tv [untitled] February 25, 2025 10:00am-10:31am AST
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true treasures your values and michelin, greenstone restaurants, come and discover not true. historical and cultural beauties. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our lives from headquarters and del high and getting obligated are coming up in the next 60 minutes. nothing out serious future. the new administration holds a national dialogue to address major issues and lay the groundwork for drafting a new constitution. 3 palestinian children die from the cold weather in gauze
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off. israel is refusing to allow mobile homes on trends into the strip as part of the ceasefire deal. after meeting the u. s. president of the french leader and my new with my cross as a cease fire in ukraine as possible in the coming weeks. and a cash crisis in the democratic republic of congo. while m 23 rebels sees more territories. people are struggling to find hard currency. the welcome to the news hours, seriously with ministration is holding a national dialogue and damascus. it's intended to try to pa, forward, politically. i'm lay the groundwork for a new constitution, the meeting which we'll begin shortly, aims to address economic social as well as political issues. the new government, which took power in december has promised an inclusive political transition. and
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this conference was one of its punches. i have some reports are serious then said the edge of trends, formation, o depot, on settings to see if you a national dialogue conference marks the most significant political gathering in the countries. more than history behind the form of negotiations. fundamental questions remain on onset. but the, yeah, it'd be that this once left is the drafting of the constitution, the building of the economy, transitional justice reform, of the institutions, freedoms and the question of how the, how far it is deal with the people. i mean, there is even talk of a social contract, for example, national identity is at the heart of the debate. well then you see a bmw hispanic republic or to realistic state or the secular democracy. transitional president, government shut off reflects this tension is not
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a size ok here yet. the secular family is suggests an attempt to balance. spite is outside the box office, shut a scheme to projected pragmatic image at home and abroad, but how sustainable that is beyond i judge the conference with the debate, whether sylvia economy is to be a free market, multi state controlled, or the hybrid system. the gulf states to cuba, russia and the west, each have different expectations and investments, or lock that off to determine serious recovery for the international community. the dialect is not just a see if you motto the outcome. what do we shape alliances and determine? see, it gives you a quality control us a success it on to a dish representation. a red line for washington bought in lights, messing argue for the key. pleasing both sides may be impossible yet both countries
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are crucial to save us future. the syrian cats including washington allies invited what say they would board, call the conference 70 and then you government's ability to control it stated he will also be on the table, especially after the late. this is really demand that the transitional government not deploy forces south of damascus now to we want to allow forces from h t s or the new city, an army to enter areas of south damascus. we demand the complete the militarization of south and syria, including the new when i taught that a and so a, the proven so from the new to gene forces, syria is that the cross shows the dialect offers and unfortunately to build a new state. but there are frack, just to fix, for now the world is watching. and so all see again, hoping this time,
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the waste is when finally shape the nation's future on the hash and i just the whole after years of war and corruption, syria's health care system is struggling with health ministries as thousands more doctors are needed to replace those who have fled abroad in some hospitals, patients are also being asked to bring in their own medical supplies. some of and job aid visited a pediatric hospital in the capital, damascus of the this you need to board in the city and capital is busy and is short of stuff and supplies. medics you said they're under intense pressure with long working hours and low pay patients are being asked to bring in their own medical supplies. that surgical sutures, cotton goals and even capital bags. and the pediatric hospital emergency staff can barely keep up to the doctors of donating money to buy basics
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like diapers. and families must purchase medicine itself. the use of corruption means much of the equipment is holes in this function. formulation with fishes accuse of using specialist medical units to the money. and now the sound regimes gone departments like the bone marrow transplant unit might have to shut down due to lack of funds. use a flor have devastated serious health care sector. just 2 months ago, reaching forces targeted this hospital and it's a lot during the war, major hospitals we use as many bases and so we can tax ment, facilities but destroyed or damaged based is what the main hospitalized induced door looks like after the regime pulled out in most facilities, the opposition has pods that some of the serious on the public cancer hospital, some devices nearly 25 years old. the number of patients is doubled,
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so the machines are running beyond capacity. most syrians cannot for treatment privacy, sex jasmine with the the difficulty if you face and extremely old devices through your therapy. the result of devices is different from more advanced device as a broad advocate, only catered to a small number of patients. we are facing these obstacles almost every day to the to does hear from the which is still under the control of us back fighters. and the sunday i have not seen my 4 children 40 a month. the youngest is 5 years old. i hope we have such a hospital and drunk go. many people can afford transportation, but expensive tooth and the financial situation for me. and most people as dire. most medical professionals who are in less than $50.00 a month and distributed with a huge workload as well as inflation to gabled health care in syria. the ministry of health says that it's on the fly, thousands of doctors and medical professionals. and it will also need more than
