tv [untitled] February 19, 2025 7:30am-8:00am AST
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sure, and the livelihoods of millions, but farmers in the region, se on india, takes more than i've shared off the water. i'm one of the most for has is to sell. there is hardly any water in the wind. so i mean the summer, almost everything the, the bank goes on the, you still have you with the flow from the india side, making it very challenging for us. india say this constitution leaves the water rights to states. and the 2011 taste the river agreement failed because of objection from west bank of chief minister. it argues that as a result of the deal was never finalized. the protesting 6 northern district in bangladesh aimed to raise awareness about the challenges of accessing water raised by the communities. here they blaming the far diverting water and building them from 30 of the 54 shared rivers. long with dishes interim government plants, a huge irrigation project, along the reverse, funded with help from china. the atlantic,
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when the flush floods there is serious damage to agriculture and livelihood resulting and extreme poverty in the region. due to the irregular flow of the teeth to refund is there is a fair share of water float, or if the plant to stuff project is implemented, then people in the region will be able to overcome these problems. but what are right, so just one of many issues, dividing the 2 governments, bothered killing straightening balances, and the status of bangladesh. a former liter check has seen a who in our lives in eggs island, india all divide dark and new delhi. and the subject of my lo, some purple. we welcome a good relationship with india, a based on the quality, not submission. like in the past, we see no confrontation and not with a negative campaign against bangladesh. by the indian government and media. india should act with more responsibility and showed maturity and with millions of local
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livelihoods dependent on this river winning. what band with this is believe is their fair share of the water as big, or i'm a top diplomatic priority to each other out. is it a lot of money to northern bangladesh? news that age has a much of the plane crash at canada is at pearson international airport in toronto . 21 people were in judge bus o h e passengers and crew on the delta airlines flights of on life. the pain flip to the wall lounging and strong winds and nice the conditions on monday investigation is looking into what caused the accident as well. that is it from a louise of hoping that you can find more information on our website, which is 0. don't com. the being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been
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drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about just the right enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that there's mode that unites us, then divides us in the book he's done getting booth can be did the country has one of the highest infant mortality rates and the women are most of it, rich with one dying every hour due to pregnancy complications.
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climate change is only making it hot with severe floods and soaring temperatures. magnifying the stresses women must in june. now anatomy of midwives is fighting for the survival advertise have been play right now. was a intervention and been released to do with a science really. how may i help you out because of what i want to use to meet the brave women hoping save the lives of parties, not him others and living the the patient is the name of
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the selma mooney, who's been in midwife for 2 years ago in geo vital parties don opened this clinic, the pregnant women in the area, one of the poor as being crouching, selling to join the medical team. today, more than a 3rd of the 250000000 people in puck east on, have no access to health care. women, a particularly effective this sent a has been packed since it opened. i bought the advertise have been very familiar with them as well. do you agree with the new addition to that almost abilities that is related to us? do a good number to have the family scenario. those give us energy offices so that even though apologize, you down as a, get a b as in to to do that i, as i say,
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you did say it was awful update and i saw the visual vision. so don't, but i have to go to the ccs. are the lucky again the patients over d. m a reasonable suspicion. da da, big events. you name, was it an already i know what i've done that in the bank, i think will be just fine because somebody because i'm with that this can you find me just one of those are the low feel for the money be able to find any better off which is a stand well that i've been out, they just to the new table that i've been, i've just started to do this, some of the findings of the navy. i'd rather just stay hydrated, take care of your health. this is the basic advice selma. often gives out most of the patients uh illiterate. they come from pool communities with little access to
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to maybe use it for maybe 5 years in the either of the impact east on one foot to take place away from a healthcare facility as a result, maternal mortality rate is one of the highest in south asia to save lives. so my goal is to, to do it. many of these homes. she finds it hard to convince expectant mothers to trust the other cool, even after you get a handle on
