tv [untitled] February 19, 2025 12:30am-1:01am AST
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land every day, almost all of the land and no people would have been killed and no city would have been demolished and not one don't would have been knocked down. but they chose not to do it that way and president bind in all fairness, he doesn't have a clue what he was so bad for this. it was so bad, so pathetic, so sad. but with all of that being said, look, we, it is what it is. when i left, there was no chance that this could have happened. but it happened because we had incompetent leadership in many different levels. but when you see what's taking place in ukraine with millions of people killed, including the cells, as many as people killed a big percentage of their cities knocked down to the ground. i don't know how anybody even lives there. you know, when they say they took a ball and zalinski is at 4 percent who's living there. you know, i mean, people are, it's hard to believe that people live there. their cities are being knocked down. and this is something that would have never happened. and by the way, for 4 years it didn't happen was never going to happen. good question. how would
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you counter the perception? because rushes pushing this obviously they don't really hold true elections, but that would be a capitulation of some sort. how would you guard against potentially russia, installing a public government? and then finally, how would that new election have an impact on getting zalinski design? the where are minerals you look, you have leadership and, and i like him personally, it's fine, but i don't care. but personally, i care about getting the job done. you have leadership now that's allowed award to go on to to the never even happened. even without the united states. look, we had a president do, is grossly incompetent. he had no idea of what he was doing. he said some very stupid things like going in for portions and all that. and so i think she made a lot of bad statements, but he's grossly and confident. and i think everyone knew that this is something that should have never happened would have never happened. then i used to discuss it with fulton president, put, then i would talk about ukraine and it was the apple of his eye. i will tell you
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that, but he never, there was never a chance of him going in. and i told him he did not go and don't go in, don't go in. and he understood that they understood it fully. but i'm only interested, i want to see if i can shave maybe millions of lives. this could even end up in a world where 3, i mean, to be honest with you, you've been hearing. now you're up to say, well, i think we're going to go in and we're going to go all of a sudden, you're going to end up in world war 3 over something that should have never happened. and you know, it's a, it's a very sad situation. you have placed in a court filing, the white house said that you learn muskets, not a dose employee, and has no authority to make decisions. can you clarify for us to do what you learn most at row is? yeah, yeah you on is to me a patriot so you know, you could call them an employee, you could call them a consult and you could call them whatever you want. but he's a patriot. i mean, look at the kind of things i just said to try to just in case the question got is right. and which i'm surprised it took so long actually. but you know what?
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you cringe a bigger deal because people are dying by the thousands a week. thousands. but look at this from 90 to 99 social security 6000000. 54000 people. well, that's okay. maybe that's possible, you know 90 to 9099. maybe it's possible, it's a lot of people though that but people that live 28028094 1000000, 734000. wow. that's a lot. that means over a 100 years old, they're 4000000 people. i don't know. i know too many, i know people that are doing great in the ninety's, but not too many people over a 100, but over a 120 from a 120 years old. people that are a 120 years old. up to a 129. 3000000, 472000 people. well, you know that can possibly be because the record is like,
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i think is one person. a woman lived to a 127, but they have 3472. okay, but now we're going really in people from a 130 years old to a 139 year old, a 3936000. wow. i wonder if people are getting paid with all this? i mean, are these checks and that's what we're checking right now. people from a 140 years old to a 149 years old. 3542140 years old. and beyond now. now we're really going because we're looking to break the record by 25 years. people from a 150 years old, to a 159 years of 1345000. these are in the book by the way. these are in the computer files. these are, this is what they do. well, they're super. i asked a lot and who are these donors? faithful? he said they're super brilliant computer people and they loved the country. the
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simple wait a minute. people from a 160 years old to a 169 years, 821000. so a 106 year old people. 172879006000. 087. but now let's go into the real numbers from 200 to 209 years old. 879 variable from 210 years old. i haven't met any of them. and if i did, i, i wouldn't bless them. i would. i would worship the ground, they walked on 212219 years, a 166 from 220 years old to 229 years old. 1039. and then you have 2 people from 240 years old to 249 years old. one person. and there's one person that's
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360 years old. that's just that. and then where's the money being spent? right, let's go into that for just a 2nd. a $520000000.00 for a consultant. on the environment. it's called environmental social and governance investments in africa, and mobilize private sector resources. uh, $520000000.00. somebody got $520000000.00 for an environmental shows like an environmental study is most, i've always been one that paid a lot of money for my environmental studies. but they, you know, i paid like $50000.00, not $520520000000.00 for s g $25000000.00 to promote bio diversity conservation,
