tv [untitled] February 9, 2025 10:00am-10:30am AST
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the world for the people are what they need. a new page has to be tons. it's the end of a painful chapter of displacement. the the know this is in use our own algae, 0 for the bad people, live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is rails military says it scales several patents to me and fighters in the occupied westbank, expanding its rays to the north shines refuge account while in gaza, israel's army is repositioning its forces from the nets are in cordele, which cuts off the strips northern region from itself. also this, our call for direct talks to resolve the conflict in eastern democratic republic of
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congo that scaled thousands of people in just based on joining us rocha as we count down to one of the biggest sporting events in the world. see both 59 they just set to new orleans and the defending champion, kansas city chiefs same for a historic 3 paints when they faced the philadelphia eagles. the thank you very much for joining us. these really military says it scales several palestinian fighters the and then expanded a sold on the occupied west bank, its forces to on the north shelves, refugee camp in to cram overnight. troops have been using boom doses to destroy rows and buildings in the comp policy and fight to say that confronting the is really military into a career. since the gaza ceasefire was announced last month,
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this ran has increased the frequency and intensity of its raise in the occupied westbank, and particularly each in the north of the territory. is there any a soul save the space more than $26000.00 palestinians from their homes? in janine and to correct will find out more about the situation on the ground in just a few minutes. when we talk correspondents. let's bring in news channels soccer right . in the meantime, he is an associate professor. i'd contact university joining us here in the studio . thank you miss jennifer being with us. so we're seeing a drastic escalation of these really attacks in the occupied westbank as a ceasefire and gaza seems to be holding. what do you think these really armies of objective and, and game is right now in the occupied with? i think it's a to photo one side. they are given the signal or the message to the people of westbank that if they continue processing or continue or assist in some aspect of the emulator occupation of the stroke, they will do the same. what they did in augusta in the last 15 mazda. it's not that
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i knew that that made it very in any sort of they said that they are implemented this impact except they use in gus are in the west bank in order to a piece of and people. but also they are allowing the settlers to, i talked to also and, and body seen young people that were displacing people from one place to the other . that more than 20000 people that have been displaced from their homes seem to or thought these are they have been to come at before destroying their home safe from the life livelihood, the ticket, etc. so i think that this is the 24. 1 probably is the message to the people on the 2nd is to move forward with this occupational for onyx ational. right? if you to, i was going to ask you about that because they have been suggestions that mission yahoo may have accepted the agreement in guys as a result of some behind the scenes deal that he's done with the trump administration. and that this could come at a cost for palestinians, especially those in the occupied west back. yeah, i mean, this is something that we have been discussing before. what was the problem set them to connect with the convincing to sign that this is far. one thing this is
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that's a white honda. i believe that from and minus to offer this idea of a come back to you guys in the review to as part of a plan that it allows a will tell you that this has to have a free hand to move the web mail system with the on we don't escalate the number of sites, but the next change at time we allow is trial. first of all, to release any ad m songs and it goes to the settlers that they have been harassing the people in westbank and also allow you start to move forward in the sex session process for our list. and then can the expansion of the supplements in order to respond. all right, just stay on to stay with me. i'm going to bring in your day now a correspondence was in a mind, jordan, she's there because these really government and the policy and that's already of find out just they are from reporting inside israel and the occupied westbank nor as we've been saying as a ceasefire. in guys, a holes, we're seeing a drastic escalation in these really attacks in the occupied westbank bring us up to speed for us with what's been happening on the ground these last few hours as
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well. we have to remember and put this all in the context of the fact that is really announced or make the decision that the west back is upfront and it's multi frontal, more on the that it's agreed to the cease fire agreement and does that. and since then, we've seen an escalation, an unprecedented invasion into jeanine, followed by one input, cut them yesterday. there was a, an assault on outside our refugee come at. and today these really forces are back in the notions refugee kept in the food cut. and now we've seen thousands of people uprooted from their homes, seen these really military use at the same tactics that they used in the gaza strip, meaning will be dropping homes, detonating those explosives, leveling entire neighborhoods, making it impossible for those who are displaced to return back we've seen that replicates engine include cutting and thought out. now back in the motions of
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refuge account, the paramedics, the, a red crescent, also reports that their crews have been attacked. they've been fired upon and they've been impeded from doing their job. and from this saving the lives of those injured or of the sick who need to be evacuated from the areas under assault. so the entire area of the northern west bank has been really going through this up on slot of a, not just military a force, but also dispossession. right? so the on scott has been mostly on the northern part of the occupied westbank, noisy say, what, what is east rails and its game there in the occupied west bank and you've covered the conflict and guys, of course you've covered the occupied westbank for a long time do you think there's a real risk today of seeing a repeat of what's happened in gaza in the occupied westbank? it's a thank you for the question because it's very important to
