tv [untitled] February 5, 2025 9:00am-9:31am AST
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most of sasha moved to speaks to palestinian bye to ed director ok met. i'm assuming that you are able to train those emotions that come on with something that is a beautiful and see those emotions without the wounds that's coming. refrain on out in the, the dealers will take over the guys and we will do a job. a brazen declaration. president donald trump says the us should seize control of cancer and permanently displace palestinians. the hello until mccrae. this is l g 0. live from to ha, so coming up, i'm osborne's trumps comments could ignite to the entire region, and projects has gone to plan is ridiculous and absurd. not optim negotiation.
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america's regional allies, saudi arabia says it's cool for an independent palestinian state is done and unwavering the jews of northern jobs. so we see what's left of the ones driving gold shops off to israel destruction the us president donald trump says he wants to tyco is a garza and void rollout to pulling american troops to do so. he announced his plans while standing next to his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu with winehouse condemnation from both allies and detractors, was quick and severe with rights groups accusing him of cooling to the ethnic, cleansing of palestinians. a white house correspondent, kimberly alcott begins down coverage. today. i'm delighted to welcome with the is
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really prime minister, grinning by his side. us president donald trump made a shocking announcement. contrary to initial plans, phase 3 of the gaza cease fire reconstruction is unlikely so instead trumping visions do something different to us. we'll take over the gaza strip without it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and the weapons on the side. i do see a long term ownership position. i see it bringing great stability to that part of the middle east, the force displacement of a population by an occupying power. israel violates international law trop, reiterated his call for egypt and jordan to take in the 2000000 displace palestinians plan. both countries have rejected. still trump believes he'll convince air of nations to sign onto his vision for gaza ideas. benjamin netanyahu
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also endorses president. trump is taking it to a much higher level. he sees a different, he sees a different future for that piece of land that has been the focus of so much terrorism. i think it's something that could change history. a trust referred to gaza repeatedly as hell edit demolition site, but he believes it can be transformed by envision world people living there, the world's people. i think you'll make that into an international unbelievable place. i think the potential and the gaza strip is unbelievable. and i think the entire world representatives from all over the world will be there and there. and they'll look that palestinians also. i don't want to be cute. i don't want to be a wise guy, but the riviera of the middle east. and in the midst of a fragile cease fire truck made yet another controversy over mark about palestinian
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sovereignty over the west bank. and whether the us supports annex thing it. we haven't taken a position on it yet, but we will be will be making an announcement probably on that very specific topic over the next 4 weeks on wednesday, the is really prime minister means with the us national security advisor and defense secretary at the pentagon and he wraps up his visit to the united states on capitol hill, meeting with senior congressional leaders. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house, the homes of salute is standing by for us and the joe dining and capital amman, honey mach mood, is life for us in kansas. city honey, before we come to you, there is a statement that a mouse has issued. they say it's a recipe for create and kyle, some tension in the region, and that the people and guys have would allow these plans to pass. a mazda is what's required as an end to the occupation integration against its people,
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not their expulsion from the land. it goes on to say people and gals, i have to go to displacement and deportation under bombardment for more than 15 months. and that they have rooted in the land and willing to accept any schemes aimed at bruising them from their homeland. so honey, is it how people say ok, it is absolutely no desire at all. so people to leave gone. so right now. well, absolutely. we've seen this from the time people were allowed to cross back to their homes in garza and the northern part of this 5 dates this year level of devastation and destruction costs the old means of life. not only just the buildings but life as people knew it before cobar 7 has been completely destroyed. yet people to choose to come back and shoot to set up their tents next to their the pile of their damage. phones choose to come back despite the lack of basic necessities,
