tv [untitled] February 16, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm AST
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buildings the already risk of collapsing. okay, thank you, honey. hello. to report a from baton one in the north of the gaza strip. thank you so much. she has a closer look at the scale of the needs and gaza. israel should allow 60000 mobile homes and 2 guys are before march the 1st and as we mentioned, none have been sent until now. the delivery of $200000.00 tons is also stipulated in the deal. only 10 percent have arrived. un says more than 1800000 people in gaza or anita for emergency shelter and says there is no time to lose and delivering the aid. because about 69 percent of all homes and buildings are destroyed in gaza, according to un estimates. forcing palestinians to live in the rubble on 10000 bodies are thought to be buried under that rubble is rule is preventing the construction equipment needed to recover them. will not speak to sara davis, who is the spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross. joining us live from occupied east jerusalem, thanks for your time. so your organization of course supports the implementation of
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the ceasefire agreement by facilitating the release of hostages and detainees, but also brings life saving 8 into gaza. so as i'm sure you're aware of tardies and gaza, say the aids coming in is simply not enough. how is the i c r c addressing the shortages on what's described by of where it is and does as a violation of this as far to thank you so much for having me. of course, since the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, we have works alongside local actors to scale up our response. we have items coming in. we have um, food items, non food and hygiene items. but we also have very critical infrastructural items for the repair and maintenance of services that have been very, very heavily impacted. unfortunately, throughout the hostilities the needs in gaza are still huge. unfortunately, while it is a relief of cost for people to,
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to not be leaving with the sound of explosion that has alleviating some fit for them, there are other risks that and challenges that are only continue to grade. one being things like unexploded ordnance and weapons contamination but does not to an injured people. unfortunately that we're putting pressure on on the hospitals, on that health care systems that have been decimated throughout the 16 months of conflict. so the needs are very wide ranging and very, very large. and we have cold for the continuation of this a to continue to into gaza and be distributed to those who are very desperately needed. so from an operational view point, what are the some of the challenges that your teams are facing on a day to day basis while it is safe? now fortunately for teams to distribute, there are still physical challenges that exist. there are still roads that a damaged or destroyed piles of rubble that exist in many,
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many places in gaza. i was that myself last week and i saw the state of many different areas. this is a challenge finding out exactly what is most helpful for people assessing the needs in order to respond to effectively. it does, it takes time. people have moved a large number of people have moved from the south back up to the northern governor . it went on unfortunately, even less infrastructure exists, you know, a few minutes her and organizations have been focusing with the population is in the south for many, many months now. but as people have moved back, there is no oh much nor essentially infrastructural, critical services that exist in the north. and now we need to adapt and focus on on providing these for people. things like most a trucking people are still working many, many hours to find safe, both all for their families. so this is just one of the,
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one of the challenges that, that we face on the ground and why we continue to call for the ceasefire agreement to be upheld so that no aid can be distributed. so in terms of your priorities as an organization, i hear what you're saying about the needs being immense. but what are your priorities right now and gaza? a we have a wide range of activities including medical assistance. we have a field hospital we provide support to local health care facilities, donations of items that are needed to keep it running. we do um, as i said, well, the trucking waste water and electricity network for repairs and maintenance, things like bringing items for generations that have been constantly used for 16 months. the emergency response, while it is supporting people in gaza right now, it is only a temporary solution and long term solutions are needed. and we will continue to
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provide that to the best of our ability. and of course i'll forward. this is, is always on civilians and the, the relief and transfer all, but it's also just entertaining a part of this the ceasefire agreement. okay. thank you. sarah davies, are the spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross speaking to us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you so much. just a reminder now of what supposed to happen next. so the cease fire deal agreed between is really time us includes the release of all is really captives over 3 phases. and a complete withdrawal of is really forces from cause of the 1st phase calls for $33.00 is really captives to be exchanged for nearly 2000 palestinians. the change in is really presence. so far palestinian attractions are released 19 is really captives. while israel has fried a 1135 power simians, 2 more exchanges are expected to take place during this phase one next weekend and another on march. the 1st. the 2nd phase of the agreement is due to begin on the
