tv [untitled] February 22, 2025 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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past understanding the reality, we are a life of frequent art is a live web posting from the things everybody has spoken to wants peace with many of the don't think so any cost i'll just say with teams across the world. when you closer to the hosp to the store, the the long wait for families engaged them as israel delays the release of 620 pounds. a standing in this room is rarely jails. the although i know about this, and this is obviously a lot from to have an exchange is 6, is there any captives have been released from gaza and we're united with their farms also ahead we have told them and get those in all the stations. i want
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this to leave the governments immediately, thomas styles. i'll just say that it's ready to hand over control of this step. if palestinians wants new leaders have passed tensions in germany as the election candidates make their final pitch, the voters ahead of sundays, national vote, the just post 19 gmc, that's 9 pm in the occupied west bank. and these are pictures from offer prison where the release of 620 palestinian prisoners and detainees has been delayed. is there any media is reported that the release will not take place until after a government security meeting, which began around one and a half hours ago, hama says, calling the delay of flagrant breach of the seas fight agreement area. how much
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released 6 is really is from does that how much i'm just begins are coverage as the 1st phase of the gauze, a ceasefire. deal use it in 6 is really captives are released and handed to the red cross in separate groups and in different areas the 1st and verify in southern gaza. joshua and a very many used to seeing here as they're taken onto a stage. then at the other side of the refugee camp and central gaza eliot cohen on their shim top, and boehmer wing cook rated by masked fighters before the crowd, to the 6th and last captive sham and say it was released elsewhere in the north. in tel aviv emotional scenes as relatives of the captives held in gaza, gathered to watch their loved ones being freed. they were joined by crowds of supporters in what's known as hostage square the body of odin lift kits and 84 year
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old journalist and long time defender of palestinian rights was among the remains of his really captives returned to israel on thursday. his grandson daniel lift kits spoke to al jazeera as the hand over and i'm gonna say it out was happening. we need to find an immediate solution or who will take place in gaza. and then these riley already agreed with the roll. all the forces from gaza and of course we sold the hostages and from us and it's the same guys and that's the most important thing and what we have to work on, you know, this was the 7th exchange of the ceasefire. deal in return for the 6 is really captives released and 4 bodies on thursday, 620 pallets indian prisoners and detainees were due to be freed, the largest swap so far. how much says it is ready to move to the 2nd phase of the agreement and carry out a comprehensive captive prisoner exchange to achieve a permanent ceasefire with only one week to go and phase one of the agreement,
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a senior official from the group. so that just either that is real as you have to engage and talks on phase 2. we again have you committed to the deal we are doing and we have all of these done and the but all the additions in this deal and we have focused on uh on the deal which is from our side uh, plugged into the deal about what we have seen up to now the violations of the 5th phase and the rejection to be involved in the circumstances as this critical deadline looms. all eyes are now on israel, where some officials have signaled the discussions on the next stage of the ceasefire may begin in the coming days. how much enjoy a just either or? no, it isn't the jordanian capital, and these are the government and the palestinian authority of bind. i'll just say that from reporting from inside israel and be occupied westbank. let's talk about this delay. first of all, do we have any idea of what's causing it?
