tv [untitled] February 22, 2025 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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the poles with the far right expected to make its biggest gain since the 19 thirty's. the german election could restrain your state without a 0 for the latest updates on things that finality of the german federal election. the mass release of 6 is really kansas and exchange has 620 palestinians and the largest swap of the gorgeous seems 5 deal the other on the clouds. this is officer life from the was it coming up? the relatives of the captive seldom does a gathering television to watch their loved ones being free. the most dangerous and most the crucial issue is then to stop the 2nd phase. negotiations
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seem to have mass official tells out to 0 that whether the one week left in phase one of the seas 5 deal. israel has not engaged in tools on face to donald trump fires the chairman of the joint chiefs are stop 2 of the senior officers independent can promises to slash. that's what the 2nd message really 6 is really casters holding jobs. as part of the 7th exchange of the c spot, 2 groups as is ready to move onto the 2nd phase of the agreements and carry out a comprehensive captive exchange to achieve a permanent sci fi cap just by releasing separate groups. they were handed over to the red cross and now mr. bet refugee compton, central gaza. they were all about when could am a symptom of an like
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a of the day or in rough or how much time today. but 2 captives, total shipment was taken from betty during the october the 7th to take a look at it and then get to being held by him since you guys are about a decade ago, the 6th and last captive was released from gauze 6 to stay with the scenes, instead of a relatives of captives held in to altogether towards the family members being released they would join by crowds and supporters and what's known as hostages square. and that's where many israelis have been protesting. since of all began demanding the government bring to the captives in return, as well as the free $620.00 palestinian prisoners and detained these in the coming hours. among them, a 151 people were savings, life sentences,
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or longer terms in is there any chance are there aspect to passing by him? he's a member of a message political bureau and asked him about the group's plans to move to the 2nd phase of the cx 5 deal. this is a very important and good listener this time. because uh, unfortunately, uh, the negotiations for the 2nd phase has, has to stop on the 16 or the 5th phase, and to continue well, uh, within the conditions on this, the 5th is up to the moment we agree upon the, all the points to be negotiated in the 2nd phase, unfortunately nothing, hold on his government until now they are rejecting to uh, to engage in the 2nd fees. and we are talking about only one week is lift from the 1st phase. and we believe that this is the, again, the depth of games on this, the right one government to several tasks that need to undermine the deal. i'm to
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send a message off waiting to go to what again we are again and again committed to the deal. we are doing and we have already done the but on the additions in this deal and we have 4 different or on the do you what is, what would your role be within gauze or that of us when it was founded was founded as opposed to being on national resistance movement for vehicles to get the condition to achieve the senior on the june 1 national goals of that says well for state told self determination, right over to this going on is still valid and we will continue. oh oh, understood. i've been with other affections with one of our people to achieve these going by for me is what it took on me. is that what that means means including this
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test. i think we actually have this ball but to run the daily lessons. but the thing is to run both of the kind of abilities and the facilities of the scene is when it comes to health and you cation, the social affairs, police 7 police of crossings. in the, or even in the west bank. we are ready to leave it up to a for the city of consensus to decide how to run all these uh, aspects of flesh of the scenes. all right, let's cross over to con units and southern gaza. target resume is that for us and that turn, that's where it published in prism is it coming back to just tell us what the seems like right now of yes, net we what we do know is that the crews of the i c r c are right now facilitating the depart, chatting, transfer a full 191 palestinian debts and these from east valley detention and prisons and
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with the also to all services provided to them. during the journey back to the gaza strip. they conducted 3 departure interviews with the palestinian debt to be used to a check or medical condition of fitness to return back to the strip. and they have been provided with the personal belongings and you know, the amount of the quotes at this very cost for that condition alongside with it coming out to why just keep communication with the families in order to completely ensure that they are in contact and about the release of their loved ones. today, this is a part of the role that the i c. c has been doing during the past couple of hours and the moments in therapy of hospital. as you can see at the bucket, ground that families waiting at the other end of this road for the arrival of the process of the ice t a c. and to allow for the beloved ones to undergo with central medical examination in the rookie and hospital to be late that were united with the beloved
