tv [untitled] February 18, 2025 3:30am-4:01am AST
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stay combining accounts this refugees, danger to men. me perhaps worse than death is the package of surviving the syrian refugees seeking ounces searches for it disappeared sister. mine may suit a witness documentary on that just so cold water was around the rise worldwide, but the keys to river conflict is one of the most contentious of treaty between india and bangladesh, about the fashion of bosa has been pending from over the decades. so what's holding it up on? how is china involved? this is inside story, the
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hello. welcome to the program. i'm adrian cynic and they teach to isn't just the river for millions of people in india and bangladesh. it's a lifeline integral to the economy. food and income, a decades old dispute revolves around the distribution of the taste as waters, particularly during the dry season, bangladesh once a larger share that it currently has this pushing for a $1000000000.00 mega project to go ahead. but relations between dr. new delhi, i was an old time blow since the austin, a former prime minister, shakes a scene in august. she fled to india at this. defies on arrest warrant this time, trial and bangladesh for crimes against humanity seem to prefer india to fund the piece to project. but the injury and government in bangladesh is reportedly keen on china. so why does india viewed chinese involvement as a threat to its national security? of why is the indian state of westbank go opposed to the project? we'll get to those questions in just a few moments, but faster report from time did shout dri,
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a thousands of papers i've gathered in the bank of river, say stuff, and a lot of money to hard. this is one of the several other gathering in 5 different northern district in bangladesh. there protesting about that in this diversion, and holding of water by building them in 30 of the 54 shared rivers. most people and organizers want india to come to table and negotiate to a pro time of sharing to pay funding by water, as well as a gain just river water. bangladesh has been in dispute with india for a long period since its inception and sharing river water that came almost close to an agreement in 2011 under check casino, then prime minister. but the west bank, no chip, minnesota and mama, banner g d p is to come to the time frame that it will affect westbank off. if they share more water with bangladesh. i'm a good on the thoughts of the movement is about the long suffering of people g to
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india is restrictions on the water from the teas to river. we won't have a fresh air over the river and assistance for the people who have suffered because of the environmental impact of water filters as well as the drudging of the river. many people yeah. including expert on some in the government, things they should go ahead and build a major project here that was designed by the chinese to have a pissed them. and a mega project in northern buying of. 6 to counter india's them, now that we'll have a diplomatic impact with india, having chinese personal presence so close to in the northern border as it is by mothers having a strain on the relationship that could make things much more complex. sunbridge, audrey all, does it a lot of money? it hard for inside story. that's bringing, i guess, from cambridge, massachusetts. we're joined by a talk be a who do i, bangladesh,
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the human rights lawyer unfold that se original research at amnesty international from the alamo and easily is felipe or manga an associate professor of geography at the university of oklahoma. and the editor in chief of the journal political geography and from new delhi, but joined by the vic capture for the indian diplomat and columbus. a will come to your old gentleman. let's start with you talk the, what do you make of the protest we sold the intent of this report? why? oppressions wanting so high over this issue? i'm thank you. so the tensions are running high precisely because this has been an unresolved issue for decades. and millions of farmers were impacted by the lack of a water sharing free d regarding produced a river have their livelihoods, their entire lives, their property impacted by the you know, continued unilateral use and control of the water course by india. so this is really in the wider backdrop of the whole list of issues that people are finally able to mobilize on. now that you know, the 15 years of
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a part here in rule has come to an end with the ouster of the fire, former payment associated se not. so you know, this, her policy, particularly in relation to india and in relation to the piece. the issue was seen as being entirely subservient to india as entrust. still the people have, you know, mobilized against that longstanding grief funds. and they finally have, you know, the political and civic space to do so different. what do you make of what you just heard there in 2011 of agreement between india and bangladesh on the sharing of for so from the teach to was drawing up. but it's been pending ever since. why is that? who, who's delay, and why? and go to the board right, place the space to shifting the waters, the clean up a new and i've been in states since about the most difficult matter to resolve. and just as the factions, the in the,
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among the people in the nation on the taste of, and indeed on other rivers of which fell from in the bottom of the day. the equally impressions in the end of the government, both the central and the state governments have to be aware and cannot inch these the these feelings of the popular feeling. so it will not be proper for anyone in bangladesh to claim that as their being we devise a and of the governments in india, the state of the central government can disregard this in the windshield the people they have because like millions i'm more that to my own assessment is that in the bottom of the issue of being able to close the door a term that they can so many, many contentious issues and knowing the boundary that both matter time and the
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physical bottom great initial, the economic issues, commotion issues. i know that other nations are going through a difficult phase at the moment, but i have no doubt that in the course of time of these matters relating to the job. as i said above the most difficult, the in the problem with it. and also be interest. so they feel i'll bring them into just another test. i make sure that back to uh, talk be a, what do you make up of what are you just told that it's not fair of anyone in bangladesh to claim that they're being victimized to. and i think that's a pretty reduction as to view because, you know, as i, you know, as any of use coverage of bundled vision, the recent years will tell you that they are impacted by flooding. just as recently as september of 2024. when india had, you know, again of made a release of that to be that piece the water course without prior notification. it didn't talk to about a 100000 people who were displaced because of severe flooding that happened at that