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rob, no real explanation has been given by israel for the delay. we do know is what you reported earlier, that the release of those prisoners and detainees, including what the women and children will depend on when the meeting, the security consultations convened by these really prime minister will. and of course, that also means that over 600 tell us the indian families are waiting in the cold in the i'm a lot in the gaza strip. but also in cairo where more than a 100 palestinians will be exiled. of course, the consultations will not just focus on today on the exchange of prisoners and detainees and captives, but also on what happens next. and we're already beginning to hear a little bit about what is a being discussed, namely, will, is, will withdraw from the philadelphia cord. or will it seek an extension of phase one
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of the cease fire agreement rather than entering into phase 2, which would require it to end the war and withdraw from gaza in exchange for all the is really kept. so still a lot of questions and really very little comfort for the families that is really captive. and also for over 2000000 palestinians in gaza waiting to see if they can look forward to more weeks of call. we were talking about the fact that 6 is rarely couches have been released by how much area wrong today or what's been the reaction in israel to what we've seen as well. the families of is really captives welcomed, of course, the release of those 6, capt. but they're really focused on those who are left behind and already we're seeing thousands, gather intel of these to protest what they say is nothing. yeah. whole trying to do re. busy else talks, they don't really trust that these really prime ministers,
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motivations for engaging in the ceasefire. negotiations are centered on the faith and the well being of is really captives the he, they accused him of being more concerned with saving his coalition. his right. when coalition, in which many of his partners have threatened to withdraw from the government, if he, in fact agrees to withdrawing from gaza and ending the war. and that perhaps explains why the heads of all the opposition parties issued a joint statement tonight telling nothing yahoo that they will stand by the government. they won't allow it to fall. if he continues on to phase 2 of the cease fire agreement and they're pushing just like the families of the captives for a deal that would see the release of all captives in one goal. and that is something that we heard from him. us is a possibility if, if that's on yahoo agrees to and they get a war allowing the necessary assistance in and withdrawing all his troops from
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guns no day in jordan's capital. i'm on know. thank you very much. indeed, we're going to go to town a couple of assume he's in con eunice in southern gaza. it's already a long wait for many of the families and friends and relations of those waiting for some of the palestinian pleasures to return. what is the feeling like there? well, undoubtedly these very decision to delay the release of over 600 palestinian destinies from the east, bailey jails. today you have has really tricked goods and left families facing colleagues and must have level of frustration and i'm excited. so you, for those families that had been waiting since the 80 hours of this morning to be re unite to get with the loved ones who have been absent and behind the is very pos for problem. months during the east bed, the military operations in it cause it's absolutely essential to highlight that
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these families are right now facing on sits in it to you regarding the face of their loved ones and their relatives are still behind. it is what he paused with. he is very decision has been seen as an extra step to the most likely to come way to induce families will have been waiting and it could be i saw him that the durability of the deal is now tested between time us and israel as families believe that as we have been share conversations with them that these by the government may not return back and allow for the release of palestinian debt to these today which could be assigned of the potential collapse of the deal. and for many of them, they believe that mediators will be able to contain the situation and bridge this gap between these brother, how much that will be absolutely clear within the next few hours. talking to us, i'm calling in as a southern gaza, that's topic about wisdom. thank you very much. to the 1st phase of this is far as
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user end on march. the 1st is last, it's 6 weeks. palm us is set to bodies for more bodies of captives held in gaza. before phase 2 is meant to begin in exchange. israel's going to release the remaining palestinian women and children detains during the war israel and was also a lot of $60000.00 mobile homes into gaza. omaha man is a fellow at the middle east council on global affairs. he's drawing your slide from washington dc. thank you. very much indeed for being with us. what's your assessment of why this delay is happening? i don't know what's in nothing. now. who's mine for say maybe he's trying to uh, you know, punish the palestinians for you know, what's been happening on, on in the gaza side. on a massive side in terms of the release of what happened with the bus children and the mother of that kind of thing. and maybe they're just trying to add some kind of psychological torture to punish the palestinians to make them you know, wait and sweat this out. so i, i don't know exactly what they're doing but, or maybe they're trying to sabotage the rest of the agreement. who knows me i there