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same day during face 2, the remaining $59.00 is where the captives are to be exchanged for more palestinian prisoners. at least 35 of the is released have been confirmed. that was part of phase 2 is really forces are to fully withdraw from gaza and the permanent stays fire is to be established. thomas and israel are expected to hold in direct negotiations on the implementation of this phase early next week. us. okay, joining us here on the side of the lobby on who is an associate professor at georgetown university tests are thanks for your time. so, face to negotiations meant to start next week. they haven't yet begun that we see these, these far violations by israel, according to him us. what's the ok? well, i think the signs are not encouraging in terms of the enforcement of a 2nd phase of disagreement for a number of reasons. one of which has to do, of course, with the repeated violations by israel. we see almost on a daily basis,
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reports of continuation of the killing of palestinians within garza. we're seeing of course, the withholding of the very critical aid. and particularly the structure is meant for housing, palestinians who have been displaced, the 1800000 who are in need of these, these housing structures. and the other assign, i think, is the fact that there is no political will on the part of the mediator. the central mediate, or if this agreement, which is united states, we have the us president who's already expressed ambivalence about whether disagreement will go forward. we have also now a u. s. administration that is continuing to send and has actually lifted the band on the 2000 pound bombs, which is, is very much an indication that israel's were intending to resume the war, at least threatening to resume its genocide or on slot on casa, and on top of that, of course, that the political will internally within these really leadership is certainly one that suggests that they don't see an end to this for any time soon. and that they simply want to achieve everything they can in this 1st phase, accomplish their goals over treating as many of the captives as possible. well then,
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still be free to continue the war as that drops a thing on the release of as many captives as possible. and the report suggests that the us on void is trying to speed up the release of the rent remaining captains where i live in gauze. i do think this would be a change and the terms of the already agreed upon ceasefire agreements. and if so, why alter it now? well, i think they're, they're hoping call turret so that they can achieve all of their aims in the 1st phase. well, pal, just indians remain essentially go home empty handed, not being able to achieve mainly what they want, which is the fullest, rarely withdrawal from cause out. this is something that is this, it is very central to the end of this, of this, you know, on slide, as we've said. and something that ultimately these relays are in control of unless there's a kind of interpret international political will, which we haven't seen develop that would actually force them to withdraw. so in the meantime, israel of course, gets to achieve its most immediate aims while still being able to maintain the ability to continue to conduct this war. but can you safely say that this is not
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something that the palestinian resistance will agree to because of the role holding onto the captives? is there one trump card? isn't it? that's right. so it's, it's unlikely to occur, you know, without any kind of guarantees or assurances. and again, we've seen all of these violations. we've already seen the threats of even of interrupting this phase of the exchange of captives, as we've seen over those past week. and so they're certainly bigger questions now i think given the larger proposals that have been on offer, whether it's the mass ethnic cleansing of gaza, which is we've been told many times by all of the arab leaders in this region is a, is a major non stutter but the idea now is that whether this could ultimately lead to a different kind of resolution one that would essentially negotiate the future of gaza without palace to be an involvement whatsoever that this would be something that is agreed upon by the israelis, the americans. and the number of arab states, and so this is ultimately, i think, given what the 2nd phase is meant to do, which is uh, bring about some kind of political resolution or at least thinking about charging
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a path forward politically for, for gaza. but one that would of course exp exclude the palestinian leadership itself. okay, thank you so much. i've done the ongoing associate professor at george sign versus gus are thank you. the still ahead on the i'll just there it is. our america is top to los makes his 1st visit to them, at least on his destination, is israel coming up and support the tennis world, react, so the number one player is down for doping off coming off a little later far the probably the weather remains pretty cold across the good parts of europe at the moment, and still pretty stormy into the central. but it's raining. we have this area of low pressure continuing to swell away. here's some pick down pulls that has caused some flooding. what's the weather will slowly stagger its way for the east west by
