tv [untitled] February 8, 2025 6:30pm-7:01pm AST
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to a big den in human entity where they misread human beings. and there are we, one of us that really it to be rebuilt. we want people in the us at the end of these. and my last which is i want the whole world to stand with them as of today because the needs us and um, the kids to my husband, it's the whole world to be united for them to have their life back again. a 5 tied kept is released from gaza has begun their journey home. the group was taking drink . mazda is october 7th attack and held in a strip for 15 months that they were freed in the 3rd exchange and had been in his really hospital for medical examinations. one other time, national is believe to still be in government still ahead on else as your african leaders are meeting to find a solution to the violence and the democratic republic of congo that has killed hundreds of people.
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the hello, we have seen more sundry down pulse coming in to the west side of the amazon. you can see this line of the store. most of the area are very, very wet weather hay which brought some flooding into peru. we'll have you samus will this region as we go through saturday. central air recession has been the case in recent by still looking very much on the hot side. 35 south just for us since you had hot and sticky conditions. continuing here and it's something of a repeat performance as we go on into sunday nights as plus sunday some. what's the weather coming into the past of brazil, not too bad up towards the caravan and not too bad across the carrot. being a lovely subtropical sunshine, here was a child. so wanted to show it was mainly around the east and islands. basically
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waves just driving some wet weather over toward central america, suddenly correct with costa rica, maybe into a 100 to see some wet weather as we go through the next dial. so do you make allows you to, i want to, to show us the coming into the dominican republic model. but what i'm making it's way across a central areas of the us some snowy weather using across the plains in this area of light pressure. well that will bring some snow into the pacific northwest smoke to just around the lakes besides the day with heavier rain around the appalachians . the true economic meltdowns administrative disasters political divisions and now is rails and ration. 11 interest survived on the toilet, civil society as citizens, it stepped in to provide with the state is found thinking halter, if they could buy us electricity executed by us. many cases, it's cooling,
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everything is secured, but target initiative. people impala frontline is k on l g 0. the impact sold by internal conflicts disease and um then um, when done this, this is of cruise had made the country's economy unstable. let me go. christy. if any deals can put democracy out there, it examines how struggling nation 6 to build new alliances and its quest for stability which may come to a very high cost for cause new directions. money. turning the tide on al jazeera, the, the
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to one thing else is 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is real, and how mazda of successfully carried out the 5th exchange of 3 captives for 183 palestinian prisoners must lowes of a fried prisoners have been arriving across casa and the occupied west. earlier 3 is really captives were released and handed over to red cross officials. and their obama had been on me and the show on the end of or levy had been flown back to israel and reunited with their families. despite another successful exchange of mazda sold out to 0, the cease fire deal is in jeopardy. the group accuses israel have repeated violations, including the delay of food, aid, and shelters, from display for display, feminist engines, daily torture, blindfolded and no medical care release. palestinians have been telling l 0. what life was like in israel's or for prison? the center the owns, the center your it's been a yeah. and one day of beatings, torture and struggling all fair prison. they blindfolded and the task of my hands
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are injured from the interrogations and torture. many people have suffered a lot of medical negligence. we were provided with no medical treatment and know with the closing, then it was very fast treatment. it stopped like we would have gone tunnel based on your milady today. the 8th of february 2025 is my read this and i hope and pray that all remaining campus will be released as well. we will bones not to talk to the media and appraise our lives that just the small price to pay for guys. um and i hope all those help tempted in his way details are really good. at least the palestinians released have been immediately admitted to a hospital for medical treatment since the october 7th attacks at least 58 palestinians have died while obtained by his really authorities. that's according to the palestinian prisoner society on thursday, and is really military court sentenced a soldier to 7 months in prison after abusing policy in detainees. of these, they came in facility, and