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and promote listed livelihoods by developing socially responsible behavior in the country of colombia. well, it's nice 25000000 dionte colombia for something that nobody ever heard of. $40000000.00 to improve the social and economic inclusion of sudden, terry migrants $4042000000.00 for john shopkins, great place to research and dr. social and behavior change in uganda. 40 tell me your, what about us, what about social change in our country? $70000000.00 for a center at purdue, to research university source, evidence based solutions to developmental challenges. i mean, these are massive numbers on things that nobody ever heard about. $10000000.00 for mozambique voluntary medical males, circumcisions $10000000.00 to circumcisions in another country. $9700000.00 for u. c. berkeley to develop
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a coal cohort of cambodian use with enterprise driven skills. in other words, let's teach them something about enterprise. what about are people? can we do something about enterprise $2300000.00 for strengthening independent voices in cambodia? $32000000.00 to the prod, civil society center, which is a very liberal group of people. when did, how much of that money came back to the people that approved it? $14000000.00 for improving public procurement in serbia. $486000000.00 to the consortium for elections and political process strengthening including $22000000.00 for inclusive and participatory political process in moldova and $21000000.00 for voter turn out in india. but why we're giving $21000000.00 to india. they got a lot of money. they're the one of the highest traction countries in the world in
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terms of us, we can hardly get in there because their tariffs are. so i have a lot of respect for india. i have a lot of respect with the prime energy just left as you know, 2 days ago, but were given 21000000 dollar voter turnout. it's about a turnout in india. what about like the voter turnout here? we've done that. i guess we did $500000000.00 didn't waste go the lockboxes $20000000.00 for fiscal federalism in ne paul listen to these numbers. these are, this is all fraud. $19000000.00 for bio diversity conservation. in maple $1500000.00 for vote of confidence. we want to give them confidence in the library of $14000000.00 for social cohesion in malley. $2500000.00 for inclusive democracies in south africa. $47000000.00 for improving learning outcomes in asia. he's just doing very well. doing
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a lot better than we do in the schools are and a $2000000.00 to develop sustainable recycling models to increase socio economic cohesion among marginalized communities in kosovo. and the best cali and an egypt we're talking about hundreds of billions of that i was i couldn't if i could, by the way, i could read this all day long. i could go on all day long and you'll see hundreds of millions of dollars and we're doing it. but when i saw the social security numbers, i said, wow, that's really something so we have, let's just go above 100 years old. we have millions and millions of people over a 100 years old. everybody knows as not. so we have a very corrupt country, very corrupt the country. and it's a sad thing to say, but we're figuring it out now the good thing about social security. and what i read is if you take all of those numbers off because they're obviously fraudulent or
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incompetent. but if you take all of those millions of people of social security, all of a sudden we have a very powerful social security with people that are 80 and 70 and 90, but not 200 years old. you know, so it's a very positive thing. how about all the here? yeah. please. who's the head of social security? i don't know. i mean, i resigned or got 5. i think i fired. do you know when you fire somebody they always resign and then they say we reside. but when you have numbers like that, i think really it's got fired and they have to get fired. who would, who would keep them? how could you have numbers like this? now the big thing is, how many of these people get paid? what are they getting paid? what are they getting, but how many of them were getting paid social security? because that's, if that's the case, it's a massive fraud. you will have to call those great palm beach police. okay. yeah,
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just uh, joining us we have just been watching the president of the united states. donald trump speaking from mar lago, he was taking questions from the media about a range of issues. he was asked about those talks that have been going on today in a, in saudi arabia between the united states and russia talks that he organized and initiates, as he said, he was more confident ukrainian deal. now the, that the now that those talks had taken place, he said he was disappointed by ukrainian complaints of being frozen out of those talks. don't forget the gradients and the europeans when not invited to those talks in saudi arabia. he was also aust, whether the united states would put any troops on the ground in ukraine. he said that would not be the case. we won't have to put any troops in ukraine. those were
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the words of donald trump, but he did say he would not oppose europeans if they wanted to send any peacekeeping troops to ukraine to provide security guarantees in the event of a peace deal. let's discuss this further with correspondence, rushman jordan, she joins us now from washington, dc, rosalind at dorcas through some of the highlights of what we had today from donald trump as well. you just went through the highlights of the us. president said that he believes that the pastor ending the war and ukraine is now being established. donald trump also said that he would not be in favor of having us forces in ukraine as a peace keeping a component once a durable. busy of into the war has been achieved. that is not surprising because
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trump has been very critical of efforts to have us forces deployed in so many places that he says the us does not how the national security interest. and of course, so those governments in europe would beg to differ, given that the us is the pre eminent talk, member of nato, the security alliance. trump also said that he would not be opposed to seeing your p and countries deployed their forces as a peace keeping a mission inside ukraine. once the war is over. of course, this comes a couple of days after the british prime minister. care storm are said that he would be in favor of deploying british forces to help keep the peace wants the war and ukraine. and what he also indicated was that this was an opportunity for the ukrainians to really try to put this more behind them. something which he
