tv [untitled] February 9, 2025 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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dating the dogs with outages, the israel steps up operations in the occupied westbank. displacing thousands of palestinians already struggling to survive. the image of whom the south is your life and also coming up a challenging return home traffic piles up after is really forces withdrawn from the nets. are in core door in golf. vote counting is underway and comfortable as parliamentary elections seen as a referendum on prime minister. been answered and make a farming project at once. fed millions of people, how it's now going to with the
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israeli forces of shot the to palestinian women, including one who was 8 months pregnant in the occupied westbank. the army has stepped up. it's a salt in several areas, including the nordstrom's refugee camp. it's part of a larger is really operation that's rated other camps and janine forgot them and to boss and run a look on begins are coverage under the direct orders of these really military. these posting means in the all far refugee camp are forced out of their homes and round it up, not knowing where they will go next. here another group of past ending women and children try to find safety balls. really forces nearby, threaten them and sort of what appears to be a strong grenade at them. the thousands of palestinians across the occupied west bank are being displaced a is the,
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is really military escalates. it's large scale military assault on several refugee . this is just a glimpse of what is being captured on amateur video and cellphone footage. coming out of the occupied westbank in one raid, a palestinian woman who was 8 months pregnant was killed, along with her baby is really forces pushed into the north shawn's and now far refugee camps in the early hours of sunday. for many finding rest bite in safety is a constant struggle. hello hi will do is we fled from jeanine come and we came to offer us my family's house, these rarities and to offer and off everyone to leave the homes. and here we are displaced again, and again despite 100 families from the toll from refugee camp. some of them have managed to find a place to stay with the relatives. for now, the rest have had to adjust the basic life in this tent in the neighboring village . was it? we don't get very cold at night. it's because the adults give us the blankets. so
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they're the ones that get code instead. but it's not just the cold. in any testing, you fear they won't be able to find food, water, and other necessities. below the kennedy's really ami forced us to leave in the middle of the night. we didn't know where to go, so i relatives of this space. it's under construction and lot everything even installation was very cold last night. many of these palestinian refugees have been displaced time and time again. they say this time feels different. having seen what happened in gaza, they fear is real now feels emboldened to do the same in the occupied westbank and run a la hon. l to 0. let's take a look at how many palestinians have been displaced by these rarely assault. and they occupied westbank official say at least $35000.00 people have been forced out from areas under the is really military operation. the engine in refugee camp at least 80 percent of the people have left their homes. that's an estimated 20000
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people in thought of cut them refugee camp more than 10000 have been displaced. have this in here with isn't i mind? jordan, because the israeli government and the palestinian authority have banned elders era from reporting inside israel and the occupied west bank have the thousands of palestinians have been displaced since this military operation started. roads and infrastructure been destroyed in the occupied west bank. what's the ultimate goal here for israel as well? these really security establishment had said that it's why they're overarching goals of the war on gaza to feed fighters in the occupied west bank and to remove the weapons. but look, they've been trying to do this for years and have not been successful at it. it's also worth mentioning that throughout the entirety of israel's war on gaza, there has been daily and nightly rates happening across the occupied with bank.