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remember that this government, a government that is the most right. when in israel's history, it has in its platform since its formation long before october 7th, the idea of an ex ation or the goal of amex thing the occupied west. but this was a central policy goal upon which this government was for them. so this was always the prize idea logically, politically, strategically. this government wants to take over the occupied westbank. and in order to do that, the ideology or the thinking is that it must completely shutter the idea that tell us then you have freedom as possible. this is something that is really ministers talk openly about and we've seen that to translate itself into various policy. so over night, since the ceasefire in does up, we saw hundreds of military check points directed across the occupied was fact
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basically guarding the territory, making it nearly impossible to go from one place to another, making at travel, making daily tasks, education, health services, access to them very, very difficult. so that's one thing. then you have collective punishment in the sense that when you are tax jeanine, you're not just pursuing the fighters. you're also punished, punishing the population for supporting an end to the occupation. no, thank you very much. no or day in mind that unless you all know, let me pick up on what no was saying that she said, the westbank seems have always been the price for these really. so if that is the case where does that leave garza and the future of guys and then negotiations for the future of god? well, i mean, we still don't know if what the time said this going to be implemented or not, but it looks like a net net which focusing now in the west by the being the guy so sufficient to be solved on its own. maybe now with the new impulse by the but by to combine this,
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rachel, meaning that someone else would take care of that. in the meantime, they are focusing withdrawing phillips from the augusta to relocate them in the west bank to continue the body. so is that something that was said of the beginning of the anthony who always had beside the mind. and we have to remember that you have right to power 96 when they also agreements were already signed. yordway's was side by that's now he doesn't seem to type anymore. he already claim that he's not gonna be leaving the post a solution that's he will not wish for that to happen. therefore, why is the object people in westbound, if you're the one to allow in the states to be created very few the one to allow for the same type of funding me. the only other solution is to antics the territory . we spent, whether we want to send young people inside or without policy, and people who sign it. we have to see how this is going to be implemented. when do you think the international community will allow this to happen? i mean that of what we seen in gaza. i mean, had a lot of great deal of condemnation around the world. perhaps the americans backed a israel, a with, with, you know, their, their plans will gaza and,
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and the occupied westbank. but do you think this, this, if this is the intention for the occupied with spices, how will that be viewed by developing them is 1st that we all really know what happened in augusta. and even though the international community was not losing power, but this could then happen at the united nations security council resolutions uh, any other one united nation agency owner. uh, when you say for child whatever utopia and union, they go by union countries and specifically other competition that were i, c, c a to g. and they also had the kind of happen what is going on in augusta. i'm the i present in the, this kind of happened again in westmark, but who else is able to do or to stop this to happen again? a tom, i mean there's only one by then unless he claims he wanted to the something was president. that's not even today the price was send the by that was change his mind by and threats and you know, to, to the, some of the family smoke a doing that. so they feel free to continue to do whatever they want. we 1000
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recognizing any at this pin, i believe we must be of the international organizations and with those that we've got and we know that brick and nothing, any kind of pressure coming from any come through over the world. and so i don't see. all right, certainly worrying to see how this is all unfolding this piano soccer off from coffee university. thank you very much for joining us here on out just here. meanwhile, these really military has finishes withdrawal from the net serene ford or in gaza. the move was the greatest spot of the seas. 5 deal between israel and him. us private security contractors are now monitoring the crossing which device north and south gaza. the change now alonzo policy news and a trucks to move freely through the crossing in both directions. the necessary annoys and military zone about 56 kilometers wide created by these really military that splits the gaza strip into they build spaces there after taking over buildings and destroying homes. stephanie deca takes a look at the significance of the necessary in corner of the so called net setting
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car door was created by israel's ministry. in the early days of the war on garza, it split the strip down the middle from these ready goes a border in the east to the mediterranean coast in the west for israel. that was the strategic ministry move, giving it access control and oversight for palestinians. it was yet another line to grab a carter of suffocation attacks, and dest. these ready army often accused of shooting and killing indiscriminately at anyone who dare to come near. throughout the war, these ready government was accused of not having a long term planned to deal with him us even by members of its own, made a tree. and despite the rhetoric that israel would stay in the next room, car doors and even real, to probably northern goza, that was political rhetoric rather than real policy, is really expanded to carter at the end of last year and built more military bases . but it was part of the goal is to cease fire agreement. and under the deal,
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that is really troops were to withdrawal. satellite images from planet lied to show some military positioning. this was january 6 and almost 2 weeks later on january 18th. so the day before the ceasefire, last minute you vehicles are noted last monday, the car door opened for hundreds of thousands of palestinians to return north cut off from their homes, homes and neighborhoods now completely in isolated. now 3 weeks into phase one and the withdrawal of net 3 is to be completed is really media of quoted soldiers saying they feel withdrawing is a failure, leaving behind the car door that had become a symbol of their power that control their victory. and despite goals and now being unrecognizable is fabric of life, completely pulverized. as these really captive started to be released, after 15 months of war, counselors from us fighters emerged in front of the cameras in pristine uniforms.