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time. and that, you know, that drove use was exacerbating such flooding and you know, it constricting their right to water during dry season when again, india, human lot truly decides to close the water of course. so india's unilateral use and abuse of the water, of course, directly impacts the human rights of the, you know, millions of farmers, their livelihood, their human right to water. and of course, that impacts trade as well. there is about a, you know, some estimations showing that about 8 percent of the rice crops of bung division are impacted by this, you know, flooding and drying up. so of course, as you see, they have every reason to claim to be victimized. and it's potentially of india actions or potentially also against the guns use treat to but the to which the 2 countries i've signed in 1996. what article 9 of which said that the 2 countries would work together to you know, upholds and no harm principle and very us principle in relation to other common
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rivers in india and bundle dish have $54.00 such common rivers of police. and this, that being, of course, one of the most important, so it's not just a claim of victimization based on abstract notions of fairness. it's very much a violation of india's obligations under customer international law. and even treaty locks in so far as it relates to ganges treated. ok. let's take a closer look at the piece to river for him. i think of a child significant geopolitical and ecological importance. the river originates high up in the glasses of the himalayas. it flows for 414 kilometers screws in the is seeking of westbank goals, states before entering bangladesh and ending in the bay of bengal. it's the 4th largest river. the 2 countries share and provides crucial water supplies for both in bangladesh to teach, to flood plain covers 14 percent of all farm land. well, the 21000000 people directly or indirectly, dependent upon the river for their livelihoods, especially during the dry season from december to march in india. people in seeking
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in west bend go depend upon the river for drinking bosa, agriculture, and local industries. it's also a vital to thousands of plant hydro power projects. local governments fear that any was sharing with bangladesh will leave the states dry and put those developments at risk for people. and what state is the piece to river. at the moment. when you buy the um, the these as the, let me say no, of course we're talking about the issue, but any conflicts on logon involved and sharing this matter. we were talking about the opponent, the social issues that economics geo politics. of course the sped teacher earlier as being heavily dog, as you rightly said it's, it's largely over over 2 thirds of office often
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even in india and even yeah, as the lever for amenities are usually in the produce highly christy. and so the production of the energy and then there's some physical use is the point that, you know, they also said that overall the to call his engine bodies interest that shows piece the far reverse bonaventure downstream, you know, as 50 for reverse. clearly these gave the stuff to take advantage of 29 or 20 on account. and when it comes to sharing such the, you know, a is always quite a contentious marker. and so the law is that that is a combination of the human and 1990 to convention on the shang, all sounds. finally what the causes. the issue here is that the,
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the engine by the sign, then you're in convention and therefore they resort to buying outside of the box and try to find or buy that that agreement. but as it is always the case, no, it is quite complicated because once i was seated avenue, as it is, those can be very emotional. archive and for somebody who has raises and we're talking about the conflicts is haven affected us when by climate change. and so the vision of the countries has been traditionally problem to floss, for instance, but then here we see something that, that is competing tweet. if you want to, at least based on what will people attempt to think about such a job. and you finish off what this cost would be and we'll discuss it if i put you in, in devices. and then this is because the payment is haven in these every dump. and before the can reach mileage, it goes to many of the communities and be able to use it as they call this. so
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there was reasons for either codger issues from the national fan energy is used for see minute scene and uses. the problem is that then might not be enough for the last 4. the don't think companies entities not talking to the specifics for these particular case. it is something that we can upset of the many other contexts of the most popular ones that they simple to maintain. and show them by some concepts . another point is i think it is relevant to you is that the to counseling, take a little to say, and i will one that is a major jump on it because the clearly essential 5. what i've seen is the, are also a vic in what shape relations between india and bangladesh. right now you, you said that they were a difficult point. delhi knew, denny is yet to, to respond to that as a request for the tone of thought former prominence to shake casino,
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who's being investigated on suspicion of crimes against humanity, genocide, mode of corruption, money laundering, is that somehow playing into this dispute. so i think this has been sold standing the issue between the 2 countries because the own children, the time of shane cutscene is pregnant as the shrimp and prior to that so. so i don't think it can be actually a good only to shade christina, not being the implementation paul at the style of the nations are difficult, but i think in daily and it is in very desire to see that no move seeing that tons of toner relationship what i'm finding is that the, the parties. ringback that out forces within bung with the issues which are bent on on trying to been shown that the normal team doesn't return to the relationship in
