tv [untitled] February 6, 2025 8:00am-8:31am AST
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the the president donald trump's plan to take over cancer and for sale, palestinians has met with international condemnation. as the us defense secretary homes talks with israel's prime minister, the until the credit this is l g 0 live from the also coming up is vital to state through to the bands. and also the international law is essential to avoid any form of it. the clean c p u and the secretary general goals against ethnic cleansing and
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cancer and fries writes coals for palestinian statehood. families struggling to rebuild their communities and gone. so tell me just errands. i will remain in this trip. the method was plus i'm how to monetize the and eclipses. and by way i'll tell you why people here and stuff and why the cards to us funded by the name the . the winehouse has backtracked on some of president trump's plans for the kansas trip up to a wave of global condemnation. on tuesday, donald trump declared that the us will take always a concert and on is no official say, palestinians could be moved temporarily to other countries, not 10 minute. lee, wallet was rebuilt and the us would not be paying. kimberly how could report from the white house one day after us president donald trump unavailable just surprise
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plan for garza, that the us take it over and the palestinians leave permanently. it was clear, even members of his own administration for it was still sorting the details. the president has made it clear that they need to be temporarily relocated out of gather for the rebuilding of this effort. but that's not what the president said the day before as he sat next to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i don't think people should be going back to guys. i think the guys has been very unlucky for them. they've lived like hell they lived like you living in hell. guys is not the place for people to be living. and the only reason they want to go back and i believe the story is because they have no alternative trunk. believe the 2300000 displays, palestinians should relocate to egypt and jordan a plan. both nations have rejected on capitol hill. top lawmakers were caught off
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guard by trump gauze, a plan you were trying to get the details of it. but i think this is a good developed way to back is real, a 100 percent. and so whatever form that takes we're, we're interested in not having that discussion, but it's, it's um, it was a surprising development, but i think it's one that will applaud some democratic lawmakers were outraged the president would even propose american occupation of gaza, possibly using us troops this was a guidance, so at the end in this works, what about the 2000000 palestinians? he's going to have american fund all this for our troops in harm's way. it's crazy . this is lunacy. you know, he's trying to take his 2 state solution is taking the gaza strip and making it to las vegas strip. the plan effectively ends phase 3 of the cease fire deal, which calls for rebuilding garza not be illegal. removal of the palestinians by an occupied a power. donald tries for proposal to and guides
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a reconstruction or face 3 of the cease fire plan comes justice and direct negotiations between israel and mos on face to set to resume. steve would cost the middle east envoy for the trumpet administration is set to meet in florida on thursday with caught her as prime minister this as these rarely prime minister wraps up his own meetings this week. here in the united states, kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with the us. secretary of defense of the pentagon, said hicks, is described comes plan to take control of cancer is a creative solution to solving decades of complex. he's, it depends on is prepared to look at all options because that petty calhane is that depends on what the lightest it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spending the afternoon here at the pentagon meeting with the new is secretary of defense. p takes us in the beginning of their remarks. they've talked about the
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need to increase cooperation between israel and the us, highlighting the fact that the trump administration did lift the prohibition, put in place by the previous administration and sending 2000 pounds funds to israel . and were far as were able to get in some questions to the new secretary of defense about gaza when it came to the possibility of using us troops. takes us simply said, the president is engaged in very high level complicated negotiations. you wouldn't get ahead of the president, but then he was also asked about getting palestinians off their land. president is willing to think outside the box, look for new and unique dynamic ways to solve problems that have felt like they're retractable. so we look forward to more conversations about that creative solutions to that and as a demand test with leading the defense department here, our prepared to look at all options. as we've said, we've already seen some republican pushed back about the idea of using us money or
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us troops and gaza, saying that is not put in america 1st. and last, remember the president campaigned on keeping us troops out of wars, especially in the middle east. now, some republican commentator said the president just probably using this as a tactic and negotiations. and he does like to be unpredictable for unpredictable. but he also does know the politics of it. and he has to realize that using us troops in the middle east would be very unpopular with many of the people who put them in office, particularly al jazeera at the pentagon. the palestinians in dallas i have condemned trump's plan. hundreds of thousands have returned to the north and race and dies. and despite finding their homes destroyed, they say they will remain in gaza. nasa was abraham l. kelly reports from kansas city. yeah, your part was once a place where the children played. now the albany space is filled,
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not with laughter, but with then many nice, you know, after a year and a half of hill, many, do you know how to and her husband must have returned to restart their lives in northern garza. but with their 4 children, they have learned there's little lift of their home, but it's most of them you'll not left. we went to check in on our house, our neighborhood. there was nothing but rebels. no houses, nothing. it was not clear where houses were, how many we just bought this jesus. this is their line and they will never leave. what have a president from said? it's not something you need not to see. um, we are here steadfast here in the 10th until we rebuild our homes and live in them and returned to the same places where we were living. i made the freezing weather policy and families are using whatever they can to the fire and prepare launch for their families. lunch on the same pool. me will eggs, boiled, or cavities twirled, and plastic. how does the la hopes to rebuild his home to where they are?