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with vehicles in weapons, they show a force sending a very clear and deliberate message, stephanie decker, i'll g 0. the one that's bringing i'll just here is honey. my mode, who joins us loud. now live from northern guys, how do you watch the scene then at the next 3 and quarto? and just how significant is this? is really military withdrawal from their folly. what is it quite significant for this great military to withdraw from here and for people who were waiting anxiously for more free and a smooth flow of movement between the center of the front and part of the strip and the northern part of the gas there for the past 50 months move in, was it quite impossible here? this really monetary with its control virtually every part of the unit, 34 with or from full. i had been road. that's where the starting points in the eastern side, all the way to the cost of what it created, many of the military bases here and control move in,
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in fact. and at some point then it's very important or this 6 kilometer wide area. mainly i called her land, that's part of it is it is urban where colleges, universities were set up here at branches, one of the main buildings in gauze and the northern part, many of the residential building completely cleared from the area. i will go to our lab was bull doors just for this really monitored to create an area that represented in more of a starting point for its operations in the northern part of the strip as well as the central air. in fact, we were told by one of the people who are very close to the matter and describe to us that how this really monetary launch. many of the heavy artillery from this point from nets are you all the way all do jump value refuge account. the talk that started from here by the heavy artillery from mid 3, all the way to the refugee camp in the northern part of district, as per the agreement of the ceasefire between mazda and is this really monetary started withdrawing from the and the 3 core door at the, at about 4 am in the morning, and as of now we are in the area,
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we've familiar with it the last time when we crossed here we could clearly see it's really tight that armored vehicles in the area. but as of today, we don't see any of that. we could hear this a good, the machine guns and, and the movements. but in the eastern part in the, mainly in the buffer zone. that is really monetary created in the past 15 months as it's it loads. it's a ground offensive across the guster. it's 700 meters deep and 5 gaza strip but more to the eastern side. but we don't see any of the military presence in the area . the kora door is now being over, saw over a over a sorry by the the security company. the don't very cool as well as the egyptian security person out on the ground. indeed. and we have seen just a few moments ago to you in vehicles making their way there behind you. what does the openings and needs in terms of age getting in and uh, and for people traveling freely from, know to, to, to, to the south of, uh, to,
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from the south rather to the north of guys. and you know, how it people reacting to through this is really military withdrawal as well. the nets are incurred or with bits being fully controlled in the past by it is really military. it prevented the free entry of ada trucks and international going boys between the southern part, the northern part of district we have come up with that. let me crossing a rough, i crossing out all in the southern part in order for it trucks to move it freely between the north and the funding for the hot to cross the mid 3 corridor. but this really monetary often time, in fact, completely, the bards, the vehicles that have prevented them from moving, which cause delay cause of prevention of delivery of much needed aid in the northern part of this trip. it is the whole now with the withdrawal of, from these really monetary, with the small, the flow of vehicles that we're seeing here since they are the hours of the morning
