tv [untitled] February 6, 2025 6:30pm-7:01pm AST
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what can i do now, for example, on mondays that i did in governments through it's federal executive cause we met and deliberated on what to do next in case they've the funding stops coming from the united states. and because of that, they've budgeted $1000000000.00 us dollars to reach any gap that will come as a result of the stop each of us funds to the health sector. but again, people are questioning whether or not this would be sustainable. because if the united states government uses, pardon me, it's funding of age to the house, i to imagine. and the rest of africa, that means the african countries will have to find a way of regions, a gap. so as to find those the health sector and continue work in that particular area. now a lot of people are concerned that in the long term, governments not only imagined but the rest of africa may find it difficult to continue. how many degrees. i'll just go ahead here and out there, we will have to talk about the account which they called attention. sometimes i would legs and hands with constituting ladies, indian national to
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a deported from the us. say they were mistreated by us officials profitable than a decade. and when he came back, playing for his boyhood club sons also presented the 33 year old, left side to raving stuff out loud at the end of last month, sales full time, regular score has spent most of the last year recovering from a the had lower that was not in south america and severe storms of sweat, southern parts of the region affecting a northern, the argentine uruguay and southern areas of brazil that rain, stretching old white sa, paula. it caused flooding. then we could see some thunder storms the days ahead, but it is an improving picture around these scenarios of brazil. but there's a way to weather down in the south at
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t is up for uruguay and northern areas of argentina, we'd like to see the heat come back in to windows. there is a sunshine remaining, the dominant feature. it has been very hot down in the cell, launch the dry as well, much west across the very north is not as wedge across central america and the caribbean. yes. a sprinkler showers here and there, but sunshine, the dominant feature, some of the story from mexico, with the heat building across the north, monterey, seeing the temperature of pick up 30 degrees to take us through to the end of the week. and temperatures are still sitting exceptionally high across southern parts of the us is basically cold across canada and move in areas of the us. and we're going to see that winter weather thanks to a storm system. sweep across the great lakes, move across the northeast of the us and east and pots are counted up with a cool down to come for toronto on friday. the
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4th is the effect of the conflict on the environment. the impact is so much more than just emissions from tanks, ships and will fight modern booth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased and this war and this climate, christ, all hail the planner on a jersey to connecting communities adoption was never a benevolent effort. my family didn't need to be separated. my family needed to be supported. this isn't just about korea, this is a global industry opening up the conversation. would you say a conferences are, do people have less stress? because it was me this out that forgets for people who are actually facing the brunt of climate change with fresh perspectives from less or heard voices. the stream explores the key issues of our times on out to 0. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories is around 2000000 palestinians and gone through trying to survive when to in one of the tents. so it is and jobs really cues these really minute trips and literally obstructing deliveries. any 2 percent of the tons of promise have arrived so far. palestinians and gallons of how the demonstration against donald trump to take over the plan and it social media pages to present reiterated his attention to reset field posting in 2002,
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we developed the territory in the occupied west bank and his ready siege is forced to more than $26000.00 palestinians to flee the homes. you an agency that kind of thing. your refugees says is there any forces have leveled major sections of the janine refugee camp. now the country prime minister haven't been abdul rahman, autonomy is jude to meet with us. admit lisa and voice. steve would call in florida later on thursday. the main thing comes ahead of the next exchange is rated captains for palestinian prism is, is part of the goal is to see sort of deal which is expected on saturday. i, let's take this on with riley cory, who is a distinguished public policy from the american university of barrett joined just now from boston in the united states in fact. so run me 1st up. what's your sense of this conversation is going to be had between the country prime minister and steve would come from be interesting to be a fundable in the for lots of what president trump is being saying. oh, absolutely it. it's a critical um relationship cut that has proved to be with egypt,
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the essential to get the process moving to the point where we are now starting the 2nd phase of the door sheet of the negotiations, which would ultimately get these release out of gas. so all hostages and prisoners released and the end of the war. so the problem is that the, the company positions, clearly egyptian positions clear, the, i'm us position is quite clear. but these really position and the american position, or like a kaleidoscope, they keep moving around the new ideas are presented. there are huge internal debates within israel that keep a sewing obstacles into the way of the process. and that the host legal fate is on the line. he may go to, he has to go to court, he may go to jail. so there are lots of moving parts that are not clear what the
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implications are. and the latest is, of course, the drums proposal. to get the palestinians out of gas or which already as being walked back by assist senior officials is 4 minutes tourism, at least on roy his press secretary, they're all kind of walking back. so it looks like it varies not by him because he doesn't really have a clear idea of what he's talking about. he's, he's, he's, he's up show, man, uh, he does drama. he does disruption. and he does this illusion. and his really a delusion he's really done all of these and this proposal that's kind of make believe it's not gonna work. very few people in the world. one at most people have some governments as opposed to so what he says gets the process gets the discussion moving the real question that nobody is answered yet. that lots of speculation, both here in the us, the middle east, is why, why does this ultimate aim? most people, i feel from my discussions and following this,