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how does that there is no proper means of life or anything? no water, no electricity, nothing and things are very difficult. as you can see, the house behind me, the entire neighborhood is gone. but despite all that, we want to live and we want to rebuild. it is not how senior resistance, but resilience that will keep them here. and behaviorally edges, euro garza city, palestine. the humanitarian situation in garza remains died even with increased aid coming in during the cx. 5 to erica bozer has moved from con eunice in southern casa, the military and 8 supplies continue to flow into the gaza strip as a part of the deal reach between from us and is where we so that during the 1st 4 days of the implementation of the 1st phase that over 632 minute tearing 8 trucks, access cause a surpassing agreed minimum of 600 feet
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a lead time. subsequent days we witnessed sorts of collect rates in terms of these numbers. well, few minute terry, and 8 organizations, including owner, what the wsp and medical organizations such as the w a. what to deliver like saving assistance to posted means as different sorts of food parcels, emergency water supplies alongside with also different uh send it patient products wed distributed to families of facing city humanitarian conditions. but they stressed that all sorts of 8 delivered to the gaza strip did not violate a scratch the surface of a humanitarian needs of the strip. and they are calling for sub expansion of humanitarian relief efforts for desperately needed families. topic up as a, i'll just had you in this kind of style. regional leaders have rejected president trump scholars a plan with jordan signing. it opposes attempts to an ex land and displace palestinians. no di has moved from the capital
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a month with us president donald trump has united the middle east in shock and condemnation. the focus of regional outrage from suggestion that the us plans to take over gaza brooding palestinians, forcing them to live in jordan egypt or elsewhere in the region. do us, we'll take over the gaza strip and we will do a job with the 2 without it. and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangers unexploded bombs and other weapons on the side. the level of the side across the political spectrum, palestinians roundly rejected the comments as we cycled is really ideas. and is really pipe dream that would play and palestine of its indigenous peoples, egypt restated its long standing position against displacing palestinians. in jordan, the proposal is viewed as a threat to national security of the most of the what was declared by trump is considered a violation of international laws and an aggression on the united nations charter.