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tens of thousands of palestinians arrested. nearly a 1000 people killed many others injured. and that's just during these nightly rates. but this is the largest of those in the army has said the 1st they went and did you need, and they were expanding those operations. but it's worth mentioning, the policies that we're seeing and to cut in in janine into boss are mirrored from what we saw in gauze over the last 16 months. the debt nation of homes, the force displacement of palestinians, medics unable to get to those who have been wounded or injured. these are all things we've been repeating about jobs out for the last year. so now they're happening all across the occupied west bank. but it's not just that it's people whose homes have been destroyed, hundreds of homes have been destroyed and it's not just the ones that are designated. there's a lot of damage to surrounding buildings. there's critical infrastructure that's been torn up and destroyed. and this is a large scale operation that's not just being conducted by these really military, but also with reinforcements that are being sent in by the ssion best. that's
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israel's internal security agency. come up and have the from your vantage point, is there any indication whatsoever at this stage that the is really military might just declare mission accomplished? we can pull out and then into all of this, the world seems quite the opposite. it seems that israel is only expanding this military rate and this offensive in the occupied westbank would begin in janine more than 2 weeks ago, expanded to 2 and got him and more north to, to boss and its surrounding areas. so this large scale operation, we're looking at 5 major places that it's going on here and the northern part of the occupied westbank. let's not forget that after the cease fire was announced in the gaza strip, the army chief of staff said that now is the time for israel to gear up for major military operations in the west bank. the country's defense minister ahead went to the occupied territory with is really forces saying that they are not going to
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allow the west bank to be turned into gaza. but it's interesting because the same policies that the carried out in dogs are being carried out in the west bank. and i also want to add that since this rate has started there been a lot of civilians who been killed. we've been talking about a woman who was 8 months pregnant who was shot and killed while leaving her home. her husband also severely wounded, and her father really injured from this same attack. that is really forces are indiscriminately firing and people destroying the infrastructure there. so even though they say they're carrying out this operation against fighters civilians, the palestinians of the occupied west bank are really the ones that are feeling the results of this rate. all right, that's, i'll just here is have this in here with live for us from. i'm on jordan, how do i? thanks so much for breaking that all down for us. the, the
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these really military has completed its withdrawal from the so called net setting cord or in gaza. the move was agreed as part of last month cease fire deal with how much private security personnel are now monitoring the crossing, which divides northern and southern gaza. the withdrawal allows for palestinians and a trucks to move through the crossing with some checks along the way. you don't want to get this today. i came to the north to check the situation and thank god the road was good. and these really a how me has withdrawn. i have, we have good as long as we have been back and everyone is good. and that we go over to me, all mazda soul, rest in peace, may go to heat our engine, satisfy all the muslims, and have mercy on us. we are feeling good. thank god, this safety and thank god for that. oh, no problem. we are set fast and we've been patient under the strikes. they've deprived us of food and walter, but they didn't deprive us of air. we are still alive. that's are in court or is
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a military zone about 6 kilometers wide created by the israeli military at the start of the war in feel bases there after taking over buildings and destroying homes, stephanie decker has more on the significance of the core door. the so called net setting car door was created by israel's mid a tree in the early days of the war. on garza, it split the strip down the middle from these right. he goes a border in the east to the mediterranean coast in the west for israel. that was the strategic ministry move, giving its access control and oversight for palestinians. it was yet another land grab a corridor of suffocation, attacks and death. these ready army often accused if shooting and killing indiscriminately at anyone who dare to come near and throughout the war these rated government was accused of not having a long term planned to deal with him as even by members of its own middle tree. and despite the rhetoric that israel would stay in the next room card or,
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and even reoccupied northern goals, all that was put in school rhetoric rather than real policy. israel expanded the carter at the end of last year and built more military bases. but it was part of the goal is to cease fire agreement. and under the deal that is ready, troops were to withdrawal. satellite images from planet lied to show submitted to positioning. this was january 6 and almost 2 weeks later on january 18th. so the day before the ceasefire, last minute 2 vehicles are noted. the car door opened for hundreds of thousands of palestinians to return north cut off from their homes. homes in neighborhoods now completely inoculated now, 3 weeks into phase one. and the withdrawal, if necessary, is completed, is really media of quoted sold dro, saying they feel withdrawing is a failure, leaving behind the car door that had become a symbol of their power, their control, their victory. and despite goals and now being unrecognizable is fabric of life.
