tv [untitled] February 24, 2025 5:30pm-6:01pm AST
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such a set of pains is suffering from one of the worlds fastest growing h i v epidemic. the government says usaid cuts pose a significant challenge, particularly the programs that focus on stopping transmission bond to be low. now. ok, and martha had planned to go big on his organizations, annual h i. b awareness project safe love multiple sites for testing and distribution of prevention products with dozens of bone tears all over this manila, suburbs. the usa id was set to provide all the necessary funding until us president donald trump suspended for need 1st and then he has sickle cell either i don't think affordable calling in the volunteers without being able to be 4 foot into asportation and are going to be at the very least, kyle still managed to mount the campaign. though on a smaller scale, she had to re says, because h, i be spreading as alarming rate in the philippines. h i v cases and aids related
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deaths are declining in africa, but are on the rise in other parts of the world. the philippines is what are the new hot spots with an average of round, 50 paces being recorded each day? advocate said that was you was a funding makes for fraction of the countries total allocation was that the money goes into preventive measures. hotel, slowing down the epidemic out of $100.00. $34000000.00 earmarked, but the health department for each of the programs this year for and funding accounts for only $14000000.00. but since 2020 us a id has given nearly $35000000.00. the geneva based global fund contributes more. but the us government is also its largest donor. this has advocates worried. i really have no idea what the future holds for a global fine. they are the ones who procures re exposure prophylaxis and self desk chips at the moment in the next 2 years. it's ok,
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but it's got to be shaky after that because we don't know philippines health official said the us government spun freeze is a wake up call. now it is clear that the government, including ours, must recognize our own priorities and take morris sponsibility for financing these free or these, you know, a national health budgets love yourself, the largest n g o in the country, specializing in h. i be services has stopped its re delivery service, but at the same time, it's taking one more patients and then pulling more steps to help fill the void left by at least 10 clinics that have had to close in recent weeks. find it below algae 0 minute. that's it for the show. the listening post is up next day with us. the the latest news, the recommendations made by ab 0 need is one now has to be implemented. the that
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takes along with the concept in easton, biase will drag on with detailed coverage. there's a sense of urgency in us. a realization of the customer can no longer rely on the united states for it. security from the house of the story. many german industries of struggling to remain competitive with millions of people on employees and millions. more worrying about the futures, the humanitarian crisis, and 11 and calls for immediate and sustained action. ok, foundations loving, an emergency response subs as a vital lifeline for many in desperate need. your donations can play a crucial role in alleviating suffering. promoting community wellbeing and contributing to the recovery, join ok, foundation and its mission to support 11 and during this critical time. full now or visit okay, adult tool. the number of countries offended by the trop administrations, pronouncements keeps growing. add germany to the list. the issue there is election
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interference gets effect on the far right. it's a similar story in ukraine, so let's keep that to move faster is not going to have a country left for media outlets are in shock over what trump is saying about the war. while news channels in moscow are celebrating women site and then what's the future and populism. salvador used kelley government gets re elected. and journalist partner the germans vote international election this sunday, february 23rd one in which their political system is being put to the test. the polls have a far right party alternative for germany or a f d sitting in 2nd place. once considered a per riah organization to and apologised for the countries nazi past. the a f d is now at around 20 percent of the vote. germany's mainstream parties have long
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shunned the a f d through the building of a so called firewall. refusing to include the party in the coalition building. that is so central to politics there. this is where the trump administration comes in a case of outside interference. b, u. s. the vice president j. d. vance has taken a at that firewall saying the time is come to take it down. and you on mosque has been boosting the a f d on x and backing it in a german newspaper. at the heart of this debate, the question does engage with extremist views risk legitimize income. and is if german folders don't have enough to think about. there's another international player in the next russia. it's contribution consists of this information to take barely 2 months after taking power. the trumpet administration has turned its modus operandi, planting the seeds of chaos in a democracy,
