tv [untitled] February 2, 2025 5:30pm-6:01pm AST
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a political division and now is rails invasion. 11 interest divide on the toilet, civil society. as citizens, it stepped in to provide with the state is found thinking halter secluded by us. electricity is secured by us. many cases cooling. everything is secured by private initiative. people impala frontline is k o l g 0. only the, the international atomic energy agency was created to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons by the end 2 days. well, that mission of these to be in paddle the nuclear deal with iran remains to north korea, continues his weapons, program, and bus as well in ukraine has base you fees over duty, a conflict with was reshaping,
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globe and alliances between the 225. the attorney phones for you to diplomacy or we more come face to atomic weapons to secure that interest the i a to back to general rafael and mariano go see tools to as, as you the money out to go see. because i said, you know, the international atomic energy agency. thank you for talking to us as you know, you have presented been to iran and the radio officials said that they were willing to hold the expansion of that stop by and of highly enriched uranium. have they delivered on that particular product to you? that was part of our process. part of our conversation was my 1st street not to be around. i've been there many times, but with the new administration met with president possession with foreign minister about the g. bice minister, i mean, is a whole lot of people. and as part of that conversation,
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i invited them to consider this as a, as a measure that could predict some confidence that the indicate in a concrete way their, their readiness to take seriously. the concern is that exist out there about this specific activity which we use. the 2 are in reaching uranium at the very, very high level. 90 percent is the meaning tiny level. they agreed they agreed and they implemented it or be it for a few days because as a result of every solution that was adopted by the board of governors of the at they decided that they would not continue with this voluntary measure that they had agreed to implement at, at my request. so you, it'd be elegy into a suicide. there was a short leaved measure, but it indicated,
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at least to me at that time, that they were listening that they were paying attention to my indications that this activity is an activity that it's, it's not a relevant to those they are you only once into a world, apart from the country start to have a nuclear weapons so that the concern is that exist, did you think and concerns and that happened at that time. we evaluated that it would be a good gesture after my 1st treat them. so i appreciate the fact that they listen to be, but of course the process continued its own logic. and of course i don't take issue with countries wanting to censor or not around this matchup for member states to decide what they do. and there were other other cuz he races, but i've been answering your question. this was the situation around this to get because there was a moment when it said it was very frustrated. over one of the reports the,
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was issued by the i a and the said that they were going talk to bate new advanced centrifuges, particularly in fargo. and not times if i may correct q me their, their frustration was not on my report a little. they don't necessarily like their reports, but i'm on this particular occasion was at the adoption of a resolution. exactly which was censoring iran and saying that your on should can cooperate with me, with the agency, etc. so that they, they to face as that sort of off reply or be 30 ish. so it's a 2 this measure that they considered incorrect. you said that yvonne now has about 200 kilograms of you bring in rich to nip them. great. gives us a sense of what does that mean? that means that they have a india to have the amount which would be necessary to move to the development of
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a war. but i have to be very clear not to confuse your audience yet. they do not have no idea what this and from that to move to the step where or for to the page where they would have an operational or head that the would still be a number of technical steps. some of them quite complex that should have to be to be taken. so we need to be objective. this is a serious matter. having the material is a huge step in the direction in that direction. that is of concern. but that doesn't mean that the. ready there, because bits of those solve the statement and in a different way that they are expanding, that usually a capabilities does the up producing it was rearranging based foster then was
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assumed a number 3 that they can easily move from a 60 percent purity over the restroom. uranium to 90, not in the center within yes, but less of that. but that is correct. what the issue is that to to have i will head you. i mean, it's not enough to have a in reach you rate and you do, you have to do certain things. you have to have a metalized form of uranium. you have to have dates and nature. so you have to have a number of things that are very complex that go with the side wall head to say, well i haven't, well then maybe test it or not. busy that is a basis segment that is there to be it to be filled if you want a gap. so it is an activity of concern having no cut material above the level of enrichment where no one is, is doing that is also a political signal. and you run knows that the i a and yvonne have always had
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a stream late, i would say how it would put it difficult, but then it gets relationship in terms of that was the case of the chrysler, the view rainy. i mean on the glass size restrictions, what are the expenses? do you think it is about time to consider the type of relationship that the your agency should have with it? what we need to get is fisting that they give us the necessary cooperation. it's our mission, our mission is to make sure that there is no party for ation of nuclear weapons and when we see them approaching a red line or. ready something that requires explanation. we have to say it as we know and you are right. you saying that these leads to a relationship that is not always so easy. you may have seen them criticizing. be very, you know, seriously and have taking issue with any of the things. i say it is my organization
