tv [untitled] February 7, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm AST
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particularly on new york city duty interior and its going to be sure as long as i rhetorically commit to defending the court. but will the commission issue or the blocking statute for another 5 defects who's executive order and the territory of the opinion piece is just that's i'm if the united states as allies and some of the 125 states that all the signatures of the room statute the recognize the core to stick that neck out. the likes of the u. k. fonts, germany, canada, japan, the lift list goes on that they can find themselves at the receiving end of something not see from united states by way of, i don't know, let's go sanctions the trade sanctions trade restrictions. i mean, that's not really incentive for ccc. latrice to uphold this a oh, to challenge this real thing is that it is a good question because i think we've seen the true but you know, it is full of bluff and bluster. we saw it was the sanctions on canada and mexico briefly. um,
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but ultimately the united states needs its allies as much as the allies in the united states and they stick together. that's the best way to respond to this bullying tactic. you know, the, the i c c issue is, is not the highest priority for the european union or, or other us allies like south korea or japan. um, but neither is it the highest priority in united states. economic issues are more important for these countries fundamentally. but if you start giving into the bully on this issue here or there, and let them divide, you, you become much more susceptible to these tactics. and ultimately these states, as they allow themselves to, again slice tasks, salami fashion, and they're going to be alone in the face of trends on, on any number of thoughts. and so it's really in all of their interests to stand up for what's really at stake here. even larger than the national criminal justice and the work v i c c. but that's a rules based international order. and,
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and that is fundamental for all of them. there's a pretty big all over in a tool. this isn't going to be lost on a view is in the already is a back in july 2023, j biden, conceded i. c. c jurisdiction over russia by authorizing isn't ministration to give the court evidence of russian abuses that was of course, in the case against a lot of it pretty soon regarding ukraine. what does that say to you this? well, i mean, his locker see here is phenomenal, and his mazda is dividing ministration, but uh, it was the us congress, the authorized us support for the cords, actions on, on your credit. and, you know, of course rushes relationships. the court is very much like israel's relationships . the court is not a state party, but it is accused of committing crimes on the territory of the state that has accepted the isis east jurisdiction. so fundamentally, there is no difference in the legal basis for the i see these actions on palestine
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or you printing and yours is trying to say that there is a difference when there is one. and you see some of the starches supporters of the i. c. c action on you probably didn't united states like senator lindsey graham or, or even southern majority leader. chuck schumer. oh yeah. they're all happy for the i c. c to work on you crazy. but now that it's about the rights of palestinians and their rights to just as for atrocities of the territory, palestine and they're thinking of already different songs and it's just rank and policy. understood by clear in data. eric with the a pleasure to have you on the 0 every great to you have for many of the icing. see still a hands on al jazeera, the person who me in new york, where a very rare instrument is about to be auctioned off. i'll tell you what is instructed to patch we'll hear from the olympics forensic
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med list who's doing what she can to change perceptions about her support. the how i read a set to to add increasingly i'm settled across western parts of europe over the next couple of days. we have got a large area of high pressure as a quater hybrid towards the east. the round of area of high pressure, the winds are coming in from us south basically want to use the direction always a cold direction and i'm pretty unpleasant direction. we've got lots high in place as well that will have the effects of blocking off the system. so the trying to make that way in from the atlantic. so we're looking at something very wet with us and when she weather coming in the foster parent, nice northern areas of spain deposit port school but just might see some wet weather. and as you can see, some winfrey weather to one or 2 coming into
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a good pot of frogs. that's not a slight way that rule when they will feel basically cold losey troy, across much of the partition. also some west, whether it's just across the southern positive england and wales such as had much of central and eastern positive you. it was the drive. you have got a system just making its way out of north africa, and that's gonna pump some very wet weather in as we go through the next couple of days, some heavy snow coming into something there was a frost just around the alpine regions that caused some problems as we go through west side today, still a few showers up towards england and wells up in the dawn and lost the dry and settled and dry for the east as the. the
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trump's agenda includes everything from tax cuts to immigration, but how much is real and how much is bluster? is it runs footprint across the middle east. frankie beach front administration is weighing options to end the rest of your brain more. but what does it mean for europe? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as i said, i'm going or the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the,
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let me talk to you without just say what his reminder about top stories this out. thousands of palestinian families in gauze are sleeping out in the open water temps, enjoying rain freezing temperatures, a strong winds under the cx 5 deal between as well. and how much $200000.00 tents were meant to be delivered to gaza, but only 2 percent of those who arrived. so from another group of 16 medical evacuation, leaving garza through the roof for border crossing to receive urgently needed seem to broad the w. h. o has one more room set with the strip of needed between maybe 14000 palestinians and critically present. donald trump has impose functions on the international criminal court, accusing it of a legal and baseless actions, targeting us, alex holloway as well. the icbc has condemned those functions. quote on the rest of the world to stand united for justice and human rights