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was a suggestion, i know it was a withdrawal correspond, it was telling us that there's speculation in the uh, is there any media that benjamin netanyahu may be working towards trying some type type of extension to phase one. talk as to what your thoughts are about why it would be to benjamin netanyahu. netanyahu's advantage to extend phase one of the cx 5 because essentially that appears to be just kicking a decision down the road. yeah, i think 1st and foremost, nothing. yeah. who doesn't want to go to stage 2 stage 2 of the agreement. um, you know, defies or runs contrary to all his warnings which are, you know, the, the population of the gaza strip keeping these really military presence in there. and definitely, uh, you know, eliminating how mass, all those type of things. second of all, you know, nothing. yeah. who is a consummate political survivor and that means he really wants to keep his options open and disagreement the ceasefire agreement is kind of constraining. that's in your own terms of what he can do and it keeps him, you know,
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subject to what's happening inside israel, political environments where he's being blamed for not signing this d. busy in the 1st 3 months after october 7th, when it was on the table. now his former defense minister of deland has been in front of the cameras of the past few weeks saying, well, this agreement was on the table and that the mass was wanting to sign it and nothing yahoo, sabotage. and so he's getting blamed when the is really public is seeing the release of the hostages, and especially those that were, it came out in bad condition. uh, you know, you could have saved a lot of people, you could have saved the, you know, the torments of those kind of people over time. and so these kind of political dynamics are playing out and nothing you know, is a bit constrained in terms of what he can do if the war continues. then he, his options are open. it's an arena in which he can maneuver and all of that kind of stuff. so i think we're in this kind of situation in which he may want to prolong. he doesn't want to exit the gaza strip. he wants to be able to resume the fighting need if need be. i talked about was that my correspond to congress was
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saying that people there have been telling him the whole thing that the mediators and in this and which includes the concept of course on the us and egypt as well. will these fight able to find some sort of solution to the situation this delay that was sitting at the moment not be, have been able to do that in the past, but this delay is getting longer and longer the will. one would imagine become a point when it becomes quite clearly a breach of the conditions of the cease fire. do you think that the mediators are going to be able to step in and find some sort of solution? i would hope so, and i think there's been, you know, if you turn a few points throughout this uh the past, you know, the 30 something days in which there's been bumps in the road and they've kind of over comments. how mass is meeting its obligations. it's called this already this delay of flagrant violation, but israel has violated every single term of the ceasefire so far from the entry of
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age and home, mobile homes and tense and all of that kind of stuff up until the point of negotiating. the 2nd stage, there are no negotiators, they're negotiating, this was supposed to start this process a while ago, and i think that's a bad indication. but you know, at this point we've, you know, i've had my doubts about the ceasefire reaching state. each to for this, this cease fire was signed and nothing that's happened so far over the past, the 3 and a half weeks, or 4 weeks has, has led me to have more faith that we're going to reach that 2nd stage. unfortunately, again, nothing ever has violated all the terms of the agreement. he's delaying the negotiations over the 2nd term. um uh, you know, he's been very explicit that he doesn't want to go to the 2nd stage that he wants to resume to fighting. and unfortunately, the last, you know, the last point here, donald trump, who i think was instrumental in getting a this, the ceasefire implemented to begin with has gone in
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a totally different direction since then. and he's also said that he's kind of leaving it up to nothing. you know, whether he wants to abide by the terms of the agreement and reach that 2nd stage. yeah, we're just looking at some of the live pictures from tennessee for the moment, just some of the cries have been gathering in order to try to demand that to and that you know whose core they shouldn't bring the rest of the captive. so i'm, i'm gonna run on uh, ultimate lease counsel in global affairs. thank you very much. indeed sir. absolutely is no longer with csi has spent of 45 years in his reading jails, making him the world's longest serving political prisoner is expected to be one of the 620 palestinians to be released in the coming hours. but is there any authorities of preventing his wife from traveling to egypt where he'll be exiled to him and offering you spoke so obviously it up and expressed hope will one day when uniting with her husband after all these years the yeah. and you had the coolest i just met instead of it says that the noise that says it's in the moon.
