tv [untitled] January 27, 2025 6:30pm-7:01pm AST
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this critical time, full now or visit okay, tool tool. the the code in your watching the news out on alger 0 with me for the vegetable. a reminder about top stories. tens of thousands of palestinians are returning to northern gaza at traveling on foot to rashid road and buy cars along the sly dean road. many of the uniting with their families for the 1st time since the war with israel began to people have died because of exhaustion. and dehydration on their way to the north. and after 15 months of war, most of the neighborhoods in northern guys i have been destroyed. international aid organizations are ramping up support to the north and other wells,
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new z m. $23.00 onto the cold says it's taking the city of go 9, eastern democratic republic of congo, and as told congress, soldiers to surrender boma is a regional hub for security and humanitarian efforts on the border with wanda. it's suffered heavy fighting in the past few weeks. the icon goes, government says it wants to avoid cottage and goma as m $23.00 fight is occupied. a city resident instead woke up to the sound of gunfire in a defiant statement, a spokesman for the government of the congo, want it will not give up a single centimeter of congress territory here. residents to avoid vandalism, looting, and what he called manipulative propaganda from lawanda. see if there's any of that most likely going on. yeah. there was a shooting all over the city. we don't know who the shooting, whether it's the m 23. our soldiers. the city is going through
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a very complicated situation and that makes us think that the enemy, the m 23 is already in the city. a company strove so surrendered, have been seen crossing into wanda. they were escorted by one and soldiers at the border city of t send e u. n. workers were among a large group carrying their belongings from gomez. malcolm lab has been following developments from 9 will be kenya. we've heard reports of gunfire for hours to you and officials told the voices, news agency that was an exchange of fire, the folder between rwandan soldiers and come to lee soldiers. meanwhile, become the least government and said, london, so just a present in game a one to support to the m $23.00. the group has being widely documented in those videos and social media. we see columns of m 23 flights is coming into the city. some people watching in silence, or filming them from hiding some others cheering. these people have had decades
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of experience of living in the various groups and certainly familiar with what needs to be done survives, we've had just a short while ago before most has landed in the hospital and guidelines. and we'll say some of the children have been injured in the crossfire that we've seen. social media videos showing some companies so just letting down their weapons and others of companies, government soldiers saying that they're trying to continue slicing. advocacy ending that they've been abundant by the politicians by that come on is from all on the situation in eastern d on congo. let's speak to sell them on there. so it was the founding director of amani africa, which is a kind of african think time that works on the security policy and diplomacy in africa is joining us from how do i sound by a few of us solomon? thank you so much for your time. can you talk to us 1st about the significance of goma and how big of a set back is the capture of
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a city by m 23 fighters for the companies government? a when i go my is a strategy excited with a few billions of the residents. indeed the recent developments and tends to part of the advance of the implant street has been concentrated. you know, forwarding uh the voice call port of goma. and then in so many ways, this is where adults of the humanitarian diploma take. and government activities are also concentrated in noticed keep an eye such a it is a major spot that you close for the government of the d. c. without a doubt, to what extent, i mean, why did the city fall in the end? i mean to what extent did wanda, which has been accused of involvement by the icann golf course and which you
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haven't really denied publicly. to what extent did dwanda as involvement contribute to this rapid advance and to the capture of going up by him 23 to the un sanctions committee report to that uh, there are for one of them forces present in eastern the odyssey. dr. $1.00 will continue to provide support to the internet this free. um you mentioned dwanda continues to deny that it is involved in uh, supporting that into the street. but on the same time for $1.00 so that it could be nice without the taxes on top did wattage course uh, a defense uh major uh, in order to protect or sec got it's territory and a security interest. and therefore,
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it's not clear whether the involvement of rwanda on in or itself invites some funnel is the main factor. and from the trajectory of the cut into developments since last year, named pine street has been a top chain quite a launch. uh, this lots of territories uh, in north cable. uh, some uh, installs cable, as well. uh over the course of the past months. uh, this has been accelerating, particularly following the collapse of the type prototype hetzel states meeting that was scheduled to take place in blue on the, on going off trying to the law under process. all right, let's talk about the diplomacy then. now, because, you know, we're hearing reports of companies, soldiers, and want and soldiers exchanging fire across the border, which is quite concerning. i imagine. how are we likely that you're going to see
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a wider escalation between the 2 countries or could that meeting that's being planned in nairobi in a few days, which both the, the congo president relates to security and polk, a guy me of one to do to attend could that help ease some of the tensions? is there still room for diplomacy here to solve this crisis? i think there is a wide recommendation that there is no military solution out of this conflict in he sunday. honestly thought diplomacy is the only way out. there is also understanding the part of the effort on the part of the implants, the street in sustaining the momentum of a culture and you may have to more territories is also a strategy to force can shop saw in to accepting data, talks with them 20 suite you may recall that this isn't the 1st time the entrance history emerged in a sunday, i see at a time,