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completely pulverized as these really captive started to be released. after 15 months of war, countless thomas fighters emerged in front of the cameras in pristine uniforms. with vehicles in weapons, they show a force sending a very clear and deliberate message, stephanie decker, i'll g 0 and traffic has been increasing throughout the day as palestinians wait to move through the nets are in core door, but it's heavy. but from what found down there been some challenges along the way. so we just joined the crowd here that is waiting for the inspection points to all plan on to allow more of a free move vents for just vehicles on the other side. choose ards, that displays people here in the center of defense from area of the golfer waiting for the, the inspection point the organs so they can move to the northern part of this trip . the on the other side, that's the other route that is really open for the vehicle. the problem is the
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northern part of a side now the security personnel are approaching the check before they're going to remove the barbed wire. and the barrier here to allow for people to move into the other side of the, of the corridor. so now for almost 10 minutes, we haven't seen any of these vehicles moving on as we went down to check what's going on. there is a, here's traffic jam at the inspection points that people have been born into the area since early hour of this morning. the security personnel at the inspection point made them to wait. and a trying to figure out how to make this large crowd large slow a vehicle is moving smoothly between the northern parts and gauze and the southern part of this trip. there is a really a small space available. and what they're trying to do now is to make people wait until the reopen one of the routes that we'll talk later on. more of this fluid off
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a little bit for people between the 2. so that will hopefully it is a writer whose home was partly destroyed when the nets are in court or was established in the early months of the war. she says it's still not safe to move in her area because of the presence of his really forces a living mat near to select 10 business days and because of that, and the armies still in my area. and because the that's the area they didn't. so they, they didn't say go from it. um, so till now we hear the times voice every day moving from the air. is there? yep. so a yes, the they said it's a, you know, green area as they say, the areas that it's face to be leaving on a bus actually. you know, it's not they, they are moving every day from their ages to add to, you know, part of the areas that they should be at. and sometimes some of my neighbors has
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the return to check on their home near to a dallas states in when they, when they're, the guns for years was shooting at them the 1st couple days ago. so they couldn't even take their home. and the seas higher was there and started at the other day the previous day. so they couldn't even go to their homes. or 30 palestinians have been taken through the crossing and southern gaza to receive medical treatment abroad. but thousands more injured people, including children, need to be moved out of the strip for treatment under the terms of the cease fire agreement, 50 patients a day, and their caregivers are supposed to leave tar cowboys, whom has more for us from the southern city ever since the early hours of this morning, i meant to come evacuations to place as
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a couple of electrical has caught with an aide side of the trans fat, old fat t palestinian particularly wanted patients from casa into egypt to receive a farms medical cap. and this number has been described by it costs, as health officials, as completely in sufficient and less than what has been promised based on the terms of the agreement as we were expecting the departure of 60 wanted patients alongside with that is quote spot and do you have a hand to minute terminate. trucks continue to stream into the gaza strip wesson's the hours of this morning. we have seen thousands of humanitarian, 8 trucks carrying food tight sims, sanitation products with us. along with a 10 sport displaced, families have made the journey to different geographical locations in because of strep. but recently they have been a different report seen on the east valley media suggesting that is a matron said the delay or reducing the number of humanitarian. a troops coming into the causes trip as a form or leave rage and, and responds to the due to
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a rating health conditional fitness really recently released captives. but basically, the us agencies have scaled up their humanitarian efforts. but despite these, an incredible efforts made on the ground, there are still a drop in the ocean of needs of the gaza strip. where they had been quoting for an expansion of the numbers of humanitarian aid supplies, allowed to be delivered to the gaza strip. to mitigate a ridiculous they think humanitarian crisis tarika bits of ultra 0 roof pedestal. still ahead on al jazeera, tough competition for echo doors, incumbent president. we're live with the latest on the election. the. the
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february northern europe is often the coldest in scenario. this months. buried certainly got cold and i'm in the cold of sitting west and rushers being fed constantly across the north driven plane towards the british owls and it's cold anyway across much the plane. if you're and then if you bring in atlanta, can, you can produce a huge amount of smoke. and at the moment that encroaching atlanta care is particularly active, as you can see, there's are breaks of light to train through farms is no significant wind blowing. it will in on the shelves and the central met have disappeared about time we get to the end of monday, so it's just a persistent code that breaks up. so i'm gonna start with mrs. lee in both are going to be overcast skies. brussels is a case in point 4 or 5 degrees over costs for next 2 or 3 days, some snow, but most of these just gray. and this one that's typical. take it down to the training or i barrier where things are all the better. but the shower, is it all around the central bank? would it be affecting libya and possibly all of a sudden, you know, in egypt now i'm sure will breeze the rest of north africa is dr. calls,