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into an american export. i'm going to cuss pizza president hood. i'm an auntie over p show. david pops mid fast on gnostics. awesome. i did, the vice president j. the vance went to germany one week before the national election there and scolded its leaders for a reckoning, a political fire wash between their parties and the far right alternative for germany and refusing to consider sharing power with the a f b. he said that in the country where the world war 2 holocaust got it started and vance refused to meet with the german chancellor. hold off shore. instead he got together behind closed doors with the f d 's lead alice fight. fido has described germany's memorialize ation of the whole of cost as a guilt co and recently re branded the architect of janice, spin oklahoman onto a, onto the search cut off photography. its not an income all on the shopping and
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interview was ok. gd vance was representing the new face of us diplomacy interfere in getting the politics of america's biggest, most important european, our inspection mission to fund and for them to despise and get cheating. so the idea of the 2nd from administration is to, to run into a room for all a couple of sting farms. charlotte and yellow displays is a mass. and then while everyone is still wondering what's happening, you'll gain counts and actually smashes all the windows and says, okay, we are in control of this place. it's unheard of. it's a sippy, unheard of for us, vice president it to into fit in durham and elections. this piece was see time to make an impression on coaches and there's no other way of explaining that. so us
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vice president would call for a breakdown of the firewall towards the rights just over a week ahead of elections in europe's biggest countries. northwind is the rise of populism. it is not unique to germany. even the country's history, however, the risk of it repeating so low as the implications are scary, are there then in other democracies i can walk to the shop. about office is open up . the german word for their political firewall is brand mountain. politicians built it in the aftermath of world war 2, to guard against any possible resurgence of the far right in a multi party system rules by coalitions refusing to share power with the a f d affectively. isolates the party politically, but that firewall is now being put to the test by the a f d and it's new backers in the wash, including donald trump's in house as all provocative or the lawn mice.
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mosque has waited into the german mediaspace writing a pro, a f d up ad for the newspaper defense then the platforms, alice vitamins are interviewing her on x and people really need to get behind their feet. and otherwise, things are going to get very, very much worse in germany. yes, because, but practice in germany's firewall predicts this trump administration. the main shift was in 2015 when uncle america doing the big refugee crisis and you're all set, okay. we need to open the borders references from syria. we're actually too much of a burden for our neighboring countries hungry all 3 and others. but that created the basis for the new off the very enzyme. the gratian party, with very racial attitudes, and also some of them anti semitic bronk mower, is a matter for to define red lines. 9 is that's parties or
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politicians do not want to cross. if now a party is questioning the history of this country by turning the hollow cost experience and taking a relative, it stands on everything that let's do this. then this might be perfectly ok in countries with a different history. but in germany, this is a line that a lot of people that feel that shouldn't be crossed, get to what became quite said that we're jumping to installation fees. as it's natural part, there's not distance um and the but also in europe, which is shifting to the right. there's right wing populous policies that explains why not just eat on mosque, but also us vice president 80 vans through the political weight behind the fall, right? a if the policy in john me that can safely be called direct election interference because it cools on them and to vote for
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a particular policy. there's another angle to this story with implications that stretched across the european union. g. d, advance accused comments are working at the european commission of having too much power, saying they can shut down social media during times of civil unrest over what they deem to be hateful content. the e. u has been far more willing to regulate the technology sector when the us and silicon valley has been lobbying hard against legislation the past in 2022. the digital services, or the say, which requires tech platforms to stop the spread of a legal or dangerous content. the dsa is b. e use firewall against the dangers of big tech. no american administration would approve of it and certainly not one with a tech pro. apparently sharing a white house of workspace with donald trump. european union are currently
