tv [untitled] February 27, 2025 11:00am-11:30am AST
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this is being labeled with the situation, the listening post coding the media analysis era. the israel says the bodies of full captives has been identified him off, handed them over as part of the cause as sci fi down the for the back to really watching allergies here alive from dell ha, hundreds of former palestinian prisoners have returned home to guys in the occupied westbank as part of the deal, but it is rarely steeled to release more than 40 women and children. also in the news that you case prime minister in the us president are expected to discuss the war in ukraine when kids thomas visits the white house. and the number of confirmed nasal cases continues to rise in the us. one child has died is the 1st step in
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a day. the thank you for joining as the is there any president says the remains of full captives come off handed over late wednesday night half being identified as early as now expected to release more than 40 palestinian women and children. the process was delayed. why? forensic tests were carried out on the capt. his bodies. earlier, hundreds of palestinian prisoners arrived in gaza and the occupied westbank. they were released as part of the si, fi agreement between his right and homos. neuro de has this report the red cross escorts palestinian prisoners from his rarely captivity to freedom. they're greeted with cheers and jubilation. all the way to the cultural, kind of in drama. comedies were way to wow. these men describe these really
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prisons as the graveyards. how the freedom a rebirth caught out, do you know, i mean, why not? we've been taken out of us suffering as if we've been dug out of our own graves. what we've been through is a situation that not even mountains can carry. it's very hard to explain it, so want to talk about what we've been through this reunion should have happened last saturday, but it didn't because these really probably administer suspended the deal. how must agreed to release the remaining 4 bodies of his really captives in exchange for israel. resuming implementation of the agreement, the largest number of palestinians released close to 500, was in gaza. freed, after the identity of the captives remains for verified 11 were serving life or
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long sentences. i don't know if both sides consider this the best possible outcome, but i think it's the only outcome. and i think we should look at actions rather than words despite the most is and over ceremonies, despite returning wrong. uh, female courts, despite israel's obstructions and heated rhetoric about flagrant violations. this has happened, the bodies has been returned. phase one has ended for leasing, more palestinians and israelis will depend on resuming successful negotiations. as a parent mostly small window of, of fortunately for face 2 of the ceasefire and mediators will have to overcome feverish calls for war. from within the is really government to avoid a cup of straw. fix that back with all the arrows either. i'm as well we have to correspond to installing the latest developments honey. my mode is in gaza city,
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but 1st let's go to home to sound hotels in amman, jordan, following the latest developments from israel from there because he's really government is find out is there from reporting in israel. so these really president tom, the saying that they've identified the bodies of the full kept is a captive. what more do we know what the body is of all for captives have now been identified. this would mark all of the $33.00 captive set to be released in phase one. they've all been brought back to israel now as part of disagreement that's set to expire on march 1st. israel said that when these 4 are identified and they, those identities are confirmed. that's when they will release palestinian women and children who were detained from different parts of gaza without any sort of charges or trial against them. so we're waiting on that release. there hasn't really been any update from is really authorities, but nonetheless there's a lot of questions about what's going to come next as now. all of the captives have
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been released and israel's calling for the release of more, but it's unclear exactly how that's going to happen. indeed, a lot of questions about what happens next and whether there will be a 2nd phase of this the, or how much pressure is there right now in israel have the on, on next, you know, and his government to get the remaining kept is out and, and do you think that pressure will be a determining factor for him to continue to the next phase? it is difficult to tell is missing. yahoo is going to cave in the face of that pressure because there's pressure coming from all sides within israel. family members of captives who have not yet been released, who are not part of phase one, say that israel absolutely needs to move forward with the 2nd and 3rd phases of this deal, even if it means and into the war. because that's the only way they can ensure the release of the remaining captives. it's not through military pressure. and these sort of recovery operations done by these really army that nothing you all who had