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it is considered a disturbance of international security and and into fear and in the solvency of jordan and egypt. and this is not acceptable as old king. abdullah of jordan also condemned the idea during a meeting with the palestinian president and health phone consultations with the meat of potter and crown prince of sold area. field is key in this developing story that has regional leaders rattled society foreign ministry was 1st to roundly condemn trump's remarks as a formal solid. your relations with israel will not happen without ending these really occupation and palestinian statehood of this. so the position will encourage . i mind, cairo, and capitals around the world to stand their ground in opposing trump shocking plans. statements of condemnation alone will not defeat donald trump's push for annexation, and displacement governments around the region will have to come up with
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a counter offer that also fulfills palo studying rights to statehood. reconciling these opposing goals will determine whether the region is heading towards confrontation, cooperation with all the 0. i'm not the united nations as warning against forcibly removing palestinians from gaza. un secretary general antonio gutierrez's, fullest displacement of people, is tend to mount ethnic cleansing. gabriella alexander reports from new york. the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, didn't directly address trump's remarks on guys, but did so implicitly at the assesses, as the size of the valuable rights of the policy. and people is about the rights of palestinians to simply live as human beings in their own lands. if he's vital to stay through to the bedrock of international law, it is essential to avoid any form of ethnic cleansing. does the secretary general
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believe that president trump plan for the us to take over gaza? is ethnic cleansing? look, any force displacement of people? is 10 about 2 to ethnic cleansing. what ask for his response to terms of plan to foresaw, palestinians out of gaza. china is ambassador echoed the thinking of many other diplomats when he said this. finally speaking this. ready is beyond comprehension, and i'm so you have noticed that the arrow countries have rejected this proposal. and as far as time is concerned, we are opposed to any attempt to attend the demo square feet of the occupied territories. it's clear trump is trying to up in the international legal order that governs this very body. the big question now is, what is the un prepared to do about it? gabriel's on don't out use it at united nations in new york. so there have been
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protests in washington, dc against prison chums move to shut down the government's international humanitarian agency. most of the agencies, stuff are being put on administrative leave. you with i. d. 's is the move will come into effect on friday. in 2023, the agency dispersed, moving $14000000000.00 to more than $200.00 countries and regions. critics argue that decision will help you with interest, as well. as in bob white health, which is uh wanting the suspension of for an ide by president trump will hit the most vulnerable communities many h i v aids patients faith will no longer receive lots saving medicine. however, in the town. so reports from ep with the ne, since and bob way, no matter how busy her day gets, which i need to someone who can forget to take her medication. the
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48 year old says she gets the anti retroviral treatment for free from aid agencies . she was shocked to hear that the united states agency for international development u. s. a has abruptly suspended it's operations and funding for at least 90 days. some live saving hbo event is continuing, but no one knows how long that will last. and this was the truth. as the top 2, we are going to die. that's what it means. they must have pity on us. we need that money so we can keep getting our medication of us age distributions, billions in age to non governmental organizations, age groups, and a non profit around the world. the us gave subsaharan africa more than $6500000000.00 and humanity in assistance last year. this clinic is a lifeline for people in the community. families come me up with that's a nation's counseling and other services. like many other public health
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institutions in zimbabwe, this place as long as you don't find it. if that money isn't there, this pays cut off for services and people work you can get paid the cuts. i mean programs affecting hundreds of thousands of people under threat. i think this is exposed desk. sure how we add to the delay into $1.00 to $1.00 extent or less particular was i think we can get the government to support but also look it into natalie. surely we would, if, you know, look of the nice, ok, could you get involved with government say is it has enough h i v medication to meet the needs of the 1200000 people currently on anti retroviral therapy. but which i need to solve on this is the only thing she knows for sure is that she has about a month supply of tablets lift in this bottle out of mattel's. i'll just share it with them probably as well. so head, hey, ronelle is era. it is taken 6 years and cost $100000000.00. we look at the unesco
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heritage sites being restored in the rocky city of mosul. the 2 economic mountains, administrative disasters, political divisions, and now is rails invasion. 11 in for survived on the toilet civil society. as citizens of stepped in to provide with the state is found thinking halter, if they could buy us electricity executed by us. many cases excluding everything is secured, but private initiative. people impala frontline is k on l g 0 february on the jersey. we years on from the outbreak of the war and you cream out of view. it explores the human costs and assets, whether politics or the battlefield will determine its outcomes for cause new direction looks at the challenges facing nations across the continent as they move
