tv [untitled] February 19, 2025 2:30pm-3:00pm AST
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to say close by to send the ben epic tale unraveling the power of capturing a moment in time. indeed, tantalizing in the last film of panama, a witness documentary on out just sarah 11 and says any is rainy presence on it solely is now an occupation. the deadline for complete is really withdrawal has come and gone. so how long will is maley troops remain in southern lebanon on kind 11 on a search? it's suffering to face is inside, still the hello. welcome to the program. and it's the lebanese armies clearing unexploded, munitions from arabs in the south, while, as riley forces withdrawal. some families displaced by 14 months of cross border
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fighting between israel and hezbollah. i'm making my way back to the homes many in ruins. the new prime minister says he was these really troops out of every last inch of lebanon. but israel's defense minister says some soldiers will remain in the 5 positions. he says israel will enforce the c spot, but will also act against any has paula threat on monday and he's rarely drug and striking the positive side on killed. how much official is one of many is riley attacks and since the cx 5 took effect on november the 22nd. so how will love it on this new leadership grapple with israel's partial withdrawal? this has paula likely to resume fighting, if it is rarely presents, continues. will examine these questions without guest in a moment. but 1st, this report from alexandra by tens of thousands of families in southern lebanon, have spent more than a year waiting for this moment. the chance to finally return home,
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even though for many there was nothing left hand to feel of. these are all homes. we built them with hard work and toil without that injustice or anything unlawful. this is outlined and we will never give it up. 14 months of hostilities between israel and has bla drove at least 100000 people from towns and villages along the border. on tuesday is rarely troops finally withdrew and the lebanese army began clearing the bombs and the bodies of additional. the army did not allow us to enter until these rays withdrew. they had destroyed everything, leaving nothing behind. no infrastructure, no electricity, no volta, no roads, any building that was standing, they leveled and they found what remained as part of the november ceasefire agreement. the israeli army was meant to fully withdraw from lebanon and late january. it did from some areas, but stayed along the border and the deadline was extended. also part of the
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ceasefire. lebanon's army agreed to keep his bullfighters away from his rarely territory. israel says that still hasn't happened and while it's pulled back from populated areas, it's announced. some troops will remain in 5 hill top positions in the south. the army says it's for security reasons, as the locations provide strategic vantage points. israel does not trust entirely de new political leadership that has come to power in lab and on and wants to have the last word in the implementation of the terms of the ceasefire. this doesn't help lebanon's new government, which is trying to extend the state's authority. the new leadership wants is rarely troops gone from lebanon implants to seek help from the un security council, with all about the big budget to take the necessary measures to address these riley violations, and compel israel to immediately withdrawal to the international borders in compliance with the un resolution,
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or maybe savvy on out to secondly to constitute any is riley presence in any inch of lebanese territory as an occupation. the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is promising to forcefully act against hezbollah. if the lebanese army fails to do so. israel has launched multiple attacks in recent days, but it's not just and 11 on nothing. yahoo says israel is at war on 7 fronts, reaching devastation and gaza and the occupied westbank, but also fighting groups in syria, iraq and yemen, as well as iran. and it continues to signal that ceasefire or not. it has no real intention of backing down on any of those fronts. alexandra buyers, alda 0 for inside story. the hello again standing by august elam pink coast and tell of even rummy cory in boston, they will join us a little later in the show. but 1st of all, that's bringing la risk. a political analyst on security affairs analyst in beirut
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. ali is unable to join the panel because it's illegal for lebanese citizens to interact with. is riley's in the media. welcome to the program. so ali lebanon's government says he's going to ask for you and security council to false and immediate withdrawal. it's really withdrawal. but apart from that, there's really nothing the lebanese government or has ball a can do is the what i think right now. well, no, there is nothing that the government to block can do. i think that is not in the interest of because of the law to start to pay you around the welfare, the latest round the boyfriend did deal with some very heavy blows to the movement, despite the fact that it wasn't defeated completely by his round. but i think that um, again, the medium term and the longer term is where it is doing insist on staying in these positions. i think you're going to see some form of resistance. it might not necessarily be has the law as an organization. it might be some of its supporters, the rightful owners. the inhabitants of the self i think of will not tolerate or
