tv [untitled] January 30, 2025 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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why it's exactly what, how to get unless fee is charged with happiness or dissipation about who will be released today in time. so be, is very captive and also to which direction that you will be a got to do to move in order to be a transfer back to these is ready. so i on to that family members. okay. yeah. and tara assigns full about, so i don't think that and fun eunice. we just want to remind views of our continuing coverage of the said prison. the exchange. this is between israel, as well as how i'm us. and it's not meant to hasn't all the functions functions rather in the gaza strip now in the last hour, how much has release in his radio captive in the jamalia refugee comes in. northern goza was ready sold a gun ago was handed to red cross officials. these variety ministry has confirmed that she's arrived in his role now. and part of sending groups is set to free. and
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now the 2 is ready. counted. suzanne house, in gauze since of service. 7. 2023. now those have the names as audible. yeah. who's as well as the guy, the moses and they were expected to be reduced and fun. eunice, no confirmation. they yeah. but as we can see, those live pictures the from high noon. is that still being set top by what seems to be home? us of finances as well as it's nomic. johanna, israel says that 5 tight nationals will also be freed as part of that uh, swap uh, fox to you. it's hard and fun, eunice, you've been following this since the arrival of palestinians as well as these of fights assessing up. it seems for the release of talent saves any words on which counts is on likely to be released in a fun, eunice, the, it looks like we may have lost the connection. that was a 100 is but let's go to abraham l holly whose life for us outside of the hospital
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in gauze the see abroad. he what's the significance of where you are on the day with the isn't exchanges parts of the ceasefire in terms of being as all of the hospital. the yes, thousands of thousands of palestinians are weighed in this the moment. so having the sage of the aides are a prisoner's is really kept, is from the time eunice, this is the story moment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians will have been waiting this moment. so happens this for more than 15 months of the buddha is what you do or that destroyed everything. the extra change which had been the round came up as land facility is, was filled with happiness and joy has thousands of pals. these were gathering around the, please,
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and witnessing the historic moment of the release of the is what the female soldier captive from around them at one as soon as the palestinians were holding the palace seeming flag. and they fell assuming the that represents a symbol of resilience, that resistance against the is what the occupation forces. as i said, this is as so rick moment for all the palestinians, like hundreds of thousands of fallacies. return from southern parts of the tribe. beauty. this cease fire deal now they return it to rubble. but the field, joy and happiness as the cease fire deal is the pool is it is the boston and, and a rice way. and it is happening in the right, the way the these, the palestinians now return to their totally destroyed homes where they can get better vigil. hey, yeah,
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press one. there's no i need basic necessities or these palestinians just do to live by and we're talking about the total destruction and i won a hospital around the facility of the hospital and the dimension of the for some of the but hopefully with this these fire deal will i bring it that it looks like some of somebody it will be released is use it that we both use hall for, for this. and the, the, the end of the war was something that old policies have been waiting for. and people where she ran it due to the extra change that the place and age a patio to cameras has been subject to who, who ground invasions that took place for more than $100.00 consecutive days. and this is with exchange with the bank e. c. the thousands of palestinians who return as soon as i know it's worth talking about more than half a 1000000,
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repaired from the southern part of the gods trip into northern parts. i for the had been forced to leave this place for more than 15 months of the google is what he wore now the router and then the what is the historic moment of releasing the captives have to do through this exchange $110.00 palestinians and prisoners from beasley prisons will be released among them among them, the prisoners from the goddess trip, who will return to the guys trip and re unite with their beloved ones here in the b c's, guns, trip. and that was more than like 500 the palestinian prisoners sentence or for life. among these a more 500000 prisoners will, will be released if you do this, the exec change and the ceasefire a deal or talking about more than 10000 pounds. seeing prisoners and these hills