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. we'll see much of the traffic that aided trucks will made their ways to the northern part of the strip and gotten they were there from here. or the other routes like the uh, the coast underwood, which by the way, up till now its only designated for pedestrians the only road that is allowed for vehicles to drive on is the law. had been roads off the mid 3 uh coral door in the past. these really military tried to offer other alternatives, the crossings at the northern parts, but they were often obstructed and shut down it, preventing much needed, essential aid to come to the part of the ship that caused later on the start of ation. and then force the hydrogen for the whole population in gauze and the northern part. okay, thank you very much, honey. for the updates on his ears, honey, my mode lie for us the in northern casa, while the ceasefire has allowed in age and food into the gaza. strip, the un humanitarian chief says more than 10000 trucks have crossed into guys a since the agreement came into effects. but the needs are, dia weighs really as strikes and rates have less,
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more than 2000000 people displaced and fully dependent on age. the policy and government says trucks entering a fund below the required number. the aid getting in is mostly food, a groove save some 200010, so needed to shout the homeless families. only 7 out of 27 on the health center is a functional tens of thousands of palestinians injured in these ready bombardment need medical treatment. israel has also blocks the entry of heavy equipment and machinery needed to live to millions of millions of tons of debris. now let's go to another like a correspondence in gaza and who gary, who's near the kind of boost signing, crossing in southern gaza. so on the age front, what's the latest? we've heard officials and guys saying that there's not enough a trucks coming into to the gaza strip under the times of the sci fi deal. talk to is about what's been happening at the crossing where you are and where the trucks are able to come in to that crossing. well we have been here since the
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early hours of the morning and we have been seeing empty trucks coming from the central area and from con eunice in different parts of the southern area to the crossing empty. and now they're going to be uploading a then, then they're going to enter the gaza strip for through current. i'll be silent wherever we're very close to. but also we're also waiting for met effects earlier in the next upcoming hours. but the gaza official stays at that's what every is coming in is not enough. for example, they mentioned that they need 50 trucks of fuel every single day. and only 15 trucks are entering was fuel because all the hospitals, the medical field hospitals, also the heavy machinery that is working right now to remove people from under the rubble and also to open the roads and to remove the rebels from the main streets, needs a few, every single day. also the, the gods,
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a ministry at said that there are, are a lot of restrictions on medical equipments and also all of the medications. a lot of medications are at restricted from entering the gaza strip and also shelter the, the, the does official requested 420-0000 at tens and 60000 a tire of funds. but what entered is only 10 percent of the 10s that have been ready to put were requested by the gods, the officials. and there's a lot of other basic and it says these the are also bad from the is where the side to enter the gaza strip. and thank you very much for bringing us the latest from the time i will sign him crossing into 7 guys. well, let's discuss the humanitarian situation further now with the uh, ox. um, uh, uh, coordinate to him of something that is here in coordinator in guys. i came on
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sluggo, r dot, joining us. thank you very much for being with us. came off. so i, again, we've heard officials and guys saying that there's not enough a trucks that are coming into gaza under the tons of the sci fi deal. can you tell us 1st, how much aid ox um has been able to deliver since the agreement came into effect? so i took some, we are having a central items coming in mostly from door done. so arriving in the north. but we are also mostly focusing on providing services on the grounds right now. one of the biggest priorities in the, in the city, and in those guys like over night, teams access to water. so we are what training to increase on what destruction you're not trying to email wells and for this specific equipment that has the entry 1st. yes. so what, what specifically has been coming in in terms of age? where is it coming from and where it has gone to?