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a $1000000000.00 in investment for patients like the to that health is already tuesday. some of these are the other 0, the us and we're taking your life to damascus once again. so the national dialogue conference is about to kick off any moment. now, serious new administration is holding this conference in the capital and it's incentive to charter path forward both politically, as well as economically as well as on the political front. laid the groundwork for the writing of a new constitution. so that's a live picture from damascus. we will bring in our correspondence who's standing by for us in damascus. that's we're so sorry are so 1st of all, we're just looking at the light fixture waiting for that conference to kick off. but there are huge challenges ahead for syria, as well as the new administration. tell us about those challenges and who is it? attendance and who is not as well indeed. so this
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country has seen a year. so let's see. so these, the levels, the economies gun, one of the highest vacation rates in the world unemployment rate is again, one of the highest. so some of these are said that the nation is gather. so now all of these issues are waiting to be result. and that's the expectation of people is that the government is going to take action here. so sees the full of a shuttle a said on the separate the phone has not the most of the home. and yet, and the reason for that when we talk to the officials, i said, well, it's too big that are the to national functions over over the country. so did the cash money is not coming? i'm even so far they have not been really able to mobilize the companies forces the human resources, but for the 1st time since the 4 percent a set, i mean the maybe for the 1st time since the beginning of the civil war in 2011,
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the cdns from different walks of life, from different occupations, from bid for the segments of society they have coming together and have gathering here, having a meeting seemed to put as a palace right behind me that has been used for decades by this that somebody know, been there trying to find solutions for, for, for the cut, the challenges that the country is facing rest. so look, speaking of the sanctions. i mean, this is a country which has been under us and european sanctions for many, many years how closely the international community is going to be looking at these developments today from damascus to weigh whether to lift some of those sanctions or not. we've already seen the lifting of some of them by the europeans, a welding b that's need to measure the sizes, allow the main office to come up with
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a cover in this devastating the economy off of syria. and this section is particularly heavy and tens and impose more and more see in 2015 when the has the fun things that the previous regime is use. the academy to weapons a guess is on people and the touch it in the presence, the widespread toasted into prisons. so since then, all the companies you quoted me have the people know there's a new government in the country and they said, well, the reason that the world having pulls the sections over the company was because of the previous regime, know that the regime is not in place then they say there is no reason to continue with these sanctions. and if the west them companies for the theme of the simple thing with the sections they said this is a punishment too serious. but so far, despite the war messages from the western capitals from the united states is felt that they are ready to, to, to, to, to leave some of the sections. if the government is inclusive enough, despite this would messages sofa that has not been any real improvement,
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the sanctions. but in the mean place, despite the repeat that staples from the west of the capital, from the united states. and they said that the, the primary reason for that that they've keeping the sections is to see whether the government is going to be inclusive enough or not. okay, rest. so we'll cross back to as and when that conference begins. thank you. results are a for that reporting from damascus of the at least 3 children and dogs. i have died because of a severe cold, forcibly displaced palestinians across the strip are living and worn out tents among the rubble of their destroyed homes. strong winds and heavy rains have turns make shift shelters into barely livable spaces, offering little protection from the winter whether the humanitarian crisis is being
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worse than by israel's blockade on aid. and none of the 60000 mobile homes needed for shelter had been allowed into the strip as agreed under the ceasefire deal, or corresponding to starting up. osborne, joining us not from finding us in southern gaza, so try to be a winter conditions, making it a desperate situation even worse and gaza a so that's right there in the entire all with the current conditions in the gaza strip. i'm not quite expensive in, for a structural damage, as you can see at the back of the ground escalating political tension and a critical shortage of all the central services. because this trip alongside with the free trial ceasefire, all contributing to a very dalia and company humanitarian reality in cause. our families are really enduring, extreme hardships to part with the current situation on the deadly consequences of these valley off to mats, especially the use for the military operations and what has left behind them. not