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most people tend to feel that what he's trying to do is put out on the ridge just put out there and outrages proposition that he knows is not feasible, but he wants it to saw from the so the position on normalization with israel. this is the big prize that the us under, by to now under the drum that they've always looked for. they want to get so they may be a israel to have normal diplomatic relations. the feeling that this would so open the door to all the other countries following suit and the so these have actually taken the harder line position after the trump proposal. so the, so these are incredibly important discussions with another focus naturally on the, the discussions or florida today are going to focus on the negotiations to release the hostages and the powers to the you on that all you and then sees are in general are you fearful now, given what's being said by the presidents about the advocacy,
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the solidity of this, these far the and it's a whole, you know, i don't put a lot of emphasis on what trump says. he says, all kinds of things. he changes his mind to clarify as he denies, so he is not a reliable source. as, as the dues business people say, though he is present or they might just say, so what he says has to be considered seriously. but it should not be taken, has a clear path towards a policy. it has other motives, some business, some personal, some family relationships, some investment opportunities, and then controlling people on both sides, pressuring people. so it's a fascinating study and sort of collide the scope of diplomacy, you know, a kaleidoscope, and turn it all the pieces move and then
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a new situation comes about. so i think that we have to let the process play itself or focus on the negotiations. the 2nd phase that's supposed to start everybody, and i mean everybody wants the is really hostages released and the palestinian prisoners released and leave a cease fire to be permanent, as the israel is to get out of gas a for k one. i don't sort of changes to you again for, for this weekend, isn't it? you could argue perhaps find the remy, you could argue perhaps it in a way he's made the world more aware of what his rent is done and goes. oh absolutely. including american officials going to visit and i'm hoping the media, the global media will be able to go soon, even though many of them, including stretching it out and others have gas on job as far as sending out reports. so yes, and this is what the is rarely is desperately want to stop. they want to stop to
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things they want to stop the world, seeing what is real does militarily and you know, with prisoners and all the terrible things that doesn't. that's why it's so widely discussed now in terms of both apartheid and genocide. and it wants to stop any discussion of the historical background to the situation and gather the palestine zionism conflict, the arab israeli conflict. it wants desperately to prevent any historical analysis and it's increasingly successful in doing that because more and more people are going to them at least to the what they see, another west bank, what's going on. therefore, the trend for these rarely is not good. they've lost their ability to completely dominate the narrative of the israeli conflict and the palestinian people in the west and the media and, and, and official them. so it's quite extraordinary. i'm reading now the book,
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amazing book by 11 to pay the is really historian on the history of zionist lobbying and in the west of england in the us. it's a $450.00 page monster. but it is the most amazing analysis based on the total historical, factual truths about how israel has succeeded in doing what it's done with. just create a george majority states and a palestinian allowed about 1920 was 93 percent down, including my family does a. so this is what they're trying to prevent these rather than any discussion of this under their slowly losing control of this narrative. all right, remy, thanks for that. around me, corey, speaking to us that from the united states from boston. this said the panama, where the president has said that he rejects the us panama relationship based on lies in full. so it's as off to the us state department announced that government vessels would not would no longer be required to pay
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a fee to use the panama canal. the canal a little far as he responded, saying that was on true, but it's on it's willing to hold towards with us officials. earlier this week, montgomery visited which way and successfully pressured panama to leave china as belton road initiative. president donald trump has repeatedly suggested that the us take back control of the canal. i. let's go live now to a lot to the america, tennessee, and human who's in santiago, chile. so let's see what's the story a strong repost from melina? the absolutely just one week ago, president willing know, has said that he was sure that the differences with united states could be ironed out amicably and in a friendly manner. today he was calling the states department of reducing the state department of using quote, lies and false fluids to try to manage the bi lateral relationship. very, very strong words. and the president will also said that he knew nothing about
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present in trump's invitation to have a phone call with him on friday at 3 pm, something that the president had said in what in washington, he said he has received no invitation to do that. and you'll also underscored that not only would u. s. navy ships not be or have not at least been authorized to go through the panama canal for free without paying the fee. but also that the united states does not dictate panamanian policy. so clearly the relationship now has become a far more tense than it was when the us secretary of state medical. rubio arrived there over the weekend, left on monday allegedly was a but we're making it at least sound as though some important agreements had been reached between both countries to try to offset the threats by prism in from the quote take back to the us kind of the, the panama canal, would you, james, really should belong to the united states and what all of us extra estate market. rubio and his trip to central america,
