tv [untitled] February 10, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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a, should we be taking these comments or what's your reaction to such remarks? um, okay, i, i beg your forgiveness during the that of the yours of what i'm going to say. but mr. bank, beer is does a living room is gives who's, who's opinions um, warranted? some of our reaction when he was in the gulf of now that he's out of the government, although that may change. i don't think there's any reason to take him seriously. he's an incendiary and you know, inciteful with a see a personality who is appear remain here. he's here to to, to create war. he's here to influence armoire. he's here to remind that's a note medically that if he watches governments to uh, survive, that he needs the extreme right wing and, and that doesn't change. when i said at the outset,
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and again i beg your forgiveness for saying what i said about, you know, in a non television like language but, but this is really absurd. and then the last for me to even take him seriously. probably holding as a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university of pedro, and he joins us from boston from me. thanks for being with us on al jazeera. let me ask you, 1st of all me, to what extent is this cease fire deal really at stake? now do you think a co, it's very much at stake that could collapse completely, but it never 100 percent to cold because these rarely is kept coming. palestinians and withholding supplies and hampering the movement of palestinians with m guys or has had been promised they did fulfill some other parts of a agreement which is withdrawn from certain areas yesterday that setting guard or they started pulling up. but it, it isn't danger and it's amazing and danger because nothing. yeah. who and
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a few other people on the right see continued warfare has their best guarantor of political incumbency. the problem with that is that the majority of is rarely is. don't see it that way. certainly the majority of americans have the american government don't see continued warfare as being attractive and the overwhelming majority of palestinians don't want the war to continue. so it's just a question of well as a will of nothing. yeah. whole and has his gang of killers really roll the day. and the final goal of opinion and trends and complications are or will common sense rule and more rational minds in the us and israel and palestine in their world of come and assert themselves and keep to cease fire and implementation. moving ahead around me earlier,
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we heard from how much that they were delaying the release of more captives. i'm do you think that that announcement from how much was meant to put pressure on the us and israel with regard to the ceasefire? and if so, do you think that's a tactic that would work? so yes and the yes to. busy of those questions, but it will work in a costly way and it will work like a on resistance hurt the not some of the amc and so far for the, for many years people died. people are sent to jail, people were tortured, it will hurt like the american revolutionaries who shot the british. and the 18 seventy's also got bombarded by the british. it'll hurt as like how many resistance, indigenous resistance movement, fighting back against the colonial oppressor gets hurt. but this is the dilemma that how most faces
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a time the one hand it is the only palestinian who has major go. there are some smaller ones with a. it's been a major palestinian group that maintains a call here on and a consistent political position about relations with israel gonzales. i'm ultimately opening the door to and negotiated permanent resolution of the conflict and co existence for both people with april royce and the other hand, as all the only groups of uses armed force along with political activity and the use of armed force, which it has done consistently for the last 25 years or so has brought back so heavy as really a revenge attacks fully supported by the united states of great britain in a few other countries in the west who want to maintain the imperial legacy of white northern powers. dictating the condition, the rights,
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the fate and the aspirations of indigenous people in palestine, blubbering in syria and the global south. so this isn't, this is not just a limited bible about the a ceasefire phase $22.00. this is the continuing greatest anti colonial struggle in the world that is still active in a major way. maybe the only fully active and to colonial struggle in the world. and it's no accident. that is great britain in the united states that have been the most vehement supporters awfully, is rarely genocide because they were the most vehement supporters of designers to criminal a project to create a joint joint state and around. there was 93 percent power stadium in them and 19171920. but they succeeded. and those british and american forces are still actively trying to maintain the colonial system. and how's the
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how's homeless continues to oppose it, politically and militarily. and another way is it faces risks on the posting, and people pay the super heavy price and the suffering that they've done. but it's clear also that the americans on the is really public, i believe. and certainly most of the most rational people in the west, outside the us and british and german governments. they were, they realize that there's no more games to be heard from continuing the war. uh, nothing you know promises right. when fanatics of your resume, the war. yes from us, but there's no more political gains to be had because the last 50 years or 75 years have shown clearly that if there's one thing, the power steering and people are able and willing to do it is to resist their own . do you when i say sion and subjugation? i'm calling on isaiah sion and the illumination from the,
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from the face of the earth. and now even with trump speaking a bit wildly about all the power steering is leaving, guys are not being allowed to come back. this is, this is, you know, sort of cystic nonsense, but it's, it's, it is what comes out of the amount for funding as a president who is more into the entertainment of the real estate and business. then he is into serious diplomacy. but the but the power steering is to hold firm, they want to stay in power style. they want to exercise their rights. this is what this battle is all about. and it's very important to keep reminding people that since 1993, how mass and the palestinians as a whole have made about 12 or 13 formal peace offers co existence truces to the israelis and have signed agreements. in some cases, recognized israel formerly in some cases by the appeal and not by how much but so