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ones. absolutely, this thought she was considered to be the largest since the implementation of the size of the 1st phase of this, these 5 agreements. while it's worth noting that more than a 100, a palestinian women and children will be under the age of 19 will be completely released today as a pause video away at a detains october. the 7th. that time this has been a very emotional and overwhelming day for the families simply that they have never received any information or update about the sites where many families as we had conversations with them. they confirmed that the belief that their beloved ones who are expected to be released today were killed by these steady occupation forces off to the detention. given the fact the isabel conducted why the scale of fuels execute ships, especially in the north of the strip. and in areas that they imposed a very strict security control over and right now there are anxiously waiting for
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the return in a very remarkable scene of jubilation and happiness that just overwhelming the entire europe at hospital next. or i try back with you is that release starts to happen tag i resume that in con eunice. let us now across to mom, the jordanian capital nor date is dining fi for us. the is this because of course he's ready government time. the palestinian authority has find out 0 from reporting inside israel and in the occupied westbank. so no, 1st of all, what's the reaction israel to what we seen today? this will make, this is a very emotional day. the families of is really captives wherever least are over whelmed with joy and relief. but their loved ones are alive that they appear to be in good health. and at least the, the ones that we were able to see his shy messiah who was released without ceremony,
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is appear to be in a different health circumstances. but they are all in life. the focus now for the families of, of the captives is on those who are still in captivity. they are focusing their efforts on pushing nothing. yeah. who to go to face to of the, of the ceasefire agreement. they have serious doubts about nothing. yeah. has commitment to see all of these really, capt is freed within the frame, the work of a cease fire agreement. and that's why most of the comments it from the families and from a political figures. and these really opposition are about the unforgivable sitting of nothing. yahoo abandoned the captives, according to their perspective, no official comments from the is really government for now, because it is difficult to give commentary on the release of the captives without talking about what comes next. and that is really the, the difficult question. that's nothing. yeah. who doesn't seem to want to answer?
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no, i'm curious to know about this. we heard from him. so they're saying they're ready for phase 2, but negotiations haven't yet begun. one of the is really said about phase 2 at this stage. a very little. i mean, the allies of benjamin that's in the whole have made it very clear that they have absolutely no interest to go to phase 2. and if they don't believe that as well should be ending the war. in fact, they are pushing for our return to the bombing and the bargemen some even saying that as well should be amex in part of the gaza strip. what we do know though is that benjamin the video has dispatched his confidant and, and voice john ron durham, are to washington to speak with the us envoy, which cost. and this is the pattern that we've seen over the past weeks. is real negotiates with the united states, and then comes to go how or to cairo to talk with the mediators and see what can be
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worked out. what we have to point out. everybody's working against the clock on march. the 1st cease fire phase one ends without a commitment from both sides to continue talking and maintaining calm. then everybody is going to be left wondering whether the cease fire can survive and data or i know relieve that for now, nor a day, or putting that from a month. well, as we've been discussing the 1st phase of the c, as far as due to end the much the fast and is so if i lost the 6 weeks, let's take a look at what we can expect to take place as that deadline approaches how mouse is set to release full more bodies of captives held in garza and in exchange, israel will release palestinian women and children who were detained during the will. israel had agreed under the terms of the seas fraud to allow 60000 mobile homes and 200000 tents into garza. that requirement hasn't been met. take it on
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with heavy i believe. who is a political. i must join stuff from best to him. in the occupied westbank heavier. welcome back. once again. so we have this reluctance from israel ad to engage in phase 2 negotiations. do you see trouble ahead or? i think can make it well. i think many people are concerned. i'm particularly is one of them. we have to remember the distributed government is not a government concerns with any sort of international accountability. and i see of heard it earlier in the 1st thing to care about are negotiations between the us and east for the 1st it, there a public opinion is kind of the vi that eventually been something that's, i mean i was a very popular leader with an issue and the knows how to push it his positions here and there. and so a so you heard earlier, we have basically one week left with a prime minister. it is true that this again is going into a face to and we have to see what is going to come out from washington.
