tv [untitled] February 15, 2025 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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he would have to deal with the with him us and you had to design me and then guys, uh, but uh, how would that bode uh, if its and board wells for the uh, for the next phase, i think the next phase would be implemented. but before that, uh either is there a way to push forward a new conditions or they would request or impose an extension. okay, i want to go to every uh now who's standing by it and tell him i have for us how it has all of this. how have the last hour? oh, so what we've seen from con units, how is this will played out inside as well? because they were many, many messages for is riley smith and yahoo as well as the us and, and donald trump, right throughout the, from a sign saying, no migration accepts the jerusalem. the maps that were given to the 3 captives with, uh, gals are on it basically told thing. and yahoo saying that. so the palestinians, i'm us, isn't going anywhere. so 1st of all, i want to read
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a range of motion. you know, for us see these is a year and a saw and the is the coming back is very, really, very emotion. but i, i come to escape the feeling that beyond this show also a problem got in the this is a, the re added. and the reality is, destruction of the data. and the fact that the youngest and the launch the say october, 2nd, that back hoping to analyze, read yours by the rock as well as some goods rama is trinity of 50. so in dire credit, the defense, serious phone and, and every, i think decent student muslim into more. uh, so shame over what
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a mouse and 70 job. these are the same is in the name of this. um, so uh do you, uh, this show this as a reality. and the reality is that as long as some things, some jobs are pulling the strings in the the, the little guys a little affair very badly and, and is the star key a bowl since on romano. the just stay in the house told him, it said the people back there, i want to leave. so what kind of future they have so that you the in gretchen, we need a new master plan for guys uh, where uh your, the united states. and the goal space should be involved is going to be involved. and uh, as long as commodities found out, according to the shows it's not going to happen is repaired, the palestinian people should also be involved in, in their, on future mama,
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what did you make is of what to revisit was saying there. that's basically it's up to is around the us and europe as well as others to basically pass away for it. yeah, well, with all due respect, i think this is a pretty divorced from, from reality. so as i said, the fundamental problems here are well known, israel is organizing and apartheid regime in the west bank, right? it's actually worse than a part side when they ask noam chomsky and desmond to to, to compare south africa with the west bank. they start, it's actually much worse in the west bank and not to say nothing of, of guys. but as i said in, in an earlier interview is real, has been intent on making life miserable for the palestinians for many decades really. and they've side stepped all of the the piece agreements. mr. uria is talking about a plan, but we have a plan already. actually, we have several plans. if you look at the error piece initiative, for instance,
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from 2002, all of the air of states, how the site has signed off on that. how mass has signed off on that? the reality is that israel does not want to grant the palestinians, the right to self determination and freedom and, and human rights and dignity. that's the fundamental problem. there's a pretty much a consensus on that in the, uh, in the scholarly literature until that issue is addressed. we aren't going to have, we aren't going to have the kind of stability and peace and the future for guys that or for the palestinians in the west bank that we, that we all desire. and as i've said in previous interviews, israel is going to have to come off of their position, contacting the cleansing, this idea of greater israel, which is israel's main objective here to expand continuously into the land, into the west bank and into gauze, or take over all the land indeed populate them over time. that is these really
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objective. it's very clear in their literature. you can look at the poll that was just done last week by the jewish people policy institute for almost all of these really jews, 85 percent support, the ethnic cleansing of guys, all of the 8 is really politicians, support the ethnic, cleansing of gods, and even the centrist and folks on the, on, on the so called last right. but, until about, it's addressed until we understand the root causes, until we understand the position of colonized and colonizer, then we're gonna continue. and these are, you know, sort of useless uh, you know, game of, of, of, back and forth. but the solution is already on the table. and it's, it's really on the united states and israel to get on board with the rest of the world, the entire global community. but it seems like is railing in the us as further away from, from doing that to then even before with donald trump's comments, very controversial proposals to try and remove every palestinian from from guys or until elsewhere. egypt. jordan, other countries as well. and basically,