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right now in the city of han, you and his families, as you can see a bit becky ground, the currently live in a, in a completely formed out buildings of question families here. how they are coping says with very devastating and reflects other resume, but reality saying that every day for them is about. so for survival, they are struggling the weight comp since they have the hours of every morning to look for route to secure for just the cities for the assemblies and to absolutely gain the required meant to kill and support that the in a very desperate need for and today we have seems completely that sweet children have a completely tight simply due to their approval exposure to uh, civic, hold and make sure the 10 some areas that look all sorts of humanitarian necessities that could paint a very grim reality of the situation and cause i'm the approval of accumulating misery,
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this resulted from day one of these for the operation in this trip in terms of the amount of aid that's currently being allowed in by israel. talk to us about that and what you're seeing on the grounds as well during based on the time. so they agreements because this trademarks must receive on a daily basis. 600 to many, tabulate talks. and apple use during the entire test phase of the deal. 500 had been machines that will help to reconstruct cause open roads and remove the various type rings. caleb destruction resulted from the attacks on residential buildings. what has interest? we need to remind our viewers that only a fluctuates and rates of humanitarian aid trucks, incense costs of it can not meet the expense of units of the population alongside with only a full build. this is a very limited number of mobile shelters that were complete. just send to humanitarian organizations to provide services for system is not for sheltering
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purposes, which could be a sign of a significant shortfall of implementation of the humanitarian critical which triggered huge concerns. not just putting them on posting as well. oh, so my published thing. infections, who we own regional mediators to guarantee that is very well, absolutely fulfill its obligations and to allow for, for the 8 to enter the gaza strip, which in turn could disability of the to supply. i'm like of the recent developments regarding the obstruction of different e supposed to be and that to me is the ongoing and minimizing blood for the face entering your browser strip 30. okay, thank you so much. part about zoom reported from pon eunice and gaza. ok, we're doing now by time to move to as a palestinian from gaza. he's also an associate professor at the door institute for graduate studies. thanks for your time. your 1st products reporting. i mean, to what extent does this blocking of a,
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by israel really jeopardize the ceasefire and what happens going forward? and then into a great extent. in fact, i mean now it's obvious that is what it is, has violated its, uh, its commitments when it comes to stage stage one of the of the ceasefire. uh folks . and uh, and it's also, it's a, it's, it's also a modest create. some of the opposite comes to opening the, the battle going on stage to which is very critical as well. and so i think at this stage, i mean it's, if it's a bit of conflicting situation, that where things can go in either direction. i mean, i mean if diplomacy does not motor, let's move everyone out of this month. and i think there might be a chance for assumption or fighting, but again, i'm, i'm hesitant to go on to that scenario because with golf is coming to visit is way like in the region. and the all dies also have something on the title because in less than a week from now there would be the out of comforter proposal to trump's proposal,
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which we'll. busy wait to hear back from the americans, and does that mean is, or, i mean the reaction was proposed with the winning swing gaze with its but the cut, the come thing again is that these veins are not, not that i will send that then you know, is not enthusiastic at all to move to stage tools the negotiations because that is that is that's his condition might be sold for the part. and so this is why he's buying time model is to, to, to, to hear from the americans and from that ups on the key issue that concerns them, which is how much is the presence of us. okay, let's look at these 2, these 2 points that you raise 1st on steve, what cost is coming to the region meant to be arriving wednesday? what's you bringing to the table this time around? i mean, when, i mean, says the start to this, is this what i mean? the some typical, but i'm going to construct a diplomacy has been always active whenever there is a bottom neck. and so this is a project to the we have not now we see the americans out of the to push things. i think the trump administration, that's in my opinion,
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i don't think that interest to put as optional for. and this is what i think. what costs visits comes in a time where he wants to push nothing the out to forgive, at the seaside took sessions, and at the same time, a waiting for the out of the concert proposal. because all these things are connected together. i mean that the, the both i'm nick now is really for the americans is how messes presence on govern a supervisor. so they don't want to see any rules for thomas and sofa. how much has explicitly committed itself not to be in the governance scene. but this one's sort of meant that in a month as a political identity party, the 2nd issue was how much is weapon, simon? my apologies is i'll just have to you for a moment because we're going to walk to the damascus to listen to the syrian transitional presidents by the shutter speaking at the national conference, gods facility blessings be upon him. how much had the in with the city of people
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and the city and country has been so major to transformation from the in video period to the political me, i'm into the any and then the said advice had a z during this periods of time. the city and the city and people have gone through a little bit of pain, economic, political, and psychological. 8. it has been devoured by the ruling elite and then came the glorious sort of elusive. and the concourse with syria was the side of its side of it. yet a v and burden with the wound is in the i see is standing with bill yet with pay. i'm calling for all the city and since then united hand in hand to heal the wounds then was the way the pain.