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indeed, and these were the prisoners that due to this the cease fire deal, we will see that these fellow scenes will be released with our and the with band or . and these, these are the prisoners from the pcs, gaza strip. and and the for him from while understanding and of course we can see this happening, but it seems that 7 palestinian prisoners the light creates if you release will be from gone. so what's about those that had already been released last week. his house of his si, size 0. have you heard from any of the families? oh, any of those the release about that experience in is ready to jose. yes . um many families are waiting and they were waiting for their loved ones to be released from these were the prisons, the stuff in the god, god zones will be released from the easily the prisons will return the guys forever
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and were you and i with their beloved ones, so i've been waiting for more than 15 months of abroad or war. they are finally made in their loved ones. did you do the, this is these fire deal that the one that is why is how much and these will eat occupation forces. this is something really all these families have been waiting for me. it in the loved ones, though i've been detained, the 7 palestinian cap, the prisoners who have been detained from the gods city. well, we are nice again with their families up for they have been with this inherent in these really imprisons and how hard the circumstances that they went to. finally, they will be released from these really prisoners and come back to the city again and meet with their loved ones and they will, they will see their. 9 and these, again, after this, the fire deal has been reached between how much the is what the,
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the occupation forces. and this is something, all the palestinians are waiting for the release of the, the palestinian prisoners from these were elite, the prisoners. this is the only way for palestinians is just to get their loved ones back home. the basic change of the captives that will release at all and most of the palestinian prisoners from these really amazing. thank you very much, abraham. let's go back to talk to about zone who's my for us in hon eunice in southern garza. we're still looking at these live pictures and not just from han units, but we're also seeing the live pictures in terms of these they're of the families of the kansas, as well as big crowds. advantages of those still being held in the gaza strip. any updates from where you are because we're expecting waiting for the red cross to
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arrive. we get to see those red costs cause well sarah, we are, we know that it is rarely captives. families are still waiting, but still now the international committee of direct costs did not arrive to the size of the i swap deal location. as we can see that the progressions have been made expanding roads. and now we also, so new fighters who were carrying is really what pins of possibly taking a from east rally soldiers when at october, the 7th, a top one of them right now is in a front of my eyes who he is. he is wearing a green uniform and with forces behind them waiting for the movement of the is ready to tap to a cap says from that troops that can see right now in the frame the are trying to
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now find the lies, the latest prefer the last for corrections to release the is very cap, so we did not see a nice now any members from the international committee of the red cross given to the sensitivity of just seeing at the moment as being instruction of reducing the ease ready caps, it's usually released by the military wing of hamas for the time and the location in which the is very top tips will be released. we are still waiting. we are so closely monitoring as civilians. here are shown thing again. so the palestinian craves laughing right now. it seems that reparations on escalate thing at the moment as they believe that the deal well saw shortly. well yeah, they all see and how much really the all the time, the city of groups and members in the size of the location of the house if you have seen was for the release, obviously captive. and so we got senior report,
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so the red cross is on route to where you are taught it, where those concepts are likely to be released. we're expecting a potentially the to is raise. but of course no confirmation on who will be released exactly. c as parts of this deal, but a total of 8 count tubes are meant to be handed over to israel, but they're also known as rating nationals, well cetera. now there is, there is no clear information about the identity of the captives who will be released from that notation. but yesterday, uh, the, uh, the uh, military windows must have december guys saying that they would reduce a 3 is ready captive including our bel. yeah. who it's, which is the female, is very captive. that is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu high school full of
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that, at least right. you sent about the site and linked to the delay of the read tunnel . so displays families to the notes of the strip off to show the go. she ation nights. we media answers in order to bridge back to sticking pulling dots suddenly and unexpectedly rose up in the coast of the agreements. possibly the choice of the technician gives a song about this might be our bill. yes. who's released from this area? especially back. it has seen a box. it was kind of see an increase in me or i was to person, which is assuming, bills it close to the board is with the city of hot eunice, and it could be assigned that are from why you see what has gone to the operation. the is where the top tips will be released. okay, thanks very much tart. we'll come back to you as we follow in one. and so those live pictures. let's go back to uh, beverly milton edwards deputies. we're hearing, we're expecting now. the red cross arrival and hun eunice,