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the know if it's a little quiet. so we have high pressure trying to dominate things. in other places, every apply pressure. we have got another cold air trapped in place. it will 10 miles from the west as we go through the next couple of days. so that's like cool. quiet weather across so many northern and central policies. that stormy weather down towards the south east. pushing across grace now. heading towards the chain. broad skies behind the little bit of world see notice i would support spain and portugal getting off to the high teams. here. also went up towards the north west london, the just 4 degrees celsius. but this was the weather will coming across on and not on. and push his way for the race, which as we go through monday, wisconsin to coming from of a some of the direction. so it creeping up to the dizzy heights of 6 degrees celsius by that stage was disguised out across central parts of the med, but still some other way when they had tons of wintry, whether it was the south eastern cool, and a little bit of weather to across northern past of libya, with sure was the for north of mount area. as
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stories to tell. who the hell are we going to top stories on the i'll just say we're and it's our, your leaders are due to attend an emergency meeting in paris on monday after the us envoy to ukraine confirmed that europe will not be involved in negotiating and enter the war and ukraine positive, a lot of rosa lensky says, a u. s. can no longer be relied on to help defend the consonants, and has called for the creation of a european army. panic has swept through because who in the eastern democratic
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republic of congo after wanda backed and 23 rebels entered the city, soldiers and civilians have fled and widespread looting has been reported. and is where they are striking a scale to palestinian policeman in southern dogs. despite the ongoing ceasefire says they were deployed to help secure the entry of a truck. and jeff is really army says they targeted armed individuals in the occupied westbank that is really military operation and to cut them and its neighboring camps has now entered a 4th week is where the bulldozers continue to destroy the remaining infrastructure, cutting off water, electricity, and communication networks troops of setup new military posts within the homes of palestinians who had been forcibly displaced. more than 40000 people have fled, as, as really soldiers continued to carry out. homer aids and vehicle inspections under ben classes and novelists between palestinian fighters and is really soldiers
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a 60 year old. palestinian was injured during a rate on the city was really forces close all entrances, leading to novelist. and they encircled the area with tanks. they've also targeted press cruise with sound bonds while they were covering the raids to okay and the us secretary of state, marco rubio is an israel. he's meeting the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is rubio. his 1st trip to the middle east is america's top. diplomats, his trip comes as president, donald trump pushes his widely condemn plan for us takeover of the gaza strip, to central joining us from jordan's capital on mine because it is really government's in the palestinian authority of bands. i'll just hear from reporting in israel and the occupied westbank 1st on the us secretary of state. so his 1st trip to israel tell us what to expect of the us secretary of state is currently meeting with these really prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu before there's an expanded meeting with other members of the government, including that's and y'all, whose cabinet now it comes after you as president donald trump had essentially given this idea that's been condemned to by all of the countries in the region about forcibly displacing dogs as population. and relocating the more than 2000000 palestinians throughout jordan and egypt. both countries have completely condemned that idea and said they are not going to go along with it. and in fact, say they're drawing the plans for the reconstruction of gaza while palestinians remain there. but marco rubio, throughout the last couple of weeks, has changed his opinion. first he said that he didn't really believe that going back to the fighting would be a way to defeat him us because after 15 months of fighting that didn't happen. however, he does support you as president donald trump by giving israel, whatever they want, supporting them in whatever way they see fit, even if that means going back to full scale war. and he also supports this idea of
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relocating the palestinian people expelling them from their land. so we can expect to these talks to happen, but also negotiations for phase 2 of the ceasefire deal. it's important to know they haven't begun from these rarely side. instead, reports indicate that benjamin netanyahu wants to extend phase one of the deal beyond $42.00 days in order to release more is really captive. but without committing to the later parts of the deal, because there are members of his government who would bolt the coalition. and at the same time have the, the, the, is really raids on the occupied. westbank seems to be expanding. tell us about the impact those rates are having on people more than 40000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced across the occupied west bank. and you need to get into boss. and now these really military activities stretching to nebulous, where there are exchanges of fire clashes between these really military and palestinian fighters were entering the 4th week of this large scale military
