well as of from the eastern part of what it was replaced in the eastern part, particularly was replaced by the private security company in american bays. the private, scary company as monitoring and inspecting vehicles. moving to the, the northern part of the sort, but as of here, this area rescue broad, there is no present for those really amount of 3. the only present that we could offer. and like on and off, we hear this the buzz of a drones that are coming from far away. i would believe it is why i got a very high level of monitoring the movement of people to from this area to the northern part of the strip. and this is not as i've, even before october 7th, before this decided started. but it's really about to say around the clock was deployed is surveillance to drawing that gift. buzzing for hours the throughout the past few years, the monitoring everyone in the gaza strip. thank you so much,
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honey. is always honey mike. mood for us, their own, our rashid rhodes, going to bring in a neighbor him o' kelly who joins us from kansas city, which is in the north of gaza. as we have seen, people with desperate anxious to return to the north. can you just give us more of an idea of what is actually a lift for the people when they do get there to arrive or just see this or? and i'm the only thing guy that's true because the 1st is the side of the war. so whenever the day was different about that. so the cam bits had one of the here have been from to the, destroys the realtor who broke
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the had been living in the port and we're having some audio issues the with the room. we'll hopefully come back to him a little later in the program. will the opening off, and it's a room carter as part of a deal announced by caught a key mediator between israel and to mazda, accosted, i'm also hand of, although you heard and 2 of the captives before friday. laura con, joins us now. she is in jordan's capital of mine because these where the government and the palestinian authority has been, they'll just there are from reporting and as well as well as the occupied with bank for the fish for can you just tell us more about why these 3 captives in particular, bill hood had been such a sticking point to the dealer for the last couple of days. when you mentioned the guitar statement from yesterday, that was bent,
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reiterated by is what department is to benjamin netanyahu, whose office to essentially say the now going to see the release of the 2 punches all captives in one week. one of those people is going to be released on thursday along with 2 others, including this ready. so to, and that is, as he mentioned, although you heard a huge sticking point. she has been absolute, the central to the reason why israel close that. and that's when the car door didn't match tens of thousands of palestinians through it was a very, you know, for a king to say the least time for a couple of days. so this is because she she is being held with is not to have now been not part of the mediation process with him us as well. and then all the outside countries mediating the return to the couches and exchange for policy and presents and detainees. i bought is comic to hack, considers her to be a soldier,
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so that full set you shouldn't be part of what it just said should be the civilians to be really fast. then followed by soldiers, for instead we saw the release of full, it's ready kept it to a soul just instead of the release that should have included her. now as well. didn't believe this would be enough to stop the entire deal going through. so they did with these 200 palestinian prisoners on sunday. however, they then decided not to open that next ricardo a news essentially as leverage to ensure that a deal would get done eventually it's not meant to have it backed out. and they said, okay, she's a civilian, they will let her go and not in exchange for bull promised in prisoners. but of course, that, and you know, who's also the number of huge amount of pressure domestically in order to allow this field to go through your lower. just more on that. obviously you've got the card over your thing, allowing palestinians to go north. you've gone to the return of some captives,
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but can you just run us through the details of the as rarely, military withdrawal from and 1000 just exactly how and exactly where they are pulling back to to yes, absolutely. now part of the 1st phase of this deal that started on the 19th of january and it's going to continue through $42.00 days. that's 6 weeks. is that the now the next room car door should be partially open, be is ready. troops will be withdrawing from rashid street, which is where we've seen tens of thousands of policies, a messing on, such trying to get into an open jobs. and now finally, that's free to go on around the 20th day office deal. we should see a complete withdrawal of these right is from the entire next or in the car door. so at the moment they are and on the outskirts we see a long last dean road where the, where the vehicles are now allowed to go through. and that being checked by an
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american security company, so these raise on and folding them selves in that part. but they all still surrounding and they are supposed to take the withdrawal. then we have the philadelphia card, which is in the south that is south of rough, just southern gaza on the addiction buddha. now these ready still have present staff and off to the fast phase of the deal going into the 2nd. we're then supposed to see the complete withdrawal of the it's where it is at that point. obviously as we've seen from the past 2 days, it moved it's an incredibly fragile deal. but again, as i said, plenty of pressure on both sides to make sure this continues to go through. now they are also allowing more 8 in the gulf is desperately needed age. and on the is ready side. obviously they're going to see these captains released, including our bell, have family had spoken out earlier, saying this is obviously