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i wanted to talk to you about the us role and all of this because the new us special release. and boy see what call is in his role. he's already met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and it's being reported that he's also met with some ministers, including business sponsors. that's the finance minister. yes, but that's correct. i mean, he's been quite open about the purpose of his visit. what he hopes to achieve. i mean, he's and said that he anticipates visiting the philadelphia and that's 3 quarter square, west coast palestinians to so desperate to see those car doors open. net stream is open. now the philadelphia cars are still occupied by it. so i'm not saying not to lifeline to garza and n 3 ready to to, to, to egypt. so again, i think this is all tall, tall um, early positioning by the trump administration. before before he was inaugurated, they go the deals, they go face on the policy side. ellen, i think there's
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a consensus that it wouldn't have happened without the strong arm being applied to to net 10. yahoo. but then the time the donald trump, who's now president, he has, has made a threat. the see. so i have to go through. yes. otherwise it'd be consequences. yes, he did. so. i mean, he's, you know, there's been a strong um, apply to get to phase phase one of the deal. but then what we've seen since the no gratian bay, as the trump administration, is now really tearing off and going off fence from 5 scare into into full scare is this the earlier this week he issued an executive old rescinding sanctions against israel seth plus in the occupied west spine, those functions have been applied by the fight administration because those sac plus was going on rampages file and run pages completely on times. houses. yes. and in fact, some memorable to the regular to full says, i mean that rooms that room people,
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the rooms that room and all me will cooling the actions of the settlers as a can to a poker. and that's a very strong was referred to using context of, of, of the state of israel and is on it. so it just some of some forces in, in the army. so i'm, i'm plus worse. we're ready seeing indications that that may be, or that it's the trump administration's fissions that they look for some kind of trade off for handing israel a big prize. and then again, they're already handing them to the heavy from the heavy weaponry. but there's huge political concern about the fact that the trump administration may green light is ralph onyx ation is fission for the westbank, unoccupied, east jerusalem. the destiny seems to be something going on here as this console was unfolding. and now there's a ceasefire. is this a thoughts that the us administrator tional dental?
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i'm said to prime minister benjamin s. i'll get the see slides on, let's see the release of those campuses. and in the meantime, made other promises we're not aware of because you have people like vis law smart treasury's me thing was think would cost that seems today the finance minister who's as a minute on this will continuing, but also as an on the expansion of those illegal settlements in the west bank. yes . i mean we, we don't know what's going on behind tools. i think, well, it's not to you. i'm usually about this whole process is how much of it is public. and obviously signed negotiations to see solve deals. we would never see this amount of sort of public performance and on construction and activity. so i think that there's a free reason. i'm many risk on the list. so looking at the situation and thinking, well, there's kind of every reason to believe that the secret data is being done here. sunday wouldn't be the 1st time in the history of the palestine. struggle for liberation and in the palestine is really conflict. that secret deals have been
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done in which palestinians and that right self determination are completely exploited by all the actors and particularly by external act as such as great pass such as the us. i mean, we're speaking of best or smart for it. so he actually, it seems that all the guarantees to stay within this coefficient government because without him and his policy, the coalition government in his role could collapse something that farm is benjamin netanyahu. it seems would need to stay in pa, is the longest serving is right upon minnesota. yes, i mean, this only happened room is about the request for those guarantees. i'm more of this is that the request for those guarantees is only up to phase phase one with the to mom that let's not bother with the negotiations. phase 2, and suddenly let's forget about a 5 minute c spy and allowing palestinians to reconstruct that lives in the gone because the strip that's not even on the table for those kinds of, of, of people. but instead says this from fission to go back to war. and to deny
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palestinians that legitimate rights and all of this, of course we talk about the release of these of palestinian prisoners a 110 expected today. there was a release of some of them back in uh on the last stock today. a many policy and in prison is the release often become re the re arrested 5 years. ready? a forces especially unoccupied. sorry. it seems like it's fine. was fine. ok, i'll try the service and i'm is there a fee moving forward because that has been a launch number over at rest since the si size you um. which sorts of defeats the purpose of releasing the of the prisoners as parts of the seas? fine. yes, i mean unfortunately it's a fact of life that we see what's called the revolving door approach to the release of palestinian prisoners and the fact that they can often expect to be the top to. and in fact, in this phase of the negotiations for this current cease, fos, that very issue was, was dealt with. and in many respects so far is around has know, re