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the web design thinking might look for yourself patrol the answer is tied to be a problem. other calls for the lining up today. selma is successfully problem. i but also under which i could go to the midwives like solomon needed to move and have to do this work. in this city, the population is growing non stop every year. hundreds of thousands of people leave their real homes and bend up on the outskirts of corruption to try and reach
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more expected from others. one of colorado cheese launches medical institutions, coolie, good hospital is training. hundreds of new students, other teams to nadia. we bought, we put it in maybe the neighborhoods and off the board, but because she knew i need to take it off the school year. and most of the news goes for dennis. but what it says that it gives the patient liber me with this child that they put the money. but i never sent you a value in any of these young women a being trained to respond to the needs of pregnant women in emergency situations. so mina is 22 years old and is finishing one year cools. she comes from a pool area and for her becoming a midwife is her cooling, to take him and maybe go to mitchell or dr. my know we, i make vice my know. no, obviously it's not good or is kayla manuel will be head start. nick mccormick, the hospital that he lives at, that they fabric, me and my love that does little basic
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a little. but the here on go with me is that they are the just any gay you have. those are a little good. he bought them was done with the services or what the, the image or to them with the update that if you, the map did k through. so if this has something to help you with that get it's going to a guy told i got changing, siding a guy, maybe my the yada yada, yada, yada yada. but we're still living with you. i miss miss edith. yes. awesome. so mino will finish those studies in a few things. it's time to have final revision se patient michael, the other students in her year. so nina will soon be assigned to
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a clinic in a remote corner of the country. these offer built in their hands, hard hands by the climate crisis, floods, extreme heat, drought peebles that can displace millions of people in a single year. major floods in 2022 compounded the dangers faced by pregnant women in these neglected regions. several times a week, red, crescent ambulances go out to meet displaced and fundable communities. we try with the mold in 4 hours, drive southeast of crouching the young thing in the stove. here people live in destitution falls to sleep by the climate crisis. they wait by the roadside hoping to one day return how sakina and her neighbors
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were driven out by the re some floods. but then alas, that kina has had several children in this make shift village without both. so electricity with poor hygiene is a constant can so again, but the money mode hoodie is a midwife who's been monitoring sakina for several months because it goes from a tablet of need to have will look for very, you know, pop down for the man talking about the disease, so we went to the cook, we plan the plan goes in and, and the young mother has chosen not to have any more children do that even though it's a red decision. finally got in a rural area like this, where women are encouraged to have large families for med hoodie, it's a significant step the 1st stage and her plan to set up a bus control program. you know, as soon as i tell you, don't want that. i don't want to go and i'm
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a glove of the brand. i'm going to give up for the man to go for to my one. we're going to do that as you're going to do the phone done because i was on the line so . so the on the bottom and touch on one side of the volume charts, i wouldn't even know you said he didn't know how to do this time because of a well, that's true, but i use the causal vanguard. i you, i am going to get to see, i find kind of agency, they have a couple say, yeah, some of the that auditors, you know, i could work on the, to much, evelyn, nothing's been that much of the but i, on the side they said a an amicable, but i didn't have them out, would you got it so that i don't the process of that so we'll see. but good as of now, but then the probably set down i the much on that i'm kinda lucky to say. so let me get to the bottom, or it's simple side of google to find that the forms i thought was 7 i've done was learning with them. i what am i didn't talk? it was going to be out there might have bunch of them of these i get up and go maybe without them k. so many vehicle do, but off i don't want to, i or i ma'am, whatever too many people did, but they said that i'll put the docket and burning guidelines. tv and i was
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the changing mindset is also so, i mean is mission to completing her studies. she joined, but who are these regional medical team here? the clinic 1st opened its tools just up to the floods of 202295 so meters whose city karachi is a 3 hour drive away. and she's discovering another side to a country to these women.