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the seasonal windows from the desk. the shot was a trying to make their way into gonna ivory coats, southern nigeria now making much progress to be honest. but the summer range for the science, particularly in zimbabwe, mozambique, while they showing up manipulated by those in power. and selection is unique and we've seen anything like that before . no pressure, they were instrumental in helping the president when the election, driven by self interested play, as they have put their pastor non profits for people susceptible to government control. if propaganda is designed to inflame and defense, the way that the story is being told, it's not right. and it's not i for some social networks to legacy media. the listening post exposes the forces behind the headlight. on out just there, the,
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you're watching all 0. the reminder of our top story is this out is really the forces are expanding their military raids across the occupied west bank for the north shunts. refugee camp is the latest to come under siege to palestinians, including a pregnant woman were killed there, and a child has been injured. is it part of the armies campaign of reeds and jeanine will cut them into boss in recent weeks. while in gauze are these really military has completed his withdrawal from its so called nets or imported, or the move was agreed as part of last month cease fire deal with how much the withdrawal allows for palestinians and a trucks to move through the crossing with some checks along the way 30 palestinians have been taken through the crossing in southern gaza to receive medical treatment abroad under the terms of the ceasefire agreement, 50 patients
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a day and their caregivers are supposed to be moved out of the strip for treat. the voters in ecuador are picking their next president. the election is being held against the backdrop of rise in gang violence and the worst economic crisis. in half a century. 16 candidates are vying for the top drop. the front runners include daniel nicola, and lawyer, louisa gonzales. i close l, i a former left his president profile correct? now does he resolve this under on p a. t has more the, the flank by heavy security, the new new born rise that is playing rallying. why a queue? just 18 months after becoming headquarters. the youngest president at the end of a campaign, short term policy, but big and viral funds, including thousands of cardboard cut outs of this 40 president in henry's outfits from a presidential sash to tank tops and gym shorts. before
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the vote, no, boy said victory was assured that are just supporters gone against fraud. we are no longer a promise with a reality. the countries already made up its mind. now let's protect the votes. let's protect the will of the people doing a short term in office, the har right here of a banana. fortune has faced scandals and accusations of abuse of power, declaring any journal on conflict against gangs triggering human rights violations and overseeing an energy crisis. the plunged equity to darkness, yet many voters don't blame him and willing to give him more time for the noise that if our country is improving, why not let him continue? if he stays in charge, ecuador will move forward with the challenger. as long as he can reset gonzales. lost to him. 18 months ago. protege,
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i've left these ex president that i filed korea. she's hoping they'll still hold you up for his economic boom and lower crime rates will help her prevail this time the campaign promises made in 2023 were to be filled in a year and a half, not into not in 3, but in a year and a half did he deliver it in at least say noble, i'm a judge is rising, curtail violence and record high on the side rates continues to feel support for a strong man. leadership in this once peaceful nation. when with that person died, we're located, our research shows that the majority of voters want to sort of dictatorship. they want that iron fist, whatever the ideology behind it is. i mean, they still want a strong man that shows no weaknesses or sensibilities even if these measures have mostly failed so far. no. so it because this january ecuador reached a world record of $700.00 killings in
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a single month live surpassing even mexico. i usually go to the bank will most polls confirm that no boys leading bundle is likely to win up, right. he needs more than 50 percent of the vote or 40 percent with a 10 point lead does. it's in a country on the edge allison that i did just the alexander on p a. t joins us live from boca taught in neighboring columbia. alejandro. there's a crowd field of 16 candidates in ecuador, but only 2 with real options, according to polls. who are they and what are the main issues at stake? i don't know how and as we heard in the report there, one a is then ya know, blah, the current president incumbent for a student who is hoping to get a full term after winning a snap election just 18 months ago. is the hair of a banana fortune,
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one of the richest families in the country, any one promising an iron fist. and that's what the country has seen since. these being in office, especially with this exploration of an internal war against the gang violence in the country, which has brought some results in particular the reduction of violence in prisons of 15 percent. the overall reduction in violent crime, but at the expense of human rights with some very serious charges against the military deployed in the streets, including as we have reported previously this week. um some extra judicial killings of innocent people gonzales. instead of saying that, well, she would maintain some of the noble as measures to with get rid of the most drastic ones and also offer a more or less stick approach it hoping to bring what she said that his social justice to the poor neighborhoods better than most affected by the violence
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going to that is louisa gonzales. was noble as rival and the snap collections 18 months ago. so she's hoping that to turn that around this time, especially focusing on the economic crisis that has sparked in regular numbers of liquid audience trying to my to migrate to the united states. they're also being a major blackouts in the country. the question here, the main question is, if the quite the audience will decide that noble needs to be given more time to move forward with that iron's face, the most bold seems to indicate that that might be the case. so we're going to have to see what will happen later today as well as sandro ecuadorian is wondering what's going to be happening next. when will we have an idea of whether there will or won't be a rental?