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investigating. to what extent the digital service act is ignored by the big media platforms from silicon valley or even manipulating the algorithm to widen what's viable is posting or what they are the is doing. so there might be a law sued from the european commission against platforms like neat uh, or x. but the bottom line of that speech is, these are a big companies alone. and if you step on anyone's toes and mosque in particular, we will give you a hard time. the vans before he came to europe had already made very clear that us defense commitment towards your or hotness is conditional upon non regulation of the digital sphere. here, the,
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your opinion already has regulation in place. and the big question now is whether this, you, as an administration, we'll seek to be successful at time to start the regulation from going ahead. as for germany, voters there also have to whether political interference blowing in from the east, in the form of a russian. this information, an operation known as doppelganger 1st detected in germany in 2022, it's worked resurface last month, drop of gang, or clones. well known german mainstream, new sites, by duplicating their look layout and style, and spreading it on social platforms like whatsapp and telegraph. the us and russia bring different agendas to german, ranging from influence in politics there to the stabilizing the government. but in
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both cases of outside interference, the beneficiary happens to be the same party, the a f b. so where russian outlets just mimic traditionally established big news outlets like fish figure or the side and others and passed their own content to it. so therefore for many readers, it looks like a traditional newspaper just covering our sharing and opinions you already share as someone who believes and maybe a party like the do an order of a sudden you get a confirmed bias covered and falsely by, by one of the major news outlets. what is happening with social media tends the algorithms selection mechanism, is that the opinion forms for people and not the people form an opinion. a lot, some ways tie the fake news for us with stylized narratives that
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doesn't necessarily need to be wrong. but if someone starts looking into something painful, like this form of terrorist attacks of crimes, then you will get more and more information about it. and the general sentiment becomes germany isn't safe anymore even if it's participate to tell you a different story. it's been a rough week for ukraine and presidents a lot. the mirrors, a lensky, call it the trump effect. it was on full display as the us made clear where it stands on what donald trump calls a war that ukraine started with russia. mean, actually, robbie has been tracking the story. donald trump has never made any secret of a, his frustration, but will the united states has had to play in supporting ukraine's waterford? i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine, settled and be his willingness to engage with vladimir putin in russia. i'll be
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dealing with president boat and largely on the phone this past week amounted to way politically. train rec for you, came in mid february, tom caught on the phone with fulton and zalinski individually within days us and russian officials met in the saudi capital. we are to discuss how to end award. ukraine was not invited. then came an unprecedented exchange of under prologic barbs between trump zalinski who refuses of elections is low and the real ukrainian pause and the bottle which are designed for much and letters in english. and when i that i read the receipt, as long as you're aware of some distance from what you know and post a dictator without elections. so lensky better move fast, or he's not going to have a country left. your plan has been under martial law since the war began to usable elections should use for the 2024 did not happen due please, spotty to safety concerns. white balls shows that ends key is not nearly as
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unpopular as trumps, as he is. the ward has eroded you cleaning goodwill for the president. you creating media outlets which would be enticing, controlled for 3 years now. in a state of shock, bar score recommend carpet sam extras that they're not sticking. the whole system was trying to lift the civic but what are the options 0 a ser. nowhere in russia user enters could not contain themselves to create to be smart and it wasn't more than that women site and then the slip issue, the fireworks over this past week. also had you to be in government scrambling, one way or another. the war appears to be heading for the confusion and given what you can has to news in the way of territories control, the outcome is unlikely to go down well and kids. thanks me. are you ever go this month's el salvador held an election night, but boot kelly and his party knew web us day as one a landslide victory, 54 of the 60 congressional seats, cementing bouquets, grip on power. in his 6 years in office, the country has seen