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which is wrapping up now. and the majority of the countries he visited focused on, on immigration, on documented immigration or migration to the us border and on the ways. so it comes that countries like costa rica el salvador and guatemala can help the united states and work together to, to try to ward off these also the flow of drugs, fentenol, etc, across the us border. and he, there were agreements reached particularly with those salvador and also in the dominican republic where he is now basically to, to ensure cooperation. countries like a salvador have agreed to take on, documented my goodness that are expelled or deported from the united states, including criminals, who would, who would be put into some of the notorious outside of the door in jails. where many gang members are being kept. also, in guatemala,
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they suggested that they could also be willing to take my goods from the united states and deport them to watch them all, and not just bored them all and citizens, and that this would be paid for by the us. the details are still being worked out, but this would, could be considered as a major success for president rubio. how i mean for, for secretary of state rule, however, it, what's happening in panama indicates exactly the opposite. yep. all right, and it's effects that totally to do reporting that from actually thank you. the indian nationals who were deported from the united states say they were mistreated by american officials. the 104 migrants were taken back to northern india or the military at croft. it was the 1st such flight to india, us president donald trump promised he would crack down on undocumented migrants in the country. and the passengers describe the conditions of their return as harrowing in claim that the hands and legs were shackled for almost 2 days of committed, obviously. but we were handcuffed about the account, which they called attention. sometimes i would legs and hands would cost including ladies,
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except the children and all those who are below 18 years of age. all of us are shackle. i've been given the facilities of washrooms and they never remove the costs even to eat. or i think we should indeed know position and piece of protested outside parliamentary with the alleged ill treatments. they carried pace to 2nd handy. we will not tolerate this insults. they said it's unacceptable for indians to be treated as from the one the bench m $23.00 references have held the public rally in the city of government in eastern democratic republic of congress. the leader of the river lines cornell named the told crowds gathered in the city's main stadium. and he wants to liberate all of the congress. the group presented the newly appointed governor for north keeping problems and a massive government and 23 and its military coalition captured the strategic city from government forces last week. meanwhile,
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there are votes that the fighters have kept to the mining town south game, 70 kilometers from because the capital of the south keep your region sides. despite the m 23 revel groups. declaration of a unilateral cease fi lights on monday. united nations says at least 2900 people were killed during the fighting game, but last week, around 2004. these were collected from the streets and the other 900 were already in books across the city conference. so it has more from not read beyond that very help i and $23.00 and it's the congo revolve lions, which is a group that also includes m $23.00 rebels. i say that they have grievances that have to be addressed including grievances by citing marginalized communities. there and today they had this public wiley with thousands of people
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came to listen to what the leadership is saying. and they said all the right thing . they told people to go back to that these, this is the live without the uh, they said that uh they are in the process of making sure that all the services are working. uh, these are clean, not exercise going on. uh, as you said, uh, 2900 people were charged. so they're saying that they want go much to go back to work. and we have also been talking to the residents who told us that what they are doing and what they're saying is that they want peace. and they want to make sure that everything is safe. and they're just looking and waiting to see how things play play out going forward. as to the head on out 0, let me pick financing med list is doing those. you can do change perceptions and improve access to the support. that's the only way that the,
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the the, let's get on to this board is for next. thank you so much illiterate for hostile them. later on. thursday is a cheese, finds battle for a place in the funnel of the english lee cab square as a target and a 1st trophy in 17 years. and may take a one, no advantage to an sealed liverpool or the title holders and are in contention to win 4 major trophies this season. the final will be held on march, the 16th at wembley, even if we go one nail down in the leak or whatever tournament we are in, we try and, and want to win the game. that's also what we tried in the away game against up to
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them. i think we were quite close that together result over there till the last few seconds from us here. the only one sort of in all the competitions and still ever cracking a little competition side. yeah. lies in great and see if we can manage that type of combat and get to the phone. i think the massive method for where we're at commercially for future and, you know, for sure it'll look seller right. the price of, of, of the applies and waiting. and that final is new castle we're looking to and there's 6 deck, a wait to lift, a major trophy, they beat arsenal to advance new castle. were all ready to know out from the 1st leg of this some final in front of their homes down to saint james's park. it quickly extended that advantage. jacob murphy, with the opening goal, was safe from arsenal keeper and david ray. i, early in the 2nd half gave new castle the chance to make the game safe. service