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has anything, as far as we are, the only ones they are, you know, people are speculating, people are, are making all sorts of scenarios. what do they have, what they have, what he's going to happen when he is going to happen. the reality at the end of the day is that, but monday to him, you know, and given to us by the international community, by to treat you a number of ration by the agreements between iran and the agency. we are there was on site inspecting going to all the facilities, almost a so we, we have a pretty good view of forties. they're unable to have the categories, but the issues different issues have to do. so you mentioned also with the lack of clarity, with explanations about things that happened and should not have happened. finding your a new traces in places that were suppose not to host any their activity, for example. so place these materials,
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where is the equipment that was used or found is showing us, there are centrifuge production capabilities and other things that are very relevant and without the future in, in, in a future perspective, more than on a past perspective. so basically it was a relationship based on a monitoring machine put into place. then followed by international sections led by the united states as the terms of breaches of that protocol. but do think that the concept itself is efficient and could eventually lead to the prevention of nuclear phone information, particularly as far as yvonne is concerned. i think you remember perhaps about a year and a half ago there was a moment where, where we detected enrichment at almost 90 percent and we saw it immediately. afterwards we had a technical conversation with the route and they explained that there was an installation. the 8 as being a c nation or not. we saw it,
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we slowly to media. so that the, the inspection regime, the tools that are inspectors have are extremely um, i would say rely at extremely sharp in detecting these kinds of things. that the issue here is more the scope, what we can see and what we believe we have not seen more than the inspection itself. we know that given the time of the space, or for example of these issues i was mentioning to you when you, you mentioned to be this tracy. so if you rate him, you know, we are able, with our method, some techniques that we have to discover whether in this place where we are seating . that was something 50 years,
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the site. and then the, the technologies that we have on the art show will at home that they are going to allow us to say to see what kind of isotope of the rain that was, what is the probable r as you know that etc, etc. so this is why it's very efficient. that doesn't mean that is enough. when you cannot see all the places that you would like to see, or that you have borrowed from seeing something because of one reason of the what happens next in iran is something that could ultimately be decided by the trump administration. and one of the key allies of donald trump, senator lindsey graham said recently that the americans should use force to stop or to prevent the iranians from acquiring a nuclear capabilities. do you have any concerns that we're looking to was more confrontation? but i think of course,
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i'm the head of an international organization that is there to preserve international peace and security. so we are always, we're doing what we're doing. and we are being as demanding as we are. because we know that by giving confidence, by allowing us to tell the world what is happening, the pro, but bailey, of the usual force diminishes. so this is the political game that is being played here. some may believe that the use of kinetic force is the answer. what we are saying is, if we are allowed to inspect in the way with the scope, we, the depth and breadth that we want. and we would have tardy, and we thought the gaiety, hopefully, the perceived need to do something. you need laterally concrete but tv. ready violent will decrease the 2015 agreement,
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20 iran and the us and the other 6 nations was widely seen as a breakthrough. that could be very helpful to you to the inspectors on the ground and could be conducive of the ultimately to if payment is supplement. but you said that you don't think that the 2015 deal fits the purpose is gone for today. yeah. today why 2015 was 2015. we're talking about a ticket. the code seems incredible. it's been used to do this 10 years. any particular since 2018. the nuclear program in your on has grown exponentially. you know, risk not only pointed to the point as well. so now they have more advance centrifuges. so you need much less centrifuges to,
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to go to the amount of time and reach uranium that they want faster have. and so one, they have also a couple of easy in other areas which make these phones agreement, um obsolete. so this is why i say, uh, jp a uh, was what it was. let bygones be bygones. i mean, yeah, today is that, is that a to show? nobody has the k that, but he said, eh, what we need to do are we try, we must try to do. and i hope that states can, can come to this conclusion. and at with us helping them because we are the guarantors that those who are verifying that we have something that covers what needs to be covered and what needs to be covered has changed from that time. so they just don't put it because when i say these things, it's not a political, just purely technical is truly technical. that it could trigger the backlash from the iranians because under 2015,
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the deal was basically based on this whole notion of limiting the bonds used to 5000 old centrifuges. and that the best ones would be just shortly for research purposes. i think this is now obsolete relevant company at that time. they did, they didn't even have these ultra centrifuge use that they have not, they were testing them now they have a, i don't want to get to the technical but that the 1st centrifuges were higher ones that they have for 2 and 6 is to, i mean, catalog and they, they have very powerful it's, i saw them i, i although i have my inspectors, i think it is important to see that i requested this last visit that you were mentioning. i went to a photo and not on sunday. could see the holes where the center features are and, and of course they are state of the art and they are, they, if they perform the 2015 agreement is basically also based on the notion that you
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place restrictions of the amount of that material to invest, remain in the, the how does this look fine? you control the level of purity and the number of the type of a subdivision is put into place. is this still a valid point or do you think this has to be be events that if you ever want to look out and you agree that the last would be to say that philosophy would be you, you, you look up certain technologies, you a check, what is happening, have in return for that, you run gets incentives, the sanction lifting it, etc. so it's that there's the indian, the sense the, the basic idea would be the same thing. here is what, what, what, what are the contents of the rest of the, what are you going to put there? what are you going to be checking? what are you going to be controlling?