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so the eddies right now, entries to 3 crossing points um either from door down from the west bank or from edges. and essentially i live in the south for the north that is dispatched to out of the territory. and hopefully now that and it's for in regards to the open will be able to more, to go from the south notes. and that's 222 sauce. and what have you, can you tell me is very much essential. first line assistance. so many kids, what are the, who do i in july 10th. but what we need is also specialized equipment right now, especially in gather city and most of the night, people do not have access to what are they do not have access to electricity. so some of the waste management is the issue and or not that does not require the items, but most specialized items in order to to be able to meet there. indeed, and you're talking about the situation in the north, we've seen hundreds of thousands of palestinians return north in the past few weeks
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where much of the infrastructure water sewage systems has been destroyed. talk to us more about the conditions that people are facing right now. and are they going to have to rely on, on 8 organizations like yours for a while, for, for these basic services? and um, so yeah, i mean the, the situation is, is grim it's, it's already quite done by taking the city, but we should go to north as i go to run the rates change. i yeah, that's my end. i mean, there was not much less, but people just returning because they want to see their land. they want to be at home. right now. they are very, very dependent on humanitarian organizations. provides the services such as of water trucking for example, and do spanish t, n c, and other use of the technical department and what are the best to increase the butter production and what to distribution? yeah we, we've heard palestinians also say came all set. they're going to rebuild their
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homes, break by break, but you wonder how they going to do that when there's so many restrictions in terms of what can go into guys in the past, israel has denied certain materials from reaching from reaching the gaza strip. are you hopeful that we're going to see a process change in terms of people having access to, to supplies, to rebuild that homes, or do you think that's going to be very difficult to achieve in any attempt? i think it's gonna be very difficult. i think it's a said the level of police extend the pharmacy. um, but yeah, i think what everybody's trying to send is that, how does you enter your impacts only population here the past few days and does i have been very reading d, rainy sketches and very cold and, and people are leaving substandard dice, shelter, make sheets, tenants with the sheets off and on top of the troubles. and so yeah, it has a direct connection issue. and so in terms of, you know,
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what people need any immediate. what are you prioritizing right now to right now we all we have for rent is water. whether it is purely something that people, us, whether it is domestic ledger on people, what are the domestic water? because they are coming back to the house and see from the bus 15 model, the key needs to be done. but then also yeah, access to drinking water, which is very frustrating and restrictions. right now people have to work work sometimes a little better is to get to jerry tons of water from a distribution points. first of all, because this trees are levels of what your truck cannot go to each of the completion, it shall be areas. and here we are, we are who don't know skating of production and distribution, but this is restraining was the with the lack of specialize in that you thank you so much for, for speaking to us. so i came off, came off like,
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why do i is the humanitarian coordinator for ox, from joining us there from guys us to d. thank you very much for your time. i thank you. on the spot of the guys a ceasefire. deal dozens of policy and prisoners were released in the occupied westbank on saturday after spending years and he's really military presence shortly after the release in ramallah and many shad accounts of isolation and abuse. enjoyed while in custody. caught general pennsylvania and has the detail. oh yeah, no, yeah, i mean i'll just hours before his son's release is really forces to solve this. i think the these moments offer a sweet relief a father and son were uniting for the 1st time outside the prison that once held them. shoddy was an 11 month old when his father was arrested in the 1970. their next meeting was inside and his really jailed more than 25 years later years
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together in prison. now they can be home at last. i wanted to know if it was a dream for us to leave prison like this. the gods had opened the prison doors against the will heads held high. we wouldn't have been here without the sacrifices about people and guys, i know this man is speaking to his tears. he came to welcome home. his brothers said, he's following him to the hospital. i saw him and he looks like a skeleton. he can't really age because he is still suffering from complications not to it's rightful. so show him to for his arrest. that did not in the medical treatment or been going knows what else to mohammed says it's hard to describe the abuse he suffered in his really jails. he says he's thankful now for his cup of coffee and the chance to take a painkiller, michigan and i used to have crushes to help me walk, but they took them away from me and they assaulted me and beat me whenever i asked
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them to have mercy on me because i had mental roads and my legs. they were glad to know my wheat pointed continued hissing the on it. some of the palestinian prisoners released in the occupied west south last saturday were immediately taken to a nearby hospital. many say what they went through and is really custody, will take a long time to heal. but at least now they have the support of their friends and family to help them get through it. katia little facility in elgin on his part of the exchange 3. is there any caps? his were also released, the men were handed over to the red cross on saturday morning before reuniting their families. and israel, 2 of them were taken from keyboards. barry during the october 7th attack, while the 3rd was taken from the nova music festival, after the prisoner exchange was completed. these are the prime minister benjamin as he, how ordered a negotiating team to be sent to contact for more talks on the cx,
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5 with us. a cool, we'll do everything to attend on hostages will ensure that safety. this is the instruction i gave to the delegation to tell the mediators this and to demand it. but beyond that, president trump agreed with me completely. we'll do everything to attend all the hostages, but how much will not be that we will eliminate time us when we return our hostages . 5 tie, captives, release some guys on late last months have now arrived in bangkok summit traveling to adon tiny in the northeast. the group was taken during the october 7th attack. they were free during the 3rd exchange and were taken to an is really hospital for medical examinations. thailand sworn ministry says one of the national is still believed to be healthy and gas still ahead on and use our will be taking a look at some of the days having use in ecuador prepares to go to the polls. the president is facing.
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