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been there in 2020 and the talk truly seemed go ma boxed in in 25 of us way. but it's not often and uninitiated for a piece of process that i've talked to on the end and comfortable with the of course, a page that i'm going to tell you, page him by the force innovation, the gate of the us dot left to it's a move on from eastern data see but the force components us back then. that's when students succeed in resolving the issues surrounding the intrinsic and hence it's emergent. so it's really sort of pricing over the course of the past 3 years. right . uh, we 1000 on effective diplomacy. it's difficult just to see how this can be rebuilt for the military speaking. so i think there's expectations up, the a you the easy, the east african community would, it can be an emergency meeting. you are the level of ministers tomorrow, right. and the subject and community all types of states in the coming hours or
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tomorrow. okay, thank you so much solomon for your insight. thank you very much for explaining this complex guy crisis for i saw him on there. so founding director of amani africa joining us there from addis ababa thank you. of the united states has suspended planned terrorists and sanctions on columbia after a resolution was reached to allow it to return migraines, the columbia and president earlier turned away to american military aircraft carrying deported columbia, and migrants. us present. donald trump retaliated by threatening ties on old columbia named force. he also threatened to cancel visas for columbia and officials . the white house says columbia has now agreed to accept those deported from the us . while we get reactions from our white house correspondent kimberly hunk it in just a moment. but 1st let's go to it's on the wrong kitty, who's in columbia capital book, a time for us. so alexandro, it looks like then they've reached this agreement. the white house saying that the colombian government caved and agreed to all the president trump sterns. how is it
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being for trade in columbia? why, why did the government in bogota change his mind as well? folly? there are a number of things to consider here. first of all, it became clear throughout the day that columbia faced the some significant risk then started and gets re the war with the united states. and we know now that well, president federal wanted to present a strong, spans ideological stance against the prison. donald trump, at the same time his ministers as diplomatic theme were trying to defuse the flames . pretty much from the start there were wide spread, the calls that only grew stronger throughout the sunday in economic and political circles here in columbia, asking the government to solve this both quickly and diplomatically. i spoke to the columbia and out in bass, so they're in in the us earlier today. and he said that president paper,
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while he was presenting his parents, he was also directing his team to speak to the united states and see how they could iron out of the situation and solve the crisis. and the other hand went to the government. this trying to do now is to present this as a waiting when saying yes, okay, we back down. but at the same time they use us as also accepted. the more you main protocol. so we're going to have to see if in the, the, and how these, the port ation flights arrived here at these bay parties will be shackled or not. and finally, this is a way for this type of paper to present himself as an anti trump leader in south america in the global south, in narrative, that he will continue to push on stairs that, you know, meet the guy, select a regional body here where he's trying to present himself as that and either think you're on a central for that, alexander and i'm pity, life, or say in both the toilets. not bringing our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how get it in washington. d. c. c. kimberly more immigration rates are expected across the us this week in the us also sending slides to countries like guatemala and mexico, but not everyone is cool for aging or yeah, that's right. what we know is that there is certainly a concern by many of the countries, but at the same time, what we should also point out is that these deportation flights are not new when in fact, under the vitamin administrator in the country of columbia, for example, was 5th, after honduras, mexico and el salvador for accepting deportation flights. in fact, columbia had between 920202024 accepted 475 of these deportation flights. what made these flights suddenly a flash point under president trump was the issue of the type of aircraft he wanted
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these aircraft to be civilian aircraft, not cargo military aircraft. and so he deemed these to be in a humane. and so as a result, that is what made this a flash point. now what we should point out as well, the white house is trying to make clear that this is a when it comes to these immigration enforcement measures. they are targeting criminals people with severe criminal background. so in other words, murder or sex offenders, they do admit that some who have no criminal histories are being swept up. but the focus of these rates so far. ringback is to go after and documented my grades who have committed crimes either in this country or in their countries of origin. kimberly thank you very much. kimberly how could live there at the white house a to better arose now where president, alexander lucas shanker, has dismissed western criticism over his election victory as predictable election authorities say, look a shank, a one, a 7th term in office on sunday with nearly 87 percent of the vote has been