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understanding that any of a session may be with the strain, the domestic politics with keeping the minister of finance. mister smoke damage in the government, or perhaps of any other legal settlers into the government. and the news trade also may indeed unexcused some here in the of the 5 west bank, i'm on other purchases. so what you're saying is that it's what's critical and this is the pressure that donald trump's administration may or may not apply or netanyahu. it certainly, i think we have seen moments in history whereby u. s. diplomacy has exercised pressure on the shore and they have been very effective. 1956 in the target, that's all aggression against egypt. they actually got british french families, traded troops out of egypt. you can talk about the length of 78 become david accords with egypt. you can talk about made to make them want them agreed at this conference. but in general, what the us has been doing,
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particularly over the past 30 years, is to dialogue with the story. this 1st get is show you the positions and interest and re package those ideas of american football. so we with the stuff with breast and trump quoting for an f t p, as in, in does, we know that now if he's not that keen on that point, partially because of the strong out of a opposition to this plan, but we still don't know what the outcome will be from the folks in washington or nations. as you know, they have gathered together really quickly to try and come up with an alternative to donald trump's plan to clear up how the thing is out of golfer and turn it into a big kind of holiday complex. and do you think they've done enough to convince the us administration the, the best solutions are suitable? we went no fully what the plan is until march, the 4th. i think it is. but do you think they're on the road to convincing donald trump that you know this is a suitable alternative?
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as i think so far of diplomacy has succeeded. if one of the police coming down the trumpet be astray, some their tone has been a beat. the saw for over the past few days a there was an interview ready to interview, especially on tom for he referred to, he's doing thing in the us. simple suggestion and up he would be waiting for a the plan that they are ups would be it for something a us. well, i personally believe that it's extremely dangerous for the us person to 2 percent, a plan to se cleansing, because basically what he's doing is he'd be that kind of verbal motion with it miss really politics. you have a very important a 2nd month of history or the patients have to be leaving wednesday that many but join us will be part of fine. and now a precedent from gave them unexcused to keep going. whether he would go ahead or not. i think our countries have a very important role for, for in this company. it goes a us a pulsations or a police intentions,
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but they will be also a very important post. once a concrete plan is adjusted by this group. a lot of countries, however, i really appreciate your perspective. thanks very much. the joining us that from bethlehem have you unconnected instead of head hearing out 0, the somebody dublin sofas battle ice will fights is in the northeast region. coming dozens entrenched in the state, the it had a low that is very successful. the fed when it comes to the weather across the south asia at the moment. lots of sunshine and dry skies, much of pakistan and india as well as shoreline can. we've got
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a little bit of rain here in the for the north east of india that east coast as well. we could see some thunder storms in addition with some strong winds and potentially some lightning as well. but that does the ease as we go into the new week. instead, we'll see the where to where the pick up in sri lanka, with some of the storms in colombo by tuesday, could also see some west. so whether developing in northern parts of pakistan, thanks to west city disturbance, leading its way across afghanistan, that close to bring some snow to the higher ground. we're also seeing more in a way of snow for japan, often record snow falling in some of the cities in the north this month. usually those snow shallow stretching from chicago down into northern pots of horseshoe behind that remains bitterly cold for the korean peninsula. cold as well for northern parts of china, but as you can see, temperatures are set to rise in the coming days. so seeing 4 degrees celsius on
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monday, pleasant in beijing, at 9 degrees, 9 degrees in shanghai as well. the afternoon democratic nations justified this kind of behaviors. collateral damage has collateral damage. that's watch. reality is leading to what we're seeing that will allow me to push back for a moment is the us corporate israel, affecting pittsville, the standing from the impact to the us selections, the escalating conflict in the middle east. and the urgency of climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out jersey or in the the