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this is tina definitely look at the card and show a lie. i need nothing to show you that a yeah, because it was i thought it yeah. he has it and what i mean, yes, yeah, lee shipment, but it's not in the issue of policy. and special ed was a kind of a bad thing then hopefully by new means electric elizabeth homeless because of the back to us to just letting said, cut out the numbers. actually the 100 and the see, i just said to come on the back copy of the data
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the say hey save and finish. and i should have said decided to not set the still ahead and i'll just 0 dollars on fires. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the pentagon promises to slashes workforce the . examining the headlines facing the discussions, exploring abundance of world cloth programming, designed to inform,
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motivates by on algae 0. the latest news, the recommendations made by after doing it is, would now have to be implemented the that takes along with the concept in eastern biase. what drag on with detailed coverage. there's a sense of urgency in us a realization of the culture and can no longer rely on the united states with security from the house of the story. many german industries are struggling to remain competitive with millions of people unemployed and millions more worrying about the future. the
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you want to go to 0 reminder of adults. so is this is was delayed the release of $625.00. the study and prisoners in the 7th exchange of the seas 5 deals is really made is reporting that the release will not take place until after a government security meeting. audio, how much waste 6 is really captives held in gaza. they were freed in separate groups and then a set of refuge account. but our fund i'm guys are sitting and how my size is now ready to move to the 2nd phase of the ceasefire agreement by some name from the groups. political bureau told us here that thomas is prepared to leave the government of gaza immediately. the vatican says the head of the roman catholic church. both francis is in a critical condition after suffering what's being called on long as not take the sped of 3 crisis area on saturday, april positive. it's not to undergo a blood transfusion due to a low platelet count. both processes being treated for pneumonia in both lungs, logic and sizes conditions gotten worse,
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and he won't appear in public to leave his usual prayer with pilgrim's for a 2nd consecutive chapman voters are heading to the poles on sunday to elect a new parliament that will govern the country for the next 4 years german johns with all our shows, says he's confident his social democrats party will win. but if any impulse put in well behind the conservative block, led by 3 judge mets, sebastian and thoughts from battling. germany's new chancellor will not only face an ailing economy but a rapidly changing world order question. democratic lead a free police next step to become the new leader of europe. largest economy, send a message to 03, and capital, and washington, the vista, the step of the most important task of the next federal government and the person who heads this federal government will be to once again, vigorously fulfill jeremy's responsibility in the european union under no circumstances can things remain as they all. now we must, and we will change that. they are friends, a strong message, also from outgoing chancellor or life shoulds of the social democrats to us
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president donald trump via the notes i'm from stock is all 5. we're committed to a strong you were standing up for ukraine because it mustn't be left alone. not just because they have a minimal stay. but a growing file right. considered pro russian could complicate germany's leadership role just hours ahead of the vote. neo nazis march through the center of building us vice president g defense and 11. most cafe express support for the far right alternative for germany party. the a of the while europe is looking for leadership. germany's political landscape good and the preference is also sundays election. the fall right emboldened by the endorsement of trumps. whitehouse is expected to make its most expensive game since the 19 thirty's and all the other parties say they won't allow them to govern the impact of the party on the domestic. i'm foreign policies could be significant interest and a city and former east germany. the
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a of these as it once less interfere with, from the u. v. you wants to dictate the country. so there are conflicts and we have no common foreign policy that we want to change with its anti immigration campaign . d a s d has managed to take away photos from mainstream part is like the social democrats. when's a good our money just disappears. my pension is so small after a long walk in life inside, that's all money is being spent for all this dispensation. i don't like them and they all sound good, but what they really want, and i just say it is very similar to what happened in 1933. they have published a message, but it is the same thing. with a quarter of nearly 60000000, illegible photo still on the side is campaign and continues until the following stations open. whoever wins the election would have to lead a divided country during that term. it in time for europe stuff faster than l. g 0 . dressed in is not on the times find the air force general in c,