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a nerve wracking time. and then now just waiting to see her ready from thursday. okay, thank you so much lower of taking us through all of that lucon in amman. i'm also colored to, is it all her, she'd street and the speaking to palestinians returning to northern garza, as i'm talking to was the last year this way. it was brought us thing is americans their way back home, the last, the terrorist believe behind and what are we all, what's missing here is a scene or me, you and i've seen all have been this on joy as thousands of on the students are finally coming back home full of a saw something vase stood and making their home for the love. and god bless you. it tells us about us. it is at the moment are supporting the close the road to the law. the god was 2 of them and the new and i'm coming back from come eunice, aren't you? and he was very difficult, very tiny so that i can solve a couldn't infinity of me. i never,
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we've been sleeping in the streets for 3 days without food covers always in the bathrooms, but how horse instead of the pop up for the water since we've been waiting for these radio occupation forces to allow us to cross, they fight on women and children but we held our ground as we went, adamant to return to the north, wind j, which the we have been sleeping on the road for days. as soon as these radio condition forces pulled out, we started to head back to the north. i am on cloud 9. i am very happy of all of this very well have live and uh, shows those skills and on the harsh conditions as it is finally all. well it is finally the fix to rate for the smallest thing is here on this a screen on this road brought us to news on reclaiming. a history, the claims that are placed on the claiming there of you shop as the last thing we
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need to include your um could i turn to the home line to return to the house is home is nice. i would the family and friends. so those families, those, those last time it is who well separated from their loved ones on finally meeting golf woods that families is all for the bonus to indians was fluid. i just need uh, well, i wanna see the st. palestine to facilitate ronelle does air a continued coverage of displace palestinians return to northern garza with families of being for united states with loved ones for the 1st time in and around off of the other day stories including resounding election victory for the president of gunners. extending his tooth, easier route, the
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february on the jersey we years own from the outbreak of the war and you cream out of view. it explores the human cost analysis, whether politics or the battlefield will determine its outcomes. africa's new direction looks at the challenges facing nations across the continent as they move away from dependency. aiming to re define their futures after a vote of no confidence in germany's transfer, people had to the polls with the sensor, right christian to the project union parts. he's expected to take power rushes shut on. africa examines the rushes, growing influence in the region through the prison, the central african republic. you'll see a whole the african missions as it chooses. leaders february on a dizzy and then the taurus terraces of the football extras. white club loyalty, company, violence, confrontation when i was young, when there was a football match, we were frightened because the friends couldn't go crazy. but in indonesia,
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one group of revolutionary supports is us taking a stand against male aggression, with economy, the last display of peace. and you receive the funds who make football. oh, trust and angels on out just be around the the to watch and you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the salad. up to 15 months of is rose genocide, a wall hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians are returning north, found moving on 4th through the algebra, she'd coast of rhodes and by cox along the cell outing rise. this place, palestinians have been separated from their families since the stop of the world. i
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am now realizing, as they begin to search for what remains the loss now seasonable and the 3 more is ready captives before friday. that's out to the opening. all the nits, a room car to up was delayed by his room following a dispute with him. also for the release of captives on saturday with terracon, but with whom has more on the return of displace palestinians. he sent this from why the cause of which is the closest location to the next room, colorado. after long hours of waiting posting in display some of these a start to, to make the journey back to the know school district. as you can see cause going to cause issues that are loaded and carrying the own fennic to his personal belongings . all right, now he think to the next or inquiry though, this area that we are in, at the moment of school causes where the nobody was able to reach this position and the location over the course of the past 15 months. but now civilians are making
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their journey to their homeland, to the north of the strip. specifically that they have been enjoying more than 15 months of relentless. 1 min personalization by the is very mandatory for just take a look on the right side where you can find 2 is really many 3 tanks, us station just own the fuselage, which is the lady said ruth will do civilians and now people. 1 moving to the north of the strip in order to be melancholy, respected by the security companies. and it's are inquiry though in groups, in order to facilitate the process of an inspection. this is a historic day for displace policy and families. it's the time for this critical stress on the union for their beloved ones. and even for morning, what they have lost, direct deposited in our 0 or from the closest point students or inquiry to the central areas. kind of story list to into some of the news now the ceasefire agreement between living on and israel has been extended by more than 3 weeks to february. the 18th gets hacked,
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the prime minister now she mccarthy says this country will continue to keep to the deal with as well as well was suppose to withdraw its troops from the south on sunday. but his military remains to point tension is high up to is ready for us as killed at least 22 people sent ahold of has moved from virus that there were concerns about the continued. so the, let's say of the ceasefire agreement between the hezbollah and as well that ended the war last year with levon on has confirmed that this will continue to adhere to that agreement despite the fact that israel did not meet the deadline to withdraw its forces from lebanese territories along the border, as well was supposed to pull its troops out of 11 on by a 60 day deadline that ended early on sundays to allow the lebanese armies to fully to fly along the border and carry out its mission to this arm has the law and make sure it has beloved and it's a weapons are, are moved away from the board or the white house said that the deadline for the