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we and syria is certain that you will not fall into or 3 land, you know, ladies and gentlemen, city as cold as you own. and not to disagree, but to agree to converse, magical and deliberate, on the future of your country and your people. the current developments stand as a headline foot on you and what so would it be that 10 by your hands and told to your fee to get it done today so that the day syria is back to it's rightful owner as well. keep it under your responsibility. it says your thrust and do the duty. ladies and gentlemen, the best remedy toyota country is paying today is to feed these
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pains. lucky may. god might grant us patience and fortitude. if not, we are born 3. we were told some time you caught it within the city limits and virtues and we adopted the same and each and every conflict throughout montana to we call was dispensed. middle p. s. it's 10 to roll up our sleeves and stopped working still for sale. our mission and for the sale our promises, we applauded him with the psalms stand up to the store without phone cutting. we are the people of this land, the people say no really live want. what i am, the one on the, what do you get? the amount again, is the backdrop of this massive responsibility. we must take the following a into consideration. this is
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a periods of rebuilding our country after decades of destruction and devastation. this is with specific characteristics, different from when established went for the sleds and it was stage that without having the only phone arm in the hands of the said is not deluxe. so it is a duty. syria is indivisible, on our minds, lies in our unity city. is economy has been really gonzo systematic vandalism. why it hasn't? and yet something is in the class of developmental supplies within wherever we require a plan for resources, days and then we must done these opportunities until practical investments tend to at the same time, we must respect them. observe, i need to stop and abide by the low. i mean, we must also have face ins um motor,
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but then the country city attic wires bold. it is illusion that uh sufficient to remedy the wood and what the wording serious has lost. it's just that so and, and the reason that landscape and is, must city so that's, that's a civil piece is the beauty of old, the city is and, and a malicious coal full and again, is certain sick or empty and cannot be deceiving. the people, we are an example of living kind examples to follow by all the one we cannot be intimidated by these phones. the military schools, the victory we $19.00, the zoe at the by the city. and people has made certain people who go to,
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to undermine what i'd say. and then we must to sense the hottest today again, as those who may think still on the mine or anything that a little for any countries stands with the weight of its people. and the way to stab it's got a total of them, and we can load them phone systems that month to seats, or how pneumonia is with our country by $24.00 people, or did our country into an experiment fee over the past few months, we have been following those responsible for committing crimes against the city and people. then we will establish as additional a system that will be sold the rights and bring those responsible to back out. and ladies and gentlemen viewed and then after the liberation quest, we have been add them in to and blood said using variable means o m o. the,
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to enable the syrians to set together converse and bring the country back and let speeds as you have accepted this victory, please accept our means to cement this victim in the city and evaluated itself. it is necessary to follow the city and still defend the country. and themselves as we are people of dignity, people and the people. those who are equipped with modals and ventures if they continue to adhere to state 5. so then they will flood as not only when we restore the devastation caused by the form of the game. but we will also live a living an exception. and i'll put a tenant to you, which will be, sees in order to save our people, our nation, our country in conclusion, by extend old thanks and
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a position to the organization committees own presence and all the city and people on old also stood by the city and people in may, god almighty guide you to steps for awards. thank you. oh, okay, so that is a life fixture from damascus, where a serious president asked mother, she's always just speaking. and he was delivering the opening statement at the national dialogue conference taking place. right now, in damascus, russell, sorry, darcy, joining us once again from there you were listening in what would you say was the take away message from what i meant and shudder have to say no, no, actually he has add that as the most crucial issue. even see if you have unity, unity, unity, because this conference has been, gather,
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have been shattered. so people have been passed by blue to redeem for over the course of half a century. and it has been devastated by 14 years of a domestic war. so now they say he's, he's, he's, he's, his speech was mainly focusing on the unity, the motion of the unit to rebuild a national identity. good through this. adams taught commands us. so what, so when you come to see the a particular off these december, 8th of the 4 of the show, the red reset, redeemed the side of the team. you see that no nation is trying to somehow recover from that old wounds and trying to find a common ground to rebuild a nation. that's why he has been focusing on the unity i've seen that we have to who hands 2 hands to see of the bones of the carpet that has being caused by the previous regime. and also seeing that no celia is back to it's rightful
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owners means the syrian people. and also she said the have problems a lot and now to leave it on the promises. it's time for the demonstration and syrians would quite hot and say that this is a massive responsibility of rebuilding syria, rebuilding emissions rebuilding the country off the massive met steve, do i, station, or 14 years. he said that the ought to be a unified automate is not an option is not that lock city. it is a must. that also has been one of the how did you even see it yet? because for the over the course of 14 years, we have seen dozens and dozens of the on groups and know they say we're all of these are we need to come together and to build one. i mean, i did say that she didn't these bold of evolution that are sufficient enough to recover the country. and he also seeing that cd is no reclaiming. it's regional. it's regional
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a rule and it says back to the audible back to the region. and that is quite going to have the could have significant impacts or the regional dynamics. but once again, she has more folks and it gives a hard money, has been a guess folks. and i guess because this is a beautiful, infectious off the society to get the so the take away from that whole. so peter's, the fee of his speech was the unit. so rest. so in terms of what we're going to see today was obviously they won the conferences now kicked off. what should we be looking out for and what do we expect to happen? well, indeed this confidence is a one the claim for this. so we have not expect me to, to, to expand to the coming days. so it has just started by the opening speech off. i'm a set at the transitional period, present of the country. and then, more than 500 attendees are going to split into 6 different working groups. and each of these groups are going to focus on a specific issue like the economy comedy, the civil liberties,
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