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empowered since 1994. critics say the election was neither free. no fair and the u . k. has just impose new sanctions. moscow has welcomes, look a shank goes re election. bernard smith has more from the roost, his capital minsk. so we the 96.8 percent share the vote election officials here in minutes on monday declared on surprisingly, alexander lucas shank. as the winter of sundays presidential election in response, european union says it will keep imposing restrictive on toxic measures against the regime while supporting civic society and exiled up position. it must go though, look, present goes victory was celebrated according to the kremlin, and it dismissed west of the criticism of the election as predicted. while i'm joining us to speak more about this is for larry couple s key who was the founder of the euro, atlantic affairs agency and a former battle russian diplomats. his life from warsaw and poland. thank you so
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much for your time. so as we heard the alon slide victory for president location got in an election that the west has called a sean. but moscow, as we heard, is described as an absolute, legitimate and well organized selection. but we're already seeing sanctions imposed by countries like canada. what will this mean for location go and this new term that is going to set a good definitely the best time to face is like a whole set of uh, programs, uh, in the country. uh, because uh since 2020, when she was collections in a documented manner. i but retained bower anyways, while ends. uh, he has become a threat to international peace and security. and he has invited russian forces to, to attack your brain. and this is called the war against super and start if she could, she could became a call, a dresser. in this operation a plastic he agreed to the point where rep on some of those in territory which has made the significance, the threats to that are some independent uncertainty itself. so why will crush
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shaneka is sort of a winner in these directions. even though these, these do not mean need any and criteria on the actions of man, but if you short here is rush because they use the shuttle take you not as an instrument as a weapon against european states against ukraine in order to advance the edge of political interest. meanwhile, the absorbing butler was this transform control all about it was again, existing page and describe to sovereignty or for an independence. so that was interesting to me even for emotional super shocker himself identified the program of preserving the state school along the country side as one of the main tasks at work on june 5 years. but why has and they've been more pushed back and 5, i guess from the opposition in the last election, the opposition made a lot of noise. we sold protests which lead to a crank down of course. but now, no opposition remains and bellows, the opposition leaders,
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atlanta to canals k. i didn't call for public protest this time around was, is the ride strategy to adopt? you think it's so this is the result of repression. they've shed been raging. so there are, was, seems 2020, almost 6 percent of the doctors and population were forced to leave the country. but our thousands of political prisoners until now, including main political figures for where a point in solution got in 2020 because they are still in prison. so it would be in itself is a great the area to say that these collections where my, the for, you know, most landlord democratic. uh so uh it is impossible to imagine that people would be willing to protest in a, in a situation brand, even in back houses. people did not feel safe. the last feel secure. so even a waiver process kept becoming trapped from 3 sides from one side. this is lucas center with his impressions on the other sides pushing we've we've,
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he's instrumental ization organization, although it was against the counselors. we failed already on the side. yeah. briefly, i just wanted to ask you about the, the e u and u. s. positions here. we're seeing sanctions come from the u. k. from canada. well, what do you think i should be of that the response from the european union and the us safe eyes. you say they're using you. russia is using location, go as a cover a few with our problem. as it is, it is a very traditional reaction from the international community, not to take my eyes because sometimes you just leave to in these back. is it the legitimacy and international information for the kids? but at the same time, it doesn't change much for believers, but i'm still leaves us with impressions and but it is experiencing this advancement on russian. i'm be sons against it. and that's why it's important for us to focus on the tangible issues and very important to marley issues like the release of political prisoners. so this issue, we can,
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we can also more care with the resume in order to stop depression. so in the us and to launch international invalid, which would enable us to have fran for elections would eventually restore. okay, just a month government envelopes. thank you so much for talking to us about this and sharing of use with us, the larry a couple se, joining us there from or so sullivan sale head on alger 0 more drama. i might just say united as a manager says you're driving, take a 6 year old coast and, and england international or hear that more than that. so in sports and just the the
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the stand up for you. thank you very much. india is just free. boomer has be named i. c . c means taste, cricket. the i'll be here for 2020 full, the pace butler was purpose o. as in the, a bag series wins of england and bang with as well. india lost a recent series against australia. he was awarded the title of the series gong having taken 52 wickets in 5 matches. it's big a little be put into he's unbelievable. 2020 the full boom row was the leading. we could take it in tests with 71 scouts and 13 matches as close as rival was england . gus atkinson with 50 to any live in the right home. i also had a phenomenal strike right? dismissing a batsman every city bowls and these average of $14.00 is the lowest in history of any of the 17 boat is taking 70 plus wickets in
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a calendar year. the western needs have won the 1st test, measuring pucky style. and since 1990, they beat the host by 120 runs in milton to secure a one or 2 metal work and took 5 wickets to make it 9. and so to, for the match, it's the when the 1st when in fact you still in the study for use. well that of any play they twice during that period that was 1997 in 2006 and miche around has smashed the joint. foster century in the big dash 320 league and he did it in the photo. he bought 100 runs of just 39 bowls. eventually i was out for $100.00 and faith and helped her about hurricane be. this would be funded by 7 week. it's the same that 1st day. the big best times with the 3 piece is still alone for the kansas city chiefs. they won the ac championship to secure the place in the suitable widow. once again faced the philadelphia, eagles, david stakes reports the 5th time in 6