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ongoing is ready, occupation. so i believe that in the end you, you will have to receive some kind of action being taken against. this is really prisoners, which in the end of the, at the end of the day if is indeed occupation of the violation of the ceasefire. so are you saying that israel can sort of get away with it for now, but it could backfire in the long to, i believe sooner. yes. now or even for now, what's not clear how to shape and i, and caution the philosopher creat, genuinely in his last speech, she addressed this issue that instead it's called, you know, interest to say how we're going to react to uh suited to his res, remain. now that leaves it to open, it's an open ended question. well, 1st of all, i'll react immediately with a weight to living in my own judgment, as i said, because it took such a heavy told in the last round a 5 day. no, i think they will find it boring in its interests to wait and maybe to allow
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another form of resistance to take place. not necessarily has below a pro se, but some other groups possible. some support this, but it is going on quite sure that this is going to back for you. i can see is reading 0 is rarely is do. how about the, the bits of experience in soft level on the hand, the level on has a whole 1990 to the 10000 again and again, you know, think is, randy is did not have a very easy time when it comes to occupying living these territories. and dial 811 is new prime minister joseph follow. and he says he's a pledge to bring all arms or weapons under the states control. is this new lebanese government newly empowered, newly in bold? and because has bought or is we can, and i'm not sure that the following statements can be taken within that framework. but you have to remember that um benjamin up in yahoo during his principal press conference with marco ruby and he said he quote for the complete this argument off
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has the law now that's not included by the way in this expire agreement. so i think that just f o and when he said that to has the laws, weapons will be addressed via and internal lebanese dialogue. i think this was positive, at least a response to nothing. you're saying that any history related to the weapon as a possible law will be dealt with internally. and i think it was also saying very clearly that we are not in the process of going to some kind of in fighting way why the site to enters into a confrontation with principal with the i am of this upcoming the move. and so what i think i didn't really stem from that ebony is presidents perception that has the blog being in a week state. but i think that statement can be placed within the framework of calming the tensions in this region or in level and most are responding to those whether they be within the country within the whole by saying that the annual herbs
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on the new site tackling has the law on anyone's behalf, entering the confrontation. i mean, okay, uh, just very quickly alley, obviously there are many lebanese, it prevents it still from going back to the homes in the south. do we know how many a still affected in the, how about how that affects as well as calculation? i'm not sure what, how many have been affected? the hope you said there's widespread destruction in soft level messes that have flocked to south level and to return their to their homes. and there has been events damage now regarding the questionnaire. how has this affected how's the last step is or has bloss popularity or don't think that has been affected at all? if anything i think that has been lost, popularity has increased and quickly i want to emphasize this point to which i always like to make the selection of the 2nd person that cellulose. i think that's actually increased, has been most popular to get you to our house. like a little it was a very, in a very supportive part of people. so when he was assessing items, i think those are what members of has of a lot,
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but support was now going to become members haven't going to even be attached to the movement. all right, i'll a risk. thanks very much. and now let's bring in our other guests and tell i believe we have island ping cause the former is ready and busted it. and console general in new york and boston is around a corey a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university, a route we spent 30 years living in lebanon. welcome to you both, i'll, i don't all begin with you if i can. so what is, as well as calculation hits a it's, it's mostly tactical burner is a business. there's nothing strategic. there's no alternative armada. i don't think israel has currently lose any interest in staying in south lebanon permanently. establishing any kind of permanent political military position. don't forget israel is deployed in god, so israel is deployed inside syria beyond the 1974 armistice
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lines is really military is also policing on most of the west bank. i. so there's absolutely no military justification or for that matter of the resources necessary to stay in southern land and what your, what was said previously, that according to the november agreements, the lebanese army needs to a service already informed she's by law. so moving down south that hasn't been completed, so i think is your staying on those 5 hilltops as a precaution? not as something with any of the longevity to it. do you see the same sort of thing? rami a sort of a, a tactical temporary move by these riley's, partly, but not fully. i disagree with the, there's the bank has, because, uh, i think there is no, i, i agree that as you may not want to program for the,