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the of has tried best of the following. and this, the dick's done. the 1st minister just young man said the following, following, say in wise uh, uh, only a couple of days ago in a, in the oman on the sidelines of an international re thing. and they have to be on the line that in this desire is to have good relations with the phone with the shift, as indeed we want with all the neighbors in front of the nation, the video where they come from the neighbor. so over the years, if you see in the has the name or anything that can in terms of all future nomic ties in terms of connect to the d. and at the only thing that in that is, has a us button in the off button. and they should traditionally and this is not something unique to in the, in that bung with a show the big get that in the security concerns. and
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on jeopardized by any activities taking place on the choice. i think that's not something and that's all. so trying to take all in all of the things of moving with moving. well, there's one other concern which we haven't that is that the minorities in buttons of. ready being the very severely and negatively impacted off the sheer to contain those other stuff. and that just something be good. it's a lot of people in bright god park there. what, what do you make of what you, you just heard the bangladesh doesn't want to a normal see to return to the relationship between the 2 countries. i'm just wondering whether making any sort of deal right now with india, particularly of the taste to is within the interim governments. we met a couple of things there. firstly, i think bundle dish is of course willing to work cooperatively with india. but you
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must understand that this is a moment of transition, where the in term government is trying to restore balance in a relationship with task. highly been defined by, you know, dynamics of domination and on india side and subservience on bundle dishes side. so, you know, the, the, the, this is a necessary moment of rupture to restore and quality, so to speak. i mean, terms of the, in term governments mended. i mean, of course, without getting to technically legal here, there are a great deal of reforms that it is undertaking and the technical legality of such reforms remains a matter of constitutional debate. given that the former prime minister had to revoke the authority of a through constitutional amendment group of dsr g of in term governments to, you know, carry out a function in during transitional periods. so i mean, but by and large i think, you know, the question is of substantively delta t rather than technical legality. and most of the people in bottom to they just
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have accepted, expanded and demanded it is, you know, undertaking to reform. i would just like to correct in relation to, you know, a bundle dish, not being willing to, you know, restore the ties with india and, and that's the problem is that, you know, inbound the most recent visit that the shake by shake because, you know, had in 2024 stay to india, that was followed by an india bonded a shared vision for a future. now if you look at this joint statement, it, it mentions mutual cooperation for t stuff and the find the best with work with india as assistance, but not the ones does it mention the longstanding need a for a water sharing agreement on the stove, which has been a subject for almost every bilateral meeting between the prime minister and prime minister in india. indian officials, big from 2011 onwards. so that was also seen as a great big trail that after 14 years of cons and pushing that, that's this joint statement that sought to build a joint vision. even
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a mid some mention of water sharing agreement. it's important to note that it mentioned the renewal of the ganges for the, for instance. so it, so that was seen as a crucial mission. so it's, it's, i would say it's actually quite inaccurate and just say that india has done everything at the time, in disregard. in fact, what has this, what seems to be the claims of domestic attempt to suppress any such agreement from the rising. okay, vivica, i'll give you a right of a reply in just a moment, but i want to bring in sleep. once again, you mentioned sleep of the impact of climate change, just having on the, on the taste of what environmental impact has reduced water flow have further down stream it in bangladesh. other of the ways of, of, of mitigating this, this reduced water for the building of reservoir, for instance, the name but, and also by this somebody might, somebody might, these heavy efforts have been used if you want a building newer. otherwise,
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it's not likely to solve the problem, at least when we talk about environmental loss and environmental degradation, usually building your otherwise, we do the opposite because you keep the phone or in the metro well as role. ultimately, where to deliver these heavy, heavy down the lady. i think the issue here is, is, you know, it's about finding ways to maybe a restore it and bring it back to. and we don't want to say is for the just face and my little live, if i the name or for me a free the for all or least, it'd be the model. and then you can do now. um, usually based on songs, what happens is not the internet, everybody's is building morning plus actual puppy during the context or lease from any hyphen patients. listening to kansas is not going to solve any, any issue. uh,
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the main issue is that there is no long term agreements over the shading of these walters. and the only way factors has been and be meaningful maybe uh, when they towed it and it keeps training relations that keeps eventually the issue of the, of india's security. why is new delhi so opposed to any involvement by china, in any of these hydro electric projects on the river in bangladesh? because it will impact altogether. we are aware of the relationship between india and china, concerns about china and the neighbors. but before i go into a further into this, this big, let me say that i was wanting to avoid any debate to which my motivation calling even defend along this issue of domination. subservient was i am
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constrained to say because instead of this idea, then there was a dominant buying agent bung with ation. subservient and is simply incoming. if you look at the other day of the nation should in the ball, i will conference way in old, in economic commercial diplomatic aspects. we resort the shows and connect over to me and we've done what we can in bod, bangladesh, and deficient. and we've tried to. ringback best as we can all these aspects of domination. the most of the is and it's a big don't click enter to this and that psychological aspect between a smaller state and a can dig with a neighboring state which is much larger. and this is perhaps more killed in the