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what weight vice president joette studies or for some stress strategic issues said that the iranians, if they wanted to, to acquire nuclear capabilities they would have done so long time ago. and that even the withdrawal of the american trump from the agreement has helped me in a way to expand and you click a book with it is how do you respond to that? but i think it's a fact. i don't know. the 1st part is up by your judgement. it's something that i would not have an opinion on what the vice president is that he's said. but the 2nd thing, it's to the defense that the program has grown us up. the cost will that mean that is also a matter of interpretation. some say it's because gpa was abandoned to mit interpretation . i would rather stay away from it. you know, say why this happened over this effect. this is a fact today. you have a much bigger, more and vicious, very, very important,
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no get program that you need to monitor and to verify, you know, in a different way. are you in a position of the i a to work out way in advance the breakout time for the radians to be able to produce nuclear. what a fuel is it is. i'm not of this month. it's not a long time. but again, let me reiterate to them, because then what i say can be me center students, and i think we are here to provide kind of confused people. one thing is to have these material, having the material ready, it's a huge step. but then there are other things that they would, you know, hypothetical world where they would decide to go down that wrote that they would have to, to fulfill in order to get to get
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a nuclear weapons. but it would be an extremely concerning step, an extremely concerning step. let's move to another subject which is north korea. why does it extend now in terms of that it's capable? it's korea is the mirror of what we need to avoid. in the case of your rock, because korea, we'd korea, if you want that nitro, that peta. because, i mean, it's useful for people to understand the case of good yet. we have like what we're having with. yeah, we have long processes. we have incentives. we even had an, a small international organization kito that was created to channel assistance to north korea, which was considered for phone, but people functional, no good technology, civilian nuclear technology in the understanding that this. ready would appease the desire of the most korean government to. ready to go in that way and as a result of that, the i e was inspecting, and then they were there were caught red handed. so they decided to throw
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everything, you know, i window and, and we are what we are. so today, go back to me that the question of the d b a k has an important nuclear arsenal tested they test it 6 times. there's indications that they might be preparing another test, but actually they have an operational and relatively reliable nuclear arsenal. they have to be filed, the ballistic nissan capabilities, to put these war hits on a make this a nuclear cup of 80 d operational and a real, a real threat. and on top of that, i think what has of a cedar that they have been without any external contact or relationship when he comes to today's for, for a very long time. i mean the last time i yeah. and i used specter was there was in
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2009. exactly. right. so it's a long time and i hope there could be at some point somebody engagement with them. oh, although one must say it will be a different kind of free engagement and we would have to see other which conditions . but this is a matter for the countries for states to that would be a negotiation. and that depends on the wider bodycote considerations that would have to apply. they've been expanding the uranium enrichment at young beyond facility. and for the time being is supplied. images are the only source that you how to try to establish what is happening on the glass. yeah, but that allows us to, to have a very, very good impression of what happens that don't forget that we were there before and we know the type of facilities they have. so these allows are experts to computer modeling and calculations to have a very, very adequate and impression of what they have the amounts and the
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activities there. and of course, these are signature that you can see through satellite imagery when you look up the page. so the tests that they have conducted, particularly comes with a variety of balance that occurs besides, they say, they says this is bad question for the national sovereignty. and to come to any us, particularly from the, uh, the usa and is like, do you have any concerns that we moving towards a collision course between north korea for us? this is a wider issue and, and it'd be beyond the task of the mistake. but what is relevant to disregard is that these nuclear capability of exists the company projected so that makes it a real. ready doctor, that needs to be considered as a real factor. there's been many of uses by the us to trying to cub north korea's nuclear program. some of those resolutions, but lots particularly by russia and china is, is something that could undermine your efforts in the near future. so try to say
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what i was right, what i would say is that the alteration of the dynamics within the united nations security council, particular amount of the 5 permanent members of the security council affects any activity in this area. because from the moment you have disagreements among themselves, perhaps a cost by external situations that may have to do with other geostrategic theaters. then of course, without the need me to any point that way. and these applies to you around and everything else. the unanimity of the 5 permanent members of the united nations security council is absolutely indispensable to sustain the non proliferation regime. if there are cracks in that area, then it is going to be very, very difficult for, for me as