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other day you're watching out 0. we might have lots of stories. and thomas has really 6 is really captain. seldom does it. as part of the 7th exchange of the seas 5 deal. they were driven by the red cross out of browser and have no return to so this was the scene in tennessee where relatives of the captives held them gone to the gather to wash their family members. they were joined by cross the now then that the fits was among the deceased as randy captives, whose bodies were turned on fire safety, 84 year old was a journalist and a long time defend pulse to new rights. he was taken from his home and can put nails alongside his wife during the october the 7th attack or the lift kits was one
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of the oldest captives held in gauze. i think we spoke with daniel and if should twos are the grandson. and we heard from him the as that time doesn't happen now. that's right. he says moving forward, gauze, his leadership must change so hot uh its all this mix of the ceiling from the pain sorrow, but the closer or uh my grandfather and uh, 2 days release, which uh, all of them are as family for me. we need to find an immediate solutions for who will take place in gaza. and then these rarely already agreed to read the roll all the forces from gaza. and of course, release all the hostages and from us and not the same guy that that's the most important thing and what we have to work on, you know, that's what the also trump is saying. president trump said release all the hostages . i mean a, it's a must. these ceremonies are not helping that's. i mean,
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this fema joseph uh, of the hostages, going up on the, on the stage and then down south king speaking. i mean, they were there for 505 days. is that the, you know, the smallest respect for them is to release them properly, just to move them between the cost of the hands of the red bras. and so he's read those images are showing that some us want to continue the war. they don't want to stop the war and they don't want the benefits of the police spin in. we are, we have to make sure that to, that's those images are stopping. and now i will start to try and live because seeing the his it's i the side to cry to see them. you know,
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that's done on the fits that will already go back isn't, is ready. political commentary to joins is not from tel aviv saved already a highly charged emotional payments. give us an overview of the mood is rather, is this, the 7th exchange takes place and i seriously doubt there is real support. it is also returned to the war release of 6 hostages today has certainly strengthened development and calling for the completion of the deal, which includes face to the details like the withdrawal of israeli forces from guys are of less than perkins. and all this is compounded by an arrow of initiative by the lack of support for washington. i have great doubts about this. it was ability or this government's ability to return to the war. okay, so as we look ahead to phase 2 in that case, so it seems we heard from a mass a little bit earlier, maybe saying that israel has not yet engaging in discussions about phase 2. and
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we're about to enter that we're very close to the end to phase one. what's going to encourage benny from benjamin netanyahu to get like going nothing. yeah, i will do is i most makes negotiations of the phase 2 seems like the most difficult thing. he has ever had to do is prime minister that is see, will still be a time to uh say k, the hard core, right, is religious service. but of course they won't be placated. as long as it seems difficult, he can be the man who you went to side to war and knows what's required in order to bring the feast. none of this can appear easy, which is why if it's, if you have a hedge and obstruct and do everything he can to distract attention from the actual negotiations. but the replacement of that has, is most of the machine back to the head of the negotiations team by his right hand man run during or actually signify that to now is willingness to work closely with
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the trump administration. and the trumpet during instruction doesn't want to prolong negotiation. well they don't, trump has to be saying it's up to israel at what it does and they will back israel . and again, the interim says something like the trump, this calling the to the i was left that the now does it want to be seen as the man who makes the decision wants to be seen as the man who does what is inevitable. so by forcing him to make the decision, trump as actually saying you do what i want and which on plans is the rapid negotiations because trump has bigger fish to fry. so to his golf partners, by the way and once the anticipated error but initiative is rolled out at the end of the summit on march 4th, i believe we will see a different dynamics of the region, including studio negotiations on face to yeah, with the arab initiative how confident tell you that that is going to be a trigger? a full potential piece wants to see as far as done. if we get to that point,
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i don't know if i use the word piece. let's talk about a dynamic or let me talk about a vector of force moving forward. i think it will be is only because it will be the only show in town. trump does not want to commit to this. israel for a lot of reasons, can't commit to this, it's up to the arab world, the are the to the golf monarchies, to egypt and jordan to make this happen. and i believe they have a vested interest in doing so, because i haven't seen the error political world, so revitalized and very long time everybody wins again. not a great victory, but everybody gets something from this deal except perhaps for it. so, but that is as well as on doing all right, so we'll leave with that or thanks for that perspective. the from tel aviv or you go, but thank you. so thank you. thank you. the,