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away from dependency. aiming to redefine their futures after a vote of no confidence in germany's transfer, people had to the polls with the sensor, right? christian democratic union parties, expected to take power brussels shuttle on africa examines of russia's growing influence in the region through the prison. the central african republic, ethiopia holds the african solutions as a chooses leaders, february on a dizzy at the church, and you'll just hear a reminder about top stories this hour. a day of pta president donald trump announced plans for the us to take control of garza,
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the white house press secretary and says hello, simeon sped, will only be removed temporarily as the strictest rebuilds is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with the us secretary of defense of the pentagon. feed hicks, you describe trumps plants, take control of guns as a creative solution to solving decades of conflicts, palestinians, and kansas side. they will never be full south of the homeland. many of pitching tents on top of the rubble of that houses and trying to clear debris by hand with thousands of protesters have rallied against the us across the us against present on trump, the angry at the actions he's taken. and the 1st 2 weeks of his presidency, reynolds reports from los angeles, raising their voices moving on hood and banging the pots and pans, contest theirs outside los angeles city hall made it loud and clear that they reject donald trump and his rapid fire efforts to steer american society sharply to
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the right. we're here to defend democracy there's, there's a lot of inner corruption and we don't know where to go to actually fight it. this is a good 1st step, but we need to move past that even many carried signs to notes in chrome is a fascist. others waived mexican flags and solidarity with and documented persons. and banners defending l g b t q writes. this is part of a grass roots social media organized series of protests, hold 5050, and one aiming to create 50 protests and 50 cities. in one day people rallied from boston, massachusetts to austin, texas raleigh, north carolina, and indianapolis. indiana is well as many more towns including upfront as practically on fronts own doorstep in washington dc. protesters here are
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demonstrating again the top administration plan math e for cation of migrant. they're also broadcasting the land through radically re shaped the federal government, including gutting, entire federal agency. some protesters expressed a particular outrage over the role of multi billionaire 11 months is perhaps right hand man an une elected, but still a powerful disruptor rampaging through washington's government institutions. will receive right now, and very much so with how you all mazda is treating the government right now. what they're, what they're, what they have is full control, and nobody's able to solve the problem. tests were small and the massive rallies that marked the beginning of the 1st trump administration in 2017. but after a period in which trump is steam, roll political allies and opponents alike with the executive orders and distracted the news. media with proposals to seize greenland and gaza,
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they may be assigned that a for grass roots. resistance is finding its voice. levels now does 0 los angeles live it owns prime minister and was so long says he's still working on forming a technocratic government. despite domestic pressure to night administer soon said to hold a isn't by root with more as well. there were expectations that the prime minister designate was so would be presenting his governments line up during his meeting with the president. but that did not happen. a prime minister designate salaam said that he is still in the process of forming a government and his words, i want a government that's will put the lab and on, on the past of reform. i want a government that's will rebuild a states. i know i salons words really a clear message that he's not going to back down on the criteria that he had set
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for the formation of a government when he was appointed. this is a man who does not belong to the traditional political class and 11 on a man. really the choice of the people who want to change here, who wants to approve a system which really has paralyzed politics and prevented much needed economic and political reforms to not only revive the economy but deal with the financial collapse in the country. so now watson, i'm saying that he's not going to back down with he promised the people telling them i am here to fulfill your aspirations. what he has been trying to do is form a government that's independent of political parties, but in a country like 11 on that, it's hard to do because the political class resist change. because when they accept change, it means that they give up their hold on power. they give up their hold on the institutions of the states which they have been using, using the states resources to build their own power. so politicians stronger than