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a guarantor of the integrity of the mpg to do my job in another area which is on your radar screen. ukraine, which you have visited many times since it's a $1022.00. there's been a been attractive between the of the nuclear power plant. and is this a major safety concern for you? what it is, in the sense that now we have talking, you're mentioning a nuclear power plant, which is within the gradient control territory. and under talking about separate the general development, which is, you know, you helped me by territory. so here that has been, and we have been repeating that nothing should be done that might affect the integrity and the safety of a new cap. our back to this case, it has 2 mainly with the power lines that feed the these look up our station which forest or made the ukrainian regulator to order a decrease in the capacity of that for safety. precautionary mentioned,
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but of course everything that has to do with a new get power plant for us. whatever it is, he's about to our consent. somebody's yet it's never forget is on the from time. so is as exposed as can be then. so until the conflict enters a new face, whichever. busy whichever way you define a new face for a song has various t military activity and then safety will not be guaranteed when you travel as well to convince people. and to knit to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear activities. what would be run? so to people who would say the nuclear weapons of an issue of national pride, if the of the others have it, we should also help at a time. so increased international attention sadly. but it's
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a reality in certain parts of the world in certain regions. the appeal of look at what those as increased. this is a very negative thing. we would like look at with those 2 degrees and eventually once they disappear, i'm so concerned when i see an open discussion about these countries, important countries regional powers that are up to now in very good standing with their obligations visa media, d simple english, abstaining from getting nuclear weapons, although they could happen if they so decided, what are some of them are say, what is, for example, the situation in the be least the very separately for ation cation to be released and needs a country. iran for example, gets a new glow up and then we will have to reconsider. and perhaps the moment we had
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come, we'd have come to say that we need them to. and the, the, the, the probability of complete and problem of the nuclear non proliferation dream, which the optional has been serving us pretty well. it's very, very high. there's also concern about about plants which generate power for, for people to civilian purposes. do you think of this particular because a small and wanted to react to it as well as of yet still in the design and development stage could be the alternative that could be conducive to a long up or trying to phase of a of piece and the question is, is, is very relevant because many people asked me sometimes. yeah, you don't, all these ideas, promise hospice, small motors or reactors cheaper, easier to deploy, shorter construction times, etc. so this is going to be very appealing for many countries in developing worlds
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. maybe countries that do not have the institutional, regulatory capacity, etc, to the and my answer to that is very clear. the idea would always be there. there's no, there's the cypress ability, but a country which is within the international order. he's going to have a nuclear power plant and simply operated at, you know, without us being there to expect profit and money on a go see director general of the international atomic energy agency. thank you very much into football controls as you are with the hearing. the fact the is very systematic and deliberate destruction of causes we will to infrastructure has left more than 2000000 people in a state of color since progress. asking questions. what do you think will be the last thing? impacts on journal is reporting from the action when firefighters did arrive. there
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wasn't sufficient with an in depth coverage. it's a gathering of intention to speak to wisdom teeth this out as it was, teens on the ground. when you, closer to the heart of the story of the sun rises really up to the history was written and the nature became a theory is here the, the students and a totally the timeless journey in the shadow of shanghai, as blooming metropolis, a crumbling fee to provide century to tradition for an aging oper true. it's both a stage and the home, but faced with eviction to make waiting for modernization,
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one of pressing leads to the fight to preserve both the refuge and their culture. not them white snake, a, with this documentary on a jersey, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the fun sammy's i then this has been use out live from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes? these variety ami counting out to major minutes. the operation in the occupied westbank city of jeanine is destroyed at least 20 palestinian homes. more injured
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