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full implementation of the deal has now been extended to february 8th team. the white house did say a few days ago that there was a need for a short temporary extension of the deadline because quote, has been a lot still remains a threat. so that's the deal is supposed to see the is really army pull out of 11 on the 11 is the army deploy and hezbollah pulled back. but that deal is also supposed to see the full this argument of hezbollah. now the people of southern 11 on the village are throbbing this place for more than a year. tried to make their way back home on sundays, but they were met by is really life fire as well. kills more than 20 people injured . dozens of people, many of them were support. this of has the loss. now it was a show of defiance with many also saw this a message from the group, which has been severely weakened by the war last years. but this is a message from the group that it has not been destroyed and it still has influence
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in this country center for their eligibility. the dates it's the $23.00 groups is it's taking, the city has gone to an eastern democratic republic of congo and have told the congolese on me to lay down at toms. government is the regional hub for security and humanitarian. if it's on the portal with for one to but itself with heavy fighting in the past few weeks, video is posted on social media port to show him 23 fighters marching into government early on monday. they're also photos of con, glaze missionaries and soldiers handling of a weapons to you in forces under orders of the group now can with has been following developments from my right now. i righty. we had been with gunfire through the nights and still notable in the morning and then within the last few hours at some places, columns of troops advancing into the city, carrying sophisticated equipments wearing helmets, which uh,
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the same is used by the ones that all me on by end for 3 slices. for the last 2, yes. as and 23 slices, with support from the london troops, the products, the city of government. in recent days it's made rapid games. meanwhile, the companies, uh government forces are fighting alongside un sanctions. groups as well as ministry support from south africa, malawi and tons and yeah, but it was that didn't hold up against the onslaught from the enemy. and it's very similar to what we saw happen in gamma and in north keep you from. it's just 12 years ago, 13 years ago rather than 2012, the us has suspended planned tariffs and sanctions on colombia off. the resolution was reached on returning migrants. the colombian president, early blocks to american military, across caring, deported, migrants, president trump, for talia exits by public terrace on all colombian imports and cancelling phases.
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the white house, as columbia has now agreed to accept the protection flights. the bellow, rushes president has dismissed wisdom. the criticisms of his election victory as predictable. alexander location code is who has been in power since 1994 will have a 7th time in the office of to winning 88.86.8 percent of the vote. many european politicians have said the election was not afraid, no fed. moscow has welcome to re election. all of its close ally. russia says its forces have captured 2 more settlements and ukraine's eastern donate. scrooge and the defense ministry release video. it's, it shows soldiers waving flags in the town close to the southern front line. it also says it's taking the village of the lane storm full cost to bring heavy rain and strong winds. the positive here of his cause. flooding in west and fronds, buildings have been in on days and cost of midge, the fringe with the surface is predicting wind gusts of up to 150 kilometers per
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hour. oh, that's just all for me. tell me. cry for the moment will if you, with these live pictures of the return of hundreds of thousands of palestinians to northern garza where there was nixon inside. story examines what lines the hits, the gaza as deceased by progresses to stay with us. the, the, it has smoothed again. it came as a china has been sitting here with a korean put into that for a day. the sites that there's no find the science career. i've seen significance now this is the capital north korea of course. but you can probably repeat those pictures in so that it's most just about finished now is going to be taken across the water towards japan. not a huge mountain top of it,
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but it falls deadly for 24 hours or so and leave behind rather cold feeling environment minus one is the max and so on tuesday, 0 invasion and it's cold down united as well between those 2 areas. temperatures have dropped, i mean even down in hong kong, worried about 18 degrees, but they know that extreme to be honest about how do you get to wednesday. yeah, it hasn't, will not very much the snow drop. it all comes to interesting home show anywhere and spread to and lower levels and come brings up to about 12 degrees with the snow . having stopped fully, still cold at night and the northern plains of india, the showers are showing themselves robbing or obviously happened. the northeast, literally in the yeah. the might be a bit of rain in something like it, but not a lot of crossing between the 2. last, it's a sunday picture, but acosta knows sometimes do suffer from sometimes persistent, filled with poor quality for the time being new. that is not too bad, but it's up to tier is good. by friday of the
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examining the headlines. do you think the ceasefire were home? we have to make it worth checking. the discussions? obviously you cannot last deportations of millions of people on day, well, explorer and abundance of wealth, cloth programming. if you, once an image of it comes from using a tradition, then here it is designed to inform motivates and into 5, we are the ones that are actually shaping the future. that'd be one to live in on algae 0. ras, scenes of joy among palestinians. and israelis of the 15 months of genocide and gaza prisoners are exchanged for captives for it is where the sofas stopped. palestinians returning to northern gauze somewhat plaza had hope or more problems. this is inside story. the
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