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talented for so many months of fighting because that goal of the war to bring them back through military means. clearly it was a failure. but you also have to remember that there's pressure from mentioned y'all, whose own government his right wing coalition partners who want the war to begin again, who say that how must must be defeated, both politically and militarily. and so there shouldn't be phase 2 of this deal. there have been talks within his real, a big standing phase one and bringing the release of more captives without committing to these 2 without committing to an end of the war. so there's only a few days left to essentially try and decide what's gonna happen is mediators are scrambling behind the scenes. but how much says that they've been showing flexibility that they're committed to phase 2 of the deal, even willing to release all of the captives in one large batch at the beginning of phase 2. should israel agreed to it, but there are a lot of moving parts here, but certainly there's also a lot of unknowns and uncertainty moving forward in the coming days. and thank you very much for that time, the son who lives there in amman. it's not bringing honey,
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my mood was and guys a cd for is honey. as honda said, the a lot of uncertainty, but we have seen emotional seems in, in the occupied westbank and in the guise of street following the release of the policy being present is early on wednesday. talk to us about the condition of the prisoners of the former prisoners now who have returned to gas a well, absolutely, quite emotional. see and coupled with defense of on so tentative what's going to happen next. let's not forget today's release of palestinians from israeli hill and the 4 bodies are from the gall. this trip mark the end of phase one in terms of exchanges. but it's still, there is a lot that needs to be completed in the coming 2 days to complete its phase one. and chief among them is the failure of those really military to commit to the terms of the c as part. but in terms of how palestinians are walking out of his way, these, you know, they're walking out would perfect health conditions. uh,
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the what is really cops up here to be in good shape and good conditions. palestinians are walking out already struggling. they appear to have lost significant weight, some of them, as we look at some of the foot, as well as the exhibit the buses. this struggle to walk, they have to be rushed to the emergency department dies for you to be hospitalized . but when we talked to several of them, we uh, these, these bulk of regular btn got routine, physical torture on daily basis. sleep deprivation, fluid that, that provision be aware of. you are put on a list, i know a quarter of a meal in every single day. water was not available, including the physical torture using electric always stick that happened to throw out out, did they even at the last minutes of their release, they were exposed to much of the physical torture and the demonized ation. and the physical abuse, let alone the sexual abuse that many of them have went through when to throw the conditions inside is really jail was quite horrific and it's still worth it for.
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the remaining cops is when we talk to one of the really used it and he is here. he expressed how excited he is to be out of it. he feel like more of a resurrect being resurrected a reborn and because he never thought he was going to see his family again. that's the same exact thing we heard from his family. his mother, his wife, were expressed much of happiness and excitement, very cheerful moment for them because then it, so they were going to meet him. but he also a drawer attention too much of the suffering going on inside be is really defensive incentives, particularly for those for were abducted essentially in the past months to from evacuation centers or from schools across their homes and, and were regularly beaten and tortured inside is really detention center, honey. thank you very much for that tiny my whole life i say in gaza city. let's discuss these latest developments for the now with luciano soccer, associate professor of golf politics. i've contacted diversity here and to how good to have you with us again, the channel as we heard the from honda and from honeywell. so
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a lot of uncertainty about what happens next 6, especially when you consider that this 1st phase of the deal well is where i really didn't abide by, by what was agreed upon in this 1st phase of the deal. so where does that leave the next phase, where we see that he's really trying to delay the, the, the end of this 1st face. we assume that the has to do with the that we do a lot of the day of their the, the 4th is from the substrate totally withdrawal. and also with this idea that this a single face would drive towards the end of the the, the front and the end of the war, which is something that's part of the struggle. roman doesn't want to accept and they keep pushing towards him. and they, they work the hosting with us for us, or the hostages aren't really, there's all these, it's within the price of one site and they're even talking about, as we heard from him. they extending the 1st space to allow for all the hostages to be released. but what does a mass getting the time?