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like the water and the food that it's hard because it's a question of identity, uprooting people to from where they belong to, from where they grew up with, from what they born. it's something that is not pretty at all, and the reaction that we're hearing people from people so far, 1st of all, internet that they look for us. they are not available. so people are not following closely whatever comes out of it from mouth right now. their priority stays the same and very solid. go back, rebuild shatter lives despite the massive of challenges that have been littering their journey. going back to their homes in gauze on the northern part, it just would take, you know, the golf and guy, the city as an example, but the devastation extends as far as the city of hon, unit and roof i city that has been totally destroyed. none of the buildings are available, none of the public facilities, but again, this is not the 1st time we see american officials making comments like these that almost a year ago. where uh, several officials who endorse the genocide on the ground. and the fact that we're
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seeing this level of destruction just feeds naturally to this comment. because garza from the outlook here just a brief store everyone here you would realize that there is no life period. life is quite impossible with the much of the difficulties on the ground, the people here. the only options that we have is, is stay on their land to rebuild as i move forward. not the option that is that donald trump is suggesting people trump describe, gone through was a how whole and, and the demolition side. i mean, you've been able to, to go to the north now uh for since these funds come into effect, how would you describe conditions based specifically well, he is absolutely accurate about describing gaza this way because life has been made quite impossible. here we're talking about the absence of life as we know it, there is nothing available and people have made their way back to northern garza
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and god was it. these are pretty much nothing. a waste land, many of the areas that were full of residential buildings, public facilities, many of their, their enjoy value on the part where thriving and pride, many of the private markets then economically the wind, fine as well as many of the department stores been of the small business that we're developing old guns right now when people right now here, 100 percent concerned about their livelihood in terms of what, what, whatever is available, whatever that to stay in their livelihood in gaza and the northern part, including the availability of basic necessities. if you can see in the frame behind the people as soon as the truck here, the water tank truck pulled up in this area, people are locked into it in order to get some water. this is one of the challenges that they have in this, the more it continues, the more it challenges it will increase because we know a lot water is a lifeline for everyone, for life as, as as, as old. here in garza and the and the northern part of this trip. okay, thank you so much for all of it, honey, honey. mike,
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mood for us in kansas city. thank the saudi arabia has come out with a strongly wooded statements. the kingdom says reset and says, unequivocal rejection of any infringement on the legitimate rights of the palestinian people through is ready, settlement policies, land and accession, what attempts to displace then it also says the international community has a duty to alleviate specific human suffering enjoyed by the palestinian people, the statement goes on to say a saudi arabia emphasizes its position, is non negotiable, and not subject to compromises and that achieving lives. thing pace is impossible without the palestinian people obtaining the legitimate rights. in accordance with international resolutions, we're gonna bring it home desolate and she joins us from the giant dining and capital. i'm on 100 study arrive via the making it extremely clear where it stands on all of this. that's right,
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and in fact last night, one is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was taking questions out that joint press conference. he said the quotes, the normalization would sound you would come soon and that it would shock people. but he's speaking outside of reality because of the alt has been quite clear, but until their main condition is met until there's an establishment of a palestinian state, at least a pathway to it. then that is not going to happen. and you have mentioned y'all who, who for the last year has been going around and proudly saying, but he himself has prevented the establishment of a palestinian state and would use the rest of his political career to block that very move. so it's a little bit difficult to tell exactly what's going to happen, but you have to completely different views here. on one hand, netanyahu is saying that it is going to happen and the saudis thing, but it's absolutely not going to happen until this one condition is met. but nothing. yahoo says he's absolutely not going to do me. you're in amman. what is
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all of this main for jordanians of the will of jordan's king abdullah is set to go to the white house next week. he'll be the 3rd world leader to visit us president donald trump, since he took office. and he's already expressed his disapproval for this plan, of forcibly displacing palestinians from dogs of, and essentially amounting to ethnic cleansing of the palestinian territory. so their meeting is short to be fiery because it's not only jordan, it's other countries in the region. it's the entirety of the arab league who has voiced it's disapproval for previous statements that have been made by the new us president saying that jordan is not going to absorb millions of palestinians because the gaza strip is palestinian land and it's their home. so we're actually going to be monitoring that meeting, waiting to see to exactly what comes out of it. and finally, what's been the reaction so far from within his room?