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10 guys are into the riviera on the 8th, so we further away from actually coming up with a solution the never before. now the trump is taken off as well. it depends on how the is or the government and us governance are going to approach is what we see now an old and from the state to me. and so was there really or officials and even a, from our guess, the elders are a guest here that they want to implemented the objectives of their strategy. basically, making sure that from us or any posting infection would not be able to launch in of the 7th of october, or even if it's in his room that is not working out very well for them. and what they want um, these are really right sort of kids that we don't want. how much to be involved in anything in the future. well, from the image is coming out of a new nissan from guys that, that is also not going to be a yellow t. now wherever you assistance from this, and where is the are they would have to? most probably they would, they would have to read kindly today, tweak,
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calibrate their positions, and needs like sit down with the philistines and negotiate what is coming next. the proposal trends coming up from the trump administration that they are going to, i don't know, create a new haven and, and as always, the audio lipstick. you can see that from the statements of the jordanian king, from egypt from other countries, then entertaining the idea and you know, even from the european allies of us and israel, then no, they're not happy about this proposal. so i think that hasn't stopped donald trump, he's not any double down. he's tripled in quadruple down as an a on that. he thinks that he's supporting that in. yeah. who's approach? because israel is already the government led by nothing. you know, they look very bad. they look that their strategy has failed, and then the militaristic solution did not work out well for them. and so what is, what is next? next is they, they want how much to be outside of this or all on the unit posting infections. and that is realistic array i want to bring you back in here. i was looking at
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a poll from his royal, at the 61 percent of his riley's favor, continuing the spot deal onto the 2nd side. so how much pressure does, does that actually put on netanyahu just to make sure that this, the 6 by agreement does take as well? so simple, i mean, not that big fan of the site and it's a new oh you straight full. i worked with the from minnesota the launch, the also echo. ready in order to make nice with the policy now. david with his lack of this uh, but i think it says taking a good father to come to uh, there's no going to see me in boston. and actually uh, but as soon as i start getting ramona is week and the end the end, the guy size room, but come up with sure. has it talk to or which falls with the structure i'm
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a visual, so it's very difficult to move ahead with these kind of bars. but anyway, i lived but motivated by what i learned from my boss, stuck of being a lot more than i think b shoemake when enemy is not with friends. and they're cool. i, i believe there if there is a sign of change on the student side is where is when we really saw the favor of the. but right now they've come us is about their uh, it's very difficult. okay, we'll have to leave it there. but i think you will, 3 of you fit for joining us and, and talking us through your thoughts already drawn me how much a l l. necessary. and so what i need to tell him, thank you so much for joining us with a mouse. has recently released the new segment following the release of the 3 is ready captives. the group says the presence of all the images of jerusalem, l oxer,
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and the mass crowns in the process of handling over the enemy's prisoners, is a renewed message to the occupation and support is that they are a red line. the statement goes on to side, the release of the 6 batch of enemy prisoners confirms that there is no way to release them except through negotiations. and by adhering to the requirements of the c spot agreement, it goes on to say we say to the whole world, there is no migration except to jerusalem. and this is our response to all the calls for displacement and liquidation launched by trump and those who support his approach from the forces of colonialism and occupation. but we're going to go to honey mike mood who is in kansas city for us. how do you come off being very, very clear there in that statement? there will be absolutely no force displacement of palestinians of the absolutely, and it's not only how mosque that the other palestinian finding groups, other political factions, and the palestinian people as
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a whole. there is no explosion, there is no, it's make it cleansing and there's no at a removal, a relocation of palestinian people. this has been the clearest and the clearest narrative so far the dominic narrative for the past few weeks since with the, the statements made by donald trump and his railey official is that it's not just something new. we've heard that from the opening weeks of the, of the genocide, the war. what is really officially on the military level, the political level, they suggest that a, the ethnic cleansing of palestinians dates, i just did the relocation and the explosion of palestinian people. and sometimes it was it done in a long tweet that old what the one to see when they wake up in the morning, not to see palestinians. at other times it was made to look more flowery of, for example, the voluntary emigration. the phrase that was used widely by some of the settlers leaders, but their response to that. for example, if we look at the past months of devastation and genocide on the, on the ground that has made life very difficult for people eventually do,