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offensive in the west bank. reports within is really media indicate that the army wants to set a permanent positions in did you need a refugee camp in order to crack down on arms palestinian fighters? but it's important to mention that this is not just felt in the cities in refugee camps where there's army activity. the military has set up an abundance of new check points across the occupied territory. so we're nearing $900.00 check points in the west bank alone. so it's nearly impossible for people to go from place to place from city to city or in and out of their homes. these people who have been displaced have know where to go. thank you so much on this one who was reporting from a mon agents from the us immigration and customs enforcement agency had been detained in people who were undocumented, from streets across america. it's all part of the trump administration's mass deportation plan, which is also targeting work places. reynolds spoke to one on documented worker and california, a central valley about the sense of fear. a. what's it like to be an undocumented
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person in donald trump's america? then they moved to wiley hunter and documented farm worker with a 5 year old child lives in a constant state of fear. gladto see thing and what's the matter? of course? yes, i am very scared. in fact, ever since the rays begin, ever since i came here in code county, i'm always scared. and when i go out to the street, i look around everywhere. she asked that we not reveal her identity for fear of being detained and deported. in the 1st few days after the january rates, she says she didn't go to work in the citrus groves, but she had to go back to mississippi. that a, how many needs and the fear? well, my needs are greater than the fear. my son, if i don't go out to work, i won't have anything to feed him. she says her son was born in the u. s. and is a citizen,
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being separated from him is her greatest fear for the family. me. it said i will be deported, and my son will be left alone by me because i don't have close family here. those fears are shared by the estimated 1800000 undocumented persons in california alone . these are the people, donald trump calls dangerous criminals. being undocumented here and no means being afraid to go to your job. afraid to take your kids to school, afraid even to leave your house of a 100 tries to keep her fear hidden from her boy. okay, so what's the number, what she does asked me a lot. why don't we go out to the park? why don't we go out to the mall? i tell him tomorrow, right now we don't have money already. the whole community is on edge. bobby, i'll come, ah, a naturalized us citizen, runs a small restaurant. she says she's cut her opening hours because customers are staying home, then establish their scan. they don't know what they're going to do. there are
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a lot of people who don't want to go out. even pick their children to school because they're afraid that their parents are going to be taken. that's what's affecting everyone, not only economically, but emotionally as well. it's affecting me a lot, a suffocating cloud of dread, over a region and the country. rob reynolds, l g 0, bakersfield, california. okay, let's get an update on the sports. there's now here's farrah during thank you so much. elected president thomas bock has told out 0 that the games should not follow the example being set by the football world cup and must remain a one country event. but believes that breaking that tradition with damage with the olympic stand for the german has been in charge of the olympics for more than a decade, but will be stepping down from the roll later this year. he's been talking with our correspondence and the richardson what makes of the only the game so unique is bringing the entire world together in one place for a peaceful or
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a competition. and the therefore, as to where diversify the olympic or games that to a different the countries or even the continents of, with the, not the new 5 to these a mission offer the live p k, a games, the bidding process, the features and takes talks about the importance of the of an ongoing dialogue, can you tell us about dialogue is taking is any closer to an, a lympics taking place in the middle east. everybody has a, there a chance. and of course, also the, the middle east, where we have for, i'll seeing a strong intentions and a very good a projects and the are the i you'll see is a also open uh to address the issues that the whole information on the calendar role for the the national federation, so i may also have to move
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a to later in the year to ensure the safety of the athletes. i said what, what is the the legacy is that you will leave is, is the useful intakes incentive goal in 2026. what are your hopes for the 1st major island pick events in africa? it will or showcase uh, that definitely guard is uh, the young continent and uh, would showcase the great contribution african athletes and africans for these already are making now to their worldwide olympic a movement. we have fantastic. african, the athletes in the many sports and would you see that the useful impacts as being the stepping stones of woods the, the summer olympics going to after care of the future dates? we are a global organization and the if we want to be truly global or then we can not be satisfied by having a global representation of athletes in the games,