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a recent you and report found thousands of detainees are subject to widespread in systematic abuse that amount into a war crime and crime against humanity of torture about. so for us as an assistant professor, bureau, state university and palestine, he's a specialist on global improvement and torture, torture and violence as well as political and presidents. you're joining us from occupied east jerusalem bustle. as more palestinians are released and this is the 5th time now since the beginning of the deal, the, the picture, the full picture of how they are treated weiland is really detention comes into sharper focus. i know a lot of this was already known to you because you study this, but is there anything that we're learning or hearing during these prisoner releases that surprises you? the yeah, the rights that we've been on this for a line. in fact, just one way before the war has begun since the beginning of the occupation. we have known and heard stories that this 2 minutes historically on vitamins. however, perhaps what's, what's most shocking, if i'm, if, if we could save this way,
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even though we do know that there's a division of functions as such, is the level of the dehumanization or phrase for life zation of the spanish spinning between these to the extent that for instance, and is there any media of that yesterday reported that the 0 to present service has been to show that he is supposed to be released but as being in business, those who use today uh 3 minutes you do capable for destruction in the gaza strip so i think the $700.00 fee, that the surgeon which we have own or i mean since before the war, but to the extent to which these vitamins and this torture was inflicted upon by this thing in the beaten east of understanding business. i think it's, it's hard to find it exceeds what we hear, what we know the stories and estimates of torture and violence. the fact that over that at least $68.00 by the students have been killed in less than 16 months, is why have since, astonishment, i think even the personality and,
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and that's inside the environment by and skim, acted by this, you're able to g. and the addition of course, to do that we've been working with, but as opinion bits bodies, not the only those who would enforce it, they for 70 disappears, but also a 1st thing in the business of what it can before and after the war whose bodies are still being kept by this easy to shape. so i think it's not, it's not shocking to say, but at least it shows us the nature of this culture gene, which function functions on the premises of the humanizing and visualizing but his to me is to the extent that anybody's thing it could be between any but a student could be subject to the duty forms of violence and torture without any form of justice. you have recently just posted the fact that sold that had been sentenced because of the gang green, etc to man. but this is nothing compared to the violence and torture, the stains have long been subjected to and then said this really, and that is a, an establishment continues to give impunity to sort. there's a present service person that who you're going to be that what that should be in
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the torture aspects. sort of a sort of standing prisoners it has there been a marked difference between the treatment of policy and prisoners in prison now and the way they've been treated for the past several years? yeah, what i think is what it gets, but it's best to do. but it's dignity business. yes. for sure. i mean, but it's to me business, we're able to actually exhibit up to the mountains uh to force this really i thought it is to grant them the rights to the course to hunger strikes, to civil disobedience inside the city. presents dominique's record for gods. so they actually managed before the word they managed to ensure access to communication, access to the family members. at least not just the, you know, the bare minimum of those strides. access to would want to do for that piece. again, the bare minimum of the strides, but after the strain has done is if that is that it induced in a systematic campaign will start getting and who the rising. but it's been in the business to the extent that they with through all of the rights of the active, but it's been in business. they engage in dispute in genocide environments. if that
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was actually describing as i'm the shingles award insight as a present where prisoners works in pension, it is thought of the nice american kid we had started a lot of students with guessing who would you like me to give? good. i'm actually, it had led to the best such as the instance of 20 bucks or by the spaniards who works has been sort of confinement with us having any form of communication with the outside to us. so i think yes because there is a market, the defense is it tells us something about the wood. busy is there any government aged by its like tween ministers and designers 2 years? oh, actually great. and the view the spinning and substrates as as not what do i need for my likelihood? even during the confinement? i think what we was seen today, for instance, was but it's been in prison, is being released. what slope is on that hands that say that done that and people would never forget these kind of forms of punishment of, of, of, that's the best rate is you had issues to. but as soon as i can,
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it says something about the nature of, of decision and that, that image it's freedom. that's why this thing is i've said everything actually is not complete. what, what we should be striving for. what we should be fighting for is to invite anybody's, you know, find us to me because i don't believe that their street is sort of even though it is and continues to do to, to manage and to backtrack hundreds of agreements as part of the display agreement . to know the international committee of the red cross, which as you know is central to the release is on both sides because their staff, their trucks and the trust generally the people having them is all being used. it's all central to these release is they are the ones who will pick these really captives and drive them out of gaza, hand them over to israel. they're also the ones that take the past in prisoners driving the amount of offer and release them to gaza or to ramallah. so the i c r c says quote that they are increasingly concerned about the conditions surrounding release operations. we strongly urge all parties to ensure that future releases or