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there is clearly a dimension of the resistance struggle by how mass and the palestinians that includes the possibility and the preferable possibility of result. this conflict subordinate negotiations rather than through continued militarism, but i don't know if killing another 1012000 babies in palestine with american bonds . and burners, diplomatic support is going to achieve anything more for designs. fanatics on the government of israel. all right, stay with this moment around me cuz i'm going to ask you about something else that i want to bring to our viewers attention earlier is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was constantly interrupted by heckler's, as he addressed the connected about his recent visit to the white house, the name yeah. who was talking to him was talking to a no confidence debate, which is being followed by a vote as he touted his visit to washington dc is
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a sign of international support. there was anger from opposition, politicians who criticized his conduct during the war and gaza. they accused him of being responsible for a lapse and security that led to the october 7th attacks. so to me, you see there the kind of reaction that netanyahu got in the connected earlier this evening with all the developments that we've been speaking about the last few minutes that have happened over the course of the past few hours. do you think the pressure is going to be increasing in israel on it's in yahoo? and how is he going to be dealing with that? and i think certainly the pressure internally and it will increase on that the whole add on some of the right wing fanatics or still in the government or one or 2 who's left. so we don't know how this is gonna end up. these really people have shown through their polling and other ways that they supported the war and gas or the genocide. they supported it. but once the negotiation started and there was a chance for a ceasefire and an exchange of hostages in palestine and prisoners,
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the majority of israelis seem to have shifted towards wanting to cease fire to be implemented. so there's a, there's a change going on within this really society because they see on alternative, for the 1st time, a peaceful resolution of this conflict through a mechanism that creates the palestinians on these rarely is equally. and this is the whole point of what time us is doing what the appeal and try to have used to do years ago. but they throw in the towel about 20 years ago. the, the, what's hello, some of the, some of the supporters are doing is basically saying we have a reasonable position supported by international law supported by the tenants of fuel and dignity supported by reasonable people over the world. which wants to achieve our rights, which are guaranteed by the un and other forces. self determination state towed
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pending of refugee hood a national dignity. and that position is one that captures the total position of all the powers telling him groups, but only how much is actively working to try to push it forward and to achieve as much as it can fits. dilemma is especially with the 2 strongest military powers, probably in the world, which is as real in the united states. and the tend powers that are vicious criminal, brutal and then you of, uh, in the treatment of palestinians to the point where they is really is a send, a bronze on the helicopters, the tread babies on their sleeve or burn them alive on their times. while the american president says these palestinians, they've got to leave and they will never come back. i mean, this is unbelievable. new levels of, of barbarism that is practiced by 2 very powerful countries,
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israel and the united states. and how much this thing we don't accept this. we're not gonna battle down to this. we are prepared to die as the american patriot were prepared and della was prepared as they of jury and liberation. foreigners were prepared. any liberation movement in the world takes this position because of sincere and its legitimate hutch anchored both and the soil of its patrimony and, and the sentiments, certain rights of its people has massive international support all around the world . this is the, this is the trend of how much to keep pushing. i'm going to beg your patients again drama and ask you to stay with us just a little bit longer because we want to take a look at what's going on in the occupied westbank. there's more evidence of the extent of these really military's assault understanding and refugee camp. in nearly 3 weeks, at least 45 palestinians have been killed as the frequency and intensity of rage
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increases. how many had you, has this report? this is what's remaining of 2 neighborhoods in the janine refugee camp. of these really military has been reading this area for more than 20 days. more than 20000 palestinians in the come have been forced out of their homes is ready forces threatening some to leave, while others flood them their own, fearing for their lives. by them that's not block. we didn't want to leave, but by day 3, d is riley. drones were on that windows threatening us. and telling us we were under a cou, a few. we had children with no electricity was that or food. our neighbors told us this assault looks different. this time, and it is different just even for a refugee come that space, the ministry of texas, i'm destruction in recent years by something look, i'm also not yet, but i tried to enter my neighborhood in the camp today to check on my home what i
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found snipers in my neighbor's house, so i returned back. yeah, it's a disaster. some neighborhoods are unrecognizable because of the amount of damage to the product. interest the soldiers told is really media of the rules on opening fire getting more lenient in the occupied westbank. some say this includes authorization to shoot to kill anyone they suspect of planting. explosive devices claims these really ami denies, but the death toll from this assault for me says otherwise, among those killed this week or a pregnant woman, a 10 year old boy and 2 year old go, is all makes no distinction between civilians that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, they make no distinction between militants and simply young man that are throwing stones over. ok, so whatever they can, these neighborhoods might not be the same off the visa tax. the book see me there, damaging the current layout of the capital. this is all part of a larger political and security plan. israel wants to annex the west bank and so it