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so have you said that young d t? i talked to the issue with that guy. you in the region health care facilities of few and saw between women often give birth at home. where on the safe delivery practices can significantly impact the tunnel and infant mortality rates, whatever problems here with the get it, the patient can think of day to patient almighty by the course of my job. and they can today is to so much that the about the patient's name of the patient. can you save or stand? so patient will do gang must be patient with them, both coffee patient as soon as they get the recipe symbol, it took it with a sickening get ready. on monday, they made a new month end and then i take this kind of give them
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a noise for some patients, it's the 1st time they've ever visited a medical facility to eliza by my money. i have one veneer so i'm going to be fine. they won't be, they won't be ready to somebody. 6 got to go in and they fight, but do you mean they can handle the 5 on the inside the lang the i j plastic on it on today. yeah. when did it by today? right. well but do these new digit but simple to now hold on immuno to get a name is the but that didn't go florida and why make this i name is the but genuine a for on high blood take me. i mentioned that,
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but people felt like your name is the for a for this week. name is the more is seneca yesterday or month investigation, they would be taking the slightest 8 on a month, but i see the quote that a so yeah, order not that bad and up on the box, but i see the quote that a sean, they say dvd say you already get vendor those the daytime guys that get to get behind. well, get an idea so yeah. okay. yeah, you give me a 5 day to get in on friday to go to the a car. they may have to say tiny as a tool called the kind of like i do to find in some of the tiny into the but is going ahead shape tiny. i find the piano, i like talk about the same current in flow sub z last my t k says you might not when i the guy that the d or time, so it's in the clinic delta.
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so now i'm booked here, is responsible the typical pigment, since she's the only kind of color just for a population of 40000 people bond because he has a new bond between me and the phone. and barney. so i'm going to notate the how you folk approve more that would do i have the more data before there was any. so you educated it, one of the best universities and puck used on dr. bucky, a lift corolla, cheese, better results, hospitals where she used to where the huge public health issues at stake. she volunteered for a one year assignment here like sabina, she wants to make a difference in a region the badly needs it. or do you have a nice day care patients or anything that the dissipation amount of us plus is? is that the length of this case at the end, the song of the, the smile and do go for the song good by doing the routine code with the
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food and daily basis fit. what we do, you see that you have $200.00, a $200.00 plus or the or sometimes that just and you said friday, hey, i think we do the, those move on to steve to click into one day to, to see their campus daily basis. he opened the order so the medical style work at the clinic is not easy. equipment standards, minimal. and the teams are discovering the very real consequences of climate change impact on how may i have the duty flood or do of this is deb. so they need that, so you have a life. beautiful name would be how many do bank of bathroom is diet will solar system and gender. so it'd be here. you cited suzanne, so soon score you happy? i may make ok, well we've also yeah. on demand for transport couples. the other problem with that today is the last 2 sided bundle that they had dropped the roles name vanessa with a order for you on the phone with you on the main guardian agency. i got
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a real job and to include texas, john, who is the current vehicle employee, are going to be having both problem with the the sometimes along the way, the village at the since she arrived book 2 bucks. yahoo has worked tirelessly treating up to 10 patients today. she said the lives of thousands of women and people across the region are starting to take notice. case the one that was probably do i have to go hunting and what time do current delightful current or take care of both a telegraph, the patient this i'd be doing and i will i a t a won't even be patient you'll be off. embody gab with myself, your basic barely patient flow time number of the liberties to have one diesel being and patients who would you call and some confound patient. is a uncle gone? so got them will do to their patients kobinie added him or did you say hi saving uh,
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which it said it, i'll send you a 10150 people make that a bar. there will be both the do that the little last. it'd be a lot of us space inside dental and stuff when they get to the tenants. so that's how am i so, so back until the local venue for today or the services in the in a few days. so mina will be leaving the clinic. it will be the end of the 1st assignment, and she's immensely proud of it. so moment job, big immediate need to get to go and jump because the patient guys. so make we scenario. they going to both sides the other day in general. what i yeah. ok. and let them know that the patient will personally, but the 1st level document gets on the s any sr nay. who can main site is it will be good to be media. mickey, that is what it is. so what would you think you'll kill then you will get don't go . i says he's a good fit. you know, it takes that over to john, doesn't. would you like that kid, a mazda? what? how do they can of the doctors?