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years. the kansas city chiefs are heading to the super bowl. they are pushed all the way by the buffalo bills, who produce some eye catching moments in the a f c championship game. but as he's done so many times before, it was patrick holmes. he came out on top, throwing for one such down and running into of his own. the chief edged it by 3 points, and then now just one victory away from becoming the 1st team ever. 2 and 3 super bowls in a row. it's just so hard to get to this or ball and i don't take it for granted. and to be able to do it again at arrowhead was special. i mean, last year it was awesome. you get there and you went in, but you had a different stadium and then being able to win it at arrowhead, and then you get that trophy on that stage. you look around there's, there's not a seat empty, it is a special place, and i'm glad that i get to be a part of the cheese kingdom and here in kansas city because of these moments that i'll have for the rest my life. there's barkley, a little shovel standing between the chief and another. title will be the
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philadelphia eagles. refresh the washington command as to when the m. f. c. championship. running back. stay cool. embark please school. 3 touch sounds and quotes about jaden hooks. also have 3 bushing touchstones. and through for another is they blew away their opposition. $55.00 points to $23.00. don't play the game for stats, so don't play the game for numbers. any statistical approval from anyone else. winning success as defined by that particular individual is relative to the person . and what i define it is one a. and so the goal is always to come. i, when i see the super bowl is on february 9th to new orleans. and just like in 2023, it's the eagles up against the chief philadelphia seeking revenge. the chief seeking a place in the history books. david stokes. oh, jeez. era. boss alone. a coach once
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a flick has praise these teens commitments as the end of the full match when the streak in spain. buffalo and it'd be valencia $71.00 on sunday. for me, lopez school twice with frankie to young fit and today's the senior living top school also getting on the school sheets base of food. and lily gets 7 points behind meetings. rail madrid was really great to see because we, we started from, from the beginning, very foreclose, very concentrated. and those are the go until we, we score this was was very good for me was perfect match because we saw a lot of things on the phone from the players. they normally don't play so often. so i was perfect. a small drama at manchester, united this time boss reuben emma room has said he would rather have a 63 year old go keeping coaching. he scored been forward. marcus arrested. the
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whole case manager left the rest of it again. we seems when the, when of a for them in the primary respite has not played for united since december. the 12th of head missing. he was ready for a new challenge in his career and m are in the complicated they relationships with all speed and restaurants excel from the saw, the manager said he draw the pick 63 year old coach. ok veto and beat england international driving products for the 3 points on the road. same situation for the people you. if you lose the maximum, if you do the right things, we can use every play and you can see it's to the on the bench we recently toby like face to go to change the game to move some pieces. but i prefer like that i, i will put veto before i put the plan that's going to be the maximum every day. so i will not change and not in that department. and for the 2nd year running unix
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center has been parading deal straight in open trophy in melbourne. will level on the tele and defend it is titled on sunday with the 3 said when of alexander is very of remains without a major for sooner it is now 3 grand slams, but at the open case still hangs over him. he's been cleared to play by tennis buses despite to fail drugs test. last year. we'll then see doping agency seeking a band with a hearing sick for april. the 2nd one, this one, maybe you enjoy it a bit more because it's uh, it's a difference on um, but every grass lamb or every tournament you, when are you go far? is it since it has its own store? its uh you have to pass the difficulty is like, like i did also this year, year and, and this makes it very, very special. okay, we'll leave a day for the time being. i'll be here again in a few hours time with most thoughts, new spelling, thank you very much. be to invest it for this news hour, but to stay with us. we've got plenty of more news coming up, including the latest from guys by way of policy is,
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are returning to the north for the 1st time in 15 months to stay with the ancient african jewish community. a secret operation and a dangerous journey during the night. but the role so that the soldiers multi slide sports and the c o $20.00 world reveals the covert massage. and c i a mission that some of those thousands of it to your pin juice into israel and the ongoing struggle for acceptance into society today. your peer to israel secret journeys announced a 0 at a time of unprecedented challenges and transformation. the new era is sweeping across the african continents. in a new full series, alger 0 explores how for nations are rising to the biggest challenges,
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the holding fee to account. as we examined the us, its role in the wall on alger 0, the long walk home after 15 months of war, palestinians return home to northern and guys that 2 people have died trying to make the change. the, for the back to boy, you're watching, i'll just hear a live from doha policy. indians are returning to piles of rubble in northern guys . our buildings have been destroyed by as or as near total destruction of the straits separated since the war began. we
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