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the trump is 5 full general c q brown is chairman of the us joint chiefs, the stuff trump says it's part of a white, a shakeup of america's military leadership defense secretary of pete to exist had previously suggested the general go the job because these black to start requesting combinations for senior positions in the navy and the air force. the pants getting is also preparing to far more than 5000 civilian employees by next week. as part of a reduction in the federal workforce. how did you a castro's in washington, dc, and has more on the layoff? you don't see this when a new president takes power because normally this is supposed to be a non partisan the u. s. military. but what we're seeing is what democrats are calling a friday night massacre at the top brass level of the pentagon. charles to brown, who of course, until now has been serving as a us as top military officer in that role. as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff . he is only the 2nd african american to serve in that role. and he was promoted to
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it by president bite and back in 2023. and i honestly, prior to that it was president trump during his 1st term that had elevated brown to be the commander of the chair of the air force. but now general brown is such a found out about his firing while he was visiting the us border with mexico on friday. that's when trump use social media to announce that brown is being removed . he did call him a fine gentleman and an outstanding leader as far as the reason, no reason, given by trump in that statement. but yes, pete heck says trump's new secretary of defense has previously criticized brown, saying that he was elevated because he is black as federal work is in the united states. so protesting against sweeping level sold by the trump administration. the protest as john to save all punks during a demonstration in asheville,
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north carolina, approximately 2000. but because of the us forest service of being 5, unions for federal workers have filed the lawsuit to stop. the dismissals. trump, administration says, is trying to downsize the bureaucracy. what am on the federal employees have been laid off? of those who helped maintain more than 400 and national parks in the united states . because of your life is hardy and has more about a year ago. all the small roll ended his dream job as a custodian of california, as yosemite national park. now he's one of roughly a 1000 national park service employees who been laid off by the trumpet administration. i knew the rain was on the wall, but i mean nothing will just prepare you for the for the shock that you'll really get once you uh, once you get that letter or national monuments and products or surgeries treasure and you just ruined my dream. you know, covering more than 750000 acres to somebody park is know for his giant sequoia
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trees and majestic natural landscape. about $4000000.00 people visit every year. i mean, just what's gonna happen is just no one's gonna be there, pick up the trash. i mean, you'd be amazed with how many just diapers that pick up off the side of the road, beer bottles, toilet paper, all this stuff. so you don't have to see you get to see the parking some through natural beauty. the sweeping carts, led by the trumpet administration, are being filled across agencies from public health to national parks. workers recently hired to maintain the parks, lead to rescue operations, and educated visitors have received termination letters, bigger picture, long term. what does this mean for the state of national parks? what does this mean for awhile by conservation? it's really scary. it's a really uncertain time for those of us who care about conservation and public plan . so i am definitely worried for the future. people living near yosemite park depend on tourism. there is also concern now that your visitors in the future will
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mean less business. they've been around here pretty depressed. uh, they're a little worried about what's going to happen. when's how much further? is it going to go? tom's policies have shaken employees who work in yosemite, and now they fear one of the most spectacular and highly tragic parks in the us. is that risk of decline? katia lopez again, i will do 0. it forces in somebody to say they've killed hundreds of vice will, fights is in the offensive in northeastern state of portland and re taking control of several towns and villages. this ministry has also been carrying out as strikes as 100 mohammed, narrow pools. so many governments are just beckoning isis. slight those in the countries plant region. these mountains used to be a safe haven for the uncle and in accessible for these troops. but not anymore. they climbed the mountains, inputs, naples and machine guns.
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