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a dramatic dropping gang violence and homicides. thanks to somebody compromising policies and mass arrest. but that has come at a price. constitutional rights have been suspended under an extended state of emergency, and journalists now face harassment, surveillance, and censorship. despite concerns over a creeping form of authoritarianism, lou kelly remains wildly popular among salvatore and bolstered by his savvy social media presence and a growing alliance with the american. far right, the listening post electric screen for now with producer really i've got that on i . e book kelly salvatore and brand of populism and its effect on press freedom. the the d. salvatore and journalist victoria. but who knows? life and ronald, started with an open the door. it was the police from the customer
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as we were walking down the steps of my house. one of the officers had come to me and said, you're under arrest under the provisions of the state of emergency. i was 1st taken to us, but on somebody on a chair, there were 230 of us in a space fit for 7080 people max, which was down to basic survival. their muscle, the one that they'd give us a single glass of water for the whole day. we drink cough in the morning and a half in the afternoon. we began falling and we'd get fungal infection. the skin source boils fever was then move to a maximum security prison, a circle where we slept on the floor. the guards would punish us, call us rats, or worse. they said we were going to die, their k, i don't us or deal lasted almost a year. by the time he was released, the circumstances of his arrest were no clear. he received no official release letter, and the police, such as ation against him, remained unchanged. collaborating with kings, also known as on the yes. yeah,
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that's the my look, my arrest was due to me being a journalist. there's no doubt about that. i hosted the tv show where we talk about the communities needs, lack of employment prospect challenges with education and access to public health resources. wonderful. and then have to close the existing blue like the ceiling is a problem i can live with. the government didn't like these kinds of programs. we'd also discussed the state of emergency and the innocent people being taken away to prison. the state of emergency didn't just put the stop to the guns. it was to neutralize us the independent press that along with the president, but the, and it has the, it has a commissioner for human rights and freedom of speech. and this was my, he denies, but a homeless case had anything to do with his profession. and the way from casually was taking me in to pay at least the photo shows, based on your thoughts on this. i mean, this is not a case about a journalist and he's statements or opinions. his man was never
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a political journalist, you know, even if he was the fact that he is a journalist, does not accept him from having meddled with gangs when someone is placed under arrest. this order is carried out by state prosecutors who have evidence of incontestable facts. in reality, the evidence being used against salvadorans is anything but incontestable. prison in the state of emergency was declared in 2022. it sounds as though it has had the highest rate of incarceration in the world. out of a population of roughly 6500000 people. more than 80000 are currently behind bars. menu are held without evidence, are integrating conditions with no contact with the outside world. journalists, especially community reporters who shine a light on social issues, have been subject to because his iron fist or mental due to the sweeping crack down
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on games, has also led to the restriction of constitutional rights and press freedom. in 2024 alone, the journalist association always has the recorded 467 attacks. these include arbitrary detentions, intimidation, phone tapping, and seizing of equipment. no, i so located. it's not just the fact we're under constant attack from the government. we also have no mechanism to protect our rights, because here the supreme court, the constitutional chamber and the legislative assembly o answer to me kindly. so if journalists are faced with legal proceedings and appeal to the supreme court, for instance, we know what their response is going to be. they're going to turn their backs on us . we're left in our faces that a domain bank deals in this situation has dark and substantially since 2022 old platforms of access to public information have been shut down. journalists are operating in a boy because the government's propaganda machine hasn't golf,
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television, radio and social media. those journalists who are committed to holding the powerful to account through their work are like someone, constantly swimming upstream inability. i said, look, especially in the galaxies us, repressed as an obstacle to the absolute takeover of salvatore in our minds. they like man, this, they look at about angels. no, i mean that restriction and there are no restrictions whatsoever in terms of freedom with price. so quite the country entirety in the 20 years, i have worked for the government, the better side of our own, that there wasn't a single generally sold who has been arrested. not for a single smashed up camera or news item that has been taken down from social media galleries, which galleries commissioner guzman distortions are not true. that isn't surprising . they're part of the penny strategy of controlling the narrative. inside and outside of the sound, we branding the small impoverished country into one of the safest countries in the world. how?