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the . the ice to we and whistle blow up to expose systematic torch of human rights abuses under the aside regime has risen, reveals his identity for the 1st time and then exclusive interview without just here prior to all my on, also known as caesar has confirmed, he was behind the largest leak of evidence, exposing thousands of photos, documenting mass killings and swimming prisons. he documented the deaths of at least 6796 people in detention, showing torture brutality and starvation. but i'm not how it was the head of the forensic department for the ministry police in damascus. and the photographer responsible for documenting the bodies of syrians killed to the left of the order. every time i thought of defecting from the military police, i was overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. i had the flash drive in my socks simply
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to protect myself. i have to leave regime controlled territory and go to an area controlled by the state throughout the state i need and i was searched farley and several checkpoints. in my opinion, the order to document torture and killing. so 3 flights, those came from the top of the regimes, high, rocky to prove that were carried out, and that none of the detainees were able to escape that destiny. the 73, bribery, all famous. and as the revolution try it on, the tyran regime has been toppled. we call them the us administration to lift the seeds of sanctions. the root cause for these sections has gone with the departure of the criminal and a sub regime, and we couldn't solve a bunch of h as in damascus for us. so a, some, a, a given the, the strength and the weights of the evidence and collected by the mine formerly known only as sees. it does beg the question, what the new administration can do and is going to do to ensure the previous regime is held accountable as well. that is going to be one of the most difficult tasks
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for this government to try and pull this country together in the unified form and then go off to the people who carry dial the massacre softer master. because one civil defense worker told me that syria is now like an open grave. every other day, they're finding more evidence of people buried in my sight. so people who are tortured, who were burned to death, some of the executed and asked for the case, showed the world, the horrors of what the vision was doing and how its offices were documenting what they were doing start men, young and old. sometimes even children are brought to these facilities and their bodies were wrapped in plastic and they were disposed of and hundreds of thousands of people in syria are waiting for for justice foreclosure to try and figured out what would happen to these people if you go to neighborhoods, but many of these bostic has happened. people to know the names of the public, just read this. it isn't a domino to job or they are looking for what you're looking at this the
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registration to try and bring them to justice. but that is going to be a long road ahead because initially they have to collect the data, they have to collect dna samples, they have to match them and then go after the people who, according to these benefits were involved, many of them have fled. some of them out in hiding, get them to you have now built legal infrastructure, have to go after them, how the courts will proceed against them. so it's a seem as proper justice, not vigilant as a. and then the p, as you heard from for a little bit of time there as well. the what the international community needs to do is to end those sections which came about due to the evidence that he shared with the world. and this is something you're getting from the people on the ground in syria, as well as the uh, the government that those sanctions must be lifted in immediately and unconditionally. because it was the regime who was responsible. but the people of syria were facing the concepts or did you say uh uh, some uh freedom a done like a um seas a did have
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a very interesting message and this exclusive entry that it gave me gave i would just say i didn't the, i mean namely that the sanctions, as you touched upon that with initiated in his name to seize the sanctions designed to cripple to shine a light on the previous regime should now be lifted precisely to allow the new syria to get back on its feet. does it by powerful request? absolutely. so the man who actually was responsible for these functions to come into place on the 1st place, the person who risk his life and took all of this evidence out of syria and the risk of not just his life, but his family and relatives event. because the regime had they found out is identity would have gone after everyone who they knew he is the feeling to the international community. and that is because everywhere you go in syria at every aspect of this society that needs to be a complete overhaul of systems reconstruction. and that is all being inhibited by the sanctions that it'd be lifted. and interestingly enough,
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there are clauses in those tensions that be 6 of them which have seem to be on the surface have been taken care of. so now the, the syrians in their hundreds of thousands of millions as long as the government is looking at their so called friends and partners and the best to lift the sanctions . that's only been divided damascus, make sex. is there anything else i mean, is carried out as strikes in southern lebanon, water tank targeted out before i a town, and the side on district. these really military says it targeted what it called has but military sites and accused as a group of violating the sci fi that came into place back in november. us the deputies special envoy to the middle east. morgan ortega stays in bay roots following talks with presenters. if our she says has pull up the snow, be a pos of 11 homes government. a has bullet, was defeated by israel, and we are grateful to our allies. israel for defeating has bola, but it's also thanks to you, thanks to the lebanese people. it is thanks to present in our own and private,