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some got these for shy immediately, but jackie is what is to me so much to maybe don't sneak you by december this week, isn't the by jesse then would your was will. she will do it as something. what do you give me the coffee patient group on cynthia or the name will rest of is that the or my sure love be or model? no say it might be able to got the good will it be doesn't was sent me. yeah. it usually takes several years to stabilize access to health care services. so marginalized low income communities. so, so mean a and dr. buck piaza, if that's are a small victory, a very cheap men. so prompted a reaction from one of the country's lodges. maternity hospitals, the lady tougher in the hospital for women and children. it's one of the best equipped was up until now. the plucky stony lead. recently, however, an emergency program was introduced to an out the poorest women to give you the
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free. today everyone pays according to their income, the rich pay for the poor to look at me, what is it that, that a boy, but never mind. it was a intervention and been released. so that with a sounds really, how may i help you? i guess that sophia has come a long way to get the lady different. she's a climate change refugee. her family recently played the village of trip became uninhabitable because of big screen temperatures in the summer. it's amy, i'm the be what so apple, but there is the there on that. it's up to the could you what is our day my day? so i'll give you the week are time on i was, you know, already, convictions. they are getting the good is us little items that it looks ok way and so the
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same man and with that was the good again with the hospital. but did i do the ones with the grand home know midwives, nurse, and doctors they have been what they and governments are there any? do they just have to go to all we will because the village, very good and pleasant out. good. it is a be with the same mother to john, go for the whole sector according to eunice says, a baby still dies every 2 minutes in pocky sky. this is one of the worst infant mortality rates in the world to try and tackle this problem. selma visits, patients outside who are working hours at the clinic. she pays particular attention to newborn babies in the most vulnerable families in the area
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to i said i'm what are you going to say? i've given you just give us to give you the church. and the reason why you explained to the associate named got to that giftedness, which if you have it through the sneak, it's our way of gaining acceptance in families and access to monitor the health of newborn babies in this family. 5 children survived. but 3 of those died before the age of one. in selma's neighborhood, it's a challenge keeping track of exams the
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in each house is often made in adults and children. this is some is never ending. but as a mother, so she's inspired to find the families across parties, the child so, so the book didn't get to go on to another. but there was that they could be here to keep them as a woman and desire to go to that as a i the difficult, a woman of a good idea. does he let me, i ended the quote, i get the most and how many good, good, good, good. then it's good. me. i just stop. i have a desk. is elizabeth with a job going to guess i will call the guess. i'll check that all the data do you do not turning the page and the zip is divided into the so, you know, he has good these on the longest. some of the known gives us competition don't, didn't, does i told you and go on vacations. it will go the on my,
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i'm glad you said i will probably be as a fee is i don't need the sake of doing with getting the visa if it's a needed move in over the last 2 years, sitting conditions in pockets done have deteriorated under the pressure of global warming in summer, the temperature sometimes exceeds 50 degree celsius and the middle suited rains of more to ritual every year. here, every but there's a risk. every new board as defined by the, as china ramps up to full patients if north korean defective human rights group, say they face imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation,
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some involve dangerous journey. one. 0, one east reveals the north korea's clean defectors on al jazeera. at the head is bought with 2 exciting new shows. join me may i be hosted with a live audience here with conway home in london. i'll challenge from an kenyan politician kimani issue with one of his government's violence cracked down on protest and its failure to address rampant corruption allows fullness to learn. can president run over it from a single, about a full out from the civil war and the, the bombing at the head coming soon from houses are the lebanon, with political power and domestic families, often intertwined for over 30 years. rushing around me was a major fake and 8 times prime minister until his assassination in 1987. alger 0 well tells the story of look around the families influence on modern lebanese
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history for the civil war, sectarian division, and foreign interference level homes, political families, the crown the dentist on out to 0. the joining to meet the goal is to cease by a permanent hum. us propos, exchanging old captives and prisoners at once. the, i'm going to use the building that this is out. is there a live from dyer hall, also coming up ukraine's presidents.
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