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said they could have done if they had been more mindful of russian concerns about us. it's on the tutorial territorial, excuse me. integrity and security. he said this war could have ended a long time ago, but he did indicate this is just the beginning of a process. something which we did here from the secretary of state, marco rubio earlier on tuesday. of many things for the rustling jordan by 1st in washington. dc now the 11 east government says it has the right to use old possible means to insure the full withdrawal of israeli troops from the south as cooling as well as presence in 5 points near the border and occupation often cease my deadline expired on choose day residents returning to the home, say the villages have been left on recognizable. i know how the reports they,
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we did for hours while is really troops completed. their withdrawal of lebanese families were supposed to return to their villages near the border in late january, in line with a ceasefire agreement that ended 14 months of conflict between as well and has beloved in november, but as well delayed. it's pulled out to tuesday and not at all, but just hold on a 2nd. i'm waiting. i want to enter for loan, that will be on destruction. on whatever i just want to go to click clone, i'd rather be buried there than elsewhere. i just want to enter the credit. you know, this is the only thing i am asking. hollywood. many returning home say their villages are unrecognizable. so much of their lives. erase park killer was among the hardest hit during the conflict with intense fighting and bombardment. but it's really troops also deliberately destroyed structures while they were here during the ceasefire. were turning is not an option without basic infrastructure and surfaces
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. there is shock and disbelief, but defiance a lot and leave a ton to despite the destruction. what is important to us that we came back and not these really and to me has left these really the army, however, remains in hill top positions just inside blood and on to guard against what is called ceasefire violations by hezbollah. the government says it's use the soldiers presence as an occupation and will complain to the un security council. well, i mean the analogy. what is the, as israel continues to turn a blind eye to their obligations, dishonoring all its promises. the conferring parties declared the following. firstly, to resort to the un security council being the body that endorsed resolution 17 o one and cut out all the while is ready. drones are still overhead. when the states fire came into effect as rarely prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who said it didn't signal an end to the conflict with hezbollah since then, is rarely strikes have been targeting?
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what is ready, the army calls, as well as assets. is really military is promising to continue acting against has the law. if the lebanese army fails to do so, the army is now in charge of this region. it's tasked with pushing back has the law as well as disarming. it's fight. there's a major test for a state long absent center for their elza 0 southern 11 on the vaskins says the pipe francis has pneumonia in both longs but remains in good spirits. the 88 year old pontiff was admitted to a hospital on friday, off the suffering from the respiratory infection. people gathered outside the hospital where he's been treated in brought him to pray for his health. you and human rights chief is accusing. m. 23 rebels who seized a 2nd may just as he needs some congo of killing children, and a talking hospitals and warehouses storing aid the london backed rebels and now baffling the con gleese army in north keeping permits of our office has confirmed
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cases of some of the execution of children by m 23 after they entered the city of chicago last week, were also aware that children were in possession of weapons. we called on rolanda and i'm 23 to ensure that human rights and international humanitarian law are respected. we're also documenting cases of ill treatment, conflict related, sexual and gender based violence, child enforce recruitment, intimidation and death. threats are the ones that rebels are trying to establish administrative control in the areas that they've seized based services between because the government, the 2 major cities seized by m. 23 have resumed. so as on al jazeera, it's a doha disaster. novak joked edge of the castle, open details on the way in school, the
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the time for his pizza bodies. thank you very much. just today is going to crickets i c c champion. so if he stops in pocky still on the host to being practicing ahead of the opening game against new zealand in karachi, h teams will compete including india, but they have refused to play and talk is done. and instead of they fix is, will be in do by including the game against pucky stone. and the final, if they get that fox, it's the 1st time pakistan has hosted a major international tournaments since 1990. 6 more now for about corresponding
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come out of high to in the summer, but focused on india and are adding to the stake. a passionate about crickets as the rest of the world is about 4 boards. now. progress on is hosting its 1st major event in almost 3 decades. the i c c champions trophy, which i didn't ask the day was participating the government that spend a considerable amount of resources on revamping the stadiums and got a lot harder. i would have been de, which of course, really be hosting though it matches it at the national games. i had india, of course, absent, they will be in the by and will be playing that match it into united the image because of the political differences would focused on by 12 by august on this is a prestigious moment tens of thousands of security forces. personnel has been deployed in order to ensure the security of the games. and of course the spec data is focused on has said it relative improvement,