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the prime minister designate on watts alarm. and everyone in this government who is committed to an end of corruption who's committed to reforms and who are committed to making sure that his bullet is not a part of this government and any form. and that has buller remains disarmed and militarily defeated. then how does and by root for us says they know the united states, making it very, very clear that it doesn't see any feature hezbollah, lebanese politics, and beyond the 1st the official from the trumpet ministration to visit the us, the deputies special and boy coming to 11 on with a very clear message, really setting the tone for what the new 11 on should look like going forwards, saying back to this country and hezbollah should not have any influence in this country. in her words,
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the group has been militarily defeated. there is no doubt that as well as war against the group, the weekends it for nearly a year, they engaged in cross border fire and then a what israel launched a wide scale attack. and you mentioned those air strikes, they continue to, to target what is really military is calling as well as military assets. now what she is trying to say is that there's a new political reality 11 on and has full that should not be able to benefit politically after losing militarily. what she is saying is that the united states supports the new leaders of this country, the president and the prime minister, who are committed to reforms who are committed to fighting corruption and who are committed to this army has the law and making sure that it will not re armed because these 2 and have said their policy will be to extend the states authority across the country and say that when exactly is this final decision by the prime
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minister, designate no, no of us all i'm expected to be made as well. he was supposed to announce a government place last night, but the she, all parties has full a and a month are insisting on the blocking 3rd and cabin. it's something that they have enjoyed a privilege that they have enjoyed since 2008 in successive governments. they want to be able to name 5 ministers to is to ensure that if they are not happy with any decisions, that they have veto power. no west salon refused to give them a veto power. this is a deeply divided country and has the law. and along with this allies, they do control a significant a number of seats in parliament. yes, the balance of power has changed the united states as the main player 11 on now it is no longer e ran, but you need to engage with these groups in order to get that vote of confidence in parliament in the new governments. so, you know,
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the situation is quite the difficult at this point in time, and it's not clear if and when a government is going to be formed. very, very delicate balance of powers. and it says they know many things designed to hold and buried. so on go, that's a struggling to contain a color outbreak. this code 7 to 5 people in a month of the 1st cases with the texas in the comfortable end any last month since then, it spread to 6 of the nations 21 provinces, but tulsa has more an ambulance, and then goal is capital responds to another color emergency is latest outbreak began in early january. the most in fictions and death had been recorded lowanda province. the government recently targeted around 1000000 adults and children and a nationwide vaccination campaign to cut their 1st resume, vaccinations important as they reduce transmissions. we have also increased clean water distribution points. each person received
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a dose of the ro vaccine. have i seen that assembly? i few safer after getting the vaccine. i live in a high risk zone. despite the effort, the 2nd largest produce of crude oil, many people here live in overcrowded slums with unsafe drinking water for sanitation and inadequate hygiene is i see that i knew that this will definitely bring cholera. look at this place. the authorities promised to fix things years ago, but they have done nothing, nothing but i'm seeing cholera is a disease that can be prevented and controlled. but health with the say if conditions don't improve in many of the course areas, there will be more outbreaks, hardwood task. i'll do that without just here. so it head them sports, tennis start, call us out. colorado is closing in on another career 1st. so i see a story. the
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in the top is pulling out his center. thank you very much. a need for a living pool facing new, costly united in the final of the english. and the cub next month on the slows team were convincing windows and the semi final guess, thoughts in them. suppose how the one mill advantage from the 1st leg, but they didn't have a shot on target. and this baton fixture deductible. open the scoring for the report and field title holders added 3 more goals after the break. in the homicide, last quoted from the penalty spot and 3rd deals, vandyke wrapped up a full one aggregate when the pool are still in contention. $2.00 and $4.00 major
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trophies decision reaching a final should always be special even for this club. because this covers used to play and finals, but still them. we are working very hard every single day to try to improve prayers in a play is want to improve themselves every single day. but we're also in this business to play finals. disappointing to the lot because we had an opportunity to get to a photo that i'd come around too often. so to let that sleep series disappointing, but also i probably voted supporting with that we didn't play in the manner we wanted to. and we, we know we can spice it on us fast valencia of 5 now to the best boss and the spanish club of semi final taurus it was the star of the night. and the thing a hot trick within the 1st 30 minutes, by so doing a tactical my the, the so she does and wellness with in the last full little fencing has
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a reputation for being an elite sport. the only a small number of people have access to and then pick fencing med list. if to has mohammed is doing all she can to change that. i'll just there are some sizes and spoke to the american about her long time and business for the support. any future supposing stall needs a guiding hand to make it to the top. there are few bits of role models to it. the hutch mohammad, the american was just a child when she started fencing. decades later, legacy is a for reaching one of the 2016 olympics. she became the 1st woman from her country to compete in a huge job. and the 1st american muslim women to win the middle. now retired mohammed has become an advocate to increase efficiency in the us. she's also invested us to the crating paul twice program. and though ha, where she aims to show that religion should not be a barrier in sports. when i qualified for you know, my 1st still in big team,