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dignified and private your thoughts on that to get what i think. so what my thoughts are, i think the best thing and is this, the instructions are actually teaching the use of as 80 percent. there's anybody that can divide session. in fact, i would actually go further and saying that, and we've heard the distant statements by the previous award that came in and you all get into who said that as amy does even had intentionally an issue with the honey. but there was a lot of is there any army to kim? a is 80 prism is along with it, but it's been a cut there's um i think that is just inspections. have been, do you think, is there any business but it wouldn't accept the question or do you think it should be private? do you think that these releases should be private? because what we saw today was everything but right. these really captives are put on the stage. they were actually made to speak into the microphone today. and we know that there's anything under duress. they don't have their freedom at that point. do you think it should be part i actually i actually would actually, oh no,
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i was actually answer the question again the same the same way because i think what's, what's taking place is that the best thing in groups in the gaza strip of showcasing the fact that they can actually have that up as an exchange agreement. why on the other hand, is companies to personalize? but it's been a business. i think the last moments before the duties, the fact that they are continuing continuously beaten, sort, authentic don't should on think that it is sending us something about the nature of this a to you. if that wouldn't be, it wouldn't be witnessing. but assuming anything is there any business is you have actually agreed at the beginning of the war to exchange that business as in fact, if we had agreed to stop that, what do we have for long? this was a few months i think uh, what was it because uh, corporate is easy that continues to utilize by the city and inside and outside is a business. okay, best for our system professor, there's aging diversity. thank you very much for joining us. the return now to some of the days of the news, lebanon's prime minister, no was lost,
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alarm has named a new government sidelining has the law for the 1st time in decades salaam said the government would not please everyone, but added that its composition would not hinder its work, he said the 24 member cabinet would focus on security, traditional and financial reforms. on friday, the us deputies special envoy to the middle east said that has blocked must not be part of the new government. yes. the formation of, uh uh, i need government that i had it is hard to satisfy for part is how well this is a starting point. we're all members will work together. and i would like to reiterate to that diversity in the members of the cabinet. the within to be a source of hindering it's due to use in any way or form. and the government will not be an audi. and now for many competing but through all the joint and constructive a. what else is there a, as in
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a hold or reports on this from the root? after much political bickering and international pressure, lebanon's politicians have agreed on a new government. it's a very different government from previous ones. this time has full law and its allies no longer controls the executive authority. they have lost. what is known here as the blocking thirds. they don't have the number of ministers to block decisions, as well as to the top of the cabinets. there was a lot of international pressure on lebanon's politicians simply because this country is in dire need of a financial assistance not only to help revive the economy, but to help a reconstruct what was destroyed during israel and as well as war. last year, the reconstruction bill is in the billions of dollars and this is a nearly bankrupt state of the government was formed the just hours after
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a special envoy from the trump administration visited lebanon, and really set the tone on what the us administration believes 11 on should be doing moving forward and that is, carry out reforms fight corruption of carry out the needed a changes in order for the international community to trust this government and unlocked the billions of dollars that are needed. and we also know that there was international pressure to keep hospitalized in fluids out of this government. the us and void was very, very clear. and, you know, she, she, she says that the strong declarations after meeting the president. so no doubt, international pressure played a role in a country where it usually takes months while political factions, vi, for their share of influence and government. the new government is going to have