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a security situation. and therefore, it is hoping that the, the rest of the word that it is capable of holding such a large event on its own data duty commodity to i just realized, blah, blah, blah, the 7 time european champions, ac melana be knocked out of this. you as champion, sleep by dutch club. fine old milan, we're one know behind off to the 1st leg of this payoff match. but having ground advantage appeared to be coming to the raid when somebody i, those human is handed them the lead. but a 2nd yellow code, so a diving 2 and then the same tools who is going to get a red car and final, to full advantage of the extra man. substitute who do i and cut it on. so to closing on the nights and ensuring a to one advert goodwin so the team limit the lives in the agent champions, need shanghai, sion who are defeated. this will coby to keep de hopes alive of
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a place and the knockout stages soto middle school and a have trickier for shanghai. it also help so that the japanese tub went down to 10 main. the chinese club up to 70 in the east. but it's all based research the knox and another japanese saw a couple of sucky for on to on a basic page. and they, they did. the group said with a to know when a real estate is central coast mariners, kawasaki already assured of a place in the knockouts before this game, the space 6, twin of the 2 of them, and so forth, and takes them to the top of the table. the matter and so out of the finishing bottom, there was huge excitement here in bo hall to see 20 full time grand slam champion. no back talk a bit. you action up a couple of open things that we have a did go according to plan for the serbian so malik was at drug which is match and synthesis reports. there was huge excitement in doha. let's go deckervidge to the
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tennis, done. nobody jokers which completed the comparison the sub unit was looking for his 1st thing was trying to since spent about 20 people in 20162017 things. however, it didn't go to plans with joe could which who is getting his campaign on the way against 20. 21 wimbledon runner up. mateo bear a teeny jokers which now 37 was playing his 1st thing this much is this, the injury forced him to a time for me is a straight open, semi final in january and he looked fall from his best dropping the 1st check on a tie break but things got worse and the 2nd with the full i'm a world number one, losing the opening 3 games. it was total 13 and domination. the attorney and wrapping up this that with these 6 to, to win the money and hands the $24.00 time grant and i went to the league.
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there are lots of disappointed funds leaving the stadium and don't know by joking, which is course with the singles title and that's all comes to an end. he is still in the doubles so perhaps his friends will have a chance to cheer about something in competition. so helen malik, i'll just say it a, so ha, so talk to the child about the tournaments to concede alex them and know is still in contention for the title. yes. right. and it's through to the last 16 and that's off to defeating rush is a roman set food in $61.75. a pretty straightforward assignment for the 26 year old . mixed up for them and know is amazing again. 0600 songs cold. winter of that's match could go on to meet the new mega dave in the same he finals today. and that's off to the former will double undefeated, cutting hutsel. but the russian did had a tough old time of it against east country when catching of taking the 1st it's 6 full admitted made,
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but they've baffled back off the 2nd. the 2nd said 7529 year old 163. the women in dubai. this week and will remember one of the sutherland case through the last 16 the russian saw foot on i could create a mass of the on since the closing around 26364 to somebody lanka, she faces denmark's car at towson in the 2nd round that's also the se in upstate new frames. i mean this fits within a fast and former will. number one, he gets she on sex with pulse victoria. as a raincoat, sofa football player at the top of the rankings. that had been a full hour with a delay in film. take ways to bow time here. 6 love 6 to so the fold. it faces diana? yes, but i'm scott mix but took a golf is headed on the 3rd the dump out here by fellow american coffee. kessler, 64 and 75. the schools for the 5 year old world number 53, with the match between emma read, who call new and catalina. look of all the career good. that's what we're supposed
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to be as well to make money. a space a and that's it for me. my name's sides business, i'll be back there in just a moment, much more. the nature of mine made catastrophes and the rate was quite severe. weather events are resulting in as it was think devastation, the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change as was to fact if i was supposed to be seen as normal. but you said something that shouldn't be happening to anyone . is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera be honest, it was an airbag my name is how i was abducted by the c. i a in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by to see the chain of lead. time comes
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me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the g of politics, of the post 911 when we were in the life of an in this field, my suitcase on which is here, sickle cell salvatore's maximum security prison, the biggest in the world built the house, the gang members that the government's cool and it's cracked. criminals who controlled entire communities have been put forward, sees, have no plans to ever let them know that in the almost 3 years of the crackdown. and you always say that systematic rights abuses have a could, innocent sweat talk to police and soldiers have been ground to power to pick people up on the street. we've little no proof that there are many more happier with this suddenly sites a nation. and this is the question of the injustices suffered by a number of salvadorans. a price was paying for the safety in the streets,
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but the crack down his pul, a tough disease, big stores and unload. the onset for the majority of salvadorans is yes. as long that is, as it's not your relative stuck in the sleeve and gauze and concerns, the group will release the bodies of 4 is running captives on the state and 6 living captives. 2 days later, the i running site, this is out of their life. and so how, so coming up us actually of state says they'll be more tools aimed at ending. and when you crate off to meeting with the russian foreign minister and re.
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