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it's due to leap and do a to be relocated somewhere that did not happen for more than a 100 days. and the northern part of this trip entire population was a trap with no access to fluid water, medication or other life. so for the survival items were not available, people were killed, read part of the, our 12 to these with the destruction of hospitals, public facilities that enforced they did the hydration as far vision, yet people remained in their homes. and that's that, that a very symbolic and very clear message that no matter what happened, people are staying on their own very ground on their land. they're not leaving their homes, no matter what happened. and we see that it clearly also from the initial weeks of the genocide, the or the didn't really and push people do to leave their home land. a did not push people to go somewhere else that a part of from day and force displacement that happened in from northern golf line
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to the central area and the southern parts of the sip. so eventually what we look at is not just as a one leading faction is stating that in a clear way, but that's more of the general consensus of every galvan who for the past 15 months . the survive the genocide deluxe survive. many of the difficult living conditions are created by the 15 months of devastation and ox or, or if it costs on the ground. honey, can you just give us a, an idea of the reaction from palestinians where you are in kansas city to, to how the, the, the captive release played out. it was extremely organized very well. lucas traces, as we heard from teracon, meticulously planned as well. so what's been the reaction this specifically to what's happens in con, you necessarily as well, so far it has been quite relieved and very uh we sense the constable tone and the
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way people express how they feel about the captive release. and with seeing it from the 1st the captive release. do this one that happened in the past at our was in much more organized vision, much more controls on the ground. the, the in the deployment of, of security deployment of, of fighters fighters on the ground to create most more of a barrier between the civilians who are in the area that their involvement or their intervention might have caused may have more k as the seeing. so that's as part of the, the growing in do the part the responsibility of how to handle this issue. there's a clear difference between the 1st time and today is much more organized. it happened at i a quicker way and no, no interruption, and no ups and downs and in and what, what in what went in in the past hour with the release of the cap is everybody's
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seem to be quite comfortable and quite secure and safe. and a no, no surprises happen. and that's the most important part to we. we know these really a prime minister this really side all was picked on the process. and the mechanism of handing over captives in the past release is always had to come up with some sort of of, of, of reaction that has caused delayed to the release of palestinian a prisoners and those who were detained from as a back. which in centers of schools and public facilities in the past 15 months then what, what's important now is everyone wants to see people with their families. the cap does need to be with their uh, but as, as one person for that that they want to see everyone with their families, dekalb, they need to be with their mother with their family members. but we also want our, our family members where a relative who, where behind bars for 15 months and other who were sentence life spare for the or for long terms in prison. they wanted to see them out with their families as well,
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with their relatives. and with their loved ones here in the gods trip. so it's a win win situation caps. it really is. palestinians also release and coming back to their families. because at this point, after everything that happened, this one thing that gives palestinian relief and hope that phase one of the seeds fire will continue to hold them despite the many challenges and the. busy that's the problems that littered the way through. it's through it's sustainability. but what's important is set phase 2 because it will set the road a clear for what will happen next day in the for the complete withdrawal. one of those really monetary from every inch of the gaza strip. honey, one of the reasons that the cx 5 is looking more fragile than if over the last few days was come off accusing is where i live, not allowing enough heavy machinery, as well as semi permanent home, is mobile homes tens into the gaza strip as any of that happens over the last
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couple of days, have we seen more shelters come into the strip of different sets on uh a critical issue because after 15 months of devastation, no matter how much or what is the amount of a that being allowed in the can't make up for the lack of basic necessities and basic supply, then the greater needs that created by months of devastation. so if we looked at, we just happened to report in the past couple days from near carmel, the sound of the crossing was the many of the trucks coming in. yet the demands are greater because these the, the past 50 months create a huge gaps that need to be felt. or if we recall what the former us, the president said he, it was, he was going to flood gaza with age. and this is literally what needs to happen doesn't need to be flooded with a to make up for the lack of basic necessities for the past months. but again, what we, what we're seeing coming in is more of keeping people on the live support system.