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many challenges ahead is such as the economy and rebuilding. it's also about meditating that ceasefire agreements with israel's 11 on is under pressure to extend the states authority across the country. out to this are all non safe actors, which means has a loss. now no doubt, hezbollah has been militarily weakened by as well, but it is still of course, to be reckoned within the country, along with its allies. it has a significant number of seats in parliament, and it has popular supports. but it is a very different has for a lot in the past, was able to impose its, its decisions, and now its influence has weight. so the balance of power changed and 11 on, not just 11 on, but across the region center for their else has 0 failed and didn't payment as a new vendor, modi's party has re gain power and the capital in new delhi is the 1st time the hindu nationalist, the j p is one of the election there and 27 years. it's a boost for the engine leader after disappointing national election last year. i at
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least 32 people have been killed and several others injured in an attack. in ne molly, a local official said gunman ambush to convoy and set fire to a number of cars in the village of coby on friday, several governments, soldiers and members of the russian mercenary group wagner are reportedly among the dead. the government has sought, the group's help, the fights i s, and l k. the affiliates who's been carrying out a tax there for more than a decade kenya has called for all arm groups in democratic republic of congo to stop fighting, so that a peace agreements can be reached. regional leaders are meeting in tens in the trying to find a way to refuse the ongoing crisis. for london back to m 23 rebels took the major city of go my last week, and the rebels have continued their advance despite declaring a humanitarian ceasefire. thousands of people have died in the offensive. now come web reports with the numbers of people killed and injured in this conflict. keep
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going up. the un says there's been a search in rights abuses, again, civilians in eastern democratic republic of congo, including executions, gang raped and foaming, of displacement comes off. the end. 23 rebels backed by one that took the provincial capital of the older people in the surrounding comes to get home. others, a sheltering in churches or schools saying they've nothing to go back to ports. no say do but you already, but you this really happened. many among assessing, raped the rebel forces entre hoses and rate for mothers and daughters. they looked and draped. that's why we fled. a relentless ami 1st invaded in 1996 and targeted the groups in refugee camps, taking part in the genocide 2 years before to say over through the government in the capital kinshasa that led to 2 major was touring in about 2000 and african
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countries about 6000000 people were killed mostly by starvation and disease. their problems that persist. rewind, during you can do with being accused of meddling and come go losing minerals ever since. you investigate this site, this time m. 23 supported by thousands of rwandan soldiers. rwanda says it has the right to defend itself. m 23 says he's fighting the groups. he's threatened, the ethnic group of its leaders, congo, says rwanda's looting. it's vast, minimal wealth. and 23 took control of these colton mines involved the last. yeah. rwanda's minimal expos have doubled in the last 2. yes. from 23 last to the game or in 2012 us and european countries caught funding and military support to run the condos on me eventually for 1023. back to the board with rewind, it's substantial international support congress. all me is we can now,
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i'm rwanda's is stronger to you and and western powers have cool lawanda to withdraw its troops from comb, guy who left the many statements and condemnations around the world. at the same time, vermont has become an indispensable ally for many countries in other crises, sounds. after all, it is one of the biggest contributors of troops to peacekeeping missions. troops from southern africa, having un peacekeepers have failed to stop the pro rwandan forces at vons thousands of the indian soldiers in south keyvi, a fighting alongside comb, guys, troops is red cross work has collected bodies around coma and 23 is said, it will continue the way to can shasta, is it growing c, a here? and internationally, congress have bound to be plunged back into the kind of regional was of past decades with disastrous consequences. malcolm web, which is era,
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estimates of sport as far as male who has joined us in the studio with all the answers bar. yes, i do. thank you so much. 0. manchester city awarded a huge shock in the a carpet 4th round as they turn things around to be late and orient to want english champions for heavy favorites against the 3rd tier side. but a moment of magic, and jim donnelly, if waiting or, and believe strongly is on some tottenham is eventually credited as is stuff on ortega on go to city, responded in the 2nd half new signing. i'm to call there kristen, off level things and the 56 minute and super a sub kevin, you brain then made sure it was not to be an upset to one to city is how we didn't as a legal for marrying wires on matches the united news mtv says round the trophy holders had to come from a goal down against western city. joshua xerxes, for the 2nd half equalizer at old trafford. the wire appeared to support his pull