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yeah, that's it for them. and even how much is doing i, i being able to send that proposal. the really simple the use of the same time in all the, you know that to, to push this forward this uh, the beginning of that 2nd phase, which i thought it would not accept. so if it's clear, does anybody who has called in the they said the end of different sites because they have other interests that i on the table on the table. and there are other places the, the are. and i mean the effect in that, that if we know that to finalize this because there are other invasions, more work on said in the from gave the green lights should have been able to do whatever he thought to those appropriate. but do you, do you have any expectation that the trump administration will push? that's me, i hope to compromise eventually, because he said he wants peace. you know, did you think that might happen? well, let's see. i mean, we have to wait until the 4th of march. so when we have the, the summit of that, i'll need to see what is the quintero account thoroughfare hold on the proposal. i propose by easy done and out of context with see with them if and trump we keep
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pushing for the solution. that's gibson. if i didn't put the right to do whatever he wants or he will be at me, i think that's the kind of committee 8th, or in order to get his set credits on, on achieving the piece in the me they need. so i think a from is a, this one is trying to be problematic in order to get the most he can get from this the position, making sure that he is the one that's been placed on, on the, on the with terms. yeah. whether it's support didn't have the kind of the person that they started proposal or leasing to some extent, some printers that also allies of the, in the and speaking of those out of countries and that all important meeting on march. 4th, how much leverage do these countries have right now? hopefully they have still have as far as the united, as far as they have a kia, propose that we don't have to do that so far, we know that but as a proposal on 3 stages, we know that some of the companies we, we are willing to contribute financially for these 53000000000 that they are expected to to require a but that's fine. there is no,
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it goes the simple system. that's a frame. this for both are within the 2 state solution. i reject enough to the displacement of on the scene. you have any, any, anywhere in the, in the rest of the day of the world. i asked him that because have more levers you that is not the unit the we see the after the, the assignments. but it's not clear proposal with such reports of everybody. i'm more alissa green, agreed on who's going to deal with the government in the, in the augusta. i mean, a proposal of who's what was the big street and who's with went to funds on the operations. we'd be the people to see of the company or they are the united in, in their position. these have countries because they have been questions this about for you a position especially within, within the countries i listen to and i don't think they they, they are. i mean the, and we've got to god's and other people to go to express. the displacement is totally unacceptable there, or actually it's the same face regardless. we'd see if this is going to be monthly
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allies in that strong message and a stronger statement is china soccer. i thank you as always, good to talk to you. thank you very much. natalie. i spoke to milas in on who's an active as a peace activist whose parents were killed any how mosley october, 7th, a tax on southern israel. he says close that would only come once to cease fire is permanent. i think the closure wouldn't be reached on the loose, not district eh, eh, reaching a ceasefire and the end of dean through this or all stages in prison. there. the close, it will be only when we make a lasting peace. when the outcome of this blad b and devastating will, will be reconciliation and they causing the issue and this will be the closure. otherwise, bear with me there would be no justification for any of the sticker 5 that was a be made by both but
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a student and these ladies. and this is basically what i'm saying from the day i lost my parents on the 7th that we must in the will. we must a, make it deep or stages present. it will be and we must doubt a reconciliation process between these ladies and boss dns, because in this conflict is being going full, don't full about this, then these are the policy and the conflict is that we are locked in a truck. we've been led by experienced limits on both sides and it's done to end the conflict and that would these, that'll be, it will change when these little bit and all of the people, all the folding, the 1000000 people are leaving here between the see 7 minorities. i always say maybe on the left indians, we paid enough with our blogs, with a life and it's done, it went this, this trauma and these pain points them in the near future. i think we left the, we might a weakness. it got that's to be the level of the organization. that's
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it. these are the government, generalized, and 40 dition, a of the link to the palestinians deliberately doing of the immunization is reaching the level of the organization that was made 31 years ago in one the to add to these where the government don't see that. but that's danielle's is human being . and this is very frightening. and if we want to stop this, do you mean these vision and suppose you mean like each other, it might end in the cut that will be that to be all going to just weakness and what a believe that we didn't stop beat even we flew good so what we are doing and when i'm saying we each, the palestinian, these lady biscuit, which is a gaining momentum and buyer on the ground. we are in vision inc and creating a better future for those people. what they leaders, that the faded leaders from both sides and visioning bloodshed,
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vision in the venge, visioning one people only and the other people or one land for one people. we envision that both people left in and these ladies would leave him altogether and base in equality and dignity. the still ahead on i'll just see, or i'm rolled mcbride at the boost and drug and show in south korea showcasing the very latest in drones, from the big to the small to the absolutely not the but the end of february. so winter is being squeezed out of europe slow to encourage use atlantic air, which mixes with the cold water, we get a cold afield and he would do, for example, you rush on the coast to the atlantic and the storm systems which are producing