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q brown. as chairman of the us, the joint chiefs of staff tom says as part of a wider shakeup of america's military leadership, defense secretary p, texas. i previous suggested suggested the general got the job because he's black. the pentagon is also preparing to find more than 5000 civilian employees by next week i did to castro's in washington, dc was more on the layoffs. the democrats are calling the sudden pentagon firings the friday night massacre at the very top. the removal of air force general charles brown from his post as chair of the joint chiefs of staff round as only the 2nd african american to hold that position. he was appointed by joe biden, but had been previously promoted by trump. trib announced brown's firing on social media on friday, calling the general, a fine gentleman and an outstanding leader. he gave no reason for the firing, but trumps. the secretary of defense has previously questioned whether brown got that top military job because he's african american. the truck administration has
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been purging the federal government of what it calls, work, initiatives and personnel with a focus on cutting diversity equity and inclusion programs. the 1st woman to lead the u. s. navy was also fired on friday, along with 4 other top pentagon leaders chose pick to replace brown. his chair of the joint chiefs is dana cane, a retired air force general, who is white cane volts, over higher rank generals. to be selected. he loved us special ops, any rock telling trump that i still could be vanquished within a week. trump has praise kane as a perfect man, and a military leader who has to be held back can, will need to senate approval before becoming the nation's highest rank military officer. jo castro. alger 0 at the pentagon and eastern democratic republic of congo. the you and refugee agencies as 42000 people, a flight to neighboring, but on the in 2 weeks that says rewinding back to m 235 is advancing north and
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south, keeping the province's many refugees and making the dangerous journey by boat and the exhausted hungry and often sick video and it says about 9 phones and kimberly's across the board on tuesday alone, the people in bo calvo in eastern d r. c, are struggling with our basic services. off of m 2025. as took over the city, several banks remain closed, long choose the phone this people try to withdraw their savings. i'll just say those other more economy. it has the latest from because of us this morning here in the book of how the people just to go down here in this symbol. it's busy not to because i have to call to them. but because of the seriousness, i do know for different members of the community office, they said that you have to listen to their own, the difficult stuff, the days of their i told them for the 2, they just want things to do on the business, reopen and also,
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they want people to be sure they want this or size in general to be sure that things are moving. some of them are choosing kings of the same dots that i talked to was divided with the 2 bodies and also the knowledge of it. it's prompting software was not a business wise. yeah. to express their support, the new those funds that govern, i will not willing to scripts our country condo will remain one forever. but it has to be very clear remain under the leadership of them. 23 robins, president, felix of security should do his best to find solutions to issues in construct a multi it's almost a week right now. the commodity. what i like about this. so yeah, and bill for us, there's things going on, but the point is so soon as you want to be worried about what is going on, devices can void and the other side of the data and also the input interest or the former. we go, so just well for this, don't see, i don't know who the people want one of the clinic, the seat depth to funding right now. you open their business model for them
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to cover the changing the fits and they're moving on. we do daily life on the phone don't charge us either is next time robots and stay with us. and obviously the, the, the, had that, let's have a look at the weather for the 2nd half of the weekend and the start of a new week in europe. and offer a pretty dry and bright start to the weekend. well, it is looking very wet and wendy for the northwest. we've got yellow warnings off of strong winds and heavy rain across the island and much of the u. k. that system,
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pushing its way further east ahead is that it is looking pretty fine and dry for much of central europe, the i, berry, and peninsula it will start to push its way further east. as we go into monday, we need some wintery features across scans, anavia, some west, the weather, trailing across the low countries, into west and pots of fronds in the northern parts of spain. we'll see that west of whether it is looking much dry in the south and for much of portugal. now there is looking pretty settled across central parts of europe was a missed effecting northern parts of it to be places like midland. some went to weather, starting to pick up across southern pots, eventually moving into greece on monday, but dryer and brightest guys out east wintery features, however, still remain across it to a kia jumped has happened this, the cold out east, but we will see them recover slightly. on monday,
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we are going to see the agencies of legend some clothes for the stories of civilizations that marks history wants. this is where the story of vanity, how many stories to tell the project is done. nestled in the heart of asia is in the end of striking contrasts and rich history. this mountainous nation featured some of the white piece in the past that stretches back to the nearly thick, unprocessed ages. it's mountains and valleys have witnessed that rise.
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