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from an off site position, but there is no video assistant roughly at this stage of the session. so united winning by 2 goes to one sometimes you need the little be plugged into the we have is not the load because we v r was not the goal. and i think it's important to have because these fit for the, for the game is really hard to lose one game in the last minutes with the north side in place. so, but we need it sometimes we deserve a little bit like and the german friend is lego byron munich, and gone 9 points clear at the top following a screen, a victory against, sorry to bremen. hurricane was on target for spot twice. england captain has now supported $29.00 consecutive penalties without missing for club at country the right time we were signed. it was also one spreadsheet, vincent companies side securing a 7th lead when in a row of disparities in my career. and i know how that feels. so i try and keep the
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run as low as possible, but they were pulling, you know, like today when the games type, you know, kind of, he's going to open the game up. like i said. and then from there we dominated so that they're important part of game. sometimes they get overlooked because you expect it to small but uh yeah, they can be by oh and yeah and, and the games and i fell. bosses are hoping to stage a future super bowl outside of the united states, the sundays championship games taking place in new orleans with the kansas city chiefs facing the philadelphia. eagles. league already holds regular season games and countries beyond us borders and a team based full time in europe. it's also a possibility. i do think there's a potential some table going to have an international franchise. and if we do, i think it would not surprise me at all for the super bowl of thousands of play there. this is a great example of being here in new orleans. it's a great thing for the new orleans saints to be the host of the super bowl. have the world's attention. and i think the same will be true if we had an international
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franchise to be able to play a super bowl there to support that franchise. we've been talking to nfl broadcaster richard graves about the sports global ambitions. it's when it's $26.00, the ssl will stages for us regular season game in australia, the m. c. g. the clinic melvin cricket ground will be the venue. the la rams already been designated as one of those teams to take part in that game. and of course, that comes off the back of playing games in london playing in germany. this lights we see here, we're going to say a regular season game played at realm the trades ground, the bone about in the drift. so the nfl is expanding its reach. we've already seen a game played last year in brazil as well. it is becoming a truly global brand in america low, that will be an excess of $203000000.00 view is just just still in the united states watching the super bowl that can be expanded exponentially. so
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a global world wide tv audience comes sunday. the nfl has gone out of the way to attract to an external audience. i think by general consensus, there's a feeling that the growth within the united states as perhaps reached a finite limit. and international growth is now the next boundaries to be achieved, and we're already seeing with the demand for international games that we're seeing around the world growing by the year that this is a market that the nfl looking to explore. and so these points are exploring fairly successfully and the 9th asian winter games are especially underway and hard been china. the for the $1000.00 at least $34.00 countries will be taken part. the mountaineering is a new event this year, competitors will use climbing and scheme skills, race as re snow covered mountains. it's the 2nd time the harpoon has hosted escape right, that is all you support for now by team 0. by far,
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thank you very much. and that wraps up this news our we are back in just a moment, so to stay with us on the a secret agent claimed by both israel and egypt. well, any case officer who receives attention for a double age, we always assume the worst truth lies. fact or fiction, most of the documents are faulty. people on the rocks out there well tells the story of the minds of many secrets. i shut the motor, one depth of a surface 5 on al jazeera on the perilous journey is taken by countless refugees. danger to make me perhaps worse than death is the survivor. the syrian
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refugees seeking answers, searches for disappeared. sister mine may suit a witness documentary on that. just what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through here though, just either we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing february on a jersey we years own from the outbreak of the war and you cream out of view. it excludes the human cost analysis, whether politics or the battlefield will determine its outcomes for cause new direction looks at the challenges facing nations across the continent as they move away from dependency. aiming to re define their futures after a vote of no confidence in germany's transfer. people had to the polls with the sensor, right? christian democratic union parties, expected to take power brussels shuttle on africa examines of russia's growing influence in the region through the prison. the central african republic,
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ethiopia hold the african mission as it chooses leaders february on a jersey at the the. c the emotional reunions across guns and the occupied westbank. $183.00 palestinian prisoners returned to their families, the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is allison 0 lives from the also coming up 7 palestinian prisoners are taking straight to the hospital for medical treatments. many say they were abused and these really custody.
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