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by using a media and p. r, a parade us to whitewash controversial policies and a brutal crack down on crime. and it's working. okay, his approval reading is 91 percent of these kind of videos of his salvatore's biggest prison, the terrorism confinement center or c cost should the media machine, our sleep and set to what beat music they became an instance sensation. and so finally, go for funding. it all normal for that. i mean when i got a physical moment the noise and same so it's been complete on me and pulled, is that all these more such videos reinforce tennis brand keys? would many critics calling millennial code, we use a digital the fluid as times a reverend strong man. it says that they help with a need their strategy is effective. because in addition to telling people we fix your most pressing problem, it's succeeded in sewing new fears among the public. unless now you book and i gets another 5 years guarantee will be back out on the street. yes, isn't presented as the most one of them,
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but i feel like one of them will go on the story or in the video this morning. i didn't, i didn't that he left them elaine, they're going to go look but not looks at the post that or at least they're carefully curated messaging and propaganda helps them. so whatever empty constitutional decisions they take, very effective to collect, took the fight against criminal and security and made it cool. and the issue was delicate, as the safety of citizens has turned in to show bits that the dental effect that this would show it was all just to show a very different present. i'd like a video showing is alco presence, where many people have died where i almost died. actually interviewing inmates, asking what they've gone through. but they won't do that. they make videos that are acceptable for an international audiences. i meant that i go these to an audience in which donald trump has a front row seat. the us president made sure to remind ok left that when he sent
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his secretary of state my point of view on a visit this month, nothing needed much reminding he was closing up to the american rights far before trump was re elected. even trump cutting a for an a to a place to look at his advantage. since some of those american dollars helped keep independent media outlets critical of the governance in business and book is offering trump a quick pro cool. in the former sequence. he's willing to make room at his mega prison for american criminals, so he and trump can be tough on crime together. see, and then we'll kind of right now, president kelley has better access and moist way than ever, with washington. which is promoting the suppression of civil rights along with the persecution of journalists and human rights advocates. in spite of this and the current funding crisis in the media sector, we have seen a new crop of very brave journalist for shining a light on the merchant corrupt ways in which this government is using its power,
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i think will be out of most i can see ended for that. no, no, but they won't keep us quiet. journalists have commitments. not the government is mayor's ministers or bankers of this country. but with those who needs our reporting, the most. if i or a colleague dies, someone else will take out place. if they shut down the channel to, they will just do it from someone's living room with a phone tomorrow, but we will carry on reports. and finally, back to germany with most new stories like this week's elections, the media, their produce pretty robust journalism. tough questions get asked. power is how to account, which is why the coverage of israel's war on gaza stands out the way it has. german news outlets dare not criticize israel for its work crimes against the palestinians . and they seem to have no issue with the crackdowns on anti zionist protesters, and free speech francesca out benet's a is the un special wrapper tour on the occupied palestinian territories. and she
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can speak to those crackdowns you shop for the control receive that event. last year, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. it makes me pretty scared. for aware attorneys this past week alban days, i was invited to speak, and berlin in new york, one event was forced to change menus due to pressure from politicians and police to other talks that universities were cancelled for security reasons. francesca albany is a nose, the historical context here, german guilt over the world war 2 holocaust. but germany is also 2nd only to the us in arms exports to israel. so what's the role in this genocide ranges from complicity to enabling and it's media outlets have completely caved in to the political pressures of play. to the point where the germans are more likely to get the real story by scrolling through their phones rather than turning on their
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televisions, the protest crackdowns in false disappearances and corruption with possibly the most special about the cost of living. unfortunately, the lights have to be lost, but those bumps up here that we have to live has to be lost. lives would take, right? people were shot in the head, maybe has son goes head to head with kenyan politician kimani as to why kenyans are furious. you know this, i have never had performed anything for the party. there was about $7000000.00 pet to head on out his era the
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the the low on the pocket. this is the news, our life, some dough coming up in the next 60 minutes west and leaders without the us meeting, ukraine's capital pledging billions more than 8 on the 3rd anniversary of the war with russia. a day off the winning germany's election. the leader of the conservatives promises to many relations with washington. his route intensifies as assaults on the occupied westbank,
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