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occupies south lebanon. but israel does want to make sure that it's priority is it's personal, its own security perceptions are what set the rules for the behavior of people and lebanon, and syria and iraq, and then you have on and then jordan and everywhere else. so this rarely doctrine has been to fight wars and inside of our country is not inside israel. and to make sure that israel security, as israel defines an exaggerated way, is always a priority for are israel and the united states and the arab countries. so this is a longstanding situation between 11 and the israel before as well. that was the p i . lo, there was measuring list. the forces left us forces in lebanon, who fought against the israelis going way back to enter the fifty's and sixty's. so this is a longstanding situation, any is really moved to,
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to assert its primacy in southern level. and then it's gonna say some sort of resistance as well as the most dramatic. it drove the israel is out. and now there's a new situation that will evolve and it's not clear how, how it will happen. the, the, the bottom line is the level and is really low, is kind of these kind of tensions which means internal tensions will level between the government that has bella and other forces until there is a permanent adjust. the resolution of the israel, palestine, or design, is a matter of ism conflict. all right, so i was told israel risk outstanding, its welcome for once, but a better expression in, in southern lebanon, you know, get his ball could end up saying, well, look, this diplomatic process isn't working. we can, we can try other means no longer wrong that. so when i say longer on, i don't need that case. i mean the 688 months from now. that could certainly become people as logic. they need to regroup militarily. they have been devastated in the
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last year militarily, in terms of their political leadership. but they haven't been resolved leads of either on either so. so it may take some time. they also lost the lines the ground times, which is syria, through which weapons from iran or transferred. so he's buys being is reorganizing militarily, also politically, but not stick with the military. and yes, your rights. at some point, if it was, euro maintains its presence and supplement on as long as we indicated it might very well do them please buy them a resort to um, to other means um, but again, all of these bottles main power over israel in the last decade of these was the, their perceived missile threats their arsenal of long range missile capabilities that does not necessitate or justify is their only military presence
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in supplement. not because uh, you know, in his early battalions deployed on 5 hilltops is not going to prevent missiles from a flying into israel. so it remains to be seen if there is a lebanese government and the, the state building up to them for some kind of re negotiation to reopen the negotiations in order to put an end to the disagreements or contentions over on the international border demarcations. i'm tell them, i agree with me slowly until then you will see this back and forth of is israel going in israel going out is all maintaining a short period of presence, then pulling back, then going in again, so on and so forth. i mean, rami obviously has butler is significantly weak, anybody's right, a long way from, from destroying has ball or was as an organization to estimates it's still going 30 percent of his weapons. never mind tens of thousands of vices. so what is, is of
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a strategy in terms of a containing has ball or if it come to want to try and divide it to stop rebuilding communities in the, in southern $1111.00 on the stopping the financing of reconstruction. the way we're seeing from the last 3040 years israel strategy to use the multiple tools the direct military attacks harassment was drones and over flights. an occasional attack like that, it killed the mass leader in this item 2 days ago, and they killed some 11 use about 2511 these i think going to who would try to go back to their villages in the last couple of weeks they uses different forms that it draws heavily on american pressure. so israel, an arrow bodies is the main instrument of the american sort of imperial colonial desires in the region and not physically to control the region like britain to but to set the terms of how people behave in the region. how
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it isn't, elizabeth is very much reliant on us work. and the problem here is that the united states has, has had 2 examples. now where it has been both a mediator and supposed to be the guarantor or one of the guarantors of the cease fires with him, asked and with a level of them. and in both cases, not been an impartial, a guarantor or a mediator or monitor. it has clearly leading to the israeli side, which is the home since the 1960, this is nothing new. the, what's new is the willingness of people across the region, including loveland and palestine. now's where to push back to fight back. nowhere near the military might that the us in israel, how but using other other means to do so. and i think what we're going to see is that because bella is going to focus much more internally now inside lebanon, on recalibrating, it's political position,