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i remember it was just this onslaught of, you know, media and press and it was in that moment that i realized that, you know, the journey was bigger than me. this was an opportunity to show the world a different lens of the muscle community who the muscle woman is what she looks like and what she can achieve. thought smiles and champions to fund a son called the world's attention at the closing ceremony of the parents. games last year, when she were a huge up on the podium, something french athletes were banned from doing sick, fun choosing to wear her head job on the podium at the very last event of the paris games was revolutionary. and so many different ways. though the world watched and accepted, you know, the french ban of french, at least from rank, had job. us defend showed that most, some women, no matter where they're from the netherlands, or any other part of the world will continue to fight and stand up for what's right,
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the creating costs ways programmable and to provide young female athletes with the tools and confidence to succeed at the highest level and over the coming years, education city stadium here in the hall will be transformed into a hub for women's competitions with future champions. we'll hope to make the name. i'm excited to, you know, show these girls a sport that i believe uniquely accommodates to i, religious police as my funds. one thing that was difficult for me growing up in playing all these different sports was trying to find something that uh, where the uniform, you know, wasn't a hindrance. and then fencing kits are so motus. and i think it will, you know, be an easy transition for girls here. the smallest of fencing has long been associated with a traditional and exclusive leads. if the hutch mohammed has forced depaula for sparring fences from old backgrounds to follow some size ins, alta 0 to tennis color south coast is closing in on another career,
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assessed the will. number 3 had his full range of shots on his show at the works with them open. east pioneer this targeting has made an indoor titled and he dropped just free games and this went over and today i thought i saw a officially on site as to the last 8. and i would that be top. see that in our other cannot be to form a will number 2 on to do, but this was a rematch of the 2020 to wimbledon. final trouble cannot answer one because of the winning this contest against her as soon as in level and reset to it's the same fine. and that's what is put for me a 100 back to me. so as always may, thanks for that. but before we go, a rest 311 year old stride of virus violin is about to be auctioned in the united states. it could become the world's most expensive musical instrument, obviously was kristen slavery has moved from new york. it was made more than
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300 years ago, but is still considered state of the art hand crafted from maple by italian violin maker. antonia strode over. all right. the instrument currently on display at sotheby's. auction house is one of just 600 strata various violin still in existence. at the time he made this violent in 1714, he was about 70 years old. and one would think that that's a pretty elderly for a luca. but at that point, he had really perfected the craft, change the shape of the violin and gotten to the point where he had perfected exactly how to create the best possible sound known as the yoga mom. this rear violin takes its name from 2 previous owners. joseph yoakum, whose believe to have played it to premier composer johan bronze violin concerto in d major. and see how not a legendary us based chinese violinist who donated the instrument to the new
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england conservatory. after his death in 2009, the school is selling it to fun, music, scholarships for students, violinist say the instrument, sound is like no other the and when i play it somehow there's a dialogue between me and these 300 years of history. the passage of time, the different life stories that have been invested in this funding, and that to me is fascinating. sotheby's put the value of the violin at $12.00 to $18000000.00. what bidders are willing to pay will be clear on friday when it goes up for auction. but anything more than 15900000 will be a new record. the previous one set by get another stride of various violin back in 2011. prison salumi out 0. your yeah, hopefully voted by somebody who can both to play it and pay for it. that's it for me to the news out or call be back of them i with much for the days use. so to see
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when i reserve the february on, as jesse, you know, 3 years on from the outbreak of the warren, you cream out of view, it explores the human costs and assets, whether politics or the battlefield will determine its outcomes for cause new direction looks at the challenges facing nations across the continent as they move away from dependency aiming to re define their futures after a vote of no confidence in germany's transfer, people had to the polls with the sensor, right? christian democratic union parties expected to take power rushes shuttle on africa examines the rushes, growing influence in the region through the prison. the central african republic, ethiopia holds the african institutions as a chooses leaders, february on jersey. it's one of the most recognized sites around the world thing
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for support for the phone and why. but for the funds back home, it's more than just a football club. anyone who says politics should be left off to football and you know, doesn't know about football, isn't well politics. and this says he's stuck on the passion and the politics of the little pool, etc. the defiance joins part of the funds, who make football series on house. in february, 1958, the french gear correspondence a nation village near of curious border, getting more than 70 people. what happened in the sac he had showed that the colonial status quote was on sustainable. the sick used to be used to attack resounded as far as the united nations of the real world examples. the incident that put the old jew in were of independence on the stage. the story of the massacre now to 0. the world winning documentary is from
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around the world, which is 0. the the world health organization calls for more evacuation route, so wounded palestinians, and garza from nice saving treatment abroad. the head of them are a kyle, this is allen's. is there a life from doha also coming up? yes. present. donald trump imposes sweet chips sweeping sanctions on the instructional criminal court for its investigation and to as well as will on garza .
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