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wants to track down in the accounts as a place and is a symbol that they represent the rate of return. and israel does not want that. i do know what the scale of the damage might not compared to the devastation in gaza . that's many a wondering if it's roles will post in gaza, only to resume in the pied west bank. how many hagey? how to 0? sir, how many we heard there in that report from how many to haji all about what's going on or the occupied was thank you. and i have spoken on many occasions over the course the past few years about those rates that happened all the time in the occupied west bank by the is really military. i, on many occasions have been and several of those refugee camps be at north shelves . doors cut them other areas as well in the occupied west bankruptcy and how those rage, even before october 7th, had become part of the fabric of daily life. i want to ask you if you believe now that the goal for the israelis, when it comes to the occupied westbank is going to be annexation going forward. the quick answer is yes,
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and this has been the goal of these really is since 1917. when the balfour declaration was issued by a great person to support the creation of a jewish home in palestine, which was 93 percent out of them. this whole is when the is really go, they want the jewish state, they don't want to buy national state. they don't want to stay to follow up with citizens. they want the jewish state and they created and 1948 formerly. and they've continued to expanded the attacks on the west bank and for the last month or 2 or more vicious than what we've seen before. but they're not new and type. the israelis have been expelling people, turning off their water and of agricultural fields. removing their residents permits in hays jerusalem. and they've used so many different mechanisms to push the palestinians out slowly, slowly, slowly forced them to leave because life was unintelligible. they couldn't work, they couldn't farm, they didn't have jobs,
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they couldn't invest. so this is not new. this that has been going on a while, the settlements continue to be expanded. now these are about 750000 a jewish settlers in the west bank and he's jerusalem. so this is nothing new. it's just an acceleration of trends. that is a reflection, more of the assertion of the right wing fanatics inside israel and the government isn't it is any kind of change in zionist or is rarely policy. and that'll happen also inside and $48.00 israel, the arabs of palestine. the arabs of inside israel, the protestant, is there will also be subjective slowly to more pressures to get them to leave. so this is, this is the problem. zionism has never been defined geographically, demographically, or politically. and there's staples, the government of israel's who says and speaks for all the jewish people,
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which is not true because the majority of the jews around the world are far more decent them what these really government is doing. but the state of israel wants their jewish state and they're gonna keep working for them to some combination of these and forces and legal forces blow by the forces around the world. big power, small power, as arabs and people all over the world come together and force of zionism to redefine itself, just as they forced the word african and nationalist apartheid rulers in south africa, to re define themselves. and they stayed, and they live peacefully with their full arch on the trip their farms and their jobs. and the ritual moment power. so, you know, these rim is like to say, with their massive propaganda the, the, the mass of the palestinians on the pillow. they just want to destroy israel, or that's not true. it's a lot. but the,
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but the design of some of these really government ally all the time. but their lives are affected because they fall on the big island years across most of the west. and people and politicians who rely on a pros, rarely support financially and electricity in the us. just repeat these lies. and then we end up with a situation that we have. now that is what will come ferry out incredible criminal, brutal, cruel x. with the full active dynamic and suzy aspects support of the american government. but this is slowly, slowly changing the, the support for this kind of and humanity and illegality is shrinking. the people are in the us and europe around the world are less and less inclined to say, look, we support israel, no matter what it does. and so now we hope that we'll see on the coming months, some more robust positions around the world where people say it cannot go around burning village is on burning carson, killing vehicles,
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and imprisoning thousands of people on the west bank. just because it's really wants to get these people out. so if i'm occupied an amex, i'm orlando, so this is we're really reaching the crunch for the century old conflict which started around 1920 with the mandate that gave a great but. busy of historic power sign an hour 202424 is that it's just over a century and it's really reach the kind of high watermark of this conflict. and the amazing thing is that both of the, as iris with western imperial support, the british on the american smooth, fervently, and the palestinians with tremendous support around the region of the world are fighting each other more intensively than they ever have before. meaning, there's no military risk of this conflict that needs a political diplomatic resolution. all right, that's around me who are the distinguish public policy fellow at the american university of a rude thanks so much for all me. thanks for joining us now. does your english are
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always great to your perspective? thank you. as we mentioned earlier, we spoke to boston, i am a member of how much has political bureau and he told us is real, is not meeting the terms of the cease fire agreement, detailed the violations committed in the block aid that was agreed upon. he said, israel has killed 25 pounds to me and wounded doesn't since the deal went into effect on january 19th. and that most of the humanitarian aid is still held outside, including medicine. not enough tense in care of and have been provided to shelter, displace palestinians, and mid harsh winter conditions. generators and solar energy has not entered the strip to provide electricity and heavy machinery to clear the rubble was not allowed into gaza. and therefore hampering the efforts for palestinians returning to the north to find the remains of their loved. as one rabbani is a resident fellow at the center of a conflict and each man attorney and studies and joins us from montreal. and one thanks so much for being with us on al jazeera. and let me ask you 1st about the fact that jordan's not villa is heading to washington dc tomorrow. as i understand