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food parcels, other basic necessities, but we don't see much of the items the are necessarily needed for survival for uh, for resilience, for a sense of relief of proper sense that they are. they are saved from 50 months of devastation and genocide. they'll act on the ground mobile homes are needed. we are in an area here that is the rounded with many of the buildings that either severely damaged or destroyed. each building is a 3 to 4 or 5 the story a high, and each one at please accommodate 2 to 3 apartments. so each one is a house by itself. so you can just take these people out and put them in attends outside. so in terms of power vans and i'm all buying homes coming in each one of them as a family needs. one of these companies that have not made their way yet into the gaster been people relying on and resorting on the recycling materials that they used to build the tents at when they were in force displacement sites in some
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trouble area. a mazda evacuations on other parts of the gas turban evacuation center. but now to set it up dense, now try to recycle materials the moment they return to their neighborhoods in gaza and the northern part of this trip. there are also other basic necessities that are important for surviving the power generators, the medical supplies, the solar panels system or solar power panels that are needed. so people at least have a little bit of light inside their tents or the areas the are going back to because as soon as the sun goes down, it's complete darkness. here. i need it. the area turns into more of a desire because people to try to go to area where there is a little bit of, of life or size of life available in it. these are the, the, the conditions on the ground, the are exacerbated, they're being deep and by these regularly obstructions of entry of it. i can confirm as of this moment, right after the release of the captive, we have not seen any of the trucks carrying any of these important items to mobile
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home or not in yet. the car vans are not yet. the 10s, the 200000 tens, only 4 percent of this number made it due to guys that so life is still very difficult the whole now by time this will happen later on today the coming days. but they still, these are just the promises and nothing on the ground yet. okay, thank you so much, honey, for running us through all of that honey mike. mood for us. the in garza city, which would have bring in diplomatic it is an al james by his who's at the munich security conference. and i know the focus there has no doubt being on russia and ukraine over the last several days. but the must be a huge sense of relief as people watch on as a successful handle. i have of the captives this morning and gowns a yeah, many certainly something in addition to the war, ukraine in the tensions between the us and europe, of the situation of gauze,
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the fragile c spa and gaza is on everyone's attention and there are key players here who are attending the meetings security conference in recent hours or so i could view adequately sped by secret cog. i'm the head of the beach says and as a rebate on road being the faulty, that israel is trying to load. so they can as soon as possible, so we could no longer operate in this route. but the key body in terms of distributing that made on the ground because of the word for both of them. when i spoke to the goal now to 0 is that they are happy, the pay is now flowing. they don't say though it's not enough and that means much, much more, right? even what has been going through for so many months. i've also been speaking here and uh before that in the release times for a couple of weeks ago in new york to diplomats about the whole plans of the c spa. i think it's fair to say that most i've spoken to all very,
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very worried about phase 2, whether we're even going to get to phase 2. because of course, very soon we're going to get to the stage whether whether or name is ray, the captives living on that is whether i can send the pops. that would be the mind with what israel might give up on this process. started from baldwin of golf course . you go to on top of this president, trump who hails the see spot deal was a great break through the day before he was a note to write it on the 19th of january. and yet last week he was safe. perhaps if this this happened over the way of saying now hadn't gone ahead, he should cool the whole thing off on the old hell surprised in his words. so even he is not fully and don't see the deal, but he had haled at the beginning. so i think the real virus, it's being a very front chelsea spot, i think the concern is, is going to get even more fragile. remember, 3 phases we're in phase one, still face to face route 3, supposed to be the reconstruction present. trump,
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himself has turned into doubts. we desire suggestion that something completely different should happen. garza should be turned into some sort of luxury maritime results from the promising and people should be sent down to the goals are sent out to us to june. some of those 2 countries and the rest will strongly protest the out of countries trying to come up with a plan to can service most contribution, delete the international proposal from the us, press ok, thank you so much for running us through all of that. james james, by his diplomatic editor in munich. let's take a look now at the terms of the ceasefire agreement. as it stands, the 3 is where the captives have been exchanged, the 369 pellets and in prisoners and detainees each mile a captive younger than 50 as well has agreed to release 123,