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the state, but some of them is up against a deeply entrenched political class that's still controls parliament. the rug, 2nd largest city of mosul, is one of the oldest in the world and is home to internationally important historical and religious heritage sides. many of its engines, landmarks were destroyed by i saw a decade ago, but now the rock is rebuilding them. lockwood up the lions reports from most so a need to do is bringing in the most famous flights a clock. tow of this convent established in the 19th century, was wrecked, of the ice of forces sees the city in 2014, but now it's restored to its former glory. the young moody mosque was supposed to build in the lead to us the century. it too was
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destroyed. but no cause to pray originate once more from it's leaning. you minarette the give the city it's nickname, the hunchback, hold on the head, but in arabic, i me a the how the human welcome. the symbolism of these different houses of worship lies in the fact that they are close to each other. reflects the harmony between religious and ethnic communities that existed in the city before the war. the connection with these heritage races is deeply rooted in the memory of the people of the most. so that's why attacking them was meant to target their rocky people's identity. 1880 percent of the old city was destroyed doing this, the occupation and the subsequent method to take it back to place it in 2017. according to us, cool mosul was once one of the most diverse cities in the middle east, with body as religious and ethnic communities living side by side. that diversity was reflected in its rich cultural heritage until it was invaded by isom. now as
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the city is timing to the gain, it says pit culture plays the q will in post conflict reconstruction, but many other sites understood in ruins of unexploded bombs and the lack of lights and infrastructure in some areas make it impossible for thousands of families to return home, and i be a t dash i was in a troubleshooting, this is my house, my relatives and my neighbors, and i have been renting houses in other areas for nearly 8 years. the city doesn't rebuild their houses and won't let us rebuild them either. this complex or full ation to just sort of substantial damage of the 4 years of how to work in cooperation with unit school. only one has been rebuilt. i'm out of the, i'm a, those of any restoration operations. take a lot of time and effort to because it involves meticulous listing of rub up progress, getting every tiny cracked in a stone or break and preserving heritage through sophisticated methods. they are
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then really used to bring the building back to normal as much as possible. 70 is on thousands of free books, many scripts to fax out a student accounted for. but these ruins serve as a code of the holders of war. and symbols of on hand drifts in the history of humankind. i would have to do, i hate, under 0, most of northern the lock. the millions of people in new zealand has come in the right hand. why tongue, you died amongst the signing of the countries founding documents full celebrations, including don't service marketing the day in 1840 when the treaty was vis signs between the british crown and moti chase. protest as turn the backs on government ministers cooling on them to hold policies, which critics say roading indigenous rights promised in the treaty. the prime minister chris of election did not attend the 9 ceremony at one time
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but as often they told me to try, you can find more information on the website with a is coming up next and inside story takes a closer look. its president donald trump's plan for guns. the hello something of a north south split the weather across the middle east at the moment. southern areas lost a drive with lots of hazy sunshine, quarter team. so let me wind coming in here concept, for example, low temperatures getting up into the low to may twin to still the north look of that some very waiting. she was coming in across iraq, into iran, just spilling out of the cool cafe. so just $1516.00 south, just apple pack that struggling to get anywhere near double figures around that
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eastern side of the met. it's right and move the same as we go through friday. i wish you whether just pushing it to northern pol, solve iran, possibly say one to 2 showers into west and there on destiny. sand around that to eastern side of saudi arabia. maybe here in contract as well. temperatures set just out of touch at last stages, the wind swing round. now the winds have been coming in from an old the direction the northwest play for the 1st day or for studies to sort of the met and it really will fill cold. it will fill, roars fairly unpleasant around that eastern side of the met could even see some snow white with a lebanese mountains. more bloss, 3 showers, ruffling their way into gaza and snow. the fort took a, some settled, 2 across the northern parts of algeria pushing across into tennis. yeah. with one or 2 showers around the gulf of guinea. the it's one of the most recognized sites around the world. thing for support from
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phone and wide, which sort of funds back home. it's more than just a football club. anyone who says policy should be left off for football and you know, doesn't know about football, isn't about politics. and this is the stuff on the passion and the politics of the little pool, etc. the defiance joins part of the funds who make football series on houses. the right one is donald trump, so obsessive because of the us presidents proposes taking over the stress and relocation problems, demands a violation of international law at best, and a pool for ethnic cleansing it was. but who can stop trumpet plan this just inside story, the .
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