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meaning athletes from all to 106 nation and then pick or call me cheese floss the refugee olympic a team. we also, you know, a half or 2 cars at the games at 10 and are organized in the all around the globe, a livable the out to restore their 7 point point lead. and the primary league later when they take on wolves arsenal, cast that gap to just for points that you know when over less or tell me or, you know, getting both goals and the fun. 10 minutes injuries have left are so short, a striker is but the spanish midfielder steps up to the challenge is the professional tennis players association has called for change and transparency in the wake of the antics center doping back the telling world number one is accepted a 3 month suspension after doing a deal with the world, the anti doping agency which has been seeking
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a band of up to 2 years. and this is already is originally cleared center for to fail drug test last year, which he blamed on accidental contamination during a massage. he since one the us and australia and opens and because of the timing of his band, he'll be back for the french open and won't miss any grand slam of the pro tennis players. association says the system is not a system. it's a club. suppose case by case discretion is in fact merely cover for taylor deals on fair treatment and inconsistent rulings. the spies is unacceptable. it shows a deep disrespect for every sport and its fans. it's time for change. we've been talking to italian tennis ryder guy mccarty, who agrees that change is needed of the lack of transparency is not a unique for it's the system, the system uh we can create besides the system. i agree with that. i would like more transparency. i would like probably jaspy,
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so i would like because i would like to see people me beating a bars about south from about this is the system is not to be on a cool the side of the system. he took the responsibility for the team. the mistake that he's fema made the last here and use any flaw symbol and treating came with cut off symbol without his knowledge and he's took these that's the responsibility in this is the reason why he got to 3 month the i need to know what he did, and this is the outcome finally of the situation that was not good for anybody is a tennis environment, the player, the press the times and maybe in the future we can have a better grasp who's more um, you know, public justice and something that we can see, and he or we need them and a different justice and may be seen or case can have but in the future or to have a to, to, to gain
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a better injustice for everybody. not only on the patrick rogers has one shot lead hunting into sundays, final round of the goals, janice's invitational in california. well, number one scottish shuffler was leading early on at torrey pines free, then faltered, finishing the day on 76 is worse for since the 2022 players championship leaving him 5 shots off the pace and it was a while night in montreal. canada is the canadians took on the americans and a fiery 4 nations clash. as soon as the puffs drop the gloves came off, there were 3 fights in the 1st few minutes of the game which sold out, crowd cheering on the canadians. it all unfolded against a backdrop of growing tension between the 2 north american neighbors, up to president donald trump's breton harris against their long time out. okay, that is all your support for now,
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during back to you. thank you so much for that updates and thanks for watching the news, our analogies 0, we're back in just a moment with much more of this. is this the full hales the planet? interrogates while i was think about climate change, the way we do this is a global issue is abstract. so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how with england it collated into distancing also from the climate crisis. and delane meaningful action as faculty reactions has been bored, intentionally and unintentionally quite a few ideas to create confusions. if we're confused with the power of psychology, imp looking climate action on l. g 0 we are going to see the agencies of legend some clothes ruined the stories of
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civilizations that marks history wants. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell on the pair this journey is taken by the countess. refugees fleeing danger to meet me there. perhaps worse than death is the survivor. the syrian refugees seeking answers, searches for disappeared, assist. mine may suit a witness documentary on adjust. the latest news as it breaks hang up, dula did not accept stone crumbs plan, hoping international position for perhaps $47.00 to look at alternative with detailed coverage focused on your drive, your regular monthly and active wall footage. and during charles that did the lines
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of communication, the main sit gill from around the world facing doesn't want an extended trade will that it is ready for once. we can now cause more damage to the us economy and it did during trumps 1st time. the funds to host an emergency summit of european leaders on the war in crane as the us prepares to begin to run the go. sions with russia, the you're watching out the 0 life or my headquarters, and i'll find a obligate, also coming up. the desperate need for shelter. and also families are waiting for mobile phones and vital age, still locked by israel. the us sector,
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