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it, this was always going to be something that trump was potentially going to use to potentially put pressure on jordan's king to try and take in more palestinians, correct? i mean, that's what we've heard from trump over the course of the past few weeks, is that jordan and also egypt should be taking in more palestinians. we expect more of this at this meeting. and yes, and i think there of states who have been fundamentally not for the past 1516 months are now coming to the realization that the alternatives to an end to is really occupation the alternative to a palestinian state in palestine is a palestinian state in one of their own countries and instability and in security within their own borders. and i think it's on this basis, you're now seeing this much more concerned and the error of response and hair and
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rejection of policy proposals emanating from the us and israel. that's clearly why the jordanian monarch is in washington. that's also why good gyptian leaders are heading to washington. it explains um the unprecedented campaign and, and the salad, the media and basically i think what trump than nothing you all have done in the past 2 days is, is administered, the crew, the grass, to the prospect of further expanding what they call the abraham. of course, i mean to say yes there should be a policy in the state and saudi arabia or jordan as the palestinian homeland and all the rest of it is clearly not going to fly. i mean, let's forget, looks not, not forget. these are the most pro western era resumes in the middle east, and they are very loyal allies of washington, but not to the point of committing political suicide and signing their own death
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warrants more earlier on. i'll just hear a how much the official was saying that the is really use according to him, are intentionally sabotaging this cease fire deal and that there undermine undermining the agreement. if you look at the developments these past few hours and there have been a lot of development with all of it's transpired, what do you make of all this? what do you think might happen next? well, unless you're reading the new york times or watching the b, b, c, it's transferring the obvious what's going and that includes readers and viewers of these really media. if you have this combination of is really violations of the agreement ratified by israel and how boss and that began implementation a few weeks ago. you have is really intentions not to negotiate. the 2nd phase of disagreement, which would lead to a durable ceasefire, rather than just the suspension of hostilities. do you have the tenure? how seeking to drag out the 1st phase of the ceasefire?
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so the israel can retrieve all of its captives from the gaza strip without an exchange of calling time on its genocide or military campaign on the gaza strip. to then be able to resume it and overlay and all of this you have the trunk proposal for the mass, for symbol displacements of every last post and in from the gaza strip to the world and how masses using what leverage it does have and does announcing that it is indefinitely suspending the further exchange of captives with israel until israel decides to actually implement what it signed and more importantly until washington makes up its mind about the future disagreement. because at the end of the day, nothing. yeah. who can say what he wants to do, what do you want? but the crucial decisions about the future disagreements are going to be, may be made by washington in washington. we'll have to decide whether it will
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compel his real, to continue with the implementation of disagreement, or allow us to be able to do very much more just quickly. we only have about a couple of minutes left here, but just very quickly um, what from your perspective has to happen in order for this cease fire deal to continue as well as real can't. once again, you know, you negotiate an agreement, then you negotiate how you implement it. and then once it begins implementation, you negotiate a thoroughgoing revision and transformation of that agreement. that's not going to fly. there was an agreement reached, you either implemented or you don't and you saw from the consequences. and the question now is, will, is, will be allowed to do real disagreement by not fulfilling its obligations. or will it be forced to comply? it really is that simple. all right, well one, i mean, do you foresee that what you're talking about the needs to happen?
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do you foresee it actually happening? i, you know, it's, you're asking me a very difficult question because with, with this crew and the white house down, particularly with the president trump, i mean, trying to understand his political agenda is a little bit like trying to conduct a political analysis of yogurt. it's entirely unclear, you know, on the one hand he forced israel to accept this agreement and now is making a proposal that makes it thoroughly irrelevant. is he just throwing up trial balloons and seeing, you know, which spaghetti strand sticks to which wall on is he being? i'm sorry to interrupt, but we have run out of time. so we're going to have to leave the conversation there . but thanks so much for joining us tonight on i'll just thank you. that's it for me. i'm how much i'm doing. you can find more information on our website website out you 0 dot com. thanks so much for watching. i will be back in just a few minutes. the
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beaches, historical and cultural pressures. you're available roots, michelin, greenstone restaurants, come and discover not true. historical and cultural beauties. the says the next plan release of is really captives is off for now. blaming is real for several violations of the ceasefire. do the, i'm, i'm how much i'm doing this is obviously rely from doing also coming up of israel and turn accuses how much of breaking the agreement. it says its military is ready for any scenario and gosh, the us present doubles down on his plan for gaus. he says, palestinians will have no right to return and is really forces destroyed
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