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this has been something these really government has wanted, especially from the far right. they have one of the ethnic cleansing of palestinians the previously use, the term voluntary migration to encourage palestinians to leave the gall this trip, even though they have said they absolutely would not. so this morning, reaction pouring in for missing you all those government praising this move, saying that it's a great move for israel saying that they could rebuild that legal settlement saying that it's a new dawn of history for the middle east. but there is no sort of den busy whatsoever for the palestinian people because as trumps, middle east envoy has said, he said that a better life for the palestinians is not necessarily tied to the land. that if you know anything about the region, if you know anything about these ro palestinian conflict, it is absolutely tied to the land. so these statements and remarks from is really officials are also not really based in reality, but of course they are voicing support for this latest comment by president trump.
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okay, thank you so much for taking us through all of that home to home, to salute for us the in a month. so the united nations security council was holding a private meeting on as well as a tax on the occupied with bank is trump spoke about his proposal at the white house. gabriel ellis, on the reports from the un headquarters in new york on the palestinians and other reactions there. after trump's comment in washington, about relocating palestinians outside of gaza. how stein's ambassador to the un took to the microphone to remind people that that idea has already been rejected. egypt gave a clear answer. joe, to them, gave a clear answer on the other side of rejecting, displacing the palestinian people from the gods. this 3 and also the 6 ministers from solidarity the, from egypt from door to then from cut the, from united auto emanate and palestine issued a statement just 2 days ago,
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not accepting and rejecting any notion of displacement of palestinians, of outside the guys us through our country um, overall is the, uh, goes us through that spot for palestine. we were able to catch up with rushes ambassador to the un who flatly rejected trumps idea of forcing palestinians out of guys a type thing. this is of course the that is. ready the 1st thing is really wanted the beam was committed to doesn't want it and you can not, you cannot to force. ready reset someone somewhere the police did in something so much injustice their existence that this one on top of all the others will be a real shame. in the coming days, we expect to get more reaction from ambassadors here. and what if any action the
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security council plans to take gabriel's onto, i would just say to at united nations in new york as well as listen closely to some of the comments made by president trump during that press conference. i can tell you i spoke to other leaders of countries in the middle east and they love the idea . they said it would really bring stability and what we need is stability. the only reason the palestinians want to go back to gaza is they have no alternative. it's right now a demolition side. this is just a demolition side. virtually every building is down there. living under fall in concrete. that's very dangerous and very precarious. and i don't want to be cute. i don't want to be a wise guy, but the riviera of the middle east. this could be something that could be so bad. it could be so magnificent. riviera, in the middle east. but what does international really say about his plans of permanently reselling palestinians from gaza, or article 49 if the geneva convention prohibits the deportation of people from an
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occupied territory. the run, the statute of the international criminal court defines fullest displacement as a crime against humanity and a war crime. the un secretary general has also rejected the idea of forcibly displacing. tell us the name thing a 2 sided solution is the only way to resolve the complex of more on all of this, we're joined now by us on monday was a scala and a political analyst with the middle east institute. he joins us from washington, dc. thank you so much for being with us of versus the bo given that this plan would effectively be ethnic cleansing. what chance of any is they have trump actually being able to follow through with it or does none of that matter to them? to there's, like i stated to check out, this is absurd, this is up seen, but in terms of it being proposed and it being carried through, we've witness to more than a year of am q and it say on the fact that these are enabled by the united states
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the, the, by the use, jason was somehow fry in this, in a month and, and it's participation effectively in a series of 4 kinds kinds against humanity and garza because it pretended that so despite the fact that it is supporting our main financing, corporate and gives that time that they were a higher suspect with the, with the top administration and we've done shop and said the list retention or these claims i no longer that. so what, what we have here is an object display of force that big nose and bar passes. and you know, and the know, and speaks of it in a fashion as if it is an interesting looked on the part of the united states to create and god, god, the way he gain green loans, panama, kind of the trends that's a here and the ability of it happening is the cost,