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case of bungler. they given the drug of african situation between the 2 countries. but i think it's not fair on the bar combined with dish and clinics too late. that in the is, behaves in a manner that is se, thanks to um, push to know as far as the water can. so let me just say one previously effect plays quickly coordination wherever you have time. yes. read yes, just one month and we all a qm be aware of the difficulties of your life period because we are the sales of volt upload. i'd say in the end and nor of period as we speak. i remember when did the main lifeline of the of the eastern part of india and which really impact butler these on that river, the chinese i really think perhaps the worst largest them. okay. ever and i haven't heard my bunger based clothing sale. what know that that's okay. talk to you. do
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you want to respond? or india is concerns about china's involvement in bangladesh. legitimate does indeed at this bangladesh understand those concerns. of course, barnabas understands, and it has no desire to get involved in this indo china cold war when bundled issues interested in and safeguarding the human rights of its people. and why should, you know, would continue to lead india's security encrypts whether legitimate or whether it's a matter of hysteria. why should it continue to let that dictate the terms of, to what extent it's people in the north should be able to enjoy human rights. so this idea that this is like a psychological sense of subservience. i would invite anyone to conduct a holistic review of the agreements and you know, relations between india and bottom of us in the past 15 years. and anyone with a reasonable sense of fairness and equality will come to the result and, and conclusion that it was a highly a relationship subservience and dominance for the product. zip to can you subject
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to view, okay. in what way? so it is because it is fun for me to fax if you'll see the history of india among the these relations are beginning with 1971. i find that my colleague is focusing only on the last 15 years. why not go back to 1971? i don't know, perhaps he's much too young. he doesn't recall what happened to 1971. we showed up blog and 1971. let's say at the complete and if it was seen that history or it's more than 15 years, the temperature since the bombing ation and subservient the question will be to solve what in the quote, okay, that's the huge of getting beyond was one thing that we've worked for that, so i'm sorry to interrupt, we're almost out of time. i want to give a last word or 2 for the po here. each situation of course for people is unique, but as climate change continues to impact. uh, the,
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the wells natural resources where, where only like to see more disputes like this one in the future only. oh yes, yes, he showing yes. uh, and usually what is going to happen is the nightstands are not change or the people stature is going to be portrayed as to what kind of change constance, why it is in the always. but in the was that it's going to be under stress increasingly so, and we're going to see more more of these uh, sort of concerns and even conflicts, oversight was that i wouldn't say what the, what that was the thing by the beginning. but clearly, what is going to be more sense on, in the pony to go and to say, hi, what do you think of the page and the for one of the issues going on in south asia . ok, the gentleman, i'm afraid we're going to have to edit, talk via for the, for the, for mega vivek country. many thanks indeed for being with us on inside story and
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thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the website l 0. don't com for further discussion joined us on facebook page, which you'll find at facebook dot com forward slash h i inside story, and you can join the conversation on x on handle the at asia inside story from me. adrian for the good of the team here and uh, we'll see you again, bye for now the in connecting communities. what would you like to see happen for a new syria to emerge? there's no way we could live in the country again where i see it is for displacement is part of our presence. opening up the conversation representation methods. we haven't had the best representation of african. so for us, it's about solving that putting to representation pockets with fresh perspectives from lesser heard voices. the stream explores the key issues of our time on algebra
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. the challenges with this is in regions that is why people lead people up thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts, political ups, people. some of those who talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled after hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do and all just there is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id tell, it says it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell this story. the folks is in europe lots to call them. they are heading to the polls with the far right expected to make its
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biggest gain since the 19 thirty's, the german election could restrain your fate without a 0 for the latest updates on things that finality of the german federal election. we're facing a future that we don't understand. we can't predict fully. everyone has this . nobody knows what would happen the i need to stay. most of these are really, but i need to do more with my life. i was like, you know what? i don't like myself, i want to change, why am i want to be trustworthy? i want to be responsible. but keep getting inspired to the story is on one of those, bringing the communities to contact me a great for the 5 behind i move forward. because board what we need is being able to move forward. and that isn't just a matter of science, that's
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a matter of what do you think about your fellow human beings because it is a matter of democracy. the hello i'm darn jordan doh. how with a group of mind of the top stories here. and i'll just say are a top different about some of the us and russia will hold folks in saudi arabia on tuesday and ending the war in ukraine. the height of a meeting, a spot concern among european leaders and ukraine's president loving me as the landscape was key, will not recognize any deal made without its involvement or challenge reports. a few weeks ago, the meeting, the us secretary of state is in saudi arabia. to attend wouldn't be possible off the rushes invasion of ukraine, the bite and administration.
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