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a rest it. but what we've seen israel do is instead perhaps arrest, harass, and the relatives of those who have been released. so it's kind of like a jason harassment. and again, the great to numbers of are rested in campaigns. the israel runs in places like the old tide westbank against palestinians, and was seeing this at the moment in particular engineering and jeanine refugee county office. there has extensively covered the release of prisoners over the years and such and in the see side deal that took place in november 2023. and we saw this ready forces come down on the families of those. so all you to be released saying that no celebrations are allowed. they to change people. we saw this last week. there are reports in his reading media that has been warnings again of no celebrations. what, yes, of course israel was to deny the palestinians,
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any form of celebration at the release of the, of the political prisoners of the convicted prisoner says, as israel profess to, to cool them they want to. so this is all about solving the oaks, the june of hope, solving the oxygen of resilience. and so for people to feel that perhaps the reason and an end and insights. and this is all positively optics of propaganda, the narratives to victory and counts of victory. the both sides are currently engaged in. okay, thanks very much. uh, beverly, leave it uh for the moments. um, because we're going to ignore han who's in jordan's come to my mom. and she's that because he's ready to government as well as the palestinian authority have finds out 0 from reporting inside as well as well as the occupied territories. now nora, what more do we know about the is ready to count to that was released and those are yet to be ready. so there is yet to be released. we can see on the screen to the moment hanging out in
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hon. eunice. we have got he moses, he will be the star man's be released, he's 8 years old and considered as a civilian and are the yes good. and she's been at the front and center of the dispute that's out delayed her release because is money she has who's holding the bus, came to the soldier. and israel said she was a civilian. it's only to have backed out on monday the dispute was resolved, but that meant that the schedule change some while. so this is why we're seeing the release. all 3 is ready to captive 5 time nationals. we also have, i'm the mother of one of those ty, nationals, speaking out today. uh, his name is search tech now and she said he was working in agricultural on for 15 months before he was taken by that by people from the gaza. we're not sure which is being held by a summit to have or how much. and then he's being there for the past 15 months
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during the war. we also have, i can becca, she has to be released and we've got news from the child's permanent office that she has been taken to a based just on the outskirts of casa. she's having h pickups that is supposed to be taken away by the end is where the have a cup to close this helicopter escorted function. but the internal security forces that hold so her family have joined her. that going to be taken somewhere. and it's what we haven't been told where yet, where she'd like to be taken to hospital to be given the checks and possible treatments. although by what we see by what we're observing, she seemed to be in relatively good at health. so they, what we know about those being released today, but we also know that each is ready. so just this is going to be going back us who was taken from the who all's face on 7th october 2023 byte is nomic g had to she will be exchange for 50 palestinian prisoners and the civilians will be
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exchanged with sachi. the on the lower, we know obviously you're saying that there's the 5 us high counts as being reduced . do we notice that will be an exchange of prisoners for the more? is it just these raise? well, today we see a $110.00, promising in prison is being released. so um from that is that going to be it not only depends on on how many it's also depends on the kind of sentences best uh thing. so this is really important. there are a lot of people being released today, palestinians from 2 separate areas from the occupied west point of the present and also from a prison in the south of israel and essentially in the deserts of now many of those a. so i think very slight life sentences. one man is suffering full
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t h like sentences, and he's actually going to be deported to egypt. so because of that, considering these 5 tied captains essentially at to be very response, they may or may well have brought out the, the people with highest sentences out because they are releasing those slides high captives, nora in terms of the policy and in prisoners we have a $110.00 prisoners all due to be released and we were talking there about the, the, using his raise prevent the families from celebrating a tool and they'll send his invitation as well in both yeah, which is the adoption that internal security services. so the say i saw a video that was released in the house in the morning. we're still verifying this