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okay. and the 10s of thousands of people have been killed and the whole destruction of a way of lives. but none of this, uh, is it possible that he can take action while evidently, because the support thing is that he was, is then going to pick the distance? absolutely, and that's for, it's not the don't view, but it's an upsurge passing from aerospace to order towards the new reality in which my design, or at least my presents itself as being able to be right. and that's the job. okay, to start with us on because this isn't just donald trump, i want to bring you what some of the trump administration's highest ranking officials have been saying as well. secretary is i, it's mike code review. so do united states hands ready to lead and make? does a beautiful again and it's, i mean, he said out the suit as one of the last and pacing the region for old people and the us special invoice of the middle east of wisconsin. a garza today is
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uninhabitable and will probably be uninhabitable for at least the next 10 to 15 years. that's how much work needs to be done. so given all those statements is this now official us policy. evidently when, when donald trump takes up of this and, and donald trump is the administration, it is the top of the station. it does offer save us policy of the moment, the opposite. and that he is, he has surrounded himself with like minded captors. i mean, so i'm not going to be all the way talking be, or all the way to others that there was an agreement. palestinians do not exist. that sucks. and the, the fact that the destruction of the name is by the united states, passes as if it's irrelevant in here. what we have is lots of mazda and that's of confessed to see from their point of view affecting the population that they have decided to reset them. the facts of the mentor. this is the national community that
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besides on its own, what happens to it, the united states is not the custodian. and that for this is just so not just at the very least the attackers think late, but that city is far more than pop, etc. so hold on, on the all the elements of universal values and human rights in here. what's the, what's we have in the united states acting, proposing what the amounts to a series upcoming an accident. and the it is up to the what community to respond to it as such a can affect this is not less that proposal that has to be exact to the past to be rejected with the force that underlines the fact that the sex driven the proposal. so thank you so much uh, how soon as it was uh, 1st thing to get your thoughts as on monday, the scholar and political analyst with the middle east institute. the protest in washington dc against the is ready prime ministers visit to the us
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was underway when president trump made his controversial remarks. the. this is the thing outside the white house, palestinian solidarity, supposes together to denounce benjamin netanyahu and his government's 15 month bombardment of guns. how did your castro was that those protests to originally? these protestors came to protest the presence of benjamin netanyahu here, calling him a war criminal that should be arrested and also against the us funding in the arm sales to is real. but then suddenly they had so much more to protest and i was standing here when the speaker announced everyone the words of the us president donald trump saying that the us should take over gaza and that he would send us troops if it was necessary. and i wanted to give you the reaction here. this is software. nice to have you here software. what did you this,
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this came out of the blue for most people. what did you make of it? when you heard donald trump say that the us to take over gaza. yeah, i mean on the one hand, it's surprising because in the beginning it's on started on different to you. if you wanted to cease fire, it was very adamant towards it. but then he slowly changed his mind to junk bass. he's moving around from top of the topic. i think obviously every sense troops and it shows a few things. one who doesn't care about the middle east. there's about its own interests and that aligns with a lot of what trump has been saying and doing before and to i think it's going to be a disaster. like why if he does send troops now trump says a lot of things. but if he does send troops and it's going to be a total disaster for everybody involved, we've been, we've been in this or for a year over a year and a half like we're, we're, we're exhausted. and now he's gonna send american troops. we've been protesting for so much about giving money. why, why are we getting so much money to israel? why are we doing this? and now he's now is gonna send american troops as well. but honestly, if, if, if, i mean, if a lot of americans don't see this as an enormous red flag and
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a repeal of the huge error that happened during your op and i really don't know what to say. to be clear, he didn't say he would send you as true, but he said he would if it's necessary. and it's not just who he may send, but also who he is advocating for leaving. he is saying that he endorses the permanent relocation of palestinians live in casa, and that he would redevelop because of strep to be a quote for the era of the middle east, song sizes. what do you guys think of that? i mean, obviously it's not through, it's an opportunity give itself or attempt to give into software and you know who to go and that really shows the whole nature of, of this conflict quote unquote, it's not a conflict there's, there's stealing people's land. there's what's been ethnic lindsay for a long time. they're trying to dominate the regions, step by step. it's garza and the policy new lives. now they're saying it's almost 2000000 people. it's not, uh, it's not a joke. i mean, it's not a, we're not going to some beach resort. we're not going to miami well on the ground