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hope all is close at 5 pm local. it's less than 3 hours from, from now. we understand that at 1 pm local, only 30 percent of a core dorians have both is bad in general, most sick. but there is both in the 2nd half of the day. and we can expect the results. maybe 2 or 3 hours faster, the closing of the polls, as we were saying, most polls indicate that no boy is in the lee. there should be in the lead probably, though not enough to avoid the run off in april, given the fact that again, many of those decisions have been controversial. all right, that sounds as 0 is alessandra rump at the joining us live from bogota. thanks so much. i sandra a fold county is under way and comfortable as parliamentary elections after a hard font campaign. the vote is expected to be a test for prime minister alban corte, whose party won
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a landslide 4 years ago. course he has been at odds with western allies for his policies towards comfortable his ethnic serv, minority, and his normalization talks with serbia and exit poll is expected to be released shortly. spend the course on is a lecture at the university of talk to in estonia. he says there are 3 clear issues that most voters associated with godaddy. and they may give him an edge over the other candidates. there's. busy a few things, but the voters identified with the something started from with all the other kind of the sort of new started. ready political party leaders, factories and probably corruption match. so o c, d and of course, so being at least from the bulk of almost. busy publication. so these are the 3 things i would say the folders identify who we were you when those
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opportunity for would be that often without his own. busy initiative and that was so the 1st thing that from the 1st window when he opened frame was the september 2020 we when. busy were part of the par surgeons that the started to, you know, to the police to take. ringback over the north because some of those were coming from sort of yeah. so then he took a verse, fox spends the you also physical, of course, the power and managed to take control over the know from part of course on which was a no control of the nation from the spreadsheet. before we defended for other international companies based off to this in the way you plays all but it was for him when it comes things for emotional force even more. the 3rd is the most don't don't see much. busy those in the fall,
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i think you have the operation with so it's a bit of mix. the founding president of the maybe has died at the age of $95.00 samuel drama letter, an armed struggle for the countries independence from apartheid era. south africa, he became the 1st president in 1990 and remained in office until stepping down in 2005. so damages here, a state is home to a large agricultural project that was once crucial to food production. to 0 lies between the banks of the blue and the white. now river's people involved in the projects. a bad policy and conflict have stripped farmers of the benefits of irrigation scheme. just here is my time involved reports from what my duty done. system of canals bring in life to an otherwise bantam area. the disease scheme used as a good opportunity to educate nearly a 1000000 heck tales of exceptionally fet, to soil, in se i'm so then the also used to be the backbone of sit down is economy almost
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all of the major projects and sit down with funded permits waving you, when hardships into certification struck the region, this project was a safe refuge from hunt oil student. and before it benefited more than the day, so then the project was made stay for one of the largest colonial economies of the previous century. just you on a project was built by the british a 100 years ago. this facility is alec from that time used to separate the cotton fibers from the seats for the better part of a century. this project 3 main. one of the main sources of raw material for the life cost of textile industries in great britain. but the memories of that, you know, on know, covered with dust, went on to mismanagement on the funding and conflict so, so that's independence. and the 1950s have led to the total disintegration of the project. i remember she worked for the edison.
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