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palestinian prisoners and detainees as pod all phase one of the deal him boss is committed to handing or the 33 is ready, captives in 6 weeks, and 19 is ready to captive has now been released in the past 6 exchanges. we're going to go back to, nor a guy who's in the jo, dining and capital of mine. she's there because the israeli government and palestinian authority bandages era from reporting from inside israel as well as the occupied westbank. that festival has there been any progress on the release of the palestinian prisoners and detain easiest well tom, what we have seen uh, some images of the is really prison vehicles around the all foot prison camp that indicates that the transport of prisoners is imminent. of course, this is a painstaking process. there is very little transparency and so all the families of
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palestinian prisoners can do is wait, then they cannot wait near the alpha military count because it's rarely occupation . soldiers have shot at anybody approaching the area of a, a release to your gas, and they read the town of between you aware that military account is set up. and so they, there is a pushback from these really side to have any kind of celebratory atmosphere around the prison or even inside palestinian cities. for now they're waiting at a community center in rome. i love to receive their loved ones, the, the prisoners who are from occupied history of a solemn or receive their loved ones individually in their homes. they're not allowed to fill them. they're not allowed to have any uh, well colors. anybody welcoming them except their immediate family and of course those, what would it be exiled sent outside of the occupied palestinian to the 3rd 3 will be transported alone or to egypt there they will be hosted by
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the egyptian government in a hotel as we've seen in previous cases until the countries in the region including turkey, offered to host a to host them individually or collectively. and so this is a process. now when the families are just waiting to see any sign of those buses leaving. okay, thank you so much. no, no, i day for us the in the dining and capital. i'm on. okay, well we're going to come back in just a moment, but before we do, i just want to take you through what has happened throughout this morning. these are live pictures of, of the prison in the west bank, where as nor was we're counting, we are waiting to see the detainees and the palestinian prisoners be released as part of the deal. 353 of them have been detained from kansas since the wall
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sconces and 56 palestinians. that was 7 live tens of long sentences of been many had been held on the administrative detention. they are also due to be released that will no doubt happen in the hours to come a. this is the other prison a that we are expecting some of the detainees and prisoners to be released from we will be keeping a very, very close eye on when and how they released throughout the next few hours. we're also keeping a very close eye on the is ready. capt is the 3 captives that were released by a mouse and islamic jihad in the past hour. their families and loved ones have gathered at what has been dubbed hostage square in tel aviv. we've seen emotional scenes the many to is as we watched those pictures of the 3 mile captives that
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appeared in relatively good condition being handed over to the red cross and taken back to israel. well that, so for me, from the moment i will be back in just a couple of minutes with much more on all of this of the how do i still not real laptop in the heavy rain that we have a close central pulse of the mediterranean. intuitively, pushing across towards grace, most of it, a larry of light pressure just looking here. it's kind of stuck if the truth be not tries to move a little further east was to the east. if that we do have somewhat to weather some windy weather too. just making its way into a western positive pressure. the quiet weather ever since. you central pots a fair amount of cloud, though, just pushing up in to mold in europe won't be sunshine. that's down across spain. boats go temperatures hit, getting into the mid teens, quite widely. little bit of weather up towards the northwest, just pushing up into england, stretching across into wells. central for
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a little bit of a wintry weather that just coming into we stand the east deposit of england over the next day or so. why? why the low as i said, that's focused just around italy pushing across into the balkans, driving a little further east recess the going on into sunday brought to school. i was trying to come back in there for it to leave a much better day. 14 degrees celsius. notice up towards the north west. somebody coming in a cosign and getting into northern olive discussing wells. and much of english should be a love seat drive allows you to rock what's a good part of north africa. but a little bit of weather the just around the mediterranean coast for rise to use human appeal has been making the most of your mfc, our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the mostly mild, we are feeding building, tearing julie, planting,
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fuel refined, teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. the . the hello until mccrae. this is al. does here alive from dog. ha! coming off, the 3 more is ready, captives released by him off and these nomic jihad is todd all the cx. 5 deal, the loved ones to the release in tennessee with as well now. so it's a free $369.00 palestinian prisoners and a tiny bit.
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