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a lot of running around the edge out, it goes heading towards greece. if you come for the know of a mix with what is already a cold grants, attempted to lift slowly, but it's still enough coded. yeah. to get sleet or snow shelves in bedroom or gym and he may be the northeast upfront. the general trend is to move this wilma at east woods, but there are some places where it's not going to succeed. for example, in the baltic site and vill nice as an example here it may well be, it gets colder was very likely on saturday. and then quite a strong, the cold waiting to maintaining low temperatures during sunday. it's next, what's been happening in the central med is affecting what's gonna happen in tunisia. maybe libya, sheriff might catch the curve to you. but the cold push of a noisily has been cut off the wrist, and a breeze is blowing down through chat needs, you know, with down towards the south coast, the gulf of guinea rash, showers all still showing on a daily basis. but then i'm not that big to be honest in southern africa. the major thing at the moment is to tropical cypress, out of the side about the jessica and over the top of the island,
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raised you as the kosovo celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and forces we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that just so you know the the,
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you're watching allergies. the are live from the recap of our top stories more than 40 palestinians, women and children are waiting to be released from these really prisons as part of the guys a ceasefire deal early a 100. so former male prisoners return return home to gaza and the occupied westbank is aroused. president says the remains of full captives come off handed over late on wednesday night have seen identified their bodies were examined activities, national center forensic medicine down to the world news. and the you case, prime minister is you to meet present donald trump at the white house on thursday to vote for ukraine in the war against russia and the relationship between european nations and the us are expected to be the main topics of discussion. atlanta vessel, innovators for some london. are you ready for your meeting with the president apartment assess the prime minister on his way to brief and peas ahead of his trip to the united states? his meeting with donald trump comes just days of defense. president manuel
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mccullin's visit, unlike with micro on top of stem is, agenda is peace and you create the west of the outcomes. it's supposed to be a cessation of hostilities is that they, they say short break, robins sustained and lost in peace. and i think that means this going to be security guarantees. ivan dictated that. we will play out from the top. that has to be us fucking, because otherwise, i don't think it will to, to polluted. it's donna haves that his pledge to increase defense spending by slashing the to a budget for him. a warm welcome in the trump white house is also said that he would put british troops on the ground in ukraine to save god's any deal. but with us president seemingly citing increasingly, we'd like to me a to 10 over the will stop. i will need to convince him that guaranteeing peace in ukraine is in the us interest to test on the will attend to mold president drums position. know not just ukraine. but also terrorist trying to leverage what is
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known as a special u. k. u. s. relationship. but the to the does have the, the different characters, otwell views i was try and the traditional diplomatic playbook is out in his 1st mom's back impala, the us president, his tone into america's allies, say the us will no longer guarantee europe security. but with the u. k, out of the you style my hopes to be a bridge between washington and brussels. quite a british crime is to brings, is a long and close relationship, which is a personal relationship between trump on the united kingdom, as well as strong links between our deep states, our nuclear and toes of services. and there many people in the intelligence services professionals in the military and is in the see, i am so on who will be shot by the idea that they could be heading for a fundamental risk with united kingdom and not stronger. i think that some rush is stronger than it is with friends or jeremy or other european countries. thomas
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challenge now is to try to ensure that any piece deal is agreed with adults imposed on ukraine university to reach out to 0 london. and the rising number of measles cases in several us space is causing concern. indexes the child has died after testing positive for the disease. the us health department says a number of cases in the state has doubled in the past week alone. i'll just here as christians, a little me reports in scenes, reminiscent of the coven pandemic, health officials in texas are conducting tests for the measles. the disease has infected at least 124 people in the state. more than 100 of them under the age of 18, only 5 of the patients have been vaccinated. the rate of spread is alarming, but also not surprising. measles is literally one of the most contagious viruses that we know much more contagious, the co better the flu. measles, with its accompanying red rash is one of the most contagious viruses on earth.
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before a vaccine was introduced in the 19 sixty's, it killed 402500 people a year in the united states. it's resurgence is particularly frightening for parents of vulnerable amino compromised children. if you don't vaccinate your children, we will run into them. in those public places, the united states declared measles eliminated as of the year, 2000 due to high vaccination rates. the only new cases that year came from abroad. but since then, vaccination rates have decreased, and infections have risen. including here in new york. in 2019 rockland county, new york talking vaccine requirements in schools after an outbreak led to more than 800 infections. bobby, you're speaking at the white house on wednesday, robert kennedy junior, the self described vaccine skeptic and current secretary of health and human services said he was watching the current epidemic. and we're going to continue.