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and goes a hundreds of thousands of palestinians have streamed into the most devastated area of the north of the strip about the funding streets, buildings and homes unrecognizable honey mac, mood tanks, us on a tour of kansas city i'm standing in an area where old golf needs with the more air been part of the city just behind me is one of guys, the oldest landmarks, a historical palace coming to from an instance era that has turned during the past 15 months into a soldier for display as hell as simians and now in ruins, complete ruins, a pile of rubble in behind me. on my right side. it's a friend's home and book stores, feeding the curiosity of people visiting this old landmarks in the heart of old guy, the city, just to the lift type right here is a parking lot that serves the area of people driving their cars, parking here, and getting off to visit this old land march down the road,
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what we're seeing here is more of an area that used to be quite busy right now. it's more of a desert with only few people among them. those who return back through gauze, the city and the northern part of taking this road. but what we're seeing a road that was filled with people now is full of more of a landfill, garbage and rubble. so here's dollars, right? it's, it's more of the parts of the old city of old gauze and city, the gold market and exchange money market. this is the part as recommended by many people. the world is part of golf and city. only few people see it right now. shopping inside the market and the reason for, for that many of the people from this area are either the slaves in the central area or the funding part of the through or many of them have been killed. somebody that has been affecting how the society is progressing economically and it's likely
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to keep impact in a, in the negative way as it continues to expand more than just this area. it's hard to imagine that this used to be full of gold shots. we're talking about 66 of the shops that we're here and right now, just walk in right in the middle court with all of these shots and both sides. we just noticed how many of these jobs have been closed due to the fact their owners have been forced out of these areas for they have been killed in the past 15 monthly due to the shipping bombardment of this part of gauze and city display of palestinians returning to their homes in gauze, in the northern parts, the road to rebuild this sad, our lives this long, difficult litter with many challenges, including the uncertainty of the future. and the inability of the scenes fire to home. and even more, i was just the air from garza city, palestine,
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or the president trump has but work is for america's for an aid agency, u. s. i d on indefinite leave. thousands of personnel around the world have been told they have 30 days to attend to the united states. the agency is the world's largest provider of humanitarian assistance through developing countries and countries and crisis. trump says he wants to reorganize or abolish the agency which distributes of a $40000000000.00 to humanitarian programs world wide annually. for the 1st u. s. military playing the porting, undocumented migrants to guantanamo by his arrived in cuba and the homeland security chief posted to these images of the some of them leaving texas on tuesday . he was president. donald trump says the us naval buys can act as a holding center for as many as 50000 people and the pos quinton him. i was mainly known for holding suspects, accused of terrorism related defensive immigration policy is one of the trump biggest priorities is bound to increase deportations and strengthened security at
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the us border. will that so from a ton mccray for the moment you can find much more information on our website. the news continues of to accounting, the costs, which is coming up next to stay with us the the had a lot of they will start in the middle east and event where the weather has turned very on. settled with some heavy rain to come. you can see that feature walking its way from the black sea across to kia, bringing heavy rain old way from syria down across into level and for the south into jordan. now we'll see temperatures drop as that system brings the west and when the weather for the east 7 degrees in a laptop and among on thursday,
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so much cooler. and we'll see that when to weather push its way. so the east across moving parts of iraq into iran as well. now why is that system works? is way for the south. we could see some of that rain drip into the gulf as we go towards the end of the week. it will also be south coast and north east of africa for the likes of egypt, cairo coming down to 18 degrees, look at those blustery wins, and it remains pretty wet across northern pots. places like tentative seeing that rain, but it's not as well as what we're seeing across southern parts of africa. we have a total psycho move in to mount a gas grill that's gonna work its way farther west. it maced once and once again in the mozambique a channel, whether it does or not, it's going to bring some very wet weather to mozambique. on thursday,
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we are going to see the status of legend some gloves and some of the stories of civilizations that market history wants. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell the hello i'm a variance and again, this is counting the cost on elders area. we can look at the world of business and economics this week with mass destruction, of millions of tons of rubble rebuilding costs over class tens of billions of dollars. so who take up the to.
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