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it's leverage and side leveling. and it still has a lot of support alliances with other people and to reestablish itself politically and loving them without getting into a direct fight with israel. because the destruction, the posing caused by the very pause is too much for the country to bear. okay, we'll come back in a, in a moment, so that to the us a diplomatic role. but i don't, as well as cour, emboldened by its, it's victories of a, of a has butler and elsewhere in the region. but does it really doesn't believe it comes secure or is objectives militarily, does they still believe that or do they accept that there's going to have to be some sort of diplomatic solution further down the line? well, you, you, you just to ask the most important question because there is a, uh, an inherent structural deficiency individual strategy. and that is that it doesn't have a strategy. it has military objectives, some of which are attainable, some of which may not be, but they do not. they are not derived from political needs, neither in gaza,
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nor in london on, nor visa vi ross. and when you don't have political aims for one or objectives, and when you're military, i'm targets for another line with political um, targets. then you end up with periods victories. um, you know, degrading please bottling militarily has done a lot for these your own psyche. post october 7, 2023. as did. i'm a certainly are a limited degree of the grading a raw's mom ariel defenses. but that, that, that is not going to produce anything of value in the long run, unless there is a diplomatic uh, objective or at least diplomatic. good faith, i'm goodwill. none of which exists at this point. so yes, going back to the, to the beginning of your remark or question, bernard, yes,
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israel feels in boulder but toward what and remains to be seen because i certainly don't see one, i'm not say that isn't a romance. i see, you know, doing a little that we what, where does israel go wherever is israel going? well, i don't think israel knows this is their dilemma. you know, there's 2 things that are pretty, have been pretty clear since 1920 or so as the last century of this conflict. israel has never defined the political or military, or ideological, or physical borders of zionism. what is zionism? they say it's the state of the jewish people and zionism is their strategy to reestablish what they claim is their ancestral. it's, but they've never does this. they've never defined the borders. that's why it israel keeps expanding, attacking the neighboring countries occupying land, creating settlements, but pushing up people in the west bank and gaza and east jerusalem. and now southern syria. so that's one of the problems israel has that is to define how it
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can imagine living peacefully with the surrounding countries in palestine on $57.00 . the stomach majority countries that have offered to co exist with it, but it has to re establish itself as a state within a $67.00 borders with some obvious adjustments to account for some of the huge border settlements and exchanges of land and all that which, which of the power of the whole agreed upon a so until we have a clear idea of how is real, the tempo exist, this situation will go on this. the 2nd thing behind quickly is the israel has never really used a consistent strategy other than killing a military force and, and, and threats and sanctions, and punitive damage. i'm destroying willfully people's homes and schools and hospitals that have no strategic value. but just making the point that hits the boss, what is real wants is what happens in the region. and this generates only more resistance
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. if you look at the resistance to israel and the last 10 years and the regional compared to say the 19 sixty's, which i remember as a college student back then, there's massive, massively bigger. widespread, deeper and more effective resistance, i guess, is really all across the region and across the world as well. and this is a problem for us real. all right, so let's wait, wait around me, touching it earlier on this happens. what happens is marco rubio with us section of state makes his 1st visit to the region in the americans trying to keep to cease fires, going, wanting gauze, and one in this one and love it on how much of a challenge or how so much of a test do this for you, you us from administer diplomacy? well, i haven't seen any diplomacy yet, but let me uh try again. and then answer the last portion of what obviously we said i, it's to your point, or a lot of what the show has been doing that allow me fully described is born of
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insecure in security for decades is 1948. now it says to make a long story short since the late sixty's into the mid seventies, following the young people are award 1973. these are all sort of re games. a lot of security in the sense that it had an american diplomatic umbrella and annual military that led to an american diplomacy in the region that made it gives you all enjoy client. and that existed in the context of the coal. when there was a soviet union whose clients were until $73.00, at least egypt and, and siri, well, since 1992, there is no soviet and saw that the us is gradually retreating from the region for a variety of reasons to end forever wars. because that is a cheap uh, energy independence because china is to grab the great challenge of the next decade
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and so on are. so i don't see american diplomacy here. what i see is an american attempt, sometimes cumbersome. sometimes i'm frenzied to get this off the table and off the agenda. they, they are not interested in living on. they are not interested in guys, whether it's a transfer of the era or, or just to see fire. they just want this off their table all set and ready to are off their agenda. and i think this is what you're seeing. not, not some kind of a well thought code here and the problem i see. but let's get rid of this topic altogether. rami, how do you see this test, marco rubio, you suggesting earlier on that the us really as already to already how's it side? of course. they might have states historically meaning say the last 3040 years has pretty much allowed israel to set the terms for how the united states engages where they are as rarely counselor. but the united states has tried to maintain