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video, but it seems so it was released by those forces just shows the faces of the people who celebrate tang and waving him off slacks or any other functional slides and essentially identifying them which of course, it's either set to bring fear amongst those communities, as i said, we all verify it, but sion bates has made it very clear. they don't want to see these types of celebrations, particularly by the sanctions taking place in the occupied westbank. when we see the release of these prisoners on, there's a sort of the big problem of those being deported. now we know that the number thing to portage, according to the pos pos, the business associations is but they are higher than they expected. so we're looking at around 2021 to be devoted to egypt and then sent to other countries. but we all have, we do have reports of those who are deported in the previous deal on such
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a day that families haven't been allowed out to see the most. some of those companies have been allowed out to see some folks who are looking into the names of those people who haven't been able to lease the west bank notes to creeks their loved ones. so this is a delta point of pain is no, certainly can they know the food they can't get back to the occupied west bike box that there's going to be a delays meeting as well. laura, the situation in cosmo isn't happening in a vacuum because there's been a lot of developments coming out of occupied was fine. can you bring us up to speed with the latest this been happening that a well, we've seen a huge uptake in is ready rates taking place in the occupied west side. now, while all lights were understandably ongoing, so from october 7th, 2023. we're looking at more than 890 palestinians killed in the occupied
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westbank, a modem, 14400 people being detained, quite often, being held in administrative detention in missouri, arbitrary detention where they can continue to update the amount of time they're in . and that can go on indefinitely, but what we're seeing in the past 24 hours has of course been incredibly painful for post easy. so in to boss there's an air strike that hits a, a yard essentially that reportedly and according to michael's had a group of people who belong posting and is not at g had, we know at least 10 people were killed. and one of the past is in preschool condition. we sold, there was a huge fire pool that list hops in white, sky and smoke rising in a tense and mesa's out. so this was absolutely huge. this air strike, we don't know whether that was a drone or, and it's ready. we'll play and coming in and very tragically wheels to sort of the
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shooting off of the 11 year old boy set on who's saying version up. now he was, he seemed to be standing in some sort of doorway as we can disliked it from the video that was released. let's just say that he was shocked by either in his ready phone to or a sniper from these radio forces. and he's now in a very critical condition, inhospitable, he seemed to post noticed right at the time, and then the docs that you necessarily want shooting and the left in your, in, in the 1st place. but this comes of nit huge operations taking place in jeanine. we so israel kept the defense minister posing in front of right in building back in an area where the majority of residents of hot lease is simply too dangerous and saying they simply won't need to date until they've reached out who appliances and dismantled the infrastructure. and they've also continued that in to tell,
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cut them in the last few days. so we're seeing, you know, this is huge shuffle now in your pod westbank, as you're saying is wrong costs of defense and it's just saying it needs they will continue this operation without giving a timeframe. thanks very much for the updates laura. now we're going to go to tara, about zoom, whose life for us in hon. eunice in southern garza. this is where we are expecting the release of move cops is. it's not clear who exact creeps, essentially the 2 is ready to cops as there are also 5 national, sorry. tell us what's the latest. 6 where you are on the ground, we'll just see we're seeing those live pictures as we speak right now. well, uh so right now we are still waiting for the release of the ease ready captives by how my son these lemme had. but we did not see till now. d, a. the arrival or witness. the arrival of the members of the international committee of the red cross spots we can sub during the past couple of hours is more
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organized. organizing for the routes that were made to facilitate the movement of the is ready captives. it's present it to the clear that the is where the cap tips will be released from our behind the distort house. all the yes thing. well, we cannot physically see them so far, and we are stu, how you should be waiting for the release, and to be handed over to the international committee of direct costs. we can see also that most civilians are streaming to the level. they are lining up right now behind the palestinian practice in that fact. so it's a neighborhoods that have been widely disseminated during the it's very minute treat operations in the city of fargo. and as for many families here, this is a moments of a joy. it sighs charge events will take place.
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