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avenue gordon, wrapping up a store. now i forget when newcastle reached the final, this competition 2 years ago to lose against manchester, united, new houses measure a sense of change have learned from that experience and looking back, it was exhausting for me. and i'm sure it was the same for the players, but i think from that you, then you learn different techniques to, to help keep your concentration, keep your focus, not become tired, you know, the build up. so i think there's best definitely things, there's a club we can improve, we can look at the top, just help the plasm. when that day comes around, we're able to perform and give them the absolute best. now, sensing has a reputation for being an elite sport, but only a small number of people have access to olympic. sensing metal is if the hodge mohammed is doing all she can to change that out, is there as time sized when spoke to the american about her long term ambitions for
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the sports. any future supposing stall needs of guiding hand to make it to the top . there are a few bits of role models to it. the hutch mohammed, the american, was just a child when she started fencing. decades later, legacy is a for reaching one of the 2016 olympics. she became the 1st woman from her country to compete and a huge job. and the 1st american muslim women to win the middle. now retired mohammed has become an advocate to increase efficiency in the us. she's also an impass of the crating paul twice program and to ha, where she aims to show that religion should not be a barrier in schools. when i qualified for you know, my 1st still in big team. i remember it was just this onslaught of, you know, media and press and it was in that moment that i realized that, you know, the journey was bigger than me. this was an opportunity to show the world at different lens of the muslim community who the most some woman is what she looks like and what she can achieve. tamaros and champions to fund
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a son called the world's attention at the closing ceremony of the parish games. last year, when she wore a hitch up on the podium, something french athletes were banned from doing the fun choosing to wear her head job on the podium at the very last event of the paris games was revolutionary. and so many different ways. though the world watched and accepted, you know, the french ban of french, at least from rank, had job. us defend showed that the most, some women, no matter where they're from the netherlands or any other part of the world, will continue to fight and stand up for what's right. the crates and policies program will ain't to provide young female athletes with the tools and confidence to succeed at the highest level. and over the coming years, education city stadium in doha, will be transformed into a hub for women's competitions. where future champions will hope to make their name . i'm excited to, you know, show these girls
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a sport that i believe uniquely accommodates to our religious police as my funds. one thing that was difficult for me growing up in playing all these different sports was trying to find something that uh, where the uniform, you know, wasn't a hindrance. and then fencing kits are so motus. and i think it will, you know, be an easy transition for girls here. dispose of fencing has long been associated with a traditional and exclusive elite. if the hutch mohammed has forced depaula for sparring fences from old backgrounds to follow some size ins, ultra 0 australia as cricket team or on top of your day, one of their 2nd test against sri lanka and go after leaving for a century, walk a chest about 1st but they struggled as michel stark and nathan lion took the 3 wickets apiece. space smith became australia as all time leading catcher in tests, taking his 100 and 97th,
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a restrictive hosted 229 for 9. by the close of play. a global expansion of the nfl continues and the build up to sunday super bowl. it's been announced that australia will host a regular season game from 2026, 100000 capacity. melvin cricket bound is a chosen venue for a multi year deal. 5 international games have so far been confirmed for next season with major at berlin and london, the whole cities. the 1st regular season game in the asia pacific region and australia. australia is a really important market for the nfl globally. passionate nation sporting fans a passionate sporting culture with nearly 7000000 fans of the nfl and french basketball, a superstar. and victor, when ben yamaha has put in another game, winning performance for the san antonio spurs, they are in, fox was making his 1st appearance for this 1st. and this game against the atlanta hawks women the on that one it with a last 2nd free row. his team have
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a chance now reach me and the playoffs are the 1st time since 2019. okay, and that is all your support for now. expect to you. bye. thanks very much the for that. we'll see you later and that's it for me. the clock, let's news, i'll be back in 2 minutes with the other half of you see you then bye for now the the increasing power on africa russian most. and that is killable. so to use violence in the country that he's rushes presence in the central african republic, a stabilizing force, or calculated strategy for dillman. and this is across the continent. they provide security and they take uranium, they provide security. let me take diamond rushes shadow and africa coming soon,
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phone out to 0 in the shadow of shanghai is moving the truck with a crumbling fee to provide centuries to tradition for an aging oper true. it's both the stage and the home, but face to the eviction to make waiting for modernization. one opera singer leads the fight to preserve both the refuge and their culture. madam white snake, a witness documentary on a jersey, you know, in the human line can do multiple ton caring for the natural environment, just parts of the national identity. but despite its negative carbon footprint, global warming threatens lives and like 221 east investigate who tends climate crisis. one 0 to 0. i moved to the us when i finished high school. people shocking to me, the most people in the west have no idea that their country occupied panama build
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a fence around the canal and said, this is ours. keep out. not only that, but the us important didn't group policies into panama and created separate leaving areas for white workers and black and brown workers. this clarified anti black and segregationist practices that had existed since and slaves africans were 1st brought to panama, the golden wet conditions across the gulf. this trip compounds of misery for millions of people, searching for shelter and finding mostly russell. the clock this is out, is there
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