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incidentally, in 4 diesels outbreaks this year. in this country last year for 16. so it's not unusual outbreaks every year, but watching won't stop the spread in games. county, texas, the epicenter of the current outbreak, 18 percent of parents received an exemption for their child school vaccination requirement. you've been seeing a disturbing increase in the numbers of people who have not been getting backs and it is a trend that is nationwide. i. kristen salumi al jazeera new york right police. the knowledge in tina have confronted a group of pension is demonstrating against president harvey malays economic reforms. the protesters gathered outside congress and went as far as chanting down with dictatorship malay has implemented high shoals, tara t measures since he was elected in 2023, including a freeze on pension increase. the power has been restored in
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chile after a nationwide blackout plunge. 19000000 people into darkness. cars and buses are returning to streets. businesses or reopening and public transportation has resumed authorities. i've also left at the care of you in state of emergency. a power outage was 2 days worst. in 15 years. investigators and police in case they are searching for the people who started the wildfires that burned through at least $17000.00 hector's of land last year. tracking down, the offenders is difficult, but after a year of intensive police work, 7 people have been charged to seeing you and has a story from vienna del mar, as in the working class, neighborhood of independence. yeah. and central to the new mural pays homage to some of the 137 people who died here. a year ago. one of them was put hit with a young, a 78 year old mother might have been loose,
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never thing. i paused by and wave, since i can't speak to her anymore in person, it's a consolation with our mother was just one of the victims of the deadliest wired fire actually has witnessed tens of thousands of people. most everything would work yet because the discovery that the fire was intentional would allow you to give me a sample value and the fuse when i feel the fuel evil. we think so many people, including children, died from old me that's in a year later. further, south, wild fires believed to have been lives intentionally, are spreading in the county or region. authorities can see it's one of the hardest crimes to prostitute, because the evidence has burned, then covered with water and chemicals, and step down by firefighters city. will this a blaze in the summer? could it be easier? all you need is what they call the 3rd. he ratio that is windows above 30
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kilometers for our temperatures above 30 degrees and humidity below 30 percent then was just a cigarette and a few matches. you can set fire to the bush and the twigs that are everywhere here, giving the culprits just enough time to make their get away from the nearby highway . that's exactly what happened last year says special prosecutor for wild flyers or somebody to a sudden don't. yes, in a rare exception, the alleged perpetrators of last year is deadly. fire have been caught of the 7 facing trials. one is a volunteer fireman, and others, paid firefighters from the national far as be cooperation. he made us things in deals are basis by to define them on wanted to put out fires so that he would be seen as a hero. while the others wanted more wildfire so that they could child drive autonomy mostly. that phone messages proved that it was they themselves who started the fight as a ocean don't, says pyromaniac sor,
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attracted by the fire. but in most cases of intentional fires, symptoms is lori vengeance or money moses that are increasingly spreading destruction and death to see and human al jazeera. we know that much to the china is military, has released footage of its warships carrying out drills, etc. it says they took part in high intensity combat oriented training. taiwanda defense ministry says address to face office, south west coast and included address i want is dispatchers forces in response to drills, commas, museum and 75. most writers in china for 3 to visit the nations between the 2 extreme because of china's life. i exercise as often as elaine's coast last week. the f b i say is north korea is behind the staff to virtual assets with 1500000000 dollars in was described as one of the largest high send history. the agency says a group called trade trade to hacked for crypto guarantee exchange. by bid
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investigators say the hackers have was quickly and already converted and disperse device virtual assets across thousands of addresses. 5, it has more than 60000000 users. worldwide. south korea is hosting was being built as asia's largest draw and show it showcases the latest technological advancements which are increasing the incorporating artificial intelligence brought mcbride reports from the expo in beside the 10th theater. it's been held and this is the biggest yet one sure decade that witnessed generations of drug development, especially in military applications, driven by world wide conflicts in recent years. drones that attack other drugs or jamming devices to defend against them. and then drones that.
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