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control of how the united states deals with a wrong they are on the items. there is really is have a super exaggerated perception of the select from the wrong. and before we were on, it was the rack before rack it was the below. and so historically, these rarely as always, needed a huge threat in the region to which they could direct their own military power, as well as american and western support. today's iran is meant to be that select the united states, the so it is others don't quite see around in the same totally sort of in a way that israel does. and therefore there, there are complications and how the us does real align their, their policies. but the us tell us by its actions not by towards because its words are totally like all superpowers insincere. but its actions have given this real and virtually everything it wants according haneke, simply go in high seas, jerusalem, or whatever you want. uh, god probably will be for a while,
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but that's reaching a limit to what the website is. it kind of shave and there has to be a focus at some point soon on a serious, permanent resolution, peacefully achieved the diplomatic talks of give both sides of equal rights. ok very quickly. how long has time is right against, as, as israel always exaggerated the threat from iran, you can, you can see in the last conflict, israel was clearly able to sup, to, uh, suppress, as ball low. so is the threat. the serious is route, makes it out to be a cool is, is it's, it's a mix. it's a mix. answer, bernard, on the one hand, does the combination of the mess, the crowded, cool resume as the i got the more lower gene in iran is with a weapon of mass destruction, of a nuclear tie. that's a legal combination that visual feels. it cannot live with on the other hand, turning this into the be all and, and all of this growing policy. there's something that mr. nathaniel perfected to
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an art, this is, this is what he is. yeah, you know, he has developed a narcissistic view and so as a say 0 not just of the jewish people, but the entire western civilization against this lama, fascism and, and, and every time there is a uh, minor car accident to non stop cold. he will jump up and blame you around for it or some training delay or via now. um, so yeah, its been exaggerated, but that doesn't mean it's not a real threat. all right. okay. i'll have to let island have the last word on for that because time is against us, but thanks to alan ping costs and to run me cory onto earlier i la risk and thank you to for watching. you can see the problem again. any time by visiting our website, i'll just share a dot com as a further discussion, go to our facebook page, facebook dot com, forward slash a j insights to your goal. so during the conversation on x, we all have
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a j inside story for me, but smith and the whole team here by the a pod interviews could be interm, had for 4 years, which is pretty much it. and i told times, no, i didn't say that that will be for 40 years facing realities. what does donald trump's re election mean pretty tough. it is most important that we focus on how to work with president trump thought provoking on self. and your wife is dealing with the climate crisis is a crisis of crisis for times, but it's, there's not just one prices up via the store on talk to how does era folks is in europe's launch. the economy are heading to the polls with the far right expected to make is the biggest gain since the 19 thirty's, the german election could reshape your state without is there for the latest
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updates on in debt for novices. of the german federal election full hales the planet, interrogates? well, i always think about climate change, the way we do this. the global issue is abstract, so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how with being and it collated into distancing also from the climate crisis and delaying meaningful action as faculty reactions as being both intentionally and unintentionally quite a few ideas to create confusion if we're confused with the power of psychology is looking climate action on l g 0, hearing the fact that it's very systematic and deliberate destruction of cause we want to infrastructure has left more than 2000000 people in a state of color since from asking questions. what do you think will be the last thing? impacts on journal is reporting from the action when firefighters did arrive. there wasn't sufficient with an in depth coverage. it's a gathering of intention to speak to wisdom teeth this out as it was,
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teens on the ground. when you closer to the heart of the story, the, the business houses are, i'm getting you navigate that with the check on air world headlines. the trump administration's efforts to end the war and ukraine are ramping up. both president donald trump and the kremlin, have confirmed a potential meeting of the leaders this month. it follows the 1st high level talks between american and brushing delegates and rewards on tuesday. meanwhile, the ukranian president loved him as lensky has responded to the kremlin announcements. he says moscow cannot be trusted and trump is